Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 4

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ely.i>1 independéit ~d~sds~t.Waukqprm~ u ISatIsha Nwmbe.r 1, L.l MWle£aap OMMI Publilcatlcofor Ttii Vilaga p*f<j.lbe*9.llb. MlcmU %, rLaoe 0.ww -y Uàa« i91 iuprlsw presautut ibuoday. Advultaba gRat». lisia mçvon Applb>stAaa. ION Pouce, 61.80 PER YI.AR0l,STRfCTLriN AOVANOE ........... ..... ... ...................... i.t.. o r YX . .... ......... .................aýlg JR....... , . ...... ................... .... Rossda.Àt Manager BOYFIETU-on TEFAMN *1.bogmuA . &,ach 8 we.«!W «MsY val1sble ram work la varlou pu of.,houl.Ad OýW# thèr doing bt. UWW 0" s' WorkIug E.sve vas or. ÎR theDepartment of, Labor lu- May, 1917, as a Xo ore Iban 1OmOOc l'w wre eouled [ast e"tena" nh .1a~f4oye4it ta oped ýwtjwi nu bis aau10 U5-O,Oormore. 7bo( n i. Ig asked 10 lins up 4M aBoche In o slw7 roduction.EvMor*,&-fairmer in toa I.plu aï doue mmnfood thau ever b.- ~.bisoSy .bis laamaad bu mutI bave help. jee sàtd Ibl hure te ,OOO boys luth. The. fumer Mwboy b hele. fte 0.,outry buesudath. farmu, bave M osoUW us offigbting ags ranc Mud moe S ae~o gtovsrd'Fanc. Mors lbol liiiesdel 10 eep 11m1 lafItng trlm and nu ouslry sd M allied conunres vhoaw 10 muot tIbe icndtions that au army of boys Pg4el 1 augment tamlab)ôrhbis toar. Let them amurvacatoM on 1h. larm. Every husky Lwoaoull hesd biscouulry's cl&adl ývsry par- encourage hlm lu obeyug Ibis 'rÀtioM~I sum- actioa of the goverrument agents SaturdaY nlght ltoot carsveto serched sud men arreatel vho Mfhgbooze frmKeuo*a lumothe a. ve;mile dry g atUbde a=la »*«t. entroé mcmsftrîct- rûie régaedl 1oig mdy one Mil tb. #Mtseatiou put on th. malter oftrssotà t4I h.e Mav b 1 h. ellte Of carrylug ti Wr homes te your oMmsý or vie versa, b*sta othor word, Itis up »«MmMty tobsrv tis rie ald violators may ria o len eca mmUuce a= has sedsufic Ub ete luste brmgiug of oose nto the i.uIemust stop 11cm now or thei n. goig to bs # «ob1ê. la var Umimlnust be remeinleredthat werimentut a omus b toshow lsincyald go thedrastie action of Saturday night shoulcause , i Orealus b.the w n e0 us of the situation hems tîe. .The contitui vIýllngneUs of some moi -te ~ogo'rnmnt la golg to lad thelm lu Leaven- Inntar. u act it'appears as thougli mornf »w i al. may b. ou -s joumuey vestward. ere long1 Mi f teiratonsaotSm±urday. t'of Vaukegan mil Lake couîty Ibis week is turu- Stowaa*thé, Red Oroasomovoment. lu cher 'd4rive oponel Ibis mprulng vhereby a huge saum l1e telseW d la Ibe ',county, Wauksgai anl EO IÉ ïh'sau. bulug 120,00. Il is a case*here bée must.put thein shouldlers ho 1he vheef and help xms Ibis ve*y vortby movement. lu th. paut lu the irLSan cazup4inlth, Thrlfttltamp camrpaign, It teeo where local people wmt asked not to give thein Mu on re= loai fothe goernmonî and get inter- saon lu biscase, in 1h. ed Croas campaign, it la tIaere people must contribut. tb the cause whlch in k ihronghout the world as the mont- worthy that ex- ging Ibis van tirne, for vithout thé Red Cross, what mm who are fightin'g abroad do? It is lb. lime Nahoul give as much as ho can and lu 1h.eélving' rl,àuthat smre soltier's lite may b. -saved as a .bl l the lime to dlg down ini your purses, loosen 10P, and 1lot go, vhereaa up to niov you bave merely «t alowlundred nov and then and lot Uncle Sam ~for a short lime. ho presumption ini Illinois that marriage within 1h. tiUmeLaller divorce is mot valid bas been revers- I=g'Dalkota as la u asaimilar -limitations are li. by statut.siIthatt.. Tihebar ta remarriaqe1 *fr Ibnemoutàma, lU lliiof 1the ysanrequirel in a. Tii. tboi oftheb NoMt Dakota act la that di. Mtores the parties tb lbolr former sdate of uImmn mlua appleap so-Il aà beld liaI mmm.- "e#Cxe h. irés moulhe limittion idd fot make tho mail bat the sut couilnot b. asalecoDaI- Prbt. of the. slaI. 0o sh a person. 'That tvitiateothe act oft1h. legllature establiob- 1110< for t11e dh i ool,boy lateget *1 a ma tfor grdainlyW. vould mu300 Inm.utoçous m m. fATâ 1b.taas nai" 1.011$06 *01t.«'&1d. 4 ii,. Ulgty pw pria", graduation suit," 1011e lWbieanl 1h. Iak'sba u gobon ]Ml Dy why don't ire huer mi» e gt.llv* a u lb blidd-plt atla s 0,* auto lih ns? ?1,tol xih imwhnd fë- Fa om 1h07 Mnl EITQIEIo f lU 'FLAO Here is the Real Dope on' What Yod Sh*uld-and - hould Not do, with Reference to Handilng and'FIyin td Glory.- CutlIt, Out-end Pregerve it for Future Referenîce i. Who. the «'trSaalid Bita. 8. 014 'Oies. ma b. dmlaly. er." recaald b>' our )Army and'oiitdoees:amy, Sac dey, Dot aseem&ar Navy as the'tictiomiAýl .ta pla>'cd Sr o, bommra. The Plu aboml actver or UUUg&U, aboUi de tiandst3iid att» 4. * a 0£ over for a d«14. box matiticcf &Mgal the* 'Phila taclnq or tW )a* caa ung c.a le pisie 8 TI IIa *ul Mst b.sbot" mta rplsyl on on 014G1o7té oioe blisanyb. ita. iim diaesatylg . mmiu. or AIllove »beosta ut mter *unt- oitttes )n b ation the. risg repli net. l et to 0oi. 8. -Wbdu 'e -ulu rtedt OSe- *. Tb*lbu oabout newer be ýple. ame »u zomI tand et ed baIow e a-ron,,aittIu& sale tttIonmm aul"te w gJM aAd BPer& Ilt .qmenomnb.e vep ifM, 1 rame o ftrdid o~errtit epe. ta.PrMto f10,wvt Cid Gior>' to salut 4. W»R: 'eVUS-e. '.paalngon 55700. but ttethe, lii.Fag ta aI- parai. or re% e zl> pectâtor. vs>'. teOceOU» e i>saluts. On sb»e mam or bon, abouncoer end stand 'tie fUg lea»v« .dlpped. or.- i tîtb& .abolai se end unoor- 10. Thc bloc should seas. b. or. Pissai.iWetiêove.. Tbi s flO-ro 6, It ta sus unvnitteot law ln th ii. ilise &o mlof ai dstrungasndiimmm the iI i 1%g< te neyer te te nover b. ai. ne f ta u cae f :W&alteda.'It te 'lwys>'.to e e eau tremsetapger. md Iid m= bt. herig siold 11. Leve 01d 01cry,. ur, Natons8 aeverbe lovuit tai or DIe on ?Ut. so daBrl>' that. you. under ai1 th1e crosind or be loft out over ulgb h umsltaoic.. yUlI elp thase Sa su- or b. dtsplayed ta Itorn>' vetier. hboMty to10up>lold the. bonôr of cor 6. Who u>y tuer Fý"lta dwisma sund thé Ropubliîc h represoqts. played v1tb our Natioosl FS. Old 1IL 01d- los.>'ehould b. tu ever7 Gloryltnust slwffl b. on the. rigbt or Jol iatasl -prs.erfed endcar.nd for BbOve. 110 0w»au xeptionM thUc 1k. îthe iloheb or fa dear parent eiiurch flag of ournavy. This f ag ou ad pbçel sfir using ît mn s mi. a mvul vame la mb~ateaisve O I pace vtb ««recue; end vheu 01 Olory oni> vb.n* dlvIne service la sliouid be pIssailnaasSieas cam, or Ïiotm aud ie t l t" tCo d abuve vais. Colmater'. . 13. A recogulsc sjute fo thc 1. Whoua nid for mouoitng auon Ia S M CMtat should b. nocc>r misE or vole the11FUS hould If boist- aged.Uiromglont the la"d, la vi i t Oi 10 top lMupt for & Moment. thon attention thc flooing yards b. loverai ote cpoeition of baW mai14 apaisa: Ii"i pga a>' agmtoaet and -wt stlnet tic 115<sbuld be the e Îpebutfor wvlcb it stands; boâ lte tep sud thoen lovored. o»icois ~t"ivlble, vti Ltbeel> If imcd on Is blteror eoMq pthe. a" ArsUdJu@tit t sI."-OWd Pellova olhould e! et Utceibond. Hertuli, Ms>'1. 1917. LUTTER FROMAÀ LIBERTY VILLE BOY AT FRONT Mr. andmirem. F. A. =ul on: re la = all it the illovtleltr th e> ol> hrles.. vit lb. Amettean Ripe. ditloarp Forces, la Francs: Soniewbere lu France, April 14, 1918. [OsaiFalher sud Maher:- ' i bave juil reelved pour Icîter> i Macb 17 sud 24, sut vasglati toh huar trom pou. Every t>. 1 rua a lestter or the Pap. ara 1 viuli I Were back la the. @tâtes again, I thiai aofaIl ai pou every da>'. 1 neyer gai ho.neetck enail1 got over hos. Nov St bottere me quit. a bit. Il It vers uat for tho tact thst 1 amn kept preit>' bueymet af lb. lime, I *hould feel Il>@oneamare. Say, but mpyb. 1sah allI tb. lad te uet bàek lnth tts algaoi, snd I go.. lte et of thlb.bop@ vili b.. ton. 1I inl. pou fok@ knov ýmoe.about lb. va, lIas vs do. I bave onot sd a paper for over avweit Wueste gt àdaifp paporieton a. -It vas priltai la Pal-vb.n ve ver. luon@ ai the campa, bul bave ucI basen'aIle la <et hold af any laici>'. Who waa*ber, bau beon prels>' vêt bore laleip-ralu, ain soi a greaI mas> cloue!>' day. Il umm@ goad vhma va have ase.unapday, 1 cau tell pou. I am Dnov lu s 1111e vllage ta a besutl, tui vail,>' b.btng tlin«ap. Ivas op on the bigbet blil to.aigbl, I couid sun foi mli.. arurnd. The lesght wva.besutffl- .verthhlug laaksd ai preti>'. The ecouero çertaily lpaibeautlfui hore ln Flame. It do. not umm a& il the var vers gulaig on. I hope h oende betome long. I undorelandt Iere la som kint oi posce plans on foot. I bopethe tateer accepte them, - 1 vae ou guard tb. other night. 1 could bear thie tannons roar ln the tietance. The>' muet bave heen igtn aW lghl. B>' the ime tlaisreacheo pou 1 meal' teup thora myoeili,anti Ime>' nover go. One eau seerrtell, 1 vasetalkIng vititmene t ollows liat voes aithé Tuacanta. The>' sait tbors vs. a great demi ai confusion vb.n ah. eank. Oue felav va. on arn UP. turne lite boat, clnulogtotfor des,. lite. Ever>' timè bu voult 4oaeebIé bpld lh b« a,.vosî vamb hlm ou; thoe' t wouit cryI 'bmip". Finlash>' twua plekai up a i <ry dpcotese. Bp the Mme b. arrivai lu part b. va. ai happp mua laik. I om short of papar go amn ualng tlg.. fihereilano Y. M. C. A. orLK C. as IbIs camp mut cant t t upptuea tlngb p.r, but viii gel a auppip ai peper a. acoe a$ peasubie, I vent ta mas. Buter Sundal hiaa $tos , euie ln hieb.vIllage. Au hié, buiding& bers are 0i tome; novr me anytbing boUt af luliber except poWsblp' asSise!Dov ant hon. The mas. la lut about thes..mtas lb thétue. tPme ni il omadret biack. DUYI$FIL4ND, LIfEIPPY FOIR FAIMERETES. IThe. young trmerettesa t Liery î ville £roei, cântt . They ore iwy banU an- alaysready to est. TheymIl lier «Teddy." Altu vas vs.rlng lier brother's ciao, sweater yesterdaiy, didfnumbing a nocudaIy beetmtetk 'dinuer witit potatoes boiied ta their Jackete.. rcamed carrets, a big glassa ofmlik &"a &gelerous help- log of rice pudding w£ii eam. But utihe sllowed that.aboutb4.oekeok down Ini the.field mie votid lehe bungry an If site bad noyer -men: the dinner ta- ble, sud alil -the otier girls agreed wltb ber. la lé daysM ms.Blanche Oorwin, tarin superintendent, expecta to have ber ful aliotiuent of 40 pupili andi setle down for the. nommer course- of etudios. Girls itay &*-cet&. Au snt heap coula scarcely show more aprited lntctnes on Uic Job «f the minute thsa the trâdrging tarin aboved viien a Heraid-Pzmhner"re- porter a.ppeared. a&l ulexpectediy, y..tatday moing. Near sud far the. 20-odd farmerettes vere poâ their daily daRUes. To Iiud tb.t>, one batS te aok them. .Adallne Wrght, piolieer of tbrPe weeks, vas found in the caw bouge, the. coviousa fresbly wviteaed cdu Weed"y by two farmerettes, who proudly aiiowed' the blihter's tiiereof et the, dinner table. «Th 0ýf t" oued Adaline. "l'm milflng Ove OowSe ehry day. uov. Whc'i came 1Iwva&faisd of a cov.' The girls are dolng a&l the 4wor'î on the tarin vîthe ii.air of onu handy mc. "Wo are eltminathn him grad- Q&afly" tiey amnonned. vtbaut ope- cifylng boy graduel climiuation ia pOe'oted wth handy mon. Work la doue la savon crevsa nd btport.ioned at bour evqfy morulng. it in 5 o'cIock for BOrne ahitsand 5:30 for others. Tiiere are thie bouse, field. gardoen, poultrY. dai. ry, borse aud truck dotails. Masuêgasthe Truck. Helen Patternniaiof Appleton, Wis.. la the truck shlft. 8h. arises betimes to cil andi massage tie -trucki. À nid. tuer cheeted luas you aever sav and iter she had taken five S-pounti cans of mliita the IUbertY«Mllié clouese factory carly yesterday imorm- Ing site returned aud. zcstfully scrub- bued the bricks of the.-barn dormltory. For the tva deys the el@ria ve eot 10f t off pioving fiBiioiunÏo t ennuet and with a tractor, toc. lire. Dorothy Garaldo iisd the tractor turu et noos yesterday. Site poved &loue ail dur lng the dinner heur. COlt on the voodpUlle soram girls ver.e ltting yesterdsy morUg. Th"y veer the gardea cliv.- sou b lan îst- e 0<1uonacb and bo.d ru.dlmhlatlie. -a1l>' urs, sud ver. makbig arden stak.. as fast as lie>' coud itte. orne of-the grcup va telepiione girl a lîttIe whll. aaq. "Hov did 1 ever endure It"h& abmesd Lloni. Wby, 1Ilhtte even to 1MAi ci .gotaig lo Ohicago for saviait nov. Seema as il 1 could never r 0001,001 U p Ma,! aof Po var moiroins velle. Time al¶j1éenews hast b ha i eh"si be glad ta know, tt1 DOW, wlth love ta o Il, troun PrIvate Chaoloê Rttimsom. Vuo. C.,127tb lut.. A. M. P., Fimiac - P-o!rrrgc~n Notvllhtanditlro the moum meetIng beld at thaeM. E. charcli on Bunday evenlng lila tbplacreits a1 tb. Rot Cros. drive. vas agl' tedt It vs. a uiothlkoocteureh&Bad Patriotlc towee In bobalf o ai li rent tuulmnt&rla.organisatf;n. Thon vwa.s perlal ouste ,bp Rra. logralam endi Frank Wright,Wvoamu a duet, mnt the 510<50< aquai of oi Illinois Reéérvelillllia, vîlbeang "Ko.p the. nome Fîmes Bnrnlag."1 With s ev appbopriate remare, the. 11ev. T. 9. Beau, introduet HBarry B. Miller. prosecutlng attarneo' i icago. lte speaker of the evenbog. Mr. Miller proved s foreoful spea 'ker, revlevlsg lhe vork of th.elied Cros. lu a mout lls- presaive manner. Hie mate a plua for lte commuoihîp lo'gel bettud thetcRed Cross drive vlb aill ie forceatd shov ls@ ptrballet>ta sncb &an etltaI LIb.rtyvillle'a quota, about 0,00, vS» flot oui>' bu mot, buoxce«dedSIn <.041> numbers. STONE picKJN DAY IN COUNTY Suggestion Made WhticklAs Workiag O!st Fine in Other Counities of -the State Try "Stone ptcklng dsy" te13Lthe roc- omînentatton of a Waukogan autonto. bale avner, vho av% the berpvancs O! such s day vith the awner of every mOtor car engaget Ialckitluaonoes frot> the hlghwiy ieadlog to Harrard ucotld prove a taon 1Ishbe mýay of tut- provig the resto ho Mrn as clearing lia. of smali atones lIaI are s nul- Muce ho motoriste, be s5ya. A year ago lie anteroblie clu bot AUrora Inaugurated "atone plcktag "Y>" and Il vroved oph~i a mucem tisI 1h yil b. ebzeçved asastmi lt >'ear. Iu faet Auroira motorista are no eutbused over the Ides that Ggv. orner Lovdou vlli b0.mke&t taissue a Iprcluau.hieî deelgMflog nome day lutae lecu future ai gle>Seplc'iil 4&Y'."" Min ctor veici. cluba, gxoot roade organisationos ad mahorlas on tiBb d&Y viii b. s*kei te organize thietiforces tn reoarin tanusfr0. tb. roade.q Romda Iea&log out of Wauieg andte &Me ever>' it yad vIllage ioj Laie couil>' anteld e giastI>' leneltted il thie Aurons* motor club tics vas ab- servet. Doubîlefs agitation ci the. suibJeotwl vo i mae belptilaidvih ltab Aiea l bla i hi.<ta brion thie Malter te, the atteattmi of reideoilo of tua ,ccuntr. ., - .-. Remport of the Coniditioni of AS Ubertyville lu the Stase 01 Illinois. Bt Mie close nf bineee. May Io. 1918. L .&.X *ýdDJ.Onta .... SOURCOES. fl278 5. a JJ. 8. Bonoda de Poslted1goaccure CirnoJ&tlà* l*r viau> . . .1i .o.09 9. LrIs LOBo od. 134 per cent and 4 Der cent, unpledged .. ,e21.3 7. r a Bonda other titan t. l. bond, pledged 10ta "e 1U. S.dpat 735 b Bonda omber Itha 1. S. bond, pledged ta aecure Postal Ssavîne. a Sc îlbaote ita . :.: bon d, noît -cldnQSock -) ..... oa d u pledged .......................... 2 .3.73 f O0lly.1a Trnat sndà other notes of corporation. lasued fur flot lea.tin Te r nr more thon The. Tran i' te ..... .. .4ý Ttlbonda. aecurbtlc,. etc ....... .............. S11M0, b.Stce.qubttit ank -1na borna... ................ Il. aunk .1 re an Bitura1. =-a , là. LSwÙnI 1541ve w toredoralihi..r.e.B.......... . 15. cshnsa ge i &BuB d net aMount@ due trom national bante .................Muais. te. Oetehioncotler batik, ln the aame Ciy or 10.0as reportbne banC ..... 40.68 20. Seemptoo, fnd wtb V. 8. 7¶4eaaeer and due front U. B. Trèaaurer ..... M.0 LIÀBILLTIER. 2É. capitl etockd. ...................... ..................... !3 . Vdivdd ..r.........................................707 b Lois luttent exupense@. Interest azud tares paid ---. .........410(.96 171 28. Anvount reaerye for taxe. ccrued..................... ,... .........3~j 29. Amunt teserved for aH loereit Bccrued................ **' 30. Oitcalatbngntes nut@tandlns.................................. 88. Net auoont.du On bautsk.sud bankeit and trust coonane...........28,1101.8 IelmAng dppontý- si. lnffdualdepoalta nubject tancheck ................. -.......... ..... .841 30 etlcuanf delioait.due ln le., Chan 30 dies ......... ................ 81* NOortblled Cbetas. .. ..................... ....... ....... ........ Total demsand deposita, hiem, 4, 16.9 ..................... 215,231 .i «4.postal Savîngo dect0.10.... .......................................... m i 45: 0tbeTTnlpe IèepnJte.............................> .îî1768 Total nofOlune dernalt., ubien n esrta 1dm 4 Sd .5 10 .0 46. United States deposlos botber than postal @svings)b a War loan dépoat aec.nt ........................... ....... 43.00.00 56. UabilUUe@,otb.r fhsnt1110C above etâted. Rcaerve for Divlde'nd, and Iý r<lBlî............ ........................ Total .............é............................................ ......... W61I. ST4T10 OF1JL[NOIS, COUNTY 0F LAKE a.:sd , abscrlbed Sud nor. 0bafore me a"t.21e0 . J.. Grldleahec t01e nued &dy of SMayfile. .hnk, do goleennly .wear th1 he 1.above C .rr tLL . MORRIS. Nabon, Publie. dtteu.t ib rue toIthe bent Of oMrknowledc Gor ee it:-IN M. XILLII1 snd beUl. JL AL - 1.S.(R1DLET. CÎsbet. WX. WALI IIb. CuWieldembboe a«4tement was c- WILL 0F MR$. PALMER Eailoned ait the Gurnee bridge over FILED; m-91 TRUST FUNO the G'Élain river, Sun<1sy. mornung whea a big Packard car leit the Mrs. Patter Palmer'a vii wap , iled roa.d, crashed tiirougii thei wood rai-t>. aY in Probate court. It disposls tig and burledItiselfin iithe @an&. TitI of an oBlate of appmoiIDtUey 1,600, was ail that ssved tic car froid tum-, 000 witch elle held ln ber ovu rtgh&k tug, over as It- rwas, pitciied ait a demi- The. ectate ai her lite huabdnd, es, gerous anigle. The driver of the. Pack- timated*at ovr 1200,000C, whiob vw. ard was proceedlng, sait and vas beid by ber tu ttrustt, ledispaacd. of drtnig Tory slow et the. extreme unIder thie POtter Palmer viii wbtch south 80e ofO p t s treet - se sfarmer iVtii. Îaoteme 91 tii. Otate Bt MM P"lmra des>i to ber two Su@6 oa., vttb a teain cf youBg coltas ail. 'ore.»Ild weterPanmr, Jr.,ad et prou.cblng It vas neceasry to get ti elodatl the .satN' ib il6 block and tackle and several homnes vrives and obildren. The. eptate Aali to 4« the blg Sr bi* ja th rba 4turfted out *0 be ioucii larger t4h baid pmrolmlyIcetuastmate&. jt% If -leo or MW l d-lsr.c tla aco- tai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ »mv R bIOl ~miesteo. o dà 'eý6 -F I. p -. TO SETAN EÉXAMPIPE OF'EM,,~?4d Wag.s Splndid Opotun. v+", ~UNDM 50MB. 'Good il devalepse tufdt~?~i?'MMWar '"k"' baeNore Co aluleacrMae ieStI -N Epoiu.Ncs Od ecolwass iuecd unda, .tiom ill-e o c -ldb-Lfdl t!y M IN. te.e'J. A. Miller appflc4 cr ar oral ofel-b.dem4oealotta"are ail lu 1a14 *11K. but thoir c~*asla tW. $0e0 glbail fer lti palngt,tc mai cru,- IWmte ic edaul gobeemet Igeto Mcame-, maie a- .xsplc o sme or the.mau U"Mrtp 0 ~ u q Brrested ta WW*ueganOs mi aotg for brtigtnlg booze hmagi eMoea . *0 Waukegng viile I.vititthe ice. vwo atadry gos.? Lre$m.e eti-a»a gto b. sent tu hirt L-vemvsos.iana". peul- toutiam. flot beasose tie>' eommltted auci a betaaus Offcns. but tu aider Ia set saneexeiple te othmrsla the coaMMunity -te maie Ilium realize that s dry zone lav metb. observed.- The. tact that the aine misouers are te b. arrafigued betare Judge Lads Ou Tiùra asnd E'Otimrtiier han b.tag taken before tie United -states COmiilonerm as m« 5i r*t Oipectsd, leude ta tic conclusion thstthle ted. end authorittes an <ing te -go the lmIt Prosecutlng the» moa. Ordlsartly Onauum 0 t o tblitat.n deedante aru taica befseeasUnited éltstes ommiot a d given' a hcartag, tU i ae l le teau. umep before the, federai Judge. hf lieee ceues, bowcver, it beocame Imovu that tic>' are te b. taken di- recti>'before th icicrai IoJdseandoi ho bua autiorit>' te sontqycc ina. Providing lie>' re foul @It>'. À deputy UniteU mtus .h.aa came ta Wsukegan Monday aflernoon sud wlthb Sherff GriOn ancd Deputy AI Barr?', to the ine .doafadait t151 voue arretet fturday evenlus tram the Laie CeuynI'1ad 100k them te tic Cok ouoty Saili vhée thy &itant lie uight sud sr* mov b.- tog dicît. a e It la leanned thal »art oathelb.uei vii bqtaiem beforc Judas I.kandt. > s.1r~~ foot camfont; Trsia> ccd Part oet hem on irida> at vbtcb Urne defiulte d4latttnor aiw$» W5t a agflfied $hm 0for q - ndrofine- some of their cases asY be maide. t. il iU Or frst ati3ofl nlf. 0Ka%&, 4 misd other uram-novround en s tab4e. MAÀSS MEETIWÙ iwwth i ever iWELL, ATTENDD-RYNSMT ii 117-

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