Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 5

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PDÂY, MI&Y 23, 1948 A COMPLETE UNE 0F CORN MACHII4ES Ja.vilDSee xd trnationtU PlIMters a=4 Cultivators Large Stock. Pried Right' Sdick Hardware Co. SC R'E-EN-S! Be Prèpared for the Fics -let. us -measure yur Doors And Windows "ANYTHING MADE 0F WOODOP W. A. NicholasMfg. -Co. SASH, DOORS, FRAMES AND 1 INTERIOR FINISH LIBERITVILLE, . IUIL-91NC NAERIALFR SALE à end 6-Inch W. P. Fiooriug 4lneit bard pife Fiooinug 5-twchliard Pne Ceiing 418 10 aud 12-foot Timberi 200,000 feet Blard Piao Timber, Sig ta 8x14 à4@ Soli pipe, fittIugs and vaei bovi, Bitfiante bulding, i54:352 Sbot "sr 1.3i.lach Pipie Fonce 8-inch Drop Slding Stairs, 4 to 12 bot luwvittl 2 x4ô end 2x Os 100.0M feet 2ilS Fiondng >,mle 6-foot Fence, vilth cair posi 500 lBasal issu ireu Feues 200 piee Saab, Wndovwsud Deore 3,000 hinged goani stand Seat.@ Salesman on Promises ho *LIBERTYVILLE,. ILLINOIS Cicigo:Offiço: 7337 Stony Island Av... Chicago, Ilinu Pboem Hyde Pa*k 17»2IO RFIL ESTTEAD PRIS FOR SAE e de Estate of Edwin Wilton and wvife., deceesed, will be of so.d at PUBLIC AUCTION to the higltest bidder, for co cash, on el SATURDAY, lUNE 1st, 1918A' ai one o clock in the afternoon, at the court bouse door, e i the City of Waukegan, Lake county, Illinois. One lot, with house and barn, electric lights and m water, in~ the Vilege of Antiocli. FarutiNo. 1 -af 35 acres, with twa houses, one with ti electric lights and water in the'houte, two barris, tWa i windmills, in Village of Antioch, acre" the raad from the bigh achool. Farm No. 2-af 78 acres, bouse,, barni and windmill with gaod water, é mile. from Loon lake milk platfarm an P the So Une railroad. F~i No. 3-at Fox Lake, of 141 à acres, h obrr o utbuUings, windmill with good watu; 3 moniles fbrn'm Lakte Villa, on the %ô Une railroad. tagfdmh taslfcdAd~ g- pr. Akaê userof he 11 yonkzow of an item, 0 11 Mnu. FPi lu J. S. Geoi%4d bait iý1s vgbý oye senlousiy Injuned vhite dotin emrpotei vori ou orge wrlgii ma @san Frank,b t Tuesiey ,vening for, Tous, ou a buit- Dm strip. -.. Miss Myrliie hwmaiWalter Jourv, of Chicago, yen oued" gneot* at thé, Georg e Whrobpegbouse. ir". 6 . o. " Mai daughisr, Mis. Daddlse, 0fGraysikeu, spent Tiuredmy vlth thé fortune émet, Un. C. M. Fuler. Mi. mma MJol-Dalaendnfaifiy spent the, vitbarelativesai Waucondo. ,The Moise Elsanor sud Evolyn nmain o5r'ag vek's viait. ida"markela«Wgpm4ui.l iii lose at 10 a. m. oanilomiml day, romalniug es»d remaies olda. Thé post offie vlilbecloesifrcmlO&M,. tb p. m. *icoptàng the lobby, Wbleh viii he open ali dal. Tho viniov o -pen 6 to 7 lu th@ ivening.. Tu.eial tuorMeS1 Daniel E. O'Galla- giier, of Mortla Obicago; John M. L4on. sud, of Lske i'orçg4. mmi TîumanW, Knovi"o0f Fos Lâ*e, vere ont to Camp Siieriien,,Moatgomei>, Afi..,iy the louai tirait board, %0o in tte ser- vice as carpente. Thespleniid .ntov"mlntgi ven under thé direction oX Umse Care Chard ai Aresa, on ISatnnday evemlug, viii hi given bore lu the nom, future, making it pouieletoi nmmy to#attend wio cold Dot laittv,.ek on *Moont of the Roi Cross mamsmeeting sud varions otbei- Tii. funoisi oS Tnoderick ,Carîon, wiloeodeati t. meotion elpevitre ln ibis luene, vii hé e u don Saturday after. Doon. et ivo ocilor*, fron the home 0f George B. lMai, on Park Are., the ll.T. .R liantoffiolating. The. pal- himiars viii b. Jacklse front the usual station, Iintri mods o! tie de- News kindly telephone Na. 1 tue. Miss «Chard sang viii ber mal effetà.neu,,meeMIl zumie..Tii. lui- aby 09 1»r avu compositionwv a pr- ticuiarii otveet sud cbarmlng. Mis. Morris plaed the accompaulmeuta oS thois vho sang. ise. Hlau an uus ualva«clied back oaci tinte by thé bearty aDpieune of the appreciativo audisnce. The set proceedi oS the. entotatnteut vone donstei b ithe comnnunlty vellere vork of Ana. -CfurQk vrv,- Tb@. Doit publcation duy of Tb@ inde- pndent comlug on Nommorial day, tht. papor M~lIl b. put to prose on mit Wednosdy *t noe, sud wt» b. piasd lae ii.bat al hommoon. NIre Mmd dvrtislng copZ mm$ethb.lhtble office at bumt a dar emmlilr than usuel 10imun publication tu thé muxt la»s. Pant2, tht. tImm, bam aditlonal local L. A. Wakr as a bieeointChicago en Tudal. iae. John Mitcheoel Ponridai wltb friends t Lske Villa. Mise Marion Elc, of as»tuck, va. Henry mmd Mailla Stousl. of Volo openot Buudey villalocal frisade. Ashloy sud hary Gmats spent tho week-end wltb rek&tv.e et Lako Villa. Mr. amd Mr@. John Mtchéil snd daughter vire Chlcago vistom Bond&. Ulmia.Moronc. Colo. of Chicago. va the. garit of ber parente bore 0,Cr sandal. Mr. sud lMr& Que Krumrel announc tii. blrtb of.à daughter, on, mal 22. UmBaRtb Ceruy bas returuod from a tvo-veeko' viit vltb relatives at Six Lako.. lch. Mr. sud Mns. O. . Grldley "pnt Sun- dqu lbknhicad dattendd the Bily Suuday smeeting.. Mr. and Mnr. V«r» Corley, of Chanm- p&lgéIOi iiere veek.eud isîtura at the 8. P. EwliIlor home. Mrç. Chs. Lng aud son William, vW.tod ber doster, M ru. LZ. Prothne sud famlly lu Chicago ibis veeo. Mr@. 8. J. Deinloîn, who ham boom very Ilii vith mete .clatlc nheumatiom, bas been Improvlug the paet fev dasys. The Mathov Bief..s famiiy, Mra. Fred S&m5d. khaeider sud Mis.. Simon WeIngaet, Of The 1iiograiu for ths Meémorial day t. FObO, @Peut Suudesy st the B. J.- DefInloî tilng aimged. At.preseut iipianusi lome.j b bold thefexdcbseola the paria, westhei City Marihl J. B. D.el iOf Ingleoido, poritting. Tii. baud, ruilitia sud was bere a short tUne saturdaY éventig scbooî eidren viii paîticîpate lu the ) bis *ay home front a busiess visit program, sud ise. McCurdy ýviiiel éie i; Wankogan. e poont vritten laitbbn fattir. a Civil Tho Misqs« Blanche Oeborn," Eva wor voer»a. ilua S. Magail. Of the William@ and Fanie and A"mueLlght- Iillnois Cen teuuaiaCom mlt tee, wii delîver ýody atteuded the illy Suday meeting the adirese. Alter the program thte i Chicago lut tSunday. gi-e.,of the,. departed smoidiers sud The ladie" of the Labde Centeteiy salira viii b. market] with fsa am wseociation ý4ii muest itb Mr@. Châties flovelr., as cutonaiy. rreptOw, of Miwaukse Ave., ou tontor- ihéertyville le jn.tiy proud of l.e vo elturaoon et 2:30 O'cIock. magnifiaient motorcade thîough the Neit Fridmy sveuing thonvwii b1a county and the big ai frepeo ointeg on rery Imaportant business meeting aud Satne-daî afisruoon and evenin£, me an iciel of thc Epwortb Leagge. Aiment. opesîng gant lu te big Ried Croas drive he aud fileuis are urgedaitt end. 101. vek. Mmcii of the ,ncceas of the Mie. Roger Kilby and children sud parade sud its nioring on sciiodulo. tinte Mis. Anna Dovnsaud Misséiai-y Gagen,' vas due to the untirlug effort@ and f Evauston, vere entertained by Mr. efficient verk of Lieu%. (1 G. Basigns. and b Ms. tg. P. Evilsisor on Sundait. Parade chairtan and lh ýatcolstet. Ne The Mdystic Woikeis annouucW a tard parade cilIt.- magnituie n au coplete- patrfrtebeiieft of the lRed (>0e Bt sane. ba@ever been staged ta the county. tiu hall on Tussday eveniug, iMy 28.01ecé,it&n 1,,d-ad el aest, or gave their merve in lsoir mannor. Refîeshmeute wvii h douated aud an<iSrve a fair sbareof reit. Thomii iàdiseion of id3 cents viiitha chargei. sdbu doev calpai.p fo OnR &ccjuat of the Union Baccalaureats vhat vouli bthe para&e have bienu ith- ervice heid et the Liherbyvîlle townsiiip out thé honto-tovn baued,nd ltrequired bla achool auditorium next Sunday thom welldrlied solid.rlyilookinguâlIttia rening eb S o'ciock, there vili Il 10mentiero to ulve the jparade the mlii-. anuhg Precbng eîÇkc. There vii ha tariotic "punch" or, am iSenator Svlf t ovever the EPwortit Lonue meeting ali to Tiie Iqdependcn t reporter, as theo ab 7 o'clock. genator.stood lu the park and loolci Tventvcars c-arylug the. Libeityville proudl on the. khaki-citd boys as they suDd, aboutftzy of the militla sud a possodlu l review-Ah. thome an thé. number of citizens made suother-t.rlP boi.e wto put patrlotisîn in the blondir' lst ulght, boosting fur the Red Cross camupalgu. They voie accompafd by Selqator Svift, sud Jante. Woodmauaid WNCE(T PROVED Attorney Welso, of Waukegeu, via made addrese.e t the difeérent stops. ' IES C S lilburn, Wedoworth and WankegeuA FIE SU C S were vilied. A severe electricel, wiud sud hall A very Intereotiug 1rý,grain vas glves torm vielted thie community on 'Tue- " ' tia vuîc i h~Cnmnt Iay ulght. Lightning îtruck: the houe. BHous at Anae. It 'ara gaandu of Rtobert Lyonti, on McKinley Ave., mana.geai by Mie, Citeri,, liard, o! Liber. eonapleteiy deetroyiaîg the chlmney and tyville. The entprtiîiemitut consietoed of unkiig a hole in the roof. The chlmney vocal and luetruaiiitil ithers and en the fBert Lynch homte, on Milwaukee odne Ave., wae ,iighiiy datnaged. A troe in re ie. ,sYHuàltdM te' yard ofe0.cB. Wrern Broadway, Chard: âMre. Mary YVilitik. MiséMyrile bwb'aio jtuc. DYfuss@ver. Bubale, Arthur 1rseMien liladys uurned Jout, cautiing hone@ to ha wiboMt ai.MseMnaililo, i.Lei eleciîic lght,. The electric cuitent v a orde, i e. arii ailurarstu. el f 9rois 5:30 unatil 6 n'ciock Weduesday Morri., aund th@.lril h ri audince-h eveang. vhiie repairs von bing hé le viii whrleitha ' audteince an made'at, Lake Buff, the dantage hevlug îi.nal il uCo odnu ~esu oue y theo . weetuss. h. isa piapil of viom"Mis Quite a numbor are Plananing to attend Cb&ri lajustly poîud, lieri vote hving the Roi Cros@ mes meeting ta b. heulu inîsvoioped rentraitii, consiieriag thé ths Community bouse aet Are& ibis short period oSinhtru*etiontqho bas bei. evoiuing. Previoue to the speeking tii.:.ais$Smale has a very nlvh, attractive viii be apaîade,iu wvhlciiecoolchlldren, voie and many favorables commenta paîrlotieseocleteeu d elbois viii parti.vase board concernlng ber poseIblltiee ellate. Souea", baud of tvouty-f vo ne a vocsltst. piece. fron thlb.Naval Stmtiom, viii 'The, piano solos by Mie ladys Chaud Snrnlsb muaie. Lewis A. Peaue, a peronbl vous veil reudened and etuubusatically représentativeofo Cap$.. Mofftt beore appîmndsi. Mr. Pregtone 9vin l~s,~ mny Important gathériuge, viildelîver v9o e Oc@ptlonally gond sud b.gave therpiuclpsi address of thé ovenlag. Mi ovlcqenee oSfntuch native abliliyr. , lMis Poaée la a dietinulaed orator sud fiTaylor as a herpiat deiighted lber and. cei-tain to havesa timol, sud importent r tenu. A menthe, ol the audience vas message. Thé meeting t. under the Ana1 ibeard to rnmark that Mie@ Tuiyior, ta. jbtucb oSf te iliiCrosi, vhieli 18su 1gethér vith'bhraand oeet mugie, 'qzlillan'y 0f the Cbigagbapteu. - madoocane lhisk of ehePtebedd.teM@eeu Onandai sbool 10 a. m. liornlag vomsblp st il a. M. Soli by Mm .Peul Rerntanand anîhent by choir et mnorming service. . Tbsre wiii b. no ovenlng service, on Mcont of t1». becaleureate sermon wblch viil h. givon ln the. sndltorium'of the. te7nsbhlp highebool on 1Snas ouqing, st 8 o'cioek. gt. John's Lv. Lutheran Broadway and Park Place 'On sndaylesata eclas of four vere eonfirmed. lu thI&@@<lis vre: Albert Reung, Albert Radke, Lydas &hvauZt and Kaubr7n Meteaif. Tbe chnreb vas oautlfull dicorated viti palme, ferns, fliend wl& appie blooenuis. vas Slled. Tbis @@seie. ib. long remembered. There vwitl >e servie ln the, Engilsh lngue"ga1M eDoit Sumday evning et 8:10 and Uoly Conmmunilon vIii bu colo. brmtod Juno mi. As Oui proaldent bas eelled ripou ail cheb ogauteln luheiu boue"i 0f i orshtp on Mal 8Otb, a day airsady fraugh t vlth aseni montnsd urgeas us to observe lé Mla sday of national humililation aud piayer, this chureh vii ha". inch services beglnng nt il n'cinclk ln tbemornivug. Ev.ryonepecl. &III the. members, are urgeutly request.d to attend tjuls speelal servi ", vhich $tartet an unugnal tinte, at il o'ciôck. Roi. R. 0 Buorger, Pastor. Matitodist-Episcopai. 1 Ssrvicssneit Suuday viii ho held as foliows: Suaday echool et 10 6'ciock. lu the morning et il o'clock the anuai ismorial Suuday services viii b. held ,when R.v. T. E. Ream t iii premch ou the @abject, "The Chrieti&n Patriotem if Today." The mena berso f the, Liberty. vile 0. A. R. Posé viii attend ln a body. i'bere viii hae peclel music by the choir and Mi. fBradford lthe able soolot viii alto sing a seljetion.' The public là cordlelly invited. lu the evening thons wlll hea Union Baccelenreate servicewet the tuvnobip bigh echool1. "Wbnt Wronge MNed Rlfting' viii ha the eubjeet of the Epworth Longue tesson neut Suuciay evening as 7 o'ciock. The ciir viii rt-eot for rehearsal ti week Tbuedayeveuiuga 8 o'cioek. Ail msnthes are urged td attend. CARD OF THANICS Mn. 'arbham's ei.ters sud*brothars deslre to t ha»k ail frieudu for klnd P. prepeIons oSeympathy in their recoul berem.vement. THEEMONTHS' STEN. OGRAPHIC COURSE, ca0m ple te., cojnmencing Jurie 1. Aiýrange for res- ervations by, phone, or in. tervi'ew Mis. Géorge Mc- Donald, Area, Ii. Phone M3I. Mogey o Loai On ImprovedLake County Farq If you Intsnd ta buy. ta imAprove or to stock up a I'arm, and need money, or If you hcq loans failling due which you must refinance, do flot faiLta secure our terns*'an -First Mortgage Fgrm Loans. We also supply martgoge loans ta Investors. l i ol. CA FOIR SALE« I-WO TOURIG CARS TWO R0>ýSTiERs Manufacturera have so cutailed "hr ut- put of Cars that ýthere i-agrtscrtyo new cars, with a conacquetsoraea me-cond4mid cars on the market. Persans * fot able ta buy a, new car., are naturmUly keeping their aId ones. H-ere ie an- op- portunity to secure a second-harid car at a reasonable price, A COMPLEULNE 0F FORD PARTS CARRJ» L.aK. WALKER Authodn.wdFOAnAgeat Is the naeiof *îy new catalog. Write, phone or caJI for e copy. HERE ARE TWO 0F ITS MANY CLUM Dolinestor ......... 1.50 Xverybody's ........ 1.50 BOTE FPOU 88. cuiTent opinion........ 83.00 RWvew of Revibve ....83.00 BOTE ]POU $5.00 MRS. A. TODD, JR. Indep"ident Offbç . Pbm.ý 14 ~: :~:ru m-::. --a- sm:u:u- ISE.VENTII ANNUAL MAY-,S.ALES* I We celébrate, this month, otor se'ienth anmiversary, and1, as is aur cus- f tom, we offer many splendid bargaîns in our various Ines of inerchandise. Very Specially. Priceci ls a lianduomne Black Dress Satin j ~~40 inches wide and of beautiful texture and finish, per yd .~a~F Uarge sire, pure white, bleacheci Bath Towel, of good qualit, at, each.......... ..................... 25 Large alI-over Api ans, in clark and ight85I 0 ff patterns,-are very much underpricedat8c iSqw$14W White Cottan Tape, gssorted sizes, 8 raIlsi i a box, at .......... 2C Many Other Notion Items Priced tW Save Yeu Money W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY.. -------- -------- -511151U5U1S11515-----------msu.. .ia. t, I 0 0 0 0 0 . NOW .e 0 0 0 ILLINOIS ,ý 1 c s t I: 'i S t c t t I c

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