bCARS kOM-KENOSHA ý VTIONAL TURN MADE BY'FEDERAL AGENTS SÂTUR-I Ay EVENINO AS MEN AND WOMEN ARE SEARCHED IN CARS COMING TO WAUKEGAN--STRICT ENFORCE- MENT 0F DRY ZONE RULE ORDERED AND CARRIED OUT-OPERATIVES STIUk HERE TO WATCH MAT- TERS-ZDRASTIC INTERPRETATION.OF LAW IS MADE Waukegai, May 20. bal heem taken off et pu-arlous cars. eIR 8 0F SAPIJRDAY'8 RAID SBornee I l Escapa. ej y d etectve. arrive ln ..Accerding lu reports, the thp had man EoMMI4 bieee usedtsKeJ&a~tile u X00h &eMIheau 'Cicaoovie @troc- theaeveanig and la nsea vy-a um- 4111 W1 ii5510 liaI bOOZ. ber et -the manvIse verq.bregiug eh uais l cdUp.In th. bozabock to WAukegau beard abqut' MtY Jolil&fier findlng 1oore lnl It sud ltt the lcl* treIn at Golf r#keIS. Rod and other tatige nnrth, et -ti a nOlin f metIOvO te On-lEiêson Court, maklng Ibeir eÊéaPe * il, mile dry zona iiii. *ritily. ln thià vsy. -Mets erre«"sd nirb. sOnt te Thea epertives le question. wurked Irt prison for vi@atng the.lave. 18 bonis stralght on Saturday, IlaI .4ftey eperatlvec te le kept with- etuted, toma of thaîr asaks belng te (1 ive mua drY ;ene to entOrÇe go tbruugb .11 of tba old saloons 1hs1 Wfl fino 1w on. operlel i -Wankaegan under the old. - licanse plan. Thsy vere investigal- ha brliging of boozeInto thefiv. ig toe sa hetherany booze wat dyzona about Great lAItes user- bing bel i those places or not. - ainlegolng le stop and stop go far ose nowvn they dld nul dis- goal.coi-ar any,. ai least no arrests have .taeraI authorities emphaslzei flloval. guct mont torcafully ln Wauke- Negro Trapped. eMurlsy evenhitg vhen 20 agents On. Interesting scene took plics. le te Wankagan trous the UtedlaIa Edison Court when a negro carry. M narsba's office, and for heurs lug a small package gol off the car. 14.1 the sîreet carscoming froiD An upaatve vaîkal ssp 10 hlm and moi-l and south at Edison Court, starled to look at the bundîs ,where- wtiisg lu ail i ne men vhem thay upoes the negro dopped Il lu haste te o te county fal mter Buindng and tartad te iun awY. However. i»- fi thir asoeoasen. he a s-iInto the arma et a Jackle who li ma i a-eta: csught im end placed hlm ln Ouest, li Iidwell 232 Geiset et. being une ef thpse fwno bad been eleNjta'm, 1021 Louiez CV. sworn la for Ibis speclal duly. ~*tek,1121 Victoria. Âccording tote.s reports, the gev-, paiess 'PetraticI1121 Vieile. aiment wcl i now bhava men lea aud ~KT$ 727 Seulsh(StUcs et about the fi-e mle dry zone day and Vaif,216 Lberty-et. nlght frum nov on. I i i ha Ihth 'qmén, 810 SreWning ive. most rigl aenforcement eft bis fii-o . F4.a Pcadllly Court,.nule dry zone 1ev Ihat the guvern- 6,sss 711 Mt et. ment bas eucted up to Iis lime. M>otuawistched the. cars anid Everybody cl ha sea.rbad vbe acte *,aOftb t t, aI lgtbl Wb<>et aI llua amupilous. vay and Itla1 10 slow sig of havig booze saed tisgLt nobody viii ha Imréuna ý»P6sse.sin vas sarched. Ile fin vtgoroua prosecullon. *r4i*pé gomon rver. searched 'Ple nine 'man arrested Satumday lise , odets ot but aine val ulgt vors hllnii the couty fail ësa.a Iiscovai-ad. over Sundyand It lastated hhey wclU ; Bola Prodadenlt. probsliy ha taien inlo Chicago te- sm &Aa mu eet sars-luaPi- -moi-mev for Isarbag haera trie Unitedi la. utact, predictieus vWMa ates eommnisslouera. ,odsy tiaI seMaeoft tieex________ IL ete faderai prison o the Ib4avli ubmugit beze file TAKE EVU AN OUINCE . Tha pouiltl sa a avy 0 O Z RMHM ï mrtonmet u ot ib-e FW Z- MH M et b.sitaton mul TO OFFICE, ARE LIABLE ,j6 puomealngt, nid: "The - ÎÉM sýAm varia mosueamen Theie svrty o e Ibm e amile dry i- là&Im reç'saedly 1ttan zone'liguer rule la net ganerally coni, i net brng booee tutunthPehIe naade by thse public. bttiy denlt Ilink wva Thse raie meaos that nebody basu a 11, ,ýM». t le y balet ft M rlght 'ta brlng meeze loto he fiva- lm is come nov vbhen tisa'mile dry zoe &bout Great Lekeu fer èulb. surpeisel te oaa se who may have à quantlty et beoze on in eu sent over the rosI." bond befere tise ruling, whieh, vent t'als proceadinga ver. car- bitaeRgOlit April 2nd, la net amendable __:lpracise erlai-. The a slom te premeoutlon. Aftybody, ne matter W.wt"i t tise Buison court ata- iwho MIl lawho brougltliquer ne th. Ï't n latt s o.mmiiwvasfeudl trltuy sinon that uuhiag la liable te WÎM bonne, ie vwu bue tial Ct iUl end t le thoso People Wsuatv jall. The cars vre kepI WhO#litishe government offfetais are *voalu a and sluntil laIeetaI Iakhg sMtr n un endeaver te ap- hia o t t h. opertivos- as hegyrvet a la.!aso ~ jatis co-kMer. saliin ugeanuait thesa things sd probably elle. beau oezQ. tp te la tracîiga lot of it toe seviolesal- bboseem mn. ors vise saliliquor. But hbema the I14.14 Up" a Train. mont fltai-stflg tilng, ato6ut them Ssmsnatloiuai partof thea cisle wVlirlastuatlin Fer Instance, i your woodàsgs cama et 1:1F. 'clock case, yegu nigli have b.d a qeantlty la a'tve-car train comig leva etiguer lnuren- eni prier te Apil a fie -noeti s aMteraily bell up 2nd. mil accei-IIugly yoq wdvoulet 1 o e r I - Al ubhe o e a a m e n d a b l e to -is t a n e c i- i e , T i e 0h450 ucsa n iu h govemumet vouln't and coualln't *reddtstpa i.ua presecte you. But yen put an oessce oredt -ehn lbtts-e o f lquor Imb a bol i sd tale il ta crev vonileaI hat vas fi-un your hume dovu te your -offico kg ut biappm 1 1toi-any partîcular ppese l yen vOl lt minute lb. cgr camne te a stop lne susceptible te proecutien lneucae > mon lampi utuietho plattorrp Unle San heard about &. 1jerea ail people t e rain theit ThelIztrpretatlen le Ibat anybody A& Tisecars ver. bots BIlaI cwhe tra.nspeorts booze vithin tis a ie- i mean.. wveaisal chilI-eut Ille mile dry zone ls amenable o te ia 1 ýe uiaiched. bylise opazatives. and accorlluns te the'lnteroretatlee t JW vers iva men taisan ot ofth1e l the. me. act tisat you migbl bave wla msea pemeons boeze vas brouglit 1t;fi-ten yeui- hma te yenr ef- fice masat tha" yeu tranSPOeKt4Il fte our et the nine arrealaI fren one place to Ibme ther. - Lester Oolby totenrly of Wauke- gai, la et Wsuisema. Win., cevarea lb. mkLualmrder trial fer Ibe Chirs- SÀL Rgo Tribuns. -Msarticles are appear- NOW Atigt undar hie overaae-and Ibus il >41 ,W ÀSA OR aboya that Colby ha bae reegulzd %Wel Moore, sàbsntamveighl box- by Ibm Tribuse an 050etrlisefficient piso rates vils coi-k champion Pte i-is- vise. llmtty chenl ha min t h. latent miUe nelabla ta comuflild citisahearticles ha sub- h tGreat 1*l.e. Ho sald, tart.- ndtO. Colby v os-ld ou sçaieegs F. t civiil It. Baturdoy, vlian ho uImsPaems toi- somo lime, but' spenat 0talai hile the uavy as a second meut t 0lii nav5ssP@Pr eor lis an he .'.Houton, Tatas. t', eely onaeout ot =p lacetwo eadiusg hantars- s av-mon vorkbaq fer a big paper ai-rs lu the voilu heUî lk the Tribune vho la prmitted te 04U.i4uu-t, Presldent. W. B. Smith, Vice s Pusiden t. rsdoe F.'W. Church'M, Secratau-y snd Manager IrELEPH)Ng 8 1 UITY TITLE, & TRUST . CTSXOF TITLE.-'ITLES GUARANTF.D Capital $1 2-5,C .00 i#r CoutySetNw Ný 1 vumm ARMY MU> NÀY CITY MORAL LW EI social Workérs Tell 10" 66V-2 ernment Warning Has DrIv- .en, Voe out ef CIties WAUKEGAN IS INCLUDED' Admitted that R*ii L aw -En- focmnt fhas aused lm- ,,!!vemeintlinConditions, Thot army campsasud tht s applias witii equl> mphais te naval train- Ing atos Improve the meuhi life et t=t1eùeltias er vblch thoy are le- cated, le the atatement of George BIl- la4yntas Uear departmant commis- sion ens traininig camàp activitles. 1»a- cause ths bolda true of Waukegan where vice conditions bave boian.i-e- ducad te a minimum, the tollowlng diffltch freex Kianma CitY, ?4..,wiii ba rond vith Interest: That training camps are a bleoing to cilLi ner them and that Secre- tai-y Daker'e threet to strip otites flear training camnps of every vestige of army Ille Lt tbey did net closn up vice gavé haa.rlto the moral forces of many tommunitiea. aS the state- ment of (George A. Bellamy, bead ras- Mdent of Hiraarn House, a social eet- tlament of Cleveland, eVnj >reprc- santativa cf the war deament come- mission on trianing-camnp activitlva, ln an address on "Moral and Social E~ffectq of the Traing Camps on thbe Local Cýommunitias," dllvered bei-e today beora the nationual confarence ef social jerk. Mr. Bellainy used personal expei- ences and illustrations taeshow how tho moral and social aides* cf'lite ln cillez near cantonnants have beau lunprovad. He predicted Iliat camp citle. would go far beyon# noncamp ciles ln their development and un. derstending of the thlngs for vhich social workars bave been fighting for 30 ydars. -rhe municilial poitical maehinp in ractlcally »Il Amertcas, cities bas had a secret jmysterious and fiendlv connectien vlth vice," said Mr. Bel- laniy. He cited apecilc tutances Illuatrat Ing the serions danger of permittlng the exploitation of vice before Sac- ratai-y Bakau9s ultimatum vent forte. Recreation and the use ut laisure nover before onsldeved eof morse thon pasuing intereet ontaide ot playgrausud workg for chIldren, are nov belng ceneidered ln tbe liet fa compre- hensive ýprogu-m for adulta. sud par- tlcularly for the. sldiers vbo -spend lime lu the ctte nesi rte camp, ha sid. SPIJYSICIANS AR-E LIS1-9El.PECT TBD ATE Waukegan Dotors in Somne Case8Arranging their Af- fairs to Be Ready to Go Actording te pi-osent inications doctere, before long wiilb. ai a pi-e- in leinWaukegan. Itlai Jut leamned that a reprean- tative of tbe govea'menl luae been la Waukegan lately for tbe purposaet m$Adsng a list of aillise dociors ln the community, acqulring information about them and, their (Work, assortai-j tng Iheir fizusucial standings, and lu tact. getllng ail the dope necessary te lat goveunmant officiais decîde wheth- ai- they are lteoel one or severs4 phiy. dwcam trom .WaukgsiuiInto active army isyVice. it la sfted that the goverunt la going te drait for ecl 10.000 phyui, clam. bY Zuly lst, le go Into war ser- vice'abroed, Âiecoring te oeaWau- keg docter cho bas bague te maka P aor udingly, It la expected th11 thé Wa'egan nazi caliad for thîs hi-sne fthlb. mavide cUl recetve ne- tic ereport by July lot. in ftt b declaras tbal ha expects te ba drafted by tisgt tl1m., 'It la nid thsat a iiumWr et Wauke- gau doclera'wbo aeLic6pat~e boteg call- ed Inte service ara beglnanig ai- bready te anros; tisair Seaclial af. 1 airs e otIsaI vban thieime comas Ltisey c a ase vithenat a gieat deal ef etroubla. 0 f course lot tbl* lime nobody Lknoevuwvbe la te ba caled mal ne de- ot a ie, eebas yet been takea along Ibis lina. Rowever. wlth 10,Q00 pisylciano%e- rIng cellaI trom, kil ever thse equery ) selia ~s t le -dct hat .Waukfgan venld mot hae verloaded la *tisecoel- Iag ef mon Ilo the nev lliaetfser- vice. GIVES Up Tt4RýE SX.RRFgLS FLOU R-A PATA lOT Emil Van liapc-e et ofraenBay Road. naaled Up Pood Administmter eClatk Wednesday uslght aul .aserted that he a&athIrea barrels et fleur ha vlsba4 te turn back neu ht Iit can be distiIbuted tbrough lhe ragular chan- nale et traie and thst ilincs lOui-coni tue released te thb m Mua-ba troopa à;bmad. M. lrl Iodav âssiIt l as; tppmoa. savaver. it. u Wiho - juta ~beau ve gciet ilà euc-is'vl IN tise bi~~~~ng t:fla parlmetofj 49A ooia ~ ~ ti&Wa l the UitelaI Ifaan à lhseha. nmI @%11W A. PeralaI~~~a lic IiileChîcago, bappuu en ha 11Io n ol In spsecba 0 vue i gletqLp h osnsundau' l cOhm.eattise tik.»-*,ltai diccouate esaITs ie a utt ma glal n iltwer25 91,bate ot tbm taerai ainr édulieg a farMletbullues aova bye- Waukaganmai so i seta èontînudaul i ettp tEbto es ia-~ are ck cils a vatg' laciaveTb Ha ailomwim Of E OW..I' -nao om Ig os Il v't as liseelvo4 -.»-.,PTy san e patioelîovs: i S auIed .i IrFor Ia i - 'ýtItiwepu-eht Urne VADhents tise purip acertain papas-s b 1~SARCHING L., IS SAJO D e- t*»5i nom. tues Pauigln bas faielte »s* PeInt Raised that U. S. Cooti - Zwo, e. sou - imi ult h iusatious are vw o ntsudu-m1hieb 40 ze »e~a4upcse eaglns ee s~ rmsuul uë If ls dth ~ u- ae wibad Vy .1w ago. tg*le b]ibtien lte ths e»Moi #r4g. 1mi 0 1141 SoObzE SITrUATrioN. off tisay au-.gulty,ail thea Mer. 1-94 MOI .airestéd by faderai mignoan wiiy tisey iuosmld le osugist. - o nieumt fer- isving beoe, but'Ige- Fer th.eod ef aIl oonîgrnad, il _______________ À R '~~ eause ha "tmlcsd buole" appelau-s vident thst nobody hed bot-._ ___________ 2-i tnd eama s te rIiIIta et Mar- ter tu-yte mieais. point In quetien BO misais ttoi tarois peoe pis u-nsiaueusy. aboei l5i1l ilta eofthtie masabae à Pant ae-» I by Mm 410»aela te fl n dvldustin a is-. m«Y flj[LI eogo--I ay ima Un alter tisge. tisa iaw, Ipo.alfl te th tisa d S . Ll teucis witis narslual'm eMb*a I'Q'i.whqn thay Pm- suaspefed ofviolng - LILBILL -Tisa rigofhe iapeope te b. s-@> I't. nas, o oie-t54e. nybdla aora la thalu peu-meabouse, poa Seing eutuged, t la just a «»fas ta-- IatreslngSituatin en lvdps and afegoto aigilusIt snu-oesble te.iniesi riglit et a fedare iler Koeê Tweugh xhaustng .erehp azures ehalil-not ba la ttituet fvalr, i elleve tsaItisae ouh xaufl - vilffl.11'rom Ibemnudaieont .tMIse t-ttis# 5nltadStatesinsu-- 'of 9assOne vèlb.e oensttution et tise Uited StaLag, sisal!. milieu whiinet S qmetioeid hy L KE - I ý .Wankegau. May 20. tiahehlaor mssuti teu-Ia, Ipy tina, HAVE UO RESERVE,-SUPPLY - Thie àpsne nor vWclithea lapues -hi-à ie ame -ippg'ad-1t. usea bqke m'aIâ W Ii 1bcSa ecesssr te coal l éés.zonarutseonforoamant I his aterri-.vii .beck tiss u p n, tiir avoraje WAUKECÀ DMLY mm dotai-i-elClassificationo IIsua he b.I b ave beaun searchiug people comn- -prooelu5! cse of a inber et ybung iseustu figfInte Wankeoson ouest 01cars la tise Walulgs district ad- racali roustug 5iMtf>n (Wf Lie coen thona fien thair farm, corI'noee 111.1muleltynet anly ang the victime:esh p llw Pi 1he7 eau (ho Irafttgin thelisenail tbemaelvee, but amoug peoplae IIiISWhoat-ti.aca Iw pc auiliy? IIITIt a Lequestiona Ihat bus cnt te ose.the dry ule enfer-ced t gjg-uu&y tmua %sisen lever tha tact that CIasonee tise i-aiy -fnit. IIUI~1 II W ¶~ hla beei exlslsusted by tha drafts l'h a sure and lacarcera-Lioa l tisat Witt leave betwee nov and the the ctsunty Jaol iendsy nlghh Of El.$ 3 0. lu nome cies luIb is vciuity the .15 yeers lias run a shoal-shlne parler I IIA M S IO L$ 3 5 sauta 9que sîbn being'asked aud ou Wq»Ington et., producel Indîg- ___ ______________ the opinion lu Soute places seeme tu nation Ln tuvu hoday vheu the report Tic fi-st Waulegan hlgh SIho ha tht tthese chu nov are curling vas gi-en eut hi- prolbiuen aequxIn-hibysti'i' I tea ydepartusentize ' 5 by f« iL fanf.s, bavlng heen gI-en der-el tnces et McGee it eha balcon- oy slelile Iorh eyarif oz ftn.DV s- ss classlflh-atlqn, ilîl hava le be,011.1mftled ne offense cibler thon 1te toiovilI report tor- duty lu ChIcago on eue! taleetr places l lis e draft. Lbe depuly cho arealed hlm that the Saturday sel any lime fi-cm thoen oil Att muy rate It Is said that tIse liaI et lepuhy bal ne righ te larder. hlm thay vili ha SOhIetho ordai', le gos te lsos chu bave gainaI lofer O gns-cas o rn a m immedlateîy. a ny apecifieml camp th. geverument iliatienlantibis s ianuer cl ho exam- I e1h minstfisaI MeGee bal beenau oflIiIas lra te pend tiseu. Thte hIl vary closoly aud ai lautSI eaof Keutesha stleudlfng s lance. He. nanas are as folle: I.ibertyvile the Young nonwclii ta placel bock camne back ta Waukegaia 1: 25 and Cash Pester AleaMul, Harry cms the Ilst subJect ta cal. as b. lighted ram the stlel car Pleracu. Richard lIai-quIs and Evor- Officiais efthIe local draft board ut Pekrca'a corner, a man claimed aIl Asylar. -1 lions along tItis Ilue sud rvili net iakeo srohuel blet te ose If ho bal anY Jdapartîméat crested hy the car de-ep amy leflülta steps until Lbay are lu- bouze -'le his pockets. MaGes bal Partnlteor boys che as-e unuer the ________________ formel of- the govemumers clahes lu uethig sud Ibe leputy Ibemefore did droft ageansd cas dosîguatel as a- the matte,'Tbey admit, boevvpr, net arrest hlm. Hovesyr, the dePulY meaus ef protecling theuntra..n les-a thal scrneohhlg ulîl have ho ha don. spoke up dilh 'Youa bal baller go- lng out chen drafteosex=s. In as tb. 160 men cha lIaIaibis dil- rlgbt liune nOW. Immediately." othar corda, thay alalet lunthe In- il fu-aqueum ni u aoun ltease trictwla the be nazseveral days ailI MoGee at tisa lime vas praclically tantry sel ai s resul t obdIng se a ump s«e"Msas an &tsemmf er cenplelely oxhaustIctuso ne. Thora le front et bis sa-se parler, bere lhey areacf se. they wcul g55i the 'Vacol Cieaaa, ar tisa la.- cull b. noua loftIte fiII the Juna dirafts chîcli habas ceuluclel fer yesre te eyasr ot choliln gin apecifial ll sism ahn, ,lea wbiich are expectel te ho bhsi-y. aildlia repliaI thal he couId' seV branches. , Most cf the fiva boys plan ti ahn lbà4e rno Govrumee - statisties figure tIsat auy reasoi vby the oScar bal aakialg lise mina cours elndautle- Teatet, er Dise StovNe. C uu about 300 mai cIlîl haplacal iclasa rigst te ordor bâin te go homoeisoler driv-m; cou-I. Plais. erolitr, cuua i se, une as e resilt ofthtie registroitien the clrmemnstsnc.s. Noue et thein 1mev cher. tbey ciii Hnaimg 1%4 d& t il -ase,$Pm or. naz I eti This ,esîlmate la Accerdiug tetr i-ldou I leGee, thse ha sent sud 'cilI prehsabli- ha daIm- "y more et s-es thr Elaeslc lliougbt le bc ralliai- igli. -oicer ?eplied :"WeIl, I gases. you bal g&led' immedistely la semmemaboul - ~~balter go toeJlait h me," sud SeI nd aexpect. tele imve Wankean hera plmo hlm ho isuriedly tbel lim lu the mstiy Isys. county jeli char. McGe. bat sînca Ail of the i-e Young nen are sen- rh beau hl unable ho seutre bonds ha- lors In the Wukegsa biais«bnio WITli ~JE ~4>Y ~ causse he vas arrusted hy a faderai andi ccli Ineve lealiasce ZxMn1îtY. ius.1... A T CAJIPORANT;nud ih:etore l a fpileralimcae. ft ITAflI.A»Ive ero gîtatbas oter li1aI1luWau- Faruners, Attention!tibre kmm- kegan. Ho (bas alvai-. conutcel a _______________ business of bis ovenuln local authori- W l n q b ad - l~~~ies say ha lias neyer beenau unW I ndBybad Wauega Tona lanNow sortI of troubla chateve. is55 beu- . For your potatÛees, Cte WiI ean Younte.akMand tien, tbereform caused quitîe a fluther and other amail grain,Ouit Will earn ow toRake lnd In cuw smong the -unlmels et pro- 011thW Cook 1415 Own Meals -minant custamars visu bai-e patron- s h lII bis place for se exsîy years. News frein Camp Grant, i'ed, Ar. Rigista Eucodad? O NA IW Eurlosbose wid effictslly sent ont bu a nîreotag These sazîng and searclsiug cf mnn F R A D H D ueoshue i Llilugs about ILaie (Jouatl mon as tel- sud vomnualke on the shfaet cars SOLUTION - before Electrical Appli- leva:- Satu'lay Mght mise breuglit <ou-lb Comapny "E' t discussion as le chather the faderaI 5CnsaPa ances reached "ii presgent Fli-at BesgailIRoy IL.Hopper i at sleitîsa Under the conditions have .0 6 Cn0aPlt. eto aeic-n i ed friands là Waul« a n et Suldyai- ileStle ess-ciipeople vîiaut the - perfectionapot '. a a ily i and tncilnaily shol ed heHome pioper prooesofetlac.Th etadteg. Tey meul Guarda a telcregular am ai-nmseuv- laAboya ai Ihebaondaof'thIis articloe adeclta on inhalltion lors. IsqÛoedthe sapai-sgi-sph ftramtheo -dt nyis" in Meclanle P. L. Mai-oft WaukeganUiteda Stateu conestitstion. The con- ket. bas miaiy rclved bis chevrons. Ha sttion of the UitaedStates la nul -lits beaun- compAni- mecIss cfor A atatule, but Itlelathe suis-ena lac We de ths e oli. Its avon menthe. ansd nobleq sites precelant aor Ihat DELn'Lt EAI mmC. àpaave PrivaI. Myron B. Wlard et Wauklc. m.Thottlam vhy ,ccorling Le dit- »Me Rexaà Sore gaos, bas enteraI tbe sebeel foi haies-s feont WaUkagan IaIem, tbey ha- m*aP biS rie , and CO Ill- tIa talerai agents vise are lever- 'Car. Mmamo.asd Geae Ste. ü k s v eç Serge tWisesleckoftIIZ iteI, atig lero hava violaed their rls ie1sfSvYo bas beau appotu l naruclter I eg- 'or gene iexcasa et thei- rigbîs un- The MTWSau o rn e, 1'f --tm Mlli lisb. Ha e lI cia. four elgista a der the constitution vlien Ihai- searcb week. promscuoùoly the patrons et' the -- Col Company""»eeclrlc oca Salurda>' ngbt sud o.s Cook1foris éthingof Hghlnd equantly. Undom tise constitution, ac- Par, l spndh loi bisspae tme ordngte thea above vording, thai- on bis uav kiseki aufftrna. Ha soyl have ne riglit tede s0 aud accumllnir Ibha cuwil 'keock.esss.eaa" chou ha te eue lacs-or the reason feu- the le- laýps eu t. ..sertlon et s clause'oeth ibis Inlutheon .PrIvate John.,NeveU ef Nec RiaIs- constitutIon orignaly as hecal / &%e moud, WVla, in nurig &dainei-an. the-IbmBritlis durlng the ReoeulionaryBelq-ys m Pile, as the renlt etfeOsleg squlr- penid bad been vlolatîug the x-gtsB e @ Ssm i-mIa white on a b4le test ceel. ut udividusala bh saurcais5nd I li Pmi-ate Bas-Ion E. Lambh, 0 et GravIr fpeai-ypersotsetc. Leýke, lilch., viabem le hbox su- one Accrdluselywen Ithe nen drec lu thse campay,@Ince lhe laudel a the consuations ter tbay mohel s K. 0. blow on PI. TI Elis Itisa clause chicis provented a contfnu&- Si-at round, L- ý ienuoetliste plan etmes-cI hatlIe TIse bIfmnt-y Bnd.iisti IsI bal mainaitocards Ibis The Te42dInfant-y l hteceuntry'. a Lake CenI u n e male lu traiuning, A Prlnia6ntlawyer Ilu sealun;Of Ij boula the test baud Its.Camp Grant. thea-mater id that Preaideul Wilson L cal C iciy elepsione TisaI Iis bouat lanet on.e oftaise luIn ilacoola he b verma illb pi-d lu pioinby the aci:elliaItise nseaima âge, si-el the Publie te serve, ff hua Mbail areaayssIn remeuaber thal whgslle eare se bus>' Directory densand, flot oU in th ie camp but la ftgiting inm>ocsc]ethi-ogd thal ce ail lthe aearby cae.muet net tergal and heconie auS Ia tAst Mondai- lusofung, juitloat rêvel- et borna. le, sleepy aI as -or audesul-hIbriet ea«klng on Ibis particuli- lin.,G anal lu the 342nd, chai @Irains Mtm tise, manin f question mddtI Iat ha. G oes to Press Soon Ibeir baud' cish ied salltI tturnal tilt tisat onuinder a IS-lIet f Ii-- te camnp freins ra me efl 'tour la t bail lac conul ai-u en eln ocrs neas-Is>' ciles gseteI tiseir ecar&- _bai-o s rweit te colza peupla On Street BAnîmnaster Collas came te camp seds ai ae Amrcliofethiri-Par- Grant ftram civil tci a envbe nn client rper -actIon ululer the N tf at-a fyuaeaou record as a music"m. Ho c«al MMe-l la sd . itisout proper popers hein; gi~iit-a fyuaeao~ lliely sofetlbr1eernlgIme l . 1to move, or 14 there ae anY effcer utt 42MluInf tary te p1 OÏL the other heasd persans dihar eud train tram the» m on te , ho au bve aio 100101t the malter trou 5 ohrchathéa hol e'm d Mr) bl m all a Th, betw u o e Mttrnl along Done' 'solys ters Done Iothet lie. SKra. lStara Tpon I jOU w- g0o wh M. à Math MLus , SeJO@aà Ro. Tta" a eur d aid d J.opîa yb ensta