Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 7

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N S proud parstýa o bay »y, bora Tri. Frauk 8D*armamill efl as hie uncle',*dg for a lare. 7b@uezi pubiUation day of The In- veJi viii bijn« OU g thavy do"s àb ussn WàngtaMmorM lday. ibis pa. 1fr. sud Us.. S*rmsi sud "ansd ppUtb git aPruee-n6t X'4needMil r. sud Mm... *eagemoreiTrmvor. W. *cs.Correepoudente are nried 1 IeoaiSud haivatb"r news*leiersla ibis, ofies Thes ii-be # grbaindame iWilj 4« earlier Ihan »"enalu eure publics. Solreek's aturd*y evujg, Moi 25, ior tion. tb es ote I ledCross. Tickets 115c. - - __________ Eeryoms veleome. ~GLE IDELawrence Dsny.mot 9vanbun, Wv@as . R. endrics and Mys. D. (IoanWee.e4vwjçr gthe home of Iie Dhsrwood visted .Mis. Uerwood is 1ol ini.Donal4 M"re. 14ie Villa ou Wedueédoavaeenge RieMarioes Uic vasa Lberty ville Mvp. H.Landrike attenddt obonieintsé tor Mondia. 1 a Clileeo Thnrsdey. - Mrs. Leslie Warre of Waukega, ~Mlee Lanrene Rommnl attended thevstdi ber @Istar, Mr@. R. Thomas, daïme.aI Jobneburg Wednseday evmiug. Mondey. A m»e Hib ho8.1la the township sINOOL mvi Ma aiIngieldefvlay ma -p. uM for Emma DeMeger ésud Eovaid Knox *8e iraas.oa olofbe*unees 1- extendmW ded itar. for pufe ipein 0»e tWOilln rt tua"8181140'd P = o Tbops esevlag deponuemt stars are lLàke., AU la - etod #8leelnd. Die Mort" Amanq, Reine portgy, Roth kplie ilie auw~10flispeepo-0sIrKuoi-£mm& arsye, SIrley Thomme,. bridge sud r4éi.« ls er e Iled te 0O$k Ame»norom eKnsesly, Wuitl DOMa. IFo not I'tPge16 "Ydaysud30or. Ë£eeely sud lbwti DeMeyer. Vhs Lumber !bmIWýàareDow convisi. Moay aiternocon mbool let out ai amnt fr h&pl i munaeg tsiesi. Glai a d'cO"k, aIu m4adeva t. the ta mi eI &moumd Ournibfles aga .. rver toau ses v he mrond lormeril M r;aa»d Mes.. red t.msr ère »Ovr at eroessd lie river. Theiar mvieiid the boue;*$ the Mm .Jmeasnbouse, vbieb spot vies dmv @Wmallstood. bai basa asviy palted. W@W v lm lisse * ur village, Thanke to Wm. Nagel for bovingthe r LAKE VILLA 8", 0rossparade -ca etbrough Dur lailU th urry sudbatefar e vge lfait Saturdar. It vas grand. Cmadrive sua home dnIelSn o God bisse Reld Cromel forget our Red Crose autilon, Ibm date Mie.Pmsk Lunmber and daugbier, 0f whlch bai beauest for Juiy 131h sud Elladys, vere lu Lberiyviiie Mouday. srsai donaolons already receSed. The viliek nn the C. M. & li. P. Ry.. Bob. MillePJ., bai maved l> Chicago' belvien Sprlng Grave ansi Solon Mille vhsr. e bas avmeptpd a position. on Saturday, delay.vd trafice during the 1). . Manier sud famlly mjoyed au afleraoon, but everytbicg le mo .rlng auto trip ta Cicago Souday, sud speut &long g ain ln good cndlison. te day wltb reativms. TJie Aed'CroissDrive. 1Mr. sudM %isF.. M. Bamiiu vois Do't forges lthelied Cross drive, Ihis Chicago visitais Tueday. vmek, for $100,000,000 for the U. S. 1Ur..Hatti@ Bowlig spentt fev days Tbis la oltfor home work, but for the fait vsek t the county ecjt. , assistance 0f aur ailles§a"à Amerlean Hattic Miiir&and Marie McKencla vent ioldleruBn". IDiFrance. W. h v. a ta Chicago Suudar.tla ssToi McKsuzlm tnndred milion iuhbalîentsm-one dollar i pur caotta wouid «easimee t ibis cîe.î1 but as some are pug more. wbllea olliers are aut able ta psy an mucb ori are tn detilute condition. Pal vhatyeu mau but do nat 8e a1 detar. Lestheb gond word comm tro - t le moisessed lin gîve Iban ta eeie Do not frt offnded Il yen are uas l aledà ipon hy a repientatlve af lbhelied Cras. You mau Ulve jour vldov's mite ta the flowina repremetative and It VMl lie recelved vito Ihauks sud jour0 stame viii go on record lu Washington: lie. lba Rushmore, Ingleide Tel.. phas Exlchange. H. aedricko & Co., Inglesîde. 1fr. Mary Jackson, Ingeide. ie. W. W. Ernst, Long Lake. i *Mrie. Maggle Tavneend Bovere. lu 18ectio 25, Grant towuehip. Bavard &cott, poalmauter st Foxt Ton are ol going ta gel a goid baud oertificate for Ibis ra. youn Uncle Saon Md seurty un IbmeIUnited States, but i yevowI get far better-yon v1iigel ibm good yl sund t hsuks of lots af vouudmd sddylug soldiers lunIbmelRed Crose 'onviai ail aver the vorid. Mfr. sud 1fri. Robert Oaks of Chicago, vellt at Ibm home of 1fr. sud lise. Ed LnehSsludayafternoon. Math Steffes aDd family, Mre. Fred8 UchuIder and ir,.limon Wingart vitited 1fr. and Mi,. B. J. Deiln at lhertyrille, Sunday. Math Gloseon and famlly of McBenry, aefft Suuday with Mr. and Mrs. Fil Lnsk. .Joe Sitnîad family of Jobabebu -alIed altheb home of John Browu, Ber. Go. lchark le spendlng a ew dwa ln Chicago. iss Marba licsdsutecher agentb gaiurday veuIng vith frlends at Wau. émde 0 Rs" nd dabau togel rleitmd rende Uàbertyville Sunday. RUSSELL 1ev. C. W. BarIs vas entertaqed k gloe J. D. Mrray fbull over Soauday. .11sse vaa no service lu the eveaing lsuday, on account ofthe @abri. Jae Bixlir and famlly of Rogers Park, *MW soi iths J. R Corde home uday. 0. M. Gorbax aud w vietsted relatIlye lou Saday flernocu. Bi.E . #--ser..epent l a 1ev dmy la imek vlth mme.Howard la Mi. Mm ia.edt«ildMM I. . 1. iver 1!0e981y 011021o0e day at Wadworth. à. 0. Munile sud Iamiiy ealle on Mfr. :sud, Mi0e Quayle Of Oak Park, lespnding a le daY. vlth lire Corris. L&urs Cwvlm retUrned homse Ira. 'Whtewaer Saiurdal. Mas rani Craiwford receïtly spent a fbw dave wlîh ber miter lu Racine. J.H. KOlleY sud family ver e Wauk. viitor Satnrday. SMATUC four star. vltb six more to be abdird, tbis lnuides a&l the boys goBe from the towship. A rery impreesve and lu- toesetiiigprogran vas given vhicb vas folloved by asu exorcIse g!vm by mien 1111)5 allie dresd saRed Crois nurses lu wblcb toh" preéeted emc h1e moiber'. wiîb a service U.&bltte Attorsy Jas Wsalcb uqade the dedles- tion addremssud uhen st the proper ucimenS the ervice fiag vas relmedasu frît ta fiy In the breëse, a luMp came -la cmuya Irost, for tue boy@ ibat bave goce and are going from eoverywbere. Our vililage preideul. Wm. Nlie introduced the speaker w ho spots uthe aubject cil "Glvlng.1". The. chuidreu cof the four echools ver. prient sud sang pattioiic songe, vitb Ibthelep o9the splendid muale furniebedhbythe bols of Ailedale arm. Much inten sb tu shovu lu bat Privats J. L. 8t*e»So, a Canadien moldier, who bb einu "ov the top" b.d to ml. Private âteveomon fbel bie litI leg on the Viandea front, bis eyes also- bdi[ in)ure. - -goas been loamd by Ibm Canadian goverument 10 the led Lroes pssksr mu. Be vas beel.gsd vltb questIfons sUer hl* tak. Vbm tar Spangied Baqueur, vais £IUog ClO@@ ta the servisse. The tcommitef:sb ialit mak mrry. ou Iha tIooi pant or beped, lnaue vâày,an sud pslly the foi)ovieg. Who gave botb ilmeandmateria: Harbaugh Lamber Co., Ikillin GarageB. BR Tveed.à FUNIA OE TlIIY IIATEN Off TO SEF SON LEAVE Irs. George Webb of Antioch and Daughtdt Hope to See Ray Before -Ship Sails As Boan a 18 e st Word vas said àt lte funeral of George B. Webb M. ANb IJ NDER OF-BELOIJRA UAN A XLAKE, FI(URE IN IIISTORI New Ordna,* 4iFox Lake States Attorney MWelch Te Places BN O,«,Entertain- WUemt of Gratitude Civiized flwft i SUGOni e World Owes Hlm SALON KEPES AREEDEDICATE SERVICE FLA( Ail Seemned te Fil that Gov- ernnt IaJ 1j if Vil- Impressive Service Was Helc lage 13oar4DIdNot at Fol Laké Friday; Hun- Fo 4euo»a to ]ose mucli dreds in Attendance Under a nev" raic Just passed Thit th. edvllized world owesà by the village bouté a ban ha., heen great debt of gratituldé to Beiglur piaceil on cab)arets sud music lu the for holding bock the Hune unti saloone there: Llikwiae a ban bas i France udi Egland could mohillyi been placed ou ýuaeâ patrons 0f their armies, and that the king cl these remorîs. tBelgiun a I.ouaof tbe greateat fIguree In futurste bm us ill be con. ln bhtstory. wve.statementq made bh ducted on themlots t] possible., Sta.'. Attorney jamee G. Wplch In Lu pasmlug the ordnsaclit iii sald dellveilug the sddress at the 'dfei. the vilage bmft u# the aDDroval tion lt e te vot #é-ftak aIFoxiLake of the aloonimeps tiemsilvs. liiiidy atternoon. Mr. Welch pointed Ila said that that thie saloonke.p- out that tuer. might be, and pro. ers and vll«agstiorileavie real- bably vrould b.e an ontIreiy differert Ized for çone time tbat the govero. story t tell If Belglum with its tt-i ment ofllcials bave bad their eyes little aMY Of 0courageous fighter on the For Laie saloons sud It was1 bU flot been able 10 vlithstand forra feared that unîes stps were ta'(en 1 ime the onrusbing euemy of dlvillzaî ai once 10 Improve o0aditlons that an lion. order iagt lbe paesed ,dûosL:g the Tite service flag contained 24 stars places comipletely. ,.1althoug l ive more are to be added as Tint the putliug Imb effect frlth thal number of Young men fromt Fx new regulations wiU haie the êfect J ake have been called énto the ser- ef causing the. saloons theré to os1e.jv1c9 minice ther flag vaa made. Preat much o ftheir pcpmlarlty ls admltteil dent Nagel of the village preslded at "as thousends of aut.,,not)l, i ar:ies 1hh service. Mlustc was furnisbed by haie triade tiret place f11<r nwcca. the Allendale band. Ou the other band the Prûoe1-tors af1 Mothers of the Young men who Vt rlaces feel tha.t Il .Mt) t'1i..r 4r- -. have eutered the service occupied one :'e gce that their Dplaces-. conduct- section of seats. At the close of the id on the bigbest po54ib1. plan,. service anumber of littie gfrls. each atfilred a Red Cross nurses, gavA each mother a ti-y serv ie(, ftg. il THOSE O TURN was Imtpresslve and there wire many TftOSEl SteOeTURN of the Cnda IN X~S .fOUR army, who lost one of is legs, in IN E R ss_ýFLO R .delivere. NOW U P TRIO S dt! ie tll f -the pledidwork thàt NOW RlaATR OT d g oue by teRdCross or- wbo vas te go tbrougb Ithon from nom, Rlra. Webb sud lier daughter This is the Atitude of John S. iE li if et4rtiug for Itay. The. alier brother te the railroad "ttien vhere they ClrFo Ad mnsa- T L S0 T E bnarded a train and eatrl e sa in tor of WaukegU s I Jim, le on is vay su Prauceý. hoPes ofoeetng their aceu aud brotti. ATROCITIES rTHlE Lk. Blher wood weuît t Chicago Frîday, or. Ray Webb, belore lie departed for i te acmipuns hite iehorne from the Francs. "BIG STICK" FOR OTHERS (E M N F(lT R hospital. k la recalied that irnmedistely af!.R1A foplair1Ml. a etidheps to i lb.thefalier', deamis.vordvia sont Is Pfeased vrFc Se ra1 61 M Ray ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t hursbsrmendbspsto aie. son wbo la ln a tr.aining camp OvrFc eea au rural Malil carier, and bas cepted a on Long Island andl ite w e >tcî Barrels of Flowr Aready has Man. at Great Lakes Says Hie position ai driver lfirIthe Standard 011 lus ta sali for France mny fae oI wae108 f u at ersdath aud Be une akSa w them Proteot Selves tr.Jokhi Mitchell, of l bertyrlle, ville lb. romaine wormeiield for somm To tboe' ho lUrn over excegs sui:. By Holding up Babes heed"@yinta hoee ha1ho. might be I.plies of four te the foo8 adIministra.1 calsle on friandsbrsTouday. te get lbook te attend -the fanera, i 1f-. sud lMn.. Jack 8ok sud childreu word fuaily came t8at ho colntien ai the preent lime, (bing 5 s Ne AKN, REdéRO S agenstbte week-end vîith1fr.,sud Mr@. gel avay and hoie vlred bisa mother vlîut.ar1ll, there ls no stigma or cri-, Berg IDCbinga tago hea vlli iteburai.ticem--the art la aséribed 10 a pp Berg i Cbsego. t go aed hb eu riahtck t m trl&,,c desire laeb.o!f erîice teth 1eîaeatrocitiea you have read about 1f. udMi db Ptmn nera<iudand tbld hlma abc vished te camne - ute back and help finish the Germons. Mr. and Mis. Clark of lneapo9ls nt ou and se. hlm before ho left for aer. otoevod o unoe 8 "If the American navy had net tak-. week. vice abroad but lio vired back sug- surplus foeur nov, and vait unitil the mnu me lu 1 could neyer have rested, Audrev Woff of Baud Lake, va«%isk- thatabcshe d bettesr net try governuient bas to step ln andt ieze han lng sera vliat 1 have seen ossr el by a bre Ooe dy lasietvmek knack- lt bece use lie vas hable ta beave any it. the altitude of the food administra~ there " tet nt"vn tet sdbrwn heday. ilovever. lu, bopes 1hat she yl ho entlrely different. mt npartieularviere 1 die. t vaut Inaou sreal esb uJhrueig iscould gel One JasI visit vithlinhlma.- Wù hle fret ari. regat*Iii d as pa 1.te diei under the Stars aud Stripes, lips sud java qllI.badiy. fore he lefI. lMrs. Webb sud daugliler triols, lie later *il bc regardod as net under the Gerisan eagie.'" Wm. Ibsebanetr the lBret of ihe leet no lime aller the funoral Thurs food sisciers. and wiIl J>e treated as 1 '"These are sonme of the sentiments vesk for 111antana, for a ehort vriait vitb day ta &et starled o uthe trip te lait such. % ! of the latest recruit at Oral Lakes, hlm boae& Hovqrd, oan a a oule vinIisland. TIIIf le the wsv thesituation ta Pro.;expressed 10 Eusigu W. I. Denny. re. Itlaistiierefore a .chance" trip and eented by John S. t.Iîrk, food aduilu- cruiting officer a reasons why bu @oon enfer a U. S. training camp. a&hb auhpe. that eh.cnMay le h. itrator of Waukegan. 1 wants 10 get bac'intthe iist'a tt Mr. and iMa. John Leoad apeulta sec hlm if ouly for a moment b.- "Already several bai,- come forverd- having bien woni#lndhiTe trenchex Saturdeay atrnooný andl eou« ing h fore h. leaevtb lihe rest of. the and tuvsied over n ' l sipplies Of, 51 Verdun. the Lecuard family boe.. unday Mie. boys for France. foeur." Mr. qClark sai "lu my cpmI1 The "rookle,' E. J. Callow, a Chies- Leonard »ud Edwerdpccompanied Ihem ly The funeril 0of Mr. Webb vas large- ton liose -people are doing a patriotiec an,27 3 cars old. who served asa taCicgo toped bmdaywlh he atleuded for there are fow btter aet aud are entitled To çîommpndallou private ln the 36th Gloucester reai- te hiegote ped te dy wth heknovn resideTits ln lie north veateru If tbey lad vslted until xii atePped lu tuent of the Englisb arrny and ho broîhens sud *Inter@ thete, as John vas port 0f Lake county thtan ho. sud seIzed the foeur i t \ o ul1d have been vas discharged because of a shrap. ta etart Manday fur France. a dlffent niug. ne] voand lu thbc ift ieg afier nearly iss LeaI Glynch of Derfieid, @peut (' lEf fC "When 1Mr. Webbý addressed the, er of isrice on the Frenchb Cus, Saturday sud tlunday. at the Arery CMjâE BDAII3INl hutchers aud grae>. ýa short lime.1 armv0 neH'yt ohckl h home eg ro. vr. nclî ~ 0 dubîhlmOther allied nation. but lieî can serve M.adMr@. Carl Mîiller drove 10 flEheu ho said that considerable foleu the navy ln spite of his dlisability; BurIngon Ouday ad sentth da JIALF IUILE OFTHiE wsbelng haarded and flint people .<> he, is a lackle flop' inslead ofa Bunlugan, unda, ad seut hm ay ouîd luru it hack sioîntarily If the' ommy, anld tickled Ici death. vith Id n. Iiler'ostaltoi and tsmily. mte aACUete oteml h H@Se Hros Earl Patter. of Great Lake@ Naval NM AU 1MOTOR CA ightl preeTe tc ted m ralbar '"The Germons are nneaicng, treach- Station, ipeut Salnrday ulght at the ________ o0f foeur already lisbhein t urued, erous fighters." la bis estimnabe of bbc Potler home. Datc h> lVriuebock te uns hovs tha he vas rlght 1"Prjtzies.' "I bave sien them use 1fr. sud Mr@. Arhur Wiltono0fKenoshs, D '"': -Order y GovermentI1believe Ibere are large quanlîIes of. 11111. Belgian children auas shida apenî Suudal -stth1e Wilton home. Causes Officersto Descend foeur sîored aay lu priî ste b the gnt renchets t bae fseeJ n WaUbian and Immediate orslault heognouhets hvllen h engl A patiotie sang servie sud speaig onfLtiquor PIates Mr yadvice te lies. people la10 tulm crush habies' ikulis. 'I have. seen ila . h teiithe R8eled Cross, vifii halaver fthle tous vblle llîcv con do secBelgIan sud Frenchi voren vith ibm bbrb FUay venug. A ~umer a Waiteneu or g-Cefuly. laler on Ibis offer vill breoste eut off, men and children vifh eiislu Kenosha laut evonlng j t athe ho vttbdravn sud the flour vin be eyes gouied out sud armsanad legs Red Çroma peaer yl accupy the pulpl lime viieu officers vwer. moktug -the take oby»etof n ae ente t on Sunday eveang, sudwvm viii bave rounds of the.saloon whiJch Hle wf on orc Eyngclisoff, sd e Iaksedn the Tip more patr)oilc music. Ton are cordially. tna&bhal & Mile 0f lie 1<551 MNotr te oui-treuche.s ad shoot thent as luribi te boll meStinge. Cart company. This in te l e 01 eer PAINT SERMAN WAR CROSS îbey rasn. Tbere ,s no excuse fer auy Lut flodai t 8P. . th Re prsPat, <me Of the big plants of Keoo ON-. EX-JANESVILLE BANKÈR Anerican la -stop fighllng these fioude Lasi Ssnrdsy lB p.h.elb.reedlCrss aui paadefron Uberjvlle and rsiake. Theirem wsero arred vith no.111tear ied' Ïsse.cboner und@, banner., odiera lies froua the federaI gaverument or- Jiif5iIue. Win., max t 7 -Drnraged and & ~ hy aur parade cou- dee hble maouns lu qumtien. te lm- £4tbsnof Jaafrvllle and surroundlng LUTHERANS TO ERECT A sletg ao AlledaMisld, Bed coss medlately conn. operatlon. t-heroes- %& t0dy Iipped MI.G. Relier, on for Ibis la Miat tbey are vithin as 'W iiyrellred banker. To the wais.. NEW BUILDING AT STA. noncse, Uncle Sam, aur servie, tiebe eft & Mile 0f the Nashi couupany'a Patnted a9<erman var cross ou hie moièm su mi greou. wboys lu the plant sud the plant SuaI no* - la de. cholt, sMeared bis back wili ymlOw Werl< i il he started at Great »reinse, led CroossIndieandl sebool -viltigmuchiiOf il effrs te îurWingsud thien-dnmPed the rermaiulug con-Lakes Morday rnorning on the con- éuidren matlug a goodly aboving. The Out 1 gorsun t materla la the dmpe ttelo f lie pail of yettow paint on otructian o! a $13.000 recrealiou , frItm big trucks Ibat are being ied #*bend becauee he delined la o on building on the station by the Luth. Mnof Marck vas taie. n p ît Hughes' warservce. The gevrment 1i4.htte (o 1he 'Your Sharp fsI» *mu canBrotherhood of America, under corner ta the vllage Park vbmr.the limstelkiug ailvantage etithe r.oenb ftid béatg naeed for the Rock uf. the direction af H. E. Snyder, senior speaiing bock place.From thonthe *sar departunent order vhicb prohihit'ty waU.i offt. 1 civilisait choplain. vho hu b een la- parade of more than sixti, autmobnlse he ale O! IntoxÉCantm ithin a hait 'bmhinlg aty assld 10 cated bore for nmre time. vent on te Autlacb. This vesi te a Ml. of a fac1017 of Ibis uni. b OMoesd tome orty' fa1. Most Announcement wv a de Wednes- sollcitr@ wll a vey bv %vth he B ' audide étcent of the oabmsTsPOmem i en lu EvansvIllo, Bedoit, day by Civil Enrineer W. H. Allen or solllipe vi b.ver ~ua wlh i e on telie meaf ns uKenouba came q" a J5rse.vle sud ethsr lowas la the the approrai 0of the location o! lie Crass drive. . boit trou a. cloar aky becaue no Qp Mco8,Y. The party used six cars li building Dy the coxnrnasdaht. The tir. sud 1fr&.. U W. Gras, ai Wauke. lMd basa giron tiio the .s.vcMnr.t lfOtOrig lb lihe country vith l siteelehich bas beon chosén far lie g9n, agent Uusnda vltb relatlives hum o euplâtedsncb su actien. I lal idipvier h ai v aplIel.,building le nortli of tbe raliroad BarymdeuheeOe-s*iUbot1. .l1g ba retonMU*l have been Rlà r ef1 bs rîimm.î, ,.titr-a .belveen the Instruction bud. Harr sudAebls Orl.,.làUerty 1 mômsoe 12 or-16 s aloons a.tected lnotgtcnnci n uban&lug Ing sud the ccv aviation camp. ville, opent Saturdsy and lnndal wlih bY fixe oflcers' orders and ftturaeDj and Manuufaturing cii-des lu Jase. Cbsplalu Suyder eays thers are ap- relativeboe. bbc o.vnuere r much laramed snd vins. proxlmaloly 3,000 mon of lie Luth. 1fr. anidMis. Jack D. Sink and cbildren concermd orer lie draanlie ud sud. rut fsih on tbe station no1w. The ai akeVilasput atuds su Sn. ii morve by Uncîs emm 3rvte Bryensu Huted of in iybuilding twill ho given orer te rellg- of Lake VillaCampnt rant, basndblenn- Znafetred Ions services on Sundays. In tnthaebre tmefered The. building viii b. 120 hy 60 foot .day viîh relatives In Chicago. There viii b. no danger o! a rllk frIm the signal çorps and lu nov a sud vill contoUrr an auditorium and abortage and ample supplies of mlii cberist at lhe nev echnol lielst tft. sca ons h uioim vl ~o L KEmay be lad for home conaumptlon lug usar Annaplils. Nid.. wbmre tOhe ca ooseaT he pcly aout son Fox LAKE ~~and. for lbe boys "over tbere,"' Mem. manufacture of tas Ibombg lm betng hv etn ialyo bu 0 Fox Lakeuslersied the swa biggeeý bers repurted aI the closiug session taken Up. Mr. Husted lm voîl quali. pepe. The coctract calîs. for the laye l ite bltory vhen on May 17, th O!thie annuel meeting of-lhe &MeW ie forta bis novw ork, liavlng tae completion of tbe building by JueS. local Ried Cross auxiliary dedicated ia = Guensey Vatile club %u.tle Apdi. *UP the. eudy o! cbemi-'iry for soreral TierctrvlIeeqpp4ib torium Hotel, Chilcago, Wëdensday s.Yeàrâ andl bavint iintshcd a coenteul a tae and the management le plon- service fiag lu bonor of tbm boys pf Grant ternocu. ChIeCgo latt fall. The nov plut ho. ning ta gise entertaluments.' Chap- township, sud May 18, wvbsu Iltot:kIng hut near Annapolis vilI aiso e l oin l 1.4,rambIs eourtr no part la 0 ce aebe e cd o the puad advertillg sud Tbeý,Lihertyvfile Indepondet bas nssd for aviation purpomes sud 40,.ln1 on14 apPry boablnu thesescond dî:ve for ed Crass e iggest orculatt% lu 1aMS =toy. 000ne se. i ien met areair' D Oor COMMITTEES ARE P<MED ~ Armoor enewwwà4 FOR WARREN R. C. DRIVE offte?5 and meo "wf1theldie o N. H. Brown lbas beenuasned geuei gUardoMtM, arc frometl.t g al chaîrniUn of the Red Cries drive mory ln laie P'orest, perfoe4, y for Warren township and lie bsnme feouin eoeti 4 l u amed the follo.wing conunitte oa to murrofeeold ut sud l e teae$p assenrhl m au ads . "B drem by 1Mr. Arinur" i eealcmite- s . d- refreahmente vere served «Mi q.. well, Miss Stella Haines, Mrs. L-.. 1 more military maliourersthe s Is McClure, C. P. Aniei, .E. Flood, marchei bock 10, Laké Forest Ney Lamb, L. H. Miller, R. W. ChU. _________ tendon, L. F. PFanion. R. B. Dixo and.I Glen 311118. The County Board at i 1e m$$ M "inance COmmittee--Mr9. Mahel Wednesday aflernoon reaciadmit4 %G Cuflough and P. U Steadman. h action taken aithbe »t seeicna em home of 'Mc. Brown ai flnrnee Friday $9.000 was made for-tualheir dniglit to make aitarrangen1eýt9~.q w 'ýj%ý nthe, Millvkee ou Monday. was resciuded. lNhere we doubt as t thlT egalltY Of the of the board lna maklug 1h. a~ State Representatîve Oral P. Tut-fliou and a great deal of oppoei' a tle of Harrisburg. Ill. .has resimned as 1.1 had developed. Il 1a probal am a member of the legisiature a2d loin. further Improyemeut of lit oe .11t ed the Un.ited States navy. Hie wili be provided for In the budget for lze- report at Great IZakes naval training work 10 ho mode by the rde Novemb er sesslo.-sienoaua Nous.'ýý In(fiiiPbiain - ~ Report of the condition of CakeWfl*Cruti and %avIup Duk nt Located st Lake Villa, sIatI. nIIlinois, before the commencement of buguse on the Iltk dy, ail May 1918, asmadle tu the Auditur of Publiec&M"of ~ 5e the etate of mlinute, puusuanstoulaw. a- REBOURCE8 1. Loane and Discounts........................................ S O1 rs 2. (ordrafte...................................................Ir 4. Invee;imenta ............................................... < 5 Bakin Bome................ ................TS r- .. . ............................,8 ...a..a..D....mBana. ........ .....................6.t kt 7. Other Resources....................................... ly Total Beources ..................... ko LIABILITIES le l. Capital Stock Pald tu..................................... ............... 3; Undivided Profite (net)>.. ..................................m** as &S h'* Deposits: 8.Alilother depomi km......., . ..........................98 8. BUill Payable aud Rediscounto ..........**' ...................... 59,0U eT Labiitiem........... ...................._____. Ty9. o t al L iabillti e ............... . . . . . . . . . . . * 1 d W 1 n oa I.GogeA itcll, Cmblr o.t..L.e.Vll.T..t..d.......a.i Mn 1 eorgnlse A. Mtaebmbrofsaeetl ret h etclm nve.5 in j le n y @ e r t s h b v h e fleef. aQr u t t e o . A . 0 9 M iy c h e ll, (l a s is v ,d STAelle LLNI, ONY FLKE, ,y 8TTE01, LNI Sd nd aareTa beF m Iis20h aolMao118u. kt ubdbe ad wor t Wre u hla20b ey f.ay118.r oar ul Reot 0fthe gendition of Located aI Ro01,d Lake, State of Illinole, bufore the eoômeacment of bobu ou the 111h duy of Mar, 1918, se nmade 10 the Auditor of Publie Accouat4 the $tâte off1111001-j' pursaut ta law. Resources10 1. loa ud DiWount. .................................. ... 95 * 4. Ie te t................... ........................... 2e, Fulure an d-ëit[me . .................... ..........00 6. Cash and Due fro, Bane.................0.9m Total lteource .......................................... ..............- T- Liabiltiis 1. Capital Stock Pald in ................................................... 8 25.0#,- 2: Surplus Fund ...................................................-... . 5 a. Uudivided Profita (cet).................................................9 4. Deposite: A lother deposit..s ...................................... . Total Llabilite.......................................................... 167,117 1. E. C. Wehber, Cashier of the Firet Alate Bank of Round Laie Sb,'! solemuly swear that the ahove miatemeul le true to the beet of my knowdge belief. E. £. Webber, Casbl. STATE OF ILLINOIS, CSDUNTY OF LAKE, se. Subecribed and evoru Io belore me Ibis 1718 day of May 1918. Lyaîl H. Morris, Notary Pebi I-'~~~ LgtTaâty Bsut Just let mother cail, "IBiscuits for Breakfastl" We're sture therels treat that can't be beat in, store for us - light, tender biscuito - toaybrown and al pufld up 'with goodnesu I Eor motte amt 1Y of her baking powder-Calumnet.' She neyer disafflints as because * .J- Tvy ii. Calumet conlaîns only tuch nq dIcuba as have beeui approved dg. cially by the U. S. FoadAlIthOtk-' Yen sa" Wbe T*, tp L4 YOU Save WhMlul IL, 4. - àtss auer&m daughter Muri, ans etaylmg vlth Mma. R Thaom. L. Amana and lamily îabored,*to Wankegan Ssturday. 1 1 Mfr. sud Mis.'8chreck altended Ibm Red liè Il. 1-

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