Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 9

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L.I'BERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT UU'ECOUNTY IDEPENETLaecurysg e1yWAUKECIANWEEKLY SUN - .-=-- ------- -.------.-.----.. _________ YOL. XXVI.-NO. 21 SPAIT TWO LIBE~RTYVIILE INDEPENDENT,M-ýfAY 2-,1918 FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOCL Barely 25 o« 30 Men Left li Class anid Another Draft Is Expected this Month CLASS ONE RUNS 10W NOV l'lie Waulcegan dratt board todu inade publie. 1hp lier of the 112 yortn Muen who wil frave in the drafb fE (Camp Cordon, Atlanta, Ga., on ma 2M. The liýt shows t hat 44 yowp Men front War.kpgan are included1 the calil Zion CitY also conrtbute a Iarg. n umbi-r of men Ihis lime. The sending away of tbis larg drnft wil ltaké nesrl y ail the 'me left 1nin 49one tIn thp Waukpp die frci il w1Ill leave bâr'.ly 25 or . Men in the c*lis. The local boar islved ýotice .soneélime ago th& th hi.dis I-ttwa Ild bne requ r.'d to fu nlsh a dril of 21 mno n MaY -2 Ilie ordi-r. lu 'endithe' draft ha% flot yet heinree.'v.ii but such draft wo.îld le*einrrIy haIt a doze rr the' Ju.t what would b.' done If a larl Pr draft weri' aaked le not knowi Ail yolà.g Men who have' reachi their major.ty since bait regis trottin day ii i' rquir.'d to regit-r h.' on lut ' 5. This w Ill-have a tei deney Io add nFw nameas t0tthe lit but flot no rnany aq In .«nnf» chiés,a scores here havi' enlis'teil Inthe ü. avý Folo wlng i% tire lisi out he il? me who leap. on Mlày 29, th,- residene being <rWarl1.egan where not otite I01 ..l. HStrtng. Corne. 214 '<harMes l)a%!,, .Zion It('l' 14<1i tiry îSpe'l an.] :It1.1 -<lrvieE. lavler, lion C<h 43189-- rnsla'.I)ai kiëweîzNort 45814 Fred (amFsello. Ki'no'.l.i 4601-ilurrrv FI.Kee, 'North (i 161,7-<tirisltl.urxiî'nAntloch. 6110- C'harles. E. Sparrow. Zin City. 6142-Christ DeYotrng. 6,185- -louis Sch umarher. G 643J9-Joseph H. Chartrsnd. ('hic g. 6546-llarold Roads.(Chicago. 66f'1- Jarob Hammër. Zion C'11 i611 John Puikarion. louilevill Ky. 6727 17Latin Risula. 628-WaIIer Gogain' 69-.arDdvis. Zior (City, 1121-Jasepb Petraren, Norh Ch c«go. 711-Harold Dey Lee, Zion Cit y. 71::-4iuttiieb H. llkchPrt. 21 City. M Am 77-lîaKalovoogian, Kenoabi 713-Fred Crorh. 7158--SénLisa% 5Nbsinnm..Nort Chicago. 7169- Prank Kiri. North <Chcago. i2"55-AltufrI Siioblle, North Cà] rago. 7244-Frank Iames.' Johnson, A tiochl. 7255-Aintoni Bochmtn, Kpnoqsa 717 Victor Eiriiariel.oii, Zic City. î442-M Illi.m -Io". 7598-Wm.* 0. Ppterson, Ziort Cit _4111-Fran3i Littke. North Chicag .773-Barnp>, N'esi'iier, lion <City. 7017 John LI.lioran. Ienvfer, <ol 7127--Bror.1.saw Wondolouqki. 714!- Fi-drick Wm. Lester, ('hic go. 7103-Jamfýs M. l1s'wis, <iricinnal Ohio. 7932-Josi'pb Virhiiri. Nort CI .ago. 1_21 Ja e. .liannaliait, '..iriiiu 7955 Si'rrak An'keli5ti. 79.,G- kyniouîi C. Russell. 7961) Clifford J. Joliny-on, Zion ('il 8145-Jamies Mai-lirnti. Rts'eil. 1067 -Aliiert Prevo. 8099-John jurpper. North h(incag 8124_lo.ýeîh Naryuskas. 8218- Frank H. Sehmniît, ZiOil Cit 8222-Art -nur 1. DaVia'On. 8254-Albert F. Carlson. %Iilwauke 8321-Fred Williams., Newipo Ni'ws, Va. 8330-Henry 2-olstein. 8337-'.Emer Morsio. 8375-Ratlph Owens. 8289-Toni Tegee, Chicago. 8426-Hafla Hansen. 6455-Asa 1H. Patch, Autioch. 8500-Wm. Deiacy. Jr. 8514-Willbam Dlkue. 8518-Kutid Wiberg. Curnee. 1526-Leslie Greemleaf. 8549-Fred Hoff. K553-Jake Opsalof. 856-Elmr Baldwin, Grayslake. 8584-W=n. E. Palm. 8592-Fred Olsen, Antioch. 8599-Glen Sparrôw, Zioru Cty. 8626-Anton Ynsskansl<i. 8652-Manoi; Baygtisian. Carrolvill >8 W27-Carl Vorbie... Carthage, NM 8750-A..ndrew Smith, North Chic go. 8781-Stariley Nowiskl. Chicago. 8836-Harry Palmer. Antioch. 8898-John W. Lu.nd. ICONMPARATIVKPÉZOE8ON. FOODS As PAl» BY- EETAILEE8 A" OAEGED TO OUSTOMERS. CNCMADE Fol1lowing are fai prces for foode In LAke couuty fos the current VERNON PLACES we. r as-- We y h od0Mnitain Nm f l elr 39MNCLE ROM .DIS-ETAH9 séiIang et prneu outsldeofetbtslange lphould b. reported te0 . C. Gridley. TRICT NO. 1. LAKCE COUNTY B 1E Et I' ANKERS HOLO ANNUAL CON. E feilral food admilistrator for Lake county. or te township adulntatmraw -If EE4E ISE VENTION AT LIBERTYVILLI wbo ViliItake the proper action: Fst(IfU? mn t rpot fi fldeaLIa I(Prepared by the Waukegan food ad ministration. Effective veek begin. Iraînuieni at Libertyville, NirdahF kershed hin yehan I ~ <.iî rieacuaomr ing M ay 24, 1919. 'mdaol ltiimeig .Wt lI, Develops that State Council of eldter nth soynnaoi lj estoeed the followlag. The test tu the retalier ot eacb article$10 alSlgiVeu. (it May '_11h, 11)18 ai 8:49 A . \ o Defense is given Powers to - i"îrst ftrna f e COU ta Retailer Nie. to Consumer 1er- cail .17. Take Drastie Steps Where- 14.1 Pre.-ent s nimber were train V... Granulat.d Sueur (in bulk).... Per 100 Ilbs-S17,97 oc JoeMiirtiirs, Aurora. 8 glugn Abrircsmetn aha Granijlated Suger (in 5-1b. cartons).. Per carton-42c. 47ec ha .Jh arl, rolrlN vrth cainPeet election of oilicr.4 fullowed trhe r.' I Bsàkery Wrapped Bread............ Per lb. loaf-g% 10e I.eon I.. lionahan McHenry. The îrîeeting op"ned wlth hll.'ving Whte Fleur (standard brande> ... Per 1-11 barrl-$l Il, 45 1 .~i45-1.60 Albert E. Hetîmanri, Stitzer. W i. Ing of 'Arierlea. 16ev. T. E. Reaiiî Whie ler oterbrnd) .. . .Per -8bare-11." rank Ponpiljo, Barriflori DONT NEED TO WAIT pronouncad lb.'tivoclion. Ths u, Barley Fleur...................... Per 5-lb. hag-28c 43e Frr%iesco BnLilari. Cliicao.FRF MA O P INSfIwý1'yalnenàt1'cck I ~~Th ddt easofutwelcome was givenîjJ f j RYs Floure........................ Per 19 harral-il3.4-5-1.80 111.50-I246 Heurning Wmn. PetersoD, Ncî.ç.crl, by Jrîdga B. H. AMiller, presidesîl of I Whole Wheat Fleur................ lb. bag-22 1-2c )iaa7clllr.1*1 FrîC. 1 step in and Eleot the 0f- thi' Pir,.t Naulonrîl liank of Liberty o (Undor tb. Preldpntsa proclamation ratalierit muat salli ald con'- i-orge J. Miller, Barrinitto;. fenders, taking Possession' Attorney (tarience W. Itiver, repr.'- uy hominh g:itooeof y Sour, riue, rir gAller..tmpal.waoldo entn-. benk-fporst. der the Civit oriRulesibnnkeDswnpu urHailRahich nC h:ete wbat our. soao ilr weet potato fleur. soy bean fleur and fe- llarry Millon, Buffalo, N," Samuel lnsiîll gave tlhe proncihîsl n, terta douro and. magie. Rye tour Isaflot consldered a substillutit for ('harles Ros. Foxu Lake. fyut < h ao:ikýr f ddress of theimeering. Ilis îrii'the Ground (ir uhte fgBjuJ 14atti r W.Brandi, Are.n e rno.nuuthwnshi'osalue.,'l a'..eaiv.}eritIllnosf "Y ny Fleur........................l-b. bag-2Sit 4 341 Ahiessandro Ca.aelli, Iilghw.,Iît Vrontwsiier u tar owu. tir. iuli saidt] the mee'tlcorn prop. 9Grah'am Fleur bg-?2c 27c Forret jone-s, Lake Fore-. s'htîî In i.pki' eotnty are goiug la0 tin n llnos ad fi. thewboli nt Warren A. Loomis, Barritigin s lki an% chances in '.eltlflg bociz.'o o.rla tlîis BLOSSOMS ARE STRIPPÈD PS9 Corn Ment (white bulk>............. Per l1t,îi Iha 5.75.. 7e Allier. George St.llick. 1rrî~ in lu inuniform. Il app.-ar'. evîderît hou'. lio h idews sasr Corn Meal (yeîiow bulk> ........... Per 11lboi 77. r - Saur, Vacherello, Chicago. - i btvuhvea hrgni.eucming, of iug, lîu thg tbt l is. ofuncîl- lvla sLrea ikr 9' mimne (whoe).............Pri.- 3 arry iB. Freberg, Highlandl ri.thalle, lunlthe cases out home who raetnase, îtîrosgh he forî.îrs o îHi a sLrea ikr ePu i, Ie2e Justir, . B Hiinski, Ares. know abat lbhe law!. s re2ar.lîng ibis cgrTs. i osiuefo anir.ti and Accompannied ba an Bacon (bet grades) ................Fer lb -47i,: iii n vlsod iolation0fr the ar'rn'. ýnii avi rîIei Obtain ail th*,'.eed corn for th et.1i5 I9JVIJUif.M 1 UBacon Q(nedlasn grades) ........... Per Ilbti.' 4< AoLae or'a.irle lrevent in. ed.ti iaa frl. sue tHeavy Wind rulSacn Suaes who>--------Ferlb 22 -~. Wiliam iiiRh, Rondotît. A tct o ec idlted ut.-re-.t wloi ' Ie> 11:% havie ahîicb i.. not esseutial lut Lrd (best grades, carton> .......... Per 1h -2qe 35c Hti-eiry tordes, Jr., Prairli- %", '. <i Ot- 0lgi ntiwlîi't Nnt lor hli-tils-n planliug 10il'tsi-anier'. Enornous <anagi'wav ere-id iv r-. Jour.~~~~~lti Mouahan. lat Sprngsî- t, generaîll> kiu'.vnithuti iiîer lthe u0 blnc tticouywîî thet' errible- raktî,hail 'loran ofutTire'- tord (butk) .......................Per Ib.-28ce 34e V. llliiî fl enury ,HawhIt,.- -l, new ari-y-na'.y egulations, lu cas.' 'eedcoin lia l.ia i'Peiîullei .day night. and, rmn reports, th, ,f. Cheese (fulcresm cul 1te onde.'>old Per lb -2c.'40c tuh.' goveruneit firrds Iliat any. mar is -Pittiftirl, a oas t l ie thlen-lb. ,lol, s'<oin ).lt cery nook of Lake cointv. a Cees (fiS reau, ul o ode., n~) i-riii 26' 3.' AilînieBlanhi, Chicago. tiolating Ibshill rpI'rgardir'.g the mal,-'a )'. I nrri rlslpît of tii.'rhe 5er mwa aaompanied by s ter- enI J rc>.o'-ph Jimisai, Grayslaki- tburune uu iu,'u iikictiitP--I.ed grain. rihie wirîî, Irrgt couiu>g directly train Chesne (ulPrent rck .....Em1) :, 2 lner NM. Beckwith, <iray ,,,i. lbhego'erniment hia'.the power or it the, sotriand then. when Lha hall rue(5 ...... ir 11-lth1e L.iruv Hiram MW'heer, lu.-. imi'lîi least ILitbas givi'n Ita uth* t arte o lin- ei'cortmpided Ithoe dsrct ncae tclrntaluthe direct forth. 112 Prunes (60 to 70> ..................Pert.,11). 1(. c Atnadio Hethiitu, Madrili Sîarihio, cil of Deuse tu akep in sud eotîî- which bigh sellaot studenîs liate been Ilbkeaotioclksd(h Pd Prunes (90 te 1001.........a b.îe1e la. nandeer muy properr:p thar the cotin. - n-'.ned ru and voi.ntei'red tru go dopo aout nai ollekad the On omny . - c F'rank lEdwin Elwehl i, hlîaritcil1 des'ires ta .cummndeer aud '.hieh on tiefti t alubeitarai'.e the crop8 hail which feli for perbaps 10 min- mnê _on.........................ePr IftI.lbs-$7,25 8-12c Park. it regards as delrimr>ta.a theii.'wi'l-duning rue shoerage ortfarin i orUes.ILt ell trh sucl quantlties that In- Rie* (IsncY> .....................Par 100 Ibs.-$hOtiO 14e' lh. 1Ariirr Win.G(len, Laki' villa, la0'f thesl a ndsudiens. 5anl -dised i"ery ftartier thruîîl ha rin s ieaiycvrd th 'or Rice (miue rois)....................Fer 100lb.-49.00 lc lD. Winî Henjarin lHannon, Jun a-lliorer -aords, the situation at 8 tti bleeutyr ak rla. teon weas latrleshory nuThe IiVssliaitDa, sud ther places In Vernou neeboy ic lits f arntai ea tch hlm su and sorue'reports ..howed Ihenu a- (nvbudpce).....ar10ls-116.00 1 1e -where hoz'iv soi na Iei far s. possible tanming meîhod.large as waInutv. The way rhey bat- enSeans Lma..................Fepr 100 ibg,-$l6ý00 20c lb. arvW îany hîaoaI tîhe1,ri'osirt meni oretbing 1k-el Whiiu' the l.uY'.guiug out ta thesa îarad apainst windows and un roofs, laP1 dirSt. Peler. HighlandilPar. i bis: Inluvia. the' men wbo r tho'te' arms ai tihe preseat (hue May nulet a h uuliaecnkudgv t.Potatoe (Wisconsin adMichigan). . Per 14o, 11l,-- $1 i.' 2î,:epli. Win. G. Bere, Libentyn ii.'.resorîs vieille the rule whichre ie . e ry isînable, a( the some ritre'thnawau ides ueit rrpeaconuditione '.Milk (highest grades)>.............. 18c, 2e Alexander G. Sillars. l.ak.'Futonevet hang .ngo ae f aoeortre alIi-,rnth hsiev sd exconditiornsbîd rgua Mik(eimgae)....... -PJo.' Charcho. Detroit. soldilers the Star.'e CourdI <-f De- yiur a%ltl.e doubI> val,îsble. Thasbobrnn. Mik (mcdlum rad es).........d....12c2e (hai' . amn Lk'4h f e use -uand ialîl tepl in sud cou.- thev eauriake lbheplace n fthe hitriel, That danage wss creste-d to crops, Mil (esposîa, st weeeneî -- .2e15Q ('harle.EkunLake Villa. rrandi'ar thi-ir îropFlrty. This neatîs uf uondecipr fellows #ho havelîaî'ufruit Inees and tegeimtiori genenily i !diBororrî ('. Maechtrae. Hrg.....r4-w P ark. helb'officiai. sîli sl.p i sud the.' on> farrn lahor olitaiuable i ll ea paen roc.Tata lut (cree Centra, bulk) .aton tha Int btk 1,James P. Howden. Jr., lligîl,îrd tlaka possess.ion ot ail the propertv Past fl. %v tears. Every boy who la aphar e 4n l itle.hemuct -Oncntgr es. ncartons than in tubaus) l<a uselnk. Fies. Involveo lun the sale utflboze iid te lîariî.. be tarin traditel-eps tiat mur. more extensive thati i realized sep'- IlOutterluie (standard grades, cro) . per I-0 5 ao uaî,Li u-owner, thiere-,! would lie.'ejected torr'r- ;11 sOi'ing hIle labon proposition. lng that daybreaa brougbt s suin'huiy lutnn eadr rds ol>...Prlb.-29c 34c Philili HoIni.'., ('hkago wlîh. Thi-y wtuld nul lie paid a NIîr. hrîsuhi îouched lighuly upon the aanreehigtmqeeatr hl- Ottit(eimPolan lk.e b-t-3e Ton> Amnmazzulasso, t.gî.îîu. cent for il, lîst wo,îii hi-m.reîy toil weî aud dry question, nult t'Ingig he starin. itosions were knockegl Sut91 trict. (meum reIsndd lk..Pr l.-28e. 33 Sydu.ýy .1. 1. Oka. bake F.îri-l l grot ie î.-tiîer party but ln.iitg troin Irees, th.' h-itlpattad down 0, (Ditl rscnde) Dz'-:s .e tertr-am V.nî. FrIngle. Dllriît. This lm on.' o! lue drastie rmIes tht t I w, siîho uniy proper (bing ta the grain twi'ih huitemerged in some o ~~~~~~~~~~(rgî' Conrad (Harder. liav.iris that has. leeu annouuced ardly aud do, lu hîsiat nrpon our officieis r aa hc nhso oe n.ol 011 hii60-Henry Smith, Ziair <City. LAKE COUNTY SEHIND IN ('lare-ire.-Joseph ni sueiger ,Lake ptlaet.rlyisuî wr u .. ha h ac utawl aes e ihgo r h dmraesetuly 9164Kir'e Mzmanan.THiRIFT STAMP SALE IriC. - s..exitence. lzta heb.'drvîerdirery 'a-are Obee),d as encountared. !0188-Richard Stuck, zmnu C'iy. 1E.P edg'..ick in pushtng the vThons.. Cooper Sivdani.. Liberty- Thaeii'lu Inquestion vhow.m the fllY. .in tire natter ofthie meeting wAny rouf that wthstood theSlorm 9206-RanI Pediey, ?ioni City. Thntft Slanips campaigu in La'.vie.11WSce aio the Stale Couneti ut De- wbh 'iMr. In-suli calied a week or0f'usa on'nedeers s 21-Go.H.lielayr ountY With al Possible earnestne'.s. Fred M. Clar~k Grav.slake. tonse power sud baccaaspi'lhunslsu meagoutaIwhmch hoa aked the super- Thre roof ot the armony laked badir 9257-pred C'.crt, Ziou City. MNi. Sedgwlck is Lake' county War Ei Jensen. a' 'rvilla. wîd,- ir iv very etidet thUat the. owr- visors ta i' presaul at thi- Couneil iîMnBanhrtoysete<l 9238-John H. Mssage, Aîîtieh. Saving Stanp charînan.le tan.rrg- Louis Schultz, iPrairie- V.,-w eras<f resorIs ail over Lake' couiy ut Di'fensa office in Chics-go and andar Blemm anchar goutay wsetecr 9240-Ruban Corey. Ing People ro punchs'h.'.'lb'maximum n Edward EminîtCiliaban. Ares, or elsewhere who mua- ut irs axis- where at the dry-wet situaton 1h wble oertie ln u. ewae te. 906--Abant ohfui. amont utsuamp, rraely $.000 Alb4n 'Pearson,, Chucago. teuce ar.- nul going lu taka any etr'arc- Hait Day was talked uver, lha had oulyi Tewyl. rudws rw 9C2ity n . Crawfürd, Zon Worth. Walker Celiey, Barr ingtun. es, fer il nhey violai.' hi' law indvr cOnmenialtur, for the L.ake cIl tyl with blossom and Ieav-.s afler tIie 9,7-Wt Ni. i-le HPbas submittad ta the Sun tha HenyPreuud, Nlclenrv. Jtipis rule'tha Sîale ('ourîcil ut Delens.' huard etl supervIsons aud said thapy Storm cleaaed showed that the bar- if7-m .~i.foltowii.g article, showing the liai of, Martin Frank Dulleo, I'ndia.-rauolr,-..woull merel>- venda arepresantaie scled seuî.ibly in the natter. The vest muet ceirstnly bc' bit as a re-. 9.28--Geu. ('udzik, North Chicago. thome 'ho already ha,.' pureoiased lnd. over tu the. place n quiestion sud entire huard wag presantut 51 issutfTu'dy trm Whlcr5 i* 9441--Joh a osak m.mont eIx Artonevieb. I.ii)rtvvillî. luait pussession o! il, ajectlflg thueerlëiîg sud Ialked the Matler Otan ihat had sppaed aboya ground'may anE. m, orthln.ta ak ont a eah I I 1'. extnenelY importam n lu re Marinus Koutstaili,Slidell, . A, ownr-nhereof wthout su> (air- waru- fullY %'.'.lrb . cIlsuIl, 1h..meeting nrecuvar trainuthe affect'.the malner ion jeo aixaNoîiChc.tatgao.ony a eab is Robert Deinien lartitsriiul. iuýg taiaii. The lnterdsting part of baiug enlirely harmoniotîs. HPeide in wblch the nain and hall bout damn 'n O.quota Iu the Sa. %irgs(ampaigu, Emil Hakansour, Lake Forest. rire situatioun qt. uat thi' guvarnmenrt Plored the fact thstle asupervisor mottes tire prospects a titiledisc0str- lq 9193 -Alex Pargomar. for two or thre plain tacts lu reaelt' Lloyd Franukln le..'l McHanry. wili nuetIlien puy anyilbk:g for the bLid- given out Wratnta lule h agng a. 14 :i Ed lHenry Wartsf'nlufî Zien ithe Mmnds of people wio could take bsp .Fga.Defed poen sl dn r h a e ffect thuItha did flot inlend toa at5 -ouDon tmy hie maximumianrourir ot W'ar Siving, Edward Wahiman.!iigbwood. îaklng otan industrtes but wiliîmare- tend tii. meeting because ut bis oh- Two silos on (he Milwaukee rosi! lbh 944-Virgit tD..Young. Zîon C'iv. cirtiicatas. (George Christ Fasse., Ares. 1]y curmandei'n IL for lb.' perlitof o!pection Iolathe marner it whlch it liadtnortbwest of Waukegan woeablown 96-FhIpJW alnmeuhi .e esnltIAascul at John L. Slibltzkt. Chicago. the war. beau called anld said that had ho' duwn. Tbay belon.gdtad1 Tom Gra- 964 W E. GibsorI, ZîonuCtrv a îsmalar population than Lake- bas Henry A. H-anson. Hiîghland Park. This sort o! procedure was foliow-. known oaiIbis sulîartdsvur'é; s'and lirehain and Pnincass Brothers. Thay i- .9<26-Lýaverne i. Wells. reachedlils full quota Up lu date ta Frank P. Maagher. 'raukegan. eti durlng thea Civil war un soine cases certairly wouid have ismued a surn- wpeofu wood sud stuiod about 10 r- 1480 lwr Mler. tOnd inii he tact thai 169 ueraos in George A. Mitche-ll. ila. an,î ii lmaîuug sinillan Unes lcow îhstnoslba' bnapanuChao i.u Nîerotied lY Adm uuctnty have la erthie rusai Oviden Bntzzi, Higbwi.ud. Ilble ew riuIt' i.sbroî,gbl Iu exiselncea. betOrathe COLIofniutDteuse eforci.slae w62-4utrJtunh.ontut w,0 o iIlofr u Carl E. Nelson, Barrirgton. Thaerighî under wbich aucir an ac. bly. H.' ,pleuded for busiîness ta hao __________________ wotb .slamps, cating this morrlh,382 Ceurge N. Sikokhs. îChicago. thon i.. laken i.. bal th( lire ad- îkapt on arn even keel and for pro - - u.9741, Leo i iiee.aai tLk oits 0prcn t <harles FP. Marth, Iicago. vaued by lbhe goverrunaut wouid b.' divt ion ta go amlotig as rîsual, even aI .counry bait dont, wouders luthe M 976. acubMuens. Milwaukee. ibis anrorunt or 17 Persuns..The' dit Edwsrd G. Voîker, N-w Yor< City. Linder sueti cInrt.sencesas bi tb algreatlr-sPet'iltIhan hi-relotore if Libi-ty joan roposltlun, the War 19788--AIhert .Northb cii larence belween lir, sales ut the max- Verna R. Watkina. iiigliwood. Ownars ortheiiw6 Iirply in question îPossible. Saving Stamp, (ha Red Cross, and t cg.Imum anua n t he'.ttc courtia FraaimcMamnoeer, Tî-îutopuls. Ii. awere aî-îîmng or gtîhig away rouira- The t<aUIasituatiun uccupieu el .i .Il aoter thhngs lu connectian wtth o. !I818-David P. Thomas rlimounts ta oîar $140,000 on $2 lier Hsrry A- BasaI-t. 1 ion~u, %Ielleury baud goods. Tharis mtecas ne fLm n own the c...u'..-teywul ztthi . 9864-1uhu Louis Bernett. capita 112 Lake county. 'r1'lh thîs $2 Coînty. wblehmu. comas, lu ailler word. the lbruirgh Itle'situation quit' rhonougi- readIndl lime lu came for havlng lo 9911-Leslie P.E.Gritnn. rddi'd per capila w.' sbould bavear.,- l-tarney EdwiIn seyer. Prairie View. governiient aot ld Say tiiat bonze was lY expliisintrat It rinder for pnîvate creaaed a habit, ut savlug, thus Lu thre 9929-Eloh J. 1lagi'r, Chilcago. rlved cut our quota. A su .Gi.NrbCiao cunh.dadteroetegtconsumeranard industries(ota imecool fuure maktng mucti business for au1994-Wo tM. eJr. lTtc eso in b'pul lu !4s.ooUgolihil, Highland Park. ennient was justlfied lit taktug pos-l. a run tiruugh the conskmrg season, Jiltbenîae.ves. l 98RbatMiDla.,a nva nthis anoutnti bis 'Wn. Floyd Horion. L.ake Villa. session out(he ,pruperly t îeîtn llb'-necesArY (o ondan (ha coah He-aisIn reterrad tu the matter of h, 979Anrld . ~lan cunfy in nr diug80,is hatlb.> dward J. BradIe',. \aukagan. The fact that the SIaeCaurcilicf and store as. uch as possible atisîpplyhng uavy sud antny nen tnui- 100l:-Beuj. il. Wltssare tshmng Lierty bonds. Now il tn Wm. Edward Topa"I, L.îherty'.Ille. f-fanse ha'.lt.' power and igiut,,aonce. He sald -w.' wilibai-e venylit- feram any liquor of aîîy sort. especs-. Ili-: 10(29- VIclr (;llîlugq, Wadsworth. rot for Lake court>' lu decide huw llrnpat Rudoîpti I.'.-. Highland comMnniîdei'r my proparty where vin- Ilé' bard cOal le be detivared Ibis yaar ly lu public places. aimd he wss un4er ilt04-.1o,.'ptr Bakizto. iimuuy soldiens thena are lu be lu the Park. lattons out tiere ules ragarding the' sud that w.. wIh aul haye 10 rsuike cp tira Impression.Ihat Attorneay Ganeaia cI1 1Olti-Frank Nagoda, [uiiie, la. army and how Mary sailors lu the Fred <Caney, Llbertytille. arn> aai auvy are made wil b.. quîre 0cr ruihds tu put ln as nur o f ltae Brundagehadl madte a ruling (bat Il _________ -ia'.y. The goveruiment kuows how AMerigiliNatalle. (Ihicagu. a revelatina tu nry pe.ople Ila er 0t. coal comhumg tfanontrratIlliînois was nut against tihe 15w lu "treal" a man1'y o et are ni'esed aad(bey 'Robert E. Jackson, IalîepForest. havaeuaetr.'shizad Ihat lbhe stalte roun- as 'S Possible 10 gel. Than wiii b.' nsvy or army man lu their own rasi- 'y RT CRSNDISpiporlion tbem accordiugly. Tise Teoduro MinorIni Iliîgliwouod. cil has. suet drastie powers. Ocr main snrpply, eXCaPtinîg for what ulances lui thIe tact or doag se .oiili T T HECRLS NAVDU STATIN g _______aise__________ Ilwoo dand cokte wlIl bave ta lbe ised sreynet lue patriolle thîni. wisbes ta raisata bnybns Graislpe Marin, luertile. uey ao Fne ne'1 Frlz)ugnisongan ~, sdhwmubfn arSvn red August Cashers. Igeid. .LAKE FOREST TO GET SIREN arouse rire fean of avanybody lu (bis Mr. Insull satif, 'bitwe baven't quite pase aa t h nvl ialnho-0001,00,0,rusut ,raised this Year trainu Edgaur C. Benson, .Maulon, Tex. ________e necessi.y ofstorng oltm and machr sacrifice. We muat eê. of pveal eek . H wu th soi S in rim , H ýgheik Pa k.nau. H a is going te ask through lb.' sacrifice lu W tn. I's 59 10 Us te car- ne.rt sraa ek.H vsIesr people ut Mea)»nalatte Ibair ahana of Rugene Onrieo. Clrucagn. Tire* oinuler tire departuienî u tte 0 r io l of av eeryo trg tir Godth a aa ue.tu ni oft ut a în.Charlotte Carlson ofBarten. tire slamps (is amount will bot ho Lao Edws.rd Galbi-. 'rVs Wukegan-. Lake Forest Tuesday îated to pur- .pa ,pfer sudy tbnogh blltins TM ire t.oigwslb'porr WXis. A sister also residas tire. raîsed. George liftrîvWhiteouiu. lleanfild. Phase.'a stean t-urn ta oangthes e.' - r n horhbultn h olwtlgwxteporm Mîr. Carlson wasbarnn luWaukagau. Engiand bas acou'.illshed Ibis rais-. otnioMmnz.Ilgwo. mmes(o ta ndillss-callin.g arlelion la lb.' coal sitluation. Sonig,"Amerîca.' Apnil 19, 1893. lu September, 1917, iig of 20 Par centoftlils wan expensas Edsrd G. oMuetiCri cgwo. mbrs w rn tîmlvr i A book-ud- Store caitwasbis pies, and store Invocation. Rev. T. E. Reste. hf.a mnd SlIs In-erMason ofughle rough tbe salas Of stampuansd Tho. 8dward BrbMen. Highwood. ladder mtrmck ai ilble nusded tluhlire lon.fu il if ll'osiblp. Liincheou. o! Mm u c.GOg ao fthear ta no neason wby wa caunot do W-m. J. Gossal. Orsysiake-. compauty's ûupetI odrt ae Tearscane te limae yes ut Mrn. l- Viellau'solo, Chas. Lindsy: rarp lbert.% tille. Mr. Masun la -ufthl.e he neitue llthis Cocltny. Il must ha Wm. Iienry Heine, Jr., Lake Pur. lh aupelinadr1 lP'suit whi'n haepnal'.ad the work uft(ha accompesulmeut, Mts Marlou Taylor. (Irai ut Tcaplow and Malln. done. - t, biazps in tire tl buildings- noble ed Cross su.iug tiratirhe Red Addremssor0f welone, Judga B. H. lia August Mn. Carlson erlisted fiai Tire tuliowlng ta a lint outIlia nome@aest _____havegens ________ly tir nsy nd ss ssgnof10ti e r anos In Lke otinty wl'are -m ae l.G'ylk.tirse lie war. IL luiraws nu color. Raempornse, Carerce W. Dîver. laundry depanîmant.mmesu beMxnimWan '.,-. Peler Harson, 1.[te.Ofa Baverai weeks ago ha beaae Ilii cu t-a awobv tk Wm. Loo Daley ,Wauieonda. IF YOU MOTOR THROUGH ci'i'id or eilt'my. snd the brellpiirh.v'y Vocal solo ,Mrs. Auigusta Ilarmon: nf Qulnsy. This deveioped Ito seule togs cu .ta ., h av an LOsUIS Wahranbarg, Lîhetyvile. UE1 lC RIEfUVL îe lm or eau-h sud aevrYOna abîke. Mrs. Fiormi E. Durand, aecomntht. $1.000 woth out ha Sla.mps. Tire - ECOE DRVESfifUiv tictheRed CromS Y ansd al Amdres., Wsr Wor'k in thllnole. naunlîls wiimt causi is death. For are proisbiy allir D amestwich Josephs Hlavec. luglasida. hnngodrvgta lecp uhasilmosbefrYutao.S ulIsl. the lat weWek or ton days bis condi- hava nul yal ireen r@pomt@d 0t the J. Herbert Moa, 'Highland Park. Tlkn tdilg( luu' ut si ' osbefryi ud.Sma rul tien iraitbeau .so crttic-al IuathapaxS emmitttee. Frank R. Kencugmîn. Lake Pores-t. rom Salurday Litea, wber be tLook Help thém raise al tiremonay tîîey Song. "The Star Spanglad Bancr.' ot savug filis lire Wes daspalred ot. Dr. Muras. Higirlandt Park. lWater Garrily, llighlaud Park. è,lits job, rip ta last eveuing, ItslIh need. No oueabsoutid allouz a waam lnnrmedistely afien Mm. inauli'a trlk Basides ihIs motr an sd wife, Mn. Mm. Moas, Highirtnd Park. Theo torl Smith, Grayslake, (nowFJalirann. lire new moloncycle c lu. ta s-s hy wthout gtvting 4su1ethilng a bustness nectbeg outhtiraBaukers' Carsonleaes wo iatrs nd W.W. illtsHiglan Pak. China0).. haitarrested 18 automabîlîsts. 0Lab.'e Bcd Cross. no malter irow lit- assoction was beld andithlirafolow lbrother,- Mra. ffliasGage ut Barien. Go. F. Goodnow, 4Park. Ruelpir George Karting, Nava~l <>-R Su tar smtireifnILstiialui i c ng fiYt eete orte J. Win., Mme. William Zoeler and Os. Evercil Ln Miliard, Highland, Park. plIaI, Great Lattes. a raif epled wtutiontula ow.tue l'al Wred.peie 0. car Carlson, both ut Waukegan. E. P. Si'ugwic,-Higiriand Park. 1 Martmn Rosquist. Lait,, Forest. eedIfpolwi ny lo le FrkW.Rarsdnt ce-. Funeral at Lbenlyville Satcrday -F. W. Cushing, Highltand Park. Herman Hedw~ie, ,Ibertyvilie. John Walter Millar. [ski' Forest. naies In the food snd ire living as; Duncan Bai}ows, vice ,reeideit. aflernuon wtt Inlerment In Liberty-. -. .alngHbadPr. Andraw 2,Itlard Suwens. Wauconda. Gulaeppe Sabatino. Rondos-t. set down by the autboi'ittes, w.' wili Mr@. Grib'dy, aSertary. ville cematery. Ruirt. F. <'arr, Highlansd Park Wl», Mahien, Htgirwood. Andraw Sylvester. La'Ae Zurtih. ailartararsa nea oe- G..F'rrtsue.- -Leon Prentica, Waukeigau. AuprLaa.Lk Forest. Harry 0. Larson, Fox Lk. t'visi. Fuaîyt ie oi eouln asd b h Lake UneoouFeirYer.l~ Tia Durst, Waukegini. Josephr W. Steale. Lake Forest. .lerritt James Cornwell. Waucorda. tiîg liaI -wili save Situation Cuftty Bukers. C. E Brwn, .a~ llocat Regnal H. ald. Hiirlnd Prk. Ira .ph Pisier, Woucunds. landi wuIi ielp up pile up Our resoure-. Be IL Resolved iy the Lake Ooqgy, c .

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