~M~iB Li . ,ILL. maprospecive, that burw * le.a "AZ Z D'AN OE' to d6e tuxieof Mdcormwg fowr-piecç bond at SATIN!, iii hPleI BETTER TIIAN-EVER TIS VEAR B!CAUSE IT PLEASESUS TO PLEASE YOLJ I Frt aRd Dance Iof-the SeagonI IIERTEL'S PAVILION PARK tIALI DAY, ILLINOIS SATIIAY MIIIE 8#19181 BENEFIT 0F RED CROSS Dont't Miss the Fir st One A GOOD'TIME ASSURED' 1 bave a lmt of st"ckfoos, diae1s wm »B h S muaIssIi a y.duod to lmeout- cý" 3. lll MAY N. SàmI rkl.LimetyHL 21-3t Iudspeeisat Çi.uiled A.P.A&k #pur oflb.. --AREA- ul*D M5811 MoEllon. Cor. foie., ires U~B 1ev. a4 uj . Zibe sud daugiter, Oraldint.. map.ug a lev dajrs la Ci leago, eI*eadleg graduation lier- Omefflet 5* lijImol duvmftly, 0f wbli Boey. ZabelIea nember. lire. Ç. C. dru l lofaUda sesrout@ eonih, etoppimg for a short viei viii ber dafflbéer, Haslat Warea, lad. Mir. clnd lire, Fraui Tboumanad son, Bo. 'Thoiaa md chfldgms ofCbkago, vflied frlondaereon Mobdsyr. Cbildremsdsky oxortuoe. bld a& tb. chareh Ruada, evuoin. The epeak. fng by 1h. chigre. va. emjoyed by an. Mmre. mua Joies 0apntSunay ai tho home of ber langte,.re. Hall, ut gomnis im Er. ilrhort -and Ensigm ChauieBooc.. of Wamkmga, viet lied friends tu Arma hnday aening. Mie.Nonaboiel <ko pendkng a loy day. as the %m o f Un. J. EnliS bW fore loavlng for ber ev homo ai Chat- tanooga, Ten. Dr. and Ui. Rers iam entuertilung tbef r dangbier, %m ey ier, of Genève,, (l., for té» gommer. MWB avrioli Bisnerd, of Waterman. Ill., l badaaa fewdai. wlt hber oter, Mm re.Opha Harding. Mmre VolkmM netaied ber brother frou tbe »w4 gestilon over the veek. end. Mmre.Frak aumgartner, vho laut ibm Beurlocîn boipital, lu Cicago, la getint âalong aiaoly. Hora.e Ring bas re.lged hl* position vlth S. L. TrIpp and accepted on. ab Argo, Ill. Idre. E. 8. 0labm and d Miec Ethel liefride »md Nouahel Green vlslod at the Creq Lats*Naval Riation on Wedneoday mternoon. U lm Harrlet ralmerd, of Watermàa apent the week-end vltb lir. sud Mre. iGeorge Brainerd and also vii.d ai the H. Grahbe home. Mir. and Mre. C. L. Dolph veeu- çonds sud Round Lakbo collora Bunday. lire. Netrie laltb, of Grayelake, epens a couple of daue vltb Um Mary Payne laat vmab. mie i"tlshtà WIri, Wbo bààasuo stpendlmg a ev inonibe lu Tore, re. mrmed home on FrIdy. UmeterbUEbkeri eachool lomed Saturday lad ah. la ai hotufor tbé emomer vocation. Fred Beach sud Ilttil. dangbiter, lys. of Gary, Lad., wieiied ihe former'. par- ent. Saiurday mmd Sumday. lir@. W.0tarkenieetalodir. and Mre. Stark, frienda frotuWauke.ba, oecetly. Mise Edua Shiphord bau relgned ber podItion aitmomir Wa&Co'@ and ha home ror th.e uple. Mr@. Jeoole Davis, of Libert'vllmsud lire. Wilams, ut Chicago, vletted ai F. 8. Dolph'e ThUMOd. lire. L. Mejro f Wbesion, @peut pari of laitveek vita ber parents, >b(. sud lire. Aletboieer. Mr an. sud lin t. Wigtlr, of YO -MODERN. FLOORTING, Nontto air,light andheat floors have more to do with the omfort of the occupantw of offices' and public buildings than any one futuie 'of cnnucba.IoL aer dqys woo4L aphak nmarbie, noleurm1 Sojpoei. tion and capeta filled il reqearements, but modern des'gan~Éd con- utauction brig many changes, and 'today, the. flooring qu m a epling one. Architemtansd engineers recognize the need of material for floms- pos- s easig durability, color and desti.4 togedier wth an appreciiid tezi- tire with resiuisce ta fire and damaes. These qitalities, ait uedefute cq mare ail obtainable in QUARTzTIL, which: je especiaUly idaped for public buildings, hotels, dlubs, libiries, churclies. halle, remwante. etc., and, as -it is harmoniouà ini tone and ceia t will alea .W found very satisfactory for mnany roome in private residences. .*QUARTZTILE. Will Last for a Lifetime Ma," ~vmm sd friendi bers ~ M d s udM.Edih sud ~nn lista v l biago vielior Ou. UMWXsJk e..RItîtaaud Mr. sud lire ~.~Papa. imied Wauconade ehe ljdlm-Ceaieery Socety vili bold lis renilr atg day utetiug Thursday, June 19, bigimuat10ia. m. A gocd atiendmal bopd for am there le plut. iy of vonk. Su lady le requeeed to brlng es u divldualluuch. Harold IRUMB telltin luthe army ou lioMjui.aa vas eeu% to Jeflereon MiseMsS ftliwsyof Palainue,epet Batrdan sd 8UÉqdsyat the home. ot MreF ~tre tChicago, vie. Mg sd ksl arlura n sd faim. Il7, of Lake Genêts. epeus Saturday sud Sonday ai the boute 01 Mise Ague. Mmre.Flyd lbrr, of Panki-ia, epeut the veekend vitb local relative@. Mir. sudr.4,If. Ziminer, of. Long grove, epen sadayetthe bm re 0f lir, sud Mrm. Dumet Geary. Mir. and lira.D. H. Murphy enter- taiued frioads hu Chicago .everat daye laut ve.k, lire. Lyons, of Wgukegan, @peut lbý we.k-end viii beu eleir, Il ns. L. Wbel. Mir. sud lirm W. J. Sauer senteuSuuday ai Long Gro". Barry Kiavan euihited lu the nay and la .tâloned at the municipal p'Ier, Chicago. Balpb irs.theca u b army sud Wl for Jefiormon Ban ., Mo., Modaynlgbi, He lm one of ibm yongeii bol@ la tbe eerý Ike frotu thif Me urePrie, sud Mlman tranueod husiness i uChisuglo day Bf isnnoon. The funeraJ cf b. Infant daughîer of lir. and lMr&. Carence Daley wus held lent Threday altmmnoon.- Mrv. sudlir@. *Walte-r Buako sud danibier sud lMr@. A. Jacobus sud cblldrem, oh Chieago, pent several dois laut we.k ai the home of Mn. aud lire. lire. Barry Bosett, o!fChicago, epent Bumday si the boute of ber parntéi, Mr. sud lir@. Harvey Diion. MW& sYvonne Hase expects toali for rance ln dg fev day.. Mt. aud lire. icClain, of Liberlylle. speni a couple of daye ecetly at tie boute of his gicler, lMr@. Marbe Har. lire. F. L. Pearsn ofa Grand Rssch, Mi"..,iransacted businesber. il Wduday. )Ir@. Clough has retururd to Mernmac, I&s lire. Elle Cady lm vimitingM the bout. of ber parenate. Mr sud lire. Cady. Mii. Robert Judeon and son reiurumd le Chicago Suuday. at., epeuding a f6 "aye aitheh oute uf Mr. sud -lire. C. L. Pratt. On Decoratfou day tbe D=erh -oer vine BUg, vlbb forty-fiv.et"ré, vas d.d- The Dorca S ocietY oi th. Prsebt.risu *uo iihveau all.dsy mmeing ai lb.Oommliyhoe.Tbureday. Um S ibyl Kemp; ot Chioao, vas the ve4dguest o! Miles EbmBr M»er. M9We Barriet Glyucb, 01cflog, vWi ,16W ber ebler, Miss Lela GlYneb, Satur. du "ad Ounday. lire. Hoffmau ntraiuul her anoiher and slitmr, of Chicagu), Sunday. tUeýý1v. Domoid aud daugbior, li» Edoa., «Msaamhelm, vere, guete ai tbe home et M. .Ldgevood Thur0ea. Mrs. George Petàli entemierd the GirflelisEndeavor of the Presbyteriau *urcb Tuesday eveniuig ei a fareveli party for Deibert iMeyer, who Iesysi §or Loingen, Ky., Snnday. R«,. C. K. Onehorue. ci Carolonville, :iied ei homte oi George Sianger luts IMii Bhol leag 11e worklng ta lbi llélv ar departient lu Nov York 'MiX. sud ire. Barry Noble ad daugil. «wril, 0 f Cblicao, ves Week-end Umt. of Mn. sud eMn,. ~ )(tu Vivien Hait, ai.1 0vlv,va è» Wek-end vieltor fr MineLora Xei. émun. Peler crtis, who ha@beam u l raining a$ im radio echool aI Cambridge, bas tesa elaioued on tbe U.IL . uumsoia. lobt. Rouge.left Salurdsy vii h. Ieaft.d mou for KenluckY. 11 William Duffy sud, MisesAnie Duffy, Who have heeu in Ne- Maimo for lb. put oueenmnonthe, r.iuraod home Baturday. ' b. Kanch, of Camp Grant, vleld ai Wàahme Ssiupday au nd M. ,4ae grabduation îxercie. et-lb. gram. Ior mbootl viiib. helti Frijay veing " b..boni sssenihiy hall. 5.sdlr.F. B. Meyer, LDelhmne sud lagmomi Mever sud Mise MabielHuonu. ore. bte guele or Mr. @Adud n.e 1.-J. Tiorue. of Forest EGis., Spmdu#ï Ifisi Amella Peternson neOiiMsd Tbun. IyrcasCarolouville. w"mr.à. bus b,W1agi re. C. K, rberue for aý 'M~Wlnhre Paggm ole cm'frua I Gran Junefon &a, and Miem Alutira I Rchob.eb i.Se m.frout Chad*lck, IIL, w ber, they haire boom îeeblog for th. P ut, yar. C&t Ca.<. Johnston Davis nnderweni noie. Satirday. la New York City. ne la doiiag lwey. ise Deatrice Carr bas soepted tb. position me tbêcher for tbe third and fourtb grade. T ON F VERNON RATION TIUSDY ON MI3MORI#'IÀY Even Camp tOgan as on the msp Decoratlou Day. A paarde vas ield on thm main utreet sud foreribofrt lme the local baud, direcioottt . Ncrberg -.oet mlghb pimoe, modie lis aflpearauce sud did fiue. Th rit eter oet bmparad.t Grand l&rabu e.mGorani Pos. land, lte lady vite led te lPe Cross parade last Saturdsy as %toe of Arc. Mmra Poeeland vUa Mouefimd fvez dresoed lu the ostume ce su Aumri.. eau soldier. Thon came saSeat r.p> nesmuting lte "Ouardian or LIIe.rt:yý Following the fleet vore nmsitievu ladies dreseed pDau "faruerelies." Neit came a company or iv. cf- Boy Scouts ,tolloved by s beautiful bat wlth s Roi Cross untise bendlng 0over A vounded anîdier. Misue D. Chnis. tianeen tooci the pari of lie Rad Cross nurse. rTe village, board viii Presi- dent Byron Kaigbt came Soit lien colon itearera' sud civil van vetanane W. Ranis sud Mn. Dauleis. There vas s display <if llied flaga itt lthe standard bearer of tBi ntdeb 4Is« ln. soldier's costume. -The parade ends1d ai tho ebitil houe, vhorg & speech vas dolivered by AttorneY Nemdham of Chb.,go Mir. Rie sang "rTe Stan EBpaglef Banner,» sud the devotlouele Wang led by V. V.Danes. ZION TE3AMIS TE C T K13&OSIA A tmam of hCrsés itlnging telte Mion Livery masi illmd d ilte vagmI tht,- were hauliug vas demolisbed viten they wèrm etruci ity a SUlvau- kem ElectrIc linited train ai Keltmha Thuriday. John Neleu, employé of te Mon Fuel Yards, waubmd te taie tis tamily le Kemosita, le riait te cemtery te decorate a relativo's grave vitt flowers. 'bey. atopped lu Nencaha te vieil a friend snd the honsms vere lefi ti up. Nelson asys a boy came Aloug wfth à dog vîit barketi aItti toaressand frigblmmed tem, they itrolte loqsee sd rai avsy. The crie ofte boy drew Nelson's attention sud te came non- niug teo find hanses and wagn gone. He gate cliaso snd 1the rses tried te crosste electnlc tlns*e, A faut train happened aleng aid lthe rses ,worm slruck be te. car, bllUng ibetu eil mashlng the Ilg. Pl i N Ah DNa-b .ANDDANCE' AT1 EVERETT IhALL, EVERIETT, à FRIDAY, JUNE1 GIVEN 8V TIHE EVERETT DRAMATIcCW P'RIZ!S WILL OB. AWARD!D CARDS AT 8800 DANCING AT Oà MUJSIC BWmRS.NI!LSôN'S OR( EVERYBODY WELC w EIEPRESERVEI) Affair Partook of joint Celebra- tion for Memorial Day and Centennial TU tovu of Vernon veflt dv"eit top" Thureday wiîh their Memor1sl Day and Cenienulal celebraUiou. lu the. merulng the chlldren of the echoolu, vlih the old poiiera, hoit! atPPprirlte eiercisees ad deoorated lie' graves lu 1he Hait Day cmuteter The atterboon exercises - r.id lu tb MortelPavillon sud Park, tisi mabkes au Ideal place for ansu otiecorî #stherug* aud the grounem el Ulfled vItit automobiles sud peuple. The. echool eblîdren Save drillesud vroad -the X4ay Polo their part va,é eplondidly douesud ludicates tual the. tacher. had takou great luterest sud care linbtheelebration. The. Alieudale Rand vas ln attmu. dance and tOOS a prorninant Part lu the alternooiq. There vas a chorus of voices under the direction ct Mn,. Hiarmon eofLibertyville. They did exceediugly yoD. HM. Hugb Magll. director of tbe State Ceutezuilal Commission, gave th. ad«rmss of the sfternou, as us- ual Mr. MagilU gave s most tuiring sud lutretilug speech. lRe vw»fol. loved by Dr. J. J. HaIeey of Lake For- est An iutereiting collection of relies had boom collocied sud wueon exhi- bition, there ver. cld g.seach wibh sah ory, que bsd bemnusoed on Obc old stage ibsi veut 10 Milwaukee. There ver. Indien arrew beade. axes. etc., nechocibmoks ad scoonut books wearng apparel. relicaestofite Clvïi wThe teaciters of tbe different echoola that took part, worm: Misses Graeif and Gelliug of HaIt Day achool. Mr. Leslie Haines of TrIPP ichool. Mina Anna»Gerbert Ap- taitsle scitool; Miseslillan Augen- stein, Long Grove ecitool; XMiesNeya ToYntout, Gridley echool: Mise Ber- ic Hess. Co)on school; Mine Ado- laine Miller, Hawthorne Farm, scitool. 31rs. Maude Knoll, lte local rep. rosentative cf lt.e Ceunty Centeunlal commmlîtee, mas iu charge cf the ai- rngsementsansd vtb lite hele cf Ouerviser Meether .johm I. Darreit, Mn. Hertel mmd ibm toachero of the schools. mode lte day sud te fier- cisos vel vot blte aud tate' cendit or the Town of Vernon. Provementss yul have te W atter the vwan. The dlvlbiom yuil adverlse~ ou titis vorn mext eeit b4 cf thme eorbflauî prie«.et 1 hardlY ex pecte to get any viii b. acceptable. Iu case no roasouable bMÏjý Ceii-ed tbm improvem"ta v to w at until ater lt a governmmui cousiderse .u Importanit as truck tbcseugbàï laiesthemiroveMent t l bauds, asiing illnotsute »pag ftir &haroeofthi e s t. 'rTeugit the var bat int" tlcally ail rosg buhilg la the divJIon of hlghwayefr quiet period te oo ld Precarîng for th. 4.600-tuile iyatem eter the portons coamcw.4 palgu to put ibe tondme thou over ulît àt -t lca celve a big mxaloraty. FT. Capt. Mofifeit te OUILINES fl JOy Cornesto Jawklfl areat Laies, Jine».~ uavy deparum tot5 gherldan as apermasS beheel fer seimenMdauil the miermi tMut"e A vived by gpluiahor-fa one 09 als nia t et Waykegan «Druggists Say De- mands for Water Glass thte Year Are Unprooedented HAVE OPPORTUNITY NOW Big Companles Have Been TONd to Pac no More Eggs at the Prent Tirne Dealers lunmge here are reemcylu notice from the pacbiug houses thai the Uuited Stales goverument leu forhiddeu furiher storage eth egys h lte packlug hernies ai this lime, the packerd 11igueorltereuxnov be. Iug ueeded, sud figures reached vhlch tbm goverumeul regarde &assut. fideifor lte eeds of ibm mation durins the eomtng .y.ar. Feribu togeby tho big companiee ai ibis ilumvouli umrely tend toteu* ç u te pile. of eff illhie eiders te siep paclng ili m"Mmliai Wsmke gau heuevIVes yl bave an oppor teuily tghot sueg t home. vihoul cempetitlou trom lie big hnyer.. Despite tbm large çqnuhtiei eofens Punchaed hy ithe big compauap tex "forage purpoéea 1h develqpe _tUai itundreds cf dosons oof gis ave been packed hy bousevîves lu Wauke&mu Water gloa u tet ho lhe. mcli popular ainsmne 4h00 bers. "The. demand for water gla is OMrIM1 ugbeaubomUtil.eborî t orple. Mlmea"" àvelli man Waubxegan dreniet isSi odaY. -As a ritle Wibuuiieg People watt utilNt l*bp for. tiiey alori te put ego dovu for the viaimi. This p7r they have oht. e&«V64 thm advle toe pttem avay Mia"lstdhi.ressit lu tat ve sa-e liavinglmauMpro.dgntd domauj bot vote glas. reay ibth emut IuPOIF le ftu luMuce aflic "Meunt 00 deuhi buttib#i there vill h. a 1116%1 7demeal for If luate'l.faia. The hlgh prie" demande4 for es liei uluter are bheed, golhe r. spouuibe for the. deqire e tol oo.e Vie te bae.their eus empply cfet g &st vimben. 'wAibose t*ho e-è chikt. are paoiig &»y luaviier iglass&HIl ieir surplus eflgeixatmai of ielling liem ut a s mm. H dr.h of othersarepu"cbs sot eggasud gttilug lieut down for vlal thei price.la mot as 1ev as il ela Mm Y«"ir.ille Ugmurm I bt vil! uno lever snd ltai thé hua, le mot er dhuant ilion il vilI tart te ss up agalja. LITTLô&UI s Exigenctieof the Hol ln Wàr willprolutits Ext:i sive Use this Yeuar HIGHWAYS MUST ,WAtT aprlugfleld', MI., June 8-nls ilions a"e 1h51 thèee .1.1 b. vory 11111e olling luIllinoies!tMen, road dotiuaIor eomuies tbu mi. rTe drielon cetigiturye bau re elved eors trois lhe uel &ais.ue itar aiWashbington te approus mo rond dIlngnues. $Rob lmprovomemi le atisolut.ly nocmsuary. Sut ap. proved applicaion@musma go titrougit the fuel adullulqtrator' embadsfer fla »Pproval ater lb là. Paaeed hy Ibm Illinois tdivision. In bi. Imter te the Illinois division ef bigitaye Ibhe olIadmulnstnator pointe out tbial Ifiemincitas Quanti- lies of o11Ua ueded te carry on the van, ft-lesbeoluteiy ueoeary that le use for other tien var purposes munst ho reibnted. rTe lilluoe.divilom considere titis 10 ossaa liai tmvIf any apilileu*n for road ollimg,.willl ho appreved'hy lte 011 adutlmiairtor. Ieuglite geverumomi b"ais. pffled the ftuprevemeut, of to glai aud iLmcolmite igivsys logique hi: 009411ci autéro ia&kir predutts, if 1-tà 7 lkf It.fi ~shmoa~lnounceto1 a ,r , 1 rzi ilfthe gmm yjIo "*W.e*au set thoeut u by1 Iuroslug Our iih- »ud esalliug na mrbp 'That ia vby Zag51 ~ iv ostçd laueatsslu tle.opel' <*ikes to 100,000 mone*t et, font aSirdantefo m W '?bmcoeuntry hb au tIreti' of materlal i sonne!lucoeustnnculoiit- licol. We've go ebv~ mon for the 1 isszi v not tem IlIrougi>thle p, deanttis muet.,1 ors to munmeban get mlet. Tb"yvi made, auj Vlu, 115b saB01ot ,màe o 49 Àew -mmiieibfwa4 Aissihca ieo1 -for ri béinnfleve sud moen tu te thii the navy boy@ are dld tralis8ansd loysi, vhormms tht Ss. apt to e e mreverse a&M trollable and dasg.roua.* JeY bas. mom Ioe0m jackles tirougi t1h.e i ruliug Iucressiug lie yes~ allevance for eulisted, to $105. It measamcri, 20,000 Isekles lu triiaà $160 lu lb ut s.-otu. ing s lacie buasë Warren, BMQb cof tbe x«4I sent l it ~e e" osMs Tv.ntYpAve setems ffl s de bini ocs, pli re drusea. Tthtotla 'dolns Dam ln the mmaet drilve»ut lje by 140 Po neent. XMie dondta baieuaiL~