Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Jun 1918, p. 5

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Àv~ -T ~'P. R. LMIr ty Il yoù know of au item o1,10 A COMPLETE fINE OF CORN MACHINES Planters and Cultivators Ltg. Stock. 'Pticed Right Schanck Hardware Co. fAi!wB99T HII R SJS TIEOI *PINEAPPLE--- Delictous Indian River, FIa., Pineapple, reasonably priced. RANDALL'S GRAPE JUICE--- - GCold Medal Brand; an ideal warm wc ýather drink; a LOod sujbstitute for lemonade, 50c a quart botule. 1E. H. CORLETT MIEATS AND) (e<OC[:RlES Twa Phone..s-339 and 340 Ubertyvnlle, Illinois D UILDIN ITIIL FOR SALE 5 sud (;-Inch W. 1'. ltitrg 4-luce-bord ]pins Fluarine' 6-lach Bard Pne Ceillng 6x8 10 sud 12-oot "tuberia 200.000 feet Bard Pin@ Timben. '8to 8zl4 @" sul it1pe'fittiluge aud ueiàboula Steel i rame building, i5-32 ifot 8".r 1i-IneL Pipe t'euee 8-u-i> retp.Sidiug Staire, 4 tu 12 ieet in ulttl 2Jx4@and 2zfls 100,000 teet 2X6 lling Ww*. 6-foot Fine., vith codai paire 5>00 Iiuewd fouIrItouFeue- 200 plees Saa", Wiudovs sud Dreane MM000bîuged grnd stand Se-ais Salesman on Prpmis AT LISERTYVILLE RACE TR#CK RUEL WRECKING CO. LIBERýTXVLLE, ILLINOIS cigoOffice 7337 Stony Iland Ave., Chicago, 111 'Phour-Hyde Pau 1726 OBJTUÂRY Oetz Thoodors Carlson m ltz Tboodore Carlson,0130 of 111breg- ciarly enlsted oembers of the UuItd States .. y, and iocated ut the Greatt Lakes Training StatUou-weii knowu_ ID1 Woukegau and Llbertyvie-was hLo 0 in Waukegan ou April 19, 1893, andt tQsiedawy at the naval station onu M12-1118, 918, being twenity-five years,t ose moptb and three daye of age at thec timo ofbis deceame. Be waethe Youugeel nom of Mms Charlotte Cartoon, 0i Wau-1 kegan. on Attguet 2, 1917, le euiieted iu the navy,' and underotanding the )alidty business,, lnwhtch Lark le iormerly ladt beau eugugeýd, tw wao asoigued to the isuudry departient ut the station, whieh position hoe lll-ed wth great et- * fieiency. ami Lhere Le continued hl@ work natifliLe Wb@ taken Ill. ' On September 1li, 1917, Le was united la marriage to Mimeslu& Mason, 3aung- est danghter uitir. and tire. (icrge Mswou, of Lbert.ivillà. Beidzs his Lite. Who le uaNlaly euf.riug the d.elwpet eorrow over ie pas«iizg, tbe deea,,.d leaveeL3id mathier, tire i'haaAoite. Carl. d'on, and a brother, (JieLr, LotI, a! Wau. kegaxi, two Biiters, MI-@. Roî Gage. of Darien,. W io, and Nirm-. Wllljai ~,Zoofièr, '0i Waukegan, aud il large curele ai J, riendto,nfot auly l)su ..kexan m!d Lb. ertyville. but alooawimng ies caa- rades Lutthîe naval tfltion, wha eurraw wlthbLe ovedanse, se tlle.y elize that ans ati tieir nuruber, vwhom tLe' leared ta lave sud sîtieon, hue een caiieéw rou> aînoug theux. About ten weeks ago he wA a eken 111 Irltb quluar. which ultlmAtely develolîed i,.lo brtgtktdiA0Li. whleh csumed lils Idi h *%abaptised in the Chrlâtla a ith sud ho attended the Son. day scLool sud eburch services of the Swediah.Lutàberan echaroh la Wauke'gaz aJI through h is chidhood sud you uxaahood dajui lu bis euliatmoeat-lu the uavy he *ho*ed hl$ villugjxeoe tao oerfils Illitel the services faisbcountry linliehali of liberty, iruth suid-righteonsueae. Bi@ eieciai vork vas luit s limportant in the slght of Gad sud the eyes or aIlV hon- 08t thiukiug Mnu as auy inau's'work ut hlgher rut lu tLe serveb ofaisi country.- lu our heurt@ today vo pay bornage and honor to the memary of bhls'uldsb lites ad Lonent service. Be bacs sad frout our vision, but w. wili Det forget blu>, white his comradea wla ever recail bis fahlthinuese in Lis work, and lu the futue Dat ul>' hie lovellaone@, ILut hie comrades as irelt, wlill place Luth flowereand tLe tdag upon hie lait reetiug place. The lueraI services wore Leid at tkie Lame of tMr. and .Mrs. 'tiler* Maoan , 1Liberty ville, w1te-re Mir. aud Mns. Carliou were re-eiding. . 11ev. T. E Iteani eouducted the8erices at the* Lakm,'lcel eeter>'. ITe deceaeed irai Luried výItiî mzlitary honare, coin- rades tram the G(reat Lakes Na val Train- iug station actingj as palibearers. A 6quad af enli8ted mie-nired three iLoto a ve-r tue grave. >lrs. Fenil of Wa'lsworth, former>' Welch,' Who used ta work intueti Globe, wRs operat.'d on for apendi. citls In the Couflty hostî,tal Sunda',. rlier condition ije îery serlouL3 u t t w a ver> aggravated case. RA4Y N. SM"Tt le News ,et, kindly telophone OUIS.. SS mm mu*euass "ay Smith "t a W xeay sltizoon Uts. lot. &VO.d vas a Waukgsu William Docker va.s aChicago vIitor MIsa ettyJiàww slrn ld ilnd R on TOW&. 1LaeFoen vasakV "TUE EB ilTII GRADE JohnBeimrd vs aChcago visor Ui. Ç o dayrntihle le e d ouaopdy. ng ew yq itiil ocaefiertals . The graduation exenclsee ai the oighth Uns. W. J. lMandfe.@put Mods, uith Mins sMa m. EBpb neo gste'rado yl b.o held ln the hlgh sebool MoneudKtaiWsags», Sharl Girl@ ai ber àhoue iseveniug. auditorium onu- Friday evestog. ,Thé S lire.£"il R lugrqh. a e avieUl t i. sud,.. Jos.pb Tntt' aunoucce ioliawk'g prograin vilIL e giron: Iu Chicago on Tueeday. thp arrivai of a soe, ou leit Saturday. j Un 1eh-K&thrn uCols. Mise Ada Reltter vieai tfileudi at Ur. snd lMr&.AiaFlars annunce Iong-"'Illial," Eighth Grade. Lake Zurich on Suudsy. the birth ofa s ouon IPriday, May 31. leocatiou-liev. T. E.* Ream. ie. John Colea speut Tueay the Ulms Adls Nioolas ba been aýpoInted Bctio-alyBueed aise.teof relatives lu Obicago. -. tsxpormi.ublstleeléien t Stthe pont'5u-yteiae lii oeafml l pniigaoffice. Rectatlou-lîaymoud Hutehînsan. weekt'.vacation ait ber houm. bers. Albert Schbs«ofa. llarriugtau, vas o-mEgtGrdGrl. MIes Anua RIttuer, oi Lake Foreta reconit vsitor ai the ULarles Seiler , shto-ilautcait home. iddries-B. B. Millet. open$ Saiurday viti local Mouds. Pnestation 0f Dipios. iss hltne Jochbhlm sttsnded s mus- Paul RyBashmgom. to Lakie floera, gog-Eighth Grade. tcste lu Chicago ou Triday eveang. where h. yl tae sprecal tullîfar>- rab. olvngat h aeso h rd Word bai beeu reeelved troma'Barry log for two WmbFa1oet,igaeheueea Lgn. Gottiof bissasin arrivai lu France. Mise Maths fflowsky aiA iiWlliam> uEli;âbeth Altuier. tir su Un Chnla JobLlu pen Srahr, ol Cbicago, siet 'hý- week-end Aduliue Bauman Ut n ie hrt@Jcb p tit tLte John Difrjbtme. Suuday wlth relatives ln Waukegan.% Marie Boehm. - lring olduben, o!Cam Grat, Mises iMabel GrossIey mcil U(ertrude! George Boken. Ivingîr at ieuseuraloCmp an randtyDavl.e, af Chicago, wviee--ý,k i-nigueita Carolyn ButterlIý-, John u b aud enalloe o ai Chicaga, thîe Fr-ank Lightbady ln-Ver& Critteude.n Joh n Leonardiitlay, ofidcago.îeu, Ame slblî oi!aegcn Kathtyn Cale. Jr. ~~hy the local band ai M u,, u Marjarie- DeeLter. SndyCook Ave-u, lit ugbt, th. r.r of the 1Chiester Flagg. tirs.Henr>'lBoye-s sene Saaypason,. 1jaepkeîue iiliiik. i ui, a t a-ire-e-e' vipIt at th.iroIt, lgsD Ah em m'lLen H4ge-rty week ln Waukegsn. .'.*, , JaonBaas. and Iîri. iie-r îz-ller au lhisuife, Sir rsCt. Ar- eperttt.ui. ly e île rr-irtie-'e. t iFI tîirl)rthy ttHeur. Z uriý-liI Raymond lut,-i 'iii, j~~~~ .t rg-erawd atteuded '.ettfWilliam Hutchîsait. ~Kni r-unfiti %liws Pred.rleýkm- ThefI'11-.Igl..'gi výt l IAnhIUUEI ,-lt. u Iaymak e , --.e l1 l ire uon grade- puIe, asilated bfi e- - ait the FrankBlin .imiiim. T u ta.s y. alla-r grade@e, ai t>îLe-l . st Floae-e-e-Ld. *ý 1 -r t b iw e- for an T , -st t iras l'ioai. c il IdreJ.L ,k. Ni1i %ith r rlatie- arnd euz"eL1 lbau --- on * ý*,'dnu.sday tmauDii. - -> an-r Wlliin Netavls-t. (ird. F. Eei r,-.aril iW6ilaluDieai. d -an aifNMarcos BSue-uit rimant. le-re-d lis p of i - -re %v o'--k--ri gu-eu. ut iras tied b>' aaLare' .':iirjg ai U-h,. Muricîe. *ti.- k un i'l ,Ilieiu ùiuie. 0lraetured sitou. Altier w slation <lýeiiîe.- 11,- * , Ire G K, leiU.-îslrin, uaiihîjuurt, Ili,,by lir. J. L Tayidr, it mw 'ini leiis- . lvli-,y sue.- iiz- vl-is ittii hanme - unali tav anîd abi.'ta remuve the La>' i tl tatt r1V Se iL h hr relaties~, lu Art-a. tu, the' Jant e iAIlleter 1.. s su Wau- Norman, Viekurfm'en a te- REanar t%. ails J Ib l,. ii.'e k rare., e iuueuîup, Mariait te-e-n________________________ 1 Preston, HzIen Spate anîd Myrtie Smnale A repeort prevaili . et me-n dr.-,ei a,;soidee. , :-e Re-d eut 1 uebda> rt Druce Lake-. 'ross driv.e near Fox . - Sunday. TH E ON I!'TN tIrs. Kenueth boScOI le-t the ftet sbnved a -1-t rbrougb A EEM NT SST N tics ueek lot Wahiugton, 1). C., fiavieil, the- tire et mi autolt - rs' deellnedI tcontrihute. Dentali ,-made, the OGRAPHIC COURSE, Le-r brother, who ilesouri ta sali for expianation bei'rg ni ' îLt the c omplt cneecn France. bayoneItaccidentiy c"rred the Pl, e, ouecn tire. William Decter sud câlildrn e t tire of a big car anud ber 'ail partite-s June 1. Arrange for re«. oun'rueeday maring for a ibres ets' de-e-pi>'gnicve-d nez-r C', occurrencp. ervations by I phone, or in- visit vtth relatives sud inde et Plev-' Marchai Dens Llruis-zry lett on Mou- baltioutana. day ouniaueese trip ta Mesdi, Ksu. terview Mrff. George Mc. Upon reschiug Chlelagoe Le eeivid yrd. Donald, Area,, ilI. Phone Miraud ie. William Batz, ai Algon. that hie aiter, tir- Se-ie Jouses vas 10 quin, sud Auguet lBatz and iamily, o1rouafl .tr an i akridge. qD Wauconda, veto vilalons at the ClarleaIz s wenal tetpnbe-roeut thori,d Seller home ou Satueds*. Istoly, retunuing ltý-t Tuesday eveung. kileafirma Dryer sud Mile Behux, sud Ai pres 'lime itr as learued that bis tue former& gueat, MIes Marthe, 0500w. aiter bdiai aied away.- et>'. and Willlati Spahi uxotored to Qn Thuraday cs% ring thecs canunene-, -Lake lieneva on Sonday. meut ezercieee ai t e LgL sehool veto Mrs. C. M. Fullet aud dsughter, Mllis beId lu the btgh @ccý,ii auditorinum. Th*e %fllee, loft lai Thurodey torsa riait vlîh progasu 1,as preeritted sgiven lu lasI relatives a% Roctueli Gilty, Ibvs, sud veo'. leue of The 1 I deileudeut, excepi- 'otber places in thatstate. log th. addrese 1-> Prai. Uuderbink. vha vas csled (z. tie colore. Bovever, The'umauy indooai trs, S. J. Dem habelatesmessage-u. the' teachais tu- j1inwli lieo gnved ta ler: that @lee l dents, Board ef Eduestion, Parents vas resd b>' Chari- -%- ir-il. He thauted Lloyd TaylQn, son of Mrs. Csra Tay- iheioregolugit on tl,,rr Leatycao-apera, Ior, hai reeelved Lis comnilssion &F thé. tion aud loyal sulsîn ýt. Charles King, Ellngton aviation field, Dnean Houstoni, ai Wautoan, gai. a splendid addrese. Te-zai, and wlll remain tXere as Inâtnixe- The marrlage ot!hiles Laur& He tfe, ton ion some tius. daughitir of Mn. aidI Sre. Fred Delier, ta The iallowlng youg ladIes speut Bun- Barmn u Sbrect. iras oolemalSueta the day et Fort Sheridau: Mimes Ava horneostlbi brides parnts ou Wedues. Wiliamu, Fanu>' Llgbtbodjy. Mahal day ev.nin ait eiglît a'clock, the 5ev. Grease>'y, Alveretta Lightbody, Gor-.- T. E. Ba. efitiatlng. and the doubla rude Davles, sud Marie sud Agneà rIDUg cemouY t..lui; ued. Ms Ligbtbody. iMande Ralter, ilete r o! the brideva The ineehmen sud sophomore clauasamald oai hoa; the-SI misesErima elier.' sud Delta Schnock %%ir.' brideemaida, sud were veny dellghttully entettaiued at the ltl extél-l a i trl.n ththl)leqtiage at Grayoitat* ou Fr1- The groom vae utt.-îîd.-d b y Ervin Hel. day aiftornoaon. The merry Party vas fer, ne boit pan. and Edvard Rooeman t ch. arryoud 'Tilrs.andenuehLvisd George Edmni-. titi'weddlug match>'nTaylr.h....>,Mtgees Mary being played b>' ti-e %eraaHellot. Tb@ lie-an audliese dchnct.bride'@ itler g ie r iînava>'." T1he At the Lîhertyv1Ile 'farrn training btlde'e'gowu iras %%he l stasd she echool for girls whtch ihe Wouxaule vari a vel sud -arrli an atma bouquet Land Arn>' af Ame-ica Las etarted, afituerose iiiingthe cetemony tbere are- now about 30 girls lesa- Ing the rudiments of eau>ed agricul- hrecore z . .as erved an tLei toral kuoviedîre. The- fam, .labara- lawn ta 150 e-netm'P'hu bridai couple tor>Y'j.9 equippe-d with a berd 0'b oS'Inati' s.î'tpta Te cous Al sorts ai farru> maobtnerye"lu. ellsInl c'eit-î cludlng a nea tractor aud le managed1 h ya keen, ,cIentifJc brm, snd gar- Libenl.vville e-l- - Mteniorial day i îde-n expert,. Sisls Janche Corwin. lu a iasner worti:Y s-J tLe occaîlan. Au Tfhe iuqueet Le-Id byCoronuer J. L audience tbat îtet I '!e'ocapacity of the E Taylor lun<t'edeatL ut Alexander jR it.bgL ecool audits I-iriSwa s etertaiDed terspoan. dtruet, Suda>', b>' a Soo and lsPIre-d I-v(i'. ,îrefuliy arranged train, aace-out oai -lIcb vii L e fond prograyn h, i %,ire -e--zn lu ful lunThe 0 an pg .eorated tles nailroad aof-Independcrut cri h-' s. - 'k. Hn. Hugl e tlame. William Hartman, Chicago un. M. Magilil, me , ' 1:il, masappointe-d dertaker, on Manda>' enzvod -the e.a uueuber of thi kl cetenial Cuir.. mains troîli Trep tair & Maof'd under. misiolin, anid s-r -Iià statu seucitur taLute- nouin ta Clîlcaga ior burial. muni te lrî. district troua A large zrowd gathered aI the station tarcefit ýdd're.-, rhrde-andnthliscom- 0 an Saturda>' eventuug ta bld good-by ta minty. FB ett t II e Ipotac the- thirty-tive seleeied me-n Who veTo!fomalutalitine-cd rt5u rit <thîe iseIt a krt rhaaiK,. btholocal 1higbest elate of iIs ,, ,and toffi'Led draft board. A praeisue- cDIOsetiug Jupon' the etate-sz-rt rdi.Herefn aer ofLe lclid,njuzqbof aithe rmea. eice ta the pru'se-rct warand 1h.glowing ber aitIc mîit, a iq0àd -ut jactlas tribute pald k.uleli,5-hiIIgqud.dead- trotu>theu naval station sud, -théeaioted vs uae c iwi~satepisi moumarhai no~Miwbutee, aud, belug neceived with 'great-eotas..-Altern Coat Avoe. ta he station. The' lei 1 1 theb.prograuxthL atc, h ota hé, cmetery ini tait week'e 1edpe*_oeob.hero.. gaere dpcanated.E k1k la t - i i i On Impro ved Lake Coun'ty ianj. If you Intend to buy. to Improve or to stock up a farm and 'need money, or If you have loans faillng due which you must reflnance, do not fail to secure our terms on Flrst Mortgage Form Loans. We also suIiply morigage loans, to Investors. l8 the nmre of, my new phone or cal1 for a copy. catalog. Write, HERE ARE TWO 0F ITS MANY CLUBS Delineator....81s.50 Everybody's .-- -- ..... 1.50, BOTH .FOR $2.00 Curront Opinion.- - -.- 83.00 Review of Revi0ws .$ 3.00 BOTH FOR $5.00 Inde pendent Office Poe R .A O D R Independent Classiied Ads Peu. -AsI anmuoser el - I FORD TOURING CAR, 141000 f. o. b. eer. I wish toancune. thst I aux uov able to mate deliver, i of y modal ofi Ford car lu troa s voi-lt days' time. Coma ta my setrom, lipeci tLe varlio modeleansd Issu. vhy Ch. Ford car le the iUrivessea Auiborsd Ford Agent L AiW l K Ru a i FOR THE WARM DAYS OF JUNE For iummer cotrifort anid economy, a good supply of wash dresses ie essential, ' The pretty, sumrnery materials we are nowv showing aec ideal for ladies' and children's wash wear, for both every day and dreas- weir. Wide. Voiles in woven and printed patterns, stripes, pLaida sport designs and plain colors in liglit and dark coloring. The"s, goocis range in price from 25 to 75 cents per yard Otiier materials much fè4vored. at this time are the Tissue Giighams, Chambrays, Beach Cloths, Flaxons andi Percales. W0 have agR.oc assortmel>î of these, ail very nioderaîely priced. W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPAI Pb - - - - 1- --.-- ------------------------ ----- ------ ------------ M &

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