Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1918, p. 11

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-L4qAA.iJ Lzl LfiRTVLE iPDWT rmçDAe.niP io - ____- -.- - - ----y TE-f------ ¶'. ,y.,a 75cCorsetCovers Gê In Muslln and S11k IMulIn and washlle, msin corset4 7 covers lace trlmmed. Illinois Women's Fancy Silk $1 BootHoseJ-9 Al! colors, al aizes, the -a on ak mogt sàn9a. tional l1044< value. 75cKitcen Aprons Percales & Gin ghams 4Ac Wýmn's rffedor plain kitchen .ui a pionq, lght, and dark. New Sum nier ,gent effort, culminaàting in this gigantic "vastly-under-priced", assemblage urday June 1.5 t Money-Saving Event SBook When Filled is >r Merchandise or at igs Bank for 'l150 1 nqf erd tbe buylng Publie Of l.Ake County go >.$to .5 n meandisp or the-y will b. redeemed kIrýlIA NK * EAch stsmp la lmprlnteil wib the p ý 1 , l irM N Bl ue Stamps wlth every purbas--tbeyre Skirts 7 C Values to 1.5079 Wath akirts ln odds and endae of hlgber prlced Ues. " ddlooking stvles winwanted' materlals aind ln a fair al&@ range. Sale Chldren's-- Princess Slips 50c values at 37c 75c values at-57c 1.50 values at 98c Sale of Women «s Silk Gloves 89c Valuies 1.5 0 valuies 69c $100 Womèn s'Ill8111 The efamous Mo- gloves ln navy, grey, hawk double tijîped blaek and wh ite ln pure sllk gloves in al i e .ait colora and sites 4.50 sleeveless wool#' 98 Sweater at-2 Thoat. npw Biefvpleiis swFaters In. ni! colora et. fectlvply trlsnmed and bave the atylitih purled waistoi. $7.00 values lu Pretty new wool otda andi ends uf s weat ers witlî wool or ,;Ilk sweat- brushed wool trlm* ers with or vitiput mingg In a varlety of aleevei;t, btri SAint new 3 ~coloni * $10 Silk Sweaters, $7,98 B11k sweaters ln beltfd effeeta le gold, rose, grey, green. copen and combînattonsi; also a great collection of wool sweaters. Children's Sweaters sPecll1.98 & 3.98 At $1.98 are oU. sudPetits of wooI sweatersto $3. At $3.98 are lipover or button swéaterg la wool or zmercerised sîlk. Sale of Infant's Embroidery Trlmmed White Bonnets 39c values at 25c 75c values at 49 C 1.50 values at 93c Great June- Sale New Middies and $.0mlddy blous. 18 tyllsh new e.inplinSItWhite smnocks In aheer Wihcolored trim. vie an tr mIga, ln button or wanted tabrîci n- lace 161 l1pover , Q styles j* r butta 12.50 smocks and Strilng cotorluga middy blouses tu ln smocks of irtist prutty new styles la lUnes, rajah effecta. plain white. blue sheer voiles and anc< white, blue sfld wlde lapeled coatees wlte et '6180 ' f'ectlvely value Wotn$4m's 85CC Uhion suitsÇ63 Women'a knlt union sults witb baose or cuEf Lknee, ln a compieté range o sizes and extra gond "quality. Women's. mercerized vesas the kind A O tat Oita comtortably. Regular 50c 1alue. specally etried at ....3 VaityBas41 ValybgË wth pwe uf~ - aud Dirror. Bright new co1.1re $11 'Skirts i up to $4.OO tý 2098 lia t b-1gfi t1-lav ai the olo, e.iîiu t h 113,u98 SiIk Skirts Uj) to $20 i' "I i lîk fa illem and sin trIpe sllk 4 plii a i nil"m '12.e50 sand I vý paii;îrîîet il] tlîi. assortment is a bargaiîî of ýri-tit-. A]il are faslioned f rom fine naterialà 1uvs ;iiul triîîîiiîed iiinanîîrî to excite the ad- vit;li ial l)uX-r. loine 9 New '$350 petilcoats 98s 1wItb beatberboato=tp 2 roi ell 1antipreiîy îIbotnal niandi ail colora and aises, very ~rram apeclally piceul ai Special at $2.98 & $3.98 t omise nnd bloomers ln* lb, newest styles anti dalntlly trimmed tol~.5>0 at '3.98 1 Tailored sailors andi those pretty sports- hats -of washable patnaim clotrîs in plain colors ai arge checks aud figured offects, al are vel Sp cia ly-priced at $1 49. mas &t WWte Crepe Hots -For Values to $6.90 This assortment Ineluds thonse taah louable wblte georkette crepe bits as welias ther« o tstraw andi crepp cpM. tunaions lu dolors wit a variety of siyliab trîmmînge. Coats up to 1'l16.50 at 18.89 This lot is compvisvd of eoats froni our own stocks and soiriv sppeial purehasps in ai fairly large varietv. Nef.arebeI~a, opina and mixt&Ùru. in balted and ahlrred eff@0 and 31l color. >et, Waai Coa1é up to $10 4't- An aseortiat 0f odd4 and Fne nI rote of gondi fabries andi desirbl styles. There are nearly ail Rize: in Ilmt lot but not in al St>te.. of course4 9 CUats tO 18.50 Coats to 29.50 llue Inthpifat are- sll StYlshý velour coats, army talfota andtisl popiln ioats as clatit, '1reflch moate, gabardines. Weil as serges. wool j)UPlirîs serges and cqveyt cloths In al mixtures, etc. color» and Dow styles. 12.75_18*.3O 1.É,ODresses 59 Chlrnspretiv wesh dresses@ ln sies up te 14 ln gîiag hanip and percale., of wanteti colors anti becomlng styles. DREES TO $3 DRESSES TO $5.75 Btriking new -at- Cottoum Rajahs plaids. checks mnercerîzed et plain colora antid f l feots glnghams l f e o mi b 1 natIons 5J piques, cham witlé belta, pleats N i brays, ln a ardo3 K&A pauch ponkeis aasortiment oN etc. 1le m new styles. V I Sale of'White Dresses Qui&lt, sWeet 1111e styles la voiles, organdîes andi batistes wlth rows of linsertions, laces, embrol4ery. rîbbona, bits of smocklng andi sone@bave 11111. pocketa. White Dressesi ,1 to$10Oat- 0,ti Coats to $40 Coats of sîlvertanes, trîca- tinîes, wool velours, dIehI cloths coverts anti mixtures; bed pleateti anti buiton trimmeti. 26.75 Coats to f 5 as' Goats to $10 at $7 Ginghami Dress15 Women's and misses dresa.. la be- comlng styles ln large plaida, checks plain colora and fi gured affeets. Y Wash Dresses t<> $3 $ 198 i:: Ore table fuaiof d-olooklng dresmes, odds and ends ln voiles, lawns, etc., ihat have been alîgbtly aoled ln abowlng. Wash Dresses $14 Silk & Wash up toDresses at 9,075 fltnghams, voiles and Sit poplîns antd taffete «. aws.fahine Itoth dresses sk well as dreses auminer dresýses ln ail of waalî tabrica wlth aide sszes and colora. drapes. coanis etc. Wolneîî's and miisses' dresses ini a variety of PI ctty styles, good colors and valutes to $15 at ........ ....1 .9 %4 DIresses up to $22.50 Ii silks of various col- titted bodices, odd shaped collai-s,16.a50, Styllah dresseA up te $80 la altý Dresses up ta $40 ln afternoon pUmmery georgette -ulk crepes aud Xsuad evening styles ln a bewiidering tool summer alik ln plaids. strlpes __ array of chsrmlng modela ln dell! plain colora and whie.' cute colore. fineet fabrica. Il 2.5 pertntontb troum Aprtiq 1mV' Jiy 1at and expecta the varleons sow, Imujnities ln wbicli these gardien J* perta are ernployt'd ta make tie balancé, oh fle montha e=id=Su for the beriefla of war garderie. lM.. jWilliis calleti uPon the board to nu4.t tis expendîture wbîch wulîlb. $212»8 anti will carry thia emplOymt tbrough Seprember 1Sth. The bout, unanhrnously agreed 10 lait on thlb addîtionat expense. At the last meeting of thé beai4. th1e salary of the county aapelAnta, dent of Roatis Chas. E. Ru2asil W raised front $1500 to 118M0. 1= investigatlon the board found ip eould flot legally rais, s maws.as3 while in office. Today the7 X ZPM U their former action, leavin mis a$1500 andi maklng him ana leu'. âne of $50t) fur expenses. 1 . The iluperviqors went on rilsti unanimouaiy as favoring the IMM00 state roati bond issue whlcb la tojh put betore the votera at thb.faa in. tion. Adjournuient waa talas «JI Wv'dnes-day niornitig at 10 oclock. CO. COMMENCEMEN'T PROGRAIA JUNE 15; 2M0 TO GRADUATE «OCntlnooe4Trom1Pae Ulel Yure, Helen Mau. Buah 8chool-.Nijîeî Lusk Gilbert v0.4ksr. . lxk --,-_ - . - Hickory SchooI-Roy George Ka- nî'dy. Emmona School-Agnes Sera s 9- sage, Ra~ymonmd Wý Coblb, Francia D. Gray. 1 Stafford Bchoo-Lila NMay S*rag. Area School-Carroîl L. R. Foru teoils, Jamet C0. Dolton, Esiber 'E. ter- sen. Lake Villa School-Harriet May Wald, Lucy Fi. Stephey, Chares -3». iiiiin 0Dîcks, Gertrude Harriete Mm. pen. Leslie Russell. Alie EtabeI Huetr, Te-il K. Grimslsaw, Floyd F. Matthews. Antioch Schoi-John R. Beebe. Gênevieve' L. Wlllie. Willird China, Edward Girard, Edwin Rentner, Mdaa Taylor. 819 Hollow *School-Charles Jas Kelley Fox Lake Schoo-Edward Hennis- .y, Kaibryn Gertrude Halin, LOUas Kapella. Rondout SchonI-Vornellus J. Ni*- bore. Dady School -Vrgita, M. Van' Haecke. Stafford Ochoci - lienîca Bditb Chatnpney, June E. Miller, Alice T. Nadelboffer. Wadaeworth Schoo--alonnorfi Bar- ah Cgahinore, Wlnthred Reis Poa. ter, Elizabeth FI.Gilles. Ulddlecome Schoi-Luciffe a. (or@- goseskl. Anna M. Huad, .OMgb &Mr. ta ?4orlOË*. Gertrude VIlet Touttf:- North Prairie School-OGladya .85.1- ville. Agnea GI¶son, lleulab SbOMr. Wlnthrop Harbor SbUo I-J4obn. Nlenaber. Axel William NoÊ"brg.' Myrtle Ilanks. Easat Benton Sch*ool-lenry Crutis Ferry, Margaret L. Hansen, Icermit ('hase Llclty. Ruasell School-Arvin E. Reeves. Spaulding Schoo-Juditb M. Gus- tafson, Buste Mary -Bluke . Rosecrans Schoo-flargaret 1Ada' Smith. Else A. WInters, Violat a. Cermak. Graystaki School-.Harold Cbogte. Ode!!. 'flirepdRuby 'Burge, Clifoe Stanley Peitter, Edward Eftuler. OAl, Herbert Hook, Robert Charles Had., Helen Rose White, ClaréMiéê 'a Drago. Martîta -Ulllian Rlchardo& Wrllht SOboo-Ilsier Pere. Town Lin, School-Irvîng C. Worth. Waukegan-Naorman Q. Hart. Hait Day Bchoo"l-..Bhaiucb ile ýSchuler, Marsalal Schroclder, WUWM& Gerbert. VaaeySchoo-Arthur W. DWea, 'Mary B. Daugwll. Round Lakte School-Allen Waltied ilundwall. Mildred Unetta Devis. Uli>r t!,- Fishbaek, Stanley tadhld. Swaln Schoe-Helen IArson, Sior- ace Coudrey Grabbe. Suttirfleld SchoOi-Elaie Schneid- er. Paul Pfannenatill. Gagea Laiti-Evelyn fBéaitGeorge Alfred Blealc. Grubb Sehool-Irene eBitta Kidd. WJAT YOU CAN saND Y PARCIL POST TO SAOMUS Postmaster Grady reporta thlat many persoa attempt toaead paru1la to their relatives or friabde "d. without iret recelvlng tb. requesi. for articles trm m adrmae Sé proivedl by lis regimentat'or b '7wèl commander. A latter tontaiâï a requst for certain artis, pasaed tvy a censor, la sait OMb andi wlll not be accepted. A lIaI of articles soid by tb. puat exehanges, snob as lgars, tobacco gunu, cigarettes jehooolates, Sanuei goonds. towels. soap, lipes. ecila., rabors and bladtes Indicates that snob articles may b. purchaseti mocb eheaper over there. T1herefore, parcel poat for the Amnrcan Expeditionary'Foreie li France will Dot b. accepted-ul. 1-The articles ta b. roalled are reqVested An wrlting. andiapvrovei hy a kanîmanding ofilcer. 2-The' parcel la in lbe Mrîsi '1Thîs pareel contains oîily articeb sent at approyed requsat ai sUres. aée. whicb ts Inolosi." 3P-The wrltten .uequest muet lte incloaci ln the parel, or litwlt mot gilk to thei î.atimu are v waWd imni~1 >3- Im- -- mw--

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