Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1918, p. 5

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ou-@. anoi etp, flot a- ck. MmaUb rent; sales oe &bout . No bU). to Goodiopen.. t bave to Re for Mail ding, -Area, 2ati 40 to 500 Co., MliCb., a. fruorg Dr ïrade for birn or City, Arn oteer. Box 22:1, DUS + rtyliile race nerai work. ro Oc- lody Or- Medical 4ing EXPOSED Approves jia for, k'gin and e cailed to ry doctor in made availa- Lne Sam go c tri, attend- held in Chi- mnscriptlon of e army and of the crua- %fedical Ser- g were el- ti t meeting t wtI bIa*à roceedng'. i" alsoq were Sandi cuuflty k under thie i Counil of ing w.til the that a plan rj r.i antd iontr in ihe y "ili serve aîv or in lthe revealed that tiare not le r-s call with tm that met -if t1iV statt's. gng and tIn- Lrne fightlig the linit by e within a will be the voiunite r no excuse for s wtt) coflsist (o ave votun- 'e, but are In- e or physicat other reaeons uard' of floc- eil be deslgi 1 tthe Nationa le not In unui- th corps In.- d Intantly as reseet a tetîl- ountry. lecorder. tca have bern tint pworme of es it le turne&. re Cap JnMP bout uttering a ne satrit Peo- .Hot gooti-Ba- netlng to keep ka erout.y.- A COMPLETE UNE 0F CORN MACHINES Janesvile, Deere and International Plantera and Cultivators. Large Stock. Priced Right Schanck Hardware Co. CRI EIRHBR SaUGGESUNS PINEAPPLE-- - Dehicious Indian River, Fia, Pîneappie, reasonably pricedi RANDALL'S GRAPE JUICE--. GoId Medal Brand; an icleal warm weather drink; a good substitute for lemnonade, 50c a quart bottie. E. H. CORLET MEAT-S AND GxOCERIES Two Phoa.a-339 andl 340 Lj4b.rtyville, Illinous [ BU-LDING MIIL FOR SALE 5 and Il fnch W. P. Fiat)tlg 4.1je l-t iartd pinsp looring il-inch H[ard [lue Ceiliug ni[M 10 anti I2fîîot Tituitera 200,000 fiet lard [trie '[imiter, .Sta o8xl4 s4s Soili le., fittnga and cash i otit, Stet raeteiuldidng, :54x352 ltet Sitbar I iiIi Pute Fence Stuire, 4 tu 12 fte!lu cidtf, 2x-te and 2x4,, f0t(4I et 2X41. FIttrtue' 64tfe iat Fence. a it t, dan Posre St itnt-i l t-e l Init F-uit, 21141 lieea Sut-lt, Winidnca andi lttttrs *1001) hIingeti grandf @tatt]i- A LONGJ!ELT NE!!D SLiPPLIEDI I100 FIRsi-CLI3S SHOE SHINING, AT MASON'S BARBER SIIOP LIBERTYVILLE Evcry Day in the Week Satisfaction Guaftnteed Give Me a Trial Paris- Mctleggc Chuterc h sr.' TmiMnR-bmuWP 'PTMD AV. .TTNE 13, 1918 Page [0L:belk#vIi1e Neéws I oneyt If you Icnow of an item of local interest, kmndly telephone No. 1iOn Improved Lake County Farms lirm. George Triggo viiteti relative* at iM. Fred JoehbeIm spent Tuesday lu OFFICIAL COUINCIL PROCEEOINGS 'onLake today. cg. VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE 1Fred fJochbeto, gr, wan tu Chicago L. A. Walker waa a business vtsttor ln Regular meeting of te trusteem of the today on a butinons trip. Bîoomlngton. the pao ee village of Llberty ville. (>ficere present, Mir. asud Mr@. E. K. Denman @pont SoDn- o elnCrat n îwn presldent, J. B. Morse; trustenm, Colline. If yau intend to buy, ta Imprave or ta stock- day wih relaivciirewoathtuiildtnet HanbSnr n Stn up a form and need money, or If you have W.aJ witreiativefaRocele,peurt 8 finale wnWueanrMtr U u- linuteseof meeting beld gay 6, 1918,1 _ W. . Friog. f Rcblle spnt un-day tere rend. lioved by Wrght econded loans faliing due which you mnust refinonce, day wtb:Mr. and idr. W. I. ColliDe. t lire. StelaOueset, of Boston, Matms. by Hart titat minute@ bo approved 1au do flot flau ta secure aur terms on Flrst The iis Jaunette and Lorstta cas a reent visitor ait hie John Cale reat.Aedin. Davis. Eliswortht, M gg amLas liundee @peut Wedneday in Wankegan. borne. Golding, Bart, .Wright. Carrled. otaeFrnL ns Mir. and Mlr@. Wns.GOduid, of Chicago, Ire. E. T. Langworthy tel t Monday: Treamurer report& for April aend liay W lospl otaelast rvso pnt Igunday at the Gouid home on afternoon for an extended vîit In 11118 cere read and relerred back to thte W iospl otaebn aIvao Lake St. Chicago. e treamurer for correction. lira.- Paul R"y and cbidren ioft Wed- li.atlr.Chie Kaiser and The mteet committee reported on nesdal for Lake Geneva ta @pend the Joaeph Wheei motored tu Chicago on mreet signa anti recomniendeti %bat the eiming week. Tuesday.villaege purchame tires alira pomt. ilio'ed lir@. F. B. Miartin anti lire. W. Sceet- lira. C. M. Fuller and daugliter, 1114@, biy Wright ecouded hi Dais tit the ing cars in'Chiemgo'today ta attend a Alice, bavýe returned from a viit citit cierk b. Inetructedt t order tbree No. 10 Red.Croes meeting. relatives ilacs. igu poit ( rne anntactuied ty the SUnion Iron Produet C., oi East Chicago, Miean Matige Froesrick la eoing a The Sundag achool ptcuf t of the M< . m d.. sm to Icago-sioV Igne. A_s week'e vacation from ber duties at thes ciurcb cii oblet 1ianîtnd Lake0go Coline, Davis, Ellswortb, Golding, Hart. telephione excbange. Titureday, Jane 27. Wrght._________________________________ Mir. and lira. FloydEamtoS,of l)ownere lire. A. B. Vook antilira. Monroe are Tite foloclng bille vrere read:Im Grave, are spending the ceek et te leavIng ibis triait for tht-fr seummar home Poe. Moore, work ln park..... $ 2500C ------- - --------- Francia Tripp bomne. at lieriden, Nec Hlampahire. D. S. Ltnîberry, ealary ........ .... 7-5 00 lir@. A. A. Grandy la opendlng the H. B. Eger ailtendet th. rigular June Cbam. F. Brumm, Idewulk ....186 49 week clth itere parents, lir. and lire, meeting ofibe Board o! lcîtervîsora atiH, P. Engleherry, olltngelre,.... 14 81 Nick Kretebner et Ormysiake. Waukegan on lionday and Tueeda.y. Fire Department practice .......... 7 0 ggC O entertalinug ber couain, Mise Mary as a borticulurist. Be i ..nîîytng peââ John boiter, apecial police_... 6 0 Çhard. of Austin. for te puet Week. from hie garden-omelhiniz unusaal ou H. W. Smith, 2 day M putnpîrîg .. 5 00 le the name of mfy 'new catalog. Wnte, lire. S. J. DeIntein, wmhba. been quite aariy lu the ~01son. i A.Kiicita, saan.............. s 00 phone for a copy. Ill for severai ceexs, ia now inprovin The 1l.ocal drait hoardi n iuîurday A.Klb&,slr......... 50 la Ia very satiofactory marnDer. morning wiii senti Artitur (i ivere, of 0. E. Lester, tteet work......... 1, f)50 Mrs Wilia Wels an Mr. wllimlLIbertyvilie, and Mlartin M urphy nif Hersey Mig. Ca ,m.term ........ ..4 25 tLavcock and son 1sf t %his week for an Highland Park, ota tt-~ lparuiso, l . T.x Dune. re ig..n..dr...... . 22 extended niiot with reativea ai Buffalo, Cniverity, lhey ai. »ýgivln - At Kruev n, stre t cutis .... 151H R R W F VSM N L B t nc.stutininamehni' Wm. Laycock, repair englue .... i 45 lira. J. S. Gridley and daugbier, anti Tbe funeraI servicee lfr t"na Bnixen Nortt Siore Nurasi. aitruba. 2(1 einao...........*005 @lsber, lMr@. Editit Rager@, of New York, Widea he, obadied luIr, %aukegau n 05J. B. Botie Co., boots .............6041 oOtr ......... 15 leoft hunday for a viit with relativeil ai Sur+lay, cere iteld ut the tiethodiat oea. Trlgge, mîtreet work...... 99-A5EverybOdy'B .............. 1.50 Billlngs, Montana. chMt nTedyat-îîîn h In loveti by Wrgbhteeconded by Colline IB T O 20 1lMra. P. L. Hougittan isit Funday for T. E. Reant offiiattng iturtai tank that bille ito alioureti and warrants hot ber home et Wauconda, alter having plac eta Lakeelde î.-tîeteny. Anna drawn on tihe tiferont fund@. Aye- Current Opinion........3.00 opentideterai montba cit bar daugitter, Cirielina Brizen waa l)ii rî feur Chcago Lolline, Davis, Elleworth. Hart Giolding,: %view 0! Revîews ... 3.00 lira. George Triggs. on May 27, 1884. W'o> tr very yaung Wright, Carniet. B T O 5 W. E. Deciser and W. C. Tmlggs lof t the ohe@unovet i cti ber paurenrts ta a farn Cammtt.e reportet on te objetionB THF R 5 tiretaIfbe week for Trout Lake, Wîa , on ear Gurnee, Illinote is, -rt. ite o ilvot o the junis ordinance and was nreferreti f a flshing trip. lir. Waldo, of Hightland raot of ber file. Arn. ,î. th. relatives ta, the icens comuittes. Par, o ssitig n he ru @or ita- hosurvive ber are inudtatiti. John Tite following resoiution wera , Pag r, lakass9iatnc te.du soe u-Brixen. nf Libertin il and Mri. anti the citaîrman of lte finance committee. Th o eMlngay o!eY ilb l Mr@. Augut Wirtz, if ritont Cnter. Re o te that the #50 ln te unapprpri. the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~C Jemetn utt ekTrsa TeCiIcao ,rall.lÀ-:amitr uated fund be ptuced loto the public bene- S ~ I)> L 1 aiterntouD, June 20, ai the home 01 M isa Tuesday printed tht- t,î.îîtlng: 'hnftfn. osiiyWigt1cneib Ida Wteeier an Mlwaukee Ave. Idre. bec Flagg, of Li.îertyville. faileti Hart that te resoilitmna te uccspted s,; Independent Office Phone, No. ta hear fron ber son. Howard, Wbo la read . yen-Coltinq, 1Davis, Ettawortb. Frienda of Etcoad Baken, cita la ai cit 'Iteillyso Buck.. in France, abs Golding, Hart, Wright. ------à-- ------ ----- tite Jane Uticllister boepttail it Wauke-ý mailed an inquiry t.iis cammandiug Moveti anti eeeondud (o udjuurn. gan, wiii bo ple*aed to isarn titat beleai.offer. Yeskrda3 ashe eceined a lebler Curnieti. ecovermiir tmtcoieiy Iroun is recent @-t cta oaridlied been counded J. A. Teptowter. Idp dn CasrdA sPaj Akague O accident. tut hati req1utted ttal bis Dame be________ tire. Frank LIgittbody anti son, lire. cithiteldoi t he în eaeualtY lIisefor leur T, l "md~deat luedm IL Edward tln>-den and son and tins. Frank of çausing në,.îl,'s wîtrry ta hie motter. Bknudsapeni Sninday afiernoon He cas abat ini tht- houider and ln the ___________ cit Elwood Boken ut the Jane licAl- knee, the leitr .uatî-d, but wae n ts lisel opital n Wuukegan. 'tst"gain, atnwuiti be uaed lu.tte ____---_____.__.___.___.__.___.___.___. The- dance re-enliy gtnen by Mir. and meetlrsn i tirs. W illiam littîliP s on the Pulte-ean Th W- - au i- ti nobî ey uieoail lurni. for tite benefit, of tseLake Connuy Cha"Pter of tht lied Crs, euited fil 4400bein.g tueti aven ta thut organ- 1ev. Earl C. Morgan aud cife arrived iodai. M. Morgan wus cuiled to tite pastorale about a Ixiotit u&go.Hes clii assume bis nec duttes atu ne, speuklng ai itoth nmornifle udtieveitg services on Ili Vi The second baud concert o! tite aeaofl cas gmt-n by tile local bundi Wednesday i.hico -th. ornr A a1z etreest andi Presbyteriaru. Sunday scitoniluOa. fi. Mrntng wtînaip ai 11 a. m. Enening service ut S8a'ctock. Tite lien Eun C. Miorgan, pastori preaci t atbot ervices. Speciai muslc by the. choir bntit ni Ing and evening. Choir pracilce Fniday evetning. iorfi. Mthodist-kpuacopal. Services nez Sunday clii te teid e follioc: Sunday echool ut 10 o'ciock. i liOrnýuîg preachItng ai il o'clock anda evening preachitng service ut 8 a'clock.c Thons dili ie mpeciui rmusic ut the evenlngi service. M. Bradfordi, citorsier cilii alng a solo In addition tate music b> tse hoir. The public le cardiaiiy Inviteti.ï Tite chair teieaneal iciii hesucit eeki Thursduy evenlng at 8 o'cloek. Ail meunbers are urgedtot attend. ,,Jeaiouay tse Handicap 10 Teant Work' ciii ite the subject of thse Epwortit Leugue leson Dot Snday enening ut 7 o'clocis. S. B. Fliser cli le ad lite m neeting. ý Opportune Arrivai. M a obdter was discupn g blrth daym &M 4appened to Mfention the tact that ho wue bom t flOOf, when4îe ex ciaied: Wasnt fitniée that 1 Came 3nq la Um tir dinnrr RAY N. SMITH milwaukee Ave. A veny pleaslng Pro- gram cas rendered, bing greatiyappne- ciuted t> ail cito i>ard it. A liemorlai service for the fratennal ordersolai Lîertyvilie cas iteid at the ettodiqe iuncit on Sunday rnarning. The 11ev. T. E. isant delvsned a spiendid sermon, bis Nubjeci belng "Brotitenly Loe' lembers oi thte Udt Feiloce, Moderu Woudmsn anD4 M.Yâic WOrkels, together with the Sebeccas and Royal Nelghtors, ailende inb aiody. The lillnais Trainn3g Scbool for Women ciii give a lied Croas dance la titi bamn ai the training farta near Libentyviiie on SaturdaY evening. Dancing ciii b. indulgei in [tom 8:80 untli rnidnigit, sImd aIl are askedtot be on lime. Invita- tiona toatatend mie axtenteti by, Beý superintendeni, Mue. Blanche (lercîn, and the studente, popuiariy knonnBm ,Iarruerettes" The net proceeda clii ite lIeuse. îon thit, Ithrtttilarin. Meubers ifth uts citi u ilir famuillea aretnvntcd tu attend. lui-t requested that eut-t member[I)rtit 1,, dimbes for ber lîîily. Tlioe citî lih- etumeans ofconveyuuce pieuse teiepliî.îe \Niotà Blanche Kimbali the prentous la>. us speial arrange- ments for îtiisilintâtiOu have been maude. . Tht ,-d it icll gota the Bac. titomu farin ai :130 o'cînci, and aupper culi te servvt-dlit 6:30. Wltli the remeun- brance niflftrie-ti"r ainsatiis. iteuses a deligitiru t.l" e uutcl.petisi. Tbe niarriît-' o? Mie@Della Hurt, Jaungeat duughte'r n0.Joseph Hart. ta paul M. Mnlrie, son of Mr. and Mire. George IMorris. ga S alemnized ab ltae bons of thp htînte's fathar on Cook Ave. on Wedne8datFtet .ning at elght o'cluck, the Rev T. E. Ieam officiahing, and the ring cent- itOU>, telng used. The ceddtng munîteuws playbd biy lire. Lyell Morris. The bride cas beautifutiy gowned anti turrieti a abocen bouquet. The bouse wus decoratati antieticaliy cliii roses anti pennIes.tthe pnevaillng colore bsing pi,* und green. Alter tse 1Careauauy a splendid supper cas senveti 1Only neur relaitives of the bride anti tnidegroom wPare 1îreffeui. ire. Morris bas been lu tht- empli» of tite Sheidon > chool untîl rî'cetitly. Mn. liorris le emplayeti ub NVukegan. Atter an ex- tended tour ii -thcutpe tawliretunibore Ita reaide. ginen ta the lRed Cros@. T hme gnudllititît exsrclséa a1te elfgitti A ver> presty. cedlng cas tai 0f grade we-e li-Iél ln the higit echool andi.- lils Maie Schanek ta Gardon "ay, son) toriumtOi Friti! evenlng, citen tceuty- oi Mr. and Nirs. George Ray, of DamontDmine ;1)îisits îe-etved dipiornas, chicit bakt, chi toak place a ttuhe borne 01 cent- pretentîli hY Prof. W. B. Kummer. tbhetnide's parents.,lir, anti lit>, L. H. MissKathîr> 11 t île@aPenedti têeprogran) scaunck. n aitreodas evenlng etat ir' itt a iiti i. weiitas very clenenly thitnti clock, te ceoflD, being per- rendered, aller chlbite Bev T. E. fmmmcd ty te iev. T. E. Reaun. The Bearn gave t lié, nvocation. 'The Callt bride cas attentai bby h iMitenrMids e uBugit ié asrndatby Caroline Butter- Blanche, aus. muid o!fitonor, andi MIs@ fit-id ln a rerý teasing inanner., foltsed ePeariliaymas brite'ernaid, chule Ray it> the- CarTt-,na Waltz gang." sung iîy Bisltol castitent main. Folioclngte lils Myrtl it titie, chas. abIli i§iyasaà ceeemony anil congratnlationa a Clel- vocatiatîs tu-,larmitly kzioc to noet- icioua upper cas served. Tii. bouse comment . , t-ny original and claver cas prttiliy eeoratàd clib plnk and laa protîtit- y, caa given itv Raymond whtite peainlea. Oniy relatives andtln- Hutclnstttt seliset by lilas Carlson. A splenidid uliresa cas telivetet by tirnate fIrentis, nnmiielng about thIiuty Jutige B. H. Niller. FoilOcîng tite md- cere present. lir, anti Mn.. Bay lofBtidrecs. a hukrli ;oer, enttled "Farewell," ebt venîng on a short wottlng tip wcasrecteil hy Donaubî Houer. For te sulitai rtr oLi cvle hln lologng icto sangs cens mung by mutcli rlun a Lbetynli ti, ge lte gradillàeong cam, anti the gong, of the ceek. tli@ppyindeo," cau aungity tite gii. FORD TOURING CAR, $450.0 f. o. b. Detroit. 1 wlub toaunnaunce thait 1umn macable la make deliveny of any modal oi Ford car lID rmua weeklKBo days' tue. Cons ta un> salearoonît, fusperi lite vantons model@aund learo cty the Ford car fa the Unieftdeai Authlorixed Ford Agent L. A. WALKER Phlkna, 21 NN_________________________________ FOR TH1E WARM DAYS 0F JUNE With thîe first warm days, our needs in the way of Summer apparel become very apparent. Aprons Parasols Bathing Caps Motor Voila Canvas Footwear Bathing Suite Children*s Wash Dresses Sun Bounets and many other Iteins that you wiIl want at piricés that mean a saving ta you.. N.W.CARROLL & SONS COMPAK] Phone 29 *z::smu.::US:SZUu~U~ZU ~~-ê~ ------b-b----------- :U Salesman on Premises AT LIBERTYVILLE RACE TRACK RUEL WRECK!NG CO. LIBERTYVILLE, lLLINM Chicago:Office: 7337 Stony Island Ave., Chica go, 111 Phtone: Hyde Park 1726 -i .»e Ik 1 111 ti .

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