Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1918, p. 8

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IVAIIIE e. C. Lorfisr and daughter, Dora, t'aleCai il.;à hicago I.elves Sunda,. 'Mes. ima Fare*ortb h ri hm wIae»d Ir.Omal otlrvinier. rt...r' Miss Emma itedke r.turned home Mis at th. Chamberlin h-ime Saturd., Friday &fter a sleverel weeke tey wlth bd Soaday. Tbey aIl motured ,-EÀj lier brother lu Chcago. walay atternon. %Ir@. Win. Vickery entertalaed ber tir. and lire. (u. Thayer of Antioch, ni"c, MIe@s trla ,Counseli, the. tiret 0f Nhd Mir. and Mirs. Henry Grahbel the weet. Nim.hly. Mleq Bertha Ko.'bker le spendlug a ?bw w.. a eurprlee party at thbe lfew daYe withh Mre. L. B. Wood at abe Wirtîsmz3., home ou Saturday Wbaton. and expects la attend the. -- ------------------ ----------t at IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILION MIAU DAY, ILLINOIS SATUROnAYJUNE.,15,1 ORCHESTRA, 0F IProfessionaI Musicians The BEST Music! The BEST Floor! The BEST Crowd! RlAY BRO0S. OPEN-AIR PAVILION DIAMOND LAKE, ILLINOIS DANCES EVERY SATURDAY NIGIIT AT 830 O'CLOCK IlUcCormick's 4=Piece jazz Band PRAISED BY EVIERYBODY IT PLEAES US TU PLEASE YOU eom mencemernt ezeicim ewhileIbm,.. Mises Noson ciom eur secool wM à piente Seturday. 8h. aad lisr motibsr imoved to their home In Wantegab iWedneeday. lird. Albert Panser entertained friande from North Chicauo, tant wek. %~Walter Stark aud 11h11. son, @pont tihe week-nd¶t Waukeeba.' ire. M. Wirtz le entertainlng relative@ fraur Indiana. Mir. and lirs. C. L. Dolph ýook an auto trlp to Milwaukee, Sonday. Tii Jue meeting of the. Lake couaty Coogregatianal churc'.ewill b. beld holir. Tuesday, June 18 Theis.latii tittieth anîrersary and a gond program la becbg prepared, and Rit l hoped tlie will b. a good atteadance. Mir 4ànd ra. L. E. Rilita were Elgin callers Buaday. FREMONT CENTER Br oMr. and Mre. Andr.w Amann, onJue1ta aine Pound son. Mir@. John Tekampe heid ber toneile emoved at the Jane M cAlîsser hospital, fast Satorday. ,Qîite a number from ber@ a:tended itii. pieculcaet Volo 8unday, given hy the meai bers of St. Pele burch. - Mr@. Fred ayWho underwen t an o peramien for appendicîtîs ah the Jane MeiAlister hospital, about a week ago, le lmpovlag nicely aud will obon b.eable to1 retuma home. Tii. condition of lîttie James Behai, jwbo was kicked B y a hýrse, a wsek sgo, austainiU ga fractored ikulileaeomewhat lwproved but h. laestili unconsciooe. A tralurd nurse Io lu attendance. L DIAMOND LAKE The Ladies' Aid wlil meet wlth lire. Britaw Tbursday aiternoon, Jue 20. Everyoue inviteS. Geo. Thatcher'@ entertaiued relatives tram Chicago on Sonday. lire. Race bas been uder the dotorea rare the. paet few Says. lire. Walter Leruker and cbuîdrea tel r ridee for a two-weeke' viil wlth ber Pparents at Oieacloe, lilas. Mir@. Mary Jehuson aud deughter, o! Wankegan. @pent the. week-end et El. Bertlea. Mines Teesie Brocksom. of Waukegan, è pent Suuday et the Bob Roue. home. Seboal loseS Frldey with a pieute et Raye@ grave. 411 regret that MI@@ Scliauck willluot hewth use gain. An account a! the Schauck-Ray nup- til will be touaS la the. Ubertyville new W. J. Sauer aud famlly called on rel. atives Suuday. Mire. H. Aibreclit w.. a city vîitor one day lest weelr. Mir. aud lire. L. Luber entertelned eombany aven Smithi, o! Graylake, visiteS their mohh. er, Mr@. Id@ Smilth, et the Jo.. Richarde home over Buudav. Emma Molin., Who lias beau on tlie @tck flo1tirhe past four monthe,- ia couva.~ leecing eit ber le§ter'e. li. L. Miather'.. George MeNeil, o! Chicago, epent Bun. I day with the L. Hutchings famlly. lire. Gilman ha. been on the elet llqt MODERN FLOORING Next to air, light and heat, floors have more to do with the ceimfort of the occupants of offices and public buildings than any one featu;e of construction. In other days wood, asphaît, marbie, linoleum, composi- tion and carpets filleci ail requirements, but modern design ýnd con- estruction bring many changes, and today the f Iooring question is a perplexing one. Architecta and engineers recognize the need of material for floors pos- sessing durability, color and design, together with an appreciated text- ure with reistance to fire and dampness. These qualities, at mclderate cost, are ail obtainable in QUARTZTILE, which is espedially adapted for public buildings, hotels, clubs, libraries, churches, hallâ, restaurants1 etc., and, as it is harmonîous in tone and color, it will also be found very satisfactory for many roome in private residences. QUARTZTILE Will Last for a Lifetime DeSIMET QUARTZ hULE' COMPANY AREA. ILLINOIS Ioa ahbome.fO lb. prtesst. L. Huglabe and famlly acenmpsaied Mmr. Huîtcblnu'. smster. Miges elier, of DmsatelWhoie ietoua the. train for ber ho... 4t Manhattan, Kan. P. Wellus Md famlly motored to, Wau- kegan tome b ig sieter. m re. A. Foots,' Who ha. heen Ili the. peet year. A llght lmirovment la reporteS. ir.-sMd Mmr. George Long, of Chicego, spent Saturday atteroon and Sunday ah L Mathees. Busines meeting aud electr'm of of. fi-rerof the. Y. P. A. et tiie home of Chenu lia.e Frlday ight. L Sunday echool 1o a. m ; preachinu at 11; Y. P. A. 7.30; saniz service from 8 to 8:80; preaching et 8:80. Cbldnga'e Dracîice 2:30 Satunday anS ah 4 p ai. londay. Ail who taire part are urgd ho corne. GRAYSILAKE 815 Kenyon, from Jefferson Barreeks $Pont a fpw days lier. witb riende tlii week.1 Mr. and Mmr. Wm. Green and famlly, o! Wantegan. cor. goets et the Mark gbligen borne over Sunday. GMr8a ae ndyulLof l.,le »Pencfiag Sbe, weet withi ler p .rente, Mn. and Mmr. Kretnhmer. Miss Soule le vlieting ln -for a few day., et Ire. Loulese Palmr'.. A lsd Srpe heaefil home tlent show cili b. .given lier. lu the near future. Tiie show le eêaged uder the director. ship o119. R, Godfrey which irchbexcelient lalsat asmuree un of eamething extra- Watch for date! Mise Ruby Sherman 'peut e few day. with lier cousins et wiluiot, lvio., thbe week. Mme. JAmes Hersecirerger andsoeau Threi, -were Chicago cellere Satomday. Chaa. G. Rled le now i-uplçtye& by lb.e goveroment anS le lozated et IV..hlng- tan, D. C. C. 0. Longabeugh se1'et Sunday wltir hie mother lier.. Mir. and Mme. Lou lVhltney were GraYslake callere Tueday. Gea. Drtice w.. horetram Camp Grant aven 8unday. WAUCONDA idre. Coou là @peuding the week wlth relatives ai MltouJunetion, Wl.. Clyde and Vctor Carr, who hane beenc la the service for seme Mime, are epend- ing the week at the home of their par-d ente here, M )ise Helen Murphy, of Chicago, spent Satorday and Snnday here et hum home.C ààhés Nttie ilrray and cousine, John Murray and i«i Marie Linton and brother, @pont the week end with rela-à tives. here. Pauil Haas, wbo le âdrving lu the. U S. uavy, wae home last week, onuan eight..E day turlough. Dr. and Mire. Conn enterta'ned rela- tives trom Mluton Jonction the. latter part ot the week. lir. and lire. W. J. ftuer spent Sun- day with relatives at Prairie View. c Commencement ezerclees of the. Wau. couda înwiiship bigh secool were h.ld Moaday eveaing. Jonc 0b, lunlthe gymnasium of the high @chool. Tii. pro- gram w.. as folluwe: CIa.. march-ire. PR. Roofman. Invocation-Rev. C. N. Curtis. "The 8 wallow"-Girria' chorus. e Saltatory-Ruby Peterson. Masic-t>rcheetra. Valdicory-M arion Darreil. Vocal ei.lo-gles Mosher. Ci a@ addres-Dr. P. 0. Mode, protes. cor of hletory at Chicago University. "Land ot Mine"- Boy@' chorus. Presetation of chaos for dilomas- Prof. J. E. Lung, blgh sehool principal. Presetation of dlplomase-H. E. Prîce, presldeas, board o! edoration. Mduie-Oresttra. Beeditou-Rev. C. N. Curtifi. c The.floet of graduates followe: Marlou Banniette Darreli, Edua Sarah Werden, katqby Uaomr Peterson, Yvonne Regina HBa". HAZZDZZZJ A patriotto - flg day service -wÏill b. observeS ette.Congregahlonal church neit Sunday oeing si eigbt o'cluck. ush addresé ciili e gîven by Prof. John C. Weigel,oa!the. University 0f Chicago. Ble wllJ sprat au"Tii. Confessions of a Converted Pro-Germuan'" Prof. W.-igel la au Anserican citizen 0f Germnan deseant. For the. peet tea yeams eha bheem a leacher offlierman Ian. nuage et the. University ut Chicago, and has tmaveled extenslvely. Wbeii lthe war brote out b. w.. ou a vil to(*emmanx asdunderetande the cause c0f the.war as few Amricene do, In hie he daws the compaerison between the. fiermari and the. American form o! goverausent euS descnubes bmw tii. Ger- mau peuple, againet their wielies, were forceS Into aý rat world war lhv thre Prussen wer lorde whose purpose la ta daminate thce erth. Prof. Weige will aIea do'crlbe the @ete slaSing op ho America'. participatcmn la tii. struggle for world ireedoin. Do dot feu ho0 heur thie thrilling prtriotlc aispeal by e Io ai *merican. Everybody le lnvited. RAY N.. SMITH Mr. sud Ui. Sslp, of Chicago. vlssltsd hheir daugbter, lMr@. Wm. Elchmen, Jr.. oser the. week-end. School cloeed on Jone 8 The. achool eidren and parons ejoyed a picole at Dlamond Lake. Cars were provided for to toîte ail who wlshed to go. 19 The. P. T. A. held is rgular meeting ut tii.echool bouse Frlday evsnlng. 1 Um Katherine Breaier, of Chicago, was a gnue at the home ci John Hlma over linda,. T. William@ was la town Sanday. Qut. a few persona from ber. attefided the movie at Catiowce hall, Toenday, whlch wae «Ivan for the henefit of the Eastern Star aad Red Cross. Crystal and Eluio Simone have r.- torasd, home from Joliet. where hlieyffle- lied relatives for a few weoe. Wedunsday .veûng of lest week the junior clase of- Barringtou blgli echool gave a banquet for the senior cam. ab the. Diie Ian. A chickea dinner wae served 1I Word buas ben received from Snpt. T. A. Simipson that tii. ton eighth. grader. of lbe Late Zurich âchool ail paséed. A Joint commencement for -ail the, rdral and Yvile eholwtIhleld Saturday, Joune 15, on the. -Býldon echool gronnds at Area. Ltter. have been roceivsd from E. Beckwith, stating th'at he êrrlved et Camp Gordon, (Oa. tire. F. Kropp w.. recently laken to the hospital again. Sorne of the. echool eidren have r.- ceived carde from t). L licTeggart, eaylng %baet be la eti lu a hospitailnl Washington, 1). C. ir. and lr.John E. Meyer and daughtere, of (?ieago, were the gueâte of Dr. and lire. Hall Sunday. MisGertrude Duffy, Miss Clare Abreudo and Etmer Chuldelu, of ('hh-ago, wer,- thej week-end gueste et the. home of Fred Horeuberger. Ray Haakias of Wili400teo, la vialtlug Fred Biederotadt. Mies 1rene, Macâdie. of Chicago, wae the week-end guest of Mli. Frank Peter. Mies Elîrleda Knaek iS home for b. Bumumer vacation from écerl uaItbh University o! Illinoie. Tii. service fleg aifltre Ireshyterien churrb wa e Selaier Suoay. The coabains ilbeen stars. Rev. Kelly Selivered the addrse. Mr. asdMme. S. P. Hutchingm are vlelting IMm .auS Mme. Rey iun)ckeilint Chicago. Mm. and Mli. lVatbur ut Waukrgau. ceme the week-end goets ai mr.. anS Mm.. ES Sellg. MisesMilImeS Turple- of!Laugwîîrîd, euS Mies Elizabeth Ligare. ut Rimer Fo est, .Mthe week-ê uS gueteof Miss Eleanon Eeyer. Mr. anSdlins. Piip liclaha andseon, William, of Cicago, are vliing irMm- anS lire. Rey Reedo.1, Wm. Scbuie of Chicago, was the guest ot George étangsr, Suoday. Deibent lieyer letI Suaday for Leing. ton, Kentucky, where h.ov-i work for iris oncle, S A. Hale o! tii. Higb Gavlty Ohl tonwany. Mis Lie Glyncli le vleltlog ber oncle, R. C. Kent o! Wauconda. Mr. anSdlire.. Emiu FroSrlcke anS chidren, o! Arlington Helgbts, visiteS C. W. Pettis 0,cr tire week-end. Clifford Bnffmaëter le vieltlng ln Iftewardson,Ililinols. Tii. graduation exercises of tie gram- mer oecool ceme briS FrlSey evenlng. Tiiose wbo graduated wer: Agnes Petersan, valeditorian; Lillian Antes, salutalorian; Irone Blenke, Graeme Suppie, fielen Edeurend, Laurel Stryker. Véra Pleg.geand WilllarSGolding. Delbert Mhyer anS Mis Margaret, Krese, cho c..s alotaiorlen of hem cians gradueted. irom tier1). S. a. 8. Wedueeday evening. Mis Eleenor Meyer@ cas the goetsai Mises Marlou Purcelcof Chcago, Tueeday anS Wedneeday. Mme. ES Tiermien ai Higiriand Part, v-as the geset of Mme. Frank Pelerson, taet week. SALABLE MATERIAL Itl lesurprlelug iroc mudir salehle materlal people havr" fiat tirey gould gel riS of by e 11111e uccepaper-Por Sale AS. Aiao lioc many peuple cia would libre 10 get second i-sud mater- li chiîap, feu ta gel It beceuse lhry don' tirmnittoacdevrtiae for It. Most People have ln thirirstoreroomes js- cardeS iurnture of on. kinS or an- other, or frequently thiuge 111cr aId a-agoni, and tarm tools. Tirre la lois of good dermIl thie, malerlel, but Il iras - bren set slde because peapte ere chie tb boy new triage. But somnnlody could 111cr 10 gel it for a moderatr price. Dy a 11111e aSter- llsing a greal Seal af tie lla Imater- tl could ire utillzed. If you cantl tr buy second baud stove or chairs or aRnY iirtlileof bausebold o t arm use Itle Iusually easy ta getltIlby e 11111e newaPpeer notice, costlug uamcticaliy nothlng lu comparison citir tire av- lng * tbet cen lie made. Il le c poor ule tlial Sen't c-omi bath esys. If yowattl la erlcOulA second hand], maîeral, advertise. If yeu cent ta boy somne. advertise. lu eltlrrnstnceyou wdli finS liat ad" vrrlIilag paye. FIR8T IN- LAKE COUNTY-The indepmedent. DISINIIERITS IN CASE MIAI WAS PERFORMED Samuel Schwartz WiiI Not Be- lieve Son Abe Mamreçi Myr- die Zediker onMay 31« NO SON 0F MINE, HE SAYS RECORD- FOR PERB FECT AlTENDANCE Miss Ruth Reynolds Attends Sohool for 15 Years; Neyer Absent or Tardy SHE GRADUATES THIS WEEK That Is What Father Says as Mrs. Leo Farmer of Waukegan He Talks of Marriage of HeId Reôord Formerly- Per- the Jews to Gentiles foot Aftendance 13 4rs. Samuel Schwartz, wealthy Weuke. Waukegan, jirne ii. gan resîdent, refuses to helieve tirat To MiasIRuth R eyuulds, daugiter bis son, Abe, cas married on May of Mr. and Mme. C. L). iieynoldgs of 318t. lnallentown,. Pa., ta Miss Myl' North S~t. Jame.e etreet, go. the. tic Zedlker et~ North Çounty pt., honor. of havîag baS a perfect arten- Waukegaa, In accordarice with lie dance durlng trie 15 y'caru abe ban detalla prlnted lu lest revninge s un attended school, thiercby estalllehng and furulahed ta the. Suri by tir a rira world record . -o, once dur. youns cvoman herseif l ng the Il yeaM ke wa lnutire In case ho fIn.]. tint bis lnvcistiga- grade scirool or tire four years ah. lion proves tie ceremony actuahly lias bt-eu iri hlgh aclrool bas Miss Ibey- was. performed iby IPabgTemnish, nolds bren absent or tardy. Tis wliom the Young Waukegan woman record ib rî'garded as the moat com. declared pv-nos-med tiec eeriiL* '-ff' merrdàebie rer r-uade by auy tstudent Schwartz lusiets tiat his son willI h.o here. dlainhrited, tiat bc wclii torget hlm Mils. Reyriolds lài a member of thre se tlîough lie neyer lived. Tii. fath. senior cles ortire Waukegan town- er la sa pronouaced la hie opposition ship hlgir scliuoland willi graduai. ta the niarriage hhat lie laS no hesi- on Tirursday evenlng af tinis week. tency loSey lu Seclamlng that bce was Maîîy Lhmes during tire 17 years lnventigatl-îg tie malter and ail tirat lucre wL-me tim(a slrî-n Misa Rey. rmained ta bbe det.ermined waa nulitz, would liasetuund iILiume con- whrther the. ccremony actually took veulent or mre riPIleasarît to romain place. &t 4hessiie but ini 51e (i etoiy lu speailg outhle matier lie seufl. wt.Irtiîer s;,e bas utteiîdcd bechool ..In came tiry were marrieS it cli l(al]Y. lrrtî-nt uPon rnairtalng a ec- ire a sîimfactlon -la ,*erthe Rabbilor-d outlrfect att,-îiîjnce. who îvrtormred tih- cerpmouy and "I regard tiie record a4 îîrrfectly tel! hiOn shL4- i thInk ahout hlm. if rnarveluu., W. C. Knuelk, principal kt le truc. ury mouwill b.- forgaîren uofrio- Irigir eliiol ,,iserted today. by rme a.,d nmv tumlly as tirougi iro M issle>:îlds r.- eztile.] tu.mudir neve cmwerc' a part of um.' cri-dIît 1 slil ah îki I,fcriil mention Ther. aifor _Mm. . ehavarîz pasl- of 1h- r,-. rz.sur- ra.s riade.- ten i trait in thr. matter ls b-ecau, a ut hi- dr-lia, r a l.rri-well ralk ta thei graS- -Srm coni. us etair tha t Jew a h outl n o ruatt ig cia e 1 iurmdry n iglit. 1IT- marry Çentiles aînd that Catirles grtt net w,- havi- iro uedal ta award, shaîîlr] ir airarr . ,'rot r,-tan s. [ r tIt auyarîre' %r was c-utt d tu It "I have brough tus chirllrr--i ui p (îa i i tin1l ..' r.-cognrlz-. and adIat-a tri the retîgausll Ecîpes Former Record. liellefs. tuglit aur e.;!'ý, t1h.-. Tir.-record usttblzirpd hy Miss never oa>iopsei ht I r 'ira.;,iitg crîan-l- cl] r-i e har-. arr] -atfab wlth Young woinien, going tto hpal-ýru. hIlied Iii1912 by Nfim Ethel ice, ete, w siiaare ci r-rt as Gent iles, btai r '5 NIr.I.. .-o Farrn- rr. Sheire h e, et the mare timo 1 have barri very i iughuirrof (nýL-ta ndtii. Mrs. C pronounced lunuiy urging tii-mtate i, E Iliks. Mrm. Faroier attendeS aume anrd marrv fliair own peopIe ,(-Ij(,olIl. >r-arH, i stibiling a record w-len liey raoeta Ili .~tim i hry Ior li'tý. atterîdîn, i. Magazine wer., luoklug for a a-ic.I iîmdt> a ,a hlt>îa-ee. "Atter i have ýpent thme, moto-y tut z j, .i- a U5rih', r- i tri A yrunîc sud enrgy In raislng my famlty net- p'1<iiir. ardine rat Washington, D. uratty I tait a erv niîch.Ikatauishud to -s.rote t., Mis,- ick a inlg ire reecîse a report aoftria rinS tint my aimathurt attr-ntr'd '-rh-aI 11. gars son lias licen marrneS ta a Waukr.gan a thhut 1,,r-tg airent or tamdy, but youig a-amen v-ho 19 nat of ou.saiS ha w.r>uId D(mit vn la) craimt ta falli. MWhy only recieutly my ion sharing worid honure with lier ire cireS me that he needei morne maire! cause hetictiouglt it wa-, rier for a euS 1 wir(id h:r:i lberal annotent lav hoy ta estatîli-lisucir a record tian telegraeh. 1I ddut even watt t mil it wa.î for a girl. Irta to lm. and ta tiîink that lie could Iri i ,ýardéd asq most gratltying do sus tirineLlk-ý 1h, wllbaut aayiugr that axtothî-r Waliklegan young woar a woril t>.c, 'e arut Ite smore lier an stio-il .]îtarlls!i un i-tan better 1 eau îînderstand." rmccamd Mcr. S-h a it! al Ie knew notz- Mrs.Fermer le out of the city at lng uc-liliut eabrout lhe malter unlt he râime but Itit known that If sire h. returned home Ntoaîiav eveuun, earmhse var-wfwypctiocmafvypwy anS pleked Up the Sun sud eaw 0l- ware heme shte wauld lie glaSi ta detailid account of the wi-ddtng congratulate 'rIte. Reynolds upan r- tic.He fald Il avercame htmn ta lableIting a rrew corS record. COeur an cati-nI tint lie a ii tardty ablla ta comp Sowntc n yathlsmoi-ft~ lug but h-r n lucorne hpc.îîîs of 'i'r- AIJOMATICPO E ne,. maltera.- nyfL It waa lhe bride, hp'rself a-ha gave SAT N N out statrmeuta and dî-ttîils aetîn thIe S ATONN W R marriage Iluthie asiagague lu Allai- town, Pa., on ti rait. Sieretmtirmued Al home Seturdav tagt Rie sav,. Sergt. IN TL I L F Schia-itz 'rvlr'Il her ta came ta hlm N A J"4BL I and that on lier arrivailiey de-cide t to gel married rîglit tiren and tirer,- Thousand KiIowtt Station I because lie ireSrecelvs-e rled or-apeS Ser; sud 515 ualhnow cire. li _ BeilIg PUt Up by the North migit lie sent. Tir ceemany accord- Soena .W lngiy taot place. Tii. Zedlers have Shrener . . eot attendeS tire Cougregallanal churcli Waukegan, for moune yrare. Mm. anS NO FORCE NECESSARY Mme. Zediker iavlug fommerly liera In charge of the choir. iTo Run Without Anyhody Ore, sérnt to Direct OPeratio'n of- LIEUT. CHiAS. DEWEY Machines Es lian, peuple have W 'Ildered chat MOFFElI AID, GOE tir ue'w buIldinz ls that "l e ilng TO SE TIIU SDAY tld mat souti ai tir Leke Bluff North Western depirt. luquhry shows TO SEATHURS ÀY th tris ha ta b.' an sotomnattc sub- _________station for tir North Shore rlectrlc. nI-1;kç-s tit olirrîliof thebinS tira Lake Forest Man Left Chicago tht. cmaoçny v-tii have lu apemation Tuesda Mornng forthe tilt route bte-en Chicago Tuesay ornng or he nd ila-aukee. One la nov- locatrd EasternSeaboard At eBach stations, oaurtih rof eno- - aa d nthrfour mlsnrho Ueut. (Sm. grade) (Charle-s S. Die, Racine. FI, persaîrtîl aIS ta Commandant W. Th'Ie station st Leke mila I so A. ifoffett, of (Great Lekes. loft Leke close ta tir North W'estern Sepot F1orest yenerday for the eal ses- liat people gemeaiis- have thouglit board, chame p. ircli ticome altaci tint ut was lie North Western cliich rd ta tie Alantic fleel. Lieut. Dewey cas building a nec structure et liai cull become an aflicer an aorneiolieýpoint. Flowever il derme tiat lie laget af American carehips. electrlo maitroad atelsied ln nome For lhe Paet tirer Yeare Lieut. tîme ago anrd purdiased tbis lanS an Dewey bas bren Idrutifirdeulwh th,. which tiey arr uow erectIng this eork et (Great Lakea .havtnr serveSbuitlding. Tir sois-station ciii bave as aire ut the ss8istants offlihecom- e capacity ai a thousand kilowatts, mandant. 1119 adaptuesa ta the or 33,000Y-volt machine. work, anS hie keen Insighti uf the- Tir lnlerestlttg part aliotut thie nerds af an eetalisimeutthe uî.. pialon In liatItilwIll carbr auto. sire ot the train iug camp, made him mattcally. A. suir-stallon la oseS ta a. valmiebie asset la tire station, sud Increaee tire torrent as Il descend!, aBfiera cimtral atIt wlll tuke "saur along tir lune train tir main station. - mnan" ta 1111 tire palitoa wchi lie CrurriatOrm, - et c., have beru main- vacatra. Lieut. oGoadman remains at taureS et a suli-sîtlton, ln . otier Irat Takea, but It le expected tiraI corde, give tir coment a, bast as he wii leave thie station irciome feul. it gae alaug- the Une. lu lie case Bath (oodmai' anS Decey ccv. ai thit autamatli station, no men are promoîrd tromn lieuteirantg, Junior malulaineS et the station. AIl tiat le grade, la lieutenante, senior grade, nrce.sary la to have tire automtatît v-lii tire past six creks. machunes wbihlcb demI temseeve anS Lieut. flerey's home lain lu aie but themrîeves off as the occasion Forest. He acue a brautIful home requîmes. ons tic anet aide of Green Bey road, ju'st south aftie Northr Chicago bflon- LakehiForest ln la bave Its ocu col- Strry mb to aie Iluff. Me con terne lege of musiec itir the oppenhng ufthtei lest winter wdieulb. Sefrd- tire rie- fiteltrnm atLakte Forest University mente and esossed aven fielS, ot trie vea,. Tire grncth ofthtie Echool frosen snow rtrm rishome to tire oaiMusicet lFerry bail, ha. bren go trjIrnhnx station, on1 snoe ehoes. gratifying tiret lie board of trustees ________________- decided ta touaS aserparate scirol, ,jncorporated Tliursday et Spring- tcnowu as "Tire T.akj'orest Univer- fief, ilot for proflt:Publiclbrery of eity Scirool of Music.'e Tii. echool tire Cty of North Chicago ,Lakr cIII- b. onder tire principalshir' of county; Incasporatore, Clea Tboap- Mies Marta Milnaceki and wcli ie son. Lucle' M. De Yoe anS Fred W. hogerd In Nontir hall on tire univen- OCok. elly campus. YOL. Superv Hosp 91 EGER î ZO Superv Is Si Tire 1 lemnoon cally op Inivuise vermes hospita 1 law il lHowe- lu ai) .5d a rme la1i con lu Wau able lit, case i9 wherëlrt la toril pailentsl Dr. itr -ner i nooa. seaker plaining nec le ier au tinSe a hie d Ut action catche> S10 fi'.]h tireni il have in Irestair prou 15e It ila Biro wn irai ail county, li ee vIa hllm th lihe bri -pitai o iiht for ca âaytef lay tl ,- lu Wa ukk MIL paigu statenr contai Tuesd gan (1 '-Il of c and p Biank gueser camaps It cas den, I dru ib pointe tiat a servit c grei le a v la tih He e litic'al ,y ho tire 1 Boue 1 son. 1 -

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