Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Jun 1918, p. 9

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LIB-E.RTY VILLE :INDE£PE-NDENT. LAME C»UNTY INDEPENDENT Lake CouaYs Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN YOL. XXVI.-NO. 24 PART T"0 LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENTJMR 13, 1918 ts TOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Td To AI- ýiF. lu tmii I Supervisors Vote to Authorize Hospital Committee to En- gage Special House EGER SUGGESTS "WOMEN ZOPIE ABOUT NAV. STA." Supervisors ToId New Law Is So Drastic that County Must Protect Self Waukegau, June Il The board of aupervisors tis ! ternoola weui ou record as enîphaf I câlly oposed eu aîîy plant wblci wulI Invol e lire tatineni of vîctits f i v enerea1 d, eases ai the Lakte coilmuli irospîbai lri accordance allh lire neA law whildb lanow lu effectif lu l io- liowoî-n I, h lboard dld not deI.rt- bu ai) wa>-i)ti sbthle.'effoirts' o! lbhe goverîlineni abtani.,îout thea,' dIacase'. and bush-ad of lettbîg th.,- muaiter drop enirelY. tîîe board pa'.ý ad a esolutiton authoritlug lbh' hoafîl tl committ"in i conjonction witli 1,oormaier Brstow Io rent a boitai bu Wauiegan aud ernploy soda huit- -abIle help a'. ray he neressary ln -case emtergeuey siuations arise wberpîn llîe authorities are forc.'d to toril o ver t the cnunty for cane- itaflentsi;of t hiI'. earacler. 'the action of the foard camte afl.'n Dr. lBrowuy'di.cussed tire uew lai (0 the ool rd follow.ýng thein aunual din- H er aî the ounty hoaptal ibis afier- noon, Dr. Brown was o.' of the speak-rs and ireaspet fils impele. plabiug tire lnsidc worklnga of ihis uew law which îrovbdes liaI, when- ier any doctor lu tîhe coîltîfy or stal1e lindsa acase 0f venereai disea~.e Jili bis d uty tes report tire maler Io il."' police 'aud the police aecordlngly ake action to ses' that every case la watcbed wtb ulmosi cars aud whei people are foilfd who are 110 wilfltîg 0i' IflIo ' ropen treaImen, lieu t dev'ol'.e. upon lb.' police 10 plac? Ot luîiti arre'.t aud In case wiere th".' have no means o! purauiîîg medicaf Ireaimeul then lie couty iras 10 provîde a place for thein. Illas because of tire preseuce of Great LAites station aud lie Influx Of '.0 many '.range womeu ihat lDn. Browu aned lire board Ihat a cr11. Icai situation prebelutsbitseif bo Lakte couuîy. He told how Dr. Taylof of 1lie'>itate board of bealti urged opon illm tha4 bu no case alîouîîd lie îeruîlt lie brînging Io the Laite county boa -pitai of any of tires.' persons who mbticht be Iurned over btirte coîiy for cane, If was wher Chaînmuuîî M.aelh.'r sugeste;d Ibat tire proper way 10 preverit tireir heing foreed lu- 10Io theLaite couty ospial woulîl h.- lu 'rovlde a place for ihen itn Waukegan trai the motion carricîl <Contlunued on Page TWO.) MILLER REPLIES TO TRIBUNE AT- TACK 0f TUESDAY MN r.elinamn Niller, irons ncan laigu manager, made th.' followinf saaemeul Tueaday mornbng: "flis quite evîdeut from stateqient contaiued luIbitheChicago Trbbune Tuesday Tornbug, the persoual or- gan ofoneee oflie candidate». tirat somebody la getbug very nervous. "Itlsla ru.' iaI 1 an tire appoInte.' of Cov. Lowden on tbe court of clabuas. 1 ra lsa an attoruey ai law sud presideut of the Fîrat National Bank i ILiberlyvîlle. Wben Con- quesaan Feas as.ed me te he is cataPaigu manager, I dld ualt tibu l waa uaceasary ta consul? Gov. 1.0*- den, because I1itnow tiraI loy. 1ow. den la toc big a man ta aeei tat own the 'body' mnd sud sou] of is ap- pointees. He docs nol play Polticn lirat way., He devoleL bis ime ta the' service of tie people sud bas made a gveat patnlobbc administration wbicb le i a valsable asset ta the Republicana ilb.'he olitical campaigu Ii s fait. He a not aeekitag le builld up a po- libîcal machine, but attending strict- ly ta tire dattesof the office te whlclm lihe peule elecled him. Tbezs are oue.Who mbgbl well profit ibi& exampie.", Lake, Co. Birdman Hurt Fighting ,teBoches LaRose of-ZVon City, n", lns hoapitailnb.'England ,after ha- lng &hot through thighe ln air figit. 'i CO. CQIMENCEENT PR06RIMUNE 15;. 200 TO EiRADUATEý Paturday mernbng the Centenulal paseasi 'sill be givea by tire rounI! sciroolm ai tir. Sheldon scirool groninds ai Area. This 1s an ideal place for sud, aiteve-nt and bhe prohi)lle'. are tbai with a 'pleasant daýy tlieau- tendance 'wîlh.' very large. Tii,' diffeent parts cflthe paégeant are to b.' tak.n l'y tbe pupils of several dîf- fererît chools lJ& lhe county, the'.e Achools bave given cousiderable timte ru their preparations and arce vlelng wtb cacir other io niaipt.lii. I U.. ,rI nr. IhI. tC tft ý"i]l, liegin ai 10O-oclock. In order ta cari, for the e rowd flu é the morning Mir. Simnon' f the lec- tric railroad. -ha , *romf'.ed ta have* ail extra car leavlng Lakte Bluff ai 4: 17 and ailother ai 1):17, if r.,eses'arY. Tnere %hII Îl an eatra car ln tihe afi.'rnoon aiIhle close of file exirrei In l'he afî.'rnoon the <otinty con- n',.nîfor ihue Pglîih grade grad- iîiaswlll lie lu-Id. The addYets' b; the ri-as., wilI lie.'gien by tSar. S u lt. F. C, Blair. ihis. Is rallier an un usual 4 honor îouh.' corferred tupon aî.p .'îghtb grade rhia'.' and pracfleall> aill ie parent.0f the graduai.". and ilose MISS MARY OU.IS SEDGWICK lnti-eiitFd b ýthp publIi cîool'. wilI attend Ins.oler as. possible. The following f'; the pfrograni of ihe Miusi.. Allendale boys' band. À E O Y U f Song, 'Amriîa." 't'ore Thou Af Iudvocation. ei g WOMAN TO LEAVE Clse(Iclamiaf.on. Bernard NMartinFOWÀ audienceO. ÀRSERVICE Addre's., lion, F. G, Blair. sfafe_____ suiperintendenî,,f îpublic Instructiîonî Miss N' v L.ouie edgv .of <,îîî,-nnial hymn. Highland Park, daught -i i FP Hll lflinois Sedgwick. secretary and iiier of Pupils froin the Soîlh ,hool. North the Chicago Hardware aoiiive 'bicago. dlrec.ýd l'y Mis Eh' Smithî North CIhicago, leaves u îa" îlv Vale-dicuorY, Blnch Estellé Stllul- Jue 17,, for the ecaul, wher, ~lie will er. have on.' week of Inten'..' tra.ining Croup or sangs, audience, et Princeton. and tW~n %wull ýail for Presentatfon of rilpoma', France wlîere she will do '. M. C. A. JOSEP LaOSE NMusic, Alldale boys' band ('tintefri woiîi. Miss Sî4 kboears JOSEPHLaROSEThose who will recelve diplonia'1.,ithe distiînct ion of fîeing Il, Ilit womn- are an apl)ointiifI fornthe Chicago dis- fnefi for thi'. work. North Chicago. MssSidg%'.i,-k lu..' .'îîgaf enfer- laiinenîs; for both uafor'. nd sol- U IU DIL M S Belle Johnson, Vrgalu'. C. Neahan'.. and i. well konlpe h a nRH.Sal Scrool-LoiD. Cok, Br-c Iraf a te gN'nanfatiFonasl FOR EIliTII EiRADE nrd M SPkprf-%IyAun aeCok er service school ai heLke1wnv ,Thi-odore C.'nw-nRobert E. Brelan, I nScapm engto 1i l hospital GRADUATES IN CO* nn AgutaNeso, :try " unt for oversea.' work. aîs nurses.' alid. Dîplomas which will la.'gîven oufl Southr Schoo-Ntargaret E. Sheri- Hen father, E. P) 5îdg-wick, alito .' ibis year f0aithe 2" , ighth gradeldan. Margiret A. Mllroy. Dafa Eliza- closely affllaf.-d w î.îî alouis brandi- school graduâtes lu t1he' countîn.'1 betli Woyce. %label E. Kapheim. Har-e 'o ar cork. If.l, , ake ennuni '.choola of Laké e monty wîifllie unique ry N. Smith, Thomas. Earl 1'gn.cîmn of the Tlunfu Stamp drive ta th.'e xienft taI cat'itof thî'm wil f Theodore J. Bttner. E aud âaJôlq 1.proiniiwnt in tuhe Y. Mý <outln a pictbrè o! the f."aufifull North chooI--4ufner E. Herg. C. A. war wor'.. lui.., entannial Reag ln blle and ! Helen Drust, (.-orge Wolf. white. The princing on the. dirloma Lake Bluff SchooI.-NIargaref( Loui.e la ln ba'.-thus the' blue and white 'llggett, Edna Jense'n. Alan flag makes a plea'.îng confrast. Palmer, Alverda D Fleiming. Miry_________________ The crédit for this unique feature Margaret Church, Ida Elizabeth Po'- go.". t T. A. Simpson, county slip- lerson, Kenneti Hayes Emerson, erinteFndeut of achools of Lakte count. Gladys Mlay Ënoch. Nettile %Iary Law- ty. The design sud arrangemepnt i'.j rende. 1 original with Mr. Smps.on and Il i. Gurnee Scirool-Eugene S. Barna sald that Lake counit), Is ihe only sabale. Esther Leone Fenlon. Mary t h.' arrangement. MiII., Mîrtha i ~adelyn VanL.andîîyt lu the certIfIcat.".fer perf'f t-tAnunie Etrphemia McGlarva. Madelvu tenîdance another unique' feature ha'.s *Tomse.Grrd rn c I E H N C feen adopi.'d hy Mr. Simnpson. E.iclîCintre, Wiufred George Howard. P E H N C of thre 'ertildcates bears a pclure o! Wauconda School-Clarence Fred. th.' new Gages akea.'school, on,' nti'Meyer, 1-atile 1. Powers. 0'.I the ansia modern oneroom .uchool Broughton, Doris 43,fikyrme. Robert ANE busesln Lke conty.R. Blacihuru, Kirk A. Werden, Made- hu.. uLat einl.lieue iang, Edna -M. one.. i WNE , aclî yiar Nfr. Sinîpan plan'. f0 Lake Zurich - Margaret Young_______ mnaI.' the' diplônmas and ertfilcafe.. Adela Emlly Norton, Leroy('.. Hel- unliue in1 some respect- Nexf year fer. Hazel 1, Kohrl. Ama Haurt, 'Mark 1he -plan,;.ta 0 have the picture of J.'Sciraleukamer, George Car]to crne 0flier '.chool Placed on thé.'cen adî Il ini au inOtt licales. He haa Dot yef decleied Finit' aMnne ua , EmlC am rb .ss l i what dev'ice wll h.' placed on tile York eouse-lJoho Hu' Iilgea diplomaa. ~Grant Lake-vigina.CKepner. iln IY lf * i Emilie Josepbiue Forlaricit Raymond qv au. w auy .uwuww TESTIFIES MRS. SEARS IS Pregenzer.l, Sand Lake School-Hermau VWolffm. a A RESIDENT 0F LAKE CO. Druce L.ak.e crooI-"Norman E a e e l n $ d I Cristeusen. Ina %lary Hlbbard. -Clrls i,.Cutdgattrny or Avon Conter Sciool-tierI ha C. flc-o. AN Mr'. nnaT. Sersin Oak Park'. o Na1el Sheldon. . * .G s s s 141aine <.(lnr , atorn o l.alfrPier ell a îau litiatin ottr l,7i~?O0 ersonaI Cribir Schol-Certriide Mabel Wln- properly laxeq againtit lie Sean es.- ustOg t 8.s e tale. lesfifieS Tuesday ln Chicago. Oakland SchocI - ames llreddle g n ca s e 1Mrs. Sear"a hoine was bln ake coon .Sheeban. ty. Hubbard Scioolydia L Pobluîn. Porter Schoo-13lanche Hlusaa BEEF RATIONS AGAIN, TILL SEPT Schultz Schoo-L.ambert Keller Washington,D. C, lune 13.-To Benjamin Nlkoley.fn is al to s meet needs of armies and cîvlian Wlest Newport School - Blanche population'. of rance,. reat Br(iain _PIelISiocum. and Italy. Am.'rlcan people were as'g- Geldiey Ichool-Elsie Baurotir ed by ftle foodI administration todav Coon Schoo-Libbie MiII'. l s q o p 1, t place tlemse-lve'. on llrnlted beh Deerfield Sciool-Irene Augustlinea allowance troin now. until Sapt. 15. Blanit. Lillian Ediia Antes, Williard Hoiîaeholder.. were retlueRted not James Gldring. Helen Edistrand, Ag kmore Ihan one and one-uarter pounda Plagge. Laurel E. Stryker, Helen Mar De .of clear beef or on.' and one- tha McLear n. ehaîf patunds, Including the bonue, for HIgltwoodI Schoo-Wblllam C. De eacb persan ln the bousehold.. Vraeg, Norman E. Olander, Onnis L. Hotels and restaurant., were asI.ed Oni, Kathet lue Siegele, Ca M. Fug. 1 !lot ta serve oolled- beef more than ltlid, Frank. T. Finit. Evelyn c. weiu- Il al meals weekly, beefsteak more acht, Maurice Pearson, ROsIe Ort. .thon one meal weely and rosait beef Hawthorne Farni Schoo-Edyth imore than one' mea weeitîy. - Tirorngren, Donothy Little, Mary K. . "lt will be a direct servIce in our Kennedy. M 88 iarmies.sud glîles If our -people will Everett School-OGerald A. Yor(e, W'aukegait Bu oinne degrée e nobafitute frsi pont, HaTrret Frances Beyle, Jo.eph Y. Sbacon, ban and sausage for beef pro- ducte,"baastlb.'adminltralor. < UUCOMIIIIIIIII U IE*TKJUU. ,Leaves on Saturday For Duty In France Highland Park young womnan nionered; first (rom district to be selected for Y. M. C. ^. canteen service overafls. R. H. Ais4hton bas resigned as 0. Striekland bas ba'en appolnted led- Ing Corps camp fond PrivaIs Owen i.residenl of the C-bicago and Norlh I ral manager. Frank Wa-,berq hias1f L Scott guiîiy o feirarges of @prend- Western Rallway to devot.' hi'. tini. been made ge-nerai manager 09 ail of îng unnruthful and inji rions stores lu ithe dutiies of regional director orfthe companys lîne. aot h relntacoddu nvr ail western railways. W. H. FInley. buI heteten code nvr formerly chie-f engineer. bas been A, aunmary ourt martial aI the sity of Wisconsin mes and dlarnisaed elected 10 aucceed 3ir. Aiahîon. S.> Fort Sheridan Rpserve Officers' Train- i m froua Ina Carp. J' i- - peIsForSaturd.y- Save 8. & H. Trading Stamps B»eiet st oOn the JKrlth &wRe' Have S. & a. TradinÏg Stampu, Economny'BasementSale Womeun's bomiery lu mercérlxed lisIte. blackt and white. subi'taudardq. .5cfiteiuality; pri ced23 Women's fine moeourz.!i losiery in blackt and. ,whie, douîble' soie and meanîles9. '.ubstand ards. 59e qualily: speciai ait pair . &2 Noens silI. seanle"'. boier, .sbown lu black,. white sud a lin.' of colora. other'. asit $1 for ti' grade; subsiaudardu.. sp.-clally' priced at lie pair ........... 5 ('ilîdren". bosk-ny bu mediumi ceiglil '.bowu lu bakolal sizes, apedialinl Ba'.eruenY Sale, pair ............. 9 Wome's union s;ubis In fiue ijuali., sIt tape and lace tiiumed 6Iievalues. '.peci'alI'vpriced ai thuit .a ....... 49c mteu's half hose. made of nercerbzedligie. iu, black. and some colors, substandards. 4e qUil lie'.. îîiced in the, Baemeut Sale aI fthe pair--------------------------...23 W'omen's Corset'. nade wilb 4 hose, supportera, good quallfy coutil. ahl size. l inhe Hasenleni Sale ati.'ach ................. 619 Womeu". gauze veait%.ibuRaommer welghi re9w Ian sud extra sizea. 19e quaities lu 1 - Basemeni Sale ai earti . ........... C'blîdrens hoaler> uInmediîum and beatY wpIght. ribbbed. cones inbulback and white, 36ec qfîality. In lie BaséeeulBale aithie pair............................ 23c Four Tables of Short LengthsI TABLE NO. 1 One large table piled full of ginghanhs, voiles, lawns and suitings, in imany differe ut lengths for summner (tresses, waists, ete., 1:1 dozens of sîîitable Polors, vailues in the lot as higli as 35e, l)riee'd for' the Baseinent Salp at .9 TABLES 2 and .' Two more tables piled higlu wvith short lengths of every description. l)ereallcs, ginghainî, suitings, voiles, etc., exeellent natprials for dresses and %vaists in white and colors are iii the lot Sale at the yard .............. F.........2 3 TABLE ! N.4 Table No. 4 coutaijis a large assortmnent of niaterinîs Ifor skirts, drlesse's andiwaists, ini gahardines, silk anid ccetton dress goods, fille voiles, popliîis, t. Iqualitips are goîîd and w'ortlu up as higha 7-1) per' aîd; inî the Baseîntnt Sale at 2 9 the N'ard ............................ 11 1~ French crepe lu 40 Inch widîli, very ine qilallty, lu ite, rosëansd yellow; a regular 59e grade i lb.'e iem,'nt Sale, aIthe Yard. .3 Si1k Marqulsetf e lu subsaadard of 69e quahily. shown lu white, crean sud Pecrî a lîînife< i ,janflly vat the >ard ...... 9 Au assorturent of faucy wasir clotire bu mauy dîffereuf colora, .substandards, 10e quilbty A priced at Peh........................... 4c Onec lot ofI w<îîen's suits and coats ini natI'i:bls of w'ool poplins and ve- tours-; svî'ldiffererit colorg are shuîwn ini a good muage of sizîvs anîd values run .8 as high Bas $27.50, spe- 9 eial ini Baseinent Sale.. Saniple swalches of linena;, organdit, piquel aend lavas te hb, osed for coilarsanad tAUcy work, lu b.' aold at i6 for ......... Men'a meali underwear for aumner. u %liitâ a" drawprs, tires. are ve" sîiecialiju prbced aI lb.' garment ................ 29 M,"s fiue ibbed union suIs, made wtirUh sieeves, antie leugth itiaises lncluded lu Ibis sale at the suit ......... *250 womneu 's wvash skirts for su1- trier wear, nmade froni w-hite gabai'l- dine and linene, a gond aýsorfinent o.X sizes to choose fromi; these are worth'- $2.50, priveil for special in Baseinnît Sale at each . .. lP Again Tomorrow, the Waist Sale These waists would be worth in the e&- ular as high as $350, but oigte a fortunate purchaae, and te make tbfr Wau- kegan's Greatest, Wauat Sale,- we give you clilc at . . . .1. . . . . . . . 1 1 1

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