Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 2

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RaS.De.ROCTR l W*m sau kiMi of i'4SL R A N C E flre U cidet aud L Emitia, Pste issa, tu- tomoblils andWorkligg- usan'oCoinpenaattOfl. ro $M Hlm Bdore Placing A. Your imnsuneu rm Som:- uhLâtVm% DUL c» e.D.é5Wa Dug St», g !~LDRILLNG r.1B77etts. pi J&IRMAN & DOLANu ti r.BARSOW bf 0ANUWAOTUNSROPr ~wfeand Granite f'( monuments C ufmer Work of Ever% DescrIption Îiispondeàce 5oIIctter DI1. L. TAYLOR la b*isNafd"-lBaaluildias broadwsj'. opposite P4gui DL GOLDING DENTIOT iom 8.IO 1aiSam.-1 tu 5 v*-* Oves PhUt National Bank bu Phone 19-J. au.. Phone 157-J. Ub.strygUl. Illnois DL IL IL SMITH. pM LII OITMYTNATIONAL]SA«. " -Ote 192sa. . Md 1 te5.a. >IAi N. STEPHIENS, M. D. "y PEUAN a SONtG]9O £m Zan ,Nos*,1 rest M" OM 9" a0 o. Tl, 100 Lbentylle. 77DRL . . F.UTTHRFIELD, 481111MIUÂBT SUEGEON Libertyville. Illinois. BULUANAN W. COLBY Attorney4t-Law Wb 4 Home, Cook Ave. Phone 168-J àb&NTYVILLE, I LLINOIS. LYfu L MORRIS LibertMvle illinoig *Lace Bildng. mm. 1s.e Us 5M. 0111e.Pbcn 15 P'AUL MAC GUFFIN iîWORNETAv LAW. MARTIN C. DECKR aT0N1AT-LAW 807 #ahington Sirt WIAUIEGAN,-. LLN oms. Phono 8a4LINI bs Jhoae 1860-Ba IkNBUD AT ST1A* W e0» indit of lthe n.pd Set rat Lkee, clief mail V. C. Buts amaounced yeteq' lot bu depuimntaet»W ovband- '407at et mtvlce the amont 03 * dtiare. veka ago. ÊVe@t.Uc la diatributing an IBERTY VILLE KIN EN>E1T TU BSDAY, JNE20, 1918 De Se ge de ai Ir tEALTVBUSINESS DURINi TU WEEK WSRATRER SLOW Dans Drop To $24,590 and But Seventeen Trust Deeds and Mortgages go On Buosineso 0f thbe Recorder's oflice ortho veel ending Jue 15. 1918. 1W L K. Bowes, assistant secretarY Se- cut-ty Title & Trust Co. Number of cooveYanceO, 69. Number of chattel mort-gages, N0. Numiher of trust deeds and mort- gagea, 17. Total numbler of Instruments fietl. 160. Total amount of lbans, $24,590. Business bas been quiet during thbe weee and aine below the average. -Theo follOwlBg are -the -oreIm- ortant <bale: in Waulregan: Marie Senlt t-col Itii t-o the Fredericla Lerche proper- ty Oen west ide Markcet street, south f South ave.. for nmhaleoanaldera tion. Chartes W. and Laumra . Shafer bought tvo lots on 2kst Bluff Court frn MnarileSheridan, for $1,200. Wb. J, Wili.ams bought a 33-ft- lot mS osa aide South luilca st., north of Iàberty'at..frem Bonj. H. Williams for nominal conaideratlon. Joseph and tllen Borlroslce bought a40-4L lot on soutb aide Bluff et.oner Dhapel et., frorn Mary Armstrong for $900. ln Lake F'orest: John Griffilth bought about 2E0 feet frontage on Paest side Ebgewood Road. opposite Noble et., f rom Wm, Herbert John- son ,for indtcated $2'500, aubJect to encumbrance. in Highland Parlk: Mary B. An- derson boùght a lot at southest cor- ifer eech et., and i.nden ave., for ndicated $1,600. subject to enecwn brance wndf Arthur L. Hardin hougbi 194 feet on east sido Linden ave., aouth of Beach et., for $2.000. Theoe te-o piecee are 'part of thbe liately astate and were sold by John 1%. Sturtevant. 1'boo H. DeekeT bought a 50-ft. lin on e-est aide St. John ave., south et vine ave., from Signa M. Johoson. for indicated $3,000 ,eubJect to en- Jas. IL Beau. PL-.Sheridan, 24; An. na Lindsay, Minneapolis. Minu., 20. Geo. W. Gaes. Bo. Milwauke, 52; prances Sherman, sanie, 45. Rtobert Grimmer, Waulkesha. 20: Gertrude Baron, Milw-aukee, 21; Leonîred W. Calvin, Great Lalkee. 23; Mary Greenbusb. Chicago, 19. Ernest C. Paerest, Camp Grant-, 29; Lillie Bell, 'Higlald Park, 31. Pred Johnson, Chicago, 26; Chris. tine Heindel, sanie. 20.F Ernest- Duecler, Great Lales, 21, Julia Harrison, Chîlcao .20. joseph C. Titus, Great Lakes. 21: Henriettua A. Karst, Oahkosh, Wls.. sam Bacoullas, Milwaukee, 24; frioda N. Careycarns, 24. 1 EnrI A. Pongratz. Kenosha, Z3; Nla- bel M%. Hickol, sarne, 29. tlmer Gehm, Shoboygan. 2r; Edivi Schwei<'art, saMe, 52. illnrrdKlliple, Wheelbng, 34: Sophie t.adner, sanie,38. John ThurstoD, Evanston, 39; EHuit- ]y Lucas, camie, 38. 'Plis. Winstmy. New London, Wl... 62; Della Panter. Milvaukee, 49. Ed£a BtçlIa. Racine, 89; Katie Ml- clbach, sanie, 35. 'ie W. John" Evanst-on, 33; Emuma Reed, 98e1111, DU Bîrner 17e25, Marion, -W.., 39; Lobu feNani, 1O111014 'Phou. prong, MiIwukee, 4É M"v tle Hall, Ra=n, 42. Wm. Olsen. Racine, 34; Auna JOr. gems, 44. John JA. Russell, Chicago, 26; Lii- flan Johnson, 25. STEARNS WIL 60 OUT AFTER LEUiS. LATI'VI3T06A Former Repreentaitive i Gen- eral Assembly "lThrows His t Hat Into the Ring" FIRST IN THE CONTEST Shurtleff and Vlckers Consid- ered Candidates; Graham and Shea for Demorats umbrnce.Acoording té Arthmur K. Stearus Of c lu Wauconda Toe-nship: Clayton T.eke Bluff, wbo several year agot CWerdefl bought- 18 acres ln 5W 1-4 as thse Republican repreesutat-ive la Peton 25, f rom Doret-ta Hicks for t-leo tate legllature. be la nov figur- 2,00 ing on throwing hIs bat into tbe ring in Fremont: Carl Nieler houglit- t-le and becoming a candidat-o for thei eppm"ler fan of g0o mres ln N 12 Itepublîcan nomination et-t-be c.rn- oc. 33 for $17223. iug fat prirnary. in Fox Lake: John . and Mar- Hie ls tho first real announneinent aret- Brown took titise under rnaster 'sa t-ut cornes out- fom the Ropubîbcan, eil t-o the Cervenka property lu 'ile of the bouse, Herbert Shea, an loc'c 5, Marvn's sssbd.lvisloen for attorney la Wauîegan. havlng an- 1,000. nouneed bis candilacy for thme Derno- ci-at-la nomination. Real Estate Transfers Ths rhateproent feio- Priedericka torche t-o Marie Seuft. ho a candidat-e forr-ecto n P.Il 1-2 ft. N 141 6-10 ft. lots 1. 0 there lkeIy vilI be at-ber oppositioni and 3, blocke 14, Sunderlîne Ist Ad. 0lm utea-brcnisof-e waukegan, Wl). $. district. namelY. Boone and McHenry Minnie Sherian to C. W. Shafer count-les. amd e-fe, lots 13 and 14, Sheriduns The Republîcan representatives, Bluff ai. Sub., Waukegan, WD. 1.20() Sburtleff and VIcIeraq, ocf McHenry A. E. Behrens and vife te f. 0. M cunt-y, have not forrnally aunouned Behrens, lots 1 and 2, Mctlaniel's Subj. their canliulacies for renominatIOn Highland Park. QC. $1. but the chances are t-boy vilI bot-h bho $peelal Mater In Cbancery tb C. ~l eraeui.M.Stcnesr Herrlngshaw, tract- of land ln one terni int-be legisiature and sud . FrmontTep. Usul $ ,10.i two years ago e-as la the cent-est for1 Doret-ta Hicks and hushand b C the nomninat-ion, but lest- out by K. Werdeoiî, 18 acres iri SW 1-4 Se,. small vote. 15, aucndaTep, W, ,$ Referring to the legslative situa Mater in Chancery to J. G. and tion, the Harvard Heral says: l,argarèt- Brown, north part block 5 Legisiative Outloek. tlavins îmb. Fx ake DeI,$1.00 Wit-h no abat-e senstor t-o elect lu' P.,LandryakDIsfe t-J.(1thbe elghth district. ehehe Booter Gr.wn. par lot- 1 bbocî Jayie.sSwift la a holdover. the eightb ilîl Bow, Poart let . blok $2. ale ho called on t-o select- tbree members Sum11 WzIAeeî aQC efet-$ Ar-b'of the lover bouse t-bis fait. Te-o of Carlson mand wlfo .S125 t. lot 6. them vilI be Republicars and t-be block 10, Ladd & George's Add., Wan: thlrd a Democrat. E. iD. Shurtleit and kegan, Wl). $550. J. H. VicIera. Rertulcans and Thos. Mary Armst-rong to Josepb Bar- E. Graham, Democrat, are the prou- kbale andIelfe, past- 40 ft., W. 94 fI eunt incumbents. That each vîll seek lot 7.bldle1,McKy~ Ad. o Wu-renomination ls talon for grant-rd. lotan. lc), M ssoo. . o ad but no public declaration o! candi- F. H. Bartlett and wîfe to Maria dc a hsfrbo aefo LaraQa,,lot 20, bloeï 7, Ravlnia Higll.- any of the trio. lands, Highland Park. Deel, $99. Sburt-leff bas been a bouse member C. A. Newcomb. Jr., t-o Helen S. for many Yers ol obshe Kelly, lots 32, M. and 34, blocke 127, leader t-bre frornhie ont-ny. Vicker- North Cblago. Deel, $100. bas servel t-ree terme and bas gain- John Janeowesi andI ife t-o Wm ed an acqualutaiico and a faraillarit-Y Kubleca nd elfe lot 49, Cummings villi bglalativo procedure t-at vilI & Co.'s AId. 10 Nort-h Chicago, QCID hoe helpful te hlm lu bis candidaey for $10. conticuel service aIt Sprlmngfeld. Ors. J. W. Sturtevant 10 Mary B. Ancler- harn. toc, bas served t-ree t-re n n son, Part lots 23. 24 and 25, blok bas cotrenchel blrnee] tbrougb tel- 81. Highland Park. Wl), $10. oral Patronage, asuvo l as addiug t-o Emma Luther, et- Mlle Smoîz his strengtb througb experieuce gain- lots 3 and- 4, bok il, Bord-du-tacel as a-leglslator. Bluffs. Lalo Bluff , Deel .$2. Signat M. Johnson, t-o T. H. Deck.- er, SE corner o! lot 1, block 14, Higli- KÂEmÂOMJrn IN COnTI3ST FOR Alva McRoynOlia. Staiiord.JIII41 violet M. 3015n001n4 Chicago. $5. Pet-et S Vidbs, acine . 2&FO S Marie Mailon, Umre. U4Fre ititAtre a Anirev DeBoor. Bradley. W. FrerDstitAtone a Minutelo Grafraymae. 81. Get Support of Attorney RalyaB Cnave . Mvaul e . General Bründage DIiy BuinerSt.Pau, ~James H. VWlllereonformer iUnit. Gleoe Lippe. lvaulen, Il ed Stat-es distie attorney aidnovr s.~ Adolîne Hedgus. Mme I &aistnattorney generel Of Ilttile ANearcbU S. Boock. Lbert-vvlle.23- asud leadtng counsel in the *%mous Aa Ziemni, Ivereti. 33. Orpet morIon case lu Waukegaa. ia a 'Walte Maled. aueeS& .Probable candidat-e for cougross ID Camie steblik, same 25. tho Tout- helt-t-be place lIaI 'oIloV1n 0. TracyS.0 1f, ttW15.. 3U. Geor-goeBPos baves bebini té be- Md&l Bergman, Rocifori. 34 cons. a candidate for LWstol Statee MMI Gereai, Chicago. 36setenr. Loons Spirlar. lame M. Reports yeUt-rday yere tIsaIMr. caeil W. ReluebmcI, Chicago. S& Wllcerson. ebo e-as la Gence lu Peuted 11houari. Lake 'Wlll. S& position t e tothimuport of theBrun- Henry tutsrl.m, Chicago. si dage organîzation In t-ho clt-y arde MUa Bueh. Milvauee, 19. that are la the district- and t-bat hieq Patrick .J. Wbalon, IPt. hedlia 41 chances are excellent la. Lake county. Maie. 3o100o0 H Park. 41 No ptirnary candidat-ebas been an- Ch«a. Meclleuburg, Antlocli, 62, nounel forinallyamol i tgDot- knoe-n Anna Prazier, maie.4«. t-at tho Dongen Organisation Is t-be 7Pra0c1£ H. Kelly .West Allie, Wl.., Twenty-fifth yard vilI prosent & a t- sa; EstIer Pimlon. smre. 21. er Msi he odeterinnalon cf AId. Brum .. Croff. Obboogo, 26; >Lydia Capîtain to be a candidate on tho, Oertba, carne. 19. tIoneen slate for president of t-be Plrank T. Strond. Chicago, 35; couty hoard rat-hem than -for con- Theresia Bolde, smre 26. ]grose. h Albert B. McConegby. Beaver Dam, Mr. oihmsel andIt-b e sen Win., 28; Beau M. Bayer, smre, 21. 10tomial organmastton. tt ls underatond. Anton P. 2ipglbaNdt, -làOres, 1vil ihavo no candidate 'or lt-s >0-n Win., 19. Nizi If. Toung, sarne, 18. st-art-lug. y Fi l ri te t o A~ EAL TRACOi rOUMST START TO SueM ON VOUR COAL SAYS ERSKIN mie Adm. Sounds a Warning Note to, Public Anticipat- ing Wlnter's Trials )EALERS MUST ASSIST "ey'Must Mot Be Genelu With Some as it Means Others Will Suifer This ia me veaiher te consider the >14d and coal for next wlnter If you ilge l by yeur generai feeling. oveevr. if you lookSt t-be mattoi omar m as .tanidpoint IL la1US1 mactly the tino t-a conaider thse vin. er snd coasider it ,nost carefully. Acoordingly tbe Su~n slsed Fuel Ad- ninistrator Erakine today te explain 1 fa1a0 me coal aituation e-L 1=0r:1-ZteWeukegan durlag tthe .ming e-inter. Mr. Erale * a14: "Waulegan's allotrnent wiii be about 1.,000 tons t.bis year and we have g0t bget slfflg .itb IL- The bas, e fr is ellotsnent la made on thbe arnirot ft bard cool used lu Waukegaa <turing te vinter of 1917-18, the plan beina to tota the âzmount of cosi used dur- Ig tbat perlod and then subti'st 21 per cent lesu thoan tbat total. In tbis way w vilfl have about 16,000 tonS. "We'are going to make up same Un th. bard ceai this winter by heving the schos ue ntiroly loft coaL. rhey used littie goft coal test Wanter but thia wlnter they are going te use nothing but soft coal. "Tb>-- government là fixing thbe-ai. lotment for Waukegan doca not take Ito conulderatiin sthe bocreasol POP- ulation due ta, general progrees and aietu -thUetact that there are so nany naval tralnng station people iving bers. They make their figures entirely ou the une of coal durlng thbe wlilter of 1917-18. Thils le the vay bhey are doing a&l over the country. Up ta Dealers. "Anotiber very Important thing la9 that t-be dealIers of Waukegan or the dealerso f êfly other coinrnunitY Mast be very careful during thbe corning seaontesam t-bat they seil cool te -Iobody -that la net included in their terrltory. ln ot-her words, if a Wou- kegan dealer shouid seil some cool te a persan eut ki Wadswerth or nome other terr4tary which le ccvered In an- other district, Ut wauld mean thet the Waukegan 'consumera wouid gat timat much lags coal. Weukege.n people ama gotng to be allowed t-o use just se much bard moal and t-bat Is aIl. Every ton sold outside the district detraeta that rauch fror thbe total whlch Wauuegan wlll have the advan. tage and privilege of buying. "Another very 4mportunt t-bing la that the coal dealer« make an equal distribution o! tbe bard coal. u-ýor Instance, if a man has the manoy ta buy ail the bard coal ho wants for his winter's coflsuinptiei, l Us lo t up te the dealer ta lot him do so because by doing s0 hc wauld b. preevnting Borne. bady eUs. from gettîng a partial sup. ply of coal, perhaps. "Thse lot-els and yestaurant, b,,tter begln to cet use dt-o using soft cool because when 1h. wlntcr cornes on they have gaI te une it ontireiy. This appears te be a foredrae-n conclusion. a change wbic ht-bey cannot avold it seemas. 'lIt might be wel to urge uipon the public t-bat evEla thougl t-bey get in bard m2il. that tbpy save lt for thbe extremne weather as the colder weatb. or cornes on they should flot begin to use t-he bard coal but should use Wood or gof t coal ln t-be early part of the season, saving t-be bard coal for the extreme weather that lu bound te corne laten." Now If eevrybody vilil oin ln Irv- ing te carry througb the suggestion;§ adianced by the fuel administratore t-o the local administrator, Wauleegan la gofing to get along I nînce shape, but If everybody cuts loose and tries to get ln as rnucb bard coal as they ean and hum it le freely as t-bey used t-o ln pat years. tisere la going te be 1trouble. It la up -t- Waulegaii people to *belp, tala care of thoniselve3 01 they are going to bave a dimeiult tUME keeping earm t-bis e-inter. boseed likenese of toeneral von Hi*, donberg. the big German goneral. (Xi the scabbard appear t-be vords "Dai Schwort des GeneraUS Hindenbong The Int-erpretatbon of t-be vorda meam "The Seward af the Genera Hlndenbmrg, 1914!1 Now the question ln: 110w did any body bappen to bave oece a Pin sln ithat la Il bing ber. In Wauklegal Wbere bd Id corne frai? Who gava lt-I And what la bwkflt? - l la t-be tiret pin cf t-be lnS OVl zeen ln Waukegan, la tact ,uOtbM liII. ltbas evar been seen ber. b. fore evehi prior ta the var or 811100 TbosoebWo have seen thbe pin bava no bestsncy la daciarlag t-bat Il ap peas' te t-hem do prillauMe ihat vho over the cuvuar vas ho g0t It as 10111 sort Of a toelp 0f eIVfeSloutrou von Hiubenberg or sor eot-herG«O man general in bebalf ai MiDdeubers Certuulnly it appears evident t-bat t-lu Geruios are not tbrowiBg oterlini OlIver pins of tis inS promIscuonsîl about t-he world. Many. que.tioiscorne UP as a U1k of the discoves7 of the pluSvbffl owuor likely e-lU baver put In a clatu REFERENCE: SECURITIES TRUST CO. 910 S. lIiagan 11vd. CHICAGO FOR DETAILED INFORMATION, ADIIRES INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS 1108 Karpen Iuikiinu CHICAGO, 111- Converts 70 Ur Auto loto a powerf ul t:ator in 30 minutes THE INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR UNIT selle for $350.00 it makes a powesful Tractas of any Auto in -thirty minutes and reconâvertu fsom Tract-ar ta Auto in l'egs time. Every former wilI want an INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR. 48-incb wheeia, 10-inch face, ateel front rima cof improved trector type, 3-point sus- pension, bardened ratier gears. It is practicall y Foal-proof. Mecbanically right, it salves the fermera Tractas, power and labor problemn in e reliable and practicat way. A SUPERIOR MACHINE EAY TO OPERATE-DOES NOT REQUIRE AN EXPERT TO HANDLE, It is at-sang and of simple conatructian. Any man, boy as girl wba cen sun an Auto cen aperate it. Does the wask cf from 4 ta 8 basses and t-wo farrn banda -IN- Plawing, Hersowing. Diaking, Listing, -Mowing, Road-gradang, Harvesting, Etc. Ut us tell you ail about this Wonderful Tractor Unit. J71

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