Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 3

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yJR1,-rx~ THUD Y, JUNE 20, 1918 nakiag the aMdtlonaa charge for Li U TyUa a mllk soiti'to Waukegan dealers le T1ITIN E irecly t our doors wbervas In D £T ifIAÀ M~K N AU US jmilk station ater bis suply. BETO OE ~jjlezd because by hrînging Ilt ttî ur F W R C IR 1ST IN WAUK tht. tarmers ln many cases are __________ taved long hauts te milk atationi ____ wheer tht.y would have t10mati tht-j r mr inCut Wh a Agreement Reached Tentative- supije, o te train and nanv Frm rsinCont W o a ly in Chicago Proves Retail tat birtei pt arîonîtr Show Cause Will Be Able Price Will Soar Tht. dealer ln question furtixer stat te Gel Traotors ai Cost eti that i1i1nasemille dues go to l.1, LOCAnti bc ... confident it wil do --i IS A PATRIOTIC MOVEMENT Say they Always Pay Farmers bring 15c anti the. chances are it wili Wilson and Ohm Gel lnstruc- go te 16c or 17c. About a Cent More than Two Plants close. tions as 10 How Trractors Chicago and Monder Why Tw odes pln4owplb Are 10 Be Distributed Ait t rt-suit o tt-teVeoptents Ln Iuene 30, it was announceti Tburstiay. 1-.t county farmers who eta fh.mluhoing l hc Thursday These Piants are at Carpe:iterivilic show suffit-lent ressua, wlll b. per- fternoan. il hecrame inown thet Chi- anti Hampshire, 111. This ;tpeart-d i mtted te Purchase atcotafwo 90 Ilo ,ii1ave- lIt a qutart mille aflîr i!kely te ceuse further complication,-, tht. 750 t'trdson Tractors mhich hast- Augu-,t 1sI. bat tht. price will remain accortiing tu tht. producers wblot ,-aid betint'fl lotedte bthe state ofIlilinois at 12 îiuring ïisly. Tht. sanie situa- tIsaI mach of their trouble r-t--tntly through tht. efforts of Glovernor Low. tien Irtro. w lth rtference te Wan- hati been due te the fat-t tiet tht cotl den. Word We tifs effeet han been kegan Waikegan wiul have 12P densess er. unwilllng to tabe.111î recelveti by Wilson and jOim, Ford iEtl -IiîrIng Janp anti .ixy itut on th(, milk offereti. de-aers ln Waukegam. Augi1-î lstiri wiil go to11cî -If the Durlng tht. bcarngs befort-NI r. 'This la pureiy a patrlotlc iplans as matiei tht. meeting ln Ch!- Larnb, which began Mootiay, thte t-. tion." G. G. Wilson of thie nrm sa'd cangareit carrtt-t out anti there seetog deruiera asserteti that there Is sut-h a todaY. "Tht. Ford company are geil- te be no tinubt but vhat they ivU! ho. large amnount of. milk on lie markrert I12glk2è raltors, at coat upyon te e. A final tiecision on piIces te ho, that they are uinalle We bandit. tht. press condition tin thVe dealers do palti te rodacer tiunJng JuIy, Aiguoti surplus, as tht. pricë Is hîgli, anti tht-y likewise. Thus tie farmers wio pur anti Stittember was nt reachet i e alreatiy bave more castes ut coade-i clause ait-.4 tractera will gel them ai tht. Chicago conferences but the Pro- anti evaporateti mik on bandti tin absolute cent. dater-t, lstributors andi condenseria tbey are abli.tb seli. "I thinie liaI practlcaliy evt.ryone are rigato in met.tWt.dnetday for a "Ailtolinerests representeti at tht. lows ha IHenry Ford I1%tioing ail in fintl o.titrtttf l ît:ipo .i taring submtlti-t tcales of prîces bhIspower te aId tht. goveromseunt. lie Pulat- for Juiy, August anti September"' sai says lie la for peaice but he ays lhe Inqly of h.e Wtitikt.gan mtlk deal- Mr. Ltmh, "but tht- representatî'.e- or plans te figil like- lie devili t get Il ers cshows that thty art - r,.itng 3(t- Parh titi n0t feelilike appnoving IteRight no* ho is building submearlnt-, a cn tnore for ille te th- TrodIuc-ra ifiure-s wlîhîîut consuling their prn- for the goveroment anti I. lurning than tht- 'llcago retalît-rs are paylng t-pals. AIL have niferreti thet tgun<-a out many steel helmets. le la -lso Tht. pricet-eii monti t10'the farmers te ut-jr îPrincipals. working on a two-man tank that wiiI Watt $1 tel a can.gofrtwr tfi te a hn Ont- o ftlîr-deait-rs -ptakIng or this Tht- willl met-t aainio Wt- ofntwriedn h.vr eiti itisI t hv &Pare expecteiti y e.da ati no rt-aon to doublt adoptd bythe governnsnt. at Liilu j, mrcîr thon t1tan untierstand t-i l. ticajýo, Iitwevt-r. fiat iget roidy sellftg them Le the fanmt-rs ai co-.ýt for 't - -ma as thoîigh wp - crt.sinîy ftor 1 cent nulle hoelis respondlng to the. alpe3l o! tie 0110t inV-t ilk ý chai) 4 thý povernment t0 increa-te tie footi pr.t ot :t1 Ccamioe.î- hiett asth- duction. Every farmc-r wio wante is gwin-tin tajt- rai-ted again. howf-st r, Spooning in laite Foret--l as be 0ot- 0f tht- tractors wll nolt-caile lta <e iirf.e it 1K to tntat gel awis- tram conte- -u(Ii a tratîleîn Maiyor K-e obtnlt i une A nainmuaI show gocoti Il Ir o-cihtfca. Itrtents that1I, Atingion r(lers , te) - _cause, sut-h as liaI he bas a son Ir, tht-e rilitr aroîoti Waukt-gan çolt-e itt,-artme-nt hurstlay lnîo tttt. th"'- tervIce or that the. boss of fa-m *hoîti1tr- atus am faily as- tht- ierltht. force-,il necessair'., lt, stop lt.'.I, lit-lit handiapa îbru nrtxnning bis 4-rpIn hicgo re reaA y ti IsaltaPtnz ideand unfvorblef asm île muat agree aiso that b-, t-,îrn; t Cticgore Treati-sitit il- tatteti gii n ti uifaortblei lrent hls tracter te neIgbhorsý arti, s <1-e erni- Tudane lt o rly al i ateîttaiiidtst int t-ri Pt<t hen he la not uslng IL lmself so Ditutt e lrtttî - alsttn-t ii hfo c-itai .suii ht ma -t!at ht3maximumn people mav g-t tractor bas9 been perfecltid after ni t onal P t-s bottuivue worlîei!on t iand egroed that IL comnbines ail tie nec- *-..- * t-ary good tetures§.' Arrangements arnt. eing maide to conduet tests in cither Aurore or El- gin net-t wpe.-\ anti'.%r. Xii5 ii today .. .~ -, look np with tht- Waukegan Chamber of Commerce tie malter of getlbng loiib u oi stlatoetionate their cars t t aite fanmera te tie place vit-rt.tht. demonatrat<sn- la te bc matie. C- operation of tht. cîty counicil and oth- or rt.presentativt. botiles aise viliiebt soug lit. - SUND WILL CON= We Set Tire .Staindards Why is it that United States Tires are setting new records for mileage and servicesbility? Why la it that the sales of these tires are constantly mounting by leape and bounda ? The answer is found in tiie tac- tories where United States Tires arm mnade. Standard@ of construction for these tires are higher than ever b.- fore known I the tire industry. Makers of tire fabrica tell us thar the standards we have given them for United States Tire fabrica are higher than amy previoualy known. UIkewise through every procase of construction from crude rubber to fin" ishdtres-we have set aew and higher standards everywhere. T'hese standards work out on your car in the prnctical economy de- manded by wàr-times. United States Tires wil taise amy car to higher efflciency. There la a type to suit every con- dition of service. The neareat United States Sales and Service Depot dealer wiIl chaer- fuly aid in selecting right tires for your requirementa. Unmited States irs ore GoodTrs A STRUCT IHOSPITAL NURSES'IRESIDENCE Andrew Sund Awarded Con- tract for Fine New lm- provemnent ai Hospital JOB LET FOR $13,000 Tiurstiay tht. hospitai comomttet. oft tht- sipenviasors signet a t-onîract viti Oscar Sund,. lie contractor. c-ebt--y hli tgis'en lie teele nferect- iog tht- fitw Oit-ses' home ai lhe Lake Cotinty Cet-ienai bospitai. Anti. losixg non time on tie big job î-"ftse hlm. lit. bruire grounti thi., mornine ant i viiirush lht. vont aIent- as test as possible. Tht- contact vitIt Mn. Sundi pro- vides for an ex3cpeotitune <of $I3,ffl 1e hlm. antibils vorlecomprises tho building propen. Tlh. st ruc ture is 1 rte eltI vest of th. re sent hospîtal bildiing aeti c-i _t a mighty fine piece o! archi- lecture. Tht- building is constructeti on thý Elir.ahtthean style of architecture, the ext-ior heilng tepeetny brire te lhe fit-st story antd fr<tm tht-ne on ItlaI atmccn pane-i cith tht. Olti Englsi style of gable roof. Tht- front bal! la devotei cntlrely ta te home for tht. saperintendent andtihe rt-or hallte toh-he omnefom- tht- nturses. Capaclty bas been oh- lairInh its buiidng for the bous- lng of t.-. oursesq. thpreby looling c-tltloto tht. future in preparation for inrease tn tie capat-ity of lie In. stitution. Tht- istîsmeot 1, devotedte bru -ot- shopn taiintityfor the. viole mlnla. lion. stonrraisa.oller rooma ,etc. Tht- final floor la devotedte theb superltendeolu tise. wi c-btilulde. i, fficpc anti living recul anti bed m-a rumtnte ourses. on tht- second tion are lhe slit.png quarte-na anti bath arrangements for t-tresandt he suptrltendent's tam- Ilis. Thr loit floor ts devoteti entîre- iy te betîroonîs ton nurses, viti ai- seo a bîathî(on that linon. The' bilding c-iI bc. bateti vîli Kec-ani-e bilier andi a Warren anti Wt-bqti-r sytètm of vepor heating. Tht- cîtutit-buiding vii! be seeat anti ptti ltlrougb tht.e Rleotibtist-w. sgt. tilupaI lplant wcthc-as con- sîtrte-ti on the property last ye'aýr. Est-ny possible provision agaloat fine bas lie-o matit, a!t leetriec-lt-- iag c-lit he s-no'la Ires conduits. Tihe building c-ut stand ln a diagonal pos- ttiron l ite c-tst ide of the. pto- erty. thus turing tie curb tiiveway cth oow exista. t)y tht- r-oct endi of the borne vIlci lookts toc-andthlehoapîlal vill i. lt.e entrnt-t- te the nurses' quartiers. A,1 1tht. bedroomu t'iroaghout tht. buIld- Ing -at-e te be provideti viti heat, ele, trie- lgit anti closeta, culablo aot plentîttîl provision bas Ibsen imadet for-linien cioset.anti cupbearstisli cas- ter tie needa of the borne. IMPORTANT NOTICE! PRSIDENT 0F THE UNITED STATES PROCLÂIMS FRIDÂT JUS-FI 28, 1918, au NATIONA~L W~AR SAVINGS DAY GOVERNORS AND MAYOILS MÂKE SIMILAR PROCLAMATIONS MEETINGS WILL M: EfLD IN FXERY COýMMI'NITY TO SECURE SUBSCRI'rbONS FOR WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Pursuant to the Pr-ýiamatlons of the. President of the ULnted 9tates andi the Governor of t1l-alt e, 1, War Savings Director for the State of Illinois, acting under tht aultlinrlty of the. United States Treas.ury t>epart- ment, bave calleti ail tax-payers andi wage-earners to meet on Frlday, June 28th, to give their staltcrptions for War Savings Stainps. ln rural coxomunties and thie suhailler towns and citiez, meetings wil ho held ln the school bouses at 2 p. m: The achool officers wtt! conduct the meeting In ench school bouse, keeping a record of the vrocet'dlngs andi reporting the names of ail per- sona preseënt anti the. aniount of War Savlngs $tampe suhscrlbed fo)r hy th.m. The. names of ûitttnt persona, andi of tbose wbo refuse or neglect to subIserlbe. viith eir reasons for no doing, will also be reporteti. War Bauings Starnps (wblcb are Uinitedi States Governinent r~ond@ the. same as Liberty tttods) cau, ho pald for durIng an>, moîth In the year 1918. but li la lntendedti tnt ubserIptIons wl! be signeti for théf on June 2I. Tihe pries 0foa ch War Savings Stamp depends upon the month dur- lng whlcb fI la bought. Durlng June eacb Stamp wlll cost $4.17. In July eacb Stsrnp wll cost $4.18, anti no on, on. cent more each month durlng 1918. On Xmanary1. 192M. the Government of ithe Unitedi States wili re- deem ail War Savlngs Stamps et $5.00 eacii. no matter durlng whicb montb ln 1918 tbey were bought. Tbey cost less durling the. enriy months In 1918 thau durtng the later monthu because the person who huys enarilpr bas loaned ieis oneY t te Goverument for a longer lime titan if be shouiti buy Inter. By way of Illustrntion. note the followlng table: 20 si, 100 sti 200 ta COST 0F WAR SAVINGS STAMPS DtVRINýO tN'E, JULY AND AUGUST. 1918 Coat bn Cost b Catit In An Juin. Juiy Augual on anp ......... $4.17 1-.18 $4.19 ltampa--------.83.40 83.60 83.80 tamp ......208M5 209.00 209.50 XMPa ...... 7.00 418.00 419.00 amips.... 8.00 8 &000 838.0() i oti Are Worth -n Jan. 1, 1923 100.00 2.5000 5W0.00 11000.00 The. 1mw provîdês thant no person can bolti ln bis own namne War Savingas $ampe excetlrtg $1,000 maturlty value. War Savlngs Sîtnps, however, May be iturcliî.s,- for other members of the famlly, locluding Mincir ciludren. The. money InvPsti 10i War Savings Stamps Is not a glft, or a dolai- tion, but la a boan to te Governiment. It wlll ail be paiti back ssili4 per cent cnmpouni ti îîr.v. If, ht-cause of saine sertous financial re- uary 1, 1923, yau ma.3 lo so by glvlng ten days' notice to aoy Maîît.y Order postmaster, lnn «tilt-h case you catn gel whîît you paîd for tht. Stamps, wlth lntertt.r t iodate of paynieot. Tht. Stainps aire fret. froni ail State anti local taxes; whlen registûetd et the. post office they are Insureti agaînst bita; tut-y are backedtI y &Lit thte lroi)trty in tht. United States; tbey cannot fil I value below tht. Irice you pay; they are. a,, convenient anti as %atil patylng an investiaent as lias ectir bte-u offert-t beour Governoxent. A definîte qutota of War Savings Stamps lias heen assignedl ench school district anti taiimuity, %hich will be announce i-ia each ineeting on June 28th. The tý,t.rnMent of lhe Unitetd States expecîs ail tht. citi- zens of every scîtool district andi county ta substrih)e for bts qutta anti ta pietige themnst.its to save and economîze ta heip min tht. wîr. It la te be hopv-d that the subscrîpîbons taken at the. meetings ln ynTir county wlli shotws y.p anti your nelghhors tab o lyai Amierîcuns taoittt oui' Goverument. ln tuis bour of nued, does not cal l n<aan. Si4ned, #4,lc4ý Illnois War Savlngs Dîrector, appoinît-t and acting undter tht. au- thorlty of tht. Secretary of the Unitedi States Trep.sury. WAR SAVINO'S STAMP DAY. CALL BY GOVERNOR i-LOWDEN EXECUTIVE URGES ALL CITIZENS TO MEET ON JUNE 28 AND SIGN PLEDGES AS IS ASKED DY . THE PRESIDENT By GOVERNOR FRANK O. LOWDEN The President has flXed upon June 28th as National War Savings Stamp Day. The War Savings campalgn Is a most important one. lit wiH determine how generally our people are participating in the war. 'Our man power is now rapidly moving t0 the batie front. Dur Liberty Loans have been taken wlth gréai success. There are, however, millions of our people who can neither play a part In the battie fines nor subsoribe to Liberty Bonds. There are none, however, within our borders, who cannot buy Thrif t Stamps or War Savlngs Certificates. Back of aur mifltary Unes are the patriotic forces ai home. The more completely these latter are mobilized, the more Irre- sistible becomne our forces ai the front. There car be no better measure of aur second line of defense than the number of those who shali own Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificatos. By the purchase of these securities upon terms more favor- able than even the Lberty Bonds can be bought, the humblest le the land are given an advantage over the great bankers. They who avail themmelves of this opportunity serve flot only their country, but serve themselves as wehi. Habits of thrift and economny wilI bo formed, and thrift and economy are not only necessary ta Win the war, but will also be the basis of our future wealth. 1 URGE UPON THE MEN AND WOMEN AND CHILDREN 0F ILLINOIS THAT, BETWEEN THE H.OURS 0F NOON AND TEN P. M.ON FRIDAY, lUNE 28, 1918, AIL WHO HAVE NOT TIIERETOFOREDONESO REPAIR TO THE NEAREST-PLACE 0F REGISTRATION PROVIDEO BY THE WAR SAVINGS COM- MITTEE FOR ILLINOIS, AND THERE SIGN WAR SAVINCS PLEOGE'CARDS. -IN THIS WAY ILLINOIS CAN SHOW THAT SHE IS IEART ANJD SOUL BACK 0F HER SOLDIERS AT THE FRONT. CLOSINQ SCIIOOLS IN ZION MARKD BY BIG PAGEANT Unique Features Arranged te Show the History 'and De- velopment of Zion City OLDEST WOMAN ASSISTS Grandma King One of the En- in Speedy Automobile lily E. W. Crofît luti x:itis ty lîday Practically every- laids i- tltataaing tht- int. <-nertain. 1 ment gît-n l!,%lte -chool chiltiren of lt.e Zioîî cti" otl-t lt-t ntzht. î ct- taily m as eavwotierful Prngram anti thte fauc'tttilttraon ' lii abolit Minîlghi ilitit ts eit-m10tire anybraty. E e-n lte uttiltirn c ere so Interesteti tlaat theý seremdt kýep wideawakîe at lt-al tt mu-m,. onien and i-bit- tiren wa&,erLajnjy well repalti for baving ga ht-re t uthilrah Tait-rua- cie. Tht- program too'< the t. torsf, pageat tipnsse.titg tht. hitony anti deveopmet ofzionCity. There vas a uniueos4 about tie viole thing thIta matie It very Inter- esti-ng. 'The principal tiemne of the eatertainmt-ot st-tmedto bc to lm.- presa on tht. audience tht. mission of the founder of the city e-nd of lhe thousantis who flockee tl Zion City 10 tort a religiou,; communlty whîre Goti vas fliratinbreligion, 'politie, educallon ant iIn lasinesa, anti tht. Scrlptures the. infalliiîi guxideti-10ait phaïs-of lire. The firsi It-m on lte îrogram ca -- na- irca' by the :ichoosi riiltiren. Tlt-n 'Zut0 iPropîte-,c" with thie 3àth chapti-erta IsalIt as tht. key, Then tc)-an-hii-Conception o0f Zita -- t'iraIdît-,rt- cas tht- work aiflatin Ale.tttitr i)owi in Atistrelia. in 1 s D; Thonî hi-t arrital lit San Fran- !: (!. with tlrandinsa King rt-pr-sent- Iîîg bis irai tfruite on the Aniermictti caIit-t (ranritna King mou.ted tht. rlatftu l ast night, escorteti by titi boys I la gîtantiuni-tarmt She fact-d tilt-aedienoce whiie tht. cilitren attg gShe- rniy touchedthethe.ltm raf M.,ii garnieuî/' meaning that thnough Di. Dowle's teachlng anti pi'yers, Mrs.Kilz 'As eable totouth le hei CofaChrist', garmeola. for tsht- Wii oî-i-irf a tterriblte canot-tr or tht' mootit inti tongue 10ntîttîs-er ta pray - t-r. Grritinia King wiii he lo1 yeers of agiý next lanuary. Nest inta he- hîstory of Zion came the lutile wooden but in Chic-ago, TuAet waa a pie.ture on tht. piatfo,-m of this hit- building cth wais sît- naleti otar the~ fair groands,-hicago. Tht-n ttere wss'tthe. Seventica going forTth mb tot.e barvesl fit-Id antILa niarnuer raf chîltiren dresseti -iblat-It robes ctn among tie audience andi dlstribiiiîd omessages, c-hile other. sg.iigo weey.. wantî me ta go' st . t cmehiéorganIzatîon of tie chîrcliîIn (Chic-ago, with tie sing- Ing oai"Tht. (hurt-h is Ont. Fotînta- titis" lt hie iîiBl. Tht. establilahnotri 0 f Zion Cityi rime net. Tht-rt'wtt- a gale piacet i iIon tht- Pbaîform andti hr gart-a twung open as an invitation to Christian people to enter. Isa Mary, Oakes wa-t dresset brepresinItih figure ofVin. The lti Psabm c-as rot-it-t as lypicai o! lie cretientials re-qîIreti of a ctitzen oetZMon. Tht. four dt.partments nf Zion vert. tien taken up. First was tht. Uc- -cleastîcal tiepartment c-ib sevet-ab chidren tiressetias roieti o0vttrs, ile otiers vont. choir collas. Tht. educationai tiepartment vaq next 9entatbon of' cetificates of enttmunce to thet- piaratory tieprtment. The. certîllcates wceeipreseted by Over. set-r Voliva. wio sali tut wiat tht-y bat vltnemsedti llere tint nigit otîgil to malte- thora botter men antivornen, anti to Inspire thora b go abeati qnd complteit.tht- vork wcth Gotihatien- irusteti tht-ni viîh. The Politîcal tiepartment c-as rep- resenteti iy a lad In an automobile racing et-rose tht. piattorrn in a toy aultooibe wIlh a batiner aigri on Ilq - Theecratit- Deprîrnent' 'Where C.od rties man prospors.- Tht. t-bit tintn sang "Jeaus Shabb Reign viere- 'ce tht. Sun'"c-hile itis teparîmuent was belng portrayeti. Tht- Commercial tiepantmnent c-as rppre.senteti iy st-verai business scenes. Titirt- ca ethle deitantment %tore- witiî girls tilsplayinirtnfliint-ry att atylitth dressles, ant iliasto! ail a 11111e tot bovlng to tht- audiience; Ilien there c-us Iht. building intusîtry c-lu a Oîmober ofl boys anti girls rt-y-- reaenting t-arpentera anti varlous oti- t-r bultiers; tien orine te pnntlng bouse witIt a case o! type andtihle publîshbng tieparimnîtit getting out an lt-sue o!fLtttisof lit-dIng"; tht-n camne the- Ziot i lckesmiti amop viti an ans Il oitTht- laiiforrn c-ib a husky yoîît.h pittduig er t an horseehot- cl--lu a loti namtd elbnticks reciteti * 'Tht.Villlaget-tlat-ksmith." Tie feeti s'tore c-as acteil out by a salesmun disPacing af a stade of grain anti boys talit-g flbffni! seelbarrovs Thé 'Pie office supply vas acteti out iy ai Otmbenr frhtoys dresseti up as trev- llng saleticen. They oaci ct-rrit-i a sai case andi looleet qut. business like. Thte Zion Laundry vas at-ted tîttitîtîttîi tdtozen girls who camne en tht- pitforrn viti vashboardtritl their bands ant i rons anditrooing loto ds They vent througts the pro i-ssos f scnuhhlng vhie thty-y ang. Next wsth- le dental departm,-nt, sth a tard bearing the name o! Dr. Mine. Tht. fuel deparîrnent c-ls tîto.t, unique. T'P ibghts in th,, ta- lt-mat-le vert- turneti out ad a f'-w boys In ovenails anti caps ona anîl min. t-na' ligils burniog on tht-m lotaledt inique. Tiey bad spadea in their tiantis and lit.s sang a lretty plalce cie tht-y weo t lirougi tht. various, tiinIng 0eent-tionm. The Moen Homa. MO0TOR DEALERS- MO0VE TO- LIIIW SERVICE Bout War Measure wihI stop Repw Sundays, Holidays or Evenings rT-e Amneican motorlat la ta> b. Wo bis oc-n devices eveninga anMd0 da,-s for tht. dunation of lie unr.O tht-t break ilown oif a 'Sabbath ~ îîOon c iii "stay pur" until MO=e for tht-rt- wll be fn service Ià1b ma'ke repaits. Tht. driver Mu~ withoat a t-tare tire willi courtd ter, for tht-rt. wonî be any VCee%, get a new o-lt. Nlembrrs of thet- National AIui-'i bile Deaiers' associallon, representi. 'Virttîably t.very latrge cily in lie Un% eti Stats. latînceidtIis plan r1if as a war conservation masure #4A meeting aItlt.e Hotel La "ale, CW cago. Tht. coynerenict. vas -cl et tht. suggestioin of lie var btshe trics boardl aI Washington, wvilcih Jntimit.d that the automobile mM voiuntarily anti cave the govermM the trouble rot compellng them ta>dg go. At afart ber se-ssion todiayre-i - sociation viilpietigeIse o »Ma m service anti repaîr vork fln qaUê ments tirougieul lb. oousnty "' P. m., tity andi on Suntinys andi ol' tisys. This arrangement vas put Si" to effet-t ht-rt-ihis veel by the Chib go Automîobile Tratit assoctationt &M bas been adopteti by bocal trade OF ganîzations bln tOaer citles. Even the- sale of gasoline on B" days may b. setoppei. fSan Aatid Tex., air.îady bas Ibis mle, anti b« tht. city ietveein Saturtia. and -Ift ilay. In nîher paris rof Texas a stàM law bias been Ins-oed antid de«l flot-t for st.lling te, strandeti mobW CARPENTER WILL NOTURARIRE300 MESIN AM itederal Jîxtge Carpenter o! ChiMm go. wlligot)e1 Fort Sheridian not c-ek to netîtratize 20() loyal ai volunteens.In thie regular 1:1 St a e a tm '. T h ty are m em ber a tht. Fortîtt Infantry, medbco ah qitantrmasttar corps, consltallg 3.300 men. Ont. probteo faces the. authoMii .0 men in tht. vanrions detaciments 1 fusinçrte tait.nataralizet, in>1et tht-at-hail joine-titht- arrnybefot-e Uniteti States tieciareti varn ci- ment', anti are alinsI ail ençoo sue-ns. NMent- refulse te lake lie 1h on groundis tbey do net wanl.±o batIql relatives flghting wlth central péW Tht- i)liin le te lobernanad use tllqm in non-cotobsiant c-rat-t Fort Shesi dan ait-I 80make tht-m ast-fui te 15l gos ernmeot.1 ba'iing inîlustry snas nepreseasisti tht. suistitiates ilarley Coa,' 'Rit-e." Wheat asies tie del.I "Who are you?" andtihbeaa cornes, "We are th. aubstltutes. w-ant te tel Sou that youeniai c-hole- hInbg!' 'rien came Zion i ty titparîment, iaw tiepartmuell,- ty tiustry, eproît anti iandkeré factory, viti rtel seving nMcb#*Mh lie plattonni anti girl& op.ratlag anti the. motto 'Mopn madie by maide." The ZMon creamery VPM resenieti iy a aumber 4et mibk dresse Inlawite vîti scarlet bonnets on ad a Intihl atioir b RULE ON SAÀLE OF CONESISNOT BEING BERE Some Merchants Are SeHinp them Mondays and Wed- nesdays, Rule Forblds Waukegaane» Il las Mate dîhat a otîmber ut Ws*1 teMi, msent-hanta who handle tIW cream cones do not blook pon thlirec tcnt rtiln, ofthve food i atmtnsraiqW wuitih nrennce te lie sale etf SoU crearn cones on certain tisys as, decisive. Imqulry by lb. Sun shows that ibi1 ridlee sver. %decislve. ln at In.inla E Part of the foodi admlnmtralor'a rný Ing anti uniess il la atiberedté 10 %Vaulee8an. arcordng fb John 8. Clac.i food administnator, thrt-ela motlgte, lie trouble anti possile proeecutlc. Under lie rutlng of lie food1î minîstration. -iobody han a rIgitt Bell anIlt-ercnt-arnet tait on uw day or Wt.dnesday anti on oter e*'d of tise wtt-k tht-y have no rght to - t-e cream t-ont-s alter 5 ofielock. nr. Clark sas's thia tie rubing bMIL bt-tn annour-ced t le i pt si5a eze, times iutu-D anti that anIsalit la bt-ru, i rit liter,' iagoiag toe botrmlqW When roen iuy War Saule s $"MW you do not give your mon.y, jà*i Il ut 4 per ci-nI. compountoti quéctnIe )oua lielît pîur goventme.ui, but jon a yiturgtil even mare. ed hm at li thev gem offitic- ibh 'W. H. Cleadinent, s A pantomine-sketch of "Te Virgins" vas4 acteti out iy ten ens la vite dresses&anMithoei dec-n as If reatiy fr bd. Th;e7 carrIeti a cantile laIn t' ir aaê - ea a ertain stage. aome o ligite vent out andtwi .fluve virgjps" ver. leftI la dfr'knu. Dorotby CI-ntnateck the Soe p la Ibis sketch. .Usco1 ib'.od We know United States Tires are good tiresl Thats why we sei them LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE BROWN & BOEH MER, Wauconda SCHANCK HARDWARE CO. AREA GARAGE, Area, Adah6 sa VINW

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