Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 6

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ait revenue t. voteti by cîizens. ~iPR N MES ADIn botb cases the compantes titi not gtîarautee delisery of te ire englues /.ftuuEIlisrro! 150 as Can Condemn Buildings. T M YC»I14TTE Uneran orditsnce îsassed Montiay night il is possible nnsv 10 s-ims rat ON CTY 4AT ERS-lnd dstroy certain buildings lunte ONCTYM TT f twi5h areregarded a baar dosanti mnaeto-'saniety. Te priolf nludra cimiteysasat ell -Ibis Committee, Together with Wbrre tee ails o; ehtiueys arec Com isio, t MetC.of de-slaeto t? a nuisance it is prositi. Commerce Members abate thte n uisauçe inside of from - Z4 _______ ours to l days. A penalty of $5 a, day 1;ý pros itid for rvery day tbat CET BDU O FRE ENGINE, laps-t aler te time given. Thet tity t, gisen autority t l ear tiowit the' buildings ci- chinmneys lu -Vote to Amend$.-lre Limits s0 <ast- :be ovners do nô<t do Il. Addition to the Y. M. C. N otbdhae W*nrI< lvDon, s et A. Can be Constructed for the- putting imp of the addition lu - the municipal bathisousr and t i -WOn 0OF CITY COUNCIL. mainbars o!f te cty commIs;- 1-Mayor appoints advlsory com tion Ihal nome ther aotion may bavej Vebt e t lcin cooperatlon with the 4 eta kelatn.t 08oumnil and arrafagemnts are made Former- Chie! Water Wor-ks lIngt- 14. joint Mettlng with Cliamber of iteer Allen suboitteti a report an the tei1i111erce Wednesdey nlght. amount of bypo useti turng lte 3...COMCIlvote$ tb amend ire lium-monts Of MaY. He tateti also tat %i ,rdiusance ao thast trame addition durlng the Terminal lire Il vas sec- t.e Y. M. C. A. cari be constructeti. essary 10 use &Il three o! the pumpa *l1.-Two bide are receeived for fur. and stili sufficlent pressure eotlti not m-shissu fine engin*&; wyul be held in ha provitirt. He sad ltit t th e hS_4bYSflcOunitl aflen apeciai electio n lime the Scotch Marine bolier waa 4WO week. dova andth ie Page botIer hadt bru 4-Ordlaance la pasaed enabiing lise three pumpa. He suggestrd tuat C4 te declare as nuisance certain no time se at ln pulting ln ati- buldings ln the cty whlch are re- tionai equipment aItlthe watt-r vorks. garded hazardous te public afet>', Il la slateti that arrangemtentst arej Sing e tit-1have-tht- rige boIir Waukt-gan u ,ne 14. testeti withiln a short lime Tbhe lealtialutî -ib-ps ot- art a ca't ryak nay lha dont-<ftr tht- eit lv exý u~eslatiig etwepn tht- pubiicanti perla; from the Amercan st-el u tise-clly coninti3sbon woe taken a 't\'irt- company. tie Cotancil meeting NIcrdat uni-lt F. G. Stewart a! tht- w.ter arits. *ie. Mayor Peace appainteti 3n t-1 pisented a billt for $2341fc ~c- vIaor-y commtbsttes-l i wlh t1 -tîint- pulnl uriug te Montt, O! \tay. coamictl la an atissry saiîasity. 'HK-lie bill %Nas rel'erretth ie commnl'- OUnIg certain courses o! aitui -ion lu charge o!fte îepactniet *Wtoh tisay lbink sitoulti be ta1,,u Tht- ntroil for th it halcsfii of .iînc foea.nlime e 10lmue. Tht- comnuit. aaçýs alloveti, tht- nayor casing the *ýpoIInltrt., acre aitptoteti ty bhc otly tissa-utins- vola. îerpl.t- ,uncl. Tite namea of toste aminte hat he bai not itadti tmr t-ougi te1 ~eaMMttee., are: lies-k up on certain Items. JOHN W. BAItWELLý D~R. NORMAN J. ROBERTS. T VMD &S FRSKINE. PAI IETIC CASE ATTY. &-OMEIl COOICE. 00V. CLERK LFW A. HENDEE. YTI~ Ibe initial conferçnce lt1 a te bt-i ] IN POICE COURT YWcâaoday nighi uthebaCiamber o! P tasterce vise-n te mt-mtbers of t'te- *vo commiîtt-e, togeter amulh Three Wagner Brothers Were yumilmn il mat te ment- of the Chamber o! Commerce. Arraigned To day; Two to r- o!fte cily Commission viii be Sent to School ver al questions vîit regard te mnandiai situation ant ielnite ar- OLDEST BOY GOES TO WORK ts wvîli hamati-j I0 i.y te ___ *of tae spi-ctal lecîlon next Ofc asHm ysquvtrely btfort-te vo tare vo Humane fie SasHm tâtelligeait vole vilI hae possiblo. Conditions Are DepIorable; - Amend Fane Lmite. I. Goitreoit!. serrtary oi' tht- One Boy Sleeps in Cellar - gaitYT M. C.A. appt-artd-teWakanJte1. the ounli onda niittand An unusually pathetie 's-rue vas Uhait Il efforts te gel a larger ap- peetdl oiecutii on t on forthie construction of a we te u plIecounrhIdmrn- mg addition ta tise preseni hobv is a lvineWgne-rcbhlltr an bave beon vithout avali. The enta on Lewis avenue. oulsitie liee Coitticil o! flie Y. M. C. A. bas ciy limita, vera uarragneti iefoce he says, tisat $12,500 Is bbcoie aitateTyo.Thygý I appropriation Ihat can h oice agstraolelo r.Th-sg: ,m efor te purpose o! erectlng a terae sfloa Ivlr type of building ln connes-ion Ron ab nr ge %#U h ie local building s t wil vie ha obert Wagner, ageti 14. ~mcos.ay t co-aI-us- Ilo! -ot ,fu Edwarti Wagner, agati 12. ý= 0fylk7iflieruesteidotrewcoouufeil Tise malter- camete the attention o! ~ofbrc . ir stei he ounalAssistant Cisief Tyrraîl Montiay wheti ý-ýo amena tise ire limits ordinance s t er*dta Rbr u lbwort o!fiuttfg up te !name isaatfaiethoe aditat o eri al rua twWpuitin conBimmesdite -Th eveat -Hea s'iad Miss Himmelriciit ~ OUPSUtifl consalhumana olicer, ta co-perate ils -t -tnare sut-ban ardinanre anal pre- blimolias iHmmelrielaitnvestigatail It te the cnugis. frpasae etanti reports titat home condtilons are Mfr4)obreetlexpiained ta' hf a ,,nat whal tht-y souitilha. Site savs jut etureti rot NrvYork ~ the mother of. the boys takes no ap- JteiaIanea, ostauNSt ork-,anti 'erl prent Intk1reat lu Ibir veifare. Thte tt ehiser Bston i.Lousviterths vrbea! ltiast boy, sacsays, la oiligad 10 «herM C.liAebuildinghse hae b,eon- tay luntae basamtant. Site -ays lha M. iiC.d Inildsinsse.hasay, .en n-bas acqulceti babilstis-th a bla trans- etrcted. n eâchru caue, bbic as;eya!mltting 10 tht- younger boys. Ail fflliipestuctre. I te cseoftih o.,gh a are trulean. t» ieaddition te the Waîkegan ulid- oyaAs as oer eysidtin lig thie addition ahilhaielos-at.ed n sa ecuI At ofitar ecormthialiuu tIU o nothidesia here a 50-foot tri-t ta ies tbeolrn oy Wee tanorn- %«acbeen a aquired ti. iii nt hab n t-ut lit emaleboye10 lite Ianery AMpncteti dires-livt te res obmind tat epoyentay ie rcont 'tliieg 'but b>' meas sobit ps-ImadttaIbrbo hyav>fo -sgwas ler al t heeeuto!teabuld lie ciilaed lu Sittiars-isOr aIrslow in.gorMn theiurtend aliflthe bpu;ru-anti arrangements wvet madtietaliane jâe o sr.torkj at onkilu orier Raobert laken tu te cotant>' bOsItaI .-~tht ampe faclîbis usn be v's-ieahrt-an operation may itcparformeti i>. for ta men of tht- tavy. qfocThlitarmsai o tinitasen t to- Fire Engin. Bide., teenin the damanier homea u-r a. Tv. companies submittet id b its l h dIeit-tonbn -oîuîi thse City for supplying a 1,000-gallonha iss irnre ch.te typéof lre englue. Titesebitis vare bolslayfbguentiteat tite twfor cN boysqgna ha st-u 10 a a-lianl fr licit MP:d>' îunt ani . whaers- tht-ysani ha aughtt tome uceful quomve Fire Englue Comlîany- occupation. à uorc-La France comupy- SHIPPED TO KENOSHA làatbe oa o! tise Seagrana domn- Statesý Attorney' Weîch Thiir-d1iv %My k t.estatedth iat te bld la for Issueti au order te the th ~rliChias-o ogoà. but tisat fer-ms can lia agce'-d autbuînitiî-a tiat lie voulti cansidar it M~on vien a rapprasentatîva s-als and the propîr thing for tlinba 10t Wks te mater up vilS tha counicil. oruler the<-ais-ai te miose onu fn the other bld It la iprovitiat that Accortingly. tiuting te afturuoau bhc City niay pny down $3,000 and Chie! o! Police'Sitoup gave ortieri lui Voy te ret-blu ibm-a or four yearly tht- manager of te carniv 1 thal thev î"llmenti- uni-rerl o six lisr voulti have but about 24 heours ta utae Ca sOB tel 10 ic- :idgtd an tht- unpaid t-m l ents anti pull 10eocher fieldis. Usaisaca.The 12 waulen arrested th ie statse k Lh Mbl w * ars itlisetion fi- ýatti autitoritles Wî tnestiay filgit, are j iaction %-Iii b- taen jntil bte th, îî heîorg ht-lu lnLake coianty jiî SU Iof tise speiiu t-ttmilon ut-at Fr-I pcntiîrig île rt-hlm rom Si>lugfl(Iel to a i inown for x itî a lfltOtauibttlai ite tfi ,uard of bealtit report tio procure ri lire angati-unie-as condition. Theodore D.Ii4urst. Presideni. W. . Smith, Vice President. F. W. Ch.urchill, Secretarv and Manager TrELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS1IOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125,000.00 WAUKEGAN' - ILLINOIS1 TRERTVE1T.T E4TM1IPEDEN'J.-T1URODAY. 3UJNE20.,1918 CONFESSES TJIFT Of JEWELRY, CLOTII* INGi AN» TRINI3S GiOVT. BUT IT AP- PUARS IE'S LATE Alex Gladkin of North Chicago Wants to Telli About Men f Who Hid the Stili ALL ARE HELD UNDER BAIL According to iGadkin He Was an Innocent Party to the Entire Transaction Nloonslstut-w li-ky, aleoge db )hanv- bt-tn ntiee aIWaakugan, Ila r-capo)n- is1hl0 for te holding liaturday o!ftour County 'Seat Nelws. *1 mon te iltaI uûder $5,000 e".h befote Lewis P. blason, United States coin- miassor. Herber-,t Rode, Alex Giad- kin Mda George Weber are from Wou- kegan anti Frak itSana gave bis adi- Tht. ia la case v berein the. mon vere arirecteti as a rt-suIt Of federai OMOO. ers tcovecing tbey 3atibeau tnantaiaoturieag whIskey andtiaber a carotuai eesrcb founti a complets vitis- itey aitlllburieti or idttin ha ie Wel on Giadkln'a farm, whicit ta a i te corner of Tentit et unti fugdale Roati la vonnection witli the Case It vas reeva.led today lthaI Gladitin isa110w going to try 10 got out of bis very aerlouis predicament by becoming a goverumont aItnet-u. [te la villbag 10 tell ail ho knows about tise case anti as a restait of bis expiafabton ho- fore Commissioner Mliasoir Saturday bis bail vas redut-rd -rom $10,000 to, $5,000. Ha furnisheti bail andi se- cordingly was aile to teturn tc hi. borne South o! Wauicegan. Thte story tba OGlatikin tells le ari intereating one. lie tlId lMr. Mason Saturday btatlhe owus the building 51 1122 Tenth sîreet. North Chicago, Ibat ho bati renuti lue building to, Rode and Webber who itat conducted a business titere for somne lime. He tlid boy Rode anti Wabbarcame to hlmn one day a-f i tolt i hm tbey had somnetbing lbey avislitedti1bide anti asket inmIf be wnulti perfilt theot bo brin% It ta> bis farm wesI of Nortb Chticago. He didt i now vbat they vere gOin gto bide and didn't ast tisem anfy queetions. Accor-dlngly lhey brought tbea'pacapbernalia 10 hlmn ansd tltey auggesled that il placed In a vaillbecaus-P aobody voulti ever look for lb Ibere. Glatikin, Insista that he dîid fol lcnov whab bhey were hidiug anti bad no Idesa wbat a ketile anti some pipes vere uqeti for tie -taiti it wasn't un- tII federal officeca c-ame 10 hîs place anti told i hm thty were looilng for some property that he bad hi.sSus- picions arotiseti AT i frýt be refuseti bo tell anytblng about lthe iltiti place of anytbing on bis farm anti lter axpblneti iltat be thougbtt litaI possibiy tht- stuf! ht hbati been btd- tien bad been stolen. liae xplaineti 10 Mr. Mason ihat when the- federai uet-nlid hlm i2ty werp looktng; for somethlng that bad bren madie con- federal la-tva.lbe volunteereti Ito bell thoa where lt as. Thte feti. t-rai officer expbtii-ti bowever. ltbaI he didn't teillwhal svas secretet Iin tbe Weil i tntil tlis.ythemselves bail hlm pinneti dowu abere he Itad le corne tlarough. The case wiil go migbty scnous wlth ail men imuplicateti , 5-scially i alev o!flise facl that tht- proprrty mi- foitnd withîn lte live mile tir>- zone anti feterai oiceca dlaim te ahIl hati berît useti in ntakink whiisky, vas in thaýt zone. il Is a serious cnough offetat,- fi whiskoy la matit without federai permit any place In t.he c-ountry, but It la statet Il Is s tir more sarlous tbtîug to have lb mani ufat-tureti contrat> to law wlitina fIve mils- zone ast prracribed by the gos rrnment. Ait.iny J. A. Miler appeareti roi GiadumIn; Cicago attorneysrpre-tcnl ei lte oliter men. WAUKEiAN MAKES A WIN IN ONE sua Police Say Wife of Naval Sta- tion Jackie Has Made Corn- plete Confession SEEMS TO BE PENITENT Police Decide ta Give Her a Chan ce; Affair Was Ctear-_ ed up Monday Afternoon Wauitegan June i1 Thea vife o! a salbor at tbe naval station escapeti arreal anti prosecu- l ion on ii charge o! baving stoien jeweiry, siotling anti other articles of value from lte wives o! Ibree otît er jackies aIt tbe station, vison ihe matie complts restitutioni anti prom- lseti fever ta repeat the offense. Thte case %as cleareti up Monday by Assis- tant Chie! Tyrrell vito suppressas the names of tht- partlies because hie be- les-es thte voung voman vito con- fesswedtialte robbt-ry realyiy t peul- lent. Accortitng ta the police lthe robb)ern tooi -place while tbr-ee aives o! Jac-k- les vert- ma itig out of an apartinent andti e lit -vcr o! titret-other jackss. were movlng ln. Thte one youing wrman li s aidto s bave admitttthait e sears-hedth ie sitcaes of thet- iret-other vomen, appropriating tiresses. underwear, Ira eiry anti severil othen brînkets, whicb site pros-et-ed to bide. Assistant Chie! Tycreil watt calitil Ini antiworki-ti o uthe case severat boucs. Het- flally obtalueti a confea.- sioti from the guiity womnan antice- covereti ail the stoli property. FIRST INJURED WAUKEGAN SAMM1Y DEAF, IS ENROUTE Son of Mrs. W. T. Harrower Who Went Abroad Last August, Incapacitated SHELL BREAK<SEAR DRUMS Victim Was at Work in Hospi- tal Dugout when "Back Yard" Was Blown Up Bereft of bis liaari ng as a resull of thtconcussion formati by lthe ex- plofto a Gerunan qhell vhich strue' the dugout in vbicbh le vas acting as nu'sç fIrte bonpi'ta, corps of the V. S. Fielti Artillerv . UEmer >icdue, son o! Mcas. W. T. Harrower of Southt Sheridan Roand, Waukegan. le nov enroule home ta Wai4tegan. lte first Wauitegin man wbo bas iteen tieclaret I ncapaclbaled anti or- dereti bas-k from lthe front sglace the wan starleti. Harrov*er. ar Medue as be la knovn ln the army. la 24 years olti antibha been a "regular" going an three years, baving anlîsteti in the bospital corps vben the Mexican tr-ouble came îon.- Wlth bte lielti rtlllery hae vent abroati last Auguat andi ba. een at thea front for live montha. a Dug-Out ls Nu. Accordtng ta word receiveti by r-e- laîtives, Elmer v-as at vont on ln- jureti man ln the ioopIbal dugot v bien wtais feel helow thte surface of lte grounti. A Germansheli came stzzing tbrough the air. sInus-klite dug-out anti, accordingeq)i Elmars leller, 'blev up our hack yard.' The letter tall.q boy bbe concusioni vas go greal Ihat It matie hlm corn- îîletely ti'anti lthe bt-ltf nov la that bis car tirums were broken anti Iberefore bis bearing likeiy ta gane forever. Furtitarmore. afler Ibhelirot cx)Iloslon'- the men matie a basly exil froot tha dug-out andti tey hatihar- ly got outeitie wben anoîher sisall came anti blov up the front part of the unidergroutnd shalter. Tbun, bâti they reiniinadIide tbey ail voulti h ava been killeti. lis-due Is nov enroute born e h- cau 'aebis services ara no longer of value 0tae armies. seekng bisat big iheacing lias bt-en loat. I-te vîlI be the llrst man 10 return ta Waukegan frum lte van front ln ans Incapaci- t ite-t condition. Sbouldn'It tere ha tonte ,ort of a rt-cetpIon plamîneti for hint in vsica of lthe distinction, tht- battor ha thug bas br-ougbbtot, hlm- self? NOW WANTS TO AID ln bise 10oi Yards; afic-r ths-y laIt a box vas tolunti vhlcb somebomlv thotîgitt contalisad dynamite anti Ils Presnace tht-rt- causeti great excita- nient anti vonder as to whvit>'it as Ibere. TWAS MACI-INER- But, , nquiry at tbe Northt Western office brInvr- forth tilis: "Il vma box contalning some macinaryi yes, lte rt-pont got out titat Il vas dynn- mnita bitatlb asn't anytblstg except- ing macbinery, tisal'aîl." Thanît you--lood ntgbt! T'btla veting celebratedat MoZin Çlliy mas' go vronat wa 5ýhowu in munIcipal courtWetiuesday aftt-ramon viten lIlas Rossetta Sternnvas grant- eti a titvrnse from bier hushenti, Eti- yard L. Stern. The couplaevae rnarried at Mion, December 30, 1915 aimd thte-vif eallegeti faltiînetoasup- port, anti extreme crualty. The bus- banîl titinol abject tb tbe granting oif te des-rte.Jutiga TulI>' directeti Ibat tae cîsttiy o! the ona m1nor <-blt hie given to the motter of Ntrs. Stern andth ie buaisantivas diraed 1 o ny alimon>' for the support anti edu*na- lion oflte chilti Kenosha Neya. Ferry Hall, Latta Foregt, bt-Idlits commnencement exorcises Monti y. Dr. Titeotoru- G. Soaras. Universitis of dh]ecmt:a. spoke on 'P.trtoti;m aofltae Future.," SCONT-RACTS AWAID njr£a JL a V 1- Il Au1lE~ANM11eantd a quarter forth uo! a & ta- WWAvcuAI OIR The Rame oid story whioh-accom- r panties a 0mny accidents of ibis itind W ILLSO Nle.t true l.o this case. The mtan vas valking along the soutis bounti tr-aec and liooking for a train behind hlm M MECI>~C and stepped f romtinte track on whicb hoe vaa valklng te gel out o! the way 01 an ffltrachlng train and in ne do- ** ~ Ing ateped directly In front o! tho lone Rleynolds SuccessfUIIy north bound train wbich la scheduled Passes ail-important Test tearrive ut Kenosha at 9:21 p. m Hia change fromt the south 1e the for Menhanics north track was done ao qulcoklyan bc vas close te the appr-oaching train at the lime tisat the motorman DAN "K1NOCK DOWN" AUTO dld fol have lime t0 stop the train before Tt vas upon hlm. The train waa stoped andi ore one And Puts it Together Again- gel off andi stayed with 1h9 body itotil She Has Been Actingas an theluindertaker could reacb lte place. Art ist's Model for Years Ifodrati H nson is8arnblethonbc scene and part. of the body were A Waukegan girl may soon bie div- picketi up andi brought te bis under- Ing an ambulance in France. taking establishment. Anotlger trip Il Just developi Iliat MiteaIi-le vas madee Ihis snorning and furtber Reynolds, datghter of Mr. and lire. sparch was nnide andi other fragments C. D). Reynolds, of Si. James et., and 01f the body were found and brought a graduaaie of the Watikegan hjsh Int. achool ,ci"&a of 1912, ha. ance..tiiy From vbh#t caltlbe geen of the face negotiatedth ie very important test in amd features of the body Tt has the w:p thse engineering RchLOOliIn Nev York Pearance of a mtan ab out 35 yeraro where she ia attending whlch givesa Me. vlth brovu an d bine eyes., ber the iltuliflcatlons te belng e-t. He had on a suit of clotra which listeti as an ambulance driver in vas a cross between a brown andi a France.. very dark grsy. There bai been the Accardpg te word recelveti from name o fthe manufacturer o fthe suit Miss Reynolds theb asJust sucesâful. stamsped on il, but Il vas 100 dim te ly passedth ie test of having take, ite read even villa a magnifylng gltan.. apart comaPietely andi rePiaced witit He woro a blackt .iauch bat witit the out any mistake an automobile. atainP Of the T. E. Gray Hat do., la In othor words. ste knocketi the Wau'aegan. In lb ant Iin the sveat machine dow'n anti put it together badTi the Initiai. "R. J." vere .tamp- again vithaut making a mistake ant dt. be ai Inbis q)ocket a small as a resuit of doing se she bas don.cIur-, but Tt vas empty. Excet the thse one tbing whlch will make ber abavemarks there va. ntic g b> eligible te service aa an ambulance witich he couit ibe Itientifled. driver. Tht- unfortunate mans coat andi la Artiota Model. bat were later taken tii--the- polie 3118s Reynolds tas bren atrting as station a:,i the names stampet Iin an artits nodel In New York fuertbern anti examnineti under a wilgnify- some lime and iber pictures bave ap, lus tla- is The- nain" -0. J. jintL peareti la varlous adsrrti-'îng mat term iling' and -John liali! vert- both die and on magazine covers dir!itu lb coveredti L3 thlotght one- of tt- past Year or so. She has ht-rn lunames le the- tiiail inau's and the th- New York for about thrrt- or four cr te clnthing deraler from whimht- years andti basbecome quit, coispi. i vurchakse4 tht- coat. cuous as a modePl. She lias alto haîl charge of certatn work in s .etchIng1 anti designing French millinery bit I the lure of the- var ant i is manv np- Y T RYPNI porluntilis for progressive- young wornen appaïe te t ber anti -be- ha, been frawn int the mesh whitrh j', POSSIBLE REWARD country today lu war service. Tt tievelops tat for about tbreer '0G R E FD mc1aýths sl,- bas been ettpntiing îigbt scitool In New York, vbere men and vomen are taugbt teprincipalq of mecbanIc as petiainng t automo- Discovery of Solid Silver Stiick biles. Tt bas bren ber desire toli e. Pin in Laundry here Brings corne an ambulance driver In France andi accordingly abc bas applied bier- Forth a Puzzling Situation self vltb unusual vigor aitiddtet- Locally mination. She basn't writtena great deal le ber relatives bere about ber plans. but the last letter tld about DHNEBR E bavnne aucceasfully negotiated te DIDHNEBR R- act of learîug spart an auto)rnohul. . WARD WAUKEGAN MAN? and put tiug it togrîber. Ail Girls Graduatea. Miss lRe) noitia Io 25 yeara <(Ad anti Illainfrqtngte-,ot tathc s3-Orwas. Pin Picked off Some ter .Ruth. vas a gradiudî of tbe bigb German Hero by a Sammy schOoI lv! h iiyear. that %Tariort"ý graduated last year, andti ,r Who Sent it.Home ta Rela- is to graduate next year. t tives; Pin Found in Laundry Mtiss loue bas not kept ber parent,____ ver>, well posted on bier plans as per- taliiîlg t ambulance vont because le Ihere nme German alien enemny ber mother vas n01 enthuseti over in Waukegan who ha* been rewardert har prspects o! bier going abroaa. for tome at of bravery for the Ger. However tbe Reynolds family expeci marie in Germany or In the Unitedi to beave a week fromn next Saturrtay be States who bas Teat a lttte ernblem go 10 Ashiturn. Va., wbere tbey are given ta him in reward for hie acta 1e sijent a week or se wth Mr. Rey- 0of perfidy, perhaps, no far as alieg. nolda' sister. Mrs. HenrY y "~lew. ance te thia country g0es? Tbey plan 10 meet Misa loue Rey- TPhot ta the question whh b, nos- nolds Iu Washilngton andtheaisevli ac- vccuiiyîng the minia of t-zutlryc of company lbem te Ashbtirn. a Waukegan iauiîdry anti others -xh> NovwtaIaise ha. auccessfully bave seente lit u ticsk pin whieih passeti the one Imsportant test in ont- was founti among the towels ut the nectian vitit the vonk of an ambu- laîpndry Monday aflernoon. lance driver, il la expecteti tbat any The little pin In question is now In day Misa iou-e may receive ordera tbe Sun office anti those who hiave ta go abrcoati anti assume charge o! seeii il are rnuch Interestet bt-cause aen ambulance. If abe does abe wilI of its nature. bie thse fir-at Laie county vomnan le Thte pin Ilseif la three luches long undertalce -ucli an Importeaht tasit and tht-n fasten-dte tohie pjua i. a anti therefore Waulcegan people viii scahitarti contalning a sworti. At the bc mus-h irterested in ber Immediate bandie endi of lte sword la an em-ý future. There seems te lho no doubt -________ about Tt but Ibat ere long ahe vîli beon ber vay abroadtie10bell ite'T M IT Amrcasintel i ts. a # G THAVE in order te be chosen te drive ar jambulance one of te requirements BEEN DYNAMITE ,-'7 for men and vornen ls thattisey shai D knov boy 10 ma'ie repairs as veil as drive--and that la vby Mis. Pey- BUTTJIWA N 4 nolds 'as been studylng no bard. tiI A B T A U Avilti ruiner: That federai agents ufrL 'u~rIftfew tiays ago found a lot o ya UNID NTIFED rÀN "ite in u North Western freiglit- car NULLED BY MN - trehee t cm rom. %a KILLED BY T ~ ~Il was toe bc useti for, etc. M DVB F O E Ail therp-vst t:Sm o' lii be cflA f-.i.<oui irtt - $3.50 Size: 3 ftL,Sin. by 4ft., 2in. Libertyville Independent "lLighten the La- bor of the Home" Ican be donc with washing machines, vac- uum cleanera. irons, portable heaters arnd cooking appliances run by ELECTRIC SERVICE - WE SIELL THEM AU.. r PublicSer-vieCo ef Norltom Illinois Farmers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats- and other amail grain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION *..65 Cents a Pont . r The best and cheapest Antl-Smut on the mar- 1 ket.- DRUCE-CLEVELAND DRUfi CO. The Rexali Store Con. Madison and Geuaa« The Store That Saves You Money ED FOR SIERIDAN RI IMPROVEMENT C=ut Saves Over $0,000 by A rding Contract for the -Cernent Separately Formai cOntnacts have been en- tered Int for the pst!ting ln of the North Sheridan rmati mproî s-ment wVhich wiii provide a concrete road fraom Waukegan north to the souith Une of Zion City and from the nnrth limite of ZMon City orth tb the state ,ine, Dyvawarding contracts separate. ly for the work and the enent the county wIlI save conalderabl' over $8.000. he con-pýto afor both sections 0one and two wert awarded to the Ecilpse Construction conspany, the coaract prive being $102,856l, 16. Section one colIts 362.81 1.90 and tsectIon two cosia $40.045.2c. C<mtract for suplying the cernent Ira been awarded to J. E. Hussey of Lakte Forest, thse cnntract price be- Ing $35,7M0 The pr-te of ernent la 42 oists per barre] cheuper Iban the marktlprices which vas csuoted to. the county by other coTnpa.nies. TIi represents a marked aaving. Charles Russell. couflty muperinten- dent of highwaya la enthusiasUe over the situation. and expects thé, con- tractor to get buey withIn the ne-ct few dayz. vb 1'tho suri aon hop toc tlac *hol the vîli has w UcE etfti a. Mil to ehlip damu JDm callj Sher Guee [AROL WMt MRPS -ilOF- PREME WILD DASJI 'Wanitgais, June 14. Yesbertiay the auitegan basahali tear nkittht- scalp o! Fort Sherian, score 3 to 0. Wauitegongobo ail their r-tns ln te seventi lannlng. Wauitegan started out 1 isln l- nirmg vils Br-own- tp. IN grountiod la short anti vas tbrovi oat ai firsî. Eh- nerit Put one ta tise iraI base man viicit vas ton bot for- Iaim to bantile. Lilz came aaefls vibi a bit. puttlng Ebnert on second ant i bmsulf on firet. Maepokeatia- .single ta left field,. sa'orIng Ehiert anti putting Lltz anti himsecf on Ibird anti second. Bidîn- ger aime okiet one out tÔ lafI field oeorlng Litz andiRatna: Ibis. vas tise only lnnlng that tae home boys got te Fisher. isa Fort Sisridan pîtuher, for any its that atuotînteàte t any- uine as thev got IbrPeaits in thîsq lnnlng ouI o! the six rull tbcougi thlb garne. Fort Sheridan bas a gondi balanceti team and th ey appeared in fine nov untforma :Fisher 1s9sertalnly a gond Pltoiser. ha eeps bis slov, fas bal, witb bis curve mixeti up. Hiltien, te lei't leider for Wauka- feilin, gives promise ofi a diantiy hall llavet. le matie trea fe-sI flans. plallng dtin ntiret- bard fouI flies, ha l'if gosti ant ist a fast man on bases. Waukegan pulleti off tva double Plays, vitila Fort Sheritian pulleti off on-. 'sCann for Wau>cegiln. itcheti sa gond game andti vthtie support he zt, ha allboed oanly Ivo bitsq. Arthutr f liclcay) Wilkinson, Watike- pE5t's star basebail player- fer sever- a! t1Y s-tat--aiasktmpîredti tgond gama. Tht- ineup anti score la as followa: Waukegan. ltiadn, if---------------.4 (0 1 0 Pt-arcs-. 2h.............. 4 0O(O Birownsa.q..............4 00 2 Ehnent lb-------------- 4 1 0 0 .Iz, ib----------------.3 .12 O Hauna, rf ...............I1 1 1 O Filqtenti. c----.........----2 0 1 0 Bidngers--------------..2 0 1 n McCnnli ..............2 0 00 Fort Bherldan. AB R H E Natter, 2h--------------.4 A 1 0 RitodeS, ?It.............. 4 0 o 0 Alleta, lit............... 4 O 0 1 rilifîrrp ............... 4 0O0O(I l'îvite. r!...............4 nOnO(0 Saiti.n If . . . . . . . . 4 O 0 n tturphy.-t----------------. 0 30 0 2 2 I'ti Shpritiiti - 0....0t0000000-On Striask tus -loy McCaftt .: Fisîa. Pr, 7. Ilai-a on balls-.MrCann, 2. --Hit lîy ptcu'iall-%f~lcCAtn.1. DOta hIe pIayg- aqn. ',: Fort Sitar-- dan, 1. I'mpire WIkIflsO. Unknown Man Kiled in Keno- sha Wednesday Night Wore Hat Purehased Here BORE INiT'IALS "IR. I" Waukegan Polioe Are Endeav- oring ta Learn Whether Fel- low Was From this City An unIldcnt.lid man viso meM tiratInstanîl>' unden the viteel q o! an alectris- car in Kenosba Wetines- day. ntght, ma>' praver to be a Watt liegan resident for hge vore a blackt pboucit bat viscis iati een purs'h-Raedi o! the T. E.' Grny bat compan>' of tii City. Thte Initiais "R. J." stampeti Inside the bandi ma. vaid lu tht- ditii icatton. Thte Waitkegan police are conductlng 'an ltiiveaigation but bave nat yel leanneti vitere any local man IR mlsslng. Tite Kenotha \t-va Tirsmlay nigitt containedth ie following account o! lte tnagetiy: Crossepdti 10a pulp anti sround mina litIle pleuta untier te vitela mif a dChicago, iliaukre- anti North Shore train an unitiantifleti man vas kilfeil aI niuffios-bs-k lasi nightt andI Intg- maieni' bI s bodiy dlstrlbîiled about 1 -tbe traci for seavrai yatrds about a1 LAKE COUNTY . Pubiishj by the WAUKEGAN DAILY SUN at the apecial 10w price eacb

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