Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 11

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couv~Inendnd Officiais whe tell vioators of t~IM.11w te "go aed, Ilmun ot rçh worked up over the matter, but otherg are; the only thing !Don't let theni catch you at it'ý doeget nuàke tendi e!eit 1> onehe e n to cater to. -Even kw và*1Oa8e1.the ofieil O I4TÀNDIS HIS GROUND normatte« wIt the coneequence. Voliva apparently in trying to corner the angel business a& 1 Il. If bes trying to discourege men te be angels In the liere- ter hpeu purmuing the right courue by luslsting that there wont any women angelu. Now eau you beet it? Bather dubieus, lier disconuolate outlook fôr the men in't it? What woul.g aven be without the wouen? A -band of eutirely male augets th no gentie influence of women at band! True t nlay bie gt the bible didu't mentiqnou Vêmen .il but tiat doesn't aie It positive that there nunt to b. U:tee CIAL AbS5ESSMINY NÔfici DOCKET NO. 127 :NO"'lgi 18 HRIUIY GIVEN ta aMl ns Interepted that the. City af te of Illnos, haviug arderltht * local Improvement lie matu laimt! y. the nature. character aMd local. of which Improvernelint la » fl. bhat tire roadway of a portion of te 8treet hetween the Noriierly e of Twenty-second Street extend. liasterl>' acrosessaid Aat. ,Street ieng the -NrtherlY lineo0f aBcon- te pavement) and tiie Nortiierir e of Blroadway exteflded ilasteriY osa ;Bald State Street, t rilgt an- e hereta (saitilin» elUhothle dbhsrly cend of a'brick ptYernentL> d roadwtgy an State Street ta We Wenty-eglt (28) fee4 in wldth mSd tenter lUne tiereof ta 130 ODlfl* ~nt wilt a lin. twenty-five (261 fOot steriv of and parallel vi t e Weterly line of sald State Street. al ~the (lty of Northii(lcago, Lake oant) ilînals. The ordinauce forcarn e in&ulon e i the office af the Cty Ceri amd Iavn& applled ta the. COUMtY Court Laite <ounty for an aaesteilt Of lie cou' iof sald Impravement accord- té) th,' eneits and an assesement Ierefot tilavitil been made andi te rne t 1< ald court; the final licol Iberon vii ho bcd at teu ocelack -.M_. on the il5t day of .lulY A. D-. IS,8 or a4 faon thereaftev as the stnemo f the Court viii Permait. >Sald . k sPlsmennt liqpayable lu te» italînients and sait! lnataiijncfts ar interest atbbherate Of five per icn At, t-ranunt frorn and after 1w dte 11othe firet vouher. Ail pergons desiring rnay file Oble- nsin saitI court hefore sait! day aid Sy appt-Si on the heartai and make lv ITdetexior. ChcgIlni Daltat Norh lco. iîns hits 27th daY of June A. D.- 1919. .IoSEPIt L. 1?RZVBOIWKI, >ifrpr appolnteti iiy the Prectedft 0f the Btoard of l'ocal1lntpraveflents ta ~mak-' sait' agsesaitent. ù2. .uly 3-Wkly. lECIAU AS8ESSMENT NOTICE- OOCKIET NO. 128. NOTICE IS HER.EBy GIVEN TO ILi. pERONS INT8PRESTED Ti-IT1 le (lity of North Chilcago, CoWuny 01 Make and Slate OfIllinois, henni or lered Ihat s local lntprovmnft bli. nade n said City,. he nature, char jter antI localitY of which IMPrOve, Ment Ae as tollDwfS That' arl Ion of the roativa>'of1 ite street atuated liebveentheti bth Une Of sxteitti Street «ex tuded arross sald State Street and lie North ine of Aat portion 01 5ev' .nteenth Street extendîttl West front aid q, tai Stree, extendeti Fuat cross 'ald StaBleSt reet ai rlght an Cles therebo, (beil the Nortiieri>' @Rd of a brick paverenet aid point) Int- tilding ase the rOadvaY Of ail inter erbîng streete bebwet'ii aad Points xtended frorn'thAe cuiUne ta bire ftreet lino 1roduced of aaid SAMte Street, ail in the Cty f North Chi cao,10, lik' County . Minie. The ordnance 'for camne belul on leithe nAoffice Of the Cty Clerk and havlflî applied te the CoutY Coulrt of Lake Couni>' fer an asaeeset Of pe rosis of %alid irnprovemient accord- hrg té, lîd benftAs antd an aBe.snfli rehaitil beau Made andi rM fned la .i'd court; the. final hearli terron wAi h had ai ton 6'loek A . on thé- 151h day of Jul>' A. D.. 19U. ir as soon thereafter as the busInese f the Court wll permt. Ssad assessmeftlbas payable I tel Wptalîntents and satd lnstalileit bear lnerest eathbecrate Of tSmO Pet cet (51/,) per annulti front anti alter ;iie date a1 the irst voucher. SAil persona deslrlng may file@aOb jctions in saitd court before saiti daY and may appear on the hearlng andi nako biei defense. flabed at Northi Chicago, Ilinlois titis 27th day af Jon. A. 0. 1918. Jo)SEPH L PRZYEBRIC, Oflcer appointed b>' the. President 0f the Board a1 Local lmpravoinents to make.salti aséeenmet.- une 27, July 3-Wkiy. IPECIAL AOIKSSMBW«t- NOTICE DOCKRT NO.,1M NOTICZ lA HEItEBY GIVUN 4'to ail persona intenestedth lat the MtOit f North Chiçag% Count>' cf làaÀ. asud State of nilinle lavlng ordered biat,. local lmproyeiitent lie made lunsai City, the nature, character andi local- A>' of whlch Improventent Isas au ob 'Mat nithe roativa> of a portion f :ite Street between the South Ine if Tenthb Street exended Eaab atrosE ai Aate Street (haesn the Soutier ly end cf a conrete pavement): Bull he Northlineo otilteentii Street ex ended acrosaald State Ptret; ýs&id oativayon tate Street ta b.twfnty:, eigit (28) fcttu in ltth andi the CoIk tr Uino tiereof ta, b.cineldént tril the. center lineo f sai tate treet aii lu the iCty' of North Vhteage, Tic crimbee ofr amm hing on fielti m o" t i.City clerk and ba'tng a&OUIéte <the CoMY >'Count of j_4a Q gnote e aa*mimâm At e-tti ta tihe eMilîs maias . eMMO tierefore iavieg hUm taae ~ turuci ta sali Court;the *W bla- lug ticren *111 b. iléti nt tour cOeIC A. la., oan the lm idur'of li>'A. D., 191, or sicoo tiefflftor altic bu» las«of aIthe Coors ,vin penif. Sai amumet la payable lu ton lusballmetp aid m"i i1taiments boer arIterat st etcor 8 e etum (<r>pearnUn tram aid atter th date t thc ftt oucher. AUl pcepas dubir l Icqle- be thins lu mmliCatirt lirsa mati ds aMd mer aar on bi.elsarll&A maetier lefense. Data iq" , MiCileg.ulloi% tua itil day 09 Jas .D. *8 iOSflP U1.PMZYOR5IC. Offîcer appaitéd b>' the Precitieut of tic Board OaiLoa Imprvementsl to Maxe Mid epemeiMt. lune 27 Jli'8-ky &SECIAL A8S- esSMENT NOTICE DOOKET NO. 180 Notice lin erew tglnuta ail pet' sans lnlere.k, tliat tihi City'CouMI cil of the Ot>' pI NortliChilcago lia,- lus Oriere t S! a aupplementai s accamnent b. matie to caver the defft cioein 10Speai Asesameut NO. lM far the construction Of a centent pde. ,Walk an tiie Wesberly aide of Herme>' Avenfue frais Elghteeiitl Street ta Tveubteti Stree, ail lu the. City' of North Chicago. -Cout>' af Lake aid Aat. 0f Illinois. The. ardinance for the %saionil an file in tic office of the City' Clorli of ali ci>ay & file sait iCty' hant appllod té the <lount>' Court, of Laie Coonbr, llte of' Illinois. for nas- sccment of the ecant ta cVee"a.Id deficleucY, according ta ticelienefità and aiuwasntent, theretore. baini be.n matie anti routrnedt& ta id out; tic flnai heuing tiierean ViII ho lied ut toneoliookA. M., ou tise iftidey aI jli>&A.D. I1918. or assoon biere- ater as the. business of the Court vItE permit. Sali ordînance pronIdes tiat the~ aggrogate aflount of sai au@eI*et dîvîdedt u three luateeifa beui interst at ic tMi of five per cents= Per annut front tic date Of the. fina' vouchier tassai! enbmunt Of wva doue an sali impranemcut. Ail persans desîing MO, filue c Jectians lu caîd Court beforesaid! day and may appoar aithte iiearlng and malte thelr defense. Datel at North Chicago. -lîlinois this 27tli day cf lutte A. D. 1213. HARRY McKINNEY. The persan appointoti b> the Preal dent etftthe BoardaIr LocalIntpnove. nienle te maiesalI ascesment. June 27, .IuIy 3-WkIY SPECIAL ASSESSNMENT NOTICE i DOCKET NO. 131 NotIci e sherely i>'ven ta ail pot Bons lfàtrosted, tw he biCly Casicil of the City aI Nfflt Oilc.go haffl ordereti that a suppleneteaa assess- menA.lie madie ta caver bbe deficleucy in Specl Asseusment No. 111. for the enustructlon of a cast Iran vaeo suppi>' pipe. togetiier vlihfire by- * Irant.- shut off valves antisPeciai catnip complte along anti under portions af Commronweathi Avenue fro t With Street ta a Point (lac ittndreti fret North of the North l110e 9f allgteenti Street, ail n te City of Noth Chicago, Lake Count>'. 1111- nalIs. The. ordinance for the same beinq 1p fie he b offce af bbc City Cleni ai«1 Cti ly anti the said Cilty havlul Olplieti to the, Caunt>' Court of Lake Cotint>', sate of Ilinois, for an api csomamt er thé cot ta caver aaid dellilike>'accorgnj .taite benetffip anti an assessment, tiorefore. halug beau malde ad reburie t o, *ii coure the final Ituaring tiereM ill b. bad ai toin Celock A. M.. qu tii ISth day aIr l> A. D.. 1918. onr as bânon tker* after &astihe businesocf the Court vii> Sai ordînance pronie thit the aggregabe antount of sali asseçenloul dîvîdeti luto fine lnstalldiientO b"él Interest at thse rate oIfive iteenti. per annunt tram the dulte of the Aret oucher lauoti on aepount: af Van donc on sali ImPraemtént. Ail pensons desring tuay file Ou- ,i_éot%îs n a nid CÉout befarWsaid disi %ut tue]' appear st - the. eallu; andi inal;e Ïbibi defense. - Date aiatNorth Chilcago, lilUble, tus$ 2ttiday of lune.,A. D. 1918. H4AIUY MaKIÇINIWY, tn. Persan appbflited lblie Preet. tient of the. Boardi cf Local Improme ments at alce nIdasessneten. ,uno 27, Jl l-W1kIY. Mrjorleceame lu viti urnePassy àjilae»bible cumins littIe umft *ae--ettles bve-Br M et te aIr."- BYS8 il irsIStLIARY 1Miss Hazel Naomi Leiby Be- cornes Wife of JMa Louit Otzen, Naval Offloo ÇHURCH WAS BEAUTIFUL Bridai Procession Wus Led- by the Rev. bniî ryan of Independent Churh ThcIfret ilîbar>' vetditsg ta taire Place ln ZMon City occurreti ln the lndcpcnd.nt chunchlu mt evusia, when Hael Nuorni Leis>'. dauthier of Mr., IdA B. E, bil-.becaie b lfe of Johtn Louis OtieonaIZion end a chlol petby o0ieer et Great Laites. The churci vas artisticalîy decor- atoti rth rmw sd.mexei. cle 1 file-w tand gui triAi "îaàint.ti Crash vas lid bie onti. lengh ofa thc main foor. beiug Iucid on eaci Wle uihiramie nti ferais, ifile arciea of rote hutieVete piaced ho- 1tV.en the large columuas. on thse PlatfanMthte word "Nan>-" vas beau- tîfuhl>' outilioti!a flovcrs andi vas uaed as a backiground for tus bridai patty. Mine Emmna Hlarvey'of Chilcago, "ag byeVocal usoK.ra. o-jtny Johnson Foalantigane aplao»loe, ani a vomai duef b>'Mese.A C. Me- XëllI i SMity ludti aftur uhieh fie. Iovema 'Sinibéc et the brut, osuptaying tLoiieul'e edtisg mai-ch, viien fnish MeInat. ICather- tuc Balliet Kermait Lîcit>' anti Jo. cpi Miller strtîng wits rîbiion an each Èade of the. Vide Ioi.eiholding lb th thtu1sfe cutîre service. Tie bridai procession vas led by flan. Dwalel Bryant of Levlston. Mont,. faluer peclor af the cisurcli, and 11ev. O. E. Lovel, the preseOnt paabor. foiloweti b! four floyer gitia Helen TaylÔ, IRuth Bénettit Dorm ti> Campbell anti Ruth Murdock. Thmucerne file twa bridoemam, M8145E. netis'*lBrowvanad Marthea Bioun; tise tais ofibotter. Mr&. Marlou West Carlson anti MissRuth Johnusona aIWaukogaoj,, er. follovod by tii. ring ilearera, iCenneti Welten aid MUik fOlolle. dress In i. ite nust>uits. Tie bridi. iemlnqupon thse atm of Mr. ilonser Kesier. vas mot at the alta# b>- thc groom. at- ,4iÎtd b bIs best man. Jameas«'Inn, anti the tva ucliers, Walter ASimlns anti Clyde Ilavcett, aU dreeseti Eu bie bine nan>' tniforni. Tile bridai couple standing untier ca targo beillu in lc vWUa alarge aisc- tris lIit Igave s bnntfleleffect, wbhere 11ev. Danlel Bt aut, assisteti wi 11v. o. it. Loviteil okc the. yards v*"S matie tetmaanti vitfe, us- lng the double ring service. Tii. organist liayed ?.fcudeimsobn veddlng marcii as the. party marcitet ta tic rear pIor, &fiter vihich the bride aid groom recelvadtitehe beirt> congratulations frots the large noum Wer of frIentis present. The govna von b>' oaci lady vere henul i oacls canrieti a large bouquet of retI rose, bute bride wear- Ing a veil and carrylng whbite rose buds, Mn. andtiMra. fltzen are bath ver>' protînent ln tii. churcli andtihie al' na>' ot preseets attest ta tiie bigi es- tecm inwvici tie>' are hield. The. bride Ie a gtOduatr of bthe Wauktgan bush sciooi. clasa Of 191Z, endi has been a teacher at ou. of the N~orth Chicago achacts.anti As ver>' voti knovn ln thîs comntunity. lb la expectedthabin Mr. Oteen vîil io01 leave for dut>'«Inverses"and the happY, ovent seernesi velr> fittîng, Aftr a short trip.14r. andi Sre. Ot- cea vîl ethoione, 2709 Esciiol ave., MIon City'. cr.tyRiacenabl. lanilooei (wltth a détenminètioflkaIl iligwrn~.- ie ncword; uhen areyFu glg -lapey, your arr«ises? ard- Autlpoe (vilti anunebuieli colno)- Illaif'your iloau d ï" i iM~tib monow M btise vu te 11pe>' me 14; bc acccple a mul$e subject andtihie acimr Now iii the tiîîîe ta buy a Refiigerator- SOur huie of Refuigera, - lrs is unlost t-oîiîplete 'and fully gîiaranteed ~'fitIl insulated to keep your food ('001 and clea# Buy aChal- 1FRUCE'S LAKE NEVS.80 1.0Wir LETTERS IN "CIJTE" la lower han tbas ever been'Iseen J~W I~L Thsl ue tb he tact, lb lasat. ST that the Channel between Druces IF and Third Lk a endeee materially titis year andI the water Andres andCompay of hbas gone out or I)ruces Lake into AndewsandComany0f hi-Third Lake çnl eubsequently otit Washington, D. C., lune 26.- cage ResOrt to New Tac- through the variaus outlets of Third Secretary 1iaber and Ce0. M tics with Local Men lek hier of staff, h:d P1W te lastate tha the oannoounl DO THEY GET ANYWHERE? and ThidLae persan: wiio are wthin aixty ornlne1p pm unwllig t Pemitthe dam tese deparbrnent woudid meta- - COnvPlisb the. end that lb desires bis a new and enlarged arrny prQgraBu Andrew and COmPanY. lý hp bliege brolit about a disantrous condition senate,1rnliitary cominttee tiWday brokPrage carnPanv, which has been Bt Drucea bAse ln the. owerlng edof lhtay eg .atont Iynanhr Ytlhoemtoethe water. lAu d&affaires. terylners bad buy ep n thde hThe contention of owners of land Secretary Baker «Wal4i ap f to nteoatLak Cunt pepleb A. ave been that the keeping of water program for the. army' la #1«"«. j lIrchase Of certain Unes of stock, are ta a bigh mark lu Drtice's 1,ak h is formes] stabement, adae&miter b@ etill i atl.. been mereiy for the sake (f pleacure, N'en closeted wlth the cornrntte It develope that on Tuesday a num. whéreas a loworing of the water nesrly tiire hourc wIth i tîB 'U ber oCfregqtered letters camp i means that the farmers owning lanid "I prmenWte athie ce*%~tt1 Waaëmoaddeâjee.te en ho adabuttgn nDruce'n Lake cin utilise Mr. Baker. 'statornents *tip o Waae~an adrese tamenwhohaitl for farm, purposes ta btter advan- Present thore are eiioue « I àiii l bad tetregbdffëe Covrsations wlth age. In. ther words. Iower vatèr 1 sufîcient for aur prâàbetlvïe agent 0cf'the. cahpanY and the lettor ln Druces lake gie the farmers abut. and when the. eniarged program vaslntndd ~> c>~i~~eaî jtig more land for fart purposex. Unito* States là reddy for piiud was ntededte cnfim Rid'tele. Tit han beon their contentloit af tien ta cangresa w yl et ehq.j Phone conversation. defense and ever>' tire the dam bo- Urne have complote da apu *'M ,plye I aloalbak ota egs - ettgted -soee~body duriâg tii. ,ilglt Ii Ueàage Ylm~i ployd l lot I c ban ot a r esblas gone there and biawn lb up or Mr. Baker and Cen, March terd ltte inwhih I totI lm o Itlbdown katmre-tanner. = would be expected te sent ta the. Tbus tip ta the present Urne the. the cormlttee tiiey oppo94àS Company in Chigo certain number dam bias nover aocotplilshed the end bure and unnecesary te- rf sockwMc heAs upPosed to baiýe tbat lb deairoti and If the water keepc sio fbl iatmonl purchasd nome ine ex re. onfi<>wng out of Druc's laie and VotMashai Ceneral CroWâer. purcase moneInmeh exr-. f rom Third lket, It vili mean that aPproaaiof the. extenglon lsam.1 change for, these and for about $800 Druces laite will ho serlously haj4- cited b>' advacates of the kr ln rnOUeY ie WýauI.J b. gîven stock ln pereti as a resart. At the present the sonate. aPPoared belostei a new canipan>'. tire the wator te probeil>' 60 foot ntttee ta sa>' tiat vile he o NW farther f rom the shore Une tbtii yoar Insistnt upon irnfledate lemil In bis case he wai going to Ignore than it ever bas bean st this urne of he l.hougiit action shold b.= thie loUter COtPieteiy but he was year ln previaus years. tho evised agn e i iét awWnetl WCRd"uIcg vh&t ether mon wba had thesrevbedâgeelimitatep Un%«t. received siniar letters gere going in socw le ice. sett h. e «eaisti. brgem lRuuh* omw* ta do about If. faily eoftthebridegroem mient préd. Thftc la aemotNwm il . 80,oý a.known, no definite salefla t te t utrf * % b iir 0 « "à- d. cbi t the Ruit .. has beau taoletiy te cornpany's 0o18article. a few deysa moe. lb. d deepty lmpruw , he lg.! agents ovor the blephone or other- geefrsi tetanai*fel.Té h ilai te f5Ctotei ,seia at itit nie, foot aI csat: of f«îe he oir »# toiai n* et l e tilBU Titis oèpany le the one which ha& smali cakes et iNS aiu, .18910 4tgiei, l 0h17Imyitrou the Mev beec caiiing up mon promiscuouaiy tire, pair@ of talu e iM011.a4bRrMOM le beag !M tbrougbout Lake county and the quantlty of v«eitfl ad ,c"ml the. abmgbe t .- man on te other end of the vire banche.Of iIreCraàou. prva e i.aeousitIa saying sornoiiody hati referred hlm ________________________________ ta tie prospective purchaser as a -ogc 1- -1ibbne nt- tc in tiie purchase, cf stock. The an- noying tothotis pur.,ued b>' the coin- pan>' bas cauaed lb to ho a by-vord In LAke ceunt>' antI everybody - ls wcndering boy the>' are able bo get a>'y with t for the telephone ex- pense muet lie somethi'ug greab In the. total b>' pursulng thîs niethod of sale. try. Tny Agalni ,rout -Mrs wvldo veti ta te. Mhesisetiat Lord Bacon tevrote one « fî Jl orke 12 tintes; and Pascal i letteri accoraI times. anti anc et thou 18 Uimes; ville Edmondi Burke »ad bils yes printoti tva or tire. tis on a privais, preme before obrer. SWihat it Rel>' Prevo&. 'AlmoIthe icgreat war in i., ". h' ave ctàrtei n AprMW ca>l * Rivard ldtatian. Winîcii Rosite Prove tbbt me @man would WÏrar Sait tan9gotiftugli bie ordual et uprin> tseu"eleaalug. - Rochie«t« Th<6e Alcazar Comxbin- ation coal and gas range salves the stove ques- tionî. Takes the room of but anc stovc. Pull.or push lever to bake with autuge, Up Irolîl Wpji5r w gas aor coal., Valuait. Ausirullen W"ed. FIgurci siekynooi l e otiQueci i>l uit received a laro.ghpment of augaýbougt seosiar rqs1cmpfagaà.mc ék.iht montha ago wben,pluermchoerta Idauul traltammi> ara. < 'Al Rugs on sae "#m24 % iCo() ~mel ar*op.Tbf "MEIbar /7.sont eto tle Igraini stélu6 ffl w AU 9 ih ufrom .. .....$1895 eIk«Ot ote miN ~ OhOonsota upfrOm"ý....... ...... . u»c icier,~ e~ siq Dresgu.i ld1 noak, mahogany. anld fi.â ct re ob Ilned S5>' toàmU Iw iM .......l.....$14.75 Ing tic figues *Itlithe « tn blaci- Dlng Tables, solld oak, u fOrn-- . .1.9 Lévia Swings Ctitiabca iieriuivolce ucm al. H o amati agan«et tirong dinge. If l er» *-saimr ta o mphmiaor t,> qulDouaIaKtthea Obut tfdlAorcstslua abutie and butem%orLoe.... ad- ccaueeri tbNe- imSS"-, ce,, ' a&$4UEd5 M~ 1te l. hbii t t 1hoý - f - -. ---- tutm 14 be '~ JI lr.hotegraplie Of types aU - - ls' adpue Micro-organisea hat ce tet and absceseseln ume mind lau. Danger" 'n Bad TSet Tf HEgermeaof bieumaption, la grippe. nlicumatlam, typhold, diphtlwvir cie muitipi>' nmply ln tet a gem thinder up 4p et ofon., soeb leuconatO« gm, gea are ver>' dmngarmucte bat-e.iiydaâmetiesa W Poor hemtt. lte pue perale, partleularni>' dul. OIAOL.V l e word te useî Swmlwtdwitîhe 0,i. fti, il n,.a blood, end, aoon.r or ner, gomeding te on*'e00 on@te, destructive dîse t iste kidneym, iladden, -Pil hgr or WAeh Do You Know the Present State of Your Healthe2 If lt leflot satisactety, If It, a fmllng, unrellahle, or M&ft louaiy affett-haeiyoutantth put fIn the prfflen uapI. Tilitv onU>' protect you from furklher Infection but It le ttie cbaoiu4tyN ESSARY firât stop toward. math, happinea and $ms&c. corne làt for, whther yau tari ithe work or %Wt It la weii ta know âAl about your teetit. W. arb hors dally, 9e. n0& e 8SP. M. j'VWING to the ipRbility of a large number of ptel ~Jto take advantage of our Special Low Pricesl, we », exteîîd our tilue iiuiit and make the following prices UntiiJuly 20e 1918 We were fortunite lu securing a large amount of Den- tal Mlaterfis lncludlng Platjtîum and platinum pin teetit, hefore the war ca-uge the prfces of theme goodis to beoeWusl 1111110t prOhibit.iVe, theWree Savre Tl'ue and Money "ý And také atlvanbtageof th is opportuity while lt lut&-. Oold Crowna1Rairo. .*0 olInlmay>'.1......... $f a Nturel Poremîmîn 4eim. 4.00 Coed Fillnge ........$100 U Bridge Work or Toith th Olsilver Pillngi .........Mes*e buti plates Sm nmio oeil na.lU ...... ...e...eth, Ooumnd Palnleea litrs, "dl IDust tien ................i TEETMEXTRACTEO PUEZ WMIHN PLATES ARE ORDEREiq (let your work doue qt our Sanitary, Modemn, Peitt Eîîuipped Offices., W. are positively here to utay! DO14'T BE MISLED By Derîtiuétuo that charge double pAces, clainng upm to werlk and mltterials.- WE.,WILL FORFEIT $1,000 * If work iu not doue ln our offce lua lat ie, uuing tirst claie mnaterials at pricesaua doUe M Misy Dentiàt.% North West Oorner Washington and êàtreet Over Pearceu Drug tore Waukegan, JML Open 9 a. .to8 P. M. sua4vq10 e . te 1 P. b Telephone 1lm- lut of Steel helmets. Tiha nov hOiMet ba.bbe.' adoptçd by tho Svill e rmy, vhich la prepered fan 1 887 te*.tUilîty Inlu tic orid van ft le saidtota hiMore ia"ble than mn>' Tut denti db>' at>' thbe an- rite nettiifis, a"nts l*~:l n 1-4 Soumis. IoNM e*.,I cera thbffl »M SCed 7. 6"uvee Plenut>' etroouî* lb.eye. ý 1 b 1 t IL t Ilae b t t L IJOELSTOSV STARTINO EJLY 1 Rigid restrictIons an the ise of beef have been Put labo offert in Il- lînols luinsOtels and retaurants, St the nequemt of tthe 'Miitt îrofoaod admniustration. Beglnning Juiy I tise nul. llmîting cansamptlon of cu- aler tathree pouDnds manthi>' for cacb persan IvîIIIbc enfarceti. Action vas taken by the. botel andI reebaumait enn Imedlately after fferbet iHoover bati sent out an ap- pealthbaf conuptijtn of beq beliesn tiuced. ROsat beef. vipîher hot or coid. siould h. served outv on Nontiay at the tida>' toal. Stoved. bolied bt-cf or beef hasii. Includlng corneti hte ha-h. ou Wed- neada>' or Saturday at eudday meal. Stca l n an> tort.Int, An' lding lan- iiurg steak. on Tb'irsday ui>' aItti. day mral. Sunda>', Tut-eday' anmi triday, no Phef la ta bc served by tLLs plan, ex.- coPt tise bY-Pnoducts.

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