Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 9

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- HI. LMCE cRJN'y jyip~j~q'j'Lake Cournwfi ig Wée hiyWAJ UANrcwv," LAKE. -2 EPW*Ih EW ~a .'isAnmswu N âF41X SU ~. ~XVL-NO..26 à à PAXT ýtwo :JS Lup in Rates Effective on uedy Morning on the Northwestern Line BURE SCIIEDULE, NOW New rtolt rate.%.vgsicb veut lite ont Ii lecge & UlvY k t inigit uen4a». joli a" arnomething <O on Ut. 20pe btgber Uaa."-ts aId is enWaukegau and Citigo. - i.average uereia. la 20 ver cent t on many thiflga t ruas Op ta 160. r cent. -Thie ,rais. "viiirmise th. dicliens" eeOOrding to local !eWlgbt har. "Th@ ris. rime tfram 20 tg> 100 psr Cent on Variaus sorts or ibipuments. s -are Sguring outt he sciieduleý %ad belleve me t Usesoin. job- eue or the 1localtrelght M an to. For Instance, the rat eonioftt coal OUn W&11111808»and Chicago up »W h«bahein '15 rene a ton. Nov deste, bc 11.00 a ton. Ilereartt.r you c&' en a thtlug (cCagO b>'NortWestern fregt luasthan 5o0 cents-tite minimum s useOd to ho 25 cent&. Lttcle la gint 10 maiteeralitravet andi Mc a more paying proposition than *fre. gom. O! the notatleMi tram the di- tor generei5 order se hffecting the lnar-te& In Waukegan show -Tere 1ha&a 25 Psr Cent advance in (bAugs not U<ecIhy ePecified In achedu le. AM0095 saine O! theitemns that Un- nt Waukegan foiks esPecialtY and Ucroaso as shovu #)y the sciani- are theme: Crusiet atone, sdvances ou(! cent -buadreti Pounda In cerod lot. <md sud gravl-eame saubLoya. Eriet «d articles tskihg brick twO cents a hnndncd ativance, à *ncuding creomoted blocks. etc.1 Cement. PUanter, atuoco--.aehvsnced voCents a bundrpd. LI'ne-reised ane and one-hoit cents bundred. jGrain prOducte-25 dper cent hîgh- hot Ont ovm tihan SIX cents a bûn- e orease. On sil carloati ahîpinets O! brick, Imn. coal, coke, atone .sand anti ~vU-wili not be legs tban $1i, a (soano cars useti10 o ot ai 1c". Atinimum charge an aIlles*e thon "d 8stsUPMenta vili b. 50 cents OI0omnnt. This ruis hits Wa. fitihe hardeat sa there have lean nY shipmeiatis aiy n the p&st Whotivrled 25 Cents each. This -1 ài thig Of the Paet new fir hInLun le shiPped Ini thon 50 trtaCter. - 10 la ft 01On£ cent a bundred in geot5-0nd dovu tram te eV aueenend Plitnorth af the bar- ta Whb«kegan tesin tnacks or néauoan Industrie. A car ordîn Y hoUé a*bout oo,0ooo ta 100,(00 a gde o It Uaseaen the nev rates lebes te coolt of getting senti via 1 Imfem thea PUtt tWaukegen'a north ha dovuInthetCity Proper>'. Csa receiveti trainone local in- VIIl Coat One-haîf cent lier itun more, MWnmum cost lper car. be $6.50. it uied to be one cent --bundred and minimm charge of Nlition, ani vire ta Nati Chicago, MZlàdoh iitdathe navet station viii r .u-ai et ahundret as cam- sdte ooc entti ad rate; 'Mhn leelim Cneý cs ti nd fr..n Stic nev, r4te, Te -old fnt clans rate betiveen 'eg ad,'N h Chicago une ti 10akeit *cents. plvare thovn tb4 lates as ap- VinfI rtUclto es o! - t s i x thie aid rate boint lauthie first~ M ad the. nov rate lIté second: L,-- M' 2 3 4 5 f .1 17.3 14.3 16.5 4. 8. là 81.5 1. -,1U. il. 12.5 immer rmet trai ou r mta five Mts a hundroti betveeWeuteaen voegetahies, wüvieluctdes opplas oli rate 6 1-2c a hundnsd; ev rate 9~ new chedule dos nt ln- -eacharges for terminal services (aiitls, savlig v4 w ieu per- letet n connection vith a, oud wl aeig, .domumagre car sr set> tauer, tivrirercomates- Ut.nsrioertion, icing, sorage. atIon or otier5 ipeola services. pustobarge Whlb arcmadition- te éregt raIdea M 'se assessed go»Vr -tabouait Usillge pioer sdmam pi>'teoham" est oenStý- ,bck, or 01*er roadea st htere W DI IlICEFINE ZION CITY FOR iROUIS AT DEACONS ON AN FORT SHIERIDAN!i ASSAULT CAG One of the Original Owneof S. H. DePew and Earl Casper- Highwood now Lays Caim so Are Fined $50 and $75 -to Land at the Fort Respectively WOULD OUST UNCLE SAM 'BOTH. ARE FOUND GUILTY L;laims Land Ceded to High- wood Was Later SoId to SeverailIndividuals Mot-e trouble bas been boapeti tp- on Undle Sans. Suit bai been tîrouglit b>' Johnson Il. Pravl, iormerty of llit<bsomd but ,*,w o! .San Francisco. cilîning asnership Io 6 con-tderat, ,- portion o! the Fort S.heridan) retersa- tien andtipseklng to on& . the federat governmenb's var forces ln tralnlng titere. Lieut. Col. Nathin William Mac-1 Chesne>' o fbbe judge advacate's o!-1 fie. Un rept>' ta a bill andi notice fileti Un -the circuit î-aart o! Ldke count>'. ?fuesday. laid (ho maiter betore Cbarles F. C'ytie, tabteil States dts- trict attorney. rThe siory. aeeordixsg to Coi. Mac- Cheane>', 1U4 bbat P3,vA nîny yers âgo ceded td'the %tUliage of Iligbvaot various streebsansd etieys for publUic tise. The i]andi ,soldti tanumerous Undilvîduals. Ldator tbe government 'viabot te eniargp the grotîntis of Pt Sheridant, and cotienabico proceed- ings folloveti. Possession vai tikcn. For yoar3 the government hsd unchslienged po.3- session. Nov cornes Mr. Prawl andi througlt PningUe & Terviltiger, attor- neya, 108 South LaSaiee treet, Ci- cago, ses up tat as the streets'and ,wben tbey vere n' longer useti for that porpose the>' reverted te tte donor. MRAT LMKE TO, RE RATLY EN. Washington, Jone 20 -'luemracks to accommodais 12,000 additionat tien et the Great Laites naval atatiap, 10,000 more et uNON!olk andi 10,000 et Nev- Port. Rl. I., viii b. conitructeti. Sec- rotai'>'Daniels announceti toda>', ho talie came o! tbe authanixetiincreue of tic naval onliated, -personnel. Constructiont of aMdUmjal barrasea Poibans -Bay station , snov under 'MY. 'COat O! the Uprvrnnt et the Great Lokes station -vjIb& lo 140000 ncluding.,s&a 1ezteansicor0 plstcd the big naval station vil bave aciltes for tnalmnug noari>' 40.00 States Attorney Dîsmisses Re. rnaining Counts Against the Defendants S. H. DePew anti Earl sperson, tva tiescons lIn 'oliva'n churcli et fZion CilY. hav-e been found guiity or msking an assanit on Jack Lievera and tien Pearson. tva lice weavers at tbc MarsaatFieldi Lace plant a-, Zion .and recç'Uved theUr sentences titis aftPrnaon at tihe hands or Caîîniy Jutige Persan. The fines imposed vert': Cas;prron-$7.' sud casts. 1)ePew-$.uî andi costa. The two cases were trieti separate- ]y', ('sperson being round guilby about tbree wéek.4 ega. [D'ev's case vas i-ed! Tucsida>, the cale go. tng ta thi Jury this inornlng. A ver- dict or! guiity" vas returfied -about two bours later. Caperson. vas roundi gulItY of sauit and battery -DPew vas !ound gult>'of sim»ple assauit. This accoants for the !4e that thte fines vore different. State's Attorney' Weich hed flied tvo Informations agasa ecb o! the Zion deecons. Each of the meanb-ad been round gultty an on oC 00101and DePew vas -paced en trial, taday on the second count. Atter eigbt jurora bail heen ottaietif scOnterence vas helti between the state's attorney' andi counsel for the defendants. The state*. attorney' agreeti to ask tbat both or the tva rcînainlng cases be droPed provitiing counsai for the de- fendants .jvould eithdrav thetr imo- tUons for nev trfala wblcb vouid per- mit sentence to he Imposed in lte cases. This as ti ans. Attorneys for the~ defendants aiketi the court ta Impose nominal fines Dut .ludge, Persons laid bie foit that Ut voulti be no jeunisiiment for the meii unleâs the fine vas made difficoît fer titan to puy. Tbe case vas 00e vblcb developed -ibout a Yeer ago whcn Lievers and Pearson are ailegati to have been beaten -b>' DePev and Casperson vba are. speclal police officors. maune 'me 1u5U.fitutt The esigIal cimathenmu, froni vhlcitilU t.e superb varietle ve knov toas>'are deeceded, va., tu1 viii «tâ te. no bigger or handeomar titan a dwndeiion. t Us tonai tisattUs latter gnows wltbatonihing rapiti. t>' anti luxuriance af bloom mati ciesecloth abada. dOid byeà Cynie. Toa-are tva ltsrar maldIes wxittsacmp 40di ealed boel, Tb*. WVe -t ffittes onem ptetlut it i nover coreti, the voret ot eeleti tes- 14 tbat t nover kis--oaanKra LrRWYVUM EfrIEPENDBeTJUNE 27, 1918 PRICES ON COAL OOSTED As COMT. GIVEs UT OUT The price-on Duel fr0 inno wuntil at ieant Septemberlit vas made known in Wauksgan this mornJng wheit the Reliu coal dock recelved ,notice trom the ful adinist ration as to ,,hat tloi4d charge for coal nov on band. Bplow las sown the schediitc asi died FOR WÂUKEGAN and thuis people living Ji couâtry districliq or Lakte oeunty 'viii pay thesp prîces PLUS te fteight rates from the W'sukegaa dock té vherever the) *Price Prom Prie ta Cons'Price Dock to DUIr Ta Conb'r Lait 'r Range .. 8.e2 10.52 9.05 mut .... 8.91 10.81 9.801 Pes .... 7144 .14 7.10 Tihe adanlnltroitiga .showrs the dealiers te chairge $1,10 over the coke c0, tua repwosa0tiag the cost of bandlusg and d.ltvetblg the coai. . The above prUWe u ipy at leantn- Ut September lot,~ or, until the sup- DIT et the Wukegan docks la er-1 hkaated. Wbsma the dock supplyis ia zbauated llq new abipmen4s corneI lae ty rail or otiterwise, t means that an 4ddltlonsJ U par cent freight cag Ili h. added betause of the aMdolfreollit rateesesordered byf thesgovernanont this week. After Sept. lait regardiesiof the freight »tee as orijered by the governmeit thia veoit, the laite fruiabi;, rates te ibe deducted therefz'om. Afler Sept. i lot. regardeu eor the freight feature.t 30 cents per ton ls added tb hard cuai anywsy, iays Admnistrator Er- eine..t One Waukegan dealer expressese great surprise te tbin<i that the pricer of boat vas juntpedabove J$1" He dJdnt expedt- t to go above that fIgure. He &tjMated that bard coai,d %bec t t le 'ugbt ta Waukegan byt trai a(ter th boat suppiy la ex- hauated, viii mun up te about$1.80 s ton moreUth» the prices quotel above. IoefV e Bays. t egong te cent &bout 3,1 cents a ton more t ns a restit of the Inereased -fregit. rat«. h cri *Fo!a 81.50 PE~ TEAR 1K LANIPMPI( FOLKSI Traoks 0'eimandý that'Post- off ioe Be Reinoved ÇIRCULATING 'PETITION People on the East MideMM Just as Hard'a Fightto Hold the Office Thmr Bouidest. ut Hiigliand.Park a 111 "bit up." tuI tact the resideots o! the exci i al-è norti shore eonunimity are ( v1de qgnstthoiuielvem, ~not il netb saO»nt the soutit. but tbe es igeiat tih. voit. 1 Naturaily, thore Io a reani Ve!r a number of years the ittg landi Park postollice bas been*loet on the emstat ide o! tic trucks. abautt ile gstto thet the arUstocrat part o! the cityliese«st -"o!ftI tracha. Nov, the people living on the wot sUde o! the trieks are ltlaiiilng -tht Uhey hie given a&littie - comoiderati Thoy $ay the "Sik stacitiagi" iav had the olflen ong enoug b' sud the are demeatding that Ut lie rezîoved t thé vest sideoro the tracks. The are advancing the further mnawon tha the postoMele bas outgrown Uts ,prei ont,-quarters and shoult balve anar rooni. Tie west siders are not content t, demand lte change Just ansni themnselves--tbey are bus>', circulai kng lititions. Tise petitlons. It h Mid. are* being forvardod '1.0 Priai dent Wilson, to congreaumlen fron thia disftrict sud to state' senatore urglng tiain ta use their Influence bt brins about the change. The. people reiidàng - on the eoia aide o! the tracks. bowover,. are no' taking aty chances. Tbey alea ar( circulating petitions aiking that nc changelbe imade ln thoeloation -oU tie posotflce. 'lhey se>' Ut le moel accessible to people ln ail pirts oU the city. Theae îîetitiopu ateo are being sent to the "povera Isbatci" ai Washtintont. "IEDEAÀND WIAT DURIGVACATION liii Il IUniler a deoislon tram the atturney UUP> jgencrat tie division o! factoy Inspec- tion viii permoit minonsetuilp. IL 'ta ho employeti during th. suriter va- 'bin . R ti E li rt o ! N rti C a tio n P e r o d t v ar k o! a te i o r a r v C'Ms. uthE.Baro o Noth crnearmiesa chanacter. itc g eri casa, bas reecUveil s very Interentlng cuitl 1 -Uta erî, lot~n tainber roterF. K Lstt-movng ia.wns, Making g&&Mens. u-. sou, son o! W. G. Le msnonfa North ning errautis and suai vor% as me>' ChIcago. Tie letter fromn the Northb -h termed '"odd jobs.,, «O*ever a Chicago Young tuait gîtes te firat m4mor Us not parmitted ta vï* in àa accouat so tiar reported abere a ljait. nercantile Institutian, theMUt. in Cun>'ans>'boy a Ia s n u i ufturing establishmaent, et ta ter;n aQemai -hoat. His lot- clubaso! vont lndicated b>' abs<011e. tor: ~~In -:Store, Offce qel-'ui. Sonsevhere In France, mlii, canner>', etc. May 17, 1918. No chiidren.a nui e t os. ot11, Deur disiter fRutit: me>'be emçloyod et sdvlig ýelts la Ta fulilt ay promise of e tettar ta an>' capact>t staevet ba' m youi avenobeterchance to writeot &e a nOilllng, vtping o et cle thaUneno. Titis louter s leiving me ng-aay Machiner>', the>' May net feeling as goond as vben 1 mev lau operete« pasaenger or !rstgblt, levf foi in, lat. Thînga bore are sure tori, the>' me>' nat b. ompio>'e4 la qiteer to us Yankso. My atidresa le aMy ponitUon tiat Maa>'be eohl»dereti the saine reglaneltt and cornpety, but tisuerOm, ta filfe on 11mb qÉ viser. You aid- A. E Y. vln N. Y. thoir boalti may bo njurqd. or nMer- Tic eHp - vas certaily> fine. l ^W depraveti. bUtors under 10 are I duda't set iOaeioa as i tboftgist1 net permIttedti t operate or piestut Ilà voeu. flore vas ont>' a couple glot opertias an>' paver drlvel machia sick. The sigittaon tend ver. fini, ry 110v are My>'boys, Elvooti anti .Nin A> n na der 1 1vsa htesore mn>? Doesa he .tIii bhnk hea gaoing eMplormeont Ma>' seutrsa t ca. to hOlifte hie Urcle andi go fCnar >' blanha trac14*pt. -C. ave>'? Oct tisat notion Dut of bis EsooIt. via May le rac i clle heai, as e cpeesaure Us nîce ta tuit st bis home or et the sCWt4I aebool, a! vhoutenv are home neer foika W5 aliioe535. knov. but entirel>' different when vs are here.- The question as to boy ts ev The air raids are like our tbuader erder numbers that vll MI h r»va aet Eton»lsbouts. Lots of noise yoii cen ahntntmorwmra l non te fdshaitauthe bombe bunat, leWabuon omra iorlg îl a flasht of lghtniug. be assigned ta lte 191 21-yebi'aOd tien On. moititn. on the boat, After a ln tie Waek~egan district vhoi1 rosi$- nigh t « qhsétins eue sulehsaen tered_ for the draft on June 6, can- onught 8111ht et s Gcrman submfw nenat be seuvereti b>'the becaq- board andi etaittd afttr ltUdt eti U. .u 'd tin detige and' @et n front of Our lest; for tise>'have blot rot reebeA su«V WO Outi thom n hait andi the ohffer instruCtlone Irani Wesbingtog onie Ibis -o ge -fw survivons. point. H!c1hla -tifs 2Znd anti 1 lavsn't x-biers a!flte 3c51 Word m fi. het. Tbi veother bas beon vsr>' celvedotioders tram Wain gt Dot fins. W. bave kisylîgbt untii ton- or eIeven a'ectcck et nigbt. 'Th. day a , ta asslgn senilnî -l _t li .1É ,ce rij onue If chier ttangs vire' Istret- -1a v'1sdln- "tter ths finit as -sooti as thi. vather i woui4 e rogisteatUon. Becauae or ibis Iact Il 14t amd las>'. h it tlçnOvmibore Juat heu île or- Tbàcout Uyfimounteinoits 1as titrougssi'Mass. 14on't knov Iel'U nttasw ili be amakle. -An- oes ta write so viliiciase fer, * . »"meacent .iAt la expectid;'witl e- - 1 tV m"vrin. 1" felovlng tae bïglotto#témor- MW RQt.n- .41er objeet t~e --41 t, . wlm»*mmý YFJAR IN 'STl -. LOOT AREA HARDWARE 4T*~ TAKE S TATCE A- Ares .juno 2.-Rabbers o aj Ar4 drngstngt kt âne sense of discrimination -violIl t±ý&L1_àfIl avihg been madle aited mlgs Ys accring to the Village vrafflq!w Wiho'vas about tawn up to $that 4g alidatand reported tiiga&alrUgit. e'.*e The thieves iaated the - là~ q kel àstore of J. W. Cijandiersd 9008 alued at between pj»Ôid 1W htthey mnuât have Mrra' ttoir loot off Ua an auto truck i dent froin the amount talion--mm jr am dînary tourlag car never wouh b baUd the plunder. lEittrance vas farced through ~ front door a"d the robibery vgaqli d.diaoovead until M. Chandie lg* he to th PaetUMoriado st ~~~~bis store hakfy oe est Ivestigahion showed ",là»sW~ bad laiton aill ofiiis -bort a ... . . -they wre jer vr aeId ýed1 z;--ýbisttr kla dvae tabka it Titelhuciail tbe carpoagr tb ic .Thb oo te e bu et àbà --adeape i;th d oe Jd ît S#d clochte sud knives. Thai toolt en tlo bét la theDies; they M Theecarid oit On. child,@a g* Tbere Us a wide diveroity at mL-mth-be lest la the store. ey ode Practlced on take oUg- q.a:.?e l* aI the bét @m u t ac regardin athe propert ir Um eut sltPore, lbut didn't, vaut the eyOur commun bey crops.' *O Iëý iktdoi. i differ somewhat tn the sui e or ami- Thtthe ts ievea vore mes et' turity etiv-hlch tbey abouid leeut beàrie« n u arare matters .1*: qgWt to make tbe best yniaiity of bay. dept frop the nature ot.thei se Timothy. t4kuin and comparlng tâton t i To imake the inout palatabie hay. lait bhuiu. >o timotby sbould be cut just as ULtla The lait résl robbery at Are& conIlng loto bloom, and when grovn &a Year ego lest May wen olu 1 Ug n comftduàon w~ith red claver Ut Us ~ nauto. .trl.d tinlIgot te fLt eceary to, cut tbe crop' earl-e. - . ua(ter ruauing eut o«,,- la tore the ciover beacomes b tYoe. a 4 dte, abam$on.tbeira* i. akte tesutquality of "Y. aidWAt liOr vs !undte h"ý-p* eut et tWBi stage la haut fer If fadinetoia l Chicago. ca&U. and sheep. TinOUp uebouli ______ not bcecut nwhen In fl O>g tt'- ta tbis stage the bey boomnsA espet<jiy cgbjectîo.rable E~v X.Pgcr PEED ON ROAD W"It~ et To make the beit iay-fo4*wJ, . luconnectiojt wlth tii, timotby sbould ho rut ville .fn the Uuprovemeat on Sbei*iAh Roedb "scond Ieom" which la wh a1ttheteeft Waukeg»n aMdUt sog- 'gras boaa abuout cesaed biboMlng and imeisieof the. county gnuumitY io mont o! the blosanmhave WSaltea'. . laidto tIdnIr that teNnJip» àg >fenPt a !ew et the top o! the bende. itructton conMpey wasa aarowi,~ tAt this stage wu set the greatebt contract becaueIL bas aJimeq * eigbt Of beyand tbe most ahtrtjipt, learned tbat titis campiny le Prag but tbe bey Ulmnmore woody, 1td leu I n ,better shape thsnarcpu. epalatattie tban vbeu eut et. au-earier lIo 1nca4MpYarndtt s4î stage. -'- countrY to pusi the vor kaleft~ Cioer. rapid Pace.% To niake the Most pealtbit bey 1h la stated. tiit the coin~ ""gp~ of lthe btgbest !eeding voi4st:.eUover tour and one-hai! tailes of! a44piî shouid -bcecut vben IL a Us tu V'1m 'osuage raUiroad vith ail-the noe witIt a iroy o! the blOsis.*a,,1nntdi4iap cars. sud4 ensines for 64 >'t , b-ov. Uf eut earier the bey,I.b'ileenaterlal tse ntUre distance.. vasby and not so desirah e;- tr'bdu enabies thia coupony ta o es as. 41terpUsif u te, l ov. IU vor% et a spee t ti. t obr er 11s too mature a large perce4t .of poanee ounot carry on. lthé ieaves vIII bc lut by, alet40>ng It la atatodthi theUtprohsiilty le and the lbaves are the. mo4idri- tle Elpse campan yil m t.el tiqus part o! the ciover -Y t ~ rOv ugtrc omBfintè(Wý cOntain aImait (vo-thîrde js, 1to e , heeect~ rie r Sher*daÎRàVjft tel protein content.,c where the equlpimt, lr ilùgliM, 'AifalfM. - ad viii io hau te, o. Tit. Us» Severi el perUments coalducte;d.>hy anaterial wWle odusnP.d froïs0k te Kanseas md Cuiorade -~Irnt 'electrie cars directly onto théeal stations bave ehow9Y eue Sith5lgIcrviicitviiirun &cm@astj» _î11î bua a bigher feediug value, ritcut1 rov-gu&ge rond up to Sheridan PlIeý Juit ai the crop lt coming Intô bli. eB> foiioving tii plan the É0gy . ttan wbsn eut et sny other thwh,1? ii bave ta,-haut but lktile m- me, eut et the beginning gt the lloo'm, Un auto trucks and b>' teain but W', Ung poriod the next crOP stars"in- belli ik eh on the dunap tari dlree% mediateiy and there las no check Un leo the job. lis gravtb. -Sometimea the Young This xmetbod o! handling mmtozdg shoots o! attalfa wil tart ftrous the wUli expedite the wiole improvemqg, crowd of te plant hefore the 9çi nver> gretly. muce atho sblotong.m Tie contract ceilsefor the. cornU.. tbase Young ;hootuor 1q osmbor snd People viWhosvt>bea v iii b. dellayed. ýif âLýdý onversant vth the SelUpe0 o* colare tOcmae lfot ' 5ay's inetbwof o!construction- W*- eirgpecof,,POsUveY0tat t wibedou oe, are lent b>' shattering. Thé leavos erably beote thon. are the richt epart of the plant Un Work Ua nov progrèeeiCsu ie' 'protein. c.ontrats rond bing luUt Sosuth frffl 'For feedlng bornes Ut lm usually roc- Kemoia. trom the point viters 1'(be Onmnended titat aUlait& bc ali<*(ed'te-aId. concrais rend smded. Tme P104 conte Inte full bloom hetor cluttIg 01, enoX@»"& conty lusto huild lia as theo effocté are 0ne t muInJurtoue sstretcte! ofUSeridan rend cea«r toMU viien Immature he lmUs ed. ' - tsePréent endlngr to a poist 0dM& &#d Pes. wlctlvifl et viti t.e tretci ,t111W This enlergency croli should le lie built bY Laite Cot>. The fý0I' et for beay vben the oats arm la avah mtter anpeara nov os If by the "dougi-btage" if a good qUality = :eenber 15(1,.aàcombiste rend uf' of ltay Ulita -,be îecured at lis 'mal- coomms conatrntion wviii lbe la; lm=ni owth although they vIii 129t Stween Waukegafa e it h. ripe. and Kemoiba "hi the ezleeptimes 1%11s mixture bas been fouIni a sttetcb titrougb im iasCty .. very désirable crap to grow for sali. tn-que. meantime. no, douit vIl lui purposos %a Ut lma aver>' ailOnuent stOs ta lanirove Uie rend and-til stlupplément or replace Pa§- that cfty andti ien a tire etreî~ tai o oedroodi vili W. F. WPKN. theeOrat lima letveutiesee lAke Couat Farm- Âdviqor portant cilis. As tau*, la strelch, of Concrets e« dbotj 0 e evflnau sud e«e- . -. s"keff IsaII et". aL doctor ma renia,, a boue, a pln or 'il la usderst9od thot ne stell etbr ojff frm he indip&mop. toartbe gbu-yi t- bi" i orta '0 mad Aenue 1

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