Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 10

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SIUM4LRS DRIV% ENXROI 1IOLD MAS ONE 0F TIDfES ' età&Skne, "SNp Detetve" on Dout in Southern Waters,d1 Tells of iscovery FRIGIITFUL DISCLOSURES Waukeg3f Boy Tels l4ow Peo- f ,ITry 1 Hide Selves b Se To Cet To U. S. jSomewbere in the carrlibean Sea May 318t. 1918. May weil belle ve 'me that the au re Vair 4. thîs country waa welI recelveti h'm.Y«u May have reati cf th.é iv. spots.of Chiîcago. but 1 do net bqçléve that the taniteti States pos- ssies onchbebags as are foundinI jbl-eoluntjry. it. tm. awfuL Hiere le port au. prince the peoiple are nlot = ~ tiir tavel on the atretd.héyare btpatyclad. nany travei about in a -nude tate. nOcth outskirts of the town thé v entravel ai they were horn and doWL t that irusant that those = III round in that state are ait naer31years of arne. The WOMent dowu hère do the work of a donkey. The mmn are l9afers. Yon se a big nugroý standing- around muncbing a plue of sugar caneé or cbewing a u.Mé. They are néar starved. That fa mun théy have te et. 1 tblnt that 1h5r&ce of people wlU accu bé etamped out. Dsaie villI daim Most but many viii die froni tarva- tics. The rate of dlaeaaed hère la 7# per cent of the hbrth lust. The b&g percentage of thé natives are de- ielUi by disease. LéPrOBY la Dot uaeomitio. The childreit of elgbt y«"r are as vulgar and unea- as4 thae heapest and fllthleat loophound1 tg burfound i Chicago.1 We bave a wondertully fine homne1 a 1ashia. she ta of steel andi - hésit 01 & Créw of 150 fipudaiards. Rufans. Poruvians, chilisa, ,saa miaous. Thias slp la one of -'thé llaarbrg-Aineric3in liners, thé U. S. ----,and shé la equipped i vth the méat xachlnery from oh paumpa, d,*ving power dovit to ice machines. We ané treated welI, and thé sec- Med mate la a young Amerlcan and a gond bead to. We eat in wbat is knovn as'thé Ollicers' mess. There aru but 12 of u, and our meals are sewVed lu courses. 1 &ln very anxious te geltet Port M 4lace go we can open up the halébe.. 1 as elécteti shipa detet- tiva> ut Colon. Yeu hnow thé "Spcks' c« Phimaam tsare steailîngtheir way tnt thé goond olti U. 0. A. and te de un they stowaway on thesé buta. 1 bed mane job u" detective. lellevé me. The lat trp up this boat had a@sid during thé trip one of théni dWL e droev the reat of the sbw ept q the lécargo h*d. fils boy waa ewed upIn an nid pléce or cmavas togéther wlth a couplé or cii pate bgasandi vai droppeti ovér ls aide. Hé vent to his happy ut- ing groundt or te thé se for sbark food. I don't think any succeedeti lnaumuggllflg aboard thi Une. i dui aIl tnanMy power te '<ap thew &ushore 1w statloning men aloa gthe mg, but thé Spankiards yl smuggie themt aboard aBt nlght, so jot beforé ve laft thé dock i armeti myséif and crawléd tbrough thicarbgo. 1 vent into thé places wbere 1 vas afIrald 1 vould Msay. 1 nsgde the crew ah lt cargo ni even fuel. 1 vent down a véntilator on the stern andt trough thé propelier ahat tunnel and cathe out loto thé 'enSite room, but no "duik i 1dont -thlak there van a 1 ltIdld mot cover on thé abiji, and Iougt te knov thé hldlng holes on a etésmahlp. There'ba8 net beén sue tri vhen tbvey falledt inmd s u.sdk pen arrivai at New York. Ireeae 13 shîps In this Un0e. 1I=y gt a gond calllug f rom thé Sklôper If hé illa a "*Spick" at Ne* Y*j 'but lbree hape. 1i tblnk 1 wl vIlIkli %Ir. Spck If hé shows up at New York. Weil, i was front 0one end te the otiser of the Panama canai. i donit ee where it bai much on our ovtý Zoo. 1 vatchéti thé Paclllc vith itsu bg tidé, and ase saw alligator mest * solti on thé market. This 'la no place for a white mnt.bllété mue. .Wlen 1 arrive ut N'ew Yors i 1bope te locale Chuck Stéélé and Mancél T*'lÇott. Thén i hope we set a ahip for 1rance. If i faîl te get a ebip overmeaithen t supposeéthéy viil 8n41 me boctk to thé Great Laites te pilot ablps te thé Atlantc. Thére via tal cf this step bforé 1 salled trous New York. It la reilly a dlsgrace. a shame, thb 101outt f telht lisat la on thb docks et Colon .vaiting te ta caried t< Nev York. There are 20.000 tono of trelght there. We are carryioj aM trou. vooti and other Jouit baci te New Volt We wili stop at Hati for *fregt. Thére are hundréd.aon cm hunadreis of teof 0fcleandias 1r on the docks ai Colon. .Muet of R has been tbère for tvo years Theré are 40,000J cases of saler on thé docka. This foodi otuf bu *been on the docks for ine u»onthe V* inderaadta It willîtake Ai ibem. if jyn bekil flat you1 afrali of they th w,,upull aeut 3nd wlév thelr trade mark four ao~ho back. Thé wiiels On thé. sblp bas b crackllng for thse past hour. SM thlng bas happéned iiomewhere. i word *Iomewh5ére"la ithé oniy ai known on a steamer nov. Thé tain and théevli'élée operator aic know what It menus: ifoveé1 I imagine. >The lookont bas tE loubleti. Thé hic bhoassare hangi at thé water's edgé. Théelgbts wi ordereti out. 1 fear we bave arri% ln a war zone. The viréleass lie usp ite nolsy clckléS. andti her. much commotion on the shîp. 1 worst ori t la-we have 3no Sons this ahlp. Lly wbst we ,would9 for a couple of Captaîn Mofl boys. We coulti make s;ilunf slck ln no lime. We have thé suf and thé ship answers the heini sur,prlsing order. We dldn't finti a tourlaft. l de thlnk We will'find one upon our rivai steW.ok. if therq le one theé foo--. -orthere isn't an Ounce of V hi the cargo bold vwhére Mr. N.i could find ItL Wé shollt arrive in New Y9 within a weeit. ---- New vhest prions o $2.26 buuahel, an ativance o!ftour centé nd- expécted te maicé amy mat* ines ai.l the pricé o!folur. E arti a. Jenkîtas, heati of thé Chk division of thé tiejDiteti States 9 corporation. declared that $10.80 barrél, thé maximum pries under ev figurés, la véil In keéping1 foeuripu-ices it thé pait, vhlcl thé majonfty of cases bave bei bigh as 111. "FIanr vîli hé fuly as cbéal thé consumer as In thé past,-1 Mr. Jackson, vho bati just rétui frai Nov, York,. uhére le met Ji H. Baunnes, président o! thé t corporation, anti sole 60tivice I dents représéntlng thé variousg cénters o! thé country. The rate.. i pnicé vas made essary oy théeicréaseti tméîght rn hée décaret. 'Wth thé énomîi név crop ve havé évent assa éxPeCt that thé comptition lI ig matie possible by thé éllmtn. o! thé îllUmg division o! thé adinistration may bring ée'n ec ér fleur. We are golng to enough vhéat te bud up a mea aupply. -We May even have se i that it voniti have a tendémcy te ér thé prîce. White ve may el latini te uséenhebtltutés for w fleur, we wiIi do seo vlingly, a 60 otilg ve are building up aui serve vheat supply agaînst thé ger of a abort cmoplali 101. "Thé nev pricé for vhéat al a faim compensation for thé psodt andte <édealerasbut pénmita fna filéérînt.. Esery huahel o! w purchaséti and thé prîcé pafi knovn to thîs office. We kéep s fect checke oun vemy buehel bc or solti. Ail whélst hougîl fran fanmer and flot soi te thé n within 30 days must hé turued te thîs corporation ai $2.26 mgat o! thé price paît. That préi spéculation. Wth s minimum on vbeat andi a maximum o tbère le nu chance for spéculai EMIIASZD IN FINDINi 0f " Earl Alden Lost Piano Tu Outtit Four Tears Ago, 1 covers Themn Now MEETS MAN WHO FON Lost at Lake Bluff V 31Driving, Four Years Latei p Meets Finder at Fox La o0 Talklng about concidents, Il *e Itn't thé mont ntresting an, usual coincldént that vé have cf in sone lIme. veld like te le thé facseofsautler brougbt1 le lb vas tour-years ago tli Di Aldén vas ir-vng tbrough sE Bluff near Ferry Woodis on 8W 11 rond. 'lenbt bis kit of bools k hé uses lai tuning piance anti he ti éd Il mast about thé lime hé 1 P- l'etuning hé endeavored te n lu, séarch btnt vasunsuceseful go eh on home anti bongît a 11ev 1 a. about $15. Mn Nov don't forget, thlas va a Years &go! le. Il vas en Monday of thla l'e that M. Alden 'vas ai Foi ht maklug a répaîn ou a piano. E It lis tool eil out andI vas plel teaa tool front elle of thé pocicete a youug iman vallig up to hIn -Wbat lIntI of a toltkit le 1hi In -W'hy. lhat's t piana tuni ad ftit, nId Urn.Alden. te «Well.i. ibave often won ýy sald thé youug man *berause1 Md. a kit of toIs 111e that abo- on yéar 1390-" Lh "Yes.'" Interruptéti Mr. AIde vé ,founti thé kit ot toola on 1S SRoad at také Bluf f near 'i. l -Wéi, tat's èxactly v me tônd ti t" îaldth Ie )-outil;mu ed. log, "I visa golig through te« 910 04» to "8auéaduMWvth are .. #P1 I TJ<' tRiij.AluCTCBY can bee V CrlSWanson. *Îth the 51 ging AitlNery aws0. S o I.r Il.Are Frantie To 11W ' The :i AND THEN KAISER, BEWARE Sa ys That-When They Cet Started Nothilg WiI 'Stop Themn' Plotures Conditions onAt AP. Swanson. 320 South avenue. r ar ebas recelvéti a very Intirestîlg, let- <. rhlson, fol.*e ~ R&MW1f1 w&Uaeean vire mil. food Carl la a membér Of thé Wlré ýegro Works club of thé Waukegan mîli ant is .many ilendti tthé Mill York vilI hé lnterested ln hearlng trom btm liçonn>egion ! i bs work "over theré" n thé It IleltiArtîl- lery. An lntére..tlng tblng tieveloped I *itr ft'connéctio n with Swan.tons g.&ervice 4« for bis country. le vas one of those fellowa vbo dldnt bave te hé dratted or urgé-d te enter thé army. -In fact, hé forced hls vsy into It. and I)E héwonld find thal Swantions amlly single day. or inu mre way manip, ieatlatéd lîseIf so he was accepted afltir tirât heing turnéti dova. )n-.~V Whén thé lU9th nld Artlllery luit Fogt eiherldan ta Sp abroati, ar[ vwsax ne ofthé mont dlsappolnteti yuung mien lu Waukégsn iîecause he per lied ibeén turuéti dovu vhénnehé p. are <pied for admisiointo thé aàrttllery. ertal Hé vas founti et that Ltme e W hébut loy. 18 yearis olti andi of conrse ha-. lOag coulnît bt aken ln. -. -1;a Howver, fildeveai. now accord- rlh u ng te reports utknnel.éyh thé went te Chicago star belng turne with- dovn at Fort Shérîdan and durlng la ln big trip into Chicigo hé ap3,arently ta aslncreaaéd ln agé about 750 days. At amy raté. vhen Ire rétuntéti ýp te home twWau*cegan ln thé îftéruoon. sid accordtng we bie relatives, ail hé 1ad irnd -,' ". ai te rush in the harle door snd ýullua ?ut thé front maklng thé rémark, grain'Vni la a burry. Vve Sot to leavé for rest- Jefferston Bsrrackit toulght." grain So titis autidén flash sud determîn- :7ation on hi. part to go toto thé uer- ne vicé la ilusîrati..e or hIs Amérîcan stV "pusih' andi déaré tehave a baud ln mous scttling thé Kae's battit )a to Thé letter te dated .lune 1to)th andi huy'o IOU A CNTLICiC THE KAISER WB, THE OP A)IRIC'A, WII.L LICK HlM. TV WE DISEfllEFORE If E 18 LICKED acctotdlflgly Its recelpt Iu Waukcgla food WB W IL!. TRAIN OUR SONS 2'R0IW.HE VERT CRADLE TIa z0LDIU.-8 AND PINiSi. THE JOB,_.BUT KAIBZR BILL 18 CERTALNLY et thiatime show.; that t caine in ieap- Ç,01140TQ GET à LiCK1NO. pretiy fait ordér. ft follows. bavé have sent You a lutter, but 1 havé merv not bail any cbance te. You ttéé we CO Pl LTEI R lI 0LMA PA 3 OFFICIAL LIeT OF REh ave been véry busy lately. 1 guéas uuhlowT V u E O 0 D A ADE BEIUNES NONz:SAT R NSESy.. foikz know moré about vha la ect XI8= SAi» CHAMGED TO CUSTOXE ESAE RNSE S olng on ovér hère than ve do as béhat 'e - IFI A T usnlahed y nevt-r see any nevapapers only once sa la lflovlnt are far Waukem f oodi pices for thé veck begînnling lune UlUlA IVIIVV4 ACT LAKCE CO. TITLE AND TRUST CO. ln a g reat white. If I could. 1 sure ir ré- 28. as -fixed by thé food administraitor ant isu comn.nttae, comprlng the .Asrct tTts TleO itéed, wo uid tel nome, Intere8ting thingi. of dan- Wakefau food admnistration. Namaetfdealers elliflU aboyé thèm nese IIIIftY "I IiIiN U MiO@ileTemple b ide. Phoml 4. wbat vu are doing andi whert ve are ehould hé reporteilte John S. Clark, Waukegan foodi admlultrator,.who vl iaV TOAL Asrco f5J 'Tt'leO r sitIlwaa sure hotl ilatînt. for thé àlawe take the proser action. June 29, 1918. Frenchi hère once. 1 eut acterai clip- ..cers (Prepareti by thé Waukegan food adinistration. Effective ve begin- Ma.ter in Clancery to. leprman plat...out of the. DaIly Sun ...Jvtlon- Spro- nlng J une 28, 1918. Théfilrst cap ote ch de. .ded i hf ii.Iuehl. tract of landi lu SE 1-4 '4. NE artillery actions sud the- dates wbéat RetailIpricés customner ehoulti pay for the taples amed should nt ourta On the eonsliîîillonalii) o!th( i-4. Se..29. leerlicld Tvp.. De..dand saute of tht. places veré vheré F"'i szeed tke tollwng. The tnot te the retailer of! tch article aisea ingiven. lio'4ihi î.tllooil ý1iodn.. tuaý.. t.1, ve vere «t, andi wcalune diti have a per- ý 1<falo 'f treaid vît..heb i.aialé t , action on those dates. I receiveti ity. opgr- 9 CoultaeRetallei Fric* ta Consumer ctavor urf thé l a lu 1h.- laSai. M , ekr- lîf e at ,.frst letter front Frank about a montit athé Oianut.d Sigr (ln hulk) ......... Per 100 lbs.-17.97 9 hecounty courite h'0>r. t axres... a tack. .r BeanSui, lort h ( nd24 ieag, ééil . bIhave nu Idea wberé hé or nillr Granuated -Suger (1n2-lb. cartons).. Per carton- 17e lIc The 'use as i.oughrNorthr- hiec a,'hi. divisionfis. Ail thé boys vigh aven Silcéry Wrappcd Sread ......... Per lb. loaiý-8% foc I ourt snd arguéd t 1great tength. Tht- G, T. Rogers ant i vift.e J. A.' hat they vouldft i t u bm basé on 'tués., White Flopr (standard branda)... Pr 1-9 harrel-hi.30î.40 $1.40 wcontnhk ha abs.tpiuithe1ral-wSîuherland, nlots 9andi 9..block i, thé Boche- andt1 W be'tbn they Sél ýventa vas coostutional aad ta îe Rail rsAtiti Waukega. nWl). $1. nougl Y-ank.i over hère th..y wvil pricé White Flur (aller brande) ........ Pr ig bîrrel-11.3 P6 od na syli a...I . ~-~ah~elî..Fitz-Patrck 'n Antrra tlne I.-. ba n iuerlntil ase Uinlc Fleu.................. Per 5lb. ag-.!le l c pt'id tIat an apPt'al 1îuin ii îî il ant i Xltbilti, Horgorson N 44 fI. lot a 'ras teyares ittl of flu lalysFlur.......................Per ig5-r11). .0-.7 S > cision vil i *kl t h spitPél bok tairlt PfiÀ lt.but sure bave sen tsonétey Whole Wheat Flou . ...............5b. bag-32 1-2e 37C jlié e t teti.1.auE. lga wt < e i Ann Xie and isupewose tetaherni ar * (Under thé Presldantle.proclamation retallens muast1elf anti con- Te ri4oîIni he in la- on. lotE . lbocky 2ti wtfé n*inna nî1éan ripenov on thésuti fan. Irr 8ameèrB muaet 1Y vîth éacb Pound Of!wvite matur a pouittiof some euh- halte couaty la of ulîurinîotrésî in..tîSou î lth 7 i ub ,tkn I. o$1. gîte a votndugesabed n s1wberr stlînte. COnsumera bave cholcé f crnméal, cern siarch, crn ouir, 1 .-(ougnty tor <t sînîliar .rîîîlîîio o uii ie îb. W uétaî, Wl,81 hrt ee a n t rahe nele s I diti homînY grits, bariey foeur, rîce. riceftour, oatmeal, talutaI cala, bnck- lias alîven here. The.St. Paul rail JuIy t, 1918. Ihv cutépol vr e. ,vb@* leuir- PÔtat0e foeur. sveet PcttoDo!]ur, BOY béaitour anti fa- roid and the North Wesernî rafiroati Wm .Ztnder aMJ vf, tn C.Ppackilig up lu a short notice andi léavP tea otire anti meas. R tousr la mt coasdereti A subsitItuts for have raiséd the quiestionut o!couititi- Kingsley and vife. NE St 1-2 acres of lihéir borne.- taklaag vhat clothing wht or)tion3llty and havé refiîîed tb pay th. e -e.~wotTé.',> ~ sdhosbiinuêsté bycut vhlt lor.>5-l. bg-35 ' 1c oX hé alt r lc hu-ntakn lta C. A. Kiîngsley and vilefe bWî. anti leasing théir furalture, anti cava Gaa iu............5-lb. bag lic r aycourt ber.. anti ha.. een ar- Zantier anti vife, lot 37 sud soul anti chuc'séns alncé thé Dutch bavé ing Crnsha Slwhitu,éti l.....t.....foer-00 I(.-o5inty7 Persna.epart 3, ltolck 52, North Chicago, WD. matie sanieof theîr lait drivés. Veu corn m l ( whlte bulk)............ Pr 100 is- 57 .- 7c Tesa ns f t fe N rt e te n $ . coult se them strngng ail &long CHrnma ( iOuh. -S5. 7c Th6 c itoPrscl t' t lrefiénarthiWern Oscar aSatistrouiant i wf.. teAi- the rmatis vitI thelr ltti chiltiren Mima (bouhade............e)î.-3 6C roré si eut thre ahcliuc ert Andeérsenuanti wife. N 1-2 lot 1, antilaye about ià andI 12 years aid Sacn benagrde)............Per lb.-47, O vlliltec nd "vs thti' t bock,- 10. Ladd &Georg.e Add.. Wau- dnivlng thé oxén sud aid men drivine »Mon <medwn Trades).......... Per l.-îOe, 44e One' of the chef pointisa-as that'tht' kegan. VM, $4.585. the horses. by i h atr ID IT Dicési Squares (wtole) ...........Pr lb.-30c 35Ic liv as discrimninatsry in tuati ~t wCordtie ndly iSbtoe 0. felInliesu extpfo10liés Lard (bét V4118614cariée>.........Per lb.-29e 1c farcéd ahittî achool i Iîupîî n ié ne navsIé hdra l.Sr (ule................. per l-irmotleté Itita oga.Sec 36, W. Antiocth Tvp.. WD, 810. been alck éxcépt s sergéant. vbo r e hile * (fuîl eréam culta Fodr)ol er th204, %%siey paistht where a Tistrpict u'la A. Ehépard te Waukgan iY. ls-ès laui Rvérslde. Chicago. Hé bast Che.s(full crOim, cutl b order, n6w) Per î11_266 Voies on the propositionuiofîîestaîîisi- XM. C. A., veat 100 ft. lot 5. block 1, bis thumh on lis rîgbt baud. n-e r e Ch- î(fll rem, bnioke>.........Per l.-26c 11360 1îng a non-higut av',uooî tistr'ict th. Origtnal Waukegan, WD. s5.00. caugltit Il n thé recoi the otber day il vcs f h lci1ousal7h,* htcat hea we vas fir105. ike » (00 to go) ..................Prr cosi asri thée éectionsha ie oru ttgnthlfljeBthue unI.t Weil. t thînk wvîli close. hoping you 'fbth '$ f ric iîy60tht7c) .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . ...ePtrdeétis3ho t m a k e p eo . a re Il w v l a nd i ha p p y . w b n Y o n e t .duPu«( oj)ý lit.-îc 6c Assistant Staté's Attorney John w. plé<s lIées happy; Il lo thée lme kind. tils. f tis*rues(_,l@70 \Velch, aftér heartng the arguments nesses of dm11litef@-S. Redwlu. .d n- run, (0 l 10>............Pé lblic15e o!flthe attorneys for fthé raJlioads, héardellemny ....................... Per 100 lhs.-$7.25 8 1-2e asked for lime to stuîty gîter thé forth. Rles (fmncy) 100 îbs.-îîO.00*14cIc . b. rié!,.. Afttétlie haîtidoue mo hé 'tSar' ile*a <hué i'M) 100 lh.-49.00 13e Ib. cm n cui nicnést ug Raefico Fletr........................ Per lu,11-12c 1215c Meut, aasertiuîg thal there- ver.. se- osédn 4âe ay adpce)..... e 0 b.S3érai points lu atilie in tiieni- E étlda a --18C 0mine- Sn LIa.................Pr 100 lbs.-416.00 2 sellb v sèul nvadt î he <ne 0fN'T H at ios& I. PétbOs Wacenan d MchIgMR) .. Per 100 lbo-42.50 4àc per I, Ibn, leust six other countieha the ataté UeE L L V nalé a PétlOeS (f5w>...................Per 100 ,lb.., $1.15 pli of 15 lb.., 60e vléréelmilar action vas takén.TU .& AL II I )trove Mille (hîisut o).....................................1 cannaI undéretanti vly the iég- kI k (mdomnraes ......... 170 Islaturc- ahoulti bavé daftéd a iaw tfour 1491k (mcdl:m rad et)...........l7e1ne w hich wasabsolutely gtotrsry ta ail S i t r D ~ n and lige Mill (eipoatsd me aw.t.nd) ..lic14e rulinge af thé auprexué count," hé sauti B ekbttr(M N*Y 1tnRie ) ...46 fle "Why , undér thé law, there lanoth- -'lO TMH - éée(Oh@ Offl 11hOtr lé cartntéitan inlétube) ing 10 prevéit aéndlng a <hiltifr011'd LakeSeterîn <m~ geda. Ureés Fer1h1 3k Wsukégan ta attend -a bîgh echool lit Hlge "-Stttrlne L.tamdrd #M11sa14 ivIle) ..Per ib.-300c5C fhleagzo seoniag as.thé tultioxi la paiti JL , JL x 0 ý 'Ço qjlj eý ýReXLvJc TEL' 4T ii B. F. DmE *br NOW ACCOt ing Thr Wall] a gooc publie I lAk one (If sciriplif véelebri wi neal ln the. .sI ar., A ST( sy In t it. r! li>, haif.. lit i i ci ,ni - o 1 h fn ,, flyl at w~ Il 1 j'..l tI the. J.r t ra.ii Iêx il %asi0 fi. ichel wa,. oý al.Otg, "Urloii for' A>- t., dianI Ing mi Io, g4 g, ..filh a cali!,,t i a p.c( and 1i luk kij Mil r tl, l, i :, W, ij for iiil '1foi %vit wl firote wagoi Itreasi those As h.adii Wl ic n arrivf sût v table

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