Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 11

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nue, Nire rrom hase 1 n endi t up 5£g a ift1er e lie but lie- rnet s. Mid sud nark, e for rmin - 1 oer- rican id An enti ie An e vs gusa c are r tire clip- dtits' shere havre ti ni. nanti bue or v ir liu on y gsi wlit 3sa. (til (,f atet>'. n'a re m., i 'berry I dii hure les v thlng coulti cava hase 'VOn aiong ltren ns otti rivlne y . Z.0 bis who e lost . n-e br tiay îg yau Du get PRINOIPÂLS P&,,"TRA14LE" WHEREJ* UN-i NAMED GREÂT LAKES STATION RECRUIT' FOEKED OnÇ POINT 0F IT1 the istemmlng chowder with bowel E E AL J N TELLS Of FIRST at teha.A esopdbfr EEA boad» lather Dodge bessedl the food 1DU 4 lu C LEBRATION befaro us;,sd, as ail bd thes famus eI and It was declded that t was Mj btter thau any tbey bâti ever eatn ANsT TO IIERE 74 ER A0ontesoeond ascuge' A ÀA ST IO Bay where many bad corne f rom and -wbere Mr. Glmore vas an expert * B. F. Shepard Gives Detailed Whie e are eating 1 viii intro- Young Men From Thirteen Description of First Cele- bduc wee th e wi t rer n. Different Counties Re- bration HeId in County llu b Gore Gage, Gere rv ceive Citizenship Papers IronmeIlrst Lake, Aleix Druce frein Second Lake, lltimore ftronteFoudt NOW RESIDES AT GURNEE Lake, Amazlah Smith, George Wright PRAISED BY .THE JUOGE a from @aind LAke, William Aodge or Father <odge, John or Sam gIt- :Account is Intenscly Interest- man. Cranteand 1î uink the Doust Impresses Upon Themn That ing After the Elapse of j Irotherst Llun They Have a Man Sized Three-Quarters o! Century er Eaat.le.son 'Haines. I tSaf. Ts;UgsBs fot ford, John gkaras, IRussell Croker. Waîtcan omorawplas t bae p ABlaniard, Geqwe Siar, Fedrsi Judgp George A. <'arpenter Wali(egn lmorow panste avPNat vae, JasjLamb. David Gillinore, laf Chicago, moved big court to the a gond 4otd-fagblonerl observance of two or ttile o1 the Eeety Brothers thre G Aks.?a~5rI»n tt SU55 similr .IY.Ale aywast h'1 rc% ,âo Bnet e "ay alternocin. Tt *as- è- ri? pbli .ilmltar of may W8>'5 tO tifiontlarId lfr4.,mas thetâ t iteho a the purpose or naturaiixing 129 saM- pubic outh ! iui ceebMio leldtit b va te fra vbteman that wart Young men wbo had enlisted In lAke éloufily> 74 yearg ago. Ben*5 plantod corn an the veat aide of the lin Te servie of ('ndle Sam and wbo janilt Frankiln Shepard or Gurnles. Desplapes River. and vas ahQet- the vlshed to thecome- fufl-fludged cti- Fone o th l'otcil. ing enifts of biackes man I ever saw; there vere. -the coqnty, one viSa campe ta Lake many others 1 do fot' rerlrember, gze. TAie r p fiteowren wO9 çonywe e wg about leur nearly 100 n ait. great and limait. rtdJug ('peerwrca yraut ob, las ééti va tuae dý mpolitin ta aa degree. There vere yeas nd, iasariidns dtaisd e~ As Uitie -Fort tead beeo on a boom Young men frotu 13 different couna- grript triof ! i%(- irs? Fourtir of Jiri> for a ypar and had Iwo or three trie.. rltessî-a tfonI l ae ourtY aspperstores&'vithi a little comptltion thny The number froni the varlous count- Ainesh.'dto.aT hisorv bolkt 11) *bâtd gar ggs rip to tbree cents a tries wu .as roiîows: Ruiaanâ, 41 ; lntelcal ntad Ayasboowfs he dozen n tradte and sugar and saleraty Italians. 35; Britîsir. 23; Lanes. 7; stuars'rol n l sflos down ta 25 cents a pound. Tva or Norwegins, 4; Grouks, 3: Austrians, ASTORY 0F VE OLDEN TIMEa thrse orfAie pionceer ladies thought 7; Armenians. 5; Spanlards, 1; 5>. B. F. Sb epard, Gurnees, l11. they would bave sometbing for des- Svedes 9; Gprmanqsé 1; Mexicans, 1I in htjiionth it Ijune. 1844 word sert, go btween thura tley pickpded Uplillnders, I. Véé. 'éi l tertir tu aIl tbe scattered a lot or reggs, Look them ta Lttie Fort .Iudgs Çarpenter compimented the si'itr, if Mill t'repk precinct. lake and traded thetu for sugar. Wth young men on the stop they were cotini'. Illinis. that t*ey would the sEgar they made two large mikt aking. saying t expressed thei rigirî bu%.. a ct.. d Fourth of Jul>. celetra- pansaof gond cakes.,(cueies vih kld dof spirit. He 8ald lbu bad msen lioîn andti ticic diAner witb isb csrsway seed a Anilleul). Ater fille largen numburs of Young men natuer- <iéstr for al ta ni-et at the con. cbawdpàr, had vaniahed the iaiesalahzed before but neyer bati he seen 14ie. rrî iS--conil and Third Lakme. walked davn eacb aide of the tables airore mani>. group of feUlows. Fi é r , oi1% raine, and as I mit thin'ilng and gave every o011, grent and arnait. "I know you con be dependeti up- o! w;,i 1tAci.yond,,r o! 7f) years ago, a s<'ed cake aplece.- Wben they got on ta do your b8t and that An ail -aîd-a. a n ane ai the ver>. few liv. ta thre end they Tend a few Toft aver, that can be expec ted o! anyons',' be ing ;ilo îîartook of tiret generoug tirey sbouted. "Wb'ere are tire boys miel. -Yau are ta bf congratulated laatn onu or the greatest. aho caugbt the fish?« Us four boys upon becomîng Anrrican citizens at eV. j'i i th. carl>' history of tAku irad ta step forward and thoi v iA in bnA1. o lal'apr 1 ariî. yl jat davn a roe, incA- laies presented an extra seed cake Cnit that America sn ta play sucir an --&ent - îî.î, reminitérencus of those ta each or us. 1 tbin'< fev fishermen Important role in the grçat war that pari% wh.,,seau as boys. rane get go biglsly honored as s we re la rafflng overseam. Cid "ethte., iraries and tirrougb that day and after 70 Ion gycars I "Reqàemirur that yole are wearlng -Ah.é îî'- of Mill ('re precinet. can taste tbena yet. the utortn of a country tirat neyer 1 .i.,n, r wtb vbat anxiety us To make a platform tbey rlled on- bas ïinawn defeat." bov. , ailedt for that great day. the of those lg wagons by tbe aide of * }'oî,î of tiy, 154. a large oak trse. The>. hal tbrce Finél..i. ,ime. but net vtth flatte or four small flage,, one the larges[. 11Ib 0 40 6 t flyn ',r'ih. riir of artillur>, but sbould think six b>' eight feet. van wili ft '.p ' tleii ,r.'eze biowing tire brouget !)y>'a Salera man; t vws wiiié -." A ,éteady> booming ar ralqell over the speakrs stand and * araoIslcmm8O tAie pli'.;"Oum.-liens on Ibeir aid a" t(ey raisui t ane of the men said trainîl, ,..ds ;irt thehboys cal .Theree cbeers for tire Stars aid Iîîg tI',x, i, froin tir. prairie ta get F-trlpel4" Tires.' ere as hearty ail cii. ut r il,. great celubra- ebeera as wure eve' given n Laki lion uîbai,1',-i acre thé- cat, tbrt counet>.. ltbaugb tIhe finit that eer l-arry T.G. Ogilii"e Milwaukee, 36: eîmî,îr,-I choed tlrrough the grand aId forest Amenia Kraft. Madison, WAs. 22. i - r that on thé.- tiird of and over thuse beautiful lakee. Ut - ]eorry Keefe. Mlwaukee. 24; El- jut>' à t'l'v oftlie nigirboris vere tde did anyone tbink tirat Ann32A years aie Tegel, sanaie .21. going cr-.'o.locate the place, visar meule (4 those little boysa "lYing Jas. D. Worth, (Chicago, 22: Filor- thei ru-ni d make table for tiîe srounti and ln tteir mothers' arms ence NI.Smnith., &ame, 21, nêxt du %ý ad, as 1 remembur il. At voulti bu lylng on thre battlefleiis of Francis D. Stahr, Chicago, 37; Car vias on î ii..san.'spot vbur-' th. thé- .outh n dé, frisuof thatsasme oline ("telo, Miwauîkee, .>,. Il ihr'.itbrus nov stand'..l itag. the tSars and Stripes, nov cali Theron A.1 Meyure, Rouandon lake, vas ciné ,f eetour ba>s viro ventcM <ld Giory. VIE., 24: Rose t'. l"reman ,FredoniFi aiouîg, frntî TUite 14 years of age. Father Dodge gteped on the plat- Win.. 26. 1anîl ba. hlu-r listi incag. Wu hall form and gave a prayer anti as At vas (..iiot g... fr^il,) Ae forcé,t vhen in anti-laver' days hu prayud for Roirt. LStevenson, FI. Sberidan, 1Q o' . , tîound across thé, freedora o! the 3.000A000 of slaves 24; Id, Bucîte, Marengo. 19. 'ru lt, af- deia adb n bandage n vhat vas called"U l ln wtosaiýt n eJogepb tSolkaMlwaukee. 49; foîré-. ' îu-d t thre lakes ' weree and enlîgiten"d nation. Afler Theresia Afedinger. saine, 46. 4U-iin' iarge buauffl, A mle- ie vam tbrough Nat Doust readth ie Iver Evensen, Chicago, 27; Sadie DeciaratAon of Independense. Kee-ler, saine, 27. A> - é-t-'ar..oing Ailinig vu %vent Then Fattier Datige deliveredth ie Chas. O'Tabey, Randolphr. WAs. 61; to (f- 1gi'anot; i b. Aut found that t aration. t bas Pasui MY memory Mary G. Ganske, Fane, 48. wollIl ;,é,1(1,ut t*enut a time ..o Iwotut t knav At vas foaod. Tier vire Wmn. J. Shelton, ZMon City. 64; Nai of l i loti in anti pushudl out ito a number of short speeches. one frot cy E. Melntosb, sains, 42, thé- i..- Thec ottier two int aio..g George C'age andi onu tram Sain Lest1er C. Williams, walea, Ws.é, ti- 1)té i-î'b iiinîAn pretty îîebblcn. ii Ioust. i rernembcr. Samn and Nat 31; Olive Bown, Tvo RAera. Win.. diari iirovliîadi, anid sirelis unti piay. wure tvins, I thinit. at least thu>'32 *Ilig ]il tire sailli. lit a shrort tfiniu tii- iooked ver>. mucir alike, Young law- Peter Ciapman. .Miwaukee. .16: üt ii'-r boys , iaine i, and let. t1 otér >ers from Salem 'Massachusetts. Lena.Patzer ,same. 24. 1wé, go. out s..d iry th"r lu'-k. Th"y chaty aftcr this the>. put utal teir Wm .J. Du Brucq Great lAites, 24; Lad gé'i1iiiluck larliA ooti came ailiter, aitgle AnnIlttlé,éFort and,. I tinit.Ed NI Durer). Iran River, mce.. 21. wiAli a fille lot ofI IA'.i il witl not te!I iveti and dieti there. Wm. W arr Hlighland Park. 2,1; hoia mriés or lias large for )ou miglit As a celebratio:i voult nat Ae Dorotir> I. LHyde, smune, 18. CalA tiis a AAtlstol, ). , bu(t tiere ver, Lnuch viîtot sorti noise and tîrere Eidith 1i Andrew Madison. Kins. i'lî'gA id10iir nrerwutoi en' no rire rrackers at (bat time 2'; Warren J. Hupter, Great lAites, a gbl. ce ofb,t ialoi 't rung tircnmand lus boys get boltiofa alittie powtiur; ~4 iack tu,,tire men vIsa vu vet lt ant illied samrt ie i ganse Robt. J. SchAmick Chicago, 22; Ber- vefr, a? woî k. 'il.. y toked ai thetu quIls. ve calledti ies. sguibs and tha t-off sane. 20. aad IAîaijWht w, Aîti iati sptci.did viren tire>. ere tounhuti vith a ive -Walter Huelnr'. Mlwaukee, 27; luk k1i gttlng 'surti a nîce lot, tire> coal tire>. voulî go aroîrtidn ait di- Josephine Pavîowsky, sme. 12. tOlA iiý te ro tte leitirtet bc(ween thé,, ruchons. t..ts of fun for lirs hov-.;f; Porc>' Miller Mlwaukee 32. ElIza t liialoI.ý anti anî.ior (hem in the most o! (bu old Pioncersa aiva y car btb Schneider.sainse, 21. ti h '.lesv ouAit keuli (rush for riedt tirirrificg witiS thetu tiat day EViner 'D. Grant. Great LaItes, 925, d3y.(bey put ui a mark anti fireti a few greeasL Elmare Morley. Mo., 19. t',-Iiid Gmir hlr nake imx 3.tebut iarrrpiaiio; vas !carCe cilernce tFran;ç M'Itvau.e, 2. tiiti., Ai- liwticr andîlie cainieantithey ti t lowant te waste t. Lllian Kouinel. sins. 22. té) .i I îur turee lîaAA kettie. tire Iarg- As sorehalliFi long wavs ta go John Antonean, Mlvwaukpe, 37; îODiti aran-nhd.t,)t miakle lAtin. H.e hy tiegan ta trio', about goingbs NMamie Beugaertner. saine, 31. ea, vihAilstIwooxen. Dulie anti fore At got late anti >su couldtiehuer Andrew Brunbart, Mlvaukue, 51; >lari. iiihed ili a wagon tire thetu tatking ta tireir oxen and stuer'. Gertrutie Warrington, saame, .34. Ç ý, rAî.-sorie Au sawilîg af! eight or as tre>. hitchu dfthernîea their wagons. John bL Meredith. Chicago, 29; fn nti- rotam itirefoot vbittî- There vere rive borses, tva span Loa M. Bnnett. Zion City. 30. l1 l oa. ...litiiig a finie tiîrouglr tire anti oe sngle. tbure (bat day. 'Paul P. Gehri.g. GreatLaes 25: fiil- oi tir.'a'.Au-tri-c.'lThis va- Everybody frtremFax lake ta LAIt- Marcutla -Htrnd, \iapluton. Mnn.. 19 AtOi ll at iade %'ahi, airgr, ax sneti 5w tir AFort and f etm ndepcndcrie John J. king, St. Clotud. Wis., 25; %!4 W'Ain Use' for a nunîrtier of yuurs, Grave ta Wsconsin were neiglibors n Lacota 1-essIe. -Plymqqh. W%4., 18. rrî.î'y o i. Au, tý co! wagons 'aire tirose days and Yeu couitibohe-r hem John W. Wordl. lillbert, Wis.. 4!; ins. alilu'.tiaI ire lie. iclaugblng, jokngtr and mleouting ta Ida Wordell. Reedviile. WA.. 45. Inaiîrt.ani s a rde btse ach ther. "Good b>. comfieto sei, Cari E. Petiersen, Tacîne, 28; Aile. * lile md 118 e rfe it ardi se.' 'Have tile boys Titih rip tiSe 7Ttbomps1en samte. 22. Wnn i. rrxi-i t treiak v' xen, start earl>. anti bring (lui, John M. Krueg,ýr, Milwaukee, 25; 81t ve.nt tanv-ar ,me vent latter boile lot most an yday. Weitl put Marie KebS amre. 23. iii.' Ai-I o~thersmd iskttle rigirt on. "Goat b>.. gond 'Csrl W. Jiudde. Chicago ,32; PaUl. fl ,1,ohrmaelire, lire reati>' A, ns A. Jacairsamre. 28. forele ktte.As hee wreno Thrus end tebliret publice tourtb Angelin Dttmann. Milwauktee. 23; -r tutm or fences anti people cam rn July celebratlon n Laite couanty. Veina Macilinislcl. saine, 23. hum itidirctins rostIfltlen oi.Anti as I bruci tire mista .Fred W. Ruder Chicago, 24; Rosi viti uxenor teea ati irou o lime aw~avy and viev those aid Steir-burun. amre, 25. vag4ons,. We caui tenar It e long scies ot wî>. bacit yontier I tbink .Arthur J. Jorgensen, Great Lakies, - li r efore the>. came n sigit. theo!o y o happy vs ail vere tbab'iay 21; Elizabeth J. Maxvell. Mlvaukee rwagons growiing -for the vent of viren ve venu eating Squre GlIl- 19. res,- for axie groase vas scarce n mre ood list; then1 hnofte Hry0RiaGysk,38Et. tirase days.maea£Itnkatie ary0Rclraaae38 tl As souri as a few boys came vsal wonder!rll changes that bave camfe el Reynolds, aame. 28. Aistita gofor aswAmin t e nn(ae long qO years Mince oerr red E. Mertens, Gretat Laites baien v goto acsi tin theplakie. parents came veet ta make ther f81; May Apgenorih, Sirebaygen, 24 g v ame l thepce had homes. -Edv. W. Den'ber *Racine, 22; At arvd Th oebalitetables maEciartit, saute, 18. sut witb tieir fAmut crockery and Brart lbck ra Lie.2 tabl coerso! an>Colrs. The Whon suesosla swooe. Gladys Durnford, Mlivau<ee. 20. crot-kur>. as ail light anti darkillain, Ieueos lis uveet, thre aveter AIf lon MIchael Pkatt. Maflites ,Nch.. 41ý riait up to style. There vuru a !ev delayeti anti attained tbrotigbnmaiftol Josepbine Juneit, Mlwaukee, 421 pAesa'matie frotu pumpiin dtiedtihie ________ taIt netote. a fev SaelI matie trans atrng eet. rno NEW AND RADICAL FUEL ORDER IS TO DE ORDERED SON Radical Reductions in Use of Coal Planned by Ad- minstration. Washrington. lu" Radical e tincions n (ire quatîai "' "fo!sai rseti n tire marrirfactu,îr- "f l' Itrity anti 1lllumiaatAng ,j!l '-1bu ortiereti b>. tirefuel a'lriîîuîr.. unr, AIt vas announreut oday- Tireai'ter vli l,.'tire place o! tire 'lgre ibgit'i linf o!Nov. 17. viiuir as outa-tundeiA ý' uv1 becaisi- of tire daylight . inzut 1e. doser ipslmicilons. r îss'aa poirleti aut.wviii ire put n cfrct A-' h- \New Engianti $ tatua, New Yonk. Ft"-nîî yv'ania, New JerseY, fDelaw.are-. %Strsat ad (be District a o uun'r. lls laane- saer>.,inasiiiiclî istlie trarnsportat.n .O! coal n tbîsc iiîtatitadta tirem gAe s tiS fel ;1 ud rIni-iritlon oae@caf tire 'bsrdust probi-nu:, Cluster Lights Muai Go. Firgt off, tire ant-r 1I exPectet int proviteie liatlnnoriret-r or otirer nut- door igirîs ie Itirneul 'n utitAItIe treut ligirta o! tiere me-,r-tivé munici' PalAtlls shall have tien-n ligirteti. TiSe unpecectanry tiaylligAt i' eo! elecil. t>. and etuatrbc IdvfrtimlIing duspimys; prababi>. vi bSesuit of! ritirely'. The arder ane wl ileal 'atirstore via- day liAttts ant i ylixlendtritail kintis o! fuel, includAnut cas and i ;I. The amouat o! pubieli. AAbtng n an> cit>., vllage or taîvn wili bu oni>. sa mucia as may bIi,.- uuicery fan Pafet>., andtie tireui of "eluster"' lights for tibepîay o! di'iorative purs. Poses vil -ire tiiaconrtinuid. "It nov appears. sau>.- tire mate. ment tram hiY fuît administra.tion, '(bat n every cityandmî village oftire coury>.froîn wiich stantitial anti atmer reports bave lern gathenuti. electricîty isba ieing vestei n large quantities n tire production of igirt for ativertising an.d n-r eeA anti store Illumilnation ant i alier similir pur- pooeso. Tire countîry'acetis no- andt for tire -hale purtoti of tire ver, viii needtoriurataîi I cipas- s(bly praduce anti traiinPort." -Do Voul There i'e (bru. (binga ubich tment vomIren throw awa>': lireir timre, Ibeir .mon.>. andt heIn bealbh.-Mme. Goef. TWO 6EESE AND 4 QTS. WIIISKEY EQUAL 18 MIONTHS Great Lakes Sailor in Trouble in Milwaukee for Thett, Then Fired From Navy t-rvî n SiAumii , theili li- fl-rn t 11,1 ; mat Laites navilat rainling stlation. u-Ili aS usarre.ýIcPl.tinc'Il. alir ril - Ms 'aitîr iaving "1041un tI. o gcee nd four quart bo tilf. * of 'atuske'> - as t,-pit c iced l. in 1 iîlt Iin- Illu itlic tioi-.. af correcrtion bl iqgotuH-ige-iiui An Mil W'ord cat» fronutute conmmandtant tîî Scthmidt hi I rn en'uitionarabiy (iA1seiargeci front thc,-,'i-r-, andti iat lt %%is. usthe wsabof! lie clepartîrreut tirat lt, Ie sentenceti h>' the coiurt-. Atern in.steati of, glîe n ed rrctos ir to thein for caurt nuartial, M'lien *11nltit ' e c ta rtin opfor trial ]agit vek ut tge Harki, ruleti that ail mua An th(, service v-ho ap- peiaruA beAarphtiAu bar t riltwaiiid 1wi f îrned (iler tiitire nillitar>' atlioni tices for trial. Af theieîltaîr% aîitiiir Aics ain tesimeti il, ancbit vas ont>. e4'ter lie irait*precuis .-îba -îiuiiAa tAon froar theu-commadantut aI tire Great taku-, t ituit lic .,iîltenceti Scirmit. , lt tire future(,1;,Iias-,,An wvir.i service mua ameiiiîîîîlic'attîi setAt ie neferru In atire inilliury ;kiuiiorAtles for trA li. but il iAl in-trle in tire Mit- va t e e cour t fteniiaycut cati retIl SECY -BAKER 1S DUE AT-ý FT. SHIERIDAN TOMORROW P. M. Sec'y of War to Be Guest of Commander Prior to Go- ing to Camp Grant Watikgan, titi>'2. tSucretar>.of a!Wr. Nuwton tD. ak- e r, A 14 . t iFtir4 Sheridian Wed- nlesila>. wb cre ne wAtt revies- the trident attiersplion in galng (o *40isumi, tmes Pmi, uust o!f ionor on tire Fourtin af At (b.he ati of ai siences anti art&. Jul>.. itIt b. tatedti s Lirte tirait et tira béoncf 11 cvilzation ant i tme t'iat NI. Baker hiasvsited Fort pnuoe, tans nt rniitris., Sheridan ince ire vas eppointeti Sec- pt« oo.stads et iliaria% heretAr>. of ver anti acardingi>. (bu oei agefflea t-kil, nat' commare.,the cors 'at tire fart ans maktng exten- OMM thAt emuiateaW5UU i ve preparuttong for iris entastaul epkileultura. the mother of al ndus- ment ant it Ln expecteti a big sham r mai thte maîntainer cet humas litae, battle yl ire onu of tire!<eutures. --James A. Guam&et lr-TEmRTYVIILIN4iEPENDENT, TIIURSDaY, .IJULY 4, 1918 H~~AE germa f consumption, la grippe, rleuMti~lu, peuti'h. j typhoid, diplitherls, etc., multApI>. rapidly ln teettu cavîties, .s tirnive undêr the giges of sore, sweiiora, uîceiated gmrn. Thb germea re ver>. dangerous te halth--espasiy dangaeroya ta pp i-hl poor ireaitir. Tire pus germ le partIculsnîy deedi>.. ORADLY l..IU# e word ta up.e. Swalîawed with (ho food, It lInds tm vs>. nie tAon hiaod, and, sooner oruInte,, scording ta ont'@ constitution, bringe Ms destructive dîsease af tho kidneys, hîadder, spleen, beart or otemneit. i. Do You Know the Present State of Your Health If t Ae net satisfacoOry, If It la flaiing. unroliable, ar aven es lauaiy mffected-have yaur teeth put in tho propor eimp. That ilA gaM,. ani>. protecti you from furtiser Infection but It astha abeoutel>.MlleC ESSAAY fIre1 stop towarda heaith, happines and sucms...1 Côme n for examinatlon, whethir you suirt the worlc or not; tt s weiltot know ait sbout your teeth. W. are liera daUl>., O s. m. te P. p. m OWING to the inability of a large îîumher of.,.pienktw .to také' Of OUIr Special Low Prices, we will exteti<louUt time liant anîd make the foilowing pricée Until July 20, 1918 W'e were fortunate in securing a large amount of Den- tal MNateriais iiicluding Platitsum and phtatinum pin teeth, he'fort' the war carnted the prieus of tiiese goods to become aliîîottt prohibitive, therefore Save Time and Money Anit take advantage of th is opportunity while it laits Goid Crowns, 22 karst ... .15.00 Goid mInay...........$1.00 up Natural Porcolsin Crowne. 4.00 GoUd Filiînga ....... .00 U a bridge Work an Teatir witli iver FlillnigI.........50 up out Pistes .. 5.00 -Enumel or Parcoisin lay.S.120 Gaod Set of ' TenIr, S. 8. White ...... ......... .*0 Guarantesd painiest £xtule. CoUd Oust Plates ......... 12.00 tien ................... W TEETH EXTRACTEO FREE WHEN PLATES ARE ORDEREO Out votiA work done at; unr Sauit-ary, Moderni, Perfetly Equipped Offices. We are positively here to stay! DON'T BE MISLED By [eitsth (at charge double prices, claiinlg superiow, work and materials WE WILL FORPEIT $1,000 If work is Bot done in our office in a scientific manner,,, tsing tlrst clasa Imateritîls et prieff as a.dvert.imed Harvey Dentists Nor'th West Co)rner Washington and Geneoee Streets Over Pear'&s Drug Store Waukegan, Mi. Open to 8p. In. Sundayl10a. m. tolp.U. "Telephone 1645 - A G« 4dministered if Deairuda "6WORI(OR FIUfT" a dizfo yusl n m ORDER EXPLAINED if you cannot tell vbetbei'or 'n'O' BY DRAFT HIEAD toi'c vith your local board, PrOfiOU Major Tolman Warns the Men if you knov tirat yorr are not e», Affected Not to Get Pan- playeti produclivul>.. look for sn@tbla icky over Ruling position. If you neet adtice. ablilt tire local boardl. Register ai the. sd- Are ynu aitecteti b>. (buCrowder rlepomn ura fy al ,'Wok orfigh" orernet find varit lewbere. If go, don't fi>'loto a panic. Don begîn e ca naas 1 o! al(horsalt qtuit yourr job et a sacrifIce. Don'(Tvbgnanamebts vioi bueusad. lmt Imagine tire government tAsgoAng ta bworti vilI examAe ted. oetia greb you promptly on Jril> 1 unlesm orsel xmn h usiu 'thechage 9 mde Se abut ar-naires, aelectlng (bu names of (borne nti e han As matiee.S o ouar ,ahose occupations are apparently fnan- nestit.- tacontryvon te r youhcprotiuctive. Tire mtusint>.. bveyef. îrcî vor cunîr. wn te va. '~~w viiicalAn ever>. man vho bas moi -toosi- bosswls.-de-"O 4 trairelf"ft AtW fr7 tef iîthe sîstume o! the lporp ore Muet Appeau ln Perse. cffctili mairmer> a!bbc"vot ~ A notice ta appear for reeclsiica flgit' ortier vas matie lest nlght h>. uien on accotAnt of nonproductive ae Msi. Eà, "rTotman. head of (hu cupatlon or nonerfiplayment vin be Chicago draftîmachiner>', tegulie (bu sent te a ech sncbregisrant-t«-o actions of locai boardis anti regls- sooner (hantitrée dtiys. nor later tàiIk trenta. seven, tbe regstrant viil eoaxee*é OrderUle Ertplaiiied ta appear ln per»on irefore tbhe ga Mai. Talman explaînedt irt tire pur board wth affidavits matie by bim»If pose o! tire Cravter ortier ls not te anti employer provlng (bat be lai e& gel men for tiSe aria>..TtIte force gageti n productive empîoymneot (banc vilS tieferreti classification andi If bu la nfl o accupisti andi bu «os tîroce n ciscs 1 vba are neot engage i vi lo t moite a reasonabis attempt ln productive employmuflt. te accePe ta oltan sucti employment, ho w#1i le r.uch einploynient. certifiedte tah(b district board. v"là TiSe iraI bhing to do, accortiing te viii pisesupon bis uasanti place bAu .,ai. Tolman. las to indti lit îethen avabiebie for Immediate service lu tho yo uaru engageti la produ ctieeu- national arrn>. playment. Tireu nbu na bard anti This action vili b. taken regar4Oo fast nue i ai down. Clrcumstaadias of dependents. Wbere tbe <egltrant aurrounding each Individual case vAîl virolas noir productlvel>. espluri au ire taiten nto consideration, anti "dam- alreaty n cMags 1. but witir a late*O'P mon lieuse" nterprétation fteo! buadAetiden numbgr. bu vili lhe aubject ta II vili Aie arriveti et. mediate oeil. Gsi Vour Affidavits Throw w Ma>.id m8i8s& Tt you are certain you are net ln- Arn Mon&1s au dele i bl . cluied in nonproductive errploe.menl 5M tbi'Ow At Bvy; aid b1ùiliee u cîaeeîication. Aprpre ta Prove t by mm cumut tirasnov o mm IRVING MORGAN. ALIAS JOHN IL JACKSON. ANDI MIRDERASO WIWU. LOWBR RIOHT, "OUZZlE."* TWO-YEAR-OLD bON. e .1here's a tangie of blgamy. l,l go ta Chicago nierel>. (o e. (th Thero's a tangle co!'algamy. juaî- saibi' lHe alsa ciaimetisah. tauntet i hm about lier relatAonal oua>, andi marital uafalthftulneoa v u tirer men, ta b. rntangiedti u Kansas (7it'7, Mrs.«Elsn Hell. îuîîirr-ln-lav Mo.. at the, triai o! Irir-ng Morgan. of Morgan. toldtheir police tontes alia John- R. Jackson. for thu of ber tiaughters bigemous Mar, murder of iis vite. niage ta Morgan ant i tilosing tbé Police sa>. be bas adrnitteti iri' fact that for the [vo yeara ho luig ber from the vintiaw a! a rail- livedt u Kpamas CIty as a reupecteti roati train near Sirlblna. Mo, eciIen bes wa a fugitive fromsu. H. min asit at atmitreti on tloe. ba'-tag jumpedfi bis-,boia&tl, the train ber lave anti relations Birmingham, Aa.. where Ire wag wth a sailor et tire Great LaIes - beld for the embezzlernent' a09 Naval Training Station. nortir of $4200 frorn (ho Ttveile-ioId Chicago. mandac ahe vantai ..ol wvree hovus caier.,

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