Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 6

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LIBERtTYVILLE ThtDEPENDMN, TÉtRSDAY, JULY 4, 1918 CAPTMN~OLEY IS CALLED -------------------CAPTviN OLE ISCALED jWmiIl Report for Active Service j at Base Hospital at Fort SI, Okahoma Cnty SatNews TUR ISNOW I esaftrte houad evry IIENRY BROECKER fi cv evc DUT ONE EXPRESSin frnlý DIES SUDDENLY e of lte BUT O E EX RESS FourIl wll arive n %Vukrgta %The orders lial hou an wil -Ia up o:àtIl; ctre coîttalned li COMPANY IN CIT Y, t nsogo rtIIg SÀTURDAY N16HtT e1Tus i Il el ofth e tetei.h Adams ompany ClosesIts in. Express train., nakee stop in Death Followed Illness of But sîigon .c. 'Office and Moves to the t'aili cd-- t, . rs ciii :'tttas far .as 15 Minutes, Attributes to Cdune JohnC. 1918.,Y American Office j1nIe natal st , tiotand tien %Ni'r- Acute Gastritis Capin ort Focieysrvcet turn, con,tiig wtlîlocal car at teput o r îtttc sflerviceFoto BROSON IS HE A teNotitCîtcarfoti n . HEALTH HAD BEEN FINE ~ crmnti li' fFr BRNO STEM NAGER arIcr fot~ i tebase î'lIi ina i' _ail ii theýops. t'.ili runt io:01 Dr. Foley ile t.îî'iitîng a clinic at ~.t -. falr as tht North Chic ' 9 tle M.o Hroth,,FR".ochester, Mi. Under Change ail Business ' untio'., A ero passcngerî' w n ,Was Customs Colkctor of Lo- et the iresettt tîiv. The trI-egrati in One Office, Elimmnatung tranirr to the' City cars. cal Port; Died' Much Samne was forwarded 1t')iiitiîîi ininiediatel,, NfOth Shore in Carrying t a.~ He le expectw-d to mmm l hin,, i flm~A'*II as L'Untlni Y*ar Mgo a week and itît will -lake steps ft Wuêgn uyi. ViDIE 'II f .jU lt'&vp for Fr iiIiiidaoy mpe Iin a lea iended p res abs"- W.3ukgaîi.Jtîiy 1. This Islte trt appointment of nou I Wukgauenei Studay nfhIlI D E Allenry EroeckPr. aged 42, dled 't-ry the kind to be rni jl.f ront lWategan. àdigt an, tis mrnin thre n, LUVI PRLIMA* I lientv Saluerday niglit shortly afler lDr. Foiey tendetd i tus services to rte JaMeht eantts a rningoftheredamno oaclock at bis home, 302 Gllelle av. governinent mn i iotiths ago, bul lesrffl company nir te America.i L À 9N e ne. Dealt lIs attribuîed te aente it was flot unit ., tcw weeks ago îbwuu compary in te city-but I I.~4 L5IiIlgnostrîtîs and foliawed an Ilinessao at b c h rectiî t ti, officiai comn- uea oUllce ls bere tîaw, that of the' scarelt fifleen minutes. 'tIr. ilroeck. mission as captAin, Since -tiat dime ÀMêMean Rtalway Express company. er att, a hearty dinner about 4 o'clock he itas been citating for active ser- The tother two odcea are closed for Eleven Year OldWila Olsen 111P suised hlm.soins dîstress but vice. He bas niadt tie urgent re- the duration of tire war. clle lie was stufferlng sonne pain Quest titat lie he i'ned te active 1Mere no sbton aae hr' Iîre hnCnnnFr liIe returneit home et 7 p. m. ite service abroad ratite than In a base Mad he repre.cnla Uncle Sam's rail- Cracker Explodes îidnfot ttinii It rimouiledte mucit. hosaillu inti '.trt anti for tat restilConpany. Gi A. îronson, Jr,__1îe lav down on a lounige, thinklngreoniitex 1ltli-ti. of the mncocil] lie in cltirC,'-lie woîild get better shortlv. Instead tiiFort sut cii 1j i 'r 1:t factIlile f ite mrged oficie, localed on Maid- DIES AT THE HOSPITAL of inpro'.ing his condition grew 'orie telegnapiectît' er- anîîouniced tht' Sai. treet. le was nmanager of tht' r1PIdlv .A ph' sIian wtt-t summoned .ts icnment i.. til, t--îiorary. Ir 'nela - xrs ntunyfor thte VERDICT OF JJURV. itiirrtt'îliv bot tlealh orcitredt ittîtn i9xelitttttxtI aIl' USai two nionths it,. Natteracas rie We, the jury, flnd that William 01., fIiîtetn minutes rifter 'Mr. llroecker re- t0atctive d.ittît' I' i.tin a v-e r. Mansmntir ail lit' c ill retîtairu son carne to hi@ deatit fremn cardiac, utîrneititome. A wtîak heart 1' be- stiDr. o t inte ti ct fth ed with tht' local offie for the present. embolisîn lmmediately following ani ticifil te have btîen a contributor'. rFltyla i .t îe0 ielal The 1U. S. cltIttî.it aq t . antaiiîrioperation by Dr. Claeboe on a lacer cttî"ornideati îng pluitad ani ina n tilailk tlree wa gon i ir Ate trita:1 foi.îtated hand, caused by the explosion of i-lrekrciitm aRcnecuyfo bn't' . (f ii u tato.They al il ciii lierd à giant frecracker which we ind was -.. ný1 *ýlq7. leg id te %car,. lie bas sp. ,i trit ýIn -tîrrer-. Za b pr iettil11maltera get sel- pLrchaced IbyeEdward Johnson from da,' îrpcvt'nliht ort--cond bîrth- Wht'n Wauleg:iî ttoîî'ttii.- ctit- ad oixand it deihaiedjit.. J. A. Thornberg, 113 MeAlister ave- ghiy anniver'isr'.. He -te 10W u e asn font o.sî tîîil tir F l-i bow many clt needeil te handle nue; we the jury believe taI h n' .tires aomd o dtY'vsaîont- iv pyt Wiebsea flreitercessollb -.z, nîrttn viasgt an~îd Çlredoi wclcit office bc ielted et tr sicet tebsns«frtwcaginlclsale o ag ercessol e lte Al litStI n ir ' has heen ag-s.i'asit' i clitai-ut The reasot o 'i iîn i i~lprOhibited. jîtnvfrt: -aP.Xtll ie l e crnagn nt i. on pd iltrSs altra a Iiatbegnnig ttisW C. Ittien ho tli"t îtpeîed a bollling ' c ork ini inîproit. ;it, i' lkait u itîin.ý uarning te" nec' compuîany, ,now:i Premature ct'tebralion of t" wcri,'a nd ici' cream factorv îînder _______ as te Aneriraît itaila-ay K'ipre-s Fourtit of Julv titis year ciainit'li Ilte ii at'o loe n doc the otiter twa conipanies that have niglit when William, te I.)ear-nld 'i lrect-1ilrtitalt ndetIlK ES N cMapent-.l or >ar,;.'bî'n-- i s ln irP.n areg.we,( 'oen tîlei au a e ria. nit FES NI lîe ed at o ertsno le n of 102,3 In tht' busines. He hail conducteit ~1%. Ad.a'i' comlanys office was Southt Jackson étreet, died on te lt tîlrsaoesneltIlm o R iE T OuNrhGe:týt, su ieci and te OPeratîng table ait the Jane McAlstl.r the firm nainp waa nul changed R Y O EI H Company bas operaled itere fou r tospital. following ant accident c'ih hFoia'niIb'inn iebsns yUairs; thte Aineritan lias bei-n tere hait blowu away lite great part of bis F ront cker aI beinnnte binessY IATIE mot have la adverise to geL business verdict sitowlng tat deatit restîlteit pros-pt cnen N V ;2 AT m liit la golng10elie tire ontCompîany wben a blodcil ot madelils cav ir.t're--lnpor laysAbout s epi e 4ollag bus3aess in Waukegan. It titraugit an arIen'. l lte te arM.i intrs nPlte.Aotsxy Mii take over not only thte busiie,, The Olsen boy, together w iih Ed- aFgo lie cas lecled 1telite office of a' ;Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schwartz lie wool oupaie.bat it cýil ward Johnson, agcd laine Iii'lnz aI'i5l terirfom aken Hold Uninue Distinction in «A» inke oter tarc'ork of collerting 110,7 Cumminzesavenue. and Andrew bongtheofice v or ag tereelei t". debts and carrying out te ob- Zewe, ageil1, Il. reIding at 92l' 11dm. Aoi ieyaPai i éevi Matter of Aidînq Govt. Bilttons of thte comparties. boîz avenue. were dl'.ciarginz five te coverimpenlal appoinimrent of The immediate effect of te mer- giant crackera tVybit lte Johnoson boy Pepuir 1'.S. Collecter of ('lsioziof 'tV.ukpgan. Julv .1 llb on Waukegan cull be te elim-bail purchased th ie Titornberg storelte Waukegan itarbor. chicit appoInt1 Four sousrts f 'Ir. andi 'irs Saîmuel itiOu Of ail exît;esa car, on tite Tite Olsenboy lgitteilone, of the nimnt hieliletuItllrime of his death. I Sthcîrtt iti'.' art sorting te colors 11111lago. Northt Short' andl Milwaukee cracker. but il dillinat exîtiode il, cIrwsInIlitti uieover a vear iigc ant i t'rriining Iwo SFonts.white liaisand r inte iture ail express pickedi ilup and Vîlle thlie fuse out ihuit %mfr.iroprkers cîfe dieil 110 not vt I e ' are lookîng for *ASl t-eleanmd front t- city cl bela 1111e caý ard relighled Il.Again leates tiwo ciilitren. Titeodore. agi, 13! unrdIto lte dntimpwen Ilieyaise wîll ObTffl On te Nirti Western Rai. jit faled t0 exploite. Titen lie tlck it-tîd 1 Hiiýrbigile 12. A sîs;ter. Mrs 1hi' figltllng for t'ncle Sain %M Company.1 ed Il up. Oua of bis litt1e cara'tn- Andre-w 'Mîrlacci of Beaver Dam, Wïl. Il s a unîttt ni onthti te The manager of the mergedin. flona suggesqted th¶I ite drop il. butl errîve(i In Wiiauiegin Sonda'.. Schwartz fanlîr holits. ti-re heliteg 111111111ftgves te assurance ltatîtere te warniug came loo laIe. The Fîînenil Tîte-ider aU-ernoon ait2:30'six sons ind ne daigitters in the tain .*Ml b. no redution of servie ' npxt marnent titere, was a terrifit'ePx- oclock ai te chtrrch ofthlie Iminrcu il'. andt our of these sons being cork W"Maieun. The merger wilil bring 051051 wbfrb mangleil and laceraleil laie ConcePtion with Internent 1n StInlu for tht' arniy or na'.y rigit vrow *uied facilities for bandling te te boy's right biand terribly. .' Mary'-. criî-le'r 8S fol ows bbof s ad tee twilllibe just as He WaS amiete te hb bihin(, and! t- lb taregardeit as a sîrange colo' .-ý1 ' A-'ged .10;1now ai (Cleveland aMY tfguns in use as uereoîore. Dr. Claeboe vas %ummoned. HPetaI idence taI bath members of the wei geîîing preliminar'. training toiiowlng bàt te overbead t-xpense of carryinx once suggested traI lite boy bie takec known local firi shoutl rasa away his recc-n -t cces-ful exarninailon for Mo lhe business uder two offices c-Iil tathe boupitat. He took tite boy wblhtn sucit a short perilod f time ensign ai Mtunicipail Pier, (Chicago Ile ellminated. and lte motter to te tospItal in htie In bolit cases ileath cas ratiter sudj Aftier a Mll1e experlence on Great Thre marger brings teedrofu own machine.. den. for white Mr. Dolen itadt been! laite, lie then Is subjeci te sea or. Icremed ratea as te Federal Rai- Thte anaestbetbc vas admiristered alling for Porne lime itis relatives did derF. 'MY Admnstration bas given the and an amputation of Fomle of te, not look for the end lae orn epud- E'tIMANI'Et-Aged 28. nowa a Mit. ,IOUged companieL a permit to In fingers 100k place. rTe wounils were denly. In the case of Mr. Broecker be waukee where he enliseeI n tte navy .OeMe rates ten per cent. The lu. cauterised and tite volinilei hanil always liead appeareil te be in te best ai, an orilinarv ttird l cassa sean èftaed rates are 'lu ne effective satr- wue bandaged. Thte boys pulse, dur- of heaitit. He was an indefatigable BENJAMIN Ageil 26, now lieulena 4Ag tnday. log al of Ihis, accordlng to the tes- worker ail In addition te tailng care ant witit base tiospibat in Spartanbîrrg1 l'ho American Raitway Express llmony or nurses tramlte bOSPital, of biit-wn business spent munchitime Southt Carolina. "a ny ul bandit, prLetbratty ail rmimained strong, Suddeutv lie Cal-; In Iookiîg after te Intereats ofthtie ABRAHAiM Ageit 24, In armyj t thea business in te Unted Stares. lapsedi and turned blue. The iteart governuaient. Plinds vito iad seen quartermaslers deparîmenl. heard It wil l 2 longer be neccssaryt- e action ail but stopped. Stimulant-;, t hler about town Salurday were sitock- trouit n lttPtnnsla'.iata letiîd bib1 t'oMie Parcele. Just Put ontem ilncluding a hypodîtrmic Injection 0f Pd wtîen tey learneil af bis sudden ol itt'îa 'Dy Exr.5s anl ut ~ - llycbIne vrsapliei. rven demie@., I IAýI-g 21 next Noven Charge of te merger will laIte care Wis administered andl artificial res- br lo tî uieût t draft cati but1 of thre rest. Piralion resorteil ta. but att In vailn rcjr- nxîous 10enliru:inenavy sudubs cosrinelte iwroptîît oflteday et te Larsen undertakrng roonîs KI 1A1SJ stda gsieteowdthaindadin un the threpr-; InT, tbcaeo ashington teeCoroner iEXTE1û3IvE asklncieutenoiarnlt In itnit unbi. «aireît titat 95 erceufthe 0f lTO ENTERTAIN revait'.'pretious te relurnlng itome tlc toi~~ ~ ullag aEal iteraîrad oNIVIS- taie up lte work Ieft by ha brother tiMae of atyilte oprailoader Tof ~Enanuet c ten lit' teft for navy ser 00ew evplan, andl the 'm.lericaOBRail- KLLAIIY'¶S 1,tlitMhomeARRY rat' Expreiss company i-as sel ee L ÀTAgeil 17. itl now: au ~ ~ e ba ueilaoerte tuto.anxioum to enIlaIanîd wcul do so as Th eteswllI be no rte îsitea t & C~ ~ Telnî tial son as bis age periis. a! exressil e alieougit MIn he CAot Th TO oIý ad ii jjlnChm. Emanuat came iltwn tram ltitwau hot conrsdeing a 10 e r. cenoot O TPÀS ONINier Of Commerce '.ecrcharleg vil kea Sunday taet-pend tite day wth Itis la no coniderig a 0 peSEentmeet In Witkegiunsegueqti ofthlie parents, a.dvance whi the rompaniecsaoîîgnî pA . C local Citamber, on Friday and Sat- smre lime ago. PEAR ; WOCA ES urda'. of tis 'week The business la____ sssonviIbegin pramptty ai9 lacloiat onFridav murning et'C '.ti RECRUITS RUSIIINEi Waukegan, July 1. ber of Commerce beadiqnarlers Thte IMW SCiIEIULE ' Mr.Joseph Pulse of Corv avt-nue.; Fereari: w11 attend lte big'mp.tTOreRrTaL KES bas bou ceré t th. cocluion!berh!Plunciteon aI the 1.ethodisi OQ E TL K S »N NORTH SHIRIREtfn In paire. It was a fe'var ago automobiles have be oîttt ltaIlitem tatiter, George Poyser.dîed hr mentiers atfliten itamb er ed ~' A1NSWERS TO DRIVE t o Gshen, Ilii., andl tw mo-thtis1lai- ail of te vlsitng qecretartea over - IExpress Trains Run Directly'y* her sister, Clara, itasseil away. Ite route fron Camp Lagan titroîrgit Thituanit ot nival recruits are lie- into aukegn Intealifrf . Pulse relurneil on Satîîrdiy; Greatl Laites andI Fort Siteridan and 1 Ino uEisn Coutadof frnt Soutit Beil, Ind .wviere site teItavînla Park lun lte evenlng ime recaîteilna i te naval training stla- to 10 alenil li e unnaof! er whitere Ihe exerut ive conmitee o! lion ateshît' The rush for service on brotiter-in taw, W. B. l. iey, -"-o dici te Ilocal Chamber of Commerce 1'ncle Sains feet lias been esoaecîally Waâukpegan, Juîy 1.on lte 22nd, and In Ibis connectian have arrnngei t I have lte vIsitIng noticetîble sIncelte Huns' subinarînc Beglnnin, iodai' the Chirage, North t Is rpralledtirlit ber brother, I'ranl, eecretarles laite in thte concert on Shore and ' Nllwaiiee Elettrti t, .i t'tp, ise.du- on May 27t. aetCmiii- Fmday nîglîl. Business siession c'IlI raid on te Atlanticlceloait andI Il bas Taad Put a Lt-w schedîtte Io i-fi, t--i tnitd Pen again on Saturday mornlng reactuei suci a volume Ibat CaýMV 1 lu Watîkpgan auan io1iiî tueîîîtItr bhoth cases te ieatit cf and contInue thirosgiout te day Ferry ditritlhall, te big place witert' b1 hte. Pe'otcingp art- change, twii I.1er lotît-r and si'ter, tîtat afilber alt papers by severat of the leadlng.# Witt be noted: itilîr andti irotlicr-ln-law, tite deatîts secretaries among whîam are in. viudteville choc-s anil lter entertaîn. iMrsI-Cars Witl Itaie Wmukegttn 'lt't'tlta few ceeits of ectit e' ue getieral serelary o!P lte mnt'. have been given, has beenf on te cien boum arîite-y1.5nmin-'îliti r. Assýoctallan- of Commerce, Milwaît- turnei ttab a bannacits for ncw blue- ____________________________________________________ ee. SI R ÀL li LEWIS I AND LIEU. WETZEL i MEET IN FRÀNCE I "Best Sight 1 Have Seen in France" Formfer rts Back frornMotW rites; Ciean P RAISES THE RED CROSS Tells How He Had to Drive alil A iljin a si Night Without- Lights, Few____________ Miles from Front Wîaukegan, Juty 1. Housework neecln't be spre The pleastire of meeting sonivone front your ot home town wtien you Most of your routine tauke are titousanits ef mites RwiY tram 1litît toc-n. ia loitîty Sergt. fiai. tew- day when electrîcity îs in th 1is, a trucitnasiem blri te 1i. S. army stationei uit FBordeiaux. France. in Jet- i t ers jîrst recelveil by lis parents, Mm. E e ti andl Mme.L. W. Lewis o! 320 Pophar r-Ireel: Sergt. Leettîs tteils of tise _______________________ pleasura it ga ve bilmi tam"et Lieu- tenant Clarence Webzel, son of Mr. anil Mmx. Nicholas 'tetzel of 'taui<e- Electric V acuum , gan. Sergt. Lewis praîses te Redt Cross. tlling te sîîlandiil work tliey are doing. Ha tellsa lito about juet return- Electrie Irons ing trom a titousatil mile trip ly ma- lor truck,. udiig that IL c-as rît-cas- sary for bhum 10 drive al] onerilgitl wititoît liglits. They made an aver- will take the drudgery ou age spet-ilot 20nmites pi-m ]tur. eghntehus vr Followîng art- itre.' etîîîm'.wîîîct eghntehushvr Mr. aild'Irs. Lec-wit ave jîîst e- tel1veil front lhetm son, aIl î-oming in bous-t yields power to runt otuie mail: tant- î1, îiicomfort-bringing appliancee 'et bi'laive iiislîiI artotîter SoId on Mont! trîi t IIirucùgl Fli"( 1iiitî. n tortirai-k arîd ami ca,îtiiu iutaie- tir lhome I lltîr(Ii-axîtoiitt. tlt 'be-eut uî lu w ihit a fe%- nif1i tif thte frontt but dîn't s-. at ltiu tif iiteî-. SS listsiht1 ae -i i Pub lic Servic u as Li u tar--nci-, Wetzer t ta-i a lonIlg tlk citît îila.î, t '-t lit le 0F NORTHEF lias boulacnoi t rtlt uit-ktrmiii,'-. l ing te -ainec-ou-«k as c'-art. Nui t tie- t-ua arr cil leit ai 10u sonati- ti waur fundlgi - t it ihe tIet lusti h le t, il intiitioniinii b-vari.m . l'-t i ilni' afLer Itubai l ,sof f1ere-'ttîîg sigitts atml t '.'.rkî-ti ail igt ui d iatb cmi-i' 1 bildtuing- aaIi, - of îemy Lptth beunrs c-l lOtî ut itIi agto Iti - f" --n t-t' lt i t t ut Imlt- % il irrite lmor de Lau sw c- W t4iît'î re a L Ito e%,a rit s', ot i -i ii, ih q ari i ul tuen, . IL c-tiltkia u, îîtu n9I(';-itm- u and a dit on a F"ie i raîin. t1toe toc-nt -r i a a î-ry prî-îLt cailt-- Y0iiie citlîloti',tIraI tîtîlît inI5 ~iî7.Tiime ar'- ii H lAiL.1dri ml ofsut h'igl-,ts iI over l-rint e P. S. - ta- at-i, el) a t "cumIta e ii'-statut i.arches. 14irk 5î ONuiltild- tht reasîo t d idut cat.Iigi - e t(,. It 1la s i- rt' t n in utun ~~ I s ert-mii i abtout bulilings, etc .on ItOrr-aix.Frac-. arcount tif tot beinut'ahi,-Io speak June I13. Fmt l-rench, buiit soini-f t t lîpolstaisliai e lai t" 1 - I t it -t-.ý-.- , on Ii-ii tndu 't 'tVaviare jt t utu. -b'ed a tour et is flot so liard t translate. Niany Francs-*, ia 1' i -t.' :h h iti t il tOwna '-tiltlihai-e thtoti fittiftlcin-i sitia door 'Puans. LCoteri-ilabout tîmîundti Ilcinand '%ou tenter îîîwn 1,0i0 milsaInd inade froni 77, o tti i a ni-dib aie tii ceuse.î l10 uiI lti etîr da " v-. lia', s le ti -1 1mutât. Tii , Id st-îles huIlt higliu ,o- lit-e oniinîîttmbîg aîîeîb colti ttte e. n ti al, -t-Iti! t-prett-. tinies a dat ai "1tt .îi " u- - A1 .itt-lm' lî.ettl..îîn il and am reaily to start ouI on ai- 10 me c'is î-eirt1' î'aet-nct-e l.- olter trip toniorroci. 'flictiri 1, cas Iec-a., feeling fine.ti- vms If Bon-1 compleled i cllotit an accident o!f.inv' eamx ourtil t dldnit klnd and tue dru-w a comipllimenmt, e bintimLen Afler ttIs c-hi' - yi.aj front Ilie c o.t.iruitimn.nding oltm-ttae gtigst'mue a ud of the S. 0. S. (source- of suppliesc r iin n oe t a ad n lte atrauci' section, but beies'e give if 1o the lRed('rîtes. IL s thi- nie dail. ce worked fromt 4.30 a " M fine-st Insitution in Fran-e. Tii' untl il p. m..and oue nugîmî ce droit-Wc-îll teem itnard fliil a place for ail piiglit w iiseat amy lWht, audtîb to b leep samd if yoa iii- ni Made an average of hetter Ihan 20J mitanyofiair à,nî' iti-,fmittein'm milssper bour. ahnil h atre emalithfoin-ieh' We hait Engliali trucks tîtat nîglt. aor eaten attîtîn ' aud ot sixtw-(- ithüy are sl-esdy, but hart- nu pocit hr at tk o butdcr tn t ani canaIcomamiwith a Packard. the fineal place ton iart. tRcal wluit-- I c-outl like 10 nitra front Biordeax bread, jain, coffat-. milit, sugar ,>t,-. up 1 toe front sud stay titere ail antlt iet aiso a t ai 'te bear lht itaI -.eo! our ottI beys er American, F1renchi or Englit. frein M. truckt rompaty, No, b1,lia, On te truckts wa mode frot ues-n killeil andt thtougit ce k:ica fiat bo 110 miles per day and sonttines s-verai o!flte cornpaniesi n te 4tiu te corsýet from 4 a. Im., tliiIl P iM liad lost men IL dldn't seem poss.iblej but I gucas tliey are git lng FIritzç1 that aiîy of te ol boys rouît gel atafi wallop. Yen sioulit sue, te, It. His naine cas -Bull-- Baader, unit bays chen titey have thelr Ma. t think you tare hearilie n-îtcnmasksi ail ielitts on. i thomîglt-h bits faine at htoini. lie wage 'ii)ýlt iOn coutlcitoke bsfore 1I teamnei howln No. 374. . tie mine. Yenbat-etu iirsîi't- Am keeping lte oIt 30-30 uellimhuogli youm moulu, , d itat is greaseil up and hope c-e gel ortier-, 'omtting t amntiot iseil 10--ati ta take lits-m alorît' iex tiinte ce go lteéiteimet celgite about atne tonX oP. We hlal gas xiasits andui lett more or teqs. but did not have arit occasion Io Us,. Ws-l. t 1thiiuk ,we l c-lutetîuing tem. We sure bail a gondti ime aui iOOf ii anotiier trip ail if you lont about lte corst thmng tIýa1tiapp-ni il iear froin me very uflen reine niub-m tu nie cas tougît to ateep andil ac tht w-e are toant awys whers- w,- 001 On iMy 'cbow.' I vent 18 tours aihs nmoatceîost. xl ,ilihoul eatIng but1IL w-as my uv.0tougit I wrote sevemal limes In ,lii. laîltt.ant i al 1Initied asc-m otrni last thmee w eekk 1 voulil 001lbe *surý 'wblle" and ltard tacs; If IL haul priseil if Ihbiteti r -beai Litem blont' iteen roast lurket I sure woutd haie ,Wnil if you dontlie-ar fron me vervr lies-n sors-. Whie ive rs under 00e Olten dont wfrry. Il's ailI n lte OWn lieutenant t cas acting top s -ga ntý. geant andt made a auccesa o! IL su Vours witit love, tam as 1i knoW, ail titat clîlle ce HAL. ciame under a dîfferent C. O. otîr tieutenant tas nef. retitrtied tet %iili lte resî t otir comnfr T J F 4 MWell beliere e, 1 icani stee T ELL OF S14 On the soft sbde of luotiter Earili withth Liarocks reuoreil andI collectd IL C il good niglts sleefi anti tuse rereilti- RI À u I aure appreciate Iho clippînga O SfVE U D iollier sent nie anti antgladtI o s rtY-t VYIîliffljlU s0 many ofthlie boys going, especitîl- ly lte one ltaI are rery anxlouie. Guess titis will Leaail for tontiglît. Wauitegan, July 1. Yol eleabaeb-iism s- l Mtrs. Wm., o! BultricIt ltlhree 'W.eeks. for I anît- founti street, thhbamomfing recetreit a latter tc'o fromt motiter viter I got ittcI, front lher son, Jaines FalIon IL belng Hlave golt t wrIle a letton to ntî-itir i te ltrst letter 10 arrire bere trant In Buffala, N, Y. Neyer caw ber but hlm sinicelte deparleil tar France. cite cao write fine letters. Thte leller vas dateil June 51h andl Youma as ever, says te enjayed lte trip acroas very il . HÂ.eL, mucit and lba looking torward to a ies ~~ atay cith a greal deal a! Inlemeut. Bordeaux, France, Mr@.W'ill Barris o! 421 McKiny Dear Moth'une 16, 1918. avenue. also loday receIved a cardc fleur otter-froinber son, Johtn Léc Shuiman tal- Wc have aI last retîrneil fron our ing titat te ibad arriveil safely"aBver tri; andilarn tom e again. ('an t stiy titere" -Situman was -citit Allen. vitere t bat-eheurn but day before Shea andt John TIiy of! aukegan. yesterday I vas in thte suburits O hy eîae nlt nier Gay Paree. Wle covee hetter titan corps, ta do trestle work. 1.000 miles It trucks and considt'r -___________ able distance by rail. Rode seconda anil IhlidM- n ad .a.1ttdstne Ilyn iwlitt tbIhrninmre Of Ravine Iban Lt ' tayedti n or pasedu thruiu. OaW - - ' tlulq IRR6 WA[M mps ( 0 F -- LAKE COUNTY1 Publishsd by the WAUKEGAN DAILY SUN at the special low price eacb $3.50 Size: 3ft.,Sin.by4ft.,2ài. Libert yville Independent Farmers, Attention! For your potatoes. oats and other amail grain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION - 65 Cents a Pint. . . The best and cheapest Antl-Smut on the mar- ket. DRUCE-CLEVELAND DRU CO. The Rexali Store Cor. Madison and GCoassis Ste. The Store That Saves You Money 6ETS $2 IRWARD FOR FINDINQ PURSE On Salurdat' Anti Chandller came ln trom Gornce andI whIle valcIug about the streeta ln Waukegan b. osî a pocitet book contaîning $65 ln atonet', a nate for $100 aud. some ther valuable papens. Louis Dia,- mnnt, a cl*bk at jatcob's Shaià sCore, founl lthe pocketbooit anti later lu the day returned fi taNfr. Chandle. ,Ie vas rewarded by being given a $2 titI. Il was Interestlug la kuav liaI the note for $100 vas9 due Saturdat' ittemnoon andl Mn. Chandler lstno time le going anti coltecting Il fai- cwing lthe reltîrnofolthe poîtietitook. Thor, ore bargaine li T7he Inde- pendont'B sdvertiaing columits. abi cm ber vnw vor ,ripi ber 1 Idgal of th pliab, apret the ii Ing 1 appo- si foi lin nt M ra corn Mr@ As@* workt A t premse thse hi boing prse viii t4 cente. w. i to ma visit1 woulit coloui Wor White Id ru. 1ev du Enot oser é Th@e for lthe rogela J. I. Ubices 'Serai $peut Mary puvt t te nazi rý Lowr3 Foxi1 ore lu, aud up ladies. Md re. a lotit relatîs A MIl seu@nsv Red Cr O'clock thruug hope yý Titei for Car 0. P. thse bat Petest Wedue P. 1 Mr. a aspentt good. Ther la Rue attend the Ob siveu. Lpake cake. A nu et Roi Thte i val si vers,ç Lait their a vau a . V

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