Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 11

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LBMERTyVlEj,2DEPýINENT, TRU MDAY, JULY Ils 1918 Libertyville Independent lmk County 1indPendet - Waukejon WeeklySin ~ a M n, leryii.spresident and. deputy coun- clerklasnaklng a quiet but effective c4mpalgn for the. publican nomination for county treaurter. On every 'aide he is meeting encouragement for people of th1e coulfty feel hie experience in county1 matters villprove a valuable ~afset for hfim in the. ocice of treasurer. Furtiiermore, bis ~long service in trying. to make the county fuir a succesa ~each year is another thing wIich works te bis advantage r:. -ake county people are always just a littie reciprocal a*nd they like to reward a fellow who bua done a lot for the. ~wefare of the publie at large and gel nothing for it. As ~secretary of the fir Mr. Morse has toilod bard and often ~and has been one of th1e maluâ-ulys of th.eaiôêýa1o. ~likeable young mian, a man of abillty and of unquestloned integrity, h. ion 't assuming a bit i aking for the. nom- <ination -Lake county peopkl#vifl Ml tiIthey are- voting [for a good man and thaî's ail 111r. la le 1. COUPARATMIVEPIE8ON FOOI)S AIPAl» UT RETAILERS AND CHA3MDTO CUSTMEES. Foliowirrg are fair price e fo 1 00 de laa eounty for thé. curlent week, ai dutrrilned by thi. fooe d miistration. Siam"a ofii dealers peltrnr atijrces outoide of ibis rang e Pbould berted te a. C. Orid.y, fedorai f ood adminsrator for Lait* c ouaty, or to town.bip admlaiuarm who will take tihe proper action: (Prepared by the Waukegan food ad minitratlon. EffectiVevalat eekb"a nlng lui>' 12, 1918. Rtutail prIrea customer ebouif pay for ti the ea aamd @ubotIli mt «fcee'd lihe followlug. The tot te thé retier o eucb artille aisec la glvmu. Coet taoRotier Priait t. Coneumer Bakery .Wrapped Bread ............. Par lbt. loiaf- D1e White Fleur (standard brande) ...Per 1-8 barrel-$13Q.1.4o 11.40-1.55 White Fleur (ther brande)..... ... per 1.8 brrel-$I5 1.8 m>-.y Fleur ... .....................per 1-8 barrel8.01zo a 018 Wtrcle What Fl,,, '...............-lb. bag-32 12e 37e (tlndpr thre Preuidentma proclamation retallen amuet maon and ces. Clnr-ro uâi buoy wth ta"h Pound 01 white foeur a posad f orne eubai. «ltulc-. ConsumerB a hbOlcOre orlmeal, COMern tac*. omto lur. houjriny grues, barley foeur, rie. rie, four, catuggrglled est». bock- udr. ut flour, poutatue cour, swaat potato lour, goy ban Bo»nd ate.a t-ria liaurs and meals. If>'etout la Dlot colidered a subtitut@ fer Shitu iCour.) Graham Fleur ... ..................6-lb. bat STc37 Cern Meal (whiîte bulk)............. Per 100 lb.-$tu75. l Corn Meai (Yeilow bulk) .......... Par 100 lba.-4.76 7c Mes <'viol ..............Per lb.-33a3, t Ao bs grades)...... .......... -r lb.-4h< i ý-Bàccn (medium grades)>...........rtilb-q nec44 Balcon Squares (wheîe)............. par lb.-30C40 -Lard (Lent gradee, carton) .......... Pert1lb-2ic3e LaIrd < b.-28e Cheese 'full cream tcut te order) eld Iler lb.-330 8Sm *Cheese (full crean, eut te erder, new> pet ib.-264 4011 Cheese (fuli rream, brick) .........Petrlb.-26e Sas36 Prunes <Go te 7)---------Pet îb.-14c Ise ~Pune(t t 0) ..................Pr lb.-î1 li Prune& (go te 1001---------Meebli 6 i'oin.. ......................... let 1% Ibsm 8725 1-2 Rica (fancy) 100 îb-;IoO 14 lb 1 Ric. (Nrue rose)------------Pt 00li-e 1clb. Riîca Flou,-------------------Pet l0 bn-90 13e-lb. ~rara<a>,hand plcked)---------..Per 100 lbq -$13 Ie ~IS (hlghest grades) ............. Se tiIk (medi~um grades)-------------..17c lhk (evaparated, net seetened) .--lec14 rBau-tter cl-camery, extra, bulk)-...46e Ille <One cent hîgiier In Cartons titan In tube) Il Bteue<tAndard grade, carton).Per lh.-30c ait Sutterint (standard grades, rell$) ... Pet lb.-9c 340 Illutterlne (medium) orlie and bulk. .Per lb.-38&. au 1990e (stricti>, fresh. canded) ....... Doz#Dt-4le47 -Granuîated Sugar (In bulk> - Pe...00..bsPer8100 9 1-2e -Granulated Sugar (1n2-1b. cartene) PIer caton-16c- 20e *artey Fleur----------------------- Ier e-lb. bag-312c 38e ,rAye Fleur........... ...1b. bez-s33c 39e Potatoes (new) ............Pet 100 ilis-$3.35 pki: f 15 lbs. 7c weto akson st, alac, e flat buildi- DIJ3E1U'~ Ing on east aide South Victoria et.. RE L YCasusAXKingsley for nmialfon IN À DROP DURINi- F. TUE PrAST #TEKeI( n ot ad cno ave., es In H-ighland Park: Elizabeth 9her. Loan wmn of North Chicago, boullit th basand Papers Fled Not Geo. M adbouse on west aide Up To the Usual; Loans Sheridan road, south of Maille ave, Total ut $586for indicated consicieratjon 0f $25, John Griffith bought a 60-foot lot oemt side Forest ave.. soutir of Ra 16 INSTRUMENTS FILED ovineasave., trom 1Thoodore Beheure- - main for $3.000. andi soid a. lot at r a tie Rcorersoffcoln aves. to Theodore 8cheuremanu,- for thre wrek ending July 6, 1918, by for samee Once. A. i. }owes. assistant secretar>, Se- In Zion Cit>', Plrilip and Minnie âM. ,u tn t e & coTru st o.Zeller bought part of the Seeger es- Nuijhpr f coveyaceslatqf priperty et ncrthallest corner: Nuniber or cîrattel niortgagea, 8. .Eýmrons ave. and 30th et., wth 26à Nunber of trust deedsansd mort- ifffe froniige Ir-om the lilmitet in gages,-1. Chaflcery, for $3175. . otail iumber of Instruments lIed, I 1n Newport: Cashus A. Kingsley 141C.and -wife bodghi the Wm. Zander Total amount of lbans, 158.650. ftatmn of81-48 acres la Sec. 6 for -nomi. Business bas faiten off durlng the lnal consIderation. week and boans are about the aver- ellnjamin J. Sumuerieki bought the age. . ýMsea %elville lestalie latin Lcd 70 Tlhie followint' are the more in- actes In Secs, Il anld 14, for $5,250. port déalrt of the weelc. lui LIbettyville: John W. Cole. Lad In XWakegan: Y SM. C. A. took wife bought the Horace Bulkle> onýg. ftt th ie Loia Shepard lot on Gen- haIt acte lot on %ililwaulte ave., for esee st. adjofnirig tire "Y" on the lndicateti $2,000. . . non tI for $5.000. inlia: Pred E.. Chas. H.,E]Mien C. Northr Shore Ssnltary district' and John J. Gosawiller andi Caroline ~bougbt about 30 actes on the Laik ae r tok title fratu Master la ~Shte sat0f li ga CAnsis'o the Gosswiller faim of 15, itoin Preti W. Bflé for $16,000 90 acres ln southeaat 1-4. B3ec.* 24, for r (eo. D. Ilradshaw and wlfe bought' $7.000. the Robt. C. Fulton boua. on east lin Vernon: John Popp conveyed te _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I IMM 6 NUM 61'SEiYEN ORDER NLIMBERS ASSIGNED TO THE. MEN WHO BE- CAME 0F AGE THIS YEAR IN DISTRICT ONE, LAKE COUNTY Order numbers have be2n aqslgnéd by tire Libettyvili.- draft -board to the Young Men Whbo reglatered for ihe draft lu n idiatrici. on June 5 of this year or durlng thre fpw day.%' perlod l mmediatelr folloiing. Thea. nulinhers bave heeti arraaged e iat thfa regLtanis msy know theîr rela- iive order o! draft. Order No. 1 go..s to a Round Lakte man, Alois Amann. 1 The alphabetical liai of the. Men as asalgned ln district one, Lakte ceunil' folloirs; 1-Amann, Alois, J..Round Lakte. 141-Anderson, Carl T.. Deerfielti. 106-Bjàr<er *Pal W., Lakte Bluff. 14fi.-BatTett. -leert C., Prairie View. 147-Beltzel, Harold J., Libertyville 94-Be11.1. Exeresto, Higlî-wocd. 90-Berlin, John, R. D., Lake Villa 178-Bernardil. Luigi. ighl"Id Pit. 194-Bernardi1. Michael, Highlandl Park. 120-Berube, (leophas C.. 111gb- land Park. 35 Blomberg, J.. Lakte Forest. 118-lBoie, Ernest P., Lakte Forast. 117-Bolan, George H.. ,'t. Sheridan 61-Bond. Hloward P., Hiliaboro, O. 124-Bornirofen, John B.. Prairie View. 83-Brlatow, Rtaymond, J.. R. D., Aras. 95-Brown, Gervase l-, Highland Park. 48-Bruno, Francesco, iglIand Park. 98-Brzeznsi. ,Rafai. Ibertyville. 126-Bue.gching, Herman P., Prairie View. 75--Bulrd, Peter P., Arlington Height. 109-.liurridge, Cecil b., L.Forest. 37-Bush. James E.,Liberiyville, 13t-Butler, lillghlanài Park. 161--Cano<-aris, Tony, N. Chicago. 22--Calow. Walter J., Barrlagten. l0--Cawley, Chartles A., Hghland Park. 78--Clinge, Archbtald B., Barrbng- ton. 1<-Clos-, Dalmer. Highland Park. 1 DceAugîtet, Me-lenry. 197-t.elhaye, Geoýge W., Highland Park. 153-Denisoon, Lyman G.. Grays- Lakte. 49i-DIF'i]I,ppo, Luigi. 1-ighwiooti. 170-Dixon, John, Lake Forest. 170-Dolpir, L.eter L, Ares.. 139-Domn, Edward J., Laie Forest. 9-Dougtas, Oscar E., Lakte Villa. 198-Druce, Harold, Onaylake. 129-Dunn, Franx A., Lakte Forest. 34-Dunn, John L. Lake Forest. 27-Edmonds, George PL. Liberty- ville. 32 -Edwgrds, William G..-_' la" Forest. 57-Ehuert, William P., - North Chicago. 82-EIf ring, Aloyalus H., Wauke- eau. 101-<lEilis, Calviai H., Uibertyville. 185-ealeoner.ilîarold A., Sauga- tuck. Nich. itFrr lilalph J.. Lake Forest 6-Findiay, James A., Laie fior- est. 132-Plistback, Martin F.. Ingieside. 115-Flamant, Raymond A., Prairie Viair. 200--Foronato. Aitillo, LUbertyville. 191-Frear, Abert L.. Libettyville. 174-Fr>', Ephtam G.,ibertyville. 72-Gahlbeck, Ehner L.. Atea. 2pl-GCansberg, Walter di., Laie Forest. 102-Geer, Raymond H., Highiapd Park. 157-CGenty, Bernard F., Highiand Park. 11-Gibbons. Ambrose C., Deet- fieldi. 14-ýGibbs. Chrarles E., I-tgbwood. 1S.-Gleske. Elden G.. Barriugton. 195-Oodwin. George G., Ares. 67-Goldenberg, Benjamin, Liber- tyvilie. 116-Gonyo, Nelson, Wadswonih. 151--Goodlucit, Ernest J., Lakte Zur- ich. 69-C-orman, Richard M., Round Lake. 47 --Gotti, Hugo P.,. 'Uberiyville. 196-OrlMu, Ernest E., Lake Foret 79-Gruber, Hrernian 1, -Barring- ton. '18-Haek. jerry J,, Barringion. 193--Ha.rding, Frankt E., Laite For- est. 44-Harding, George, Graysaaie. 172-Heaney, Thomas. L Forast. 137-Heatb, San>uel D., L. Forest. 162,-Horshbarger, Jennings, Ali- tloch. 19-Hertle, Savern G., Grayalake. 11i-Heuer, .Joseph H., Uheêrtyviile. 169--Hlbbard, Pienit, Oragalake. 168-l-olland. Arthunr P J., Barting- ton. 81-Iloinki. Anthony, SicRenr>'. 119-Hook, Arthrur J., Highwood. 166-Hook, Parnel W., Antiocir. 24-Horniscirar, lred, Round Lake 77-Horion. LouiS Aniel, Laite Villa. 8>-Huhn, Clarence E. Deertieldi. U -- Hutchinson, Euguea P., Li- bertyville. 131-,Jacobs, Fred Carl, Deerfielti. 135--lacobe, Samnuel D, -L. Forest. 106-J&ýrett, Leland, Ares. i40--Jrzembowsiti, Clrarlese J., Rendout. 5i-Jites, George, Lake Forest. 6"-ohgansen, .lorgen ,,B., Laite ,1p-Jauo lef Thur@e, LakIe ltW Af~ C N 192-Kramer, Kenneth D, lilKhland * T RJVIN aa Park. 49-Krapf, Edward W., Aras. MADE A CÂPTAIN 62-Kruger, Aitaur A., Pt-j rie- 4- ~ KuesterEdirard P., Liberty I IUIA O P 46&-.KuIrIahl.. Fredarickil.1, Bar-- rington. 148-Kulest John, Lake Fore-.t Founder of Lake CoUnty Tub- Park. . lbsd erculésis Sanitarium Gets 3bj-Kunatmann, Georgel v- Word of Appointment Mci-lviry. I93-LIArsen, Hermon B.. L. F'orpenr. 20ý-Lejbert, udrew.; latit * ORDERED INTO SERVICE 112-Magilil,.aurtee R., Barringtorr 70ý-Manolom. Fu, No. Cickago. 26-Manrwîl, Robert M.,i, i 'g oe o e avn asBe -land Park. !ost e ae;HsBe iitI-.Maroney. :Enmett, Iilitand in Charge of Two Big Cook 146;-M.athiasen, Cbris., 1- Forest.- County Institutions 61-Mcpaddea, George, Iligiand Park._____ 14&-.decKay. Normn P.Area> 0eo0 0 00o00e00o0ooooo0 6ts-MfenelII' Auolpb, Highland Pk. 0 0 94-Mayrfithan, Fritn< J., il and 'o WAJUKtt.AN'S SERVICE SCORE e Patrk. INOFFICERS o i'l-lilllar, Max H., Ares, e 1-LIeut. Colonel A. V. Smitht, o 133-Morrison, joslépik M., Ronjout. e artîller>,. 111--Morse. Warren H., Highlband 0 2-LIeut,. Colonel Fred. Beule>,, o Park. o madîcial corps. o 15-Nef, Kennetir D., L. Forf,sr 0 -Mej. f. M. Banictr, madicat o 138-Nison, Edirard S.,Hilghrlanrd 0 OMcoM 0 Park. e 4--Capt. John C. Fol.>', medical e 180t-Neison. GIRford J .,NS. ('hi ag o corps. 39--eoJlcos, Cornelius V_ . igi- o 6-.Capt. W. H. Watterson, medi- o Wood. - o0 arps. e bl-Nigrtingale, HarrY, ttarrlrie. O 6--Cêpt. Theo Dunn, engineering o bon.0 o crps. 0 58-Nisbat, Alexandert(G. , bah-e . 7-Cait. L. W. Woodmanset, ord- o Forest. o nonce departreent. 0 28-.N;tto, Raffaeie, Lakte Forest. o 8--C&Pt. Th«n. Enighti, Infantry. o .'186-NorrIen, Axi-l E, Jr., Highlandrri0O0 Psri. 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0o 74-Nortoti, etjerge R.. bugienide 21 ýObeauf î3rnad Y, Aa. riends Of Dr. W. H. Watterqon, 16-OVOnnor, Fr&M* M., Deertteld. f rerl a prominetpycinn l6e-ýO,eary, James.- 1. Poreti Wau(egan andi Nortir Chicago, found- 154-0130n, HattY, Grayalake et of tire Lakte rasas Banltarium, 5-NeJ.Patricit. HIghwood. whtch later develoibed Into thre late 177-Orn, Cesarc, Highland Park( couuntlhorlnpialywMWbe mach elated 158-Patton, Edward B.,ltbgbband anti Interett in kaowlng tbat hi, Park. han beau nameti a caPtain ln tire 88-Peabody>, Raymond C., Lowell, medicalrp of o!tire U. S. arnry. Ml'ans. Dr. Wattei-mon vas la Waukegan 46 2-PeInaj., Juhn Wanzel, L.ake for a feir minutes today prier te go- Forait. Ing to Great Laies station wriere ire 176-Peluzzi, Francesco, Higirvooti. vas taklng a party of relatives te 121-rPester, Irvin, Lak ill'aa, howr tiem ovar the grounds. 149-Paters, Wiliam G. il. ' Ares. 3iaturally hair as preund ian ire l27-Peterson. AI! H. A. K.. ltlgh- siroweeltire Sun copies eftirhe tala- Wood. gram wihr carrnes tire message of 31-PicchlettI, Attilbo. Hi<ghland his appointient as a vaptain lu tire Park. army. Wae tue pleaseti? Quite tnt- 3-Porter,- Howard, Eugene Bat- liraI. nIngion. B>' his appoinîment as captai nbn 164-Potier, F-ari A. McHenry. tire modical corpà, Dr. Watterson 165S-Pratt, LaBo>, W.. MeHeur>,.laites bis place abongside Dr. J. C. 128-Rablt.tjnt Joseplb lHighliand FoIey,. uho on Tue.4day mornIng, loft Par't. for Fort Bill, Oklahoma, wirare ire 32-Radinger, Christ, Hainesville. becomea a captain in tire medicai de- 100-It.asmussen. Ingrate 4C, Lakte pannment of tire government. Forait. 2&--Rt.upp, Phiilip A, Prairie, 'Under date o! Jai> 9h, a telegrain ~'îew. camne te Captain Walter H. *Watter. son. -mendical reservas corps. 661,1 86-Rich, Chartes D., Cnirslake. 'orth Ciyawford avenue, Chicago. 28--tlchards. Wriam M - Lake 'The telegrain sald: Vilila., "Vota are assbgned active dut>,. 18-Riemer, Herman B.,L Vilila. Comtpl i>,*th arder. Proceed to New VII97-Ritzenthaler, Joe 0., Liberty. Haven, Conn, and report ta cormnand. e. g elulcer ,U. S. Arrny General Hos. 85-Roeber Ferdinand P., lake pillai No. lé, about July 22nd., for Forast. tl-tRagoadtno, MlIchaek. Akeite . Forst -Thie aboya lelegram wiai signet b>' Fo -Rai. ,Fr .,Dr. M-cKain, adjutant general of tire 41-Rseier. red E.,HighlIand medical corps. Park. Tire telagraun bearîng news of iris 104--Rossdeutchar. William L., commission comte on June 25tb. Tt Round itke. rea. as flloiri: 190-Roua,, Deibert %%.. Aras. "Yeu are appalnted ceptaîn In the. 103-Russell, Lloyd M.. Round Lake medlcJ e.i m veIfer the. period of 59-Santi, Angelo, Higilanti Park. the war. Aceptance, glvlns full noms 187-SavilI Buttîrtia, lighWiooti. sud rauktit a ie cent at once te the 33--Eciuauble, Arnold F., Barring- turgeon Geenrai Akrmy, Washington.» ton. Tus alsoiras igneti b>, SiKana, 4-A3eheskîe, John. Highland Fit. the adutant general. 134-Schrelben, Albrtrr ., BarrIng- In Tuberculials Werk. ton. In a latter te Dr. Wattenson on 184-.-Scirultz, Heur>' C. Ubàertyville lune lItah lir as tbld that viren ire 175-Echumaeirer, Howard J., Higir- a foziY commîssionedt t iras land Park. the Intention of the department te 97-Ehesfor, Oesel F.. H-ighlandi assig hlm te tuberculosis irntai- Park. , er ire hai had a course of instrue-. 64-'.Shreve, Claude Morse, 11g- tion ln the physical dIagnosis o! Iung land Park. diseases. lit a latter dated Jul>, Sur, 13-.Slegel, William H. b Fotrst. froM tire lieutenant colonel o! tire 46-8_teplian,. Arthur , -WiliaM, medicai corps, Dr. H. Bruman, said Prairie Vtew. -ubat elI. Wattereonis ervices hrad' 183--ftecle, Früd, Lrbertyville. been retalned b tire tuherculosis fac- #Stuerp, Gustar, Prailrie View. tion division cf internai mediciae 66-Stadberg, *Gusa., LibertyvIlie. and it la the Intention otftira depari- 4-'vuson, Olaf, Lake Foreit, ment to assîgo hlm te tuberotuloois 7-Sirit, William E.. L. -Foraist. vert afier iris course of training at 173-Tîllean, Walter F. Hlgbbladtheii New Haven irospital. Park-. irroinnoir on. therefore, hil luC 71-Timas, Elirert G. L. Forast, tain Watterson .net merely Dtr. Wat- 114-Tonne, Walter Il., Prairie esn '<ev. 63-Toynton, Victor S., Barrington Dr. Watterson's appoiniment as a 136-Uricir, Paul, R. D.- Grayalake captain In tire atm>, vuth especial 9-Van Higgins, Lewis, Hiuhlldreference te wont in tuberculosîs mai- Park. tersr colnes ai nearuli et 14 years' I81-WaIz. George J.. llghwood. careful appulicationte t the atudy of l47-Wa itnà, ltrancls W., ightuberculosia, Ilisorigin, prevesîtive Woodi. - meana, etc. 2&-Wezener. Henry, McHenrY.. eeHer. ln 1901. - 72'Wesoovsk ,Edard I.. ar- t WI.s in 1901 tIrai Dr. Wattarson rigtn.-- oosiEwadD.Bt-came te Northr Chicago. Afier grati- 99-Wheeler, Ralpir G.. Deerfelti. uating from Nortluwestern unlversit>', .40-Whitman, Clarence C.. Wou- ie ramainad thre for tiro yeats st. contia.tes r wioirle iras compellei to go 46--Whyte, William.,b.ake Forait iresi because ire founti ir was sut, 122m-William., Arthur J.. Highland turing fronm Iung trouble himsef. le Part. .- huitgoing -esat vould Improvie 1$-Wepod, Robert, lÀberi>'vllle. his condition and irai one of tirose ft-Zebnle, John J.., Highland Pk. casaesmirers, a doctor airgan te study -2 Ell, Higbvood. himeel fandth ie diséase vhl',t vas _______________ botirering hlm vîtir a viai te mako biasait not ouI>' Weil, butt iecomîng Dm_ BmeesDeuttetlalu. preocient lu tire malter o firandling IL Tii. quIemt pa'utmaives tIM2. disesie of that ilnd. -7~gu eouthuer-u u e-H, carne hack te Waukegan In Ul~SmIaa I0reet m nie ai 1908 andi iecause of tira Interesi ira ~tiWem v.the deer, .wst..U>bas dIspayed lu tuberculosis voult, i~mu~-.-~aie~ tm-,,~ f. it inet take hilm long te realize the value o! stsrtrng an Institution o thie itid ntilkLaencuety wvireapao. 'psafflicted vith tilberculoais ol Se 1~1eieifgthe Ummuwawv be treateti. Accordingly, after a do- Danger in Bad, Teeth THE germe of cennmptlen, la grippe, rheu<uatlem, pneumeisla, typhold, diphtherla, etc., multlply rapldly in tooth omltkm4andam thirve under the. edgee ef more, swelen, ulcerated gums. TýIsee germe.are ver>, dangerous t. health--especially dangerous th peel4le pon iueait. The pua garni le partlcularly deedi>. DEADLY la JUS?-. e Word te upe. Bwaliewed wlth the. fded, it finde lie -wmy- Iite theý. blood, and, sooner or Inter, mccrdivio t. one@conftlutlo#4 brine sel destructive disete of the kldneys, blmdder, spleen, heart or atomoch. Do You Know the Present State of Your Health" If t le net satlefactor>,, If t leafelgne, unrellable, or even etc.s ou#ly affected-have your teetit put in the proper mhap. Thot wUiU 9M onl>' protact you f rom furtiier Infection but t la the absoluteUy NEO. ESSARY firet step towards healtit, Aappînese and uce.. Corne n fer exarnlnation, whether you atarit the work or net; t Ue weli te know ml about your teeth. W. are here daly 9e. m.W a P. M. 0 WING to the inability of a large nulimber of patientas to tîîke adviintage Of Our Special Low Prices, we wIJIY, exteîîd our time limit and make the following pricep Uiiil July 20, 191 8 We were fortunate in securing a largo amount of Den- tal 'Materials includlng Piatinum and platium pin teetb-, hefore the war caused- the prices of these goode to become almosit prohibitive. therefore Save Time and Money And talus advantage of this Opportunity whiIe Il lasa GoUd Crowns, 22 karat ... .85.00 Gid Inlay ........... 0AOup-i Naturel PorcelaIn Crownm. 4.00 Cola Fllînga .........$1.0 Up Bridge WorU< or Teetit wlth iliver Fillînge .........OM Up eut. Plates - 5.00wae rPreanlU>.l0 Cood set of ' Teetit, S. a. Eae rPreanIlyli Whie..... ......... .do Guarsnteed Palnlame Exte-mo GoUd Guet Plates ........ 12.00 tion.................. alle TEETII EXTRACTED FREE WIIEN PLATES ARE ORU(RED Gèt yuitr work done at our Sanit.ary,' Moder-n, Perfectly * Equlpped Offices. We axe positively bers ta etay! DON'T BE MISLED By Dent-juto that charge double prices, claiming auperlor 1 work and materiale a WE WILL FORPEIT $1,000 If work la flot dons in our office in a scientific mame, using tirnt clama materials at prices as advertrned Harvey Dentists Nortb West Corner Washington and <3eneme Streetis Over Pearco's Drug Store Waukegan, IiM. Open 9a. m. to8p. m. , Sunday 10a. m.teo1p.m.' Telephone 1"45 Gu. Adm n,4trum4 if De.ire 8 support to a ureat eXtent. It ias ln Ilecember. 1913. tirat Dr. Wattetsou iras Cliedto10tire position pf head pirsîcian atî Pokegama, Mion. irisa ia t s prîvtae sanitarinni for lrestlng tuherculosis. About 5o beds belng rnslntalned ltera. aCIIed to Cook Count'. Dr. Wattarson remsined ln Minnr iOta s yean in charge o! trias l-i lotion and front bee rame to tir!. cago wblere lie ias made head physi- clan In tire Co Cotinu>' tuhererross iroapîtal, au Institution mIncir ias 700 lpis. Ha hId titis poritilon fer rer. years sud on Pebrary lti.o!1917 was offeredl and acceptad tire position o! niadical superinrlrtadent o! tire nr- Icipal tuhercrlos4sanîtariun o! tire Cil>' o!Chicago. Tire are 940 betis ln titis Institution and Dr. C.-1R. Ro- barîson ls tire directlng heas. Dr. Watterson tris moîning ssbd that ira mli telegraph tira départ- ment ai Wassingtona aklng train for 10 dayq longer leave brelte reportinz for -service in tire asît. HaPlias a numbar of important matlers ta mmnti up ln connecîbon vitir is monk at tira institution in Chicago and tirarefore is not ini a positla 10 leave Instatar. Tire man>, frIands o! Dr. Watterson wIbI ire glad to hairt tiat ire iai re- celved tuis sppoiîrtment hincir puis blm lu a lina o! vor mincirha iras ireenirean %tudying wmur great tati- gence dîîring tire paît dozen on more yeara. Tirai phaias madp good lb trisUn la I vdent by tire tact tirai ire iras beau commnissioited no quiclci> aftar having offaret irs services te lire goveenait. Par Ilause Plante, A splendid fertiliser for ail pot planta andi evergreeans ma- b. made la ffl s r>f:'DisSole osce n of 17e ln hwo gpliens e6fmter; put lia enougb beu lemae e" 11 ugmhm. A f»ir sem*a et 8M1e lMWgant rog put mmsa mek mit miS và a adettu . nut. ArtIfll erne. Nearly ail artiWcal geme--that l W se>,. $tone$ tuat are resDy mea eby artIicieal means-are 'à 0. " et alun cryatallaed under sq»" lMSS. lion&. The nuetallie îaltztsbaft els Pt durIng fusion determine uiietbie tire atones producet ebaîl ire eappbus-4% rubis, orientai topazania e'seh3'm os emeraltis.e Format Skyser-epom, Thie taîleet of Californîas "btg Uesi, M fautet la beiglitbut amumu 81V great gunu tres of Aunsa"?a sec4uenns ire more ia 400 teet lu heigit, anti on. mmcii irasfoel la soutjieamt Australia, insurad ti4fts --tira talleet tree on record. Gum Boas groir -ver>, r&pldly.-Popul&r leleMe vonibI>,. Wreng Soaneviere A friand vanta us ta tel1 l bi a eestaie eltisec of thie tom le la au leepeete an upright and tiuMsemi man. Most people miro moubi a e gtrd hi. de, bit tirera muetbu thlng irrong about bItu, amibIg 4b onet sgre.mlt un a inpOlea a"mi m liIOn-quueoju PPut. - j Areblen BrIcal raeua. - Among tmodern Arabias the bride-. o 0w Wam A7MM groom maes the bride prements. whicb ' -'l"ý are ati a dui or tire before th. nup. lam hale. Aasmwoe as the bride reachec the* bridearoom's bou»meb*mhe ncie.lm apear sudsat.t 1uh1ju alýan-

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