Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 2

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L1B~TYVl1IZII~EPED3NTTHMATÂ, JVLY il'1918 àL&S.-0DePROCTR 4SU RANCIE FN. LIlo, AocMoent sud HmaIIh, Plate ci., u laniobil sud Wrig m"18' Compenation. '14 Hlm deore Placing.. Your Insurance jIi O9.,D*dW$ rua mgStore til WELL [ILLING Iru pW y toe î*vtte-tak 1 SHESRPAM-* 4DOLAN e MIONOITY tOI 13 AI RSTOW "a 4irbIe and Granite ce Moouments e tery Worlc of Ever' Description, toroepondence t5oliclteti 16 Genesee St ~ALEX Se BURGESS MASN AND rNERA"AL CONTRACTORt uMnt work, atone work, plantoring é,dbrick work. Bolier work sud blté o ven.s a peclat,. n .blng sud ,gpaltg promptly sud VtWosghly ozocuted. lU-W vusn City. ID. *Dît 1.LTAYLOR te 8:- la30 sud 7 te 8 p. mi. os bro"ay, opposlte Part - -Uowqtyvill. ibinola. DR. GOLD)ING DENTIST leour 8 su 2 a..-l Over FIrat National Bank sue Phone M9. "o. Phone 157-J. UAbertyville. Illinois DL EB.FL SMITH. DENTIST. e-VI*W-Là"I VOUS"T NATIONSALfBAUX. teu 1 12 a. ni. sud 1 te p.a i UbortyvolI, lHanoia CUAS. N. STEPIIENS. ,M. D. PIMYSICIAN &841 SURGEON< FEar E, No., Thwoat 197" uxamnined for Olaaeff *01110 OVer Oua Co. Tel. XIB * LIbertyvIlle. DL . OP. DUTrERpILD. £BTAN" 8TAvz VYETEIUMAMÀA. BLHANAN W. coLBy Attornoy-t-Law M HomRen., Cook Av0. Phono 168-J OS.0URTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. LYELL il MORRI LIbortyviillo Illoisa lau .Building. Na. n. lm I&. OO@ caPhone l PAUL MAC GUPPI. ki"&ENT At LAU'. UbsvvlBoe, iHnoi@ *MARTMIN C UT Waablagion straot yAITKeeflAN. - ILLINOIB OUa. Phono 848 Re. Phono 1869ka PHYSICIN AmI SURGEON of om m eau«. ~'. N ST CICAOO. ILL 9 OUNTIU ED & FUEL CO. Tf ON LAKE COUNTY-Iho i unus mvu~ nnumnr'u'~ i IIIVÎIEI11 rWtit 13 BRICK ROÀO CLEAR INTO CliICio SOON res How It Is Planned By Electric Road to Lay Brick Alonpside Track 'ROM LAKE BLUFF TO FORT n This Way, With State Aid Road Near Waukegan, Fine improvementWiII Go In Capt. Moffett of Great Lakos sta- tn, la vory entbuslastic ovor the Sospecta af ha.ving a bard ro4d rau- dng ail the way tram the state lino outh InCa Chicago. lie statee Chat eunderatauds stops are uow helng &ken wbereby tho electrie rallraad *opIe are golug tu buld a brick i-oad outiz tram 1tako liff clear ltotuLake orest along the eaet aide of their raks aud Chen carry the rame meth- I of construction aouth tram Sacred leart convent ho Fort Sheridan, Chue ieeting the bard raad at Fort Sheri- ln station of the North Western. 'heu tha't la done it la pointed ont bat a bard road wlll ho provlded for hé entîro north shore wlth the ès- eptlon of the strip betweeon Wau'ie- an and North Chicago. This atrip auow being considered ln the plane omoted by North Chicago officiaIs id @teps. toward its complote con- immation will ho taken as soon as eé tactorisabave declded juat what moportion of the exponse they are lhiing ta stand. With t.he strlp between Waukegaîî id North Chicago compieted, the retch ot road wbich bas beon a tgbtmare ta Great Lakes olliniate vIl have èeen taken care of. ln connoction with the lmproe nenta along the narth shore, It- le coneplcuoua tart Chat lately auto. aobile tire concerna have beon plae. ring trees along the narth shore Ch Choir signa. Great Laites affi- ta are raieing protoat againat thîs arringt of the beautitul shaped ree% and it la evon sald a campalgu may hé started tu have ordinénves ýaed by the differont corporations' oprevent this metbod at advertis- INDUPUNDENT FÀC= TION GO OVUR TOP IN'PLUPDRIVE in Order To Continue Their Work in Africa, They Raise Big Sumn Sunday By Burnett S. Love One of Che greateat mlsonary churches ln this coiiutry le Chat kuawu as the "Independeut Church" in ZMon City. From June let, 1917, ta Jane lot, 3911. the church aud its trienda paid lu aver $2,900 for their mission field lu South Arrive, whilo thelr egular church expenes l about $3,000, aud this money was ralaed without salicitation or a special drive tram the pulpît. M*Mes MyrCle Slason Snd Ethel Thorpe, tram thie cburch. who bas spent rive yeara lu Chie African field have been homoeun a furloagh for the past year. sud planued ta returu to Choir fieId of labor lu - October aud requésted Chat n farm superiuten- dent ho provlded for ta Cake charge or the 200 acre farm purchased by the society about twa yeare %go at a cost o! $2500. If thore la a loyal people- lu thi., country Chat eau te depeuded apon lu ime of nood, it la the Independeut cîtizona of ZVon City. They have gone "Over the top" witb a good sur- plus, In every alapeal made by Unclo Sainsud the Red Cross for their pro- Portion oft he Bouton Cownship aller- ment iu each ot the three Llbert- Loans sud the Cwo Red Cross drives, aud now, the People worahipplng lu the "church lu thé hasémeut" hbave gene over the top 100 per cent lu 1providiug tunds for sondlug Choir warkers Ca South Africa. Rev. Daiel- BrÉanC. Choir former Pastor and overneer for thé South Atrican work, carnetram bis fielS af lahor lu LewiBton, Montana .about 10 daY. ag o O tciate at th e liy-Ot- zen wedding, remalued for Chia évent. Bund.ay atternoon, afier listening Co the îriresses or misses Slason aud Thorpe. F. T. PaLterson or Newton, Iowa and Mr. SpleeC et Cleveland, 0., Rev. 0. E. Lovéil, the promeut Pastor, prosented Rev. Bryant ta thé audience Who ln a féw well chosen words in bis usual torceful and hap- PY waY, Cold of thé gi-est wer'i belng done, lu this fieldtender the direction Of Cheir mlao0&nrY suportnténdeut, Rer. E. H. Mahon, rélatlng mnany casés Of hoaling and remai-kable an. swers ho Prayer of thia ipeople aIsa Clliug many Incidents Chat Occurrod durlng hie many Yoarc of ministery lu Chat'fieId. 1le thon called upon the people ta prevîde the necessar $1100 ta pay thé tranaporttalou chargés o! Che parly sud In just 45 minutes (as tact as thé toIlera could record the nance and amounts) the Cller" reiPorteS Chat $3.039 baS heen Pledged, golng aver the top for don- Iblé Ithe aMuni. vanteS. Much o! thé mouéy ln tact, a greater part a! i -as given hy the people Who aré glaS ta niake sacrifices te further this great enterprîse. At the ltoge ot the service,, Hev. Bryant blXhLe manly TrieuSe gobye, and vas driven to Waukegau Ca catch thfi train for Columibus, 0., where ho WHI visît bis eletor a tew da 'vs hetore returnlng te hi3 home lu Montana. Th vas arauged to bolS au annuat meeting each year ah this lime nf the Year et which Ime Roc. Bryant wll ho presse. The muan fer farm supprintèndent bas net yet heen definltely chosen but aunounce-ment will hé made s00 who ho wyll hé. Real Estate Transi ors 0. M. Bard and wlte ta EllziJbetb Sherwin, south hait lot 2, block 15, Hlghland Park, $10.00. E. M. Perz and wife- ta C. T. Hey- docker, lot lu section 3, village of Fox' Margaret E. Halght and huaband ta Georgia A. Seaman, lot 1,1, block 28, Lake Bluff, $1300. E. V. Orvia dnd wlte ta Emmna Kia- eeweter, Part lots 24 and 25, block 11, North Chicago 1100. Horace Bulkley and wlte té J. W. Cole and wlfe land ln Libertyville,I $10.- KÂRIÂGE LICMI8ES Mtelvine 0. Pease, Camp Cuter, 25; Marion Klinger, Grayala e., 19. M'm. C. Strethert, Great Lakea ,24; Florence Weatbers,*Gothenburg, Net). 21. Edgar J. Reddlng, Great Lakes. 21; Irene A. Rettinger, St. Paul, Miinn., 23. oEdw. I. Kalllng, Waucanda,, 22; Bertha Decker saate. 18. Abert eLonhardt, Mlwaukee, 48! Iatherino X«14 ssani 43, John Pintlvac, Mlwaukee, 31; Mary BadjShJlc, came, 27. Rioger Mmey, Norwood Park, 32; Gertrude Gardner, Chicago, 26. Audrey V. West, Chicago. 21; Val- eria V. Poklackl, samne, 20. Herbert H. Clark, ýWaukegan, 20: Margaret Barbour, Kenoaha, 20. Frank R. Ewlng, Kenooha, 27; Ma- tîlda Moclor, sainle, 29. Aiex Metz,.'Mlwaukee, 38; Edna Schwank, saaza, 22. Nathanlel Gorman, Jr., Chicago, 24: Sarah J. Delworth, sanie, 19. Wi/n. ClaosMlwauikee, 48; Kather- lue Swlney, gaims, 31. Henry Harder, Milwaukeee, 44; Eliz- abeth Raller, samne, 43.' August Tuegel. Chicago. 73; Anna Dauchae, Mlwaukee, 52. É'rank G. Smith, Racine 20; Lydia Wagner, Wetukesba, 21. John R. Strlektand, FPt. Sheridan, 2621 Susie Camenos, Highland Park, 18. Walter Lewis, Pt. Sheridan, 28; Tille Slover, Chicago, 25. Elmer C. Schmltz, Kenosha, 22; Helen Sable, Baime, 21. Richard G. Fraucols, Mlwaukee' 40; Ullien M. Baumgartner,,same, 40. Spiro Christoff, Wau'iegan, 30; Dorathy Wahl, saine, 28. JuRaus Brunk, Chicago. 47; Eliza- beth Brunk, saine, 47. Drew Allen, Great Laites, 21; Min- nie Johnson, Waukegan, 22. Lee 0oppage, Peoria, legal age; legal cge. Geo. Llghtheart, Chicago, 26; Mr garet,. Vincent;' saine, 24. Chu.. E. Andrews, Great Lakes, 31; Esther Walte, Burwell, Neb., 29. John J. Kennedy, Lake Bluff, 25; Emma M. Adenbreit, same, 25. Chas. W. Tiede .Racine, 30; Vir- ginla Clchamfosky, Mlwaukee, 30. Chas. C. O'Neill, Chicago, 51; Mary B. Guerin, ramne, 23. Porter H. Rauter. Milwaukee, 32; Bertha H. Scheel, saine, 18. Isadore Brandweln, Chicago Hghts., 24; Edna Frank, saine, 22. Harold Eeaig, Mlwaukee, 23; EÛ. na Bielefeldt, samne, 19. James W, Pardpe, Milwaukee, 21: Jessie 1,. Hlsted Leua, Wls., 21. Wmn. Skaeth, St. Louis, Mo., 33; Hattie Weller, Chicago 33. John M. Scholzen, Madison, Wis., il; Emilla Toellner samne 34. Reuben T. Heico, Oshko4h, 21; An- na* Maurltz, samne 22. Carl C. Wagner, Racine, 26; Eve- lyn E. Jeukîns, samie, 24. Arthur H. Remus, Chîcago, 25; Ka- ies Rochlus Shehoygan .26. Fred Harscli, St. Paul. Mînu.,' 33; Martha Janabson Chicago, 30. Crissey C. Maxani. Milwauke7 Lucille Franke, samne, 39. Oscar R. Bennewate, Zion City, 26; Roua L. Wedekind, samne. 33. 1 Clinton E. Pierce, Cartkage, S. D., 40; Fern Reynoldi, Loue Rock, Wls., 34. Edmund Schwertfeger, Milwaukee, 37; Job Aima Niaxon, samne, 45. Itarry Williams, Chicago, 26; %Tel- lie Colline, came, 23. Bort Clarie, Chicago, 32; Lllian Frank, samne, 23. Water O. Lenike, Milwaukee, 34; Anna Schmidt, same. 33. Anthony J. LeClercq, Milwaukee, 24; Laura Cbaney, samne 24. 160T TIWO LICENSES BECAUSE COOK( Co. ONE WAS USELESS, Miss Helen Hoyle and Bernard J. Sheid of Great Lakes, Married Monday Afternoon Miss Helen Hoyle, daughtér of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hoyleor or oith Chi. cago was mariedé Mondsy afternoon at Great Laites ta, Bernard J. ahieS of Great bakea.a caok at the station. The ceremany was pérforme<i by one0 o! thé chaplalua and -Mr. and Mrs. ShelS camé te Waukegau to onjoy a fév hours liberty afier vhich thé sallor returued tâ the station and Nirs. Shéld vent ta hier parents' home where they will residir for thé present. It developod that thé coupléliadt Cwo marriage licenses, getting one BarlY In the day in Chicago Sud one laCer lu Waukegan. They planned lhé- tng married at 'Creat L.akes but Sheid Imade the mistake of thînking a Cooýi counCy license vauld anever et Great *tÀLkes. Finding Chat it was ual suitable, arter hée andi hi. bride returned !rom Chicago to havé thé lalu, the .latter advlsed them the Il- ceuse was o! no use. Thus Che cere- mony vas delayed peudIng SheidIs trip Ca Waukegan te get a Cake county license whlch voulti permit a ceremany lu ibis county. Shold'a home le in Sharpahurg, Ps. The brIdele IR wîl kuevn lu North Chicago, haviug llved there mauy years. -a 1 DO AIR STUN NAVAL à lA ZI.g ~fiA EAL TRACTOR» nFIEiJITING IHUNS Son of the Foreman of The Wilson Farmh West of Wau- kegan Latest to Be Hurt L E FT WITH ALBRIGHT Second Lake County Marine To Be Injured, Noehl White Amnong Those Hurt Before Waukegan. July 6. "R. G. Olckaon of Waukegan, was wounded'in action ln France. The degre of hi* injuries le flot dotormlo.d at presont. M-e la in the marinep.- T hiOve niéeeconeta tothe' Sun t0day fi-ar the east and briaga tidings or the Injuries Co another Lake cunybo who la tlghtlng wlth the an e. «ytu France. Dlclkon WaU thé voung man who On APril 25, lent year, weut aTway with Bd Albrtght, son f fMrs. Boy Bradher 0f Waukegan and Gurnee. Ho went abroad aometime laCer and has been flghting wlth the marines lu thé battis that bas been waged lately. It la iecalléd that ast week hia ps- per Cold Of the Injuriés ta Nool H. White Of FOX Lake who also was with the marines and hellévod ta ho the Only marine trom Lake county. At tha± time thé Sun discovered, however, that AlbrighC and Dlckson wére a.mong thé marines and were flghti ln 1 Fance. Dlc'ison's father, John Dlckson, ie toreaanau nthe, Tho. ._E. Wilson tarm, near Warenton Grave station. His parents live an the Wileon pr*p. erty as dos also a brother. Albrlght la 20 years aId, whilé Dlckson la a IlttIe past 20. Thua at the preseut tîme, Lake county ha. two marine mémbers lu the Iliat of lnjured abraad and théir frieude bers wllianxiousy 'await further word -.tIng ;ust now badly they been hurt lu their service for their country'. Mr. Dlick.on, tather of the yaung maie,-Id hia Iloon that ho bhad'é nreli 'the umeesage that bis sou had beén lnJured ln bathie som.etime botween June 2 and 10. The tact that thé boy's namo bas nat ap- peared lu the oaaualty 1heC since thon fidicates that ho bas heeu gptting on satisfactorily, for, the castialty l1,9t, are kept quite up ta date, and a mantb having elapsed since Dlckson was InjureS, the signe ludicate hoe bas not auccumbed ta bis wounds or word ta hat effect would have been rerf-ived. impliRENCE; SECURITIES TRUST CO. 910 S. Mihigan Blvd. CHICAGO FOR i>ETAILBD 1"INFORMATION, ADDRESS INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS 1108 Karpe. Building CHICAGO, ILL. Il W. Il. Mitchell, sou of Jobp J Mitchell, president ot the illinnig Trrust and SavInga bank. andi R. E. Jenulugs o! Menoînnee, Mlch., are v a eev dav, furlough anS Mondai' vsited the aviatIon canto et GIreat MitCholt sud i.-ungm learued ta !ly lasI car uder Lieut. Hammond aud bave hem fînîshig the course at KeY WesC ad Nîlama. Fia. Bath have berame experte Iu the air aud Mon- day gave a demonstratlon or trick flytug at tIrent Lakes. Wtth Jenuluga at thé, wheel, thesp aviators looped the loop, did "Cdil e4plus" and StaltI" titi4000) foot. Thpy timIdin the air Ilke Tuni- hier Pigeons, epun around like a SPoon on a !t.sbing lUne, sud turued over backwardq like acrobate. Mitchell's brother "Jack" liq now Convalescent atter bis disaster ln h. air at Key West. A few mouCha ago ho collided with another aviator, the latter hetng killeS. Thoy are at pres- ent et their enummer homo at idak Geneva. SJenlugs le one of thé lustractors St the Miama camp, and prior ta coni. lug ou furlough, Mitchell bas only mIsseS helng In the air one day »Ince March 4th. PHOTOS 0]F TARS "0 O LSE IlMVS TO BU OLLUCTiL SecretarY of the Navy Danlelar.. quests that Photographe 0f Men of thé navY wbo have loat their live ls service againat the énemy ho sent ta W-Ashngton ta ho proservod la the navyas recorda.1 . "Tc perpetuate tho Mmqory of on., liated men of the navy, loat during. the war, photographe are now b.lng carOfullY collected. ,As rapidly flM thoeThtofures are reoelved copo are made and the originala returned teo the ownera," Mr. Byantêla »sy. «Aphotograplk of oach man la thon' torwarded ta the trainhig atatioa where he hegan his. aréer ln the aesý vice. There a mémorial galléry of, honor or a bercée' corner la forme&," go that for ail time the fae.s of the men of the navy who have made thei %Ufrlme sacrifice may he o hoSfoO1 by thé youthi of the future sent ta the station for tralnlng. "'Relatives of mon who have beoi Icst ln the Preaent war who have not recelved requesta for i5lcturo8 are askêd to mal the o,.~t the départ- ment for thla mémorial. Ail plctisret should hoe ecurely wrapped aftér they have been marked wlth the 'Ume, hranch of service, and train. lng Station the Young men éntered atter eelistmpnt. '1hese should ho ad- drsed to the recrultlng dlviel..fl~ Bureau of Navigation, Na"y Départ- ment. Wshilngton, D. 0. un -a-m NEW SERVICE VIA [ME NORTH SHORE LINE To the residents of Libertyvîlle, the North Shoi-e Ume offers the following service which will be maintained until furthei- notice. Express and Limited Service Trains leave Libertyville every hour fi-r 6:30 a. m. ta, 11:30 p. m., connecting with Evanston Express trains at Lake Bluff Junction, and with Milwaukee Lirnited for Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee. Sat. urday afternoons, Sundays and hoidays, Umiteci trains leave Lake Bluff Junction every thirty minutes. Express trains leave Central Street, Evanston, tao connect with Liber. tyville division at 6:04 a. m. and every thirty minutes tbei-eafter until 12:00 o'clock midnight. For fus-tAes. informaion appli, go arst tgiIcket offic. of the NORTH SHORE UNE Milwaukee Ticket Office 10 Second Street Phone. Gr sud 1136 Evanston Ticket Office CeaIraI Sic,. Evuste. MA1 Chicago Ticket Office M bath Clark Sireet PhaSe. Ceal .15200 "f.- -e -. -. '-J Agents Wanted- Protected Ten-itory Converti yo ur Auto lnto a powerful t«ractor in 30 minutes THE INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR UNIT sella for $350.00 It makes a powerful Tractor of any Auto in thirty minutes and reconverti fi-rn Tractor ta Auto in leas time. Every farmer will want an iNDUSTRIAL TRACTOR. 48-inch wheeis, 1O-inch face, steel front rima of ixnproved tractor type, 3-point sus- pension, hardened i-ller gears. It is practically Fool-proof. Mechanically right. it salves the farrners' Tractor, power and labor problem in a reliable and practical way. A SUPERIOR MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE-DOES NOT REQUIRE AN EXPERT TO HANDLE It is strong and of simple' construction. Any -man, boy or girl wbo can run an Auto can operate it. Doca the work of fromn 4 to 8 horses and two farm bhanda Plowing, Harrowing. Disking, Listing, Mowing, Road-grading, Harvesting, Etc. Let us telli-,ou ail about thia Wonderful Tractor Unit. llufq ï L771 Tý AT 1 31AI]

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