LRT Y VInIE IDEPýNDENT, ni uRSDÂY, JULIýY 11, 1918 They drave home In the car. I APPENiÎ GB AT Ali.e and Mlhdred fiver @peut the week. end se t home.f Te Misses Qua". af Oak Park, are spending a ev veeka vith lire. Laura, Cornie. J EBS LONGABAUGI4, Cor, . lMr. and Mmr. Koens, of Whitsvater,a 4 ~ ~ ~ ý -..- ----. . . .peut Sunday wvl thobir littie son, utç Orders Taken for Job Work Mmr. Crne' home.1 Advetisêg onBpplCstin. lr. sud Miroi. Blojies éntertalned coin- Burr Smith.,a ho le icsted at Camp pany Irais Chcago on the Fourtb. S O trant, la epeudi,îjg a Ici'days aut borne L K IL Mr. and lire. G W. TomaIon are vis. L K ILA lintg lire. Tomalmon'o mother, mm. Mary Lruce. 1Early on IModay imarnrîîg ai 'et Fred Gardon, vha la etatlaned etti'éek lire vas diecoî.'red<iii a s '-mal Camp Gardon, Georga, basi beén 'juite building tàdjtainig.g John Ntira ,ise, 111, but la nov somewhat lmprovéd. u@éd as a msarerocm, si t vas t. lly Thé raylake baeeball tesa met tLe detro3.d, lut by Loti swurk the -,[nr sirong aggregatlon iront Gurnee sud dé- buildings n. arbi' w,-! caved. lst.d ihem 19 tu 9. Mianager John ltîs>î(iîid fJucs&t-, théemsiail son of Brewer reparte a gainé buokéd wlth Rush Buseéy, f.11 againi hie vagon'last Wadsvortb, ut Grayalake, July 14 Friday and eut hie head saneéverély as George DrucOgýras bhume Iroin Camp tu hé uecessary ta taié sévéral etchees. Oirant Bunday. A télegrniman John Leanard Iaot Groaelaké etréets véré treted t a waeék anuoued hie leuviug fur activé ecat of oIl réceutly. Thie and thé ré- srvice la France. maval af sogie treés an Laks StI. north Mr. and Mmr. 1. Md. Doluglas @etént a ut Mr. Batterhail'e property, mael, a dorsiufau egau.hter o, .0 dtefldedImprovement..1 ogalWnka. Chauffeur busiuess la evideully gond la lire. D. R. Mansur aud lir. Gray@laite, thens belng about tinty Dalimpie ouJoyed au auto trip ta - .,. - . . - fi -aait F.i-a-é Wm El P«tn a ril an n . a Mr@in. James Leonard enter- Orant i. tPreen l dlvcar.ov alned sevenal relatives i ronmthé cty on ItraS Ix ttth e ug Cr d anigthe Fourth. Co illfnishaIt thé ofderle pea u Mr. a lnsd lire. E.Thayer éntrtaiuedc Mil. veik.fnwi ts csnulnga niiyon Iwovaauto loads ai relatives iront Evan. Ibisvée. ad wil . nédy a .artan tan lads véél. th.-lt. peua about Wéduesday (ai Dcxt 1 u ie.Besna. iCîao week. M.adM@ fmdr fCinô ______________are Ruat, aiflMr. and lir. James Atwéii n LM hile weék. L Ž 7J Mn. sud lir. G. P. lianrrepent lait Mmr. L. Bl. Chard and von, George. ai Tbunsdasy at Libertyvlle. c AustIn. aPéLt là couplé ui dale laut weék lire. Rosé M iller le epending saine tiarefi at Fed 'had'swlth ber parente, lMr. and lire. Jamef C. C. Amines andl daughtére epént th. Leonard. Her bu4band recently e&lied t *Fourth ut the Hickory and Roecrune for Fran e. hi réunion. Mn. and lire. 'Arm. titcbeil,aof Chicago, to lir. and Mmr. A Chard and daugbitene, were guets aitlMr. sud lire. Kerr this of Chicago. vêeeguelte ut relative@ aven past véék. th. Faurth. lire. 0.Barntabîs vas gut a o s Mir. and lire. J. B. Keller éntertaluied Wlliltte frlende SundaY. iS1 company iront Chicago séveral daya e.ré Mr. and lire. B. Murnie sud daugbter, h rdoSntly iMe. Santiderç, wves undcay guet@sorl Do not arffeStao atiend the play,,"Tua lité. Margaret Miler, sa liur'h ai a biaad Thlng," and aieao a 1 Mr. aud lire. Carl Miller and @on drave th good musIcal pragramn. given by thé Y the Fard to Whiewater ila%Tburedsy m L. P. C. on Frlday nlght, July 12,a, t and atuyed tili Sun.lay wîth lire. Miler'@ Ga.. aeecolhoe.itféhmn.parents, h viii lie s.rved. Eti'tiraveei)(de ion Rd ')Ur bik" r.' pened fur buiness %hie Crase. We sîtand ur awn expeueeweek, uud,.r ICw ruanlageme.t. J-,hn B. Petere§,ofai lcago), vas a John Lutnd aid fiend. MsMi deilian guéeS ut Ihe Edit haine lest Sunday-. 01aiChicago, were Sunda3. gueote .ai hie Straug'@ Gauyo's famille@suad mauy othere attended the Rltéerane pienle the iourth. John Robert@, cof Chicago, i.pért Thurs. day and Friday wlth Mira. Jane Janiusan. lir. sud lire. J. S9. Denrnan and lamIll and Mir. and lire. Oea White &spent Suuday wltb lir and lire. lenman Nu Libertyville. James Simomone, ai Great Lakee, epent Sunday with lir. and Mire. Albert Jack. lire. John Bannier 10 vi@itlng hier sion Clarence Bannier. at Park iRidge. Mn. and lire. Salph Wbeatoan sousu of Wheataîî, are vlihing ut thé parsan. sgt thîs week. Thé picnic beldty thé township ai Newporrt ut filaecrans vws a eni ces tu eve'rY va. 'l'h.' unmnittéeeai thé dînner thack the tarions familles oi Newport for assistancee ad donation@, vbich vert su readlly given. SAYS IUSIAND' TOOX lIER 1MNEY TftROUIIIFRAUD Mrs. -Mil.dred Studer oftDruce Here. Today CRUELTY IS CHARGE MADE MAartin,,Olsen Sues the North Shore Gas Company For $2,000_Damages That ber husband was extremnely crueJ. that lié' had threatened the Ives of!lier her teri year old luhrthiat 1hte fhae ta<en $175 from, ber hy taIse and frauduient pre- tenset, are charge., cantainpd in a bill for divorce filed in circuit court odar liv Mrs. Alfred Studer of l>ruce Lake agalnstliber husband, Graver Studer. She saye that on une occasion lie glapped ber face sd on anuther oc- icAolbin ,knolied hb-r doqwn. with a blow from hb is ttThese, tht says, are only a few o! the occasions on .'hich hie il l r(atm-d ber. Mrs. Studer says ber huaband bas taken !rorn ber the furuiture >lie awned before their tarriage. Sh.' arks for an Injunction restrain- ing hlm from interfering or maiesting er ln any s'ay. Bues For $2M0. 'Martin Olsen foday filpd suit for 2fflm damagï-s agan s t lire No0rtir bhore gai, compaiyý Merely ltre tran. script or t h.'.nit su,.t fle( n itit 1, Mr. and Mmrf. Benjamin and ianisiy, ruf parents, Mr. and Ni-s. t. M. Luid. unmeslood rbaî th. sctîrî - n -unthi- re Austin, are &gain alth ile at Shelr sunt. A cainnîng deiuinntratonn in change oi suit of a brotien tbnger sutt-red luI mer notagceta A len Ri-trMiss Smth mnf irasysîse, and @aane o ai t)labo aut t'o ,rrs ego. Misses Corsa Marph and Beien Seller, aiftour local faies was bc-Id et Monavîlie Evanstimu. veneguets ai E. E.Iliai-eh osiunn>lbouse au Tueoday aiternînon. A f"L and lamlly ont day lent veek. speaker iromuthe tounceliof ati onal '1ICsriiuYINUMÀN Mdisa Marlonulrdic @peut the Faurth et )'fLiee as preéenl. Inving Park Red Cross Gommitteet H W DT E T L.AXE I 0~Tire fiolugCrrnlittle'-sarn- b91tCarge ~ A IIU B A _____________ LAKE____of_________ ia. led <rasssuctîin sale t.,b ir 1,n. Àîîéd uOu Dr. H-. Morton bas been caiied ta lu oUr village JuiY 13, auttmrno aindr mitary service, e lin.yl lie suns-tedéd e7e'liiijc by D)r. UF. W. Bush ofiChicago. Dr. Bush ExerutIve: Mir. and lire. A. 'M. Dounglas, Terrible Tragedy Ten Miles wIli b.'at hb is fiace hère cvers kriday lMr. and lire P8 ilis. ansd lirm. From Antioch When Wm. and Satu rdtsy. I.. L. Barnetable, li. sud lire. C B. Hennie is Victim of a Hog Prit-aieHarrî Surressmnanid UFloyd HN-lsmaiand lMr.and lira. H.1'. Loiwry, ____ Renehan, vima are lu traîlng aiet vent4 Pragrams: PS. Deniels. F. fi Sher. NM L I FN LY 5 0 bou, ia Audrew Bairuer ('n tantp vood, Res. Su, der, Byron uHouser. Steila ANMA _______ Y HO Grant, ëpent the ueeg-end lhtre. Kerr sud Ruby Fslch. Hired Man Unable to Save lira. Lyle Lilviier spent oev.-ral day. Suppèr: lire (Amuira Barrostable. ir Employer, Finally Sends afllait vèek in Chcago. and Ili>,. 1E. slI, lirs. Il. R. lianzer,* lire, t), Devis qI Iowa, @peut a ici' li. and lie E. '1ilven, tir. and lire. H. Bullet Into Its Heart days ai lest veek wvihber îîotlaer, liro. l'ater andl Mr. and lira i-ced Hamlin. Can 'i bnrizne : 2 n, in Walter 'Aite. .AutiInneere: J. K. Lertug. (J W. bing *iI-'d, eln cheriti dr'atb MdisoetIs Ferry spent thé îèek.end Lebiman, H. P. Luwrransd 1'. S. tianiele. hivaa tîog. si-irin :tir nîbîns o r ,ii her@ vitiî ber parents. Cerke: Allient Kapvie aud E. Caddack. kecan? Ilere's a slors rsbich arzues lice. C. G. liclandieese vas a Cîmîago l-et-uliing station in charge of ol and s cnIenIurn lbilt hos visitar last n-ek. Dlaniel@; cashier, Bier. Sulder. tlacein tiierl' dr fbrr animal, o! Mise8(OiieeItenèhan aod maîher spent lrancY 'Aork: lirs. Ollie 'A alîsce. lira. luati sort' Monday In Chicagou. Herbert linlsmin. tréL. E. Suyder. lire, ICrYstal Iaku' Heraidi li. nsd lire.Edward Aubert ai Caddock sud lirs L. Tw.n'd. 'Il blennie, aira rerison [r Chcgare vo ao S e h e.H i aeyOod:M@ .B vr n arm trear Richmonud, lu mîtes wesî Chicga. vislar th Oe. Hndr Baery oad: lre.P. .5ven su o!Antioch. and sho 1. a rouais, of homte. lire. AI Boehm. 'ir. and Mrs. Ernes-t Malscb o! Ibis Lets Willam@ and Mrs. R, Harvey oai SoiicitIng: lir@. O. larrnstablè, tirs. B. city. vus attackIrel andl kiled I n Grayelake, vers cailers hère Mondai'. Summérs, lir. F. M. Hamoli. &ÎMro. Chester Wbite boar as be vas WalkI- Mie&Helu Hnke lanow mplyedet aniliMre, W. 1iib, lir.Goea. [ acrosathe pasturre in vbch thte MiesHeln Hnkellé ov ntpoyedat s"aaboar vaskept. thé bonte ai P. J. Moyérs. lir. L. L. Raruetabié, lire. Fred BHamou, lmnediatels' afler ne niad eabr'n A large cravd attended thé canning B. .C. Lowry, lir. Chas, Remua sund dinner Hennie staited te, cross the' démontrations ai thé bail Wédneeday. lir. Bradley. pasture vitere the boar va.n feed- Arutour hatél la uearly cuntpleto ud Park: Chai. Hamiln, E. Shépardeo0n, ing. a tbing lie bad otten dot be. ted afore and vhîcb he ,;! course. dîd flot a grand opénlng banqués vai given Geo. Wallis, Jamtes Kerr- sud E. Wad. drean of consldertre as endangering July 6. Sventy-two gis ane plessat Recelviug: E. L. Wald, Bi. S. Disan, bis lite, as tht animial, a good deal visibora bere, E. Shopardeon sud ail solicitare? of a pet, had apparenîli' beexi peace- lire. Jus. Amen enièrtainéd ber MictIon: A. M. Douglea, L. Baruetabie, able berelotore. even allai'- brother. ibov. Keiser, of Mlwaukee, a il. Culver, A. AbwelI sud Frauk Richards, ing cbildrèn lu play' vith hlm. few ayatits wek.Booters Frd ad FankHamtu, Wibe- tte crenture btcamê en. 1ev ajethîswée. Baetee: red ud raulHamluraged at something else -and In bis Das't langet thé Red Crase social at E: 14111, D. R. Manser, Oea. Wallie, .sanger atbacltedl Hennie or wbetber C. Jungea., July 24. Everybady wbl- B- DIXOn, R. Weudiaud, c. Keller, R. J. Its innate savageni-sa crapptd oui come. Hooapén P. R. Aveny, B. L. sud Wm. Jtist at titis particular tinte vii lév- lim. licCandiese sud lira, Vaiéy ré- Bradliey. or be knavn, but tht animal muat have ruehed at the anfartunato man cently spent a lév dayseta L. Bsuvsll'e l1s Cream: Mn. nd lime. B. Boopén, aimost as soan as hé enttred thé Ia Chtsck. Ur. Ml.R. usey. Mn. and lire pasture. for vithin a short tinte ho Little LsRay fBoude. had the mie- A.eesY, E. Wilson sud Oea. Wallis. badl gared sud Injured Hennie go ten- fortune ta ho nun aven by an auto truck Popoem, Caudy and -Cigare: Dick nîbli' thai death aintostIimmediateîi' réleased hlmnisfront bis terible suifer- and i. impnovIng i'ény Iatieîactorlly. Atvell. C. Kee, lir. WlckIus, ires.fur Petoreon sud Harold Daiel@N. Hennies crie afar houp vert heard FiLa Pond; lim. W. Flsh, lin. N. hi' hi ahiréd mnn vb, seeing ho Be True Blue Bunnett vlth achool girls tohslp. alone could net dal with thé boeir, RUFyeyur Thrlit stamps and Wan Dsconsting: Rév. Binsyder and R. A. cellesd a ueighhon, and tagethen the savigotamps t te Drg @tre.C. C Doulu.tva mon bosat the creature vith clubs aeang e auoa th Dnudgt oC.t. ougas.laan attempt ta getlhinaai' frois trissCandes le unz.d gn téthé prei' hevas litenaily dovourtng. Iréaun, dpatmén. IEvern their cruel blows failed'to have 'i MILLBURN ani' tifeet an tht maddened boar, and It vag fixiali' fiecegani' ta shoot the R USSEL.L Mmr. Fileaandceblîdren and Auna sud- créature. When Hennie, vas at ilst dftéed frot tht animal hé vas so ton- Henry spefit a véék vlth relative la ribli' injiirtd t vas velil that deatb Thé celebration ai Roserane vuec Chicago. àoon releaaed hhmin ront bis suifer. langely attended and a good titée linr.sud lir. Edwin Dénutman, af ing. Ht vas disilguned pat reeog- eujoyed by aIL. Lîhertyvlise, @pont tht fauth vltb homenteftion the animal baving fairli' The Ladies' Aid soclet' vilI meet vith flk@ sud aieoataîended thé Rasécrams cbeved bis vîctin to tepices. Mime. attie Palmerton JuIy plic. 850heigimejaishw bol paunde. ou 18. Ail iuterested are Invlléd. linso. Clarence Craviorj, o! Waukégsn, $0,wIhý 5 ons Caseton Brothesvere veny iatun- @pont sevenal deye vitb Mie@ Bertha ficretary M.cldôba ey@: "Lot no one até lu fiuding Shéir car that was stolon Crawford. who génulnély laves Amerlca and vante tva veéke ago. -The Webb'@, anue',,Chape, LeVay'e, tu, serve lalta enliest lutht gréstaS my WIII Connle accomantidTain sud Dénm', Stevant'a,'rua', Mnesgprlng, of War Bavers by buying Wan BavInga Fred Casiston ta Chicaga MandaY. lins Mthée, White'% Manti'e, Boak%'e pstne. SLOT jhjoIlw bi Information caud bc shpped VLV EP R AID TIIMPD Off; ho sil "ta arrestpret oruc CIII-CKONTIS oother ganibling des'Ices, or where H E ALL ARE SECRETI3D they lnd saloons operating on sunday RYL rhis is a stan(ulùg order add,,n, 'H EURYL apply ta any special raids. 1 bas', Squad of Deputy Sheriffs Go .r'ýkedthat thp.sF. vortor4 be bruuglrl lWatc h Ru n< 1 ,ntdi To _Fox - Th0 aeainîwenrs.b io thel 1-_ i- 91- ufu T Fo Lae uo Confiscate Th ae(fNr.1 .Hl fte W ites Down Names of Alil Gambling Machines But Their AntrIm Cottage. on Sq4uaw Creek. i"a' oG oRoaiM eig a Arrivai Had Been Heratded court Wénesa mtrning Mrs.I-iill I Ifrmto n. Advance ng iquriNEW CLAUSE IN LEASE? QUETIO WHO V WAS NG s.ida. h ic t u or,~O Reported Children, in Order to IT W O GAE W RNIN sai _______-~Inherit Zion Land, Must Officers Find That Machines lIEN THÂT LAYSI Belongto Church Had Been Riinnîing Since Wh. ii. flot a gre.t déni ',î îeî iuIy 3rd, Mot A One Could Be INbTlALED E GS I t lsetwren Ebdrr flovail, Found Saturday - Woman ATM CA FFOlira's tirs, lîrtn n d uithe Outside Village Arrested oesp iiefi rwn ir WhowasIt hattiped ff T N CAL FA 14 nmmnore intense ail the rime. Nat- Wbo as t tht tpped Offur.îîby this ix tiére rsult s heu rswo Satuda venng t Fo Laermn vho havi been recogmilceias a turdy esigt onLaked, iý ne-rn t wfi salonkeepers that.a raid o luot, She Makes Them With an "M" ledrsrr edayrn t ra1o machines waa te take place? For Metcalf and "1W" Fr idwer Ryi i holding ni'eviuig If the raid was carefutly plan. W aFoo, e reed ser Rnain i Iosea il o ned, wh IsakedI' W adttHr re deve'lrGs that each Sîînday Voliial How did it happen that, vhen the bal! dozen dsputy sherîffu .J , -,, dsce' ofhig 0-*'ielr ra t pose of conflocating the alot me- found in s ne st un bbs place vest of naines a! a eirt vbo g ta the yl chines, tha tathons wasn't a one, Ournee Wednesday. meetings. .1wog eteRyl of them In slght? ' Mr. Metcalf aiter looking oser the is l denlared thal In one case a Who tippod them off? egg helievés he has a phe:romn'non In an hwia va seen te go ta Roy-' Where did tIhe tlp corne trom? tht shape of a n'hicken that lays, nat w aIl etigvsbl hwn a From Waukegan? a golden egg, but an egg properli' tbat she voîild have te take her chîl- AT ANY RATE- marked for a wel behaved lien living dren ont ai school. Accordingiy she W'hen the deputy sherit-. r,--acired ou the Metcaîf plae. s said ta have dune sa. Fox Lsko Saturday eveing about The egg In question If trîrned aonc A resident ai Zian lty states qtx 10:3f) oeclock ta raid Ilw- .,roons wai' bas a perfectly lraped "M' UP- a new clause bas been inserted lft Iwhlch had been parmitting irniîiines oan it in a sort o! emirossed arrange. Zian long termar irse which providet ta olierate since the tbird bf, JlIs ment . Naturally t'ils means tbat tht' that wben a irer-în ies wha as ný they found nat a aneW rii1e -îesrv chicken laid an e.rg nar\ing il vith îrraperty bought fram th, Zion es- place that had haditbeni Irtrri' thr' ebcInitial a! her rrwner'rr 1aI nrrrne. tate ir the.'chidren ai deced'-nl are' recent order front the a t'r I s r.eir. "M." Furtbermor-.. if yor tutru thé nat ruembers of teé Zian church, tihe Fral of Illinois that they tir r ceaxe egg araund the oirer say. 1h.ý leter properli' reverte te the churcb. te ripraie, had ilgain perni.r-il tiiem "M" naturaliy becomes "W." and This clause In the long leases i. roultint fnd ,"bide nor ir-r of one declare Shat the heu mlght have heen lihe Sunas informant. and a number o! %ben rhey gt th,'re. Tb liii ccenii ntending ta mark the egg "W," persons who have bought property o persting up ta a late iorir on Sat- meaniug Shat il vas a whrite Wyan- dld fnat realize that it vas included urday. datte that laid the egg. until they -name ta sign up. Therefore. tbe concluiosl'i- that AStsoi' rate. It atirears very evi.___________ a!ter the raid vas pIann. I. sormie dent that the chicken vas trying te body tipped off the sit niachine mark the egg In a praper wav for A ovuer or thé aperators o! ti. sa- ber owner hersait. 'Thé egg la on Yul F ÀU I baons for. Insbater aIl machinues in exhibition lu the Sun affrce. the sillage dIaappeared as il bis mac-I lc. It wstlike an Alladîn lamp being C À 6 DM IS wa ved abos'e thent the'. -ank out U of xght, the-suld out o! sirr'rr.ttbey lIEN THE OY 'ruse as if by magie oa,i~ into EAC1I E BOYS TJIREE ZION WOMEN birnis. Into garages and. tr i îe moat N L N se-cludi-d spots ai the is mibas"AN But, tire deputies ma&n'h-tIrirp Weil Known Residents of Zion anyas-. They hail a n>ril oto ride U A E< for it s', a fine nilb i-t\i, hr KINfi WELLUME HeId by Federal AuthoritNes were a haitf dozen car-. 1t il-Ib Aith For Oak Park Act olllc' rr-, grini and déterri' ýI rfficers, offici rs whr could n11b1 i-f! i.who in writing boni, la bis mnther 'rrs wouid bas-i, grrlîbed a :ri, ne At Itemon C.,rmoodnuear .ntiocli ies PROFITS FOR RED CROSS?' the drap of a bat. P!t il. nthe lie Garwood. wloIRu Is om'osrraeas.. __ b.gan nral.':ng the roui- tarn d .cosdafclabl'lte rn î That's What They Are Charg- ir cry thinr ,i. innorent , , ,as a 1Majeaty in ig G:orge- Vil. These cbmrcb yard: th, salooti - h ýid long1 letters as near as cau he figured ont ed With Said, But face,' as tf terrilîs ui at tht are handed ta the Anirrican boy. T ceng of th.' rifIcr t'a anding on England -soit and express yHd oCednil Slol macirini- r.sed on't the feeling wlth whch the .Ameriean Tlrree wamen iNere talmen m cint u 1us theri"s >..r'iin rr mal er.'- soidipr hsreceived. 'flicleiter is as oa yafdrlofalpI a about.ý;" wsa 0 i n ireins taoioýs s Park Yh m esodat capgeratîve oll-rî lbhé Inqulrivs oa! i' eî'eras taoiWindsor Cii-île P.r s.l ia'.nmrlait -,Il "Wber are ~". rnîcanng. s ot adiers of the t'nlteîiSmtr.'ing rphotozraph.s o! thé 'bunuan lla,ý" nmachines). perrîi..-rît tIri'sn h 1 s 'îcnemade lis th e irkin". rat Or.'it 1ikrkî Take oman . yor on onrr sai' totare yoiir stand annoi h iirl tl"maeI . The trmaturally gréai-beslde te rrntes o! iavnsa ti on, r, il ('ap ta, un wr ie i ly di3s3apponlu '.b . lorirs o! real nos fightbng lu thée01ld World tIr pe1w ntr rc,.drvr irr' raids faded froei' irîrizon. For. great barrIe for humnr freeuit the vmnwoRqietaed rross shen Ibey sis- r1e tbrst place The Allirés,îli gain neus heart and Tbaume nn welemri uetio Justic tbes enternd.s 'r. i iachine oper 1apirit Ini0 omircoii;fy1Iwlsh thlrt Thev are: ated rnt a fris nior ta thé' r I coîld sia'e the Iband ofeach oneiort 'ieJh îoa.Zo Is.vt arrivai. andri i i ,e thuro thé, you and biri yoîî Cod ipi-r n ouour 0Nr.Jh hna.Zn iv i, morcnr' l t r'î tlry7 i ns-ian Gerf aJ.ohn Thomar af IMole & Thomias, be o thrsi t alier T,,la,,, pril. 1915..M1.dre i (rk, Shranrghai. Chi1n a, wsihti bey w-55'itr, __, iprl,_9l_.whose parents ar, missionarles Iberre condition o! r .ý indicated lb - She, la vsiting Mrs. Thontas, r ondirionhia'le , r inotheri frîo N'ICTfH"INMs. N. A. Collins. Zion City. those thinga rr-îr r!, ru n r.g;meîr. AUUV JOHNJIi~2SONTried to Beilltea sTailoer. tai styl.' ail 'o , i t' r orneta iltATThe three tbled Sasel] onme ofth togeiber. B NI pictrires far $1Iun t he lalior ebop ai Weil, anyhois suî' 'rthe deputbes IES A BEN ON Edward A. Slibmr'.ks'. 1"Marion aet found there vere r,rr-lt machines t r The operaibve s'as in the store, and b. confiscatedl. t'r' ere 'ordered A ta retrace their ,i. pj_ ri the litIle re- irgmnt Thure, Johnson, aged 36 ishen the women said th.' sales were- -ar , t.the tura r .Ie iane asp£I away Nlonday nîornlng. Julâ for the Red Croqsshe asked tbemn for run ftFotr th'e gthe chre hrtIislome, corner of Beach and the'l- credtififi'. 'Pey 'had none. at 2 o'clack thes' s.lntanlb.'home i)r Woods' ronrds, tawn o! Bentan. 1t r .ERbr-.ieda b'Oh of lIra. l'rencf i ii1, vha. for tome vms born in Siseden rand bad lived ai Park lied Cross. aaid the woani ad lime bgs cand place there. Benton about a yesr. Beisdes bi.- She f.i orely usrinoWauconda. miiow h.' leaves one chiid. Funeral lia uspmrrknv steWednesdav atternoan at 3 o'cluck et AntrInt cottage ira Squav' residence vrth interment ai Pîne rerrtek. Wben tIrhé r mmie rrîved Vlew centeteri'. they piactd In arr-t NMrs. Hill and Antan Jorri andsu- and Charles OBITUARY Wilisan. Beai-qld i..n i tere vert ;i 17 persans in the ;-i,p'. consisting aof -arnkt Jackson Witiaier. r- auto parties. Th- isere ail taken barn luphiiadelphls, Pa., Navemtiýr hi' the déptétes0 ri Lake but Jus- 16, 1824. H ticé Meéyrs beid ilirai Sqaw Creek . I 1848 shecnarrltd Alfrcd lIrov,,B e l yas outtide the t anzesd he bad ai Newark, N. J. na jurladictian. Tîrerefore he dis- Remit'ig te Shat ciîy wbmb berc ntisstd il the parti-. i nciuding Mirs. httsband she resîded there uritil Hill. Marcb, 1863, ishen tbey came ta the However ,Sundlav mornIng Dépu. fart fa Newport townshilp wbere she lies Adunts and Wie'rlp again vent Ia ived until ber death, June 30, 1918. Mr@. HiII's place ivitre théy served Hér e3'esîghl faied gradualy and H N A S a warrant on ber and 'he Jorris and for nearly twenty years sbe vasHE 'A S Wilson. They were ail taktfl before quiSte hlînd. but retaned ber otherW Justice Taylor at Waukegan. T1he' facultles Si v ithin a few dsys of ber face from hi Justice held that lire hbrrnofiaght ta deatb, and tooka liî,î ltruti traly reduces hien inflict thé penalty on i charge afil-î thé affaIrs of the vorld. tral eue i légal sait of liqiior se théecasé of Mrs. Brave vas a tentber cf tht Mrs. Hill vas- continmîed and sbe vas Episcopal churcb. aieof the Gurnée understood. Trhe placéd under $500ibonds, vbîch Jînt W. C., T. U., sud the Chic-ago chsp- Hayek furnisbed tor ber. rTe oth- ter ai tht Red Cross. Three daugb- when one taike ovc ers vert dismisseri lis' ustIcé Taylor. 1èresfnd a safnmourn tht e seof a o th tle on Hovever, in the' ca se of lirs. Hil11 beloved moîber. ber hrtzhand having fo h eehn tht understanding wan that thée tate preceded ber tetht "hetter land" 2 wauld file an Infrrmat ion la counti' iars ago. Services, cofiducted by caurt at once 'Ilonilits' marnittg and Rev. E. S. White, ai Chicago. vere To obtain the bc thaS she vas lu apirenr before Judge htld at tht bause au Wedntedsy, Ju- Persoas.pîead gutiry and ask for IY . wttheriteInephone, speery A quantity of bouze, found, In tht "She faded vith the June roaes."teniuh ec Tesot w% bruglt bak t Waue. nd tulytht rote vas typical of berth uhpe I ga b te ffcirs- who were accom: Id e s uad loveli'.bu fott ch g panied lI the raid Iiv Preeldént Nagel btn ttuhn of Fox Lake, Fo axtrke saloonkeep- Want. For S4U0. ail mon tl lit-addstntyi en the Hill plaie, rliming she bas 15.000 pusse.iffl I»r heen selllng lquor sitiuft a llctnst wflklY- ae o e vbile they had to pay thetfestet thte __________________ village. Waukegan. July 9 FL cTc Éîtate's Attorney J. G. Welch today SOES I/I se-- 'a- aigu ~uv~ y> Systein ?EAKER turne Ms is listener, he mia- chances of being sanie mie applies ,r, under or aside ctanitter. >st resuits in1 using ýeak directly into with lips close to' it. TaIk slowly dleàr, well modu.. 'AGO TELEPHONE COMPANY made no application to bits. Say@ Ut Was a M4sa"Ie. M rg Thornaa later asserted Mis» Clark only intimated part of the moflev would he, given to thei- Red Crossý Shý' s;îld they did flot ln- tend to color thM'r sale% talk and had! *no intention of repregenting. Mrs. John Thoma.q. Zion City; Mise Nfildren Clark, Shanghai, and Mr@. M. yA. Collins, Zion City, arrested by ÇOak Park police Salurday while týytng t« seil pictircs of theeLiberty bell £Made at Camp Dix, and who are "ild to bave qtatled Ihat the praceeds were te, go, ta ti.- Red cross. were released M, their own rrognizance Saturday.atter, being (qurstionéd and warned byi AD. 0 qitat D ilstrict Attorney Rimner A~ Whit ln t hé fcderal building. n ronneri ion with the' detenUioa of the m-omen hy the fpderal authorities Nir. Thomias, who Is the dîrector th,ý Zion City choir today made >4 gtatemçnt ard explanation ta te S" t erithat this picture. the *"LJb' Bell" sa.q aken by NMr. Thomas l I .r. NMole, of Zion Cityv, the men wbè de'.igned the fiag licture of the BS- orn at Great Lakea tsome time ago. Mfr. Thom iý say, that his wife and the othîr sawmen s ho were out go- li'jttilig he ,,ci the Liberty. BOM, pcueatiIll diii say that a cer- V; tiUr.cunag oft he procep(d4 vere Ilto go to the Redl Cross. and lie de- ,,lrarcd thi' vas tie ,plan., Hewever._ enrF ioa (gm ew 1sasse *mleitbuom thev had neglected ta make arrange- ments with the, rîeadquarters of the Red Cross permlttng them ta use the fiane of the Red Cross in thîs C» nection. it waq not Until the fedierul offi cers explained tb \lr.Thomas snd the' women that under the lai' the narre-of the Red Cross cannot be utilized upofi any occasion evon in socials. etc., withotit firsz getting permission tram, the- officiaIs ln charge. This Is a new Neature of the whole Red Cross movement and it might be weli for People genêrallY tO remnember that even though tbey had planned giving sonjethlng to the Red Cross ln the shape of percentage of receipts St entertaloments. etc., ho- a1-re they start ta advertIse thé tact they firsti bettr have permission of the offîcials of the Red Cross to de At the hearing in Chicago. Mr. Witte told the woînen who had base detained Ihat ail Ihat voul2 ho use- essary 110w would be for tbem te go to the afficers ofrthe Red Cross aMd maire their arrangements accordiul- ly with reference ta givlng the lD Cross bhe per centagre of ro ln the'sale of ibîis picture r4 Witte did flot reprove tht womeb11 but admilted that he reaitzed tbey had flot deemed it necessary to got permnL*rion af. the Red CrOss eUt1-, cIaie ta donate a certain, percantage a! the receipla even. lhough t.hey bai t.e heir Intention at the start. NIr. Thomas no%, plans seeing the lRed Cros. of .ome other war r- creatlon departynent and making ai'. ranzement. for the sale of theqe pie- tî1res. on a perceeutage basis. BODIES 0F 66 VICTIMB RE. COVEREO; DIVERS SEE< MORE. Peoria, Ills., Juli' 6.-ue bodies of 66 victlms of the steamer Columbia have been recovered lite thile - noon. Fifty-seven have been idanti. fied. Eight remained unidentifled. 1Divers reported they had iocated S, other bodies. it je bellevedi by 04<1- ciels hers that at leaut 100 of th*e x- cursionlats aboard the Columbia wheft she sank in thé Illinois river, five miles soutb of bere, shortly. before mbdnight, lost thtir lives. Borne ser- j vîvors declared tîhe death toli wiOuid far exceed that number. Corone Clary, ln charge of thé inqu*st ebst- ed todai' be would make a speclal la.ý quiry Into the condition o! the sloWsr- er, whlch. according' to relatveg .se tbe victims, vras unfit for sérVIM~ 1River men declare the Columbia, ap. .parently bit a big s5iid bar near 1Wesley City, halfway betw.n M. kmn and Peoria, and that the VOUUW*, steel braces broies, virtually smash- ind the Columbia in two. The veesll was badly wreckcd when she setted to the bottam.