LIBERTYVIE N4DEPENDMN, TMU tSD Y, JULy 18,1918 INSURANCEI Fln, Lis, Accident snd Healtis, Plate Glass, ta. tomobile and Workîng- ma's Compensation. s.. Hitu Before Placing r Your Insurnce 1'be. 154R -t Libstyvile, HL SOuwee.DraDig stoee WELL DRILLING LSHERMAN. &.DOLAN M ZON OITrY Ir. BAI RSTOW OwIe and Granite Monuments ýuetry Work, of Ever' Description errospondence bol lcltto 116 Genesee st EXS. BURGESS WuL CONTRACTOR âî,8 M t ork, tone work, piasWrlnot hiok vork. Butiez vork and 11=Ovoué a apecaiip.d Z sud rpdrn promptly and Wb 1«w Zin CI, lu.i DR. 1. L TAYLOR Naiemama B.»d.. - S f80 and 7 to 8 P. M. unIroadway, opposite para R.GOLDING DENTIBT jREoffl8tol2a.m.-ltosp.m. OTeOriFIret National Bank P Pon 19-J. "e. Phone 157-J. Ubertrvlle. Danis DR.E.E I.SMITH. DENTIOT. UaLAIS COUUTT NATIONAL BASE. 01111-8 te 12 a. M. aMd i to a P. M. - Ubeftyville. Dalnois ~IA.N. STEPIIENS. M. D. *PUYSICIAN e6"SURGEON %edaI A&Meuion ie io the dwuamof s ihe KE. aNo.., Taroma * Rie exemnsd for Glana. ilo" 6oer 0as Co. Tel. 11) lbertyviig. DL 0. FÉ BUTTERFIELD. O.OSANT OTATU VM5?5Ràu<A&«. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attoriiey.eî-Law kow it Home, Cook Ave..phono 160-J 4ffltTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELLIl MORRIS LIbertyvil. llinos Lus. Building. m. plumen 16-. offce Phone la ?AMJ MAC GUFfIN. IlTORM TAV LAW. butviii., Datnois vuoxusa MAWM NC. DDCKER 807 Wabbyln Siee AlEUGAN, - '- ILLINOIS 095». Phono 848 Re. Phoo. 1860-Rt P$IYUIAN AM D SIJGEON imm »Ie«m aof somm. 10oz MEET imio au momiaMad mugcal ssu couagto f liu. le0 UAD>I80OT CHICAGO. .LL býU'à TY PELO & FUEL IN LAKE BUSINESS PICKS UP UPIN COUNTY DURINi 1T1E WK. Loans in the County for Last Week Totaled $44,000 with 113 Instruments 21 MORIGAGES RECORDED Business of thse Re<order's office for thse week ending Juiy l3, 1918, by A. K. Beves, ass!st.ant secretary Se- curity Title & Trust Co. Number of conveyances. 75. Number of chattel mortgages, 17. N umber of trust deeds and mort- gages, 21. Total number of Instrumenta filed, lis. Total ainount of loans. $44,190. Business bas bAen faly bri and bmas about tise average: Thse foliowing iiro tbe marke impor- tant doals: In Waukegan: Joseph N. Wall bonght a lot oný soutb aide Stewart avenue from B)ertba P. Brown, et ai., for $2.700. D. A. Edmuud of ChicyLgo, bougbt a lot on soutis side Stewart ave., froin Mrs. Powell, et ai.. for noinal con- sideration. Marie Sweeney hougist a house on wesi ide Noth sve.. mast soutis of Fourtis st., froin Dr. L. H-. Tombaugh for $4,.50. Henny J. Dunning boughit tise Chas. Steiokamp pnoprty nt eO/oor Wash. ington street and philippa ave., for Iudicated cansideration of $1590 and gave back trust deed for $1500. In North Chicago: Arthsur E. les aud wife bougiitishe M. C. Docker bouse onn ostaiide Souths Lincoln ai.. soutis of Sth s t.. for $3.000. In Highland Park: Wm. 1). Mann and vife bought tise Theodore Scbwffl place on Sounth sde Vine ave., vlth 520 ft. froutage adJotuing eloctric railroad for $10.000. John F. White bought lot 4, Car,> lyn on Pash side Sheridan Ttaad. R1,- vinia froni Sternian T. Cooper for $10,000. Robent ConciStantok tltle ta thse Ar- thur St. Peter property at nouthvegt corner FInat at. und Skokle gve., train trustee ln isankruptcy for $300. lu Denton., Theo J. Stahi bongisi tise Ida R. Trayford pnopenty ln sec. à? on Bechi RosI for Incicated $2500 sud résold 12 acres on nantis side rosI ta Chantes W. Lo~ng of Chicago for nominal considonition. In Antiacis: Anna Soule bought the Cannle 1. Cropley place at south- vest corner Spaffard st. and Ch an- nel Lakte Rad fon Indicated $500. Iu Gnayalake: Eva Birn cenvey- ed tn Zona B. Hougiston a lot at nantis voit corner Slusser mt. and Oa'k ave. and a 45-fl. lot aîjoining on Oahi ave,tIo l-iany P. Hougiston, reserv- lu Round L.ake: Round Lakte Fra- Mary. M talle and busband tuB . aid W. J. Kashohin. lot on Stanton's Point in Sec. 2, Grant Twp., WD. $1,000. S. T. Cooper and vife te J. F. White, lot 4, Oaiolyn Suis., Highland Park, WD. $10. Theo Schwarz ta W. D. Manu and wife, part lots 1, 2 andi 3, block 14. Highland Park, WD, $10,000. JuIy 13, 1918. L. H. Tomisaugis andi vife to -Maria Sweeney, E 85 f., S. .1 ( t., N. 66 ft. lot 1, block 6, Northwest Add ta, Waukegan. , UI, $10. MÂRRBIGELICfflSES Henry Busch,. Milwaukee, 57; Mini- nie Jessen. Madison, Wis., 49,' .Albert L Smith, Waukogan, 56: Blit. Miller, same. 44. Chas. W. R. aveit, Chicago, 36; M.Nyrtle C. Biasdeil, Milvaukee, 28. Frank Wallmutb, Elgin, 37; Suman- na Marsis, Milwaukee, 43. Wm. M. Meer, Milwaukece. 29! Minnte Wetnek, sime, 22. John Vernon. Zion Cty, 27; Heicu M. Brittie, amg, 3. Jullua O. DanisMilwvaukee, 36; Cara Bayelelu, sme, 38. Peter MIltolla, Waukogan. 30; Bboushanig. Es3hagian, sanie, 18. Bernard J. Sciseil.OGreat lAkos. 22; Helen Hoyte, Norths Chicago, 18., Walter LU Donahie, North Mlwau- kee, 21; Helen IM. Hansen, Milwau- kee, 18. . Allen D. Grove, Lareo, Tex., 30; Catherine Schsutz, Chicago, 25. Chas. W. Smnith, Great Laltes, 25; Ruths S. Atebury. Amarillo., Tex., 26. Leroy B. Smiîth, Chicaga, 41; Irman Sawyer, Milwauikee, 38. Ronald M. Jackson, Ro,.ky Ford, Colo.. 24; Lucle Gobon, same, 21. Rex C. Benefleld, Sullivan,. md., 28; Aile M. Davidson, Popiar Bluff. Mo., 22. Robert H. Leach, Mlwaukee, 27: Emmsa Iling, same, 18. Harry T. Femming, Chicago, 21', Berthsa iuedepohi, saine, 23. Oscar E. Kalivitz, Chicaga, 31; Heien M. Juris, saine, 24. Fred Wilson. Waukogan, 32: Hel- on Simith, Mlwaukee, 23. .Albert Harris, Fort Sheridan, 24; Mary Sokolosky, Highvood, 22. Jullus Schmotdt. Milwaukee, 31: Gotthald Tnicis, Racine, 2i; NMels- sa Mettson, saine, 21. M.Nanvin 1- Nichais, Camp Joe E. Johnson, Fia., 21; Mildred Gibbons. Chicago, 18. Sisaceal Murphy. Glencoe, 21: oGtt- fred M. Minutis, Great Lakes, 26. Hensry Moeosr, St. Louis, Mo.. 40; Grace Schveizer. saine, .8. Adolpis Kibot, Waukegan, 24; Mar. Ion Zetpe&<, saine, 28. Russel F. Freiddle Ft. Sheridan. 28: Frances L Dçau. Betroit, Micis.. 19. Henry Nelson, Kenacisia, 26; Edna Moellon, sanie, 20. Edv. G. Hoover, Great Lakes. 25: Clara G. Cunning. Detroit, Mlicis., 28. tSapte C. Wrght, Great baltes, 23: Alma Hoggard. Jonoshoro, Ark.. 19. Thon. Horbinski, Mlwaukee, 21; Sophia Lyzka, saine. 20. Geo. Buckner, Milwaukee, 21; Tina tonnai Association tnCttet he Patzwald, saine, 18. Opera Bouse from M.W ACm Victor Softer, Waukesha, Wts., 21; sud M.%ystic Workers of the World for nominal considoratton. In Lakte Villa: Boni. and Chas. BI Hamlin bougiltishe Frank M. Hamini pnaporty for $9.500. In Warren: Arthsur 0. Wilhur and Ettie L. Brogden made a voluntary partition isetveen theinselvs of tise Wilisur pnoperty lu Sec. 17. Real Estate Transfers MuY 6, 1918. John Popp te John Pcpp, Jr., lots 1 and 4, Brovu'a Suis. ln Sec. 13. Vernon Twip. and uudtvided one-half cf Ofve acres lu SW 1-4, Sec. 25, Ver- non Tvp., WD. 19. F. H. Bantîtt sud vifs te Anna A. Ciritie. lot 19. blockt 6. FirsI AId. to Itavinta IHighlands, Bord, $2.750. 'Neil Ryckman te J. W. Marshsall, lots 30 te a4, Brnwne West Bide Suis, Wankegai, WD, $1. F. 1H. Bartlett and vifo te Fr. F. Hilisurat, lot 9,. ltai 6, Ravinia Highliands, Doed, $1. SJuIy 8, 1o18 Ida K. Trayford and husbanî to T. J. Stabi, tracts ýo! landlnlu W 1-t sud NE 1-4, Sec. 33, Beuton Tvp., tZ)eîs, $20. Bertha Krauae sud husiaul 10t James aud Mae B. Bove, lots 189 sud 190, Shaw's Long Lake Suis., WB. $200. JuIy 10, 191S& Chas. Steinkamp sud vîfe tb H. J. Dunning, lot 4, (except Nortis 2 ft.) bloc,. 21, McRay's Second AdI.. Waukegan, WD $1 P. B. Nelson . tior Ce.. te W. B. Tisompsonl ct 23 sud 'boat ianding lots, CaMP Aqua, FOX Laite, QC $140. T. J. Stahi and vif. tb C. W. Long, tract Of laid In NE 1-4 Sec. 3,Beu- ton Tvp., WD, $10. Mary B. Latta ta W. P. Hogan, N. 21 ft. lot 6, blockt 43. Higistand Park and W 70 t. 8. 185 <t. lot 35, Hîgis- yood, QCD.. I1. W. F. Hogan ta Oscar Wood aid vife, N. 25 fi. W 150 ft. lot Sltock, 43, Higisland Park. QC. $1. Ju<y 12, 1918. Berthsa A. P, Brown, et ai., lot 14 lu bloc"i 2. Powell & Stewart's Suis., Waukegan, 'Wl, $1500. F. M. ttamlin sud vifê e b 3enj. and C. B. Itaminn lot ln Viltage o! Lake Villa, Wl). $1,50e. L Elimfbetis 1. Povell et ai., te D. A. Ednunîs, lot 11,lilock 2.. Powell & Stevartsa Suis., Wanitegan, Wl), $10. Jasepisine Augustine, West lîts. Wls., 19.* Erneat W. Peterson, Great Laltes. 26: Ethel W. Peterson. Chicago, 18. John N. Robents, Great Laites, 26: flisy Haworths, Wîukegan, 28. Waller Barfknecbt. Mlwaukee, 28; Maie Pootz, saine, 29. Edv. J. Haodge, Racine, 27; Rose behman, saine, 23. Wm. J. Lapin, Chiscago, 30; Helen J. Plant. Cincinnati. 26. Anton Zielinsti, Milvaukee, 26:ý Marie FrItz, saine, 18. (Csrl. 2Nelson, ChkCigo, 22;: Jean- nette Habit, saine, 19. CAPI. MOFFElI liA A- NEW DÀU65ITER There vas Jot at Great Laites this mcrnlng vben nova came froin Clii- .cago tisat a daugiter badt been born to Capt. sud Mra. W. A. %Moffett and tisai therefore tiese tation hafi an- other recruit lu tise shape et a Jackt- lette. M ns. Moffett bas been ln a Cisica- go hospital for a short tino pneparing for tise big osent and It vas visijoe ho vas lu Watiýegau ou tise Fourtis that CaPt. Mcfftt saId hoexezected vord any minute that bis family bad been Increasel. Capt. Mnffett nov Ima an even haif dozen, ntcoy dlvided, tbree boys and three girls. Acconding to vorî froi tise ctty Mns. Moffett aud lutile Mis$ Moffett are getting on vony nlcely. PARIS SELIEVES THAT THE EN,EMY MAS BEEN CHECKEO Parla, 4 p. m., July 1Ô.-The gifler- ai opinion' prvaila in Parle thisasf- ternoon tisst the ensmy la checked. &Ince Yesterdny ovonlng the Gerssns bave made no further progrmas. The total number gf prionens taken by thse Anericansln thse fightîng &long thse Marne is now placed et 2,000. FILINN 0 F PETI. TIONS DEVOID 0F ANY EXCJTEM13NT Edward Yeoman Was on Hand First and Drew First Place .on Prlmary Ballot LITTLE INTEREST SHOWN L. A. Hendee, Elmer Green and P. L. Persons Were OnIy Others to File this A. M. Waukegan, July 9 The iluing of petit ions tn the office ot the cOunty clerk this morning of candidates for 'Office at the coonty primaries next fait, vas devolfi of excitemont. Edward Yeoman, can- didate fo« the offc et Of anty trots- vrer, did flt have to fight for the first pluce on the ballot. Mr. Yeoman was on bond firut and no effort vas mdete deprive hin of flrst position on the ballot. County Cierk Hendee flled Mfr. Yeoman'. petition beforo ho fled hbi'. Gn. The only candidates wbo flied their petitions earty this mofning, wero: OOUNTY TREASURER - Edw. Yeoman. 'COUNTL CLERK - A. Hendee.1 U . 3. ager. SUPT. 8CHOOLS-T. A. Simpson. 4JOINTY JlUDGE-P. L Persona (Rep.), Xervey Couison (Dem.). SHF--Eimer J. Green. Mr. Yeoman had egtabiished a pe- titlon bearer ln front of the county clerk's office 96 heure before the time wben th.e petitions couid bho lied. l3ecauge tA].Metiier. charmnan of the count7 board, and Sheriff E. J. Griffin ruled that the doors of the court bous. must be locked at nigbt and that watchers would bave to watt outaido friends of Mfr. Yeoman made tihe statoment that it wua case o! f «reeze-out" te give Dfputy County Cleri Jay B. Morse, candidate for eounty troasurer. an opportunity te file bis petition abead of Mr. Yeo- man. No sncb effort vas made ths morning-In fact Mfr. Mose did net aeunIle is petition. Attorney H. C. Coulson flit a peti- tion for the office of county Judge on the Democratie ticket. He vas the onlv democrat te file. Mr. Yeoman vas standing out.side the door of the court bouse vhen It was opened sbortly before 9 oclook this mornlng. He thon to(fk h@ place ln front of the çounty clerkas door and remained there until tho door vas opened by Mr. Hendee at 7:55 a. m. Mr. Yeoman was invited to enter and bis petition was flIed just as tie ctoAS chimed out the hour 0f Roy Bracher and William Rosing. avowed candidates for countv treas urer, did flot file titirpetto ACE IN BRITISHI FLYINfi SQUADRON IS FROM LK. BLUF MajO -Augustus Lang, Once Known as Gus at the Lake Bluff Orphanage OTHERS MAKE RECORDS Heads of the Orphanage Are Proud of Service Flag; Many in Service It was war, war. war yestrrday at Despiaines camp meeting. The subjert eas missianlq and wom- en vere In echarg, but flot a speaker could gêt away f romn the over and everywhere present war. This vas truc reen wben the work of tho Lake Bluff ýorphanage vas in review by the Rov. A. F. Clark. dis- trict OuPerinteindcnt of thse Chicago nortbern district, who spoko on thse work of the Deaconess federation. "Among thse 38 stars on the ser- vice fiag of tise orpisanage there are bernes of visoin e are justy profld,, sald Dr. Clark. "There Is the boy we used to cati 'Ous.' Nov he ls aia. Augustus Lang Ho enlisted ln the English royal fly. Ing squadron. He ls an ace. having breught idown hi& elgistis Ormn plane. Not long ago ho was decor- Sted by King George. "Anotiier boy vo catied 'Tommie' la nov Thomas Hlarvey cftise Amnen- can navy. He gave $1.000 t thse or- Phanage vItbis ntructions to have It fiePt for hlm untI il. -ta retI.if ho dote flot return the money viii TO- main In thse possession of the orphaï- age as a token cf bis alipreciatioll. 'Ânothen boy la Bobby, 110w Robert Breen, who bas been severat times wounded fIghting in nratice. "The Initiative and courage of the Amerfcan soldier can b. traced to tiiq American mother.1, MODRNSAMSON AT NAVAL STATION He liftsttn men, hota a piano on his neck, iuggles, an mron sale or tva In hIq rIght palm vhIile be breaks a fev spikes vlth bis ieft--doeo thse strengest selor ai Great Lakes, 'wbo bas been located in Camp Ruess. Ho pipes up to the name IPhtlliPs -J. G. Piillipeg, ex-side show andi viudevIltioexpert In actse ofstrengtb. Ro ran knot a rope about hi. ex-- panded 10inch chest, relax, ant paM a suit -casé or amati size truck throuzfi the slackepned lUne. A REAL T-RACTOR, j n I Limi ted Service to Milwaukee VIA M1E NORTH SHORE. UNE The residents ai Lîbertyvulle can reach Milwaukee un 1 hour and 45 minutes; Racine in 1 hour and 4 m inutes, and Kenosha in 47 min- utes, via the North Shore Une. Train Schedule Trains leave Li1bertyville every hour from 6:30 a. m. ta 11:30 p. m., making close connections at Lake Bluff junctian with Milwaukee Limited Trains and Evanston Express Trains. Saturday aternoons, Sundays and halidays, Limiteci trains leave Lake Bluff Junction- every 30 minutes, Parlor cars are attached ta trains Dining cars are attached ta trains leaving Lake Bluff Junction at léaving Lake Bluff junction at 9:54 a. mn. and 2:54 p. m. Chairs, 12:54 p. m. and 5:54 p. m. 28 cents, including war tax. For fuer in tformationa pp L&y t teacresi ticketfee.of the NORTH SHORE UN E Chicago Ticket Off ice Lu Smi Clark Sreci Pisse, =ASMl55 Libertyville Passenger Station Milwaukee Ticket'Office Phoe.. LbenysSle 74 187 Seond Sue.,t ýI Phone, Grand 1136 ______________________________ i I. I -I-- --- - - Agents Wanted - Protected Territory Converts y0 ur Auto into a powerf ul t'ractor ixn 30 minutes' THE INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR UNIT selle for $350.00 It makes a powerful Tractor of any Auto in thirty minutes and reconverts from rractor ta Auto in less time. Every farmer will want an INDUSTRIAI. TRACTOR. 48-inch wheees, I -inch face, steel front rime af improved tractor type, 3-point sus- pension, bardened roller gears. It is practically Fool-proof. Mechanically night, it ,slves the farmera' Tractor, power and labar problem in a reliable and practical way.' A SUPERIOR MACHINE EAY 1 OPERATE-DOES NOT REQUIRE AN EXPERT TO HANDLE It in strong and af simple construction. Any man, boy or girl who c-an run an Auto can operate it. Does the work of from 4 to 8 horses and two farm bhanda Plowing, Harrowing. Disking,. Listing, Mowing, Road-grading, Harvesting, Etc. Let us tell you aIl about this Wonderful Tractor Unit. RNFIRRIb(.t. SECURITIES TRUST CO. 910 S.. Michigai Dlvd. CHICAGO Foit DETAI bE IN %FORM6ATION, ADDRE98i INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS i1l0s Karpon Buildings CHICAGO, HiL 1