Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jul 1918, p. 6

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LIBRTYVILLE JUYJ8ý11 -- - - - - --- --- -- -- -- ---------------------u*sSOU US SS S~S US S CunutY SeatNewsj -m-- -------------- IIVNREDSHJERE Proud ? Sure?.,' THE WIFE MNDAN iER OfBEz .Anottier prouti womitn sas Nfrs. A.V Smith, wlfo off L,-ul. Col J1'6<uTAKEN I R ID Snih.-,iecred laspbondîiita ,iîiu îLe ywon- teep lhat Majrty f e derfiii. 1 haid ut t sat down ta DO~s~iiii majili 0fMen writû ta îiuy iu-batiilhe O Here Have Not Final Class- nwscamie.1 as g"iiug ta ai- ification Cards swer a loter tuat rýiu- rm i Sotutrdal,. GIVEN FINAl. WARNING < f THE MOTHERwtne Number of Waukegan Men Are 1 W i eanlaMr-î. W. D. Smltti off A fstng Government in tIlt - îry streei. mother ofCt A. Malng aid inChiago V. Siiith. who. wien she readtht,. Makig Ridsin hicgo iorntng dispatchos frain abroad. sail: 'Naturaliy, I Lav e Leen wor- -0 0 0O0O0 0O0O0 0O0O0O0O0O0O ' rnetSfor a few dayg puai ;tfor tl-c : boys apîîarentîy have Lien right la *WARNING TO REGISTRANTS t.~ They sunely have been shiow- 10 - O lng thbra real fihting and if the . Unies Yeu have final clame!- o Amenîcans cao only stop the Ger- el fiolon carda, Form No. 1007 o mans now, fi appears to me tat la you are liable to arrest. Form o there lsa a trong chance off î;eace " No. 1005, la noS the final tas- o bovering near. Proud off my boy? " lfication card. 01 Woil yotî may Le sure 1 am-" 0 i "No, Le didn't saiv an' th:ng 0O0OO0O00O00O0OO0O00O0 about the war.Lbut lie nperinos Hundreds off V'aikegan voung cmon Ho iut s xatod iLat ttwere aIt1 ,who bave natroci bnai ciassli- elI. but very tireti. «Ition carda, Fores No.t1007, wil "It doq;n't oi'za., ttitgh 1ho% have difficulty in explinioc lIte faut score ton irod ta fichu t tiiay. i li tbey visi Chicazo while te draft fow- marc Ictirie- hîko this ani raids areln pror.-re-s, or ex en in weshall surets nîuîai tiý, suinit 'Wauluegan Ahen drafi ndir,ý , tarit off -leierinaii au mv." ed. Goverameiu niIfcî,rs h-rt' sa' 1lrs. Snuîîli was 'fluas'd un rt ttsey are 001 prî-pared Io a niitiiiîîce 'iPm ing aalbIter Ih ol.Sihwipn when the local raids wiih stunt huit elue was calii-d on th,, ploan,]to offer as a sitggetion antd straight tld off Ieut,uti svii ork offith-- tUp that thoso wL'u aie flot tbtained artiiliorvin ahili Lt r husibstiI tunl classification carda loge no ý.,onuihn conuntanti. morenie lmn doing so. Practically es-ryone in XWaiktgan Vho regislered for tlîe draft re- J E nU A celveti notice off Ibeir casification 6 VES OEuCM _,ff lrorm Na.1î'lii'îwîh not ici ro M GIEO IR sembles a poalcard. Tli-o,ç card., bowever, are not the 'final cus-tiI SaUosa" carda. andti wll ont suffilce, T 'H PK IE When these young nuen are stoppeti bythe police or fedleral oticers. The &Wa classification card, Form No. 100?, la Larel!"lLait as large as cla,ýSs Matt Stoffel of Waukegan In- lOcatioi Fonin No. 1005. jured in Airpiane Accident; -The making out offlte final casai- Arm Is Amputated bcation carda la Waukegan bas Leen ____ don. by voiinteer workers and mueb «t U romains ta Le done. This la the IS AT HOUSTON, TEXAS NOW; rasson that so few bave rpeceixedth e eMu. - number wtio discovereti Was StartingAirpiane Motor tho they have Leen relying on tîte When if Kicked; Hit By a wroag carda vîiîet(d tLe local boardlW o rple ,today and recelved Porto No. 1007. W o rple iUbuaoff the draft board bore as- @art that another reason wîy thieliait iSoffel, off 162.- Lucia ae Anlclausification carda bave no' Waukegan, was one off the firsi youliîs boom sent out waa because a nunaber off Waukegaa totarotpond ta the calt of men bave heen reclasslfied and iltI othe colora wheiý tncle Sanm do Id-1 wu fpIt tbat It would Le an error taoId Ih wastt ur n awbip tLe aseý moued out the carda until thoso mon Stoffel enllsled,.as a firat chs me bad been placetiln tLeïr proper chanician la the aviation corps. lie classe. - sas billetd lt Hoauston, Texas A number oi Waukegan men, per- Six months ago yesterday, wL le bffl a dozen in al. went ta Chicago attempting to tart an airpiane en-j -aturday nigLi, tii asa3iit thet gavera- gine il e a-as injured. 'l"u engîne qtent ln condnc'lng ts raid agaituat "IicketI" andi Stoilel was sIteL hîby ;draft evaders. A ntîmher front Watt- the wooden propellar. kepri have 'een worlîhng altnosý Iotb arma were broken. - aishiand dat- for tLe last four or Lat night lts parents reels etIa1 live da"s. The experlence they go' wire advising thoin that te armvi 7h t Chcaoôwil L e off Inestimable vaI- surgeon aStihue aviation camp Lad s. whsn the Wautkogsn drîvo sfarts. fouad it necessarY ta amputate thte Thon.r will le no waraing befarc the left arrmihelow the eibow. Blond gMndup starta. an, the onîy safe wav Poison Lad deevlopeti. Stoffels rig-hti for men off draft aige -ta do la ho oh- arm la paralyzed, andtIhîe tirgeons I t.a thelr final classification cardi dlaim thiat if MaY hie nocessary toa ar-i ,&U sv, themselvea much grief anti Putate that armtot save lite. haconvenience as thouqanda In Chics- Spe.vraI weelks authtîe vnung liera go have Ladl diffitct.ty in gettlng outî wrote lias broLer stattng tîxat is Qf J&arma worc Lcallag anti that le Lopedi _______________ ta le ale ta writeIli, snext leter. À deficit off 410,000 wbicb nemaineti Tîat btter was front the rien of on,, .afler te new Highlandi Park hospi- off tLe Red Cross nurses. The younit taiwma completed rcccntly waa rais . d hn throe minutea Siînday durlng A gaod story i« îold Ly ia Waukegan the dedicatory exerchses. ia addition Loy who recenily was îeleased froni :a roser'. fund off $4000 aven antid dtentlon «t- the Great LaLes naval 96«6 thbe deli w-sa coliecteti anti station. Ho and the otier tîîsslntat îgwa1@Mtd to Walterd M. Baldwiln, certain harracke wero trying ta inake tressiliet et tIhe institution. Samuel tLe urne ivasa more nspldly by sing- IL astings.Mayor off tLe villageit. Lysagal L nl esIby a4£4ddaU chairman off tLe coremonles, knew, endlag up wttiluItle Stair à Jachi bandi furnlshed a musical Spangled Banner. TLey sang oeLh the verses andi thon sang the sang! ________________ Il over agnîn. FhnallY à Petty affluer Between 1000 andi 1,500 wilî tu came ru-luing mintoiLh room. "Ierp drafted toto the national anmy as cul that out," lic crîed. "P've got a th. result off (itýcagos four-day gang off men outi Lere leveling saine "9slaker drive' wMhîih ended Sitnday' grouind.> TLey Lave becn standing ah niglît. APproximat(-Iy 4050 mIn w-r ttto for thLs Isat Laîf Lour andI salaud >iesertay bu gnvernrn.nt nfi oi Iku itishaoa'beyo -ekh andi Police, malt ng a total for! feIbos'. Irt-i-n Illite nationual Ue campalgn cloe 'n2000 air" Thoodore D.lHurst. Presidentl W.B. Smith. Vire Presideni. F. W. Church il Secrelary and Maniger TrELEPHONE 81 ASECURITY TITLIE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS1 SMITHI AND TUE WAUKEGiAN FIqliT- ERS 4iO FOR HJUNS Waukegan Folks Watch With Eagerness the News Telling of German Defeat REILLY BUCKS TURN TRICK Mother,0f Lieut. Col. A. V. Smilth- Sees Ray of Peace A& Resuit of Hun Failure Waukegan. July 16. The Chicago Herald-Esamlner thbis morning printed pictures off the offi- cers off the 149th Artlllery, taken on French soi!. Standing at'the ex- trente lefft off one panel je Lieut. Col. A. N". Smith off Waukegan, second In commnand off the 14tih. At his sido I., Malcolm Woodmiansee off W'auke- gan, color Learer for the regiment. li'oth pîctures show up surprisingty M'ell. T he plutître shows t he colonel standing at ease with his sword I Lis lefft hartd. Ilhs face ,ippears ta be somewhat drawn, lndlicating that Le natuîrally has goneý through a tji iti. Colt ltenrý J. l com-n mander off the unit, ai-o ,tppea* to bue sentes hat t h o er t ian w hen hý ieft Fort Stutr;dan, but. bu was toG pprtiy anx wa' and ilie ci ange wii do lîlai good. W%ýau kegan boy., nia h. i iio th- roui thing on ti MNarne yuerla~ u"8 eils Luc4s, the One, llundred andt Forts iiii h 5.ild or ti- leriy, took îvrt in the hlg action,, Titis nei x l borne out by prevlous dispatches puiîlished in lte la.ît two laya rot oaiing tito thlca.go artlterv men as forming a unit off the- Fîrst arîny corps. It Las beon announcod that the First cp)rps is boaring thej brunt at Chateau Thierry and so "Renitys Bucks' are in the thick off the fiýLting. There are at tette 17 Waukegan men in. the l49'li and ttîerefor,,. judgung by dispatchos ffront abroad. the, Waukegan LoN ' swAro rlgttb ti up to thefîr iteck. dîring the past few dasi ol the now Germîtn Driv, -and, fliey gave the Germans aIl and more Plan they were looklig ffor. The actions boretofore parliclpated In hy the 14i41h inay be regarded as ekirmishes tn conpariqon 10 the fighting thev nos. are doiag. Ia the latest dispatchos teltlag off tbe off the (3ornan.î>ýand the cao- sequent capture of maxny prisoners, Chicago maylte A deep porsonat ln- tercet, for the Chicago soldiers have gone agalnst the veteran shock troaps Off the kaiser and have cane out vie- tortous. Wblle the One q-undred and Forty- nlntb bas bepn ln action for several months and la dangerous 'sectors off the western ffront, It bas fougbt ffor- tultousty. Mrs. Athlla H. Unger, for- mer secrotary off the relief organiza- lion off the regiment, reports a total off 37 casuaities. There have been MAN lN RACE FOR SEAT IN CONORESS Charlcs Modi rwell off Kentwortb, wbo, years agoIlvcd ho Waukegan when Lia fatber watx a druggiat. Lan aanouneed his -candidacy for the nomtaation for congreassln tht., t.e tenth district. Nir. Moderwell mo,- ed away fflmm tore manYye>ars &go butLan reaided on the nortb shors ever aitice. Carl R. CbattdhlIn wbcîlives ln the north part off Chicago, aise thls wvee7i announced Lhis candldacy for thbe seat left vacant Lv Mr. F'os NOT TOLD NOT TO DRINK WAUKI3G4N WATER, TIPPD Dr. Mink, Great Lakes, Says Sailors Are Asked to Boil North Shore Water INOCULATE JACKIES' FOLUS Develops that Naval Station Is Trying toi Keep their Fam- Hies on Wel List A report bas b. cii eîrrettt tîtat tho healthL-authorlles at Great Taces station have s,,i i;la (Ira-tic arder eorderng ail satli4 nn, to drink tht' lake water in \V.î1i1 c o l i tNornti Chiicago. In cas, r--hi h tle Or- der wPre lssuuut i xsuuld Irue a starting lLing .J il auit l T Sun lnquIred orf Dr \'1mb heatt LealiL afficer. sui refl (' o i l. The doCtor at once .*\ii lîtitIle ait- nation xvith nrf :, uc t,)Ii-e alk water. "AVe have adll rr inon, 1 drink the lake wvat ýr itili. t1« Loiied, eîthor ln \W.iiik,gIn uor Nothi ,Chicago. ln fart,- i lot'i g thlii i(rt'i shore. We have flot airelthlI n not ta drink It becaiuse titit wootld h, an Impassible thirg lto(In. Our ce <iuest Lis iteen îii. t th v lioit it il evory case before tlificy iii k it and la cases wbere th,., r floet in posi lion ta bail it. aur suggtton *.n thint la that they make it a point net te drink the water any place along 'the shoro. No, we have nat picked onît Wattle an antI North Chi- cagoe speciatiy liai off course the presence off an niny ýa'iIrý-ir thise lwa communîties malte- lte sucgcs- tion more applli)eeher,. ti-tn el,-- wbere.- Dr. Niink madIe anothcr Int-irestinr statomnt mwitea Le said- 'i)f cou rse we are handing the t.phtoîd malter oursoif with referonce ta aur owit mon, that is exlery -alier has the iy- pholti Injition. B-ut mwo bave alan urged thon tet bave ailt mnbers off their famlly treated 10 provent ty- pLaid anti in ffact we have heon treatîng their ffamilles ourselves ai the station. We are doiîîg Ibis for tLe familicesof ail tmen and in cases where members off the famîlies off sallors Lave flot Lad tLe lInjection off tLe sprunt then came tae the station and go ta tLe min ii lspcnsary whcre ftbey are trpated Lv îLe physiciana witLout cash. Thîs la donc as 4L step taward Iipling tht' sallors maittain tLe healtL off their familles. hn thîs way we Lave overcome tLe ty- pLaid ta a very great extotit" WV'ble IWanai praper ta say whcn that hLe expi-ceti ta Letransferrpd ta the regiment was masedti ta ts pros- a Chicago hospital. ont situation, recont publishoti tIts The neiva off the operatton t a Hous- patches indicale Col. Reibtys orczani ton, Texas., vesterday proveti a grrat tallon was amnt lit trst ta Le sent -bock la tht- youni,'ma.n's relative; Into the dangeronas sctor llrst en_ ada frientis. teerti Ly tLe marines. Shaffot entîsted oni the titioff Ssp- tember, 1917. Ho ba 23 yt'ars tutt. OERR (iO OUT CLASSIFICATION BEFORE IJENDEF ARR CARDS AREDBEINi RIVE IN CIJICAGO MAILED OUT HIERE 1tiofi hi arrived in("hicago fflday la respons o ta s î-.ltîst front Hnry .errvlthaI ho hI),ing uluuwn <erryl's praper reglstratictri carti. h t dfxetistu that when tLe cterk arr!vi-ti ai îLe Polico station n bquestion In t'laoo lie ouid flot finI Ceiry. Fither- mari,. Inqutry St .-ther stationq sho)w- - id thit G'rrv rapanî-nty Lad Lion ne- beaseti pLero Le ar--ted Fan! Colihîly, Clerk Hoîîd-o reýitir-d Laine with- nul ltaviagk ieen 1-tn. Arcedîng te W,tîikeînan nuen ho tu-ro ta Chicago >Pe-tprdav In automuhiles ;,they w-e Ftopped ceverai lune.. eiroîte out, off >unricaga ln tîLee.îbng when tLe au- b!ioritit's tîton e w-i-r-earchiiig auto. niolithesg laablnc zf.uir siStikens Sa fan as kntîsv. ilin Waukpgan man et itie piu-tlime- I# eing 1teqO l. Chicuco ;Muit thtchu r.-î-of bLting ceg- fistered Impropert-, or flot listing tîte proP-r cendentials w tbhlhm. Fitilly 4,000 taeI-SilO anc saldtiet have partcipate Inb tLe otbservance off aBs- Mie Day In Fourleenîb street par«s, NorthC'hicago utndav' It was ans off tLe Ltggesu affaira in tLebstory off tLe ity. An exccttlni îirograrm was gitien. Draft Board Is Mailing Out Cards f0 ail who Have Re- classified Lately SOME BEliNG HELD BACK These A re in Cases Where the -Classification ls Liable f0 Be Changed Again Ta 1irevi-ot possible troubLle for regisîrants wh en -thse draft evador raid le -tarled la Waulçegan, the lo- ral drafi boardl tg 'usy eetîding ouI final cbasfatlon carda ta a large numhter off yaung mon wlsa Lave not rerehued îhuem up ta the present finue. Tîtese carde would Lave been sent Out soanor Lut Ibis was 001 deomcd passible betiause tLe board Las hepo reclasseifylîîg a large num- ber off thue registrants andti ier cL'-'-iiaîion carda .ouid niti hosent otît uni il tliîey were placeti In new 1chasses. For f-xarnpje--- young man wbo besn li class four m!gbt be place& in clams two or clasa an, - There, would ho more or legs confusion and' trouble If these yaung men lheld carda i W ie hin-u whleh showed'them ta have been placed In class fotir. The cards that are being sent ont n0w are ta thase0 wbo bave been flnally classlfied. In l 'n n cases wbere there l.5 any dotîbith cards are not.belng sent out. Wb! le there is Do positive assur- ance as no staternent bas been made Clena a It seema ta be the generally acceptod opinion that tbe draft raid In Wau- kegan wil astart same turne thia week. l Practlcally ail reglitrants wlll Lhave recelved thelr finaI clas.%lficatian l - -a sie 9 carda Ly that time 50 the ' v ilI have _________________ 1________ Mll3e Iacoovenience. In fact it wIll be eassr ta procure proof bore than Il was wben tbey avero taken Into Housework neednt be spread oveir the wl custody In Chicago. Mo8st of your routine tasks can be done i ALLE ED A TOMOday when electricity is in the house, for tht BILE TIIIEF PAYS Electric Washing-Machineà AND IS RELEASED Electric Vacuum! Cleaners Coleman R. Flynn Released from Local Jail When He Pays Car Owner TELLS A STRAIGHT STORY Says He Purchased Car in Good Faith 4rom Man He Supposed f0 Be AIl Right Cooman R. Fivr tuaf 3('11IJtickson l3otiesrd. ('hlcngo.a irni-steton a charge ntf avlnz s'oie!5an atomobaile hetonging te l'axterton hraihpre off night whe n Le u'uhd Sl(ce taCasterton brothers la ropaîr certaina damage sustaInodtiet the machine. The charge orf larrény was dîs«miaseti The reason wu-, îLot thiore a-as natiîiag Io ira t tii-'Isnn wa- tbé mal, W-ho rani, ta Wauiitegan laat monh andi shto lith,-car front the r cita grountis Thoeîîîachlîîî wag faunI Jon hhs possession Lv the Chicaura po- 1lie anI an cIxamiiatlan showpd tîtat tLe lcefnse jlate 1usd heen rentaveil anti Identification numbers an tlb" mothor Lad]hceon chîseIletIoff. Furtît or tIan thaL thire wa nothlng ta prove thal Le w-as tht' thief Flynn tolti a itory wbich Impreas.eti tLe los'at authorltits anti caîîxî-d Ibei la drap the prot-rîttIon when le agniedti l pay for the damages. Flynn saiti he was a land buager and met a man tn tLe w-st Who Le sas q«e-sveral; timee. 'TLis anan, ue Raid, - 'd U i ti tii, . - ri)tr;n:1.îrg ti i gise hiinu a bllhIoff sale from the fac-1 tor3-. Ih su- tv itt ' 5w off tLe felîaw. Thu- Chicaugo police -aw thp car standing ln front off a rni*uuiur-int la that cltv landi Le rame suapiclous witL tht- result tbLet Flynn w--t. ikef Into cnitody. ASK ASSISTANCE IN LOCATINi ANY BLIND PIfiS JERE U. S. Food Administration Co- operates with Police Here in KeepingCheck HAVE A SURE REMEDY NOW Sugar Supply Is Shut Off by the Governmenf where Vio- lation Is Suspecfed Sorft dri nk e,,habisinents in the vi- clnity off milbhary antI naval training stations susifecteil offLeîag hlain piga are belng cloacdti hrougb the med- Jmm off the UnitedI States foodi admIn- Istnation. Th'e - ugar suppby off ali sncb places Is abul off anti as sort drin'ia cannat tté nade wthout ean tLe pnoprbtor fitds Lîrnacîf forcedtiet close. Robert Stevenson, Jr., Leati of thîLe angar division off the Illinois office off tLe foaod administration, ia ca-operat- lng In ibis wark svtb chieff off police ln tLe vicinity off Rockforti, Fart Sheridan, Great Latkes anti the Ran- toul aviation field. "Wbonever a sor t drink parler or a1 place whene ice cream t9 solti bas ai Lad reputation or la accusod off doiag tLe leaat tbing ont off tLe way we1 supply of sugar," saidt'tin. Stevenson. 'Sales off sorth îiiks are often mere-i ly a cloak for secret sales off Iinor.1 A sorft drink place muet ho dleani andI nmust Le juat what b it retenda ta Le, or it must close. "Itn tbis way we have Leen abule ta. shut sonne places that Las-e Loîberel the mllitary andI naval autborltiea for a long urne. Wc bave asaledth e chiefs off police off Hhgàwood. Waîî1 - kegan anti otiier places ta keep us informeti iregard hng any place itat la under suspicion. A place ai Ran- toul, known as The Tavero, Lad sncb s repstation that guartia wcre piaceti1 anount ILt.We wceetable to ciao il.1 Morey's; at Rockfard, a-as aise closeti tbrough our action. "Another new mave le ibat therei ha to Le n9 lemonade at picnlcs ibisj yesn. TLra will Le a chance for pic-i nickers te as'wIbeir patrlotisn by1 doing witbont tLis Leverage andi otb' i en non-psentatiss at formerly tîseti up an enonînous itnoulit off sugar. Thu" oaly exceptions w ill Le picîtit whlu-ni- îLe îin.a'î'.ýbago tathe lRed Cros'ur some other siilar tsar ç.iîse. l'h"- flics arrange-tI y hbg î-sLailishinutt POcieti s iîîîIges 0.c ttusit do ii h out drinks ln which sugar lf tuis This wall b hie-Ibcr -ontrtibution rowarl winning tLe war." A actahie change im going on la tLe candy Lusbnoaa, acnrding te Ir. Stevpnsan. Puinting ta tLe a'tndow af a candy store. ho saui: .,oo'i aI that ildusp lut "anti ynn silI c-t an idet offwhaht Isgoing(tut Tii- xx induýs are thIilîd sith nut cou-ereîi confî.ethan., lana'bich brdly aoy su gar la ased.'Thie cindy ntakers tr- using suhi.titttes for siguîr, atntost entirply now. Ir, thls way siueur ui savetI andtd ub etnfectian. ns are fui fanc.ltu taclose Ihir ihos andiihniw a lot orf employers tut tif serk - KILLED BY LIME Ch, ITED TRAIN AT 14H T.CROSSIN¶ arles Wysocki, Returning North Chicago DIES ALMOST IIVSTANTLY Apparently Did Not Notice Ap-. proach of Train and Walk- ed in Front of It Charles Wy sockl, aged 12t residînut sitl -bis $amtbe. ton Eighh tree', Wau'iegan, waa fataily lnjnrod Sun- day nîgbi about 9 a'clock whPn Le waa struck Ly a lmîteti train on the North Shore lino St ourtieontb atreet North ,Chicago. HIe dioti bofore tL, arrivai off îLe Conrad anti Wetzel am- bulance. WysockiL ad Lion attendhng a hi-, Picnlc at tLe Fouteenth strict pic- nic grounda. He loft the grounda .-bortly heffore .9 o'iocli anti atarteti for home. As Le came totahîe street car tracka Le aparently tidti 001 0 t1cs the apProacb off tLe limili-il train, or If Le diti notice thought IL wouîd stop ta take on o" let off passengers. The next imoment Le waa etruck anti Lunîed Imb a dtcb several feet away. Seevral bancs were fractunod anti LequfferedtIinjuries ,as a resut off the accident. Spectatans wbo nîtbeti up found the vietirn still was hreaihing anti surn- monedth îe ambulance. Ho liveti Lut a few minutes, htowever. The Lady waa retooveti In the deati wagon ta the Conraql anti Wetzel untiertakini rooms wbcre tLe intiuest wtss set for Tb Doon the p caum bhg td J. 1 sucti larm, Bru-t Derin caii a An ( Marg was 8 over bld de Ego goad bpve goudi hope, 'lici Farmers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and other small grain, use the FORMALDEHYDE SOLUTION 65 Cents a Pinid The best and cheapeat t Antl-Smut on the mr ket. DRUCE-CLEVELAND DRUII CO. The Rexail Store Cor. Madson and Cen..... St. The Store That Saves You Money, S- E L SHOIS RAY N. SMITH Libestyval., 111. BREAKS LEfi MN A FALL FROMÛCR Motorman Frank N\t'y of the elea- trie Une. wat on top of oneo of the ______________ fxing a trolly polo whii sas out off John Arnold s'as trieti for lis hiter. sanit'y la county court late Mondas' He alippeti anti foîl ta tLe grnunti, afternoan, s'as foutut Insane anti ne1 landing on one foot bu sucti a way movedti 1thbbcInsane asylum trnaEl- that- Le suataitîctia iomnPaunti frac- gIn iaday. Arnoldi he the man wbo l une off LIs leg, He will L e Iè;ti up trledte l commit suicide whle lockcdj for morne tiate, May lives jn tLe UV tu the county jail. tnnth part off Highland Park, LAKE COUNTY Publiabed by the WAUKEGAN DAILY SUN at the special Iow price each $3.50 Size: 3ft.,8in.by4ft ,2i. Libertyville Ilndependent i . 1

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