,4BETY YIM.LEINDEPENDE1M, TRU R$DAY, JUJLY 18, 1918 ILAKE VILLA Mr. aid Urs. P. M. Lund vers caiied to Chicago laut week, by the death and hurlai of their granddaughter, Giatlyo Lund, who bus beau sufferiug froui tuberculosis for sornsedte. Ur.. Glimore a1 Chicago, hai beau k peuding eomý timne with ber @Inter, Ms.. B. J. Hooper. Nr@. Wetiike of Camp Lake, va. a gueui ai the C. B. Hamnlu ilamiiy iiver Sonday. i Everyone proee ut the Rted Cross auctUon sale won pteeeed witb the Gireat Lake@ Land. The Swenty-tive boys were entertsil dat the various homnes la and around the village. Nr. and lire. Roy Nixyrie moved ta Autioeb, lant week ta bie nparer Ny. Murri' work sinc@e b.has>accepted a position witb the Standard Oil Ca. Tbrouich an ovèeight lait week the namnes of lir. Cari Miler, lir@. James Atweil and Water Douglas were oiited irom the Ried Croup comittees and we Bdua Wallace, Who la working lu Renomse aitelphone operator, -Wb§ home over Sunday. Red Cross Saie a Succets Tb@ PMedCrsale lait aurday alter- Doon and evenillg wai a bg sucos. and the peuple no gsuerouuiy donaled to thei cause, tbat the aurtIon viii be continuaid tiseWeek Saturday and close wltb a1 bg dance ln tbe evenlug. J. R. [erlng and 0. W., Lebman each1 auctioned off a reglsutered colt fromi their foai, and bddlng wvas enthumiaitlc. Theï Brt the leiman tait auctioned byi Dering, brought $1V3 and tbe DerIng cuit auctioned by Lebnan brugt$470.1 Au Old (iiory quili made by Mns Margaret Gaiger . brougbt $145 and was auctlaned lu the sam@e way ai theq ra[v,iiac-b bidder pay i bld; tbe raiese over the une previous and the lait bidder wan the buyer.t Eugg. honey and pouitry aIl brouglit good price.. aturday the ladies viii bpve fancy vark, furuliture. cann.-d gouda, plant.a ad clathlug fur eale. MNel hope to bave lite Jackler baud agalti. Ticket ver.e oid u akftcbeu cabinet douated by E. Lebutan, wblch wai vani by Kdua Walace. A pilaow made byk Nuit. Daryniple va,@awau by faruey Deai. The vrlet waîelîduuated t>y T. N Douueiley waewattu by liés. Aguta Lebmnau, and the eunterplece made l'y Mir@. Cable wan wounlîy Min A. K Lefhuta. ÀA dali dauated by Henry Atvell won %uonlby Fred Hamnlî Monsieur Ramb.-au blnlue acrbatie perormance W"s a gaad number. and Madame LeVu(y, aur gy pmy lurunetlelier. vast kept lîuey at ber teut. The cIîc-k.u supper at l'tterem r elatiratit wu» served iii tour.- îbat 310 peuple hi, weft away ma) itig, "what agoud euper fur 35c."' The auctiuu viii le ->,tiuued tht.i IWeek Saturday aud cl,âe vlth a daute lu the eveclug. The Jac-kie baud le expectkd ta te I peeitt. WGAGM LA Mie.@ Phila Aines entertal ined llm& Murrle eaveral laye laut week. The pay given 1>il>.the (1.1 P.a.u a decded eurcegs lu every way. A large- crowd vao preseuat and a @uni of 873 t>) wa@ realized, whlcla wae giveri t>u the Warren thapter ai thelied (rues. E, E.Mardi 10e >ntertang hie elelere. the Mie@" Cra aud Delia Marmb, oi Evanatan, atd d r. Seller. ofio1. 6i. Van Zaudt, ofl San Diegu, Cal_, epeut lait Thurpday wil>his son, F. H. Van Zaudt, aud tamilly. A. Chard aud larnîly, ui Chicago, et- tended the play lait Friday eventug and Mr. Chenil iavared je iswth a rectatlau af a nuuîher ai hi@ pueme. Marsbai 1et, ai Evaneton, va. tbe guesfiDon1aled Mareh leest Saturday and Bunday. Mr@. Lanel Bull, af Waukegau, bas beeu spendiug severel daje vitb bier parente, lMr. andl Mre. Lawrence Amanu. I MILLBURN I There wliiilbe a Red Crase social at the cbnrch Frlday eveiug, Juiy 19. Giond speakers sud xnueic by a baud tram the Naval Station. Earie Whte of Urbana, Ill.. @pent Saturday and Sundayvwitb hie parante, Mr. anddM ru. D. M. W bite. V. H. String and lamlly aud élre. J. P. Dawson motored ta Keuoeba, the paut week. L. J. Yager and fantiiy epeut Snnday wlth'relativen lu titis vicinity. Mien Pearl and Warreu Cleveand of Chicago, @peut the week-end wlth ther parenu. lichujier Denutan opent Sunday st DKaib,Itii. A mont veicome and needeil raln vieIl- sil this veinily IMonda andl Tueaday. Soverai irona this vilnlty attended the asctlon at Lake Vila Saturday for the beant oi the lied Crasse. Lyhuru Stewart audifanily aiChIcago, are vtolttlg at the A. B. Stewart home. C. B. Deuman aund tamlly motoreil ta LihertY vile, Friday eveniug. The Ladie' Aid society viii give au le. reaut social at the sbonob July 25. want. For sale, te 0e% la te IN- biNDENT mal lOMprs.,. Woeitly. lu RUSSELL I The young people's club met vtth the Haward youuig bolks aturday nlgbt. Tbey mtade arraugsmn-te for a dance, vblcb wai given lu Howardl'@ barn ou Tuesdey eveuing. iR E. LewiiulaInl a bospital In Chicago for au aperatîflu. ire. Leviu andl daugbser are ependIng noin.ttle vltb lirs 8. B. Boave. S. B. Have and Asm Crrie %vent ta Chicago ta @Mee E. Levin. Tueo Miuse.Quayle have i,-tuuiepd tu th-Ir hutein Oak Park Laura Cui rie anduilien- uLed e vet ta WhiWtvter Mauday furana >it. Mi r. anuuJi rd. Oukiri-.itertaiued , aut- paî>y suirla. lie.Weuat ha., miseenentertaiunlng ber two granilchiidren front Waukegau. Dr. and lire. J. L. Iledeilug visiteil rel- ative. lu>Waukegflud". L ROUND LAY£ Mre. Ueo. Romairont Scantan, lova la vbllug ber cusin. Floyd itaneban i fEvan.toni, epet the week-end with relatives here. Several iront bers @pout Wedueodav ai the Naval tralhaing station.1 Beoule Wagner speut Buuday vlîb parente lnu Grayske. lire. iMîke Smtit le eulsertaiutng ber eluter& irom Wilmot. Wl.. Leu Brever vas a plevianat ralier bene Bunday cvening. lira. A. J. tirewer opent Wedueuday at Libertyvile. Mirs. Bockets anddsou Kenuetb, ai Seattle, Waib , in vliting tlhe former's @Ister, Lire. Jus. Fritz. Magdaieu and CAàtherine fienkel, ai Volo, visiteil their ulster. Helen, here Taesdtày. Bertha Hironinuue andl Wiii Leuzeu ver. ttieanaut relier. here Suuday eveuin)g lire. Pbilip h iary @peut 8taturday and duuday lun[.ilaaukee. lir. and Mlre A. J. Suitit reburneil iront ChkagoTueetday eveiug M rm Seelite leuetian speut Tueeday lu Chicago. We are glad ta kuov that littie Virgiua Fritz le on the gain at preoeut wntlng. Her auut, MIr@. Hackett tram Steattle, Wehlm telpiug car far ber. Dan't furget the dance at the (Opera Bojuse Matunday uight. MIr. aud linse. Je,. Gainer are lviug lu aur rictulty arain. We are glad ta veiraute theui batik. lin. andl lre. Iavio vieiîed the latter@ utathen, lins, %%bite, î,ver tiie-week-end. Mnr.. .1.L.iwiler entertalinau jber uu,thèr Inaut IChicaga, aver îUunday. le sure atu8 caue ta the lied Crues eî,-iaîJuly 21, ettIiheîuoiuîu- i t iîî P J. Moe,r nad the wiiortune ta bave a nîawer tut tie ,l maie'>Iiidl tîat Dr. Pliuer waes hiIiged t-i take .ecral Atitt lies. Pet4 r ie nouan tIie road ta r.- very. DION CITY MMA A 816 CERIEMONY SUNDAY AT FEAST 'Aaukegan. Julv i Tlîcre sas a lirg4- atîeîdaiîci- at SIffloih Tabernacti - Zion City, yyster- day. The, auditorium sas 5,-l iln-ut.,! lui-re bliîini-luit i-w .îts iarant. A big parade sas hlIdj -.t bl-ore thi-- sir, Ices and huinur-du, fi-l nIncn andl marnhed arouînd tni, Ti-iile siý Chief Thf odor.- Be>cer leided bu-, parade as nrihil. foiel l'y t. Zian Guardu. the- Zion baud, Zion choir andl lbhe iesoratlon hast. it ls thie ustial custoin to maie this a big day and as the tati of llastilc- cornes an the sanie day both e ent,- were celebratî-d at the- saine time. The service opeuî-d up w-tl the singing af the national anthein. The allieil flaga. a-hich ver,- carrie~W lhe hesil of the parade, were plac-il aI either endl of the platform sud lthe meeting somewhat partook of a pa- i riatic dexontratlon. 2'or bis address Overseer Voliva took the fith chapter of Isaih. He Showed vhat bieiig ver. lu store for God'a peaqsie durlug the Milieu- lum. During tbe thoussuil yeare there wiiili e no adlorda. for everyone viilovu a bouse aud iland. People viii llve to lie a gi-cal age aud the chlld vii le a hundreil Yeaa-u aid ie- fore ho begins b merge Imb Youtb. There vii li e no doctora andl no ding stores. Sickncsseviili e hban. lahsed trom thlband. Tbe lion viii est tav likc lheb. bnock, sud tbe 8eijieul shah et bdilt, sud nelbber shall do auy harm. The Weast ef Tabcrnacles vIii con- tinue ail of Ibis vcek. NexI Sîuday laet behe lb. st day ami a record attendance bo expecteil fon that day. Meetngs are beiug beld at 8:30 es-ery moruiug sud ai 8 p. mn. esch i ngt. Hundreils of visitors bave came lu for the teast sud it le expocteil thal mauy vîli remain tn Zion City- sud make Ibis Ibeir permanent haone. Everynm nko be oy be hc aare- duce bie ex peau@es.5thellhe May havs more eavinge wiîb vlîich 10 buy Wer sevîngo emps, ..LI'Itc 1 I.L5 iWEItiIITTO Coroner 1-. .1ý yior sud the au- thorities af Zion City aud Wlnthrop Harbor are euileavorlng lo establisb the Identity of a vell resed man vhoee body vas vasmei ashore et Wlntbrop Harbor, Thursday night. Tbere vere Indications that the et ranger bail committeil suicide. I"oiiovlng 1.4 the detalied descrlp tion of the mn suPPlieil hy Coroner Taylor: About middlie age. Heiglit, 5 teet 6 luches. Sanly liair, streakeil wltb gray. Prscticaliy nev pair vîci kl, Joe Pacimen sboes, sîze No. 9. Ssuootb shaven. Poor set of natursil eetb. Brown eye. Wore no jevelry. Good suit of clotbes, blue sud black vitb amali check. Tvo piece of balbrtggan uniler- Wear. Soft Erlington shirt. Laundry mark "G. K." Purple eox. Tattoo mark lu tarin of monograin on flexer surface of rîglit arn iut bleiôvthi-eibow. The sieevez of the vlctim'o coal bail been tied together su as to torm s liag. This bag had been filleil with stones andil led about (lie vtctlm's ni-cdc It la this fact (bat convince- the authorîtles thc.t the feues- coin mîtteil suicide. Ec-ry effort la being made ta establîlu its ideotity. ASK FOR A MEETING Frank A. S. Mercer Serves Formai Notice on Zionites That He Must Be Heard Zion City, Jlis9,1918. Edter The Sun. 1 amn eneling an nuitîe for publ cation for Zion C'ity constunptlon. 1 viaut tiem to iînov ini-an bisini-mi, andl desîre ta bring thein up te turne 1 canot lIx a date for a meeting yet1 but expert ta arrange- for one hetore su-ny long. Peo.-)ipe n>-ntuiratîs- slow ta believe anything and It is ne easY task ta get people ta cone and beaf suyoee ith l daim3 si;sours truly. Then again Volile- intimidates thein sud erica llewane of the fais@ Christ," etc. So yen know andl most i-easeanalieitreattires undPrstand.'T caunel moeif ast. Wlth 'ilnd regards, Yoeurs truty, F'RANK A. SMERCER. ZION TAKE NOTICE 1 do net exier mach nore tlian 10 lie held at arma iength. stili romlnst ta yeu u Ilte capacity of a Ilsine liv ieslgnated leader 1 haie saine dlaims that augbt ta lie tested ont 1 amn prepared at any time to spealt as soon as a neeting place can ho arranged nil viali to peint oufte yoît In ailvance thme aiaurdit>- of insu pasi~- lug thbisl matter oser, as yon viii b. Insîructeil by Voliva et ai. t waut yau to bear sn ud ige for yourgeit. Do not accept the- opinion of any on"-. If you bave the capacity ta thiuk for > OUrsel$. 1 amt not a strangè-r ta Zvon people snd t cali apon you lu the usine of our Eternal l"atber ta stîr yourseif up, sud corne ta bear vbat bas to hae said. ýIt le quite appîarent that there t. no Chrlstlsuity bere j1 ueed not point out that fact sud there le a stronS sud groviug désire for somethinc reali. L@t us geltagether sud vitb Goil'sassistance establisa a sbegtn- nIng. Sincereiy yours. FRANK A. 8. MEROER. MATERIALS ARRIVINQ A cariosil of materisi for road con struction va#4receiveil by lthe Pecpse Contrictiou 1>20.. Monday nt W'ntb rop Harbor. tC. E. Russell, caunty eupertnteuilent of roails snd Wîan-c A Wlnda, presideut of tb.e Plîpse Cor. aiructio'i compauy vere lunZMon Cty Monilay making finai arrangements befare going abeail vith-the cement masil that Ig 10 cannect Waukegau wiîb tthe state lin. by December. The new concret. rondl la nov a mulle sud a baîf froin tb.state lUne cominif soulbasud bthe coubractora vwili begin at the stabe line rIglt avay. The builinlg of ibis road ilviilie vatcheil wl-tb great teresl by Lake cou r1y reeideuba. Tncarporabed aI Sprlugnld: High- landl Park lI'beProot Storage eompany Highland :Park, capItal, $2,00, bn- Iucorporators, Dewitt C. Pardy. Eari H. Purdy sud Arthur C. Punily. kegan andl ebtalned thme n-cre-ary cre- ilentiais. e S. H. Bliock, an attorner h- re . l- bis "$;t-lratou carl, blit not f.is, final classification card. TIh- federai mnucaliedl uptSberttf ';rifrn andl aithoughi (le local officen sî(,cheil for hin would ual gIs-e the atirni-s hi, nelea-,.. Afttr being helîl t i u lîurs Mr. Bltock w-as laken ti , uu iuamsi streeb station whene l- lut l I0 f- rivera thiat lie was ne' a uic '1 vider. Hi- vas cii i-n a pase tui h t-Il iente']i hlma fûrther lu, onveni-ocu Wiliam. Orbifin. son oet - rciff [inf - fin. sas -torpued-dmd qui- ,-iile h wal; rcclased bcui-use It',u *- d,.raioffi- cer te wbuinilic ias t-uts. -l-îîîîîened ta knev Sberiff î;niffn "Tell yeîîr tattîn 1h ut 1 am even v-ith hlm now. ,- Il.- i i-i- o, of tua depîutîes arr>- t-1 iîuu il [VoxLaie oece andl nos u i%, cir-, cul bs son sO ve're quits -- Officermi Rt Fui' t -lue cunductedl a raid Saturday v. picking up every naî(liiler- 1),u1Y onu'suspect vslailgeilIn R.fport.9 Ifronu ic-iringtou are la. the effecl thi t 7, lot f thatl pla erpeelick.- h1;;, n 1Chicago. liundreds or V\,,:i nlte live bren stoppe(l]1Inugo and mians- hail exînene Ihît i n exrplaniuu- vby tbey id nwiu , l, lasqifleatian cards. SAILORS 'MAY ASSISI ALSO Indications Are i4ht Lake Ce. Farmers WilI Hâve Much Volunteer Heip The eugge' lu-t t ',n ot liasînir WVaukegin mu-n ,;-,1 h911thelr spare tîme wlthin the nu--svo imonibe as- slstlug the tarmr,-r-- Laie couîniy lu barvestbug thePir ctups, ap pears ta ha,' strnck a potîilsr bord sud Il seems that Ilier- , wilu>,elarge uu- bers vho wtl libe clii ta volunteer thétr services. Soin. ofthe ritv'uu..knov-n pro- tesslanal and i tuiî,cmen have, ex. Pre-iseil satIsfactIon over the plan sud have assert-d tilarthe' vîi liab glailte devote s part of Ibeir lime te aldlng tb. farinerifuir tbey realîze (bat Il lqalamest unioqssble for the farterq te get blvp andl that thb farmers bave a hhg tau-k on Iheir bande lu producling a humper crois. The Chamber of Commerce lsen.fl deavoriug ta matie a tarin survey vhich vîlilIsaIlthose vha are vtiling ta gîve a part ofthIeir time la assistlng the farinera. With such a lBst Il viii be possible tea asign these volonteer workers la th. beat advantsge. The plan suggesteul a short lme, ago of enileas-aring ta get men trou- lhe naval stationtuat asslet ou the farte ha. corne up agAan sud nm favoir bbc plan etf-ieelng vhat cmn le doue about il. Tliey pituteb bthe t tbal the goverument bas suppied fur-. loughe andl pathe ficrane of mny men at Port Sherlidau ta go ta the Dako. tas sud assist bn hans -ting lb. crops. They thinth ie saie thiitg mlght appiy te the na val ssUtonl. The funeral of ('arlyle H. Welcb, vho ileillu Kemiozba of tuberculasles, ou flday. vere bell frein tbe fat-. bly home villi biubIi-.i n tb. farnbiy lot aI Rtussell, Laie ciuit. The fana- lly formerly Ili eutin La-îe caunty rsud a number of relatives are bur. lad buln tu'ule rfetery vhere the tervices vere hlii odW. Thee lndcpendcnt's circulation con- *lots of READERS-not of.contes- tante. mît suicide by cuttîug hlit Iroat witb a piece of brok-n mîkti ot-t1e vbule lockeil up ln thue rounty JtIl uuilay atternoon. HI,> act vas seen by other pnisouers sud lhe shenîff succeedei lin taklng" the broken bot. (le avay betore he coulil srcompîtsh bIs pueipose. Arnoldl viii b>-trlei lnlu couut court at 4 o'clock thîs aflernoon to ilecide wlietherrr n.tle h. u.I% lic sent ta an insane as 'vium. He v asý piaceil tmnder arr>-st Saturday atPr- uaon when lie wis beard to matie certain statements. Tti- bail om- plaineil thal lievsbleing persecat. 1 Pdl by Goil, saylng tlie 3eity hati strip-i Last Winter Now- Next Fali - -$395 - - - -425 m m m What? A good reason for expecting Piano Prices to go up on account of the War is that they HAVE gone up. And the conditions the factories are now facing are mucb worse than any that have been met heretofore. Right now, no piano factory can buy_ either iron or steel! Last winter, you could have bought a Guibransen Player-Piano, '*Suburban" Model, for $395. Iodisy. the price is $425. We won't undertake to predict what it wili be next fal, but we fully expect a sharp increase-don't s ee how it can be avoicled. Therefore we give you this Sincere Advice: BUY YOUR GULBRANSEN NOW Remnember the Guibranseru is Nationally Priced-sells at the sarne prî'ce for the samne mode] everywhere iti the country. And it is actually worth more than the current pricesl You can buy a Guibran- pen now for fewer bushels of wheat, fewer pounds of milk, or les. hours of labor than you could before the war-àimply because Guibransen prices haven5t yet advanced as much ais other things have. But, we repeat, BUY YOUR GULBRANSEN NOW -Seï the Special Display at The Ray -Furniture &,Paint Store - Liberyville, Iiiois phone helps to bring about mutual understanding and good-will and ini- creases the efficiency of telephone' service. The Voice with the Smile Wins. C;HICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY NECK; LEAPS IN LAUE AND DROWNS Coroner Taylor Seeks to Es- tablish Identity eof-Body Washed to Shore FOUNO AT WINDY HARBOR Initiais "1G. K." on Laundry May Be Ciew; Appears to Be a Case of Suicide Thlrty Feet Insîde Lîne. In cennectien w'th the flnding of the body lt wI& icrncd today frers Kenosha thst the enains gay just 30 feet. south of the Wisconsin state gins. t seemna that the coroner of Kenosha county hearlng the body bud been toÙnd on the iake shoe hurlcd =en and arrn2n there suspecteil l'st thse emBlns weu-e net -in thlwWl, censin boundary. Accordlngly, a Uape mesaure wassPut on thse ssnd and thse Intsresting thlng w&& found tisat the nema.în& "ljuat 30 feet Inaîde th.e Lake county Ilin. Accoedivgly, thse Kessosh.. coroner rsftYsed te have eny thlng te de with lt snd thée Lake county authorltles were notIfled. MAN WA K~AN KN W iOW TOped the fleeh frout bis bons.A à ourey of 342 Ilies waë, ma*e la MAN 0 0w ow ,o Anod frmeiywag emPloyed lutn mtorcycies with aide camsby Waukegan. lie went froni here ta ovo ion amilles attending b IMEN STOPPED IN ESTIMATI3 WIEAT? Konoj.ha where lie remained soin,- Feaat of Tbrals r n m CHICA6iO SUNDAY lIERE IS ANSWER Cicinatieevan Sundanvuly7t John Steecns uofGîîrne,' drove ls and arrlvlog at VIon July 9th. 1%e andr-.>- gzyvo 'akeg- unaywomen auffered tlirough apetiding Joseph DaIy HeId for Three Elmer Faulkner Explains How nglit. 1\"I'-n hp r--tUriif-d latrr tlîi aaglnst th ii-lnd. Their face-,se Hours, Aty. S. H. Block a Mari Can Determine How 1 outflt was gune. Liter in the evç- j swollen and rcd when they arrived* Questioned Two HoursMc Wha eas ning lie round ttwholîre-and brg,,binZion, bu' att, in hoîir or tva, the In hîs yard ai lu. nec. lie is ofthne w elling ivent down. Both famille MAKE RAID AT FOX LAKEJ bellet that sncoc took the rlg o-t i are staying at Rethel Hotpl and ait. It C9 sbeen geuieralîy beliived tlb ifrardadtpilre h e h As xett euut Stp.1the- Iumh>-r o f kîiriel,, of wleat frardad In îrî-îtî ir . e h leterot1ortri1 Son of Sheriff Griffin I s t hîe aVerage head gî-nwîîîg ln a lelil loaie. The- animal wa!idei-cdu, .Cincinnati by motorcyclc. ped; Seventy from Bar-I Old e r acre ejit lb>- ulod' r et îi;isý. iik ,I1'- 1haf nri rington Picked Up Mr. Elner S.Pailliner giesa verY I cents 1 Iiunîl(r,,i I ii-rln1_1 t liela ' . unique andl taoaur ind a better for- Waukeganitee vbo visît-el iea m ula; bis method h. as follows- nmoîîîh aîlhhugh the. rctnî i irireA orHOE Sunay ithut avng ak(n pe.Take a boat) and put n aîýer as mai>,- 12 rcent-, a quart hîs not b-nclii ni Sîîdaywibeu bvin ti' h pr- eails as it wili cover anîd frnN4hî ed, a reprpentative of a I,-ldair. RAY N. SIIITI caution ot taklug Ibelrr- iititritiin, enoloseil headas'select three of the- -adt and. classiation carde aiththi-m average head4 in qualît ' ad size, i >1o(ay.UblertyvIle, 111. hadl soinsdifficuity lu conitiig rg[d- thîs .bouid hoeaat toipo int that the e i-ral'officera9 that they wî-ru- rit draft wheat seeme ta bc the best 1)o the saine St tisat Poinît which r>prc-ents ______________________________ evaders. the aveZage conditioîn of the crop. Artur K. Bowes. assistant sec retary sud agaîn at t he Poorest condition of 0f the Security Title and T'rst co,ýte crOp). No* take the nine beails, wss toppd su a dîîîad wa emid them anil counit the kernele, di- pany>'. tpedadà enndwsvldlug tht. by nine bonds whieh they madi- for la PegIstration card, repregect and thl-> yul gîve the ap- "I feel compimeuteil ta think that proximtale nunher of bualiels per Bell system i look young enough be i'n the acre thée'fied wIli yieid. draft," liesalit. Exarnpie: Thrce heads italien fro4a He fnall conincd th goýrn-the tirait hoop, tlirpee ram the sec- He iuaiy onvncil he os rnondl and the, three taken from lthe ment man tbat lie va. ouide te third hoors, wen selied ad the draft age. kerneis counteil, and their number dl-Tfaecn ratoail er, ad rIvn t Chiagowil trem.ber of kernels ln a beail 0taue 24.Nafcetfce on rsinail bai drve b hiagoairi iiei-Tb>retore. 24 bushus mayraoa . bers of 'his famlly. He sa.i -toPîed biy b.eeippectW pi-r are Thsona expression, a in l manner,a and told ta drive tathebb Idu- if th i - near enough ta b>- considered a fair ereyotn ak aw heeec rosil when hbe admItteilh- , li î,,>t esîittate of your crop and barring' er yotntk w yteefc bave bis registration card lîjhia in , i eae tappimate oare y tidn o nlesn He vas taken ta the Itog, r-il'ar' your yield. Try i and see.cue yasrdn ru pesn staton werehe we deulnd thcu-tone of voice. In the telephone tallc, hours. At irat lie vas flot lîîîtiiteîi ISN A RESSIIE-l ta call Up snyone In WXiukh.-,n, but ISN ANTuSSUCD hseech~aracteristics are not rogh ilnaliy a cail vas put in for ,h.-rIfr tte ALAAr Grffi wo ouhp fr iy Maikegan. iluly i 3 1pay ipn tein er's ind. GrIffu vho voued for bm n HP 1John Arnoldl, ailegi-d ta lie insane .t ,Nf. Dly' wie hd rtu neltl a-me ade au unsucce' a.fll tnptt oquiet, pleasant tone over th5e tele- pmmi