L VOL. XXVI.- -NO, 29 T YVILýLE I Ar r~ fi nTV IMWPENDEÇNT DE PENDENT wtbmr vv.A a Tu à- - à - PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE INIEPENTENT, JULY ,91 idShe "Wasflu*,ed. and Then SwindIed- *. ...4... . . . .. .. ..4. . ... ++1...................44.4.. .i+ 84 *...... ..84-4..+'.....44.48 *.-....... i...8.4. 4. lui wi Oum== Letter From Noel E. White of Fox Lake Toits of Nature of Injuries in Battîe LIKELY TO SAVE ARMI Lake County's Firat Report Concoring Details of Local Man Injured Abroad Beiow lis prase-tasi tise firat let- ter receivesi tram a Laite cauutY csay 'moundes inluFrance lunmiich ha telle ai tise nature sud cause of is in- Juries. The ltter' rame ta Mir. ansi bfr,. Es. White af Fox LaIke. fraon thiar son Noel E. White visose in- jurias vere refarred ta briefiY 1lu tisese clumus recently: Whlte's letter shows ise nom la lu t'aria. ns-cveriug from tise aouudA sustined lu baille. lie- là R tise y. M. C. A. beasiquartere 12 Rue D'Ag- iteissesu., Paris. Hîs letter ta is par- ents foliom. date ai June 181h: As you ses- it lias bs-es qute a long trne sInce '>au heard from me. i amn havit'g oui- of tie Y. 34- . A. unsn write for me. 1 mas it ilth a hisgh explosive sel lu the rigbt armu causlng a campoundi fractura. andi tiink, that 1 viii be laid up about tmo monibis . ortunately my arun la Sparesi and thi-re la no reasos vhy It ehould ual hi- U.K., given a ltle tîme. I mas vaundesi about 7:10 P. m.. June 14. i am n l an excel- lent hosptiasi. baseng wonserfiil care tui-e f lme. (ilve my love la ail tise folkis and ots of kismes ta maths-r ansi isth- PRIVATE NOEL E. WHITE, 719 C. 6 reg.. U. . M. C. air E. F SAW REAL WAR CONDITIONS Tiser,' mas au entbusl.lstic ansi lm-, Itressîve meeting bs-Id- at tise Chics- go Hardware Foundry Company at Norths Chicago au Wesinebday noon. Elgbt isundresi employas of that cous- pany sud »elgisborlug anem heard an lutrosiuctory lali hy Mr. LaRase ai tis. Unitedi States Siippiug Board andi Emergenscy Fleet Corporation, follow- aS by a splendid addresa isy Captain Frank Edmards of tisa Royal Faileers of Englansi. Captalu Edmarde bas beu on tise livIng lina for tbrea years, sud bais beau vaundesi sevarai times. HIe says tii is no tisue fa isalbov:, optimuem, for saying "il la ail over but tise iouting." Il canuot ha aven un- tl every man andi maman bhibnd tisa 4iluem here at home mlI do thir ut- mot, Juat as the men at tise iront are dola gthier utunost "aven uto deati.' At tise close af Captain Esivards address avery person presaut vith heasi harasiansi ight isansi uplittes ini ail serlousunesa ands incenty, repeat- ed ibis catis: "As long asulthe mar $hall Ist,1 wilI stick to sny joi. 1 wili do a hon est dey' work, six dey a wbek and o~siIme f nery.1 midc aiy tinislascthse-Prueldent « thre Unit "ft eUIen - ý ta Selo ROUND LAIEAN RMo Dae S~CA INJURED SERIOUSLY ________ A.,ccordug te dspatchez irom Wamhý TWO FINE OC MOOLS inglon, anotiser Lake. couuty Young l P mnhanRRI n SON F.ReCI-4wound-nToIpratehl mrnnL France bas b ante;ea wudd'l l E I ara goiug lu lu Warren township, 11raue Hi~nameIl Il u -hidh wnen campletesi will hi- a mo-i HARRSON F. RCHO, Rond mprtInt addition Cotea se hool sys- Lake, 111. n le1m of that townshsip. Rachaw Ihaut known by Round Lake Th ieIE;,0 ere oUsi people sud the prpsumption la that ise Ii i gh ai Gt uruse e snsarnig.com- workad -for coma farmer In tliat local. Jpletion and his se ais itit sl s, in- Ityandtha hoPntstd witeIn aidleiised inslde o ftwo veeks and the employmesli. f lans now are tô bave Il dedlcaîs-d The Sun endeavarad ta Identiy hlm about the middle of Augu-st. Pans tibis aternoon sud c#lled M. J. Web are beiug made for s ratber -.lârsarie bar ai the Round Lake bank. "H ave cers-monYt te mark tise dédicatian cof neye berd da ume.Dontbalevethis Importatit buÉing, whls-nl stands ha wasa permanent resideut. H li le- _____ou the Warrenton roand, a ehori dls- by workedfor souobody ona terme sud ceSouth of Gurnie and i ntfar gave Round Lake as is remidence Elten DeLong Says She Lost tr"m Sprvsrerg lu!ub' Parbaps ho afasil a railroad gang' Land in Lake County by home. The building la of brasa lbrick saad Mr. Webber. Farm Land Deal andi la tsuilt undier very modfrru plan-s. - -It willi be a fine addition to îh- court SCROOLDISK ÀYFILES SUIT IN COURT HERE lys township higb schooai- SC1OOL LAYThe other school lmprosement l tIse uew Standard sciSl tbeîng bulît WIL IALBE T Asks that Men Heading South- ou Belidera 5et. utise site ofth l WILLRIVÀ OUST ern Land Co. Be Madie to Warreuton Grave "i-boni. This stands IN E 'IIE SATE Give an Accountiflg lusi east of Warrenton G rave sud 19 IN Ef IRE TÀTEbelug buiit lîy Cotraciar P, W. pp- Charging ibat ite vas dupai sdie rren o i ashphthe csaloir Lake County Will Have Cause robbed ai a valuabla lot at Highlai1G tis re nv tonddshl tilt be -tIs to Be Proud of Display at Park by reens~ of an allagad fraudu- Theone ta sund hooItIunder er th tt arlent scheme, Ellen DeLong of Chicao masdern plans sund wili nr v bou the Sate air oday filaisut lu circuit court lu Wau' j$1.000. Unique ideis have bacu adopt- kagan agaînat Josaph Devons, et ai. ed inl carrhiug ihrugh ibis Imbpçor- DISPLAY WILL SBE NOVEL 1 Th isa pantiff saya tiat sba la%8 tant building. luclusllng insîde toilets, -jdresamaker but tisai aise bad a long' etc. Tt viii be one iof the inest Immese ohol M ps ilng te enter au agiciltural ptrsuit. Standard sclsool buildings lu the' icturse 0fShoos and Hit- Early lu September. 1917, Risbaau- country districts in iLake county. It Picur ofScool ad Hs. swered au advertls5fltOt relattig te a i alg orftesi iiy Iisirct Na. 121. torie Arrngedsoutherni lande by tlepisonlng te tise 1Herald Landi Bureau at Chicago. Tise WANTS TO WOP.i<K AT S1 YEAR The schoal display ai Laka ceuntY vry Rente day. ise iBayai Hugb Cal' Another Waukegan rein, the sec- ai tIse liais Siate Fair ibis Year nu. in SmIth ar the couens called ai ber oeid ta do sa. has offs-r-d bis services daubtediy vilii betise flnast over pre I home. givlng ber literatura, and tbld ta Uncle Sam ai th,- nianificant salary sented hy this eounty ansi isthaul ber ai tise many fine features of tise af $1 a year. question milio beu of.tlse finest sud Tennessee Wlfare company. Tttla Chsarles R. i.' an, sou of tise mas apeslsIesimtts s n Ha represeniesi ta ber, isegasys. laie G. R. Lyon. wha. just ou bis re- caunty- lu tho state. tisai he ownesi the compnuy, and tisai turn fromn California. admits tisat be The bet part of it ail lis tist the bis holdings _amountel ta .000 acres bak made a tender ofiservice ta the dispbay tramtuiis couuty vill ha arlg A luttea Iâter,.mise any., ha Introduc. goverument ansi any 'day expects a mnal. Oua 'aoftisa chief featu-es w115 ed ber ta josepis Pevore vitis offices notice s te mheher hi, hais beau ac- he a larce Mtal).eigist by nine fooet On tisa tents 110r of tise Hartford capted.' in whlcb avery sciool district lu tise Building. Na. 8 S. Dearboru street Ha states tIrat he rsaiiy las expect- county lis outlined. lu tise Couter Of Chiscagaovisom Risba va tol Iraistishe iug Word ta go ta France because ha encis of tisese scisool districts la n sales agent. basing caled thtm ervf icecf vareu "We manitoeshow tis e poffî OfthtiseTHiehlanP.tifsysibaovalu lot w It indis ansi tharefors't- h.bais sapas tisai siate visat flua, modern scîl bo luses 5s Htgtoast Pa,0tise vale fRitgasisobeilil (aoaifvalue to lic country. we bave lu Lakee couty,"' T. A. SIrnP- sans usoamne itmie haut . Mr. Lyoum seeis - r-y aurions te sonceuty sperriteden of ebote larnd tuRom maner hatgel itto t' an dsay-, ha dossnt' asont, o Wey muerlute teltare uc hooe is lot and aflarad ta get an Unr mmd Rhtlservice the gavernmeul IfaserlitesiInWhea te are tam iser for bar visa vaulsi pay $2,000. aSsigna hlm ta. He hupes ha vili 1ho If nycautis l tse taa vsiisSie gays he a wsmta give bar $300 la plafflun omei lice whsreby he can luv adiontur ise mpa i sera cash sud $1700 lu Tennessee Weliare gel'ovar tisera." In averdiinttheloca sstr i , acisWheu ha was lInCCaliforniaise, oof ho oer ighy lcalhIsorlp, aeb Ha bold ber It would ha uacassaarY lered i iisseif t o!he Y. M. C.-A. sud bouns inl a separate volume. Tisasee vili -give tisehiStarY a01Ibhe indvidusa, mise saisi, ta execuie a warrauty deasi vantesi tu go vis a friensi wio vas scisool districts fram, htis letise! of tise lot te hlm . As evidau 'ce oi gondi acceptesi. Homever. tItis friend var esablsidi tefllng tise varlout, faitis sud his villîngitesasta carry ont Speke Flrench fluentiy and hao dd alI stops sa tisegotbu a iepres- tise contract ihe gave bar tva certifi- tisereare the f rle:d was takeait an set o time rgot pt h cales of stock, valued et $1,000 escisho vas refusesi. Since then Sa ai otbheehItrisbaebeuIrp r.siluthe ccmpauy. fered issservices ta tise federaI goe iythe c istoiretsa vreauP ebool Tt la cisargesi tiat tise lot bu beau ernament In hopes thal becaulsi hoca sud thro mreno lte itan ana osIsi dandi tiat Misa DeLoug baual tre-eveu more value lu saine other braucfi anduare toren Cposilt .0f c ME ceviesi ana cent as a. remult. The iban tice*"Y" work. cisild ir ptssileofby oma nia g t liniharges tiat il vas a deliber, The ather prominent Waukaniti eblde. ttgrely earabétcpaeinsias i se aac he",a5d, vbo bus tenderesi bis services ta Uc note tise isstarc&l lacIs tirai haveasi ndeadab ae1cé Sam for a dollar a year lis Leur ready te return tise certificat«s of beanunueartd iy Ibis youngsters.sokI etr o'e lt h us ence Wlder of Sheridans Ras, hs Tioybaa ccmulaled hi otagrapshte I auafo e ot ieq os- aîowîug bis retîrement - tra dry avampccu iîcs iiIons tisa valua ar tise certificates ortairyasedWiiulua sg 1premtarves Inlitise archives oaitIbmCcan. the land, for tisai malter, hlm ta some lins oi mark. Flurti ty fr ab tma.Suprltteidelt Smp ~détaili about %Ir. Wildar's mark ai s or mail Utie.t eSuerg uteut i lM .EXTRA - EXTRA EXTRA iurlu anotiser coluusn. scisools are otitlesi ta mucis crédit far tise exceleit histories for tiser bave directesithebo mri of tise ciilsreit JOHN POPE, JR.,MARRIED Street. ticir permanent plans but al lnicdentally It may ho Raid .tisai Johnu Pope. Jr., son of J. b. Pope, lug heen made. nstate scaol officIies regard Mr. 8Simpthie Waukegan lnvY'er.,vwas 'marriesi pope i n airai clams machiislati L_ onu asonaaf tise Mont efficlesRt super-.It Waukegau ou tbe aeOiug cfr Zuly the aviation corpa at tisenaval Bais' Intendeula lu thea ttI. Tisey give tisa 3rd, tise neremotkibk5g Place andIsiil ellI h n luhlie cly, 4à;is i hlm dervesi crédit for having la tise Presbytérie,a ». sne, Re. Chil- Uvosi hereMost of hleIbile. Hoe e i. braugt about vonderftl timPrnoveutt deamer affitilg. Relative& ouiy lalcêla tise Davy saveraI nhoutis aV dinl te Dirali mebools. TieY «Ssert fiat varoprésent Toboing tise marriage tic yoa r.dudnith tiime Mi M PBeou ihm -. Tisa bm TmasminsEvir *b Pele bept tise mlter .8"rt' 55 t.the office tise devloputent 0f the 09 Mmniatf4, Mech- r nilr.ee tiermrasiue bI Lak9 UqIt Iaa-o lit. pope gré âsW MJgo .intm Ud Uie ij~~~~~ _oolJ'- "'- D A E Lake Coanty'5 Mg Weekly àl,!IER XPRES"MiTls SON DFALLSINMME'S LUNE flaRe Oflo CMBT FTERAÂIR -BATTLE iIm i~ 19SY C» T VRU PL&=E ON PEENCE PMW" "RCHÂTEAU TIEEYAND TOUNG IFLYEB FrALimWTI Cousin, Philip Romovit, am0 Plane Fall, but Dom Not Know iil Later Who Wu8 Victhn of the Spectacular Fght ho i izLondn, EnlndJly i7.Lieut CONFERNCES 0F Sherif f Griffin Says it Is MostQuniRosvlC. oeet'c Unusual Case Ever CaIIed youngest son. wha ias been attacheil to isAttntonto the American line forces on 'eI NDUSTRIAL EN- Marne front, was killed et Chats-au HAS NOT SPOKEN A WORD Thierry on .luly 11, says a ispatchP LOVES I i Ela u Aps uetonrs ve t e . h campauy. wah returnîng Is the First Stop Takon Tow- peating Questions Which fru atroi fllgbt when attackd by ard the Formnation of t#» Are in Writing a Grmnt suadron. hemngyle "Work «or Flgt bard Who is he? probably recelved a mnortel wound. EM LY NTBRA That'a the question that Shériff E. FALLS8 BEHINO GERMAN LINKS. J. Griffin wouidolike ta have answer- -et hm er in the case 0fhis iteqî Priaouer Prs rne Jl 1.Let hmi of CommercePlodi lau ibe Lake cauuty Jail. Quentn Roosevelt of the Amerian es uport~ to pet« tMour-. This baffllng. human enigma hais air service. youngest son or thé fern-m otadBu nn m been looked up in the a li ai Wauek- er président, ies m9isg. Hla machine motad arae b s gan las' sieariy tweu.ty-our heure. was seen t: fait withln the Germen À~uoec iii nutilan During that timp lhe hat; not spokanfe ployer, of Waukegnn and rbC- one work ad gives no Indication that tl.NrhCi lieundrstndsor ear an ofthe('âe ama wa bad ithe Wogukegala heuerstns a orae e he r ai e Cousin Sées Quentin Fait. Chamber af Commerce roome Tue&- hlm. Pbilip Roosevelt. Quetinsa cousin, day a(ternoon, July thte lSth chfley, Sherif f Griffîn admits f reely that witnesaed the air battie Iu the vicin. for the purpose of selecting a repris- tbe feliow la the stjangest prisons-r Ity of Château Thierry 10 WhIele seutatIve eit the industries to net as he ever lbed. Dreuched ta the akin Quantin mi~s engaged sVd SSw fith a e mbra h omnt a %Ws apparently cnmpietely exhausted,j machine fail, but dld nat _know until amme ftecmuii Ub the human lnterr<Statlon point stac- later tIsat the airplane was that of lt board of which Peter MeDrmott te gered Int4 the front Yard of the Fra-l cousin. Le Journal says today. clairman. Mlembers of th cisoard zier place at Hickory Corners lata, Srought Oown Firut Plans July 12. wera, nominatad but net detiitely se- >Tuesday aiternoan. lie was gîven a Lieut. Roosevelt hrougbt dow hlis et. dry suit of lathe3 ad was ted. tirst ens-my plane .luly 12. He was tly- it la paned by the Chamber oUi Hlm peculiar actions caused the ma-. iug wlt1th Iree oai er pilotis and be- o otr ter ta lia reparted ta Sherifi Grîffin came sep-arated from them. le snw Comimerce ta bold a srles o otr who brought the fellow ta the oounty tbree planes comiug faward hlm and anceb during the next iew days In tu- jail. thougbt they wsra blm coqradem, but der te perfect the détalsiof the pla« Hl utig cnand ntîa sou reallzed they werM Germans. lie sni' formai annaîucement will b@'e twbich would shed any light ou hlm' altacked one and saw .it fulto earth m~ade accordiumly. lds-tity. Ha had $6.50 lu cash and a In tiamaes. He maueuvered to a sale For nmre- ine past those famîllar, pocket kuife. A litte cîuodsa position and managed ta escaise ram witb local emsployaient conditions box~ ~ l teaforilis Pcle ore capthe tseremalnlng two airmen, Who teck aergreinemly ntbru bo iseptond Mlwa ke souve"bthefligist at the appeas'snce oa irte tires e tave r a he nequlîzetoureauh t isrlaio u la keed soauveni. tAmerican planes. wbich afltu teestltn0fthe localiabior ar-, n The fellaw appears te be about 3ri Oan ooe vo t e W 0 bat. Under the old plan war contraWi years old and Je stoop houdered. Hae OTh thr Roosvt bosW a vealéa work and aen the output of con- would lbe about six feet tait If lie ise oinerécoeent oyspathe aIaemgeseniltplanta bas beeu ireflomtI atood erect. Hia balir bas been eut re igrdl rcu ipace.tlInglterruptad and at times sertoualy cently and ie hahas beau sisived witis- of their wa deedis. Tbq<>ore, Jr, a retaidad owlng t0eltse lack of a "ta luI the tast two or tbree d&ys. Hia rnJor in te 2tlîi Ifantiy was par- bIlIzIng ageucy. Individual employers tbands ludîcata tisat hae M ay bave lis)l'ly blinded and lis Iiingis ware In- anxilus ta turn ontteir war cou.- ýd been eugaged lu somtarte of manual Jured by Germau gam. lHa refusaie tac oknrerdtmbaevd f. laorI lave bis battalion andi was clted for tr at thou rer tesure e i- labor I iravery. ac ai nt e o ther mae v.ShéeriffOrifflu bas propoundehi maflyl ermit, ho lis a captain In a mm- tcet'lbr >r ts ab fr question ta the filow but lia lîstens chine guu battery. recelved lise miii- lu. order tr1itit dow tise fiostffl teb tisem mitis a blank aud expression- tury croise for gaîîantry lu batile. sud yet ai the seaetîme tea se a.: lesa counteumuce. Ha doas flot 60 Arcisie, a captain of infan±ry.bi clearing bouse for the'securing eoW_ ýe much as nod or shake bis lisad. Thé bis ell arm broken and bis lait kuee bier te meet thse demanda, the <lia*. . plan f writing out questions bas cap vas lulurasi by fragments af sisel. mne nnsTO ir- beau attemptesi. lInis-ad ofai s~weiig Ha received tise French var cross-.VUn~OUPg V. thse questions tise humait enigma- ecarefully and painstakiiigly copies NEWS 0F DEATH age. bis neat 'blrthday inlllng ouMo. n the questions. word for word. KEPT PROM T. S. remiser 19. er Efforts te converse wiêb tise fellow p. bym ans af pantomimea are quallY oyster Ray. N. Y., JulY 1-Tiea ROOSEVELT TO aPiAK uuai12cessful, for instenhi of egtvIn dore Roosevelt iearned that ais son TONORtfOW DESPITE aun' Indication of undcrtsniigg hoQuentin vas missing Ibreugispres 'ONIIII ha, mapes every movemelit of lhlm que.- dîspatches tisis usarniisg. Mes " _h .jý r-. thoer. . hau nothing te a St this time,4 but Saratoga Sprints, N. Y., Joly 1... ,«J tbought et flrst tbat hocsigbt vould' make a ..!tatameut later. 'Hal Theodotre Rooselot wyl deliver lbe> nu ha deai and dimis." Shérif Griffin lied plannesi te viit New yor* tet- principal ahidress aithtie RepuNdis Dsu aid, "but tisis would net seooUt for day. but cauceled bis vilit vise? ihe. state couvention omorroV. amoul-, si bis other actions. Ha bas a goohi np. noes came tisat bis sou mas misslng. standing the dm510orai bis n, Ueo. a-. petite andi seema te oufdY ol u MO r Lata repoarts truieLondon snd Par- Queetia itoosevelt lan-aaàffl ro. bis pipe. 80 far as we have béee.n able ta Ibat bis son bad iseen kiliehi coulé bat lu Fýranc.. Tiîs word V«a g te déterminé thora are no bruises on Dot bce couitunlated te Col Rouge- ed tbb safttrMm by Saunier Tbs1>ý nioM biton or body vhicb suhgs bave yeti, visa. vith membens of bis Mmn- dore Douglas Robinmos, a m.ghsjW, '5 ~lly ut home, r@Mained. lu aiclusion. tise 00101d1 er tise tuephbe tconutàuUU4 MR ?MTWO.J Quentin Romoelt la only 20Yeats oz. Oyster bar.î WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN jim Pffl Y ICA IN ADYAU*M poim PAGBB