TTY~PV1LTE N En~ TlïU tITTDÀT. JTT.Y 25. 1918 LU .3bL- OILLA u "u JLqLJMlý S .PROCTOR . ts alkna INSURANCE NIsLIccdnaa HIe, lle Plt assdl Htonale sud Workng m's CompenatIon. - 5.. Him iBfore Placing - our Insurance Fhoes 154R -iLibertyvilla, Mi. pear Dodus'srug Store WELL DRIILING Jk WB ps yem .te usts ta n. 4U51ERMN &DOLAN P. BAURSTOW Marble and Granité ~C.metery Work of Everý Description Core.pondence 5olIcItegl 11Genesee St ALEx S.BURGESS MASON AMD 02MAL CONTRAcTR Qsmivois, nMous van, plastedlfl ad brick vomi. BolIer vorI sund bly executed. ,dil. fbo f-W Zie Cfty, I. Dit.. L TAYLOR b Vin mNamw Dasi Dfaidla -. *01»'- t 8-80Md 7 to 8 pm. fW10S.ês on Brapwdwey, opposite Part - Uouamt-eihin llota. - DR. GOLDING DENTIST 8 Roun.1o2 a.r-lîaS 5p.m Over FIrsI National Bank Osmw »One 19-j. cIe.. Phone 167-J. UAbertyvlle,. Illinote DL E H. SMITH, *i LAKIcL& 00 T S ATIONAL Ass. 1110111@1-4 te 12 a. M. s"d 1Ita & P. M. * Lbertyvllle. Mlinois CItAS. N. STEPitENS. M. D. PHYSICIANI a" SURGEON 111111111l ateniocn ilveafo the di.sea of iel Epa, Ear, Nom, Throét xers.elAminend for Glases. Oasmuftr ou Coe Tel. 10 Lbertivlf M . R F.BUTTEFIELD. VmrnaIARY SURGEON. aWMTaiv STATR TUTEEMI5AEIAN. ELHANAN W. COLBY Atoney-at-Law ~Oa stHom, Cak ve.Phone 163. LIOMTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS LYEULIL MORRIS * Lîbertyvîlla . Illinois Luce aulding. a. PâmUnt lu-M. Omce. Oons PAUL MAC GUFFI. M~OURETAV LAW. WAUKIMGAN, . . ILLINO OlBie PhoneoU8 * - S. Phoane 1860-R IDE..HASENOLEVER PHYUICLA4AM DSURGEON cf woMS e. 5nomi CHIiCAfGO.0s51m LÀ Kk ROSE ESTATE IN TOWN 0f VERNON SELLS FOR ,$50,004 This Was the 'Largest ReaIty Transaction of-eek; An- drew Cooke Fardf) Sold PURCHASER PAID $11,00 Business on Whole.Mas Beer Quiet and Loans Have Been Below the Averagei Business of the Recordelrs offici fer thse wvee endlag July 10, 1918. by A. K. Bowes, assistant secretary Se curlly Tille & Trust Co. Numiser o! coaveyantes, 90. Noinhor o! drattel mortgages. 17. Number of trust deedsad mort maes, 11. ,Total number oantruments Illed lau the average. The follolig ar thse more Important deals. Ia Wsukegan: John J. aud Ana. Harhsch -ougis t hea l-yt hause or v-est sîde North avenue, mast soiti of Ridgland ave., fs-arn Jas. T. Par ker, for $3,300. TIsso. A. Rusa and wife bougbt thg Jas. T. Parier bouse on sourth Idi Conter street, east of North ave., fcs $3,500. Rose Reeves of RusselIl.iI., bougli Vie John liosen place on nort;scas side Grand ave., west ai Jackson si tar iadicated $3,000. la North Chicago: Ohîcazo Tel. phono Ca. baught a -tract of land a aartbeast corner Morraw and H-er vey as-es.. fromt C. A. Neweomb Jr trustee, tor Iadlcated 13,500. MNatilda and MaUshew Schuimer beught thse ltatley O. Thempsci bouse on yod *lide South Park ave just nortis of Brocdway, for $3.400. Ia Highland Park: John Glu bout a 75-foot lot on north sid Cary ave., nartis of Broussneat., trai Ralpis P. Seymou.r for $5,000. In Lthertyville: NIna E. Newsoi houglttise Daniel Lee house on nont aide Cook avs., just ucat o! Brai, erd Court for $4,500. laInAtfoch Village. The Antioc Masorc Temple Assu., âtook titlo 1lot 32 Couaty C'enk'-. Sudia., iroi lVrank B. Hober, for $3,.650. laI Newport: Guy 0. Fouler bongt .the Andrew and Alleah W. Ceaiî tar In luSec. 31 sud alo lan So. Warren, tramn the trustees af tise e tales, for $11,0%0. 1 I Antiach: AsLai M. Pei bought thse Jwob H. Weber a acres1 tNW 1-4 Sec. 16, for ladlcated ,< W. A. Trimmer bought tise Barj G. Strect praperty ia T. Jetteai -Snaths Bob., on Channel Laie. I, $2.000. In West .Astieh: John Ehle bought thse dimîtlsusen tarmtu SE 4 ad la McHenry Ca.. for $9,000. Ia Cuba- Margherita Duke bong . tiseMatt C. Rearidou ro acres lin1m 1-4 Sec. à for $2,000. . I Vernon: Locîhse G. Rame tai tîtle te the Landau C. Rose eeti af 540 acres lu Secs. 8, 9 sud 10, f tudlcated 850,000. In West Deerfieîd: ýGuy Hust, lbengbl -thé Pagan 40 acres Ita M 1-1, Sec. 21, tram Anale Fagan Ni for indlcatod 3$5,000, subjoct to $5,1 - Ineusibramie. Real Estate Transfers - j uly 17, 1918. Peter Chri tensen and wife et lta John Ehlert. one acre la NW c of Sec. 4. West Antioch Twp, -$9000. W. T. Sullivan ta V. G. Ponte, b 62 and 63, Shaw'@ Su., ta Sec. Grant Twp., WD, $250. W. T. Mâyple ta R. E. Harrs anc acre la Sec. 11, Grant Twp, M $300. - County Clerk to E. V. Orsis, jHa, ft., lot 4. Oziers Sub., Waukeg Tai Deed. E. V. Irvis and wfe ta Gottha Scherschmdt, east 9 t. lot 4, Ozif 4J &ob., Wamkegane, QCD, $1, .luly 18. 1918. Sarah C. Street ta W. A. Trtmr - itt 3, T. 1. Gmth's SBib.. on Chan Lake, WD. $1. T. W. Smith aad wlfe ta Jane MurPhy, lot 61, Shaw's Long bi Suh., WD. 1100. T. W. Smith and wlte ta Mac) s Mathir, let 62, Shaws Long t - Sba., Wl). $100. J. H. Shluaba.rgar sud wite to 0. Waluwrlght, lots 2 and 3, blocl Coan and Lndsays Bob., Waukel 'Wl, il. W. 1. Lyon sud ulte te Peter 1) ,îa-wa, Iots 7, 8 and 9, Lyaaa' N. Chîcago Sui., Wl), $l. - W. . Lyonansd whfte oFre am lot 14, LyanWs Norths Chcago1 Wl), $10. ,. July m0,191&. Mater lji Clincery la Lake C, III ty 818Ue Banki, lot 45. block .N Chicago, Deed, $775. C. W. Hydecier et ai., ta Anua - MlOGwaa. lot 5. Cotas Add. ta IV iogon, Deeda, $t. J. H. Weber sud wlfe te A.nn, Pain, 8 acresilu'W -e NW 1-2, «. 16, But Antioch, WWD,810o. à. C. A. Newconib, Jr..'teoChi( m eTéléphone Co., lots -A,- -B,, ',C =L Part lot»m'D" &Mid"E", block 1, N Chicago, Deéd, .10. A REAL TÂCTO Nuntila and -wle, lot 6, Sutherland% L* Mqs~ UY&UIIa? ' South Side Suib,, Waukegain, WD, A U IAY It1 .1350. ITO Publie Service Co., to Wm. Lay. cocit W 60 tt.E1610 ft., lot 8 block 1 Q O LI O L Schazicke Add. Uhbertyville WD Il. S M îW I D J.A Biddermaii and wite to A. P. and lvy G. Lawrence 20 acres In NE. N W IAV 1-4 Sec. 10, Bouton TPip., WD, $1.AT. Jil Sigrid Hedberg and haband ta C. ____ 0. E. Lind, lots 1 to 5, block 3on. vis, Sub,, Waukegan, WD, $10.' Model Training SChool for Av.- 'K. F.' Jensen and wlfe ta, Ralphi lto ehnc oB o Frank -id wite, lot 20, Wadaworth at.d n ohaiS at i e on S.b., Waukegafl, Wl), $1390, tto MÂRRÂGE IOMIES.MEN CAR EFULLY WATCHED Marvin L..1N1chols, Camp Johnston.' fpmn s etAv a l FIa., 21; Marie Lawn, Chicago, 18.. qimn aBstAalbeI Arthur, W. ReiasGreat Lake* .-21: and Buildings Contain Lat- Annabelle F" Mastrian, Chicago, es2Ap0ane Alfred %larquardt. Mlwaukee, 27; est Apl_____ Della Klevenow, sane, 25. NalTrnn t- ýe Donald Id. Noble, Chicago, 21; Ger- tion Zkow bas the largeat Aviatin y rude NI. Pfeifer, same. 20. school l th.e world. For several -Loudy Reuter. Mlwau]cee. 32; Jen- monthe the achool lias been located nie lJarr, âame. 30. In the Sixth regiment camp, known Wm. E. finyder. Milwaukee, 41; as Camfp Perry, but a few daysasea tEmma Liflie, arne, 41. the mienansd equipment were movd - iryL Mwz4 Ciao 8 ta the new quartera juat nrhc h à, Cella . Stopheàs; Chmcago, ý main gale, snd known as the lt'lt 1, Clla . StDhes; sine,10. teaath Reginient camp. tuer U. ro~ -,-Umie uB?1aek nfI)IIdfligs. Prup laa b-Loa J. Mercules, St. CalsMOMuthine shûp 500 feet long and 100 S32; Boma&C. 12, saine, 27. teet vide anid ltaIlthere la fttaed Up Walter Tech, Milwaukee, 31; latie, drill tpresses, grinders, etc., ka Gladys Umbar, sanie, 24. anld a mtor âsellsbly raom. it le in Jas. A. ibudsay. Great Laies. 29. salit to be the masî modern ad up. th Theresa Gertb, Chicago, 19. , 1 tO.4se acool ln thse world. Every. r- Oscar A. Iubrlcb, Great Lakes, '9,7;tbiflg nowu ta modern airpîsse con- Ama M. Landvater. Fredonia, Wis., struiMton and repair la supplied iu the IP 19. equt0zasft of this building anmd. as ,e Edw. b. Hoffinan, Gres. Laies, -11; One Wais, frein eid ta ed and ses* 'r Ida GaossiWilmette, 21. the long flne of lathes, drill presses, Mfrmsn Dolibe, Milwaukee, 53; etc., snd ceea the beits ,fiyog round t Laura Hluit, saule, 58 the PulleYs sand hears the 'hum of t Nick Adamns. Milwaukee, 22; Stella the msahines ,one knows tisat Uncle ILem-plcka. Sam, .19. Samn is dolng samething. Jas. A. Pnaer. Great Laies, 22, Afothet building about the same Olive L. Daluga,. Waukegan, 24. oize the machine shop bas eiglit t Walter H. Pollett, Hast Lansing, class roms, offices, ignition roomB, r- Mich., 31; Ruby L. Wllcox, Oshkoagh. large assemblY rooms, and a stagte rWis.. M. and maving picture bootb so that the Sergt. John Engel, Ft. Sheridan, M3 studenis can see moving pictures rs Miaule Borcllardt, Evaaistofl, 22. ahOwIng thse various machine part% )s John Mî. 0l,6t, Masitowac, Wîs., la opersiion. e.29; Isabel T. Mcarthy, saine, 30. There ls a barracks for commis. Eart -K, Wlprlltt, Mlwaukee, 29; 8101101d omors, wii.h saparate rooms, as Emma 0. Thorna11, ame,31. and two large loîîngimg mous. e Wns. Taprell. CItc*g0, 21; Prestie There are two buildings for ln. nu Anderson, saine, 19. sti'UctOan~ d chie! petty officers, Wà»tr A. Xtasa, Chi4o, 32; wlière they sloop. four men la a room Mi Celcestia. Hepte . mre, 2s. and there i0 4180 a Mess building h Mauice Barclay, Racine, In, Trel- where ail thse Petty and comminssion- n- la I.M.ortier,. mre, 21. ed Officers are ted. Oea. Tekalupe, Graylake, 85; Idi The main mess hall is ù56 fle h Linden. Chicago, 32. long, and has 18 separate mess marna te Chas. W. F'llows, Great LA-ýies. 23" wlcb uil accommodata 144 men ta 'I Wilmer Van Allen Sadler, Chicago, (ach. Thse reason for these separ- 20. ate mess mros Is ta keep the men it Rianry X3arconlles, Nlaga. WL - aait as ,maei as possible for .laai. "ci 31; Josephine Bromberk. Milwauie, t-7Y reasous. for ln case of coatag- 8. 25. tous disgaacs It tis casier te lea-ae es- Raymond S. MeGraw, %flwauke., and tslate tieseo~urce by this iqgi-e.- £2; Frmnais Upski. saine. 18 gation method than by thse men cau- -lu Jastepi Ptnkawakt, Milwaukee, -elgregating In ane langemnus, bail. Ina Mae Dohrgow"Ba.' .m. 20. The mess rooms are mun on the ste-le 00. Da. off',Chiscsa, 41; eBaiLrlcO terla Plan, and eacb oifetrla tg sur) ahà Ford. saine. 29.Pllcd f ramaons centralltchen. Pr- on Roy C. Northem, Great Laies, 22-, visions are also made tarmOcc0se i fr Mildi-ed A. Nelson, Ciao, 20. tiis balding. Jas. Mller, Franksville. Wta., 1:Eveprythlag tg stertItzed asUer esc-h ert Elib. Pterson. Carliss, Wls., 20. moal, and thse men that leep ln a lc. Antan RosnhI, Waukegan, 34, ArI certain barrack st natl a special mes,, l. mie Rade, same, 23. hall, se that contagions diseas",s, qt Slat. M. T'bbelobide, Sbeboygan should theY brek aut, coutld be elsir W Falls,. Wis., 25; Louise Gmube. dico- iocted and loolabed. Thse mess hall boygan, 22. la the largeot building ln tbe camp. :ki Edw. R. StulI, Great Laies, el, It lg divided up by four brick, wslls ate Helen M. Post, Toleda, O.. 20 .whch are firoproof and which bave fr Shannon WaFier, Cblog.go, 2S; Westerni or Milwaukee Electric roadls Ular Knox, Mlwaukes, 20. have noticed a number ot smnall bulld. on Wm- B. Swanson, Camp beogan, inga wti*ieh look ll«ie hangars for aer- l. 41; MoUd' bouclont. Kenoeha, 20. opianes. Many have boon mistakea les Vance D. Archer, Laie Charles, La. Ini tis conjecture. These sînsll >000 23; Emily M. ltelllng, Râcine, 9,1 . buildings with abrupt roofs are, for Water Blanichard, Racine , 28; testtng aerial muotors. There are Ill Laura Plonker. samne, 26. ot these buildings and theY are sa eRul. P. Owe.n, Great Laies, 26; errangedl that each tkolar can be Rusaisn Alst.adt, Norflk, Neb, 21. testod ia a separate sheod, with a Wmn. t Wilson, Chcago, 45; Sarah closed room adjoiaing which con- alE. Carver, saine, 39. tains the sarious recording instru- aLewis E. Sawyer, Muskegon. Mcch., meilta, gasolino, 011, gages. etc. The ce 41; Grâce A. Moore, Waupumn. Wi.ý. tatructor Pan oiperate thoe ngilie ,'D, 27. traM inside Obis closed maom and the Steveu Pasolike. Mlwaukee, 25: PuPIIl < watch the motar in opera. 'et Gizela Lamptatz, sainie, 18. tien without beiug subJect ta thse lis. 1 Ci Marie b. Nelson, Chicago, 22; Jack comfort. af hot, cald or wet weather. H. Smitherxnan. Plt. Sheridan, 22.. When thse tpmperature ts 10 àegrees ch, Franke Racttord. Milwaukee, 52; Em- helow zero the pupils can study thp VD, aHdokBte 2 movements of these motors, beeasuse ina Haddcock,.ainseGra e, 22. tiiremis an labarate steam-heated ~ Jaob N KiseyGrea baes. t: YStem. Underground pipes cais-cg an, Lait Hancher, Elwood, ladt., 18. water and gasline ta these tosting art Silas Ateson, 11. Sheridan, 21; bouses. The pump-houso supplies erdt Elsie Trais, Mlwaukee, 20. water, which ts circulated by meanî er 0 s . Brdbr, tuxFll,9 to retsra pipes and conveyed alter Siouxl'ail, goUtot a coating tower, where the D.. 24; Ellen Vlergutz, Mlwaukee, 24. temperature la lewered and ît ii ra- mer, Paul K. Schlechty, Whitlug, luid, tumned ta thse englae once more, ritul 21; Ethel Nash, Chicago, 18.* tbus savng cousiderable water. B E. Fmn J.Dizn, arin, a.,41;Em- There are gasaline tanks wbich - H. Frea .1.Dixo, Malonla.,41; b have a oapscity af 20000 gallons, ad ,aie ina . Minute, Salem. Wis., 32. ln addition, there are also large oit John Goodman, Milwaukee, 27; El- storage tanks. T. la Hartwig, Milwaukee, 18. The lrracks at the now camp are Ue Abet Gehaucas, azea 5.coaasidered by experts lu ho the best Wau-egan ~In the country. The cellIngs are oJ. Mary Pawelalchute. Waukegan, 24. bigl ansd the ventilation la excellent.. ,k 2, Leo Star (Grant Laies, 23; Vlor. The system of lavoratories la fine, %an, once Becignan, Bradford, P'a., 23. and the boys have a chance te wasls Dzie Clrenc Glmor, Miwauee,21; tier clothes. The *atie camp wlîl Forth rma ace Gueb, Mil ue, . accmmrnateover 5,000 men. , orthErtia ICchiais, ilwakec.1. Thse puplilamaretiret givéli a course James R. Knsey. Great Laies, 24-, lu theory, sud alter thehr mincIs are elu. Hazel Saow, Ciaton, lad., 21. fertile'they are giveli a course ini Suh. Geo. W. Weber, Watertown ' Wîs., Practical mtor construction. They 31; Renata Hoefler, smre 21. aretiight te dissenible and to as- semble the matorsa .nd 10 repaît' aun- Autitn M. Phelan, Chicaa, 2Si.lRe. broicu parts. eorth gses Reanicis, same, 25. The final course la givea ta the aM. 'Herbert D. Kantor, Milwaiee, 29-1Mtor Testing labofitory. Heme the W'au- Katharine Nowakowski, @mre, >g studeutlaI taugist thse uint o f tsel motarunudér actual conditions ouch Frank Vellng, lPt. Mcintonh, lg ond la thea body Of an aéra- 'a M. * 4 Susan I*wermau. Beaver Dam, plane whilelna lutgbt. HOme ha ftai- Sec. Wi. 2.iarizes hiasiat wIth -actuel isotol cago Josephb apleaza, CaP Grant, 24; csuditnsny sudmdogn msap weh 1and Flarence Carman, Milwuhkee, 2 and bth Ïccor nmoapwh orth 9hr'. Johastone, New Tari, <6-. Upon coasletian of this course.1 Louls Wosisur 3iîwaok, 28 heis-nl-«---n is- praper ratlng,. Agents Wanted - Protected Terrtory Couverte yo ur Auto Into a powerful t:ractor in 30 minutes THE INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR UNIT sels for $350.00 It makes a powerful Tractor of any Auto in thirty minutes and reconverts from Tractor to Auto in less time. Every farmer will want an INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR. 48-inh wheeis, I 0-inch face, steel front rima of improved tractor type. 3-point sus- pension. hardened roller gears. It is-tpractically Fool-proof. Mechanicafly right. il solves the farmers' Tractor, power and labor problem in a reliable and practical way. A -SUPERIOR MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE-DOES NOT REQUIRE AN EXPERT TO HANDLË It is ua.o.g and of simple construction. Any man, boy or girl who can run an Auto can operate it. Does the work of from 4 to 8 homses and two farîn banda Plowing, Harrowing. Disking, Listing, Mowing, Road.-grading, Harvesting, Etc. Let us tçll you ail about this WVonderful Tractor Unit. SECUIRJTM TRUST CO. 910 Se. Michigau Blvd. chaAGO Foit ÙI)SAILIJ III i tjLàdAT[Ob, AbkuIlEut INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS 1108 Karpea Building CHICAGO, ILL lu e Limited Service N orth and South CWicag, Ticket Office -bu&i C"u $««s plama Cuirod SMO Libertyville Passenger Station Milwaukee Ticket Office phoe...LAbnrlhe 74 MV Sead S~us Ph..., Grand M16 I h ( VIA THE NORTH SHORELUNE Residenlts of Libertyville can reach Chicago in 1 hour and 45 minutes via the North Shore Une. Limited trains connect with Elevated Express trains. at Central street, Evanston, making only two stops south of Evanston. Tiiese train@ go aroand the Loop. sitpping at al dqumint stores in the Loop district. Train Schedule Trains leave Libertyville every hour'from 6:30 a. m. to 11:30 p. m., making close connections ai Lake Bluff junction with Milwaukee Limnited Trains and Evanstors Express Trains. Saturday afternoons, Sundays and holdays. Um'ted trains bave Lake Bluff junction cvmry 30 minutes. Paîlor cars are attached 10 trains Dining cars are attached to trains beaving Lake Bluff junction at leaving Lake Bluff junction at 9-' X a. m. and 2:54 P. m. Chairs, 12:54 p. m. and 5:54 p. m. 28 cents,. mcluding war tax. For frher 4sfrsn Wl loaesri cket ofaie. f7the NORTHtI SHORE3 UNE