Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1918, p. 4

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___________ EPIM»ETRTU tsDÂY JIym »Iertyville Independen t W -Cosuy Independent - Waukegan Weekly Sin ofie Teophone Numbor 1, Liberlyille Exchaenge. WUI at lie Pootoffle. at LIbertyvlla, III, as Second Claî Mail Matter Officiai Publication for The. Village cf LUbertuville. loi" Puieuleten for Lake Couety Board ef SupaeoW Preeeedns WI svry Tbonsdaey. Advertlalng Rate,@M"de Knove ou Application. NORIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PE EAR STRicTrLY IN ADVANOE SSMITH ................... .................... Editor a. SMITH 1................................... :.............Manager Mi TODD, JR .............. ............................ ......... R.sidentManager PROUD? Hz OUOHET TO BE "Your country la prend of yen, and 1 amn more than ý,»«dte command such nmen as you. Yeu have fought Ou. Pershing thus addressed wounded American ýsodIen lying i the American Red Cross Ilo8pithl Iu Paria ký;daY. In each ward of every hospital he talked te the Well, why shouldn't General Pershing feel that way rbo ut it? e waa complimentary, but, haven't the men F bu things *hich should make him feel se preud that WIrds would fail hlm? They've done more than was eI- 'Imgbd of theni in so short a trne, They've helped hlm r3jke good-they've shown the Ruma that the Glant la illy awakened and on hia way. Geera1Prshingi1lÏotalked te the physicians, sur- gbona and nurses and tbanked them for the work they .*wse dolng in carlng for the wounded. e'We1l, tmnay be hard te fusa ilog without the national -tgames but when you corne rlght dovu t. It, 1t0s sound that there's ne moxe reason te diacriminate because a fiai-player than there la te diacriminate because he be agood marksman wlth a rifle. They want sturdy àbrOad-mnd baliplayers are of that type. It wil1 4lbuapplntng te many fana but disappaintunents are luwrtimes. The boys abroad are dlsap- %iiàmany timea perbaps as they wiah they had a few en men in their ranh te go over the top-and, the srALL 0IF AMERICA gets te courting dlaappoit- nm s o as te help the. boys over there, that much seoner gffiM the whole affalr b. ended. Roosevelt says he la tee busy with war matters te "h&kof rUnning for governor cf New York. Well, there 's thlng about Tedd»-if they oeil hlm te the colora cf Tork, and call hlmi a way that it shows they mean Xish's ne slacker, he'fl take the job, he'il take anythlng meople want hlm te take if h. thinkah. wlll b. dolng a âm-â& 8service. Teddy 's frequently hanered right and [tbut he's AUL AMBRICMi every time. There'is iot ý&roUder man i the world today te thh& that he had four mas âliUlng for Old Glery than T. R. And there have issu smm perons Who queStlenedis patriotiam 1 -It juat 4"beatu the band", how that. feilow. Hervey ý-VM1on keepa Pulling dcv» the Jobs that pay. Now his i, goverument appointnent-4vt'snee of those dollar Bypear taik. 1t' $1800a yearl It's a pay-jobl, It's con- .,hd 'wth a var service dePartmeut but net oie cf those bsethe voluntary service !s exPectd, InSHervey a Meocrat? Surel It's the republicana that are bei %pdd te dollar a yearl, taaka but when theres any ?AY golng wlth the Jobs, you dn't seay of the repub- lhna getting THOSE Jobs, do you?Bea INSULL'S STRONG MESSAGE was tiret tire Blale Council of Di,. fes f tire National Council exéecb W vas qulte is Complimnent whists local commun[Ü.es 10 iasndie theirli 00f00l Iuli pald to Lake county local problemu. In olirer words, tiréy' !oi ll on.Thuredoy at the Chambser do not expecîtirhe Stah. National W esmerce Iimcheon In Waukegan Counclil l corne Into a loven and UOhe l ad tsaitirhe State CoUnci lboive tire houtIng problem, tirey do « WOfae had paiS very Ilttie atten. flot expert to have these cannecllei 11is1 te Lake county maties-s and furnlsh the money foc aucir work, Mme viu vey ltte for it to do ho- but they expect ho show peaple irow Àase et the tact that wlec tiey tir- tiey tiremselves can carry thirougir dlvej harte lu tae up worle in a for- tirese Improvemerits whlcir are noces.1 'N way they feunS tire Lake coueîy sa-y for wàr limes and shoulder tiré1 =laihald beecS organized prior to expénse thereof themicilves. mcol. In other worde tire tate asnS na- Mr. Ineuil diS flot hésitai. in sa>. tional offlcers expect local people to ,lo*that Lake county vas rîght thrr finance tirele own affaire. Tire pros. ',h4*ite mater of var activities ed ece of Mr. mInui wa quite neé, M ~ fouthe- Stato Councîl vas e. for Waukegan people beséhé le #16eind Of man>. things il obiernwse, ucir a busy man, having hiresiane W»dhâve iraS ho do. Tire point 5 50 gomaey dIffrent uines of actîvi- Me.11r IneiUdimade about irîdivid uals tis. irrfnorhmtgvéU lýng aile thirinpersona'aprler aY ta corne hirenéand glve tiré sies. **mea and désirésie An times anS Sane urging thins écaomy and loyal O*WItng- that théy are 'shackera", if ty mreant quite a lot for thé Waur-e Ilby do not, stsouid uht home in many i pan Ciarmbr of Commerce. .Mis rémari's '.erc seryapropotin Tire Germans. acconding 1t priso- acs of tire tact tt'al u1 nm i e c rs ta en aby the Allies. are bcbgdrt t0asmisstone,-s of Waukegan are on loto bttiée bith machine guns be- a1Iing on ^brin.',ng brétoné uircr-, bld tir,, being given the choice o! ac .ae iha .ve reiuséd to obe> tise chance for lité b>. heing sirot front 5dr din ist rations' ordens. Mr. 'n-lIairad or certain deatir vbir hsi Mis ilaCloaély in ,touet, mii tire gén-;,from berneS. Net se vitirthé Amer- sMituation and therétorenelt u- 'icxns-tiréy Sont havé anythlng tb aIppeal thet prope ohoulrj storelIdrivé tirem éacepting PEP. ln tact. I and wzýod se, anticipation of althelirecelS soméhing to hoid lhem o tituatlOn lis einter siroulil back ind prévent them nr-glectIng cis- hapOsrd osver 119%1t'y. He r-as cretion lne udr endeavortoc finish the W aking thi& Point 0o t sring coal th-ia0 un instantér. Aleseral mentir. andnsist lie-t J Okd not régandthe e aric.soess Couty> Chairnan AI Maelher of thé i prospective situation. counI>. board, viro vas recénti> 'ac- i.Inull h ias a pérsonal Inte-est cused" çof "owning tiré court roueo U ske courtty because of hs large and Dr. Bravé,viro iras bes 'acculs. tWadiêlg. anSdiis rçmank Asa d" of "ownlng tire county heapîhal" no viren iresastd ire irped Probabl i>. vii hoconsidèreS charitableb ied iScliinngyéars ceniris if tIre>. don'b start in snd try tb col- t lé Lake counhy aller hé irad led t eri f rom tirs count>..Ora at fronm active buineu. rt. tr(mpes Otr ala" ~gpoInt ma a by the speaker w c~t ohvy.) i TWO BROTIJIR$ ILLED "OVERTIIERE" WORLD'S LA M ------WA-NT-AD- TIIIRD-ENLISTS AT iREAT LAKES OPEN AIR MAETER WCeNa Wr,EAehIseton When David Colline Drier left is there" Ciaytoin was biyonfltted wshile F R1DIATgNe ISauw. charge home at Racine, Wls.* te go to the fighting with thbe Fourth Royal lA.n FOR IIdMAL U Glreat Lattes Naval Training station ceri.and bie other brother, Calvin. a 9111111111111---- as a second ciase seainan ti Unele member of the ltainbow division died ------140 par mouilla ed boa: d.LPermanent Sam's navy, he ieft baillit hm a on thé field of battie not long alter FOR BALE1 IituaivnJ.T. Fille, Spartan mother. Genéral Pershing led bis forcer; ta 110 Be Looated BetweenCap u For David was Mirs. Dreier's third France. r FR Camp rf brea% O ETHibyIp ýp 0ar and oldest sou te enrolilin tise fight Vengeance Hle Cryl Ross and Camp Decatur F raofAld, weigt:a bout 3 10ÔIb FOdary rn;T moder1 ipr' vpd 4<)I for de'nocracY and though site vore David la ont aller blood. Nat on- Ie Spot Phone Waukegan 91-3 WkW diy no2t 9dtseio a oill ilieue lléhebld hlm goodby Itli!y te lSvOfge the death of hie two lIdomi __ower__Il_______________________ iv5s a tear-etasined face that she ture- brother, ait the bande of the Hune. FOR SALE-Ta o goodt work boré». D>mrnd Lake. Wiliîrant on ohare or ed hojneward. He la of German heritage, bis tather é s*î.u.5 ,, InquIre -of L. Wolff, Phone 13-Ril asht. IR. J. Fr01ea, li His twos brothers now lie buried on D~ow long dead having bapon Ueuten- IS CsmfmMMNIsIDS*UA ROUBt4 Lake. 3- the field of Flanders among the fIrst ant Dreier In the 15tb Basarian Régi- _____ FOR RENT-Fine stock teriof 226 to die for bmanlty. Besidés big Iment, artiliory. Hé l4 anious te get FOR SALE-Nswcornb 5>0w and ailt uoti>ceIaiWece niother Young Drier lefit to younger mbt aviation As ho la a skilliéd me- evafn ui.;2.mie ot et0 acn brothers At bomne. chante and belteves tbai ho mi) do Tte largost naval traieing station aceeorlo.Wae erg. Prie@ da.lMr@. M. Meilébon, 1854 N. Leaitli Two Dit In Battit. the Mnost effective work aginst the ln the. vorld viii acon have thé larg- reseonable. Ui. L. T. Graves, Round p hc ihuoe,(i4l9 Bumb. 28_8j Of thse two that were idIle,d"aver Hun in this braasch. est and mont beautîful naturel thoat- "Ire, Ill., Box 218. 80-2 2________________ or la the vorid, acoordlug te au an- nulnunent ¶y Captain W. A. Mot- FOR SALE-J. I. Cage Throabing WANTED-..A1i kindit of oarriag.e INCR:E..&SEIN R.AXLEOAD RATES ACTB tétt, commandant.: Machine aud McCoriik, 8 rail <,rD builders, piano iiyfIniâhers, join- M fBTflIUIA.lqTFOIR AUTO TOUES flans t a tiiict1C1. havebeau cD)-Sbhr.dder;salu ruanuugorder. Rîo<mngr ers.boat builders, woad catillent; outillor theater ln thé Immenso ra- & Prolo, lWbselion, I1. g9-2 lectrlciaimo plumbors, linsmîthi, Ralsing of reilroad r*to bis clius- timetables ln hi, pocket; bise train 'VIne vhidolseepautes Cau5> Ross --9mblacksmiî, wire Andtrope splicer, ed a correspoeilg lovering ln the Imves viion bho ishes It teo bave, h oce c amp Décatui. it la thé plan s A SAT vibta, etnle lzàstAli ra, aeama popularlty of raifroad travel. Péoplé MaY go as fer and stop over sa long of tthe commandùt ta have If thé Dtt*11a, suAd good lirst cia,. fouse -ave lerned eihst théy can drive as Lié vabe,. And he May také "thé lait word ln beauty,. aise and coin- FOR ISALE--ýChicesretldene, lote ou cailpefter8 for submuxarno Chaàer tbemaelver chepor than tboy caaslbe- buhich" vwith hlma. toe, for ln a tour- venlence din no effort will b. spared &lcKluley Ave . 0,w... 2-4 Orfdaps r iaia n drivelu trains. Gasoline hasdimb- in« car, ses'eu may travél as oheaply- toe chievots& u.n_______M_________s.l vnilt2-adth4woin aS ligh.but u&lla&.xiesunde <to- s.The0 illehmon ettiior aide et the cat- RSAE ~quartera am e xcelilpt. Port dicton eramenÉ. ciwlnehip, have llmnbed. Thé coutrat betwéen motor and ural ammphteater viU bIle tarracedln FRSL R RENT-BHoum .And 6 situatedon asLakeéErie lu thé cen- bigbér. Wbéré once a man isackei train rates la mai-kod. Whore f3v.tiers tva or liii.. teet vide te totu 1fari % nturailes &att nS olletor. ter of the f511500 fruit growing dia-. bis trunkâ, sent thin down te the mois cen travel ln a. car at a écot of seaâts,, vth rough atoue suppiorte. Edwin Austin, Phono 26. 9tf irict, on thé main Uins of the New station byirtruck, psut on bis travelinc two and one-haif cents, onl thé stétin The entire place wili ho Otted out- York Centrai raliroaci, midway lié- toge, and vith a bag ln each baud. cars Ilb viiicoat thirn together 17 vîîh rmalle fiaishingusud mot f FOR SALE-au luaprovo 40 acrs tarin; twéon Toledo ad Cleveland- a gnod went dowu to thé, train himseciflnlua nd ono-haIf cents. This wi th th e oelatltil treus in h as alowod ta viti or vlthnaî otock,,crope and ittie town iii whlch Io taxi, nov hé stows bi& trunk anS big dlsconfort of tralA travel, whicb la fai. a green canopy over the specta- liv>nt modaebe, vlthinAsesy reach of the Great bags on the tail of bis touring sca l mnitdl rvll ou oe imn» ImdaeP@mn I Lakeasiue u't.adteel tucks hig files and hieflshlng roffs own Car. Nature bas already provided a daired. F. M. arding, AreIifil. 2891 plenty of fisbiûg. hueting and boat- under the back seat, and le off for i Thés. véré the figurés vhlch were stage lu thé feroa of an Island Armund îu"0..~Ig. Nona-unLion $hop. Wé aller vacation--anyvhere! Thème La no today given out by sevérai of the ga- vhlch a sparkîng brook tumbles laver Ï LANepétty.Zo--k And gooti tiages and ne for hlm ta worrv about trans rages and automobile bonses of, the rocks. The otage wiii thu ambe sep -_________ou______________________l fors, about hlaling bis luggage out elty, when intémvicwéd coacernlng the arated tram thé Auditorium and wiIltrnspfortpation viii bTe Meded.wî to bis camp, about mlesing trains, or offet of bbc ahove ralse le ratIread lWslarge e uste fmoat ATD- a or-aned adn o aPrt inar. Théo. latbhcv. tipping porters. Nov hé carrnes hia rate-Evanston Noe-Index,' eo epnofugh i. S accommo d- ATDAné n énaSgro.iot(oPr lno.Oi k, Ings for drésslug romans vIii hé pro-______ vlded. Spécial iighbing arrangements "PUT ON BAKES" WOUIDCfiETIIE The Id, of, ptal-,i CONKEY's FLY KNOCKER PilpSousa and the Great Lakes f< .rN ~~ ~ > h a ilted thé Couklu éstate, Hue. ttaiuou, L. I., and vitues, I -. rtThD NT cet-YYO are hold le thé Immense Conkln ont- .Y OUR MONEY BACK QUICK l door thoater. iRe retturued vitb the *M North Chicago Dance Declared Captain Moffett, Through Lt. dtriaint rvd rs ae UR 5;NL-A,6t A IÀ by RecreaUon Board Head Dewey Asks Mayors of lwitha oteron., a thoaulu i o to Haye Been Frightful Citles to Make Chauge thetanerer loy ig.GET A CAN NOW e The név theater vill enable me- FORGT CANIVL 50SOO WOUD AVIO ONFUION crits lu détention te vitessecnter.l FORGT CANIVL SOSOO WOUD AVID ONFUION tallements givén to thé mon le the £USl station at large as the, vilii hé_abl,-D E C K E R 9 R T R Dancers SrpriseO.wenSthe of Roads R tse étalener tram their camps and ré Would Prefer te Have Nathe main on mee side et thé thonIer with -_______________________________ Dance is Stopped as Notice Woul as iert o Havesaet ot M lngling vltb the otha 1r sailors. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT of "Be Decent" Given C4ptain W. A. Moffett of thé Greatî0F THIE TOWNSHIP TREASURER 0F THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER Lake Naval Traning station is dl- "j , FOR PUBLICATION FOR PUBLICATION That thé War Camp Community ser. irous of bavlng a fixed naine for tbe CA lurch , Vi0.! T,,<rn.lp 43. Ranee10. Lake Courity, lilinniéta. nsi, .Range le. Lake (oury, .ji,,oi vice workers lu Waukegan anS North rond lh larues past tisé naval sta.fotieea nnrJue3019m-oe:X,98 Chcago are not going ta permît tire comrnandant lg madle knove lin î... Methodist-Epscopai. DISTRICT FUND DISTRICT FUNO revis-aI of indécent Sauces was forcé- bers receivéd by thé mayors of Wau- Services eil Sueday wviliieb. éd as Recepta Roceipts fuliy shovu at Nortb Chicaga lu the kega.n. North Ohiago and Lake For- loiliotvm Suedar tieaAt Io 'ciock.......... ............... C~,421 éBaln,.... a(14-i'd Auditorium Wedneday ee-ne es1t, the prégident of L.ake Bluff ari P rom pttrbutiom.)Tr ie.........105A M, ,, o2îrî,,î,, ,t 9,6.r- a-heu thé vorker,, stoppeS the, Sance CharnesRussell, cQnuty su perinren- Moreleg préacbaiig sevrcé, sermon t'Y i Prom Ntrî,-t Taxor................547; Front IpYitr,,.t-4, es . . ...fos dent o ondais. 'I'bése lIcUés aéré thé pastor. 1ev. Résinet1ai Il Ocnk PrFrterTleFeeK and Other o, o.Trasmfers Tuition , Jee. .,, r- lu thé Middleofo!the éveni-egePro- sent out 1w Lient. O. S. Dewey. le the oveeieg service aI M o'cloci Trreaure ...... ........ 25 11Tresinrer,.... . ...... grain sud the leader taok thé fluor The road in question éxtendo frontî R1ev. Powell, êorilént at Nortbweatern r,. i-n BloPo'ety. ' Fr: S,-ish,, îrr ... a o sud décl'areS ber Inentions of lbail- thé uorth limite of Laké Bluffeto théetF,, 00,cir iturce,-e.,,il. etc... a4 1 Total.......... .........:c i Iug thinge sumatmartlly unuese a change souti iluits of North Chicago. Ieiveroity. Eréeston. wil preti hejti.,.... l 814 i.., 71e lemoeo vs daté.To Wnkegan autoisis tlb, 1,sermon. The epecisi ic,-fot thé. éen-! Expenditures fi 'h,.IIoard and a j,, ,~, -'- î .,>n lnmtodwsaoee.kovis as Wankegan rmaS, bulta oau- loy viilcanoist of uantlnhîeinby thiecI-ir S, o, î..,î,,,iB.,,- 41cr'. T-oer. ................, Il éeema tise Saucé was anrangoil tolate livig a et cé Pe orest and cth- and a telection by the aie quarett e -,r.. .... .... MKscsSe ,,~, îtorr, I îa by Mary Flnléy of Green Hill lame or poils soutb of thé cavai station a h hi.Alèe,,da e e ' !f~r s~oî li.. Fu. 42' Ierr-. ,r 1-er-oulirr ln Chicago, thé Chicago vomnan bav- \cîattai.end.,., rT .- (m).reJ,,~,- osI',..i r it bas btcc knwn for Mr.eJtmefas attend. , ......' r-- iISi . ul Watrr I ,lttr-......... e iug ~ ~ ~ hi rné lbta MrJefeswo-Te cauqs sconsidérable cî,nfu Christ Firot litiOnuLr s aiileFr e F' iue, ,,, I,,, , o- bas thé lease on thé Auditoriumn. clan, lb 14 pointed out. because it is thé autjecs ut the. Lpaurth Leaguélielé,, l Se1i6 42 Tew.s, ,-r,.Pe....,,Iruon Accordlug ta the veur wonkers, thé difficuit la direct autoila Séde*-in9 10 le-son nez! Suda>. eveeiilg et7o( rooin' ait oe,,-k <aI ,îî. e.,r-...... l'm 5 ekium î,,,, ,.ith. g muaic anS thé dancing vas sometblug léach thé station. Captain MoffeiltBîérlî édîemeîng ~ 41-iS. . . 1 -.odoté owt,,rrrr ee thraugh Lieut. Dewey, enigees. iai 16rret bar,,.. .l at . ...........6 part o! thé évening corccbng tht' Priate Damne for thé rond Insamuch Thé choir réhearsa vii l'e heiS t lai oew ,. l udes,, t uldnr .. § I ...........~ i Ttl-----------i difféent positions assumed b>. thé asIlb la a coîînecting link. Hé Points week Thurada>. oveebeg at 8 o'c-iock - Ali New tî,se,.. .............. 6-W -0 OISReUTIVFFUND dancérs, things reached tic point fin- out thal Sheridan Rond chanzge siun meijers are unger! ta attend. :!rtets ,r !l..dý . .............4 0s. Ii.,,----------------r- s alI verébb lsde sepeS 0 heare napparent couuecting linka. t...s..c..------------------------41 3 r-M ésîtetr-,ret,.. iddle of the loor anS rabsiug lier County Superintendent Rusisel la. St. John'* Ev. Luiheran Total .. I Feu J'u,î St,,71,t,,l11î.. ..... M baud demanded attention. Shé tien day said hé would prefer tae se thée iBroadway aed Park Plac-e DISTRIBUTIVE FUNO Total .0e. saiS that thé Sauce vould bave bu rond continue by thé naine o aIWu- 1ev. it. 0. Buerger, Pastor. Receipts E xpenditurea l'egau lionS lie sait] ha tbought con- ...t . .... ........4WA6f, tucideritsfl Eseuee .r1 srr change. thé music vouid have to fusion doiîid hé avolded by reéemine Servim s iil itb. eln lethe Germn eItr.. et.Ec..........l"M'UeîOu Ana îîert . s changé and that evéryhody présent te lb as Waukegan rond ali % part ut iseguage nexîSueda>. morefingat 10:15. Total------------ -------,07 à StOMPelustino ,,,oTeaorr-r89 00 a-onlaveS have cnt r taewoad heShdécentadroueorhe ohérft,,oulde thé ShenidthamualExpndtuRoa)1.Srroute.te Théits. ........ close thé Sauce lmmediately. kega,ncounuclprobably wl L ak eh tmee pietsorter otieathfesnoualincdnt]Expenit raurs....8 ,i 5BImML'ttit.......u is71,10 you forgutMiltheukee lel lie attep t0pricicpal of township ftud l'y Total.......... ........ . .4ilAm 80 00?' ai té ladr u qesio Mla ukelie blunpmt h l lu g.Tel a Sec.216 ....... ............270 114TOWNSH-IP FUND go soo?" sal the eader n quetion erilertires o to ermitCom tuenst tCompe otti Tref T urerre . ....... 125 00ecepîst as ahé calleS atention te lie f ' yajctjIIfJN N j certin train. Ostributedtl otnltrctx. .- ._.. 15 mIt alace .................... that sensationai Sevelopmonrts e M NSTR II(o Aug. liii the aumuai mission Dstrlbtted te Distrts but w>4hai L,,sPaidý 50 luNrt ul C RP OS IILT fslvlviibeod.Srîo: f: rout District fund .... ... ...... - 515 1 ... i50 ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ] Gra-aé é>edysreSt raidb.TtI...........5.7 T oa 10. ................. ----e. e00 Thé présence of go mnny étraugers Il Lake Genava, AnS thée1ev. F. Zera ofaITWNMI UR Epndtue atGet atsWetTaysr> t FF I'JTlRE Itasca.Ail members and frleds are Receipts on 10..................... 325co F I i-Lî.iiiBalance. .............- lrlug man>. trangers la thé Sauce îuvlted. alance...................... ..e8 446Ago Total....... I er y c al ttthéel',reffl,,î r tatemey,î lnx thé eevuluq and accarding tethase anhnpfa riigCrs The Sunda>. sciooi af i thischurch viii Loinn Pald. .......................00é0 slmtruc aud correct tr, the lo,,î ut MY knu,,redge présent thé éndeavor vas ta go theéanhn faTann op bavaeiao picuté on 8nturda>., Auz. 8rdle Tutal. ........... ......... $1.216 4e3and belle!. Ilmît lu thé modern Sance. Thé var at Springfield Foretelis of Copeiand's grove on thé river. Expendituros Ala,,a L. Wirts. Trea,,er- vomkors suddeely stoppés IbIs plan. . Step in Waukegan Loins Made--------------------.. ai"ié Subscritedîand13 'oO , lut,l,,ý em oi't 2 Springfield. Ill., .Ttly 23.-Adjutint Preabuîterian, Blance ................. ........ fi; 48 day of .Iuly 1516 - Total.i ....$1.... .. 1 R toy F, Wright. Noryite TbMsORARY ftOIt1.E u "Are hol10 a a. m. 1 îc hereby certify tbat the foreizoln i satmelt APtéovel ty State I'r-,art,neit and Attnney i'rnvr 200 Young wampn havé slgnilfid thaIr a vwllingnoss <o purchaee uniforme and Eveieg servic@et a'i oî-ck. Tapie, FJloCo, raue ta 1-1111 ansdb o ubmiita oneecsoary "Ieveaiments, Wise andi tiooiieb. day of A-luit91. t 10 lrorr- ruetOi- lO INq IVORK, IS PLAN e.Tiere ili not beauy Scott meeting A LN1nlert- No ay lui, . JUC ? W L. T ar l,, novement. la to erra!"___________WAS 14 YEARS OLD Tnporpyhmesfor gilascoekinte a Mobiles f,)n a f o!,aen wPlo Pan xc W Isagn sd Roîtie Cal'l îeîeî,rfor wank in RedîlCrans ,é Wéefait bîtter appreciaté whY as e,-riPlompit t ankga ar Rrdl-and fi,, r ,ysaiandîlnlu blp 9g,-c sbuid nov tîuy ual>. tkîe thicys W@ fléé for a, o - pcl byth'e-merg- ct-Ili ;l %," ciitis. 'ilforn,;when we ;op tu tbita fijl theéhast FRANCE. BUT TIIEY ATE JT t ian a! Wîîn env Cii la ha, T îi-h!, lw ili i l,- k bah-i. e- /5tycnatie yo ,r(ils-Il!, lis, hava tali'îî p Qw137th. beIvecuiei>. r-,rnunci b>.îîrl)uar Thils 's.i5 ,lhîti. h 11000 W'doeod i~ cisiMannecede a-hile 1ow a large propur- (y .4 n a néant iese tu e ir ir-rttAtFia1 niiJuti. aI~~~~~~~~~~~ (l b'ofi-c ,,îan. hî îr t toasuth u esdevotéil lu the needs Witlî tihe-stretigtir tijatjnoble,'griefs a happy litia î aomî)lany r nIshed hî,ms lu 'Waîîk. c-' ii w 111-'d.e î b'sol for <eIl p oi r ne t téAeyaSa,.iise-edet lllt,îcmlaisgthadar. - lit.

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