LIBERTY V=IENDEPENDENT. THUMRDAY. à-LY 25, 1918 - - - - - - - -r-- - - - - - - - - - - A COMPLETE UNE 0F CORN MACHINES Janeaville, Deere and IrternationaI Planters and Cultivators LarIge Stock. Pniced Rigbt Schanck hardware Co., HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE at Low HPrices is almost a thing of the past in Lake county, except at this store. We buy for cash and give our patrons BUY- WHERE YOU CAN BUY .THE CHEAPEST! Our customers are always satisfied cus- tomers. They knôw from experience our furniture is dependable and the price the LOWEST. Davenports, $40.00 to $48.00 01 Gieorge Thur man, Jr., OL.Beloit, Waà aI Mise Etta Boyle, of Chicago, lm the local vlsltc.r an Tuesday. i guent of Mire. C. S. Hoag tbf s week. Charles Kaiser and J. R. Alieman were Mir&. George Boson of Roaund la Waukegap viators on MOnday. vlslted filends heme Wednem. dav. Mire. Cara Eberwein of Chicago. spent Oliver Anderson of Wa@ bington.,1 1 C., the week-end et ber parental home bèe. epent Sunday at the W. W. larrci Mien Cela Holiecon of Chicago, was a home. week-end viilor et the Fred Jochhelm i Miles Carrne Chard entertaiued Ni ... A, home. Ray, of Fullerion Parkway, a fpw deys Mir. and Mr@. John Zermer annou ne last week. the arrivai ai a son, on Saturday, Mis' i hpl flohle iins uly 20.bas been the guestof Miss ituby Williams Miss Minnie Jochheim la home froni an b.. épaut week. extended visit with relatives a t Fort M.adMé.C ogadMié te Wayne, Indiana. i.ndLr.C agndMelta K. C. Seurler af Evanoville, WfIsconsin, Boyle @pont $nnday with frIendui atthIe le spending a few days with Mir. and naalsttin Mrs. Amie Todd, Jr. Mr. Seariesil the Mr. and lfre. B. Dorfier and cilldren atter'* father. 1 Initpd the former'. parents et 1Ivanhi.e. Loyaity demande tbat Uncle Sam h@ dorr e b week-end. tb. great spiender during the war; he The Ladieo' 0f the Lakeglde c metery knowe what la needed to win. And*do association wll neet on Frlday miller. Dot forget that every ties you bul any. Doon wlth Mises Imogene Scbanek. thing exept War Savinge étamnpe, you The suta of $185 was netted at Il e eoduce by that much the .upply oi labur récent concer-t and dancing party, giv, n %nd matéiels whlchheaeedo for vltory. for the beneit of the Remd Cross. The Camp Fire girl@ went on a ike Wednesday, going otitto Caseym woode, where tb. Boy Scoute are luncamip. Miss Stella Langwortlh, eftoun mon- day for East Troy, Wleco8iti, -té) epend two weeko ViotiîDg relatives and friendo. About fifty members ai the Methudusi r Epwarth Legue enjoYed l ui ni and 'weiner" roast, ai Lake. Bluff on Tueeday evenlug. Lirlé Fred dmith spent Sunlay wltb lier huba5h t Fort Sheridan. l r. m -ntes(te tu, Iehvs for oscrmeas @orne1 lime thi, week,1 Mire. E. J. Hener and mon, liarence, *and Raymond and Paul lisuer and1 Margaret Onr are vilbing with relatives1 et Quincy. 111. Mir. and LMr@. P. W. Foulîls and Mir. andIlIe.Paul MacOulfin uutared to Waukesba, Wisconsin, the firist of the '4ertrnn nWdnkdy iuig the l'noctuore bere, ati Ldward matared bere Sunday and clsitedt E. 1). Coudrey ud famiiy, utt Aiea leie e Huhhard and fainily. lijre Marion larmner reeldent lu thîs vicitîit.~ Huhbard refîained foi. a longer vimit. Mn and Mmre Frack Juliînson, 0 At the ieeting ai tbe M leieWorkersi' Mlwaukee, and Mr. and Mirs. jambes dge an Tueday evenlng a ýervie. llag Bebimann, aiftGreat Lake., acre guestis contalning mevern star@ was dedicuted, lit the 8,C. Haag houle Urau Tuday. ithe address hein)g giver, hy Rv. T. E. A meeting ai tbe iu,[,re ofl the Reain of the Methodist churcli, Jaek Presbyberf ai.chur, b B%... anThurs- Beadfond sang two sofas, in i sutai day evenàlau, at Vakii t wae vated t Pleasing maniner. anid a nuoiber of mire exteusie repaire an the cbuncb. [musical s'eltO ewere iven by the Mmre amuel I[ieuII auýiued ber beauti- Ncoéoceta fui countrY bain.-, nrierLiîcntyvilîe, an (Oi Wedneoday evening th, afiee Suuaa&Y aiternon ,j r the enterbaalameut and îeaeliers ai the Mefiiodist eburtl, ai several hum.dr..d ackiem irom the gave B Party ini the liirri panre lu i Gireat Laitefs Sa'a. -atian. hbnma.r i Mi.. Farnfle iîgtbbdy ;[iuth. Tho-d The eveîhhîîg was dmîîgîiilly ePent in e Dr. F. B. Martin was in ('lleaga on a business trip Weduesday. Mise Grace Wheeler fm vlstijng relative. fit Grayelake tbf. weeî. Born..ta LMr. and Nirso. (harles Webren. berg, a son, on lait Friday. Miss Leila Whitehead, af Chicago, was a necent guest at the Joseph Wilson bohane. Dr. L. E. Golding le leavfng Fnlday ta $pend a few weeko on bis tarin near iLewiston, Montana. Mles Dorotby Davis ba@ been enter- ktalning MIss Ruth Wblppie, of Rochelle, Illi noie, the Pau& week. Tbe Earnest Workers' claes of the lMethodist cbunch wili go ta Lake Zurich efor a pieutc on Friday. Mira. John (Jreasley and son, Clarence, ar ChIcago. spent Frlday at the home of lite. Frank Ligblbody. Mr. and LMr@ John Langwartby, ai Chicago. vers week-end visitore Bt the bomne of their son., E. T. Langworthy. Rer. and Mr@. W. L. Wblpple and daughtere, Ruth and Loi. of Rochelle, 111 , recentlY epent a isw days at the homne of Mns. Sarah Mason. The Pnembyterla. Ladies' Ail society will meet Bt the cburcb on Tbursday aitennoon, Aug. 1. As there are tweivq comiorlers ta tie, a large atteudance le requested. Nol ta he outdone hv Judge Ed- Warde, ai Waukegau wboa adîurued bis court ta becorne a barvest banS, Dr. J. L. Taylor wili in a lew Says go to hfilMinnesota fuaanS belpi harveet. William Deeker ha.s oown his Inven. tive ahility by inventing an areatar, bywh hl@ isdisplay cigar case :s sup. plieS with lue tIhe proper amount or moietune ta keep hie stci n prime con. dition. Mn. and Mre. F. A. Waltere, ai Wood. stock, and Idre F. H. Wbheelwrlght and Mire Marion -Hu .bbard, of Harvard,, 'l'e belebs11-te1wand sociable ai the l'.çworthl v,Uu ,,r the moutb ai Juiji wili l I ii.aek on Friday eveuitug Bt M , .tii reniberti sud filends 1irdiailài)iî. idta attend. Mir. asd Mre@. tiiîe Todd, Jr., lji.. Geor ge Trigg.. and tIrs Tod4'ti father, R. C. dearies, 0ai I.' ai ville, Wiecou.fn. matored 10 fLake fr Lake Bluff aud [tieat Lakes i.nlu,- - la evefliig. Luis. J. L. Ta. I r aud daugbtere, MImses Mdarian, Mair u randS Jeannette: are enîoylng a itritp tbrouglî Michigan. Jaines fafîin, Dr. Taylore bîred man, lW avtin.r, i.hauffvur. At tbeslnterfe,-tiniîi Nf ilwavukee avenuse wltt, Chu relhau lI... tre-eteand Cook avenue, cement caf.-tv' y îrnlng poète aFg under constructionî Ihe poste .will he equipped wîtb cci ighte and signe L readIng ' keep ta ti,, light." Prof. H. B. luderbi-rnk,. ai Company F, MB3tb Enineer»,. ' inîp Badge, Iowa, Writeu ta E. L. i)II, i .. iit tbey expect ta go uversea sî.îîîîend that lime Ie valuahle and Fcrne waRh flm; therefore he cannat write tuali fies friend e be., but asked ta lîe reluiiihered toahai. President lfbbeîi, i lPrinceton Uni- versity,osays: '*A ild lunoned bas sent forth Btrase tih, îatere Its cry ta us for belp. We (-ar iati res'èpond and at the same iii,, i rlnue aur com- fortatile, eas3-gîllg iiol.le ai existene. The tilles demtàruîiil,irifii-e, and sacrifice cau ni, longer Ile i r.-. fi-111..ufferiug Buy War Savingesîiiî (î>ugreistuari i --fA %f--irmick, ean- didate tiur ti, R -,- nominration fori. fàited Stat- s- i n i -r, 'feited Liber., ty ville aio T.-)I.' il.. îW.'oni tauR i by Nire. M 1--,,,,i. am m railing a mot.,. tripltr. o ,- t.iu. whem-e lie hppie utI. ', iii fruiiis if fiti S b 1, 'I, i - i"g. ee lu visii,-d Iii. i --- ,tur Swift. nîîdj The l aiu -lr ii - Mr.iii, liV , li i large-iiiii.. i a li .îii 11 le, thimîke the !, ý i -.~ , -..lii.a sPIftrl futuîre At pr. -1- I l. hfiiiiir, i-iia a",-. 11)g ig li.- fIa;Ii ý- fi ii. aid iîi. if fe im ac , a. il -i- i Fri-si am) 1 i eTue ,-îingrew.iim iiil adî'î,îate of tuab r..i - .taIatlîat alter, tii.- atu tiiit..ihe(omnty1 foii -t - ' riat herSe amui il n . I.' ttiv. esiei-ily i lale-.u. . i, rs , -. i i l e lu great 1 deimanil. various arne a1i rumeeusu Bt the close ai whIvuh Iirs. E. 1W. aIby p oeute l ilrii.Smith a ah six zëeaspa)us. l>urfnjg the e'.ening light refre.lhmni. were serreri J. W%. Ield. of Chicago, aud Arthur Prestoni gave Éa very unîiq~ue dîanrir.g party Bt the. Auditarîuiu un laft batur- day nibcht. und,-r the huame of"A HawaBilan 1r -ueîae Tho spacliiii h'all wiBS rti-.tivl.lY decorated a ith JBÇBIiC5e utibrelias Band lauîtrus aud VIi5ions cloiilit.The imuse .wao reudered l.Y PeîiîNoveiîy UrebestrI-. Owiug tu tii . e\treiiîe heat, there was Dat BSq large a -rowd as wae hoped for, but ail ltat iidedj are hoing the prornolors Vil 11011.1 rthio b le ha at uf theme dellghtful parties. RAY N. SMITH Uibertyvmle, mi. L.g:t.iai.I ~zt ~ ini Banks îs tue underly £!ne mfflleof LCNa1tD2BLIM proven V!a test of fif{ye-arx. 16 lite g oMIfulç » yUr Gomw l5 ony&S =miiyn ourN4io=- ---- ---- - -- ---- ---- ---- --- ISAVE MONEY BY PLACINO YOUR MAGAZINE SUBSRIPTIONSI WITtI ME My catalog gives rnany clubbing combinationa. Here are two of its money-saving clubs: Delimeator........... $1.50 Everybodyps............. 1.50 BOTH FOR $2.00 Current Opinion . .....3.()o Review of Reviewa ...3.00 BOTH FOR $5.00 MRS. A. TODD, JR. I ndependent Office ------------No.-- BUILINGNATEIALfoR SALEli 5' and 0;-Int,h W. P. Fluîoriuig 4-irji-t liard fplue Fl,.ritig M-ini-i lIard Pine leiling (W41 10 and 12-foot T1iimmîhrs 200i.000iOfeet liard Pîi.~Ti, imter. 8xh ,t., Mx14 cie BuillIliilx. ittinigs and waeh boiol Ste tramie faili ug, 54x32 teet 3-bai. I 'j lI-fiPipe l'ente 8.incliDrap Slciug Stairs 4 ta 12 feet lu wldtb 2x4m and 2ziis 100,.000 ftt ")( Floorinir i.iie(ifoot Fente, with cedar pose 500 olineal leut Iran Fence 200 piece, Saah, Windawe anS Doors 3,0001 hinged grand stand Seatu 10,0)00 brick Buy NOW, while the assortment is complet6 Salesman on Premises AT LIBERTYVILL£ RACE TRACK RUEL, WRECKING CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Chicago Office: 7337 Stony Island Ave., Chicago, D&L Phonos Hyde Park 1726 Independent Classirued Ads Payj. ------------------------------------------------- A Few Hot Weather Specialst Children's ;vhite tennis Keds stout rubber soles, Ail izes to lO0-------.. --........-------- Service packages bath towel, wash cloth and cake of good soap- put up in neat box, especiallv packed for the boys at camp, but equally useful for the camper, tourist or the iistay-at-ho.t-e a 50e value for ..... . - .........1............ 3 & Ladies' union suits, éithletic style, strong baîreur nainsook,' 14 comfortable, loose--fittirmg, ail suzes, at ..$ ~ N ice line of children's wash dresses, all size- L 2 to 14 years, at ............' 0 O <$2.00 iW. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY j Phone 29 00*s --- ----- - -----:.p Libertyville NewsI If you know of an iteiÀ of local interest, kindly telephone No. 1 1 ------------ b00000 -------------------- --------- s: :s -- Rockers, m-$4.50 to $10.50 Dressing Tables, ",?casian WInut $18-00 to $28.00 Kitchen* Tables, porcelain tops; Kitcheni Cabinets China Closets, Buffets Etc., Etc. Become a customer of ours, today, and close the avenue of future regret. Treptow & Mason Prompt _____________ f derate Delivery UNERAKRS jment Phone, No. 1 v CI p d c iv Ask an# 'user or *eq F ý 75C