Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 6

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irTRTiyv1TJL1 TDEPENDEWP.. ýMRTRRA UQUS3Tt I M .maltiri nae UEmADImEg --- --- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- - - --- -- ------ -- n D YiIILE 1Jit E M IIIUIIUC Frederick Finer Received Let- ters on Eve on His Depar- News ture for France -- ------- Waukegan, July 24. Fredericit Finer, son of Mr. and IU I1T~UMr@. G. P.Finer. iras mmcd theI*. S.RNMErinesI aBdYLeave Trtesday for flMN 4lT'WED" VVE W RA AURL ÀN BOY Paris Island, wher, o, tir- vi e train- TUEuainnrlrfAT J~~NiiThe departûre of tjis Youngl"'a IDINQ AT T EWEST 1!IJUDEEDrAI ELQIN 1 S GIN ACTION; tram Waukegan jiý noieworthy for mayrea»ons. ST. PARSONMiE ASYLUMTUESDAY ,FATIIER (iETS WIRE ts'ni, tu pst li le celved letters fionr poison pien ar- " cowàrd'rand allier %ilti' Ihtames. lFort Sheridan Soldier Misses First Crime of Kind in Elgin General Pershing Wires War. "Wby dont -~m r'niis You're Train and Therefore as F3 Çm îte ihn e t Department that Eugene "rederick Finter didnt' recels' &bth Rout Ont Clerk of the Guards Ramaker is Missing letters. Hie moirer stopped one let- a_._terIn transît. The lrlt savig Inthehisoryof ner wmrs one rf the first of tlie CLOCKSTRIES, KOrT IED te I r.ainSta"inospitirl or nsafeLIVED ON W'ASHINGTON ST. -alYouttrs tolofftîr talas- down lits tie ~Sat pîtlfobnsnite for Llb r-. i le made apiica* 3ceuni -d Juin 30, wheff ,%rs. Hattietion for membership .iîmthe entrinierri Casm Where Cupid Was Tardy Brn uir, a coored patient frgm Cli- Father reamed that Son Re- corps of the. Miarinmes. il was Ibils 'az rnIi t et r ulinvisofotheiret'S. sr% ice wbictr but Where Waukegan Folko a rngdtdthrs turned but that he Did So nt~~tr rlcr n rtsrln F SIýtî 27 years nid. a white patient AtrSrnosFgt RavteMarn ci h an sixt îisn Helped Hm Catch Up tram 7ion Cty. ________u iht Lt leMan es ha i mnh Thre illing occurred within ten etaga o- f four ttendants. The latter san ithe wu<gn uy2 eia tl ia r olltli -Wauk,'gan--liad àwd a eorWuean uy2. ewstl ta i oudntli din lae Fida an winigt olored wcrman evi denly antired lier Euigene ýRanakt-r ý1yearoi o that brandi of the s"s.-%e until lie qll latePriay ndas a recuiIt a victim Into a pIde room and then of Garrett Ranuniaker. of West 'aali- reached 341 years Thie governmerit u«eoli ts rort S hdappy, so atrangled lier wlili a bêd sireet. inglon streei. eitlier net deaili wiile Officiais offered, however. to enllst 'b.on is ay, isa bpti' tllo Sqnre lier admission te the asylum Ilihtitrg hie Hun on the Aisne-Niirne the- Young man and to send lim ta Zkov and the bride lierseif feels liat T e2 s ooe oa is rn rwstknpioe.coliege for four yeans and ta grad- theY know liow to tif, knots kuickty rone uatee.hlmoril tir aas fontmission In theoner InWea wetheocso lieommitted many acta of violence. tnc- General "Jaeir Pprsilnc, of the Lieltewt omsini h . ntiega wea ieociio rorditab attendantî. .îýveral ttrmes 1nited States expeditîonary forces, regalar.arms-. Tete Ia 1:. Fl s adinhvad mlirrin utnotified tlie van department t * i 1vont ta cet lnto tire fliat. Th eehneblltth oeo icesR air a Irnife. tire Young Wauleganite la missing eloüldn't remaro honte wmue m, Ths e telepown. e blla tt orne ofl i Irs Sstv mas tire vite of a travel. and tliat lie vas reported lotton ther. chie]î companions are in the figlit,* cang perebtently. Miss rtoweor an - g ateusoan third of July. leFnrwoibt2.tcdd awred. Fiiett'f tR. T. Itintot,-saili Éc arrtt Rciymalrer. tire failier.' rei the next irest iturc lîr, joinel tire 'Wouid 'ou accommodiate a coulple weuIld aiait the necommreidltions of 'ie a vire to this effect late sat- Marines for generai service. by coming ta Ile court ho usep and the coro er lit the inrtrrc r tnorrow ' urday night. H s b ale a no d ýa e ie granting a licene" askled a voIce lefore ctrditi liat to do aMIt Mrs IE eRaýma1rer entisteri In tlieOfthtie '. S. NAsvy Frederinlt Finer eel.Pr;.nisttle. Wisconsin National Guard woye sowns $aIfli in Iibert,; bonds. Is a "Sure 1 ilsGt,' aidIlie ci- rk andt. i Dr. t-intflflsaid thia irefore lire in- a arnd lias sîeprtiet e-m b rbs-thet î,-ri-t Itu Coss ddr'i taire lIes long tIn u ionte rîet vas legrin hi, worîîd mraie anciedil tas(nd Pershiing !nia Nfçîxis ) r and ba in otiuo- clothes and reachtcili. omlour ilr,tinti tiftto t ( tirapparent free- tra aptiireNr ilhla folowinz the niirîn he exîmiznine is -cin orui The couple mere oln e Idom attowed aaoman o!ferîchrviolent C'11 ttlck of thegreaer., on a tron iThrie e e otit o tIýrie tfrishei OakÇdàle. Ili., 22, and 1'e.inll rroiimi, mania. I, asrpored liti lgin thai tler <inlv, taymiaker sas actiti r same. i tIor i -nn i oan vas under billeor lire Meica eannd uilI ' Ils leie alth and -:irnzl o the voîn,î «Me,'- îIa. brd oer an j ist lie an. The license wa-vai.ld.of cu'e o irvneilllnce ai the tinie o! tire w* %adecard n th, 1mase iIts olstra i The .Iulndants w.rptritrlt ne nef ierilecSvbatiithhilwainn.ugloued 1 n"t k Finer liait his porket plcked 15 mtnutea for ltehe reiy.nofo ie5 hoPfindo5 er ie yo re esiitire 127ili MW. ConiS i r im otaoi ii hl'h a performed on tlat dite îlhe inaI gas Ro! the uringmotan ouon.lî;nli -e mv sr- lIst -il ing examInned foî si-i th,-Mar- "We 5usl lie marri ed n'crire isain,-and rnulied ta finid ien irrethifle with Olt of service ai Fort Sheridan. li- vomn s*r n r..îlit lmnmedaýtelrl Tn.aIsn 1e o! ci,'- d a y t i e li c e î s c is I s u r o i. n ' î îP d d i ff ic r ri.y a n d i ts r a i r n i e t t e s ts a n d i n g a ~ i i e ~ n i a f t c r r- e n t iu j r m r r e îi v d I - t a i k u - i it i p o p c, the groom,. and itias llWnacn io.hetaaenitanafl. an eraître sr,în2 sodi'n a ocnnnlIe-n) lfilisw-I îrh ' --"me te the rescieu Grapples witli Guards ýxciii d for a ns c- Plie 127i' W:. "We'I1 cail tnp th Icinifr-lr-anid Siregrappleri vith utcegrard' miren iii ir rIS oefor 'rite o -i-el Itie Ttges dintcan la iednute'tasri lii tIire' reizr'd lier. and sire v-as retrainn- tu Nafi t rncian s or fGermant inr 'iuIa Il war siuîr e It~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~c idt aramnretoCI1<eifront funtlîrviolence sihdiffi-tii. rir tiiî riami eon Pn~iî iing tire aiclotis a'-! daFtantt let- R,. Mrr. iiliger of 1I est t reeiet Cî'nt. at.~I .nzontire si--i f'-ont'.1ters ta W4aukekri yîruilis miro are cburcli. The wedding iarly.sMs Urder tire las-. vtren an Insane TIIt-i nOni.ans- vas made a part of Ilniodrfag and t p kn t w a nif r eaul ital nî s ds often in . f A ter in r as r-r in i-ing h - ~o.racotpau-nr.set o l ietinstaleo.,eacim f10omle oi i tneed ftie\aîoui Of thîe fHurit, h,, illrehirrin' 1 arsonaean ir untvs îe-,ncb -aelopitai ie is lunume- kega iso irosr iare sîtir Lieutenant '\uirgaadsiiTr fiii just -as the clecit in the court house dimtelv iran-ferred btire Chester Asy- C'%rrtA~ Sil..\riiineg nt ira rn tlsuOfficiafere strucir natdnight.Juamfor tlie Criminal Insane. Accord-. Y. il e Oni f tire :st knom' uirt -tesl i'iiin r d Tt deveioped 4liai the nuaion ire ing to Dr. Bintoir, tliere t'- n pros i. fanivtrir n juI. I P. 1 leventli boun veddtng lank piimo i'î n i n If10 iate tam for tire disposal Ioniton a lçl .taria a lin tr t fglig ntr-nl WM that the couple nissed train ro f irane voinen slo cermmit suri h tr nda n ii o~frne ar-elkspmgos noCLItona te corne to Wauluegan. ira% crime ire îi ut ofn. dr-sm Hp ean I ugJo Ing previoueîy aranzecd wittlCoun t prmtire aï is fugene d ecme seaat;FO E C Vierk Hendee te bc here about i iIn >syutm ear tramts comlr ani leedratoziF O E C gC N E deloca.Sisis sias eommitted ta tire Iai- Il , r SOD~R cît sas g.h eetp ii lrihevs oits tri-'mtt MOIG H lgin Aytuni July 26. 1917. Rinraken bold relat Ives the or at uay CARTER 4IRANTED A TRUE AMERICAN SPIR IT: Iyoîîrg seonan sufî-nîd a faltl roam a liaidirapîieneui t0 Eu-n and tirlit DE R EB W LS PASSE8 NUPTIAL BARRIEiS 1 laddre Sip Rtruck on lien Ildand lecirean'i at iqiris uitiarneu-rn il D C EEB W E thistislfl Injuredlirer lirain. ta the -United l tates. He patnait re- She made ses eral attr-mpts ta comn nieti f- r I li - son sri, a prisoneri >The soldiir vho aroused irilsýi t suicide and then vas talera bino in iebanda o! tlie Germains 0ritidge H ears of the Desertion BSos Doser. deputy counts iet court and adjudicated insane. Her tlr lie r si-aperi tramoinis captors 'h bier r'umbFrs. at Il F'iday n!zit rn oe oiginaliy sas in*Gurnee. She ari n.ttirnci-lre suaPer of Waukeqan Young Wom. te gelta maiiage license, foutu many 1 vas but 26 years old vlien sent te El- Th,, reung matsisl but 21 years o!) an and Enters the Order 4*tailo iibs upia ta im .9 îlein r-Hicateriesitire Northi scirool ____ 11111 vedding knot va fnaly lied Court records show that plie waa a ~iuu r- r a nti'lis graduation Wurma.JI 1 bY4 tbtO--Revernd Heor-' Hollinzer Of: raken imb cutody at Zion City vhere f'-rîu tire -ighthL- rade. Wien lie lft JrrgIeci hs-ft uenan In cm. OL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~,10 ob.Rermdcnliirle iefefrnGuee Shferun slIolii workc-d In W'ikegan for cuitî court ireard Mrs. Forenee )'le- '.evp. ' y expressed a destre to end ber lite. a shr- inture iliren went un Sheinu-gan. annes Thiorn adrienrtir .Ater Uthelcenfi liad be-n Dn' ,' fsv-eiepour'dmr s2r'W iCne tl 0.vr o e - e d <b r pl S : p a tyM1 r r m --- i M A 1 a i l l Ts o n o n a t er r li e r m a r r i a z i: t a C a r t e r n tbtt -eS.oaic aiiruhi~v,usom s j--her rcnsarrled. The tam- as itvas sliown tiraithev bldnrr 1 e olnoair lm !1h nie caràc1loý to 5tAIM UA!-ron Washington street acar iscd together long and Tliompsori tee chuLir led h- ra. ihpe-ts jj OU M 01UI WAU e ','l i-i-a Bas read. He h a irrîtir las ,nt roided for ber sincee li V»toe elirrbvlr i re c',-rnurin nn aof Ilarris 'Hamulton, POp>l- dt ien rJuIn1 10. l,lreCour I1 c ýVfITIMAk n 1, crrer. at onr-Penr dnula erp as utreuckc12.tLM ANIi JUJIOIMAN We cant lwpeand pray for thre NO polherwitnlessesrein bird. Il Th somc o ti, 12 MZ-,ýbe-t for Our son. vwas the tatirer's ,tira Il - sriion case ilat orpen- he soil i ewrdn c~ ' on, nlu-comment. pedtl¶' he- phiteatuen.tro-l, s U.n "l al Oie(>~.' C Letter from Hospital at Camp tîonili aLeo. n'lien Mrs. Carter filid ; I M ST EETHoutonTels o Stffe9 stheir) hcrc atpplcation a nunuslrofn ý W UKE AN OYSIN bIS ici i 1tabr Pnd lir r rciles Condition in1 irteri. Il beinz -hum thiirt NARIO ~IRE T Hoston elis fiStffll'dWAUK CIANBOYS Nt10have hi-r a(t CO. "0 MAY SAILh ""rricrrhfr" 151luuli ht N il. ,:!ic.p, And nos, sîtîr"li NO N R SIN -~, a* .rtalfr oi lo i ' Tp, FOR FRANCE SOON anCrubsteunit dtivplopmntm EXITE CE UR ~ ri,~rrr4 W- ~ a Pivte ac Olalf Wits oung -oman. and a Pais-olz il enulacked.iofprincipals,lasmnry Mains Wmon>allire eanJuo r ti h ",n r * farii' Il Mother that Order to Sait o! existence Monday evninng vîtbi-ra- tt . s migt irai., t,) raP'î- Soon is Expected.h.fh.. thre Cty coutrciliadopted the ordj.inri Jti- inn Rance providinz for tire lianzigo'f ' u'-%V bîehiarnitlinfg de4le ihîoîirPersing', fighesm;lW U D ' OV E tie struets' liante ta SO-ull Shridan lis t0a w'irctr tirs ai ualts aîfljr:it s crn la'-tlire id of a fw tinh e Raid. ed-n iiarn rr-n'. i itin*!,iiW'aîkrrguitiboys ton It di elps 15 t DOW'N TOWNP AT rAnd th'"~. tbh i', main artors ei -dt eaur-dII ' lrUr.ti i I orprr ,t.ctpsdlrîl ftto teva froua tire soutir lrereaf'erliadt done oiitiiltrSiir--lk mty D>icomladermtriî - Of TE T AIA n to be Iton a.a iemdnRo lrdd'tnfnta Jil Iat .11 l 5 i tir'irainigai anr-atrn mrrp a.nd l etesd o! Maron street, a a rm i 'nhr nomtire anti vasn t aut 'ur aeiitg hi- îrentr iirî ti Mt ls.borne front Lime dallng mii r- un JdIbe elIet'> Ili te Sun nl . i till Vierts. __________th tO *6 tie&erly days Of tire iityrn W hase rr il,, n i .1 r ii-inrorritlrin uîrî- loi ri n o nebyGt ioc ' The COalaclis action lR tire oiiu -ane I w :îte-vi-r 'fiat thiie.-ai-rori t ii - âri jar <rft-,ir)f ho ta nirt r-' isyGe Dvoc id .Capt.Moffett's rerlupsitithâtie -reici r ITof, and Itsi-etr-Iiiýimîe tfamîMmt 1 ;rmW1eAteT4in t CbMn el oMade because of the con- I fini-io! ai should bie noarîlhrd UW' n i- a ap eriN(, rmW -AtrTeln fualon resulting froni tlie heac b aun' iti cen rtain tiat irne Ian-t la- r'r ia iieP-lse tn ow it Happened IbrdnRoad on the routie tipfriot1 -i ,-nerifircu) îTcShcrnaa oa rne In North Chilcago «Maron ire-, D-tuCtoninernrad'tbeiei'nn I nri ari ne (;orIî]nli %'Or(,-trm is vite. Alice neeaby, Coard ti-ti au i. (ntilIp(tja trte ew l bah shu-Iotiapppared be'!ure .iudgr, .s « tate tref't ami tow tirat WauI.i j,çosrn th(;liuiiy o!ftrs. Maruane i lit irîiimiaiiu lio. ar-uil,,ii r-r r-y s-as Wh an that h cutIns . ,'9Mbas adopled Shenrian Ronda Hsr.i; 1 r:,l 4. Sire died o! puîmoiti.r a -u i i tîrsl)t "rrop. lis r teî lm1at:r gotr o«cia1artpny fnieroitri itb'r hrssd bil -dno phyiriian n -ilIlit itli-nlcl, iti(irltitrl I life ald not rent0 psagfa t dos Uellevdili at \rrrti Chimago li:" lii rctancu tir-tc tire nqutrtt sr tatili .t WI,ý;stington t1)fC- iil tInfsie, ud eseahl;at db- nom il folIosw M'irki-ga's carnII. ir e-ivSIre leaveqa a lpsland andartri(1,ýl tw Rt ol eveIl ta i 1 «d change the na-ne "Stî i n i -rr-ilrarlmriIiltisrt- mFinlîts ror! fu'cdand sire left:that lie saw ler Il tu herida Rondthis ;ikin_4_i._ nix k'ILttheTIo <iittteo! New r f-fni-itln latt-r tiat and tiat one te~~~~ ~~ Fornidnalea.atnda mlmiiri: r in rThe l'f rnrriirttiu rIi îarlrlduy 1-ii' er heciiliber haod In ' drIve a contlnlloiis"aîiii-rokIii o i ru-'I ; iotbeuiu -co I independlent liing resuits. >Yii l, urine 1temn itttgun rînil vas going te shoothitoDa 1ps-li'A rîigro an rlin 1 nirnui l a m bc i ii - mI rl slpip ntended ta do an: I , , it r i t i o- n f V r r l i l t d is j t il. ' i tr i t t n r i T y r r é l m a d e l i e r l a n -, iii 4irlItîr- sr'-l' ire ioi Iti - yrnt glrt and ele nver re- 1 Il $3.50 Size: 3 ft.,S8in. by 4ft, 2 i. Libertyville Independent Farmers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and other small grain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION 65 Cents a Pint.. The best and1 cheapest AntI-Smut on the mnar- ket. DRUCE-CLEVELAND DRUQ CO. mhe Rexail Store Cor. Maàdison and Gene.... St. The Store Thot Saves You Monel 'ES APE PRThme buildings and grounds cont- Toi mit ', eporteuf neceesasy eM th A ; seserat school buildings. and the lut( COUNTY IOSPITcmIte ., uteiýdtebl h SU Iff F O JOB me made.- Tlree roomn lttic No SIEirrONSouthi achool are ta bc used for acbool bou purjioses duing the comlng year. If In order ta make tliese rooruî aavll- abie I illi lie tcni ary t malte di Louise Haferman and Elsie Hiii conslierable repaira ln the buildingro Belg Teatd i Cotae butbecaue ofthtie demanda. for ac- ea( Ben Tet n otge, c moa Ibntis course la deemed tel Sneaked Away advIXable. Titus, the South achool wa ______building wmmcl lise beeraln d[iihag ýer. for a few years Mgain cornes backlin- MOTHER "1STALLS"1 SHERIFF ta service for the time being pendlntia a decision vhether il shall hoieentirely ta reconstruci cd orflo. *fil Tries to ide Mer Daughter but The board rade îtevy for educa- WC -the Sherif f Sets Trap and tfobdn g puroses, redmtd$iMono Catches Mer in It bonds and Interest on bonded Indelît- LoriseHafninn.16 ear ol nriî la War Recreatign Work. Louse lafrma, 1 yers ld ni] The mork wmincirMr Knoeik-x- Elsie HMIL srane age. young girls pectm to taire up tu ln tlie war ne- Whio havern under coturse of ireat. cri-ation fines, suaI as MNI. Readn1te ment ai the courty bospilal for soin- doing liren r Wau'iegan. only .Mr. areeka and who irere bourred in one Knoeît iii lie sera ta0msunte oth-ri o! the cottages ilu order ta iegrf.gate City ta carry on lirismort alter fie lmsC ,hemi froni otber patients. girls wlio aailigard defiiWAlry 1taIie de-pant a have been under semi-restraint lie- ment.ut cauae of the nature o! their alinierît-. Asked for a statement relative ta0l escapeit frointhene opiai TlirIrdia. lits suddcn decision la retire- f rin P evening. Tliey vere "n*e-r.aptured" lire schools and take up theIr- mr n- and are again aithte' bart LA nd cruatton mort. Mn. Ktoeik Raid,: C liey have promised ta remain thurp 'Thiq la tire happy bour ofuMy Ilite. m witirout furilier effort te escape. ' t an goîu.g ta cerne my Country mIn Thse 'captire' pthfe Hatero-i tunie o! need. i lad in opporlunlty girl wes rather serîsatienal. Site Im ta attend the olifcer's training camp thie das-gler o! Brrr Louitse It-lr_ and liand a comml-s.ion ln the regu- man o! Utic.a strcet and, alter itwzs a iar my. but 1 did not taire advan- noted sire liaitleft tire liIaritu r-i r- t rta ffrIeue1 ét htd II ti (riMhn. accompaniteit ly sderty. ay mervitef;m venu'nei-de IniraWaukrî went tate %Hformaitbume. hiitk- aNwtt1hvergtrdfoM Igsite peritap'i ad retîrrred titine. wg amiNoservti 1hone retatel'Iedttis Tire rler anrsered teeints a wa ian tovorsean, sreýr-- i rtng. 'She's urt lien, 'hirnet -cro,4'1tavce lîr-n gt -rn tao urce rstaiulthIa t i lieart. huta 0d c.- ciid tue rire wi r ir-mtî srcirerts fia Ire ext -Iun roother. iMuland fIat volrene miiilib sent Os -r "Tîerutone. if sire tant lie () su Itîru-1iopo- tur ie timong ti' tirett siant 011c tirors girng tilînrglîtirh et, -rnir eait!ti i irorsp sal.l tI(- suent! - Andil ie cri- ýn oFat, lI anti il tu-ed.lielienduni-te-. ri-rîitu ur rrelui jitaltn,-nr tu nance --,ald ni-reat lie iardii tht lî:uk daIi 'Ilu-pe nir n taîrrh iii' ri rance.-ai rere oa nîithr e in dor. unertr rli erairn tidi-, Andi. Isulse. as ciii- nîd toaiis'ti-r-,em rr. l Eirr, saIt nil unirii tOlite ,a rao! a t eîlui-be s ,rn-'rsrk uouiup ýrulnuiir- l(wi r urn'fi. iha tohedarm-neoSu-as-mti; how1,e , kgiladrettu tirl(l; Itii rotin ty J)ail forrire nu. I andl t--ý u-t7 i>'uipriotnît rt 1-11ren triornirt, a. sritaken itua couîtli -s ioig Iirhis e Ml- u-sn i l mn aîn- eorrt sir'iff v-rnit Ii the ii tiiî rnii- iauir iih n u" u e Cnr Oaksir-reei and tiree lIs. Iliii at once told lîtor 1er diuc'hter iiq 1055 F A tir ndrui :tat ire 5.uidii lie ln AL ES FA( q o coturt todai-. SK'- diiiipt 1k' ii th-U AV id e.r fttic girnileacirii gticlinspritl aI POLE IN LAKE 11 j ind liurginl hursel! eaiu ire ws ,int- duccd to tei-' lv tire urgent ai-.0 o. S E ilE o-f fietitr a1fýr. ii gii. S'r'-t-aid osI!ISU~ C E the seakd ut f hecttagi.tnir i hem way tluheliisnre tenriti riwl limier It and valked tire lîrce milr-a Staff 86 Feet igh Put Into turnýng ho i l-'hsptal muid liieîng i Position at the Corner of bier tneatment.i Christ Church In r-urîrt r his mnmme Idu, - Pi sons, sas mosi rencrein hiildenun cli'oflçunwiingtao-m ta assa-eLt1tîr îur-isi - THIRTEEN TON FOUNDATION people hlnmu--m-' 10 I'mCre lthe- lui'1" tnldtd lenusiral tliey onîmtl b do and raid lire wmarjr ensitizo tIfrsn -ver It Is Five Feet Taller than Any If lirey ever dld seanatan. TIle aGrat.rç.-Plnnor mngirl hi- to go t In ',Pcsa . ui atGet aesPlnFr Electrical Cooking Utenils They are distirîctly economical; their use of current in per- foiming the task set for them is short, which mearis the quantity is small. As for their Convenience J ust ask anyone who on a toaster, or percolator, or grill, or disc stove. We seli 'em PublicService C& of Nortbn Illinois LAKE COUNTY Publhahod by the WAUKEGAN DAILY SUN at the special 10w price each id Oinalîy ruade hie £ppearane in rronto, Canada. Thora he o jone .0 CaaaL-Britlah troops twe ionths ago; ho joined those forces rceause bc ettli could get over here sonner than if lie jolned here. Çow, althougli li la 16 years old the îOY welgba 145 pounds and looks as fho la 20. Hiis father recelved (a letter iri- iaY stating that lie was now en- *Ute seros the seag and thie letter bowed lie was one' of the happlest *illows in existence tu thInit that lie as On h4; way to help Set the kaio- .%Ir. Butler admits lie <ldn't know tblng about his son planning tu go LCanada to enliat and that lie there- re was astonlshed when lie got word that lie liad done 50. 'VIC" ROSSBACII liER E ROM (11#1WEST Waulcegan. July 10. Vie Rossbach was n town today calling on fniendm. lie stopped ni! fier havinag been to NiliwaWriee Io lasit bismother. who Im 86 ypars old lie came on frorn CIaiifor#ta tu tak part lri the Grand AiikpWcan anJ dl ap 'In event t ib e l et MChiéago hoxt wefek. The ýfamliy lias contiji- id their resîdenre ln ('alifornla Pince they moved there from Evanston orne years ago. For AU.. thé famiiy, 'The Indepen- lent KNOEL GET A - ~ The larg. -t fIag ?o)Ip In ahi ru n coi-r nuf t 1nia 'lrid Grand .îîîrî r-. \~- V a _i -grn k1starul- aui11,- solriîî- 'VI3i!ii LEAVE OF I a-fr nurtîiorof tîri Etni silcl î.î:h anmut htir' loir, tr- M; fi nt Inutir r ý ABSENCE PROM JOB 1 Ing r-tnre ti-a:mnr- tiro';kgan i r t-au.-e: r,_____FIRST-I h tr-talteat of aîivI ,vSupt. of City Schools Has De- la-k'- orotlr litnd tops irtlin- tailret ai cided to Take up Camp 7ia-e efscor luiu- n Welfare Work for Govt. SI-CONID iti Irai-r- i, Irîtriun ton of 13 tans,;rire mesaunriit rut o 7tBOARD GRANTS REQUEST tlme 'btet s 4%nfe .P. rt ef.and six feet squlare Unexpected Turn in School f THIRI>--No other flaa poloi--rutire taniî s 4 c ounty li beetnes-Kted in suitra f airs; Wil. Open Part of the aeuan ptraeimn P 'f OId South School tFOU~R cii I t i comporri or or: Wiurkegin, huIs- 91 en- lu- a loi a] niactrline r-unir W. C.Knoelk .niperintonniirt o! tir 'n oft frt a isaîn cltyand itaIenhol f n a.r-pt sont ip ua riggutrg cnes- urrien C'i-îrf tîrce years and ciccted r ntulv -I o itw i . A. Fosier and îirey tîad thie p9sItion or city grade sîjirîunn. chasrge o! erecting tire pale. rdenat o! tire cty sch(Wls for tIer- oo- RectÔr Gauiater's plan nou i ia' U;Ing year, Isot ta assume ibis linstîlor omalty dedtcate the pole upon tIr, tIIs fali-he'sst r-rurd a scan's aIr- ocasion cf bte 100til mnofrot ('lint sence in order to enter camp cfiane cirnchirg wtit 'tire cururs. Tii- vont ton tire govennmenb. lire nos 95 eerviog Uacie' Samin Mr. Knoeik appcared lefore tI i, army or nasy andl it sîll iiia achool board-.\Iconday esr ning aund fair tmtg s Imn thr 100!h iran miade the formai ni-quert for a year's j oins, la dedicate tite staff. It i - rn- leave, snd the board acquisced In he decided yî-t mhrtirraunlag le naisr i suggestion. It dqgevlopýd lie hl n any tinte before lien or not. Ti,- prevlously arien eacl memirn d hart plan fnîrtrnil toaCnrry irCe des; O1i nccelved a promise tiratIit mould biraGlou- -a sersiie Oags ioummirats all niglit.onIl. AUi nf the mentirre tsf the board _________ .xpressed their regret fIat Mn " OT OfTM Knoelk badl derldsed 10 take up mai O SuFT lE vont, but ail feit that lire mnaning rot tire ia awas tic moi-t Important morc Ai of cach Individual. Mr. Knoellk drI- S Y e O ' cd tirat men mere needed In 1h" A SD u O ' mark ina viieh ire totendedi 10oen-.D gage ; that lie lad been conslderIntt A SWg ~ N IT tire matt er for some hulme. and 'nosN : N IT n teli it vas bis duty to go and go -ah 10once. 1-e alan sitatedl to ihr in-s Harry Butter, Although But 16 ,berso teboard tiat h ire ld ln- u bor four m'en Inira und sylto cou 0 11 Years OId, Couldnt Resist tle Poaitioea o! surtrelntendent. ireCa b eileved as mellis eie and wotild C I to Arms saitskttre men to maire application for lthe position. ME ENLISTED IN CANADA Pr Up btirte present time tire ird-____ ir1 as pnoeindividual.,I in d tutakeSe sCerigW dBckt iris place. but sieps ill ire taken in- ed CheigW r Bakt « nadiately 10 011 llte place. Tielare- Father that Me Is on Mis Ilminary vont tor orrenina o! sebool Il done and ail that remaîins for îlai Way Over There, new man i-I le béta "get ontu tire .eropes" as Mn. Knoetk iris eservtbiait W9auiregan. Juin 2G. ýoIn shape for tbe carrying on o! 'the Wnbcn abouit thnce montha -agu ay vont. flann Butler, son o! W. A.iButler, Ail ieaching positions in ilie vanted bo enlist I hoîe nany andi sehools have been.,,fîleit. anti eveu-- found lite comîd not hecaîree hi' mas tllhng ready for openlug o! schnol,. burt 16 Y-ears 'r- idsl fatienr saId to V The teachens 'commlbtee reconi- liiif Now, sol. , y»u mail Imu rt mendeul the eletion o! Etta R. Bikr7, u-eans: lisve a liti le fun and yourth's itazel NM.Bertaîde, NMay )eîluseoui. laya for tlire ne-st ta-o ueans and Ilium Georgia W'ard. and Alva Nelson tu loin tire navy on army Ils ytu misit, g1 1111 vacancies Ira the grades. T ou are, ton yssung ta join nov; ta'ue ntThe finance conimitîec .presenteil your fine; tiere viii ire plenty - o yh detailed finutocli report showing re-rchba n ce. " ceipta and illabuirseiaents In tie citv But H-arry felt that tire sar a'culd ty sebool dîsinici andt irgli scirool, dis- lie over liy tiret so, mihbut telhina tnict froni July 1, 1917 to June r0. bis dad o! bis planas he sîipped avay by, weon The El annuali1 Ail reput a. (Geé SOA...viol Oco. B ilion ai tt for bhi.Si army. place at Mise a day. wît -einplojie< Mr. an dors, Wiê Grayalak -w..! la lova ribla Maxi M Mn , day vith Mm .Lu opending Whteho. .Mr. an mnado a lb J., wher. jr., Who duty - Mr. anc andi Ed. E Fprlday. Ogoday b bave beet Dr. Cou on buoitue Ni.. F. W.ulegaà d"Y. Chario-. la lown S aNi.. AI, vbltlng il A letter émut 'asm reporte Il the Atoro huadned ia -Me land s MW. mouno les ber au Mr. and ci. aIFre Ni'. au( Mr. andi Ben Rruiiu day ovelît 97y aI War Otto Moi Iaturday Mm. Wil Ing ait the Nies Ell laoed ln& i Misé Clé .he bome r Nîssmes Eu Plîzen viol Thorsday. Ny. W. Ni.. Ma ter, Nitr. the paèI m ýThoeba& Mh frou TIen, -- Ml.. Pet Ndeedau 'meeting. SWihî Lt ha&ve moi viii niake C. E. lDe tend -Park Lyiburn Three Oal Peter 81 o! the Civ latealu Loiin

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