Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 8

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TIBERTYVILLE P!kDEPMMNDT, TRIU SDAY, ÂUGUST lîl1D18 A4rea and VieinitqI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AME LADY FALLS AND BREAKS LEO Lust Friday f,renoon. Lire. E. Dean viii attempting ta dlose a windaw la t6s bamment ai ber home in Aiea, tumbled oer a block of wood that had be. etI n the paseage way and fell ta the CoPcýresé fluor ln euch a manner a@ tchaêturv thé right log jasi below the up )Ôint. The pain eaueed by thédali and the frartured limb %vas su mutet se liai il was necessary to adminieiter an suthesle betore she eauid hé ernmoved iront thé rlliai.haîe.j Dr. Stéveue, oai Lbertyvîlie, hpe ma ascalled. Liter hé was amifted by Dr. Galavay. la thé alternoon thees doMtrs set thé broken l1mb and made the unfortunaté voman as comiortabié as possible. Mr@. Avenul, LMre. Dean@ daughter. la V iiig here, but vas la thé clty wben teSiacidsutoccurréd. 5h. wasiniormed of vhat had bappened and Invmediateiy retorned and took charge ai thé case. On accauntaf tirs. Dan'o advanced age aid a complication ofaiailmtnts front which she bas sufiered for a long tInte, her iecavéry, under moet favorable con- ditions viii bu slow. 15 CONSTRUCTIN4i A MODERN BARN On thé 128 acre farm, tva pilea veât of Aiea,' owned by tIen. S. Brainerd, liera iseat present undtr proreese oi con- atruction a modern cambination borne a"d dairy barn, the capacity ai vhich eireeathâl of ail other out-build'inge tiai bave heretofure existsd au ibiS T'hen baia alid tone and conc rets foaudation. three fest wIde and exténd. bug four fe beiaw thé lçvel ai thé ground. Tbère la a oild cerent floar .»der the entiré building. Thé tiret ettefl ml lgbi test high aboyé thé touandinla catructedoaieeent lock s. Viiipart ai thé bain yl have aalse for eight borse. and étanchions for Otytydairy cavsmd wvillheequlpped LANCE COUNTY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE lImproved Farina 10 to 1,000 Acres Favorable Termes 0f Payment TaeFari W"t n50 miles Of Chicago Greatest Produce Market la The World PROPERTY IN TOWN 0F AREA (subusiniofhicagnj FOR SALE Modem Houses Vacant Lots Factory Sites Acre Tracts For Subdivision Smali Tracts For Truck Gardeners ]P<ury and Sinal Fruit AREAHA Water Works S.wer System Gais, Electricity BeIuctric Railroad Suao Railroad Beit Une Connections Deautiful Lake' const"Uting POPUla Sunimer Resort Icas in lise Market For A Number of Industries. F. M. HARDING, AA-Jt,ILLINOIS. vih ventiatars, liter carriers sud mii ather appliances found ln a modern bain. The second tory viii hé la fart construction and tvel teest ta thé plates and vlii e eed entIreir for tarage ai- bay and fodder. A large silo viii hé attacbéd. John Iving ai Aiea, fui niehéd the crntent biacks and dii the maean wvan, mnd Bob. Luébbé, of Aiea, le doing thé caripenisi voit. HAVE CONFIDENCE IN TIIE COUNTRY _ft'thtnlg thé tact 'tag *.Pur- anou etue prume tt4irll ibe étse var In thé hlstory ai thé ri, oui fartner ctizens In thé viejnitjv or Aies and no dauhi ln ather loeallîjes. are spending mare motiey in thé lnvrrave- ment@ ai théir faimo Ibis esason tibm lu mny pasiasaon. This, toa, un thé face ot an averageéoflan Ho% incréasé in thé cost af construction. Tbis condition bîlugs thé thaugbtfui persan ta but oancrouclusion conreruilugz thé attitude ai Aner"rn citizen.. the farming laise@specliliyv, as ta thé final1 Outrante of thé gréai runtet; -and that ld a glaons vciry-toî &lie. principe-a1 princîpie ihal affects. ftuvrably, thé human tamily throughrrut tire entiré voiid. Efficiency lu farim pr5durtion1 vi im hu hégreatly stimuuated, wbirb viii recuit lu thé production of more grain and méat; mure uairy pruducîs and vegétabiés, ail ut vhjch are éswénliaii tc the carr.%ing on of thé war aisun and ammunîtion. Tuiere Ida nothing half.héaiiéd about Amerivan citîzénas vben once arousei SUCCESS MARKS STORE'S OPENING' Althangb t vas anly a veelî,tram 1thé tinté Geo. M. Lane. proprietor ai thé név giacr an ai11ket, viýited Aiieî unlil h b idbis businless îîvertjoed and bis gooda on the sheive, thé apeuing day lait Satuiday vas véry satietacîory. Thé incrEeed number af véhi res froam thé countrY lait Satuiday afternoon and eveing Iniicated @omevhat thé initereat which aur people are takiug ln ibis nev enterprlee. AREA BREVITIES Lira.Cara Bull, Who tî empiayed at thé DeSmet Quartz Tile Ca., la Chicago, spent Suniay and Mianiay at ber home hère. ir. and Lire. A. Wiiiis moioréd out frint Clicago and spent Sunday mi bthe haine ai thé latter'@ gimndparousa, Fred Kuiorge. tIra. 8. J. Cropiéy, of Racine, le home faima veela viit. Liq@E elen Lltchtllld @pont théveeét. end viaîîîng ber m. rnaumaîhé it Lra. Doria Litchid murd r'ausjîr,, isses NBms and Ethel LicBride. Mir. andLira. Brman Kubiank and iamiiy spemi Buonimyai Fuiriildand mténded the Fairild clrurreh pirnir. M. and idra. S. J. Cropiey are eater- taining thelr nelco, Miss Auana Codé, ai UIcago. G. H. Knigge apeut thé v. -ek-end ai bis home hère. Wiliam Bravider, af Canada, arrlved hors idonday igut and xpecis ta hé calsid lu the nit irait. LiMra. 8.L. Trlpp adMi iiiE.H. Bluhm vers Chicaga shoppers an Manday. .Our @cbant la undergaing soir,. repaire, nov floara beiqg placéd lu bath roants. lire. Lea Pulali speni Friday and Satuiday ln Chicago, vheîé Lii. Pufal le employed. Um Adella Alrigbt vas calied toaa Virgina govéinment liaspItai, *ber brotbeî, Ebenanser, havIng been sent tbère trointFiance and îepaîued véry loW. He lathé son ot H. Aibight and ans af thé firet Wauksgan 1boy@ ta enilsi and bai been figtiug ai thé front in France thé pait nine mantha. Suie vas accanipanisi by her aiter-iu-lav, Mra. W. Albrlghî. Miss Hattie Price, af iGliner, @pont a fév deys viîh Lire. Louase andy at veet. ire. Stark Io éntertaining hiedorm Waukssha, WIs. -n. rn Fiank Smth lm doing @erne decoaming for'bis sisér m WV.'uégan this vet. TheéIwoVa iri.kery famillesand Mise Elia Wiier wn-..Crytai Like viellais Sunday. J. L. Chami-erlr r-urrd hanté Thura. day frool a scuer., i .,ltlf, s ay vtb bis uothér at tu4,I 'r rnîrut. Mr. and Mie iFva d trî, ai Ragera Pat, spént thée"L- ni t thé holmes ùi the formerm r i r.Augiuet and Johni. MIss Ruby Kuirter us visitiitr>1 irayl. lité r, ]atsibi is veték. Ttiré (soi lwlîlcb vas postpouéd lait vee an)a wrount 0f1nfavonabis weaibsè vili b. eu ldthiq Friday svelag. Aug. 2.' st rtRadke'a. Lii@. Forguion and son, Boy, of Chicago, vliitsd relatives bers the lOras of the veesk Miesa Uarrlet Braînerd. ai Wateiman, NI., @pont &couple of daja viih LMr. and Lira. George Braînerd recsntly.( Théeunany friende of Mi.. Dean ai Aies. vers very sorny ta hea of her accideEnt lasi Friday and ail hop@ for ber recovery. An accaunt of thé accident vIli hé faund ln the Ares nevi. Mr&. BoosingerientertaIned ber fîllier tram Chicaga avpr Sunday. Mirs. John Shépard vas a Waukegan raller Thureday. Lira. AIma karnevorband Chaîlie Chatheijin, of Chicago, vliîed relatives here Thureday and Friday. Lira. Sert Chamberlin @peut several daya ln Chicago racentiy. FFREONT CNT Born, to, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, onJuly 27, ma danghter A gzirl ibm arrIved ai the home af tir. and Mir@. Frnk 1Uilich-nn .ulv 14.-- tIglssEiiâlÏbtb Faâztof ai Chago, lae vilting et the home ofi ber grandiasher, J. S. Déinllin. Mr. and Idra.Sarney Amea oare enter- taining company tram thé city. Lir@. Oso. Hlertél and tire. John Fredericei ere récent Chicago cillera. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Amannoand ilttîs @on spent Saturday and Sunday witb relative@ ai Waukegan. Tite Frémunt auzliary of the Red Cru@ eddit-d a service fias at a Red Crase dancesand sale at thé Ivanhoe M, W. A. ball lait Wednesday tvéunn for he boys of Fremnt owisbip. The tlag alreadjv has twenty-five star@. Many vere prevented tram attending on accouti the raln, but alil ho, uere, present repart a muet dellghtful Urne. Tbe iale praved a dlue oiiecéseand we eitsnd aur sincéreet thanks for alildan&- lianeq, and sspeclally wleh ta thani Mr. <lrabbe, the anctianeer. The fiag les ald ta héo oe' af thé mat tbeautîful eer iedicaled itu Lake vaui±y.,but jt eau. auly show partly baw much vs appre- ciate and love aur dear boys who bave gane noa far away ta serve thelr country and are wlilling ta give ail, even their ]ive for us. PRAMR M~W Lira. A. (3. Méther entertained cam- pany front Wauconda ane div ibis week. Mîrvella Keller, of Desplainés. vioited relatives here Saturday atternoon and Sunday. A. Salamnon called an irlende In thie vceinity 8aturday atternoan. Mire. W. Ed wards entertalned company from thé clty this véét. Lire. P. Wells and daughtér Cîndarella. vi@itéd Mr@. Foate of Waukegan, Satur- day. They weré later joaeud by Mr. Wells and he returned with thént hundas atternoan. Leslie Hutchingeanmd iîmily and Mrs. L. Tripp epen% Saiurday and Sunday at Lake Geneva. Paul Pezlnw ad tamily randLire. F. Stancliff vislsed ai Long Grave Snunday afternoan, thé gueste ai S Keller famlly. M. W. Knedler and Ted vlited it the homeé oI W. Rù,y Sunday. Li. B. Small entertained ber siater and oncle of Depialnes Sunday. Sunday achoal 10 as. m. and a short alttr-meeting. Na prsachlng ,In tbe eveutg, Aug. 4, an accouni oi the camp meetin.g as Napervilie. 'The township convention, vbich va& ta, have been held Aug. 4, has been pasi- poned until Sept. 22. lho Ladies' Aid yull meet wltés. the Mimse Cora and Matths Hodgkin@ on sept 8. OBITUARY Sarah Salarne Sexauer, nees Gîsser, was boruafléau Long Gravé, May 22, 1849, and dled tunChicago, Julyl14, 1918, agsd G69 ypare, 2 monthe and 9 dàyà.. fibe wmse united ln >arriage go Gearge Sexauer ln 1872, whicb union vas blessed with ton children, of wbom tva preceded ber in deaih. For many yeara @bo lived an their farm near Hall Day, whore ber busband died some years aga. 8ih. therntloft the farm and lived at Aptlkl@e untîl she mived ta Cbicago la 1902., lu ber yautbfu[dayssbé wasconverted and unlted witb the Evanglilcal associa-. tion et Long Grave and later ohe bécamje a mémber of North Northfild Evangeii. cal cburtb. She vas a good christian woman, an aflectionats vile and a lovlng mother. For a number of years @he had been la poor health, but sInce Juiy 4, @bs hnd been qut.elek and graduaily grew varse ountil be vas calied fIant suflering ta, a igher epbére of lite and actlvlty. She leates ta monre her departure ive sons and three daughters, seven grand. chîldrmntirée brather anmd twa sters. There was a short service at the home ln Chicago then thé bodiy vas taken la the Nartb Nartbfield Evangeiica4 cburch, wbére tunerîl services weîe conducted by thé pasbur of thé Prairie Vew cbnrch, al ter wblrlj abs waslaid ta, resi beside ber hushand lu the Evaugelical centetery nemi hy. Ail ber near relatives vere présent at thé funeral. Oui army and, aur navy ara standing between yon and thé Hua. Show that OUn appreclate wbut that means hy savIng ta) thé nimoat af your ablility and hy buying Waî Savinge stampe. the ream b.rc.sof tié var. "Me kiI.d hie .captera, end es- caî,ed," was th. news whlch hie i'rother rbc.iv.d. I.ike Thomnas, A. J. Killian was a Plunther beforé the kaiser threw th,-. world Into ithe trealt confllct and3 Struggle. "Sure'anul yoii can't keep an lrlsh- man down, éspeclally. If hes flghtintr for Old Glory," vas the cry ,eard on the streets of North Clticago t4- d.ay when thé newe of Killlanmsisu!' return tb thé Américan lune vas r(, celved. Washington, D. C., Judy 24-Mar- guerite clae, one et the Ieading stars of the motion pictuSe vaid, hban a. naunced ta ber clsoest frlends ber engagement ta Tînst Lieut. H. Pal. méersan Willams. U. S. A., son af Mr, and Lir. Frank B. Willilamns of New Orleans An automobile parli toa eratunta. date 200 machines vil] soan b. raml. Pletéd an the Fivé Points rami, juuct narth af thé Camp D>evey gaie. Si viii hé one of thé beauby spots or the naval station. Parking spires Win consietofcf ocrote echip, . tween the Usees. Waat. Fr 8%Uuis 0 ahe M ts oufENENT rsi 151P... RAY N. SMThW Uhoesp4il., DL hm"ý Mr. sud ie. Aintan Fient are viit. in tlier mon, Heiman Fiait. 41M iMyra and Williie Sutaier, ai Chi. 02a96, *ere week-end guésta 0i théi tathir. <lia. Gutzler. Mis. Wm.. sow Heath, oi Chcago, vas the guées ai Miss Rnth Pettls Tues. day. Mi. and Lir@. Frank"Arnold and daughiei vers Snnday guesSa ai Wm. Ochialeher's. Mri. and Mis. uPdgar Wéslug @Dent Bunday vitb thé Roacaé Wosling famliy. Clarence Buhu lait Lianday for Goui. gia, vhere hé goés in thé gaveînment. service. Mr. anm ir.Albért Heyheck, ai Chadylet. Il]., are vilting ber father, 0. 1. Rocksnbéck. Mises virginia Sîrayer, ai Gîsnviév, la visilnog ber aunt, miss Jennie Venter. F~. H.,Lieyer and fammly @pont Bunday at the home ai W. C. Muller, ab. Affing. ton ileighte. ta River Forest, vhsre vili taka up big dues as pastai af thé Firat Preshyter. Ian cbnrch. lire. Lueder entertained thé Ladies' Aid socie!U or Su. paul'. iEvangellcal church at Iheir manthly mestinug an Thurudmy. Mir*. Chai. Ebsrmeyér enteriained Mrs. Millerand Lire. Bobs, ai Shermer. ville, Sunday, Mri. andLire. tudie l<naak, ot Nîv York, -are apondingloeverai da>a vlith Dr. and Lira.Enaat. Lira. Wnt. fUbn apeLt Wednesday vltb ber busband, who la slovly im- pro ving mi thé Preebyterian hoapital. Mise Eltreda Knuak bag taken & po. sitian witb thé Western Elérîrir CE). tirs. taymond (lunkié and son. Le.. Roy, are visitIng ber father, S. P. Elutchl- insan. Mr. and Mis. George Schoiedér moi rilidreu vére gueste ai Fred Baren. berger Sunday. MIIs. Sarah Adamsanmd Lais rétnrned home Saturday. lhaving s@pent thé e fl witb ber daughier, tire. Fred Kmbark, at Rîvénswaod. Lils Adeline Huler, ai Arlingion iléigbte, ta spendirug thé week ai' F. H. Liyres. Lira. J. A. Stryker and chldien, wba vliied thé past week ai st. ('harles, ré. tuînéd haome Suaday. Mir. moidLire. Wm.Smith. of Barring- tan, vers Sunday guéais ait George ptteas. Mir%. E. Timon, ai Glenras, waa thé guéai ai Lire. iR. M. Vaut Tueaday. Everbady le Invited ta attend thé con- cert ta hé gisuen by thé Jackie band ait thé asemblY bal ai thé grîmmer achaniý Fridiy nlgbt, Aug. 2 Thé Dorcîs soctely ai thé Preabytenian church bsid a meeting ai the Camntuniîy houes Thursdiy. DOIN iTIFIR BIT; CARRYOIWN FATS Owi e gt thé restriction an masi ail eautari, thé fartera la thé îlcinity ai Evéreti bavé agreed ta carry théIr aon lunch vbils heiping their neighhara threoh ar fillias@.Lien golng vlth machines wlili ne erved bréikimet but theY wîlI hé éxpectod ta do thé aâme ai othérs for lunch. By daiug ibis each famiiy yul have !ta montbly allovmnce and by Haoverizing litwfll aisa e taking a good suaat thé kaiser. AUTO TURNS TUR- RF NFAR BARRING. TON SUNDAY P. Mde Thtéé men aéré serlausiy unJuréd a hen an automobile la whIch they were rlding turned turtié tva miles nortb of Barrlngtan Sunday aftér. noon. Those lnjured are: The Rev. Nul liolTman, pastar af the Firet Baptist ,church, Barringian; Arnett Lines, euPérintendent a! thé Stîmday echoal and manager of the retali miliinery departménl ai Marshall Field & ca.. and 9Pudiéy Carmichael, driver cf thé machine. Al vers takén ta théir hantes. KILLS HIUNS AND TIIEN MAKERS ESCAPE WAR DEPT. NOTIFIED FATH- ER 0F A. J. KILLIAN 0F HIS DEATH; Thé -mist af gloantand sarrnw Tic mate] sas c Tjhe tie n thé i 000 *1 the r Tic croatu puaila ating end i cpinic ibovs cm yull f pissi bearli vance the ir Denap trick the c 't the ai chUle viii a -tuai i i I. ARIA CA, AND Specials Best Round Steak, per poun.... Bst Sirloin Steak, per paund.'" Pork Steak, per pound ..... Pork Chope, P«w pound........*' Veal Stew, per pound..-»-> Veal Steak, per pounci.... Sugar Cured Bar-on, per pound . Picnic Ham&, per pound....... Fresh Fruit Watch This P Priday's and Sa 1 WiII Pay the Higi Chict GEO. M. AME Tf- SM GROC3R Y MA RKJ2T for Saturday, ... ... .. . .. ... ... .. . .. ... . .. ..3 0 C ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. . .. . . . 3 5 c . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .2 7 c . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . ... . .. . .. . .3 2 c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 c . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . .. ..3 2 e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 2 c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . ..2 6 c and Vegetables saper I2very Week for turday's Special Sales llest Market Price for Veal, kens and Eggs LA NE, Prop. A, ILLJNOIS Waui Chics actior Chics ibère keM la pe: Chics of ai] Waul day: Tir Tuem Chic, 1 -2,p -Au% ed l'a Tlh, year. sMon. the à its dg ,eent TIIE been folio, lest). 1 ý Ubertyville, Ili., June 24th,'1918 Mr. John Hodge, District Manager, Michigan Mutual Life Ins. Co., Area, 111. Dear Sir: - I acknowledge with thanks your company's check for One Thousand Dollars ($1,.000.00), in seule- ment of al daims under policy No. 124748, now ter- minated by the death of my late husband, Fritz . Carl. son, at Great Lakes Naval Trai *n Station. The ahove numberecl policy issue on March 9. 1915, and the amount of premiurns paid the Michi- gan Mutual Life wau $1 26.72. leaving a cash return over cost to the insured's e state the sum of $873.28. I believe Life Insurance is the best thing and shall gladly recommend your company to any person who would imeure. Again thanking you and assuring you of my ap- preçiation of the benefit of your insurance work, I arn Yours truty, INA CARLSON, Widow and Befieficiary cf the late Fritz Carlson, deceaaed. Mibuffl Mbý

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