Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1918, p. 1

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LIBERYVILLE LAK-E COUNTY INDIEPENJDENT INDEPENDE.NT Lake Cou#Utv 'lt .B;g Weekly GIMGmo uer flan otes WeekUiein Gounty Combined VOL. XXVI.-NO. 32 FOURTE-EN PAGES LIBERTYVILF LAKE COUNTY, IOiIS, TIIURSDÂY, AUOUST 8, 1918 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER-YEAR IN~ ADV" 3 KILLED ÀND 3 NEAR DEATJI, TOLL IN GOUNTY, SUNDAY Atmobile, Train and Drown- ung Accidents, exact a Heavy T Il S f#i .. - u1. lett the. road and plungin>' down a 12-f foot ebankment, landd in a ,ihalUow pond. Hlorsyla was thrown under the car ln auch a way t!îat hi- h(ead was leld under the, wat' r and he waa drowned. The accident *iip j pened near 'Ruras' bridge on Grs ni avenue, about hall a mile ,a.It o il Lâi1e Villa road. Tiie i- ni buiance was summoned and 'rîi the. Injured men to thie %Mc.I tr il., pitl iit was toîind thit twn wera i on touu une uay not Injurrd cufDcltItenil 10r-quIn ,,. - ~inedicalItreatmiîîl The ihiird min' wünt home ait. r luls wounîia wtre ONE WAUKEGAN VICTIM îî'-e.The.bort if tii' dëadmai 1%ua taleen,ii Lic. iiiundPrt:lrin,- rooma h :.tu,, inqiunst sa ýtii 1i, Matti Horsyla Drowned in A uto held l ihL'îafrnonun or tonlghi. Accident; Three in Mc--4 1 Ait r 'spta DROWNS AT RAVINIA AliJohn ospittt, ýrii;rpat î,akç a jarkle, "la'. dr,aned Ili tli. I k, at lta>iltii.i ACCIIDENTS ON SiINOAY pakSidyfl ia hc .THE DEAD- -. ît1.. t,iî or, rn:î andi i. t Carl Menon'h, Ch(cago, kîlIed Jiaris'-of a'ater a- Iiîîg'îas 1î,îr by motor truck at Libertyvilîn. fi t n nis if ar.ello,-ii: igi Matti Horsyla. 11îC2 IMCAiltern- sofbtwý%,ýol avenue, Waukegan, drowned s. e !:. jiî ha(ie g' -tsof ti,. P -,i . l auto accident. *!il'i and in 1- î icd t1, iai. ina John Elliot, Great Lakes jack. sivîiniifdurlnh. tht' x ri>'ae. ntsý te; drowned n lak.r at Ravinia TANHT UG park. TANHT UG THE INJURED- Thre- yîung îîîople r'sidingtri Wesley Conneli, living west cf ittit swes it51fZin City, lad an -x Zion; buggy hît by train. PeelingI>, nairrri ei l r, lt-tr Fiera Brown. neghbor; hurt 'n ii ha.Srî ,, n rame accident,.h )i.gin wih th- i ic ni u Melba Brown, he. sester; hurt île w*-- ,"urk tur ;t train on !'tevi n same accident. Ii ii th 'li aoani N,,r vroad ricar W id a onU, Th,,r lieath look - fuill toilî frin, [.a;,, . arp. train anid dromiîing tr:,eIu'a.s Tt 1, 01, 'ii' -ire diad anri thti r. , .r,r'itt .ltan 1 a 1l'inflly as r" lt f 1ý- n,),ý The 1tahi . talilnef and diii nnt rJoli a(ýips a(if"teuIi 0f !ji,:more r notilce tih( i p rori1hiflerailn ma.n was drwnî'd t G. i n îar, tii th.:v %. r- onu1 hetrark,. 1'wa 'tbe Lakie collaI>' hue, ' 10Lte for tn tri ai nid th, - s -acci dent. KILLD NER HAF I 1 r <;o11ir 1 ianîd thi..Conrad and KILED EARHAF DY IWetelanihi'Ilanc- 'were summnond, 111thilb.' . f ?'tl'lc rnt'ii iThe. victlima of the. accident a'er", Cari Me-peh of 1022 South May ' u',he' ci tebtheJane cAisti-r hospi Ftreel, Chicago. was killied tuy a mo. lai wiiere t)ni-- twf"gard for il tor truck near lHalf Day on Suonday.i lle pres'nît Se fno atr as known Moenih wa'. ridIng on,,i.lnone or lt.e iliree sunferuil coi' ,ro, nlng tînard agalnýt 'he irui'nt iireil'n iin' s. Alire s iffering Of Iiîock. of hi'. friend.. and lilg- " ti"bowever, and potisibiy may hav'eîi- Misti May Ahtrghl. when hil-, îlfered internai Injuries. Thi.'older and f. Il. The. truck i. Paid i er itl'.j iofthie Brown asters was burt. tht. head. The hodiv was taken te hpl more seriously. Ray. uudertailg rooms aIt,,rs ville. According 10 evldencce introdui'eu St the lnquest held at llertyvllp Ibis mornlug. Moeuch m'.t lix.di alh as result ef trylng ticsihose oIT" b a cert.ain Citent. Accerdiug to leii. frieuda, he rode on the. rsunbug board qulle a distance meveral tîmes wîth- out hauging on witIs bis banda. He seemed te be lrylug to show theni CHICAGO MAN DROWNS A Chicago mana vasdruwned lu tht. laIte at Glencot. Sinsy. Robent O. tenge-ard, 14, 1644 Keeler aveuue. Chicago, got eut beond the frunge ef bathers ât the foot of Beach st., sud screamed for heip vheu bLe feut hmzelf unable le returu Efforts to FaVe hbm vwereunasuccessful. tbat he coul do se wilhout meeting TO APU wihan accident 1 SIAII ToÀC Accordlug b ltsfieuls tht.>.dil net notie he bad falilc froni tht. truckt util oeeof theni iappt.ned to lok back aud s a-is remabua iying lu tht. roal. They stoppeld the tcuck sud a-eut bacit, tht. conclusion a-a.'. ltat be vas leal. but uevt.rthele.s bls bod>. ans plcked up ,plamel abeerd the. truck aul hurrlnd on tu. yard Ubertyvîlle. Dr. Galioway wa, netifiel b hbaqten to meet the' truckt aud he met tbom neer tCie soumti, ui. I of the miy.. It did net taite hlm long te, fiud that lil!.' aas xtbuet aud lhe declanel that dath liaI h"eu lntantaueoua. Iu Ibm truc tel tthet lte vert. foar cases of hier and arcordiug te titi pîlcalcier«, each rma oni>. md oe1 bottle ef beeIr hefare they left Ch!- cage. Tht.> aIl Inisted titat.neold vas ntoxIcated. Aften tht. remanishad been ii' .ed ln RLaY's llndertakiiug reoms. the balance ef tht. picuic parts' a-nt on to DiamnnuL ait., tbebn destintionth and hetd a short "Pbcni' "althoittiS1 tbcy d.'lared teday 1hp'>. iInet seek 1 auy furtiier ejoymr'ut tia the. mer.- Pertahiag a? tht. lunch tbey bad broug'it vili them. Tnt.>.demîsîsalý thein ph-onic vas endel evra liefere they reached tifamoal Laite anti diii' uet a't repo)rts had t. car-ry eut ter, plcnlecomplete. Tht. verdictno!thie Jonc ýmijpneieul lîy Coronîer Coral waesthat Ieath vWas ci.tat WAUKEGAN MAN DROWNS 1Math Horsyla nt 1102 McAlbtorn avenue, Wauitegan, vas Irovuel, and thrin-n tliers vert. ljured mare or lesseriottsly, a-heu thet. oaln1 vhitch tht.>. ert. returuing- te Waii-1 kega Sundia> nlgIsI about 10 o'clo'tk, ON DEATI! 0F MRS.- SSTYIN ELGjIN Officiais o! tht. F'.in State hospi. tl are vaiting tû epset a-at action wili lie tak.'n by the. D».artmnent or Public Welfare at Springfield ou the. recommendatlous made hy the. coron- er's jury lu tht. murler a! Mrs. Rubv Slsty who, vas atraugied by anothen patient lasI Tue'.day. A eopy o? the proceedingsaai tht. inqutvttogether wftb tht. Jurys' recommendations a-as gent te Charles M-. Thorue, heed tof thse Dt.partmeut of Public Weltare Itle is.ret that action In the. ase wiii he taiten toon.-Elgin Coutrier. NOTICE, LIBERTY BONDBUYERS! 1!'un,'has.'roof tlîicd Liberty. bannbonds; ya mate lia?meuts, lu part or lu fuill un oriiefor.' Aug. 1 -, aud mu8t complets1 jaayui.'ts or î'n efre Sept 15. 1 Ail wbofo îîauîî payments mna>. get 1 their bondt,- at tîcu-t hrough whivb sut. scnbptioti ccv îîîad,t. RAGES n FRANCE' $Ci*me . HNLia êto them 'WAS H1E TRYINfi TO END LIE AND AFRAJD TO JUMP?'l Anton Lunderman Picked Up After Walking the Tracks near Rondo ut -Libertyville MAY BE ESCAPED PATIENT Crew Declare He Number of Times Aîmost Stepped ln Front ol Car Auton Lunderman, a man about 40 years e! age.wasa picittd tîp tbbs morning ou tht. trumits o! tii.-North Short.eeeiric e tee itoendent auI Libertyviii.' sud ln him thîe police have an enigma andl thes, are tryiug te figurc ont abether be iv realiy In- sane onrviiethpr he was meref> beut on suicide sud wasa afraid to car4ry out hi. pan-. L.undprmna ha'. I't.n tra' liîîg tht. mrachs beta-eeu lhe village of ULiry- ville and Rondotît for thte FNLt thre days and ai'cordinsr te motormen oe tht. electrIr lin(, sescrai timea ha seemel te try to get as close te the train as possibleansd tlteir conclusion waa thar he waated te bp mnover, yet heca-as afrald te tahe tht. final ste-p te gel htmself lu front of the. car. île tad tevi'raf close rcap.'s tho>. >tate tut t Ino ilote waq tInjured. Aften plsclng Mmlmn rpsiraint. tht. police called on Supervisor IKg.r and the fellow waga'i aken te tht. county poor farni atuere lit. la tueng beld pendlng furtepr investigation. Thora I.. a feeling 11,51 pout.lhly Luadarman msy b.' ont. or the patients a-ho es-. capél la'.t weki fron Duaulag asy. lum,' Cooit countl..Auth.rltiest.atire are te tue commaIiacatt. I wth sud Il my- be b., vilbt. reiurut.I theî'e rather than bis ohntiirt efot', tht <otnts' couurt of t.ake cotintv' for a Mçarl Prban (Red) F'tcber a-ou anoîber chaamîuorhLp hIonda> a-heu he pîtch- Md(n5 I.ýalakt-s 10 slctory over the. Keneeha ne longer has s dgtriet ln Atliî'tic fieet. Tue sorrel topped a-hieh the. sait. et liiiuor la prohiblted liero ofthte t1!t7 aorid serieq lîccid s on Frila>. uight UuItsd States Dis- tht. rhip stars, i11 b f.iet Cuti psit trict Attorne.y Savyer lu Milvaukee. Chlc&go. 1h asatht. deciding.,genue i.utd a permit for the. repeulag of of four, lun three comîbats acouttufsabeonsla Kenesha a-hlch bat! hesu Chicago, Great Laites a-euta-e. andil fo'.ed ou s gevernmeut crier limuod the Chiage noue aise copped onle cari>. lu the summer. Tht. ciesbng et battît. deci ded to-eastt.rn waters-on, tht. camp brougbt about tht. repcind- au eastero fiel. ' Iag crder. RULES ILLINOIS MEN OVERSEAS CANNOT VOTE Springfieltd. ilAug. 6--liui soldier, awth :th,,American exp,'d! ulinars- fou'.'. ,-et as wl'viinol b'. Pt.rmitled to î'ote under the abutent votera lu mlitary sers-ice liw of! lit nois, acordia>' to an opinion gîsen liY Attarni-. (;nerîi Bruitge tii Se4.retar>. 0f State 'Emînerson. lii' hases bais opinuon ou a rulilg o! 1h.' a-ar departynei which maites tht.' etate law lueffertive. The state iaw provides that the . Jutant geut.rai shahl, 30 day.. htore election, funtfh tht. state secretiry vuh a regiaufr c.intalubug tht. uames and adîresset or ail elaclors cenhsted ln companles or neglmetus bn lhe slate. sai that hillols sud canieopes eau be prepareul Tihea-ar depart- ment ruliag ts liai it wiii not ft.rnisb to the stlite a ii of thos.' la senîlce, and that it i ouIpossible la tate t ht. vote un e s Ilth e so l îer lm ibl '. o Icast his sot.' uvt transmllting thé.'xi-- cuteil ballot throuigh tht. mail as or- dinar>- corre-ponienite. Tht. latf.'r makes inef.Fi rti thue clauise lu ilb' state la- prov',ting for tht. regntar torm etf élection i' Poiig places Soldier. In thii ountry aa'ay frouti voing îlari maY vote fader the atate ab-ut' votersacst lte same, as civîliansà. DRAFT MEN 18 TO 46 MONTU FROM TOOAY Washiagton, hug. 5-Provost Mar. shai Général Cross in i a cemmunîca-' tMon thhough sinton Chamberlaluin t- day ludumated Si tt. 6 ais tor the 'prcipost.dregistration or Imena b, tveen 18 and 4.5. Bill Goes i m Both Houssa Washiagton, Aug. 5-Tht. new ad- ministration atan poawer bill extending tht. st.lectis'e service Sect te ail men be- tveen the. ageit of 18 sud 45 Inclu- sive sud auttorizlng tht. presideut to cali 8uchi persont laIe militai>. service "Iu such seutnlo ofe et ean sd at smci 1 tîmes" as lie may urt.crfhe was lu- troduced toila> lnb oth bouses o! cou-. gres$. The maeasure, which vas preparel by Secrotar>- Baker aith tht. approval of the. président sud Provost, Mershai Generai Crowder. was referred tb tht. militer> mammittet.. Cougrt.ssionali leaders plan 1tusbae the uteasttre cou eidered sioon afier the. summer reces periodl lu- aer the. latter part eft hîs montbs. ILELP FARMER OR BE A SLACKER, IS, SPEAKER'S CLAIM Carl Vrooman, Asst. Secy. of Agriculture, Gives. Strong CHAMBER MAKES A PLEA merce Puts it Squarely up' iiî'i'iii a ery lnterestîng and lîîi.îîî i îg it' ,ry. A t i ii'îconclusion to the Business Men ofithii.' li.-rîiniauît. ..iuof th.e clîillrn iilrms d .-n l 'iI-.i roms iii. ss ientil îiug -Anybu.inýs, imiý%io i 1-the. audiettin vliilng doînations for ton bu sy to b pI le t.'f.irmer t that greatoirlzai i.iiti ifiii- ny. Titi 'nethi'. i n.], at jiiiui, ,i il .1i iil.eliin insîouît.'d t'..$3i5 1., so higlti iiPortan: (li? W.- 1î t If i i t,- iigiî ilat t',- îiiîtii or liai e a iiirittii if food>l, l ,it' î t tivki-ts. viId i iiiv .ni i lte'nimbeîîîr -iuid kild of a slachî.r." astti i i dthaI lite uarait.Iiii.yll t=b ri , i alil nontai'il'ti, Iii t.(ou n t y Pa rmie rsa' Isuti t u te iîeii - i fi i' si"t t-utitcen ti)r'. -eiiisto beIii - uali te Oniwini-ua cuti1,L.tke ti.n') effort v li il iade tii bttd aioither tij, a rooman, An-Istarit Se tir. ar î l.îîitisu(1uatiîttii aller lihe' Is won. of A griculiture. M r. hs'iiroitait "i l t n..cin il ii w ili i ose ionlgh t ls the patriotie dut> of tih, wî ilili leilclc irniriitt'ss ;[ctn to divoi.' a part if their lini, ii hbs ýtjevn4 ftbix ot .i'.isttig the fariner in île' (Ili.%-' pi uiraiit ln. Dr . Lîi'oir ln Nlo:iîill te fict that fanm labor,s e vetr' itil deier bis rnIbnatnd i'iio, ht 'le ai.!i It îc')iîid not sfiitti fotri l,. iîîd lt.' Kaier" Thtis niaster. nen to 555' tii,'w.ret,-iiiP-t"iitba"st'reated a mcn'.atiuju A herever ii, he suid. van 'i aMt lioir or two of bs t nti. t !IaiI . t*1 ii ai' udnrr lo a An.'r itîl tis to help ha ii. ' h, rr ,. Ilittiiti&y slîould hear lit Ti, a:tkcgaîn Chaîib..'rr i , LINCOLN M'C.ONNELL ctn(ri'.'. foliowing out Ibis fine n eGtaJieOu fTmbtns t,; iti.>'sîarted an îî ii, . in eGt uieOtoiTmtot raio to arousc fntere>t t inte ptio pj1'int ,Lake county. An urgent c.ii "'* - ie btîîg nide for peots 'in lau ke Ednand îîl ises here iin the. coînt> I. 1voiii riatt.e f.rms whn lt' farmi'ru. tire inii te...1of amnh i ssiitînce. An t ppeal i, iu-iîig made for Wau'iegan bu'.ineis meii te dev-tltont' or 1w> - hou r'.of thelr Cime occa"I'onaiiv t t bis. worl, and thus reuider a paiintie i vt to the counttry. Sir4cant W'. G. %IcKie of Spokans", Wash., aho eulisted in tht. Cttblai Expedltlonsry forces and Who saiv inucb active service In thet. iencli"-,, being dtscharged o naccouat id tîcltg 'l lncapacitated for further, duty, ai. i was a speaker t the institute. die Was oî'e of thie most forcelul ,ip.ilz- ers, henni ln L.ake ceunty. lie ttit a reai me-zsage to convey to bis hearers. Ht. scored the 'goody-goody" people. wbo bol op tbefir bands ln horror when thie subject of tservlng "rîîm" te the. men in the. tranche@ Io con- cerned. or Who a uarly go ltoenier- vous prostration through the. tact thie Amerfea boys who ge abroad are iaarulug te smoke cîgarets. "Vou don'f know the. condIionsm over there." fie sali. "You don't know what lit la to stand Waiaît-desep umnî'se ~ in water iu a trench or te sit.ep In oei'ete:mi s M OevImm a niud boit. wlth the. eeld chillibug el,]f(we1 Ivlh««b your marrow. Yoix don't kn,, what WbO den't ike leetM'W ecoud heu nt.w lit.' il sput'. tuto a tellow 10 hase hiM 1. ihWtI bO king WbO I0~V lli aliotment ot grog juat before go. @Umlia agLE weuld ait la on a Io. log os'er the. top alter havlug stood COoUel eutburut Hé cun Crc*<meb In a cold trench for heuris. peint on a wooden Indlma' choe. 0»H "We hava i dfferent klnd of reli- CM Setl iceou0 t fa -toinbb@^ #a gion over there. 8Semetimes wP foyers eut eofêà.aow benk H.eea swear two minutes and thea Prav read a page froef the Coegrs.sona thre.' minutes. Thara tht. kînd ot Record ad e=Vais.yon, or a page. religion we learu and l'Il venture to WetV Ualdgdndm e say that 1 have more religion lu on"ui' enw mdp n at of my littfe flnge"s than mauy cf 701 screami. you. Thats the. ituloftreligion yîîîî Mo lectures am a sortes oft«4o are goiug to ses wheu your boî rifle broaides, satirical stortes, Lm. coune home, If a sheli ser.' tii, i peruonations ad stage gymnîsUeNi, îloit iud er your heads nlght now ýoa He enjoys bis lectures as .uuch as woîîld scamper ad run. Yi.i auybody. jesak I isl. iîouidrop 10youn nies..and pra>'. sentencesfataue ngood.l Rememnber,' and t.hen tîîrn about and prepare to ho ls tremendousiy serioua. You long%, a tight. Yoîî'vc got to gel a dut. ri'ii yell snd cheer;- yen ,wipe thet.omas't siewpoint." eut of yc eye;;U d ,4alize yen bave Sergt. NMeKie entertaini'd hl, ai.t- sn twsasronallt ie dieuce b> many amtisIng Incident, iswtbh. Iton andsensl how JusI tt t-eiatiug to "eite5" lie aays tli h t. h u n ieso utt men become so used toe Hie litti, nave things. The audience ha. bee pesta tiat It siiems strauge whien ahot, siugged and fpaukad. but every they gel away from theni and clean oneO Bees lit was needed. MeConadI up. basa awaY et hittingthie bardest iicke There wa.q a large delegat ion ot as though he were trylng te, conmmutet Watiî'egaîti pe'ople present ai tht. lu- the punishment. He.oita down oves Etitute. te audience and lovingly watches aW 1111.1. dît.." Mcoennell wlll lecture bore twict THE OST IS F VND the lest day of the. Chautauqua. t Poi i ul.pnîd.nt C('iisilied Adu. pay?' oii'iicssnrndiy tii.' do. Laaitwe.'k îwo GRANTS EXCURSION RATE perrionéibfifl bt articles recor.'red T LIOSSAEFI thog spaiper. OILtOI T EF I c Miss lars tagt.r#y, of LIbtertyvillé, î.t iivi. ertr ilt llil nei'oi'ni'i 1a lîtter and a baillilozen i'rt iia tl uraî ds u pictiiies tbrougfi a ittk :>'.W.nIt tAd." î:Sîiît,î,la'. e-lir'in lnth rtim i Poter Strang, of Mliburn, lu the. sainie ît'in îc'tra al al th CIIAUTAUQUA IS SUCCESS; GRE.AT LECTURE TONIGilT LiI i rtî viii. '. iir i,. li h av t.âIîq,la o)Wp anîlaet Silliir1Iy aindi las tWi't. ilimtruci, s. rom, ~ u to lii gîîîiszed andini.Pv, is.qif.'.xtr.tii luit wietliei. A isasur.' rî tti o1-i..îîioenlht wam a Patr'iiýi j.lî t iulu iiitas .t waken i ig," Pretent'ld'yt lti'ýîîîn9 îwotinuof thec comouurity, unîdnr tii.' dIrntlon ol01.Mâle Diana Igie, of tb. l,Inlîiîin fîîr as lThe antii pîîllnsbîuertliilmate cif Sb@.Civil a-ar. Titey wen.' i.tlta-se onMillioru aîîd Waukegziun nJuiy (i. but the. ad. a noî inqentodunutîl ast week, but joat i.o soî.n as Tho'.ledspeudeutiot thorolights' cirt'uluttd soiue uukî.cwu pero'.mcd tie ad. sand îrouîptiy malied the hl...t articles 10 Mr. Strauig. making inmaa s'eý hayiujuiai.. The Independent puts Lhertyvilie tiret. t in at attexf.'.,rsiion rate .of it' i.lnd one-t I fic' # fîr the. rounud ti it...beenb gcait.'.i t.1.ail sl.'aui rnu coadm îin l lIIt ilsd t. i î' s.'r i'. ul.rilit t', .1te'iiîi til e iltat' it l'aI r. It i.. saibt] at n li i'. ifilî,îu a 1 nec,- b-ui'ak iug tatt i at,'. us"t tM î.îu .'l i . .îc.u't t h i.' nuit .Ail truu'tiuun liii..-' ail r is'- n.îsui Want. Fbr Sale. 0t-25&delIn thI@ U.i DEPENDENT- resch 1.00 e'e.. OVER $1600 IN 'WAR STAM P PI ES ARE SENmT These Prises Go to the ç Chiîdren of Lake Coi Who Sold Thrift siam~ STAMP SALE NETTED F413 Six Capital Prizes in Two tricts Amounted to $60. in Cash Alone & <ur$i.Ci,'t in PrizPes are sent- tidav from Wau'negan 10 the B oa tîiie fLtie colint - y*ho1 r ti n 1 the Tltrift Sta inp caM»1 a tîi"h startid Jîta.' 1and ciosed .M "z 'tii' a.signing cof prizes wgM titOctiti ltasti b'eause there weM, many wiruers but the. aont ftIl liti, tueMa îîmpleted and tht. pr* qonili tue In t ht bands ef thead dreîi who have heen iooklug for foîr some lime. Theat. chlldrea i tue made hawPy through -tbe->blt IStm of the. manut11dîurers and lm ehAtît waodonatnd thé. prises.-, A total ot212 achool chldreu 14 part Ia the. eontest. Seventeen pl offces In the. counts-.were ropy*o id. The, total vales by thq C4114 Iamîýitiated te $42,.45t,80 l.Iit>.'tyvIiifi .' itabilshed the.. record Ia Laite couaty with a sait. îîot2.l a'orth of smps. Diolhty Bragesh of Chicago, su .'.6,the iiruIit, divIdual gmount lu any clty tg con'ntY. ISoris K<aiser was higis thic rural district a-ith a total Uli Tht. total cash suhscrlpttoaa. prices amounted te $8.150 Sau lions of thrîtt stamps ameuate $71-19. Tht. eslim-ated value of;A mercantile prises was $685.54. maties a total prise Ilat ef il,< s'ere 515 capitali'prises. t iiift.d In the cities and hU thet. ua dsrict. ilrst prize pri e, $75 . The t.clher prIzes constildof chaudîse. credits. etc. The«eý varlel froma a diamxond ring - hani, biseball bal sud kitchen u sils. IL l.3 consldered ont. of the. aucct.ssful campaigus et the held lu Lait.'couanty since theli nlug et the var. BIOT? WELD1 RAM IT EVUN THE 3STA.OU Excessive Heat Made ItU'm for Aviators te 011mb VWym High Monday ' Tha weather itasse elotMOU4 atterneon thet aveu the airablps. Great Takt.s were affected witi heat. Tht. avlaions round that it10 neot safe 10 mllmh te any hoight. ý accoîiat of thet. -aanIn the radIaIaz 1101h Lleîitenaut fDuncan Wo and Ensigu DDumas ver. ebigs torfeil the pleasure of a sear among the,' cieuds. For the meust 'bey' skImmt.d sleug tht. surface qn Lieutenant Fontues apeut mest ot t. pramtlcing laudîngs. Ho IM accompanied eu bIs trip by LieUta sur Wrigley. Ensîgu Forbe'. made a trip Dr. V. D. 'hitkr. oeeofttht. da tai surgeons at the. Great tLake. Thet. bfgtst ltIltiide tht.>'made wM opposite Fort Sheridan. where g mnlv re4acheil 20(l fAëtt. At oee thi, wiatr Inth,' cadletorp rose hoiuiil pointtîlat it ninht.Ia tei~ attire o! 200 Iigees. Fer this çn il Iv as unsafi' ta do auy aJt1 t; iigui thle'.:hy a-as bright - cleair theýre aa base ever thé and Ir a-as diffliult te ses tl1e 'o0 us- tb maire a gond iaa4tW. derrickIt s nuci-sed tor iau*bIt teapia.nes. Fi>. menus of I~i t.l C'rane thte'a-Plahe i liftt ii il>'. av4atcil anaullanl. uo",U domaii tatathe laite. Tht. piAis11W, Ianded on tbie wharf .on the TetLUI1 rîi) by tht.'sanie moins. The Modern Mhted. Walter-Wb*i wIll yo« bavb11 Dtner-.mOb, iag me an s5eflIi~ protelu& fats, sud carbobsM Ig leave Il te yen. Henry-say aboît hunire<l calories."- WAUKEGAN WEKY SUN

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