LTBERTYYILL1~ ~1t)EPEYD#NT, TUUB8D~T, O~S~%3~ ~-: ~ - 1I'KTaIis YIAR !,4Wt now when the weather I, e ju15 bard 10 conlIee of any suiv $Ilbt la more pertinent and miore t tisa the tee business as ro le Woukegan. In connection tii. problernisone ver>'inteme8t- havfa~ e- eM aie overed by n aD s rmit of .3 confeence wtb ruKennedy, 'ho la Waukegan's Ic tedeaer at tho prùment me thnna dit stand out caflapi- laI Mr. Kennedys emamks Thot probably nex1 sumnier ,,~,t b. an>'deliver>' of lce &IIg &.1 ailaresult of the of holp. Thatu remit of non-de. .of lo. people wii have Io go b.«s and wegons te local Cen ne voitere tee will he o od ou 0111r essntils:a', U- IJ ha mnocash tek- &t éO$SIy pisCO. but eveyeuos a opnbook. ,,,PO55th-That WaukegCi' now lu . tUghe safne price for ice that ait b r4lIMO mirbe are PAYIng undt ig, oe0fly twe cnts titgher thon S une Çoupon Books. Bie us.boala Comptalot Ibat ~U .1'as naying tý,e a hunîlred t~brsaother north shore ci- t:*O h ago were paylng onîn ji,1l vs 40c ln WaU'<eesf last 5bjîmW.' lqumv o0m. Kentiedy Cort he aterentthat b" ~uiit~U1d $250 for books of. 1 *,Ê.ver7body lu Waukegan wwôutd *»i* coupon book and help ns - wy fruma the cash-at.the.wagon - w ieWould ho ail right. The tvmuld gel roalty better ser- - id boel o ontrouble thon xcuthat la iiere (ho di!. *,owes O* a. te people have fol ;the practice of glvlng our men ejmen are nOt suPPosas! es~ia. but are exipeted 10 ou. Mont citles have I& g: abagiso uere couffpons are ekciulveiy and vilii fot take W.bve a uStrouble ln getting bep that vo have able yelt tuissue on tma tiaI ee cannoI ho sotd vben la endered. f sin the temptatlon aivays of etMonii taS ntu slip a ltIle Ue vghl vbkere people have boks la eroer to gave ane ticne who pa>' cash and tita 19 ulgan lie dealers rua up hutaI le vhy man> citiets willI ~ut drivers1tu oit an>' tee adprobably wyul resut in -s.ituation lbore in lime. How- Il .>Ié are naly ton gladi b have hi ave ccUpca go out and up on the velgil vhon they asorder for tee. We have -.&ales on ever>' wa"omh j*aenot la the lest offendod * h. publiceos tb the wagon the ' les ic wotahed Up. '4»0 Doivery Mcxt;Yser. h" e ascé al ime getting ci tha a1 alil icokzaàaithough wun't ho aay delivery of tce al 'dobb1 uffleso (he var breaks et the beip situation. Thon -M aiqhave tugo tu lhe centraliaiea te tirte,, The reason for ,0fitmticlt a tatathe vo la ýoo lai oid mon tu get on and al As.ttIe huseen liatIl la be- =-.iWgg0fte a problens tu gel mon 1ý7jîmWja is beavy article. '7epriee of EOc a hisndmed 1.4 tbe Ëtd b>'Food kdmlnlatmatDr aud la lie saw. as charged ai lPhaéPark, Laite Forest.Ke- §:cilie adother places. In Ihe>' charge 2 cents a bun- "'"' but ther o they are bible tu l e i bouet>'of a iole tod in -'t a block whemoas e have to lm»ver several blocks before we .1 it e a toad. W. are trylng tu en. situation aa hast vo cin t'ýiltsbot filla fnone on10good ihuee of li, help prohiem inuWau- bi8. lte nme au ln other clles." #lt Made B>' Littlest Girl. Mareellne Cevono. aeover 400 lntenatonsil.' ia$datls a ith the Hgenbecli- 6 IS C r ns , ahic h iwlti exhibit iu 1jýMema. on Thîlmada>'. Aug. 'lie pirit of the colos_ýa1 perfnri 1%Ipepktomized by Miss Marceline a.. daint>'. bewitclîing bit of DM->'. ao danres and omnp,ýon - , aoitl- teel ovire. Thse yoîînei X ) neweomer ln the crn t : l a a member ofthie ('e :11b Sette. Miss Cevene lsa soîil as a minute. yet bof ore s.î E CMala, saated ber vor the poo fr15la b. audience are sbîîff1Int 5iebtheir prrama 10 find beri ~f.The blaget bit in the *ho%% - ie !.tttleal girl, Marceline la agesi aie gMande four Mtet six, asit wears .2,cilidreg'saonnei. and until tI, pee appered only ln Eng Uaaa4U on the continent. »bôkg the nOvelttea o¶oered Iis à& Epalairidera; the Flyln.g Wards. inemffl.rin bsingle, double a drt~einlg somersauits. passing ~b er la cuddalm. lozaina one pet- tO *9et h ser acroas a yawiilnu, aiiundred fot aboya the X« - iarvoit Ribler. wbo lideE * ~ ed dwan a vire fmom thip 10001; lta the arma, sud a trio ~ld7 eiepaa~trainors, tncl6ddino UB'DW»w«aa. nffly ricruted tu 00fa ansa. Bosides theme are! o--r- ~ ~ -4 a*We a c .robate, 60 ridera. - ai itowo.ld & Mkly F~red i3roge, the man *bc stashed Ray-mond Evansm er the hand with a saw and tbus paralyzed tho tendons of the boy's hand, was ttis- morning bound over to the grand jury in $1500 bonds. the hoarlng being at North Chicago. HP furnlstied bonds. Thp4 charge was assault witlh a deadly weapon. Louis Potoclcy. Ï2 yearn olu on Thursday a wnek ago wa.g taker. to Glenwood rpforin schoot. tWt had been îfound gullty of steling $2 'rÙnIflle' cash d rawer In a store on LiAncoln jsireet. Ho had rmnloto hie store grabbed the money and escaped. On Thumsdav of thîs wevk ho was found by Chief Shoup at his home in North Chicago. Ho had run awa' (rom the school and walked most of the waý« homre A comPanlon eseaPeýil wjtil with him and Je bel ng souit înval Waukegan where Itta is fe lstahid lng. Louis waa today ordered laken hacl in othe ochool. Mr. 3fld Mm. Waltcr Atkin4oit ie tîirned ïe sterday from Ilaîîîond La" whbere Uîey bavc"been 'Ppendlng th lioneymooon. Misses mable Cook and Jean c Learn wcni ont Saturday to Dlamoud Lake and r.t urned yostemday. mr and Mr. P Ired Coolk and tam- il. F;il M(i dp and bis family and Etmê'r Atkinson and bis family no torrd outtu10I)Iaiond Lakte, Staurda>' evenlllg. Frank Ha~ye's wasaia homo SuA.ay aftr 12 daYs n detention at Gre' Lakos. Frank thougbt ho wam lueIkY tLî get ouît so soôon. bui lald b recei'.od bits klia Shot*' Saturday. Miss Jean icIesantliscnjoylng a wseok*a vacation. Miss.Finrtnce flayes lefi todsy for, Chicago where she wilI spend a week îiillng frlondm. ('art Slreed in apen4lng bts vaca-1 tion %isil ing relatives in Michigan. Mi rain(, Mrs. Branche and famkil>' ýppnt Stinday visting relatives a1 WVnnetka."... 4etq! , ,' . . - American Telepho ne *-AND Telegraph COMpany- New York, July 31..'19 18 110 I±~p-tyees ..-of the Bell- Telephone Companies: U NDER the -authority of the law and by the proclamation of the President possession and. control of" the wire system passes to the Postmnaster General as of August lst.. In a conference héld Ï11 Washington. atwhh were- present the Poetmaster General, the Governmèý #t Operatirîg Com-, mittee and represe'ntatives. of the Bell Copmpanies, the postmaster Genèral eX-pressed most emphatically his appreciation of the service which the Bell Companies were renideriiîg and that. such improvement possible to be m'adé woUld be because of the additional power derived from the Govern- ment; he asked for the co-operation and assistance of those who had, heretofore been responsible for the service. '-The Postmaster General was equally emphatic ini the statemnent of his desire to conserve the ser- vice and properties of thée ôïhpa nies with the view of retturnrg themn when' called upon solto do tQ the owners in as good condition as received., That it was his earnest. desire that the owners should re- ceive just compensation in the full sense for their use. The Postmaster General, until other instruc- tions are issed,, desires that the con4uict of opera- tions shall continue as .herétofère and also states that no changes will be made until- after consulta- tion and full and careful cone$deration. To ail who are identified with the Bell Com. panies who have shown your fine sense of obliga- tion and your lôyalty and, fidelity to, the company to the Public Service and to the property in t he past and to whom the credit is due for thé prestige and condition of the companies in thie public eye-it is asked and it is not' too much to a sk- of you, that samne loyalty, fideity and devotion to, the -service un- der the new order'of - things; on your behaif, such loyealty.,fidehity and'devotion to servic have been promised, knowing full well the spirit in which 'you would meet and respond to the rtquest. To do one'a full dut>' in each Poaitiog in lm ti.ewtit obl- gation retind upon ',very ýperson and iâ aloo e raieat opening to future p r fertt. «--THEO. N. VAIL.,,President L. a - '~. s .;s,. ..... -'. -~ -- r theit