9.PRCTRWUEK MID BY C MAYMALLRI3AL INSURANC1E T D3A N IT Vies, Ut., Accident sud Reaty Business for the Week, Le': HualiL, PlatimelAsu &- on the Whole, has Been lomoblie .Md Worklug- Rather. Quiet lot Pl ~FEW LARGE TRANSACTIONS,on bW' Hlm BbIow. Placimg -ell Your Insurance Largest was the Taking Over 421 ~-, ,<, for $75,000 of 95O'Acres iw ~ao8.é '. ms emAt Lake Villa1 Business of the Recorder's office La, for the veek endiug Augut 3, 1918 by curlty Titis & Trust (30. lb*Wyme a te N6Number of couveyawee,90 k uil 10a'Number of éhattel mortgages. V7. lin _IR 1 N &DOLAN Nunher of trust deeds and mort-.il) U8WTotal number of Instrumentsa 111.eu w~amuiud~iAI Total amfouIl f l fans, $63.575 Business bas beeu quiet and bnans Je MANPAOUUS o~ about the average 1, -man irioTue iq00, TUh leivng are- the mare lin- $ end Gra@nite portant d"al: L H M o u eés ballet the Egily A F1004roert at nethwest corner. Center and Pop- D) larsétrees freI2O 1l Mm.t.y Work of Ever'y Charles H Yeomaus of Whieaton. bought thé Biddlecom bouse.'atB Description soutiieast corner Cnter snd Hickory Hi 1 16 streets for $2500 Geo H. and 1.411e Gouild baught a Lý ndpiselce 5olilteil lot on east ide Plamer Place f rom S 116 Gen seeSt Peter Pearson for nominal coneicler- & Wvik#&tiL. Eler Biaise bought the Ebte A. _______________________Wilder bouse at soutbeast corner ai Glas Rock ave. and St. James et. for B ~EX S.tJROES rt, J. Lyous bought the G. W. 1 N MA3 N AMD Evans lot on west aide !incolu ave.. i CONTACTR aouth of Glen Rock avenue for $840. coa L. ON M TO Barney ilanowits bought the Ssck. îH voit, tone voit, piasieriDOI mam property on east ide bif4riet et.. H bde~ oit.houe voi ~ lut aeuth of Lae nt., for $2500. ilo rsêIung routlyand Steve and Agnei Grohbech boug!:t i b1gW zeu t d _311W the Nick Sioietproperty on wEd Zios Cty,,DL, aide Market ab., soutla of GuIf Set. forT DP. . L TALORAlex P. Beaubien boug¶it the Alice a 101ils b FluaINaCmM anck Bn te e. poie orge v.fe ~o n Broadway, opat at Seih Eaglcl Ltea __________________________Norlander bouse ou veet aide McA!- DR. GOLDING JeIter ave.. mest uorth af May' et., for DENTIOT $4000. Boum S8 lO19 arn-i 005àp.m. lu Lthertyville: John snd Belle Over Firet National Bnk Zeermer bought two lots on northi "s7boie9J a.Poo17J aide Osborne et., froin hua. H. Kern t . LbertrvlJia, Illinois for $44000. il ~-~-------------- lu Boton: Michael Debbs houglit MR.EL.IL. ÉMITH, part of NE 1-4 Sec. 10 et WinthroP DEUTIBT. Harbor east of railroad fretu J4s. A.e 4" LhKS COUM-? SÂfIONÂL asS. Bidderman. for $10000 sia-f te 12 a. m. sud 1 to aS.p. n l Newport aud Antloch: Victor .ouÂIL. 1H. MSd Robert L. Strang tuai titis ta LlbÀi~ili. Iilsisail the John M. Strang property Ilu N. SEPHNS, D. Sec, 81, Newport sud- Sec. '86, Ain- PRI8ICUN & Mi SURGEONE '.*aa"» 10 e $0the uam ofM92 lu West Antloch: IL B. Pierce 9,1100, , le Tr bought the Sarah I Siiav pruperty at ly" eRa&nined for lass., NE corner Lake Cit bei1u InSec. 1 W, rOua C. Tel. 100 Libertyvlfle. for $1250. Iu Grant: Aluine L. Brown sud le- DL O. P. BU17j'Fl'cjsD roy B. Kinçý>hought the Philip J. Sie- VU.'RIART -SURGEON. ýer 40 acres lu 9W 1-4 Sed. 2.1 for- 5*f*Y STSU EUUARLL. In Lake Villa: Augusta Lehmn Ulbotyvlls, Ilis. toci fitle to thie Ernst J. Lehiman estate or about 250 acres In Secs, sue BEAMANA è, COLBY and twa for iudlcated $75000. Attorey-atLawlu Warren: ErmIl aud Mary Van Aitorsy.atLsw aoclce hougt the James Callahan B i ouae, Cook Ave. Phono 168J tarin of 102 acres lu Sec. 33 and 34 .ýirTVILLÈ.. ILLINOIS. for $17000. lu Ares: Denuis J. Dunue bougbt LTELL H. MORRI for the Catholle Blehop of Chicago, ÂtVOEU.AT-LÂv the Wm. Knigge 20 acres la S8W 1-4 Uibertyvile - Illinos Sec. 18,. lertyville for $6,000. fi lu Veru: Fred Buderlin took ti. Pm sbs ika. Once. p,.,,*jetie undor forO(loOire of the Louise H. ___________________Keler 20 acres la NW 1-4 Sec. 30 ]PAIXL MAC OUPPI.RoiEttTrsfs AVIENU AV L&V. Ra taeT nfr UtmmvYilo. mos JuIy 27, 1018 Pm» U C. G. Sharpe and vifs te C. J. Joues, . 40 ft. (ex W 70 ft.) lot 4, block 24, Original Waukegan. WR, MAEfN C DUCCER $150. MARM C DECMR. J. l8011 ta P. C. Daniela, 44 ft. IWOENY-ATLÂW8 front of lot 3, blockt 6. Original 8fW"sIngt1eu St-st Waukogan, WD. $10.', CAuKUGAxl., ILLINOIB Anna ltarovets and hushand ta- OH.m Phono 848 Frani Karban, -part lot 4 on veat au.. Phono 1860.1R hauk of Foux river lu~ Secr 16, Cuba Township, W,$660,i JuIy 29, lois Emily A. F1004 tu, W. H. Poster, _______________________lot 21 and (ex W 37 1-2 ft. lot eS, blacec 1, Lyon and Ilutchina' North S14e CI>ih. WR, 82,60». L. P. Hanea aud vif. teJotef Niemets and te, lots 30 snd 31, cago.l WR. Y-$1. T.TERTYV]ILLE nDPmmmDn, THRmÂy, AuGU-sT 8. 1918 hor. acresinuBouton TvpK. Deed, Il. F. M. Lasher sud vife ta W. K. hampîlu, lot at Flox Iske, QCD, $1. T. H. Keru ta Johu Zeermer and Ife, lotas laid 6, bock 1. Oahorne's ail ub., L$bertyvile, WD, $10. Oscar Wood and vifs to Carile R ail, S 46 ft. lot 5, block. 43, 111igb- mid Park, QC $1. E. E. Lebinu suad vIfs ta Augusta ,hmann, Lehmannu Farm. lu Secs. aud 2, Lake Villa Tvp., WD. $1. Ettie A. Wilder te U E. Hulse. t4, ex( S 40 ft.) block 12, McKay'a nd Add Wau'ceMa, WR, $10. G. W. Hymne and ve te E. J. Ly. no, lot il. block 1. Grady & lla.low- Il' Suh.. Waukegan, WD. $840. Win. Zegers ta A. F. Beaublen, lot 2block 2, Orvia' Sub., Wankogaii. July 31, 1918 T. W. Sithtsnd vite te J. J. 01111- a uand vifs, lot 9, Sbsv's Sub. ou iii< Lake , WD, $326. Alice M. Bates to Alex FI. Beaubien, LN 33 -ft.- lot-4- and part IoLO , block 7. Mastsr ln Chancevyta Fred Roder. n, 2 acrea at IÀug Gzove, Deed 04.05. j1 H. Norlauder eMd vIte tu Swed- sh Lutilaraax hurclc, lot 16,- block 1, umunin & Ce.l AUd. Wsukogmu, 'R, $4.».ê Gsi-rie A. sackman & ai te Baruey auowits, N part lotis à and 6. blcck [McKay% Âdd. Waukegan, WR. i.5600. Fkrmpoe Drus. te James Gahan, ares in'E 1.2 NW 1-4Sec. 34 War. n Twp., QG $1. ^an. 1. lois Wm. ltn1gge sand vite to D. J. :unn, 8W 20 acres of 8W 1-4 Sec. 8, Lihertyville Twp.. WR $10. P". H. Bartiett sud vite ta Marie Bernhcdt, lot 41, block 9, Ravinla 'lighlands, Higbland Park, Deed, ;29. P. J. Sloh..r te Alaine L. Brown and L B. Kiug, NW 40 acres Of 5W i-i Bec. 2E Grant Tvp.. QCD $1. Jamesalab&an and vife ta Ell rMary Van Haec ce, tract of land lui secs. 33.anti 34. Warren Tvp., $10. Peter Pearson ta Geo. 1-. Ganta und vile, lot 20. Femron, Little & Brogana' Sub., Waukegsu, WR, $10 Aue. 2z Sarah b. Shaw sud hueband ta H 3. Flere, tract of land lu E 1-2 Sec 1, West Autioch TvIi.. WR. $1.250. Julia M. Shatsveli, et aI, ta Chas i. Yeomansa lot 6. block 2. Lyan & Hutehlnle Suh. Waukegàn, WR. $10 J. M. atusng and te ta V .11. anc R. L. Strang. trart of land iu Sec. M0 A.nl.loch aud lu Sec. 31, NewPOc- han-y Olander te Raymond Itt aud vite, S 50 ft lot 21, Bensauas Sut HighweodW", $10. Nicholas Scholzen and vite ta Stey Grahelch and vite, S 1-2 lots 1, 2 su, 3, block 9, Suuderliu'a Firat Add Waukegan, WR. $5.500. Aug. 3, 1918. A. P. Beauhien ani vif. ta Job: Hoflander. lot g aud S 1-2 lot 7,bMac 2Orvis Sub., Wankegan, WR $10. L. A. Paddock ta John Ayllng, ira( lional E 1-2 NW 1-4 Sec. 24 West Ar tioch 11vp., QG. Il. Rass and Elsie Pavera ta Bridge Povers, part E 1-2 lot, 258 L.ake Fai est, Reede. $1. MARRIÂAGE LiCL.NSE& Gea. E. Wagner. Milvaukee, .08 Alma Zirbel, Clintonville, WVla * 21. Joseph Bitama. lhbertyville. il9 Beasie Mezydla. Chicago, 24. Walter W. WIrth, Evanston, 21 B'orence Pepin, saine, 24. Semn A. L4Iley. Racine, 20; Eth, Crosby, saxue, 19. Geo. J. Whitfleid, Milwaukee, 1M Lillan J. Lau, saine, 26. Hsrr A. Gueuther Milwaukee, Lydia Kauter. saine, 22. Arthur Aidridge. Ravinis., 21; Ma garet Flsunery, Highland Park. 19. F'red.Schroeder, Racine,, 36; Mi nie Kugel, saine, 24. FRol>t. G. S&hultz, Waukegan. 31 Louella A. Goslee, saine, 25. Walter S. Wlrlck' Great Laktes, 2: Alice Faimler, Loganeport, lud., 1 Paul .Bdeop, Chicago, 32: May' Dav-W, sane, 29. Mai-ston S. , Richardlson, Kan&: City, Mo., 25-, Rbada G. Ilughes, M vaukoe. 27. Hlenry Mînder, Milvaukee, 21; Roi Kasten, Usiné, 18. John A. Morlarty, Chicago, 3 Margaret A., Merisrty, samne, 26. Win. E. Aukele. Lake Zurich, Olga F.lohnau, saine, 19.' Ed'wln H. Mammen. Great Laie 21; Lorena M. Weatherford, Padua KY. Louis G. Stevens, Milwaukee, 2 N»ffsret E. Russell. gaine, 19. Uo F. Scheurman, Great I.kas, Ellà.E. Meyer, St lmiMo.. 25. Ilerbert E. Jaeger, Oconemovc 20; 'Marie Resvell, same, 21. Antofi Mataek, North Chicago, 2 lielen Drinka, saine, 17. Franc!. M. 'Mercer, Great Lai 25; BIt. Santra, Chicago, 18. Edward P. Dmrace, Great Laies, 2 Josephine Tarmanu, Ogea., Wls., Johbn Chiavares, Mllvaukee, 33; Edith Dickerboff, saine, 25. Jesse Smlth, "22; Perpetua Lampe, samne, 25. Frank P. Morgan, Port Vue, Pa., 21: Emma M. Perguson, same. 22. Vincent Hren, Milwaukee, 23; El. oie Nua, saine, 18. 1 F'rank K. Johnston. Chicago. 21; Helen Flacher sasine, 23. Merl#4t. Ladwig. Antigo. Wis., 35;- Lfllian Neison, saine, 3V Robert A Becker, Miiwaukee, 30; Edyt.he C Andersonsine, 25 John H ýMoyer. Chicago, 30; B er- the, Mab4%, Michigan City, 41 WSn. Jonaway, Mlwaukee, 34-, Hel- tu Dykernan, Darien, Wis.. 23. . Chester Roberts, Kenosha. 35; Mirlan stempf, Flint. lOch.. f6. Fred G. Parker, Racine. 36; Mollie Mitchell, Milwaukee, 31. BUNWOOD AN Fuel AdmInltrator Says Peo- ,i ~Id Make up for Siduction :CONSERVATION. IS NEEDED Says it I8 not Saving to Burn Oi1, Ga& or Eleotil Heat- ors-this Fait k This isn't exactly the kind et weather ln whlch Waukega npeople worry very much about the fuel they vill need neit vinter-in fact they are as Indifferent to thie subject rlght Dow as; they are ta the' matter of how much loe.they vill nee.-n the aum- 1mer, especlally. wvhen the thermome- kter regiters 20 below zero. Bie tinat as It may, UI,. Erskinc, fuel adnlanrator, says the weather shouid flot cause people ta laie sight o f the, tact that the supply of coal next winter la going te b. llmlted. H e says 4here ta every reason to -thlnk that people wviilot ho abie *te get more than their tw-thlrds'ai. dlotmeut. For that rc3son hp lr!etrlgid con. servatron of the two-thirdq ailotment, hsaying it ehould be eked out hy the burning of wood and tsott coai dur- log the chllly days of fait and Bpring. Hard coal, he says, should ho hurned ýonly during the extremely cold venih- er. ile saya that people shauid fnot endeavor ta use ail stoves, gas or electrie hdaLters because he says thorn, la no real conservation lu such a course. He says that tréight cars ýshould ho spared for foodstuffs ami munitions as much as possible. By c-Éittiug ashee and helng more can nfui of the hard coal, together wlth burnlng soft coal and wood at times sthe fuel administrator tblnýra viii en- ,able prople te get along with two- thirds of their normal supply ut bard eoal. k:OFOUS U=BOAT NOT LJI3 FLIVR; el IT'S 204 131. LONOi Launching of the Firsi Dispels Notion they are OnIy Ex- aggeràted Launiches Retroit, Aug. 3.-With the Iauneh- lug of Ea.gle-1.' the firat a! the fleet ut cubmariue destroyers betng buitt hI Henry' Ford for the Liuited Sitiltes nsvy, detalled information concern- lug the con.struction, purposes snd poseihllUes of this uew1ht naval we-apon hecame public toi- the i-at time. The genersi belle! that the hats were, Uttle mare than exag- gerated lauuches, equipped vith lighi guns, vas dlopelied vwhen the vessel, 204 teet long, lai-gui- tIan the aid type o! United Statea destroyers, vas dropped Into the vaters of, River Rouge b>' a gi-est mechanIsin offra ated hy hydreubie Pressure. The Eagles are vuthln 30 foetot f spproxtmatiug the iengtb ot the standard 3,500 <ou voodon ships b. Ing hutît for the emei-geucy 1fet cor- peration. Vleved tram aboya deck, the Baglo la much more ie a flounder than & macherel. ItliedehIIP Cioia-se00tlàf heare s stroug liieness te the fine« et a canal barge. Itsa tern ilasquare sud blunt. Théc reusinder of tliff ahlp la buit generally lu stralght fines snd plane surface. The boy., hov«ever, tapera te a knIifellieedgè4<, seemiugly sharp enough and streff efloligIt literally te eut a Bsubmailf la tvo. The Hagbesa aâ ulîtt 10 9555 oaelY through the Welland canQalnsd tihe bats draugbt and bam ameais siusl lenougb te permit passag» through the Nev Yoi-k state barge, canai There la not; a forigng or i-olled hesamn luthe suture ship. Ilverythiâg la pressed frein sheot metal, COId& by meana or sutomatic suachiufry that euta everi' pleee te su eia.Ct pst-. teru, thon punchies the rivet hos sud hends every part do Its r9qulred abaus. Wblteh do v. cam mo-s for-, p~eOU5 1grathficatlon or tho principlos for Wblcb the cM#ized varld bllfgbtlng? 1I, thé former, ive shall contiuue tao@pend reekhe4shy; il the latter, ve ohall savo te th pt3moqt atour abllity sund vlth arn savinge buy War Savinge ataoups. NOTICE TO 111E PUBLIC:0 A STATEMENT BY THE OFFICEIIS 0F TUB. Studebaker Oil & Refining Company i. that Bankers, Manufacturers, Farmeru and Business nen-a-ge and eamail are rapidly taking up this etock? DO YOU KNOW that you can get Studebaker OM & Refining Shares Bow ($1 .00 per share) upon most iberal terme, but you muet act guickly? Our Investrnent letter contains a full report on this Security. Send for it! kt wili pay you. s ADDRESS ALL INQUIIES 10 SECURITIES TRUST COMPANY 10 South LaSalle Street CHICAGO, 1W1 ILLINOIS SERIAL No. 1084. These securîtlem bave been approved by the Department of State of Illinole. TE SECRETARY 0F $TATE DOE8 NOT RECOMMEND THE PURCHASE 0F ANY SEC URITY OFFERED FOIL SALE.t -When You Go to Chieago TRAVEL VIA M1E- NORTH SHORE LINE Use the fast, clean, cool, nerve-saving limited service over the North Shore Une. Reach the hgart of Chicago's business and shopping dis- trict in plenty of time for a full day's activity andt get back ta Lib- ertyville in good rime the same evening. Uniited trains connect with Elevated Express trains at Central street, Evanston, making anly two stops south of Evanston. These trains go around the Loop, stopping at Most depsrtment stores in the Laop district. Rwnimg ime to Chicago, 1 hour, 43 minutes Train Schedule Trains leave Libertyvilie every bout from &30 a. m. ta 11:30 P. m., making close connections at Lake Bluff. junction with Milwaukee Limited Trains and Evanston Express Trains.' Saturiy aftemnons, Sundays and holidays, LÀmited trains leave L.ake Bluff Junction every thirty (30) minutes. Parlor cars are attached ta trains Dining cars are attached ta trains leaving Lake Bluff Junction at leaving Lake Bluff junction at 9M5 a. m. and 2:54 p. m. Chairs, 12:54 p. m. anid 5:54 p. mn. 28 cents, including war tax. te neare4g tikfet lces Of the NORTH, StIORI3 LAIE NE Chico Ticket Office LibertyvMfe Passenger Statio Milwaukee Ticketffice 137 SoolO lt SaeMPont. Ubonyvili74 .-. 187Second Sos Ph..., CetdEa8mUSMont.,Grand 1*6 I , . t -. vI onld net permit aur naines to b. noed nor us i le scempesy, as vs bave do»s,on" ..v. bai! luliy complot.d our-lnvatl. -Miou ed Lad ebtadda costroi o etouhIprodueiug di, propowtip ..To thinaaho cam aBord to lave@%o, .boitvo ar u oefhs M as xoptlosaop. portaty; vo loaoro rtun. hédatMlglrooeommend tb..."mbao 0our frmand and acqusntaae.2' Bigned, CLVIX. W. STUDEBAKER A. . RTUDEBAKER P. E. TUDEBAKER DO YOU KNOW that the prôpertîes controlled by the Studebaker Oul & Refining 'Company have a production now of about one-haif ,million a year? DO YOV IÇNOW tIlat the4db3e Company is destined ta be one the Wafest and Beut DiYidend-Paying Oit Concerne? DO YOU KNOW that the Covernment-yest the- whole world muet have more ail? DO YOU KNOWi -- -7 --- ---- - 1 - - - - -- -. ----