- - -as LtE~!YILLE NDEPNDENT THtRSDÀT, AUGUtT 8 1018 t i ë I tle end ntgreatlY. For instance thé goverMmt doms not extend yv crédit to persona or firms nor doms it take checks. Al Omsy ladependnt- Waukega"Wel u deals have to bo settled for immedlately ig cah. ECvery- one knows ho cannot buy postage stampa, for example, Offie Tlephone Number 1, Libertyvile Exchange. OIcOpt for cash nor change tiiem for differont donomina- ai tb. Poetoffice at Libertyvllle, MI., as Sevond tiare ial Mtatter tions after purchase. The fàvOrs and convenences of OffclI'Pbêcatof fo Te illgeof ibrt'il*.privato ownership thuis disappear '#th the govermen "#*lotlon fer Lakte Couty Bar o apeviore r« ig taklng over an ti.A late example tg the announce- L'at" Tburaday. Âdvertising Rat- Made. Known ou A.PiIcsttOl. Ment that commuters who have ln the past been glvlng rRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER VA TITYI OAC their checks for ticketsvill henceforth bave to pay inirosi ~0MiM.......................~... ..E moneY. This.vill be at Urnes inconvénient. probably the B.MITH .......... ........................................................ Manager samo t.hing viiisoon ble the ride ini the telegraph and telé- TrODO. JR.................................. ............ Resideflt Manager phono business-no credit and no checks taken. It would - seem that the. foverument nilght adopt more up-to-date business methods as the use of checks relieves the need for more currelty in these busy daye. The tragedY near Idbertyvule Sunday viierein a mani vas killed after lipilgoff th aide of a truck and belng Irun over, shows how thm thingn hapM i eve jfto.r frfn FýUIoUî e "idngduerone hnI necessary." In this case, the boy's sweotheart aud others vhyXW NI urNd t in ihe tru as ho should-he igli"AW.o il the.mo"ers sand fathers of Waukegiin areu't suf- stândlfgisonthe runxnboard. Me didn't listen to them ted to make their vos chldren stoYeaint-1 in thoir plea that ho vas i danger. And ho pald the prico. go té rsembe oakecharUZ hyÂutoing at its boat is dafgerous enough; foolish .pranks iu1d the w recreation board, the. nevafpeansd oth- when riding abould be avoided at ail tinies or the penalty M orrv about it? A logical question, is't It? But, the must Ib.eoxpectod. ____ a-Vpparent that THEIR CONDITION DUES CONI- M~ECITY AT LAG. ~ Tii. prosence o p ansd dolled-up faces help to ..0 the cfty look as it.looka. So, itI18a city affair rather1 morly parental indifféeonce as to hov the girls look.1 fact that this or that littie snlp has her lips painted1 *ý -they look like the front of a five and ton cent store snd ~ur cheiks so they look like a faded floyer gardon, causes geeto vonder what sort of girls Wsukegan main- Thus the. cty IS affected more or iessu by this prac- 'tim ichist beconing meo abominable that the oue's vho $"oU«eit, lover theinselvos in the estimation of ail who torglauce upon them. They may tlunkr they attract m onor admiration but it in the opposite. They at- atetons of curiosity bocause they look so freak- tsud -*ii sailors, attracted by that artificial makeup sttractedbecauso thoy beliove the makeups indicate Inuvtation, that it la an outstandingefact that the paint Ntended te cover up decency and respectabiity. SGirls who are tins 'bedecked' dont have te vear a 6-.:1icorne on"-tir faces show vhat they vant. AUd& thoir parents, by thoîr silent consent, encourage *thsy encorg possible downfall te that young Who. thugsek to entico the sailors. Dont blame the E Theyre hinan beigs; they judge theïe vomen viat thq mzake thoenselves te appear like. 1ýwc go o zeouthese days te ueeoa REAL GIRL diwm the stretviien there are so many snake- osbeing sud paintod «"doUsz" infesting every block. Nov that no more petitions can b. filed for the various ýû ho he viiihave te beat. Every one of the. aspir- -M insiste that hnslofiei twntster u.uld be no ectmn htvr .1Amd, did you knov it that the certain bunch tried to et SOXEbody te run against Judge Personsalsim? Yes, ÀÇytried it but found that uobody fait that tho judgo vas "bostansd tiierefore they had te givo up ln despair? And no vitii T. A. Simpson, superintendont of sohools tredtoinerstsomebody i figiit agat i Ifl wore not able toeoven get a 1 stir." -After trying at- least s dozen diferrent mon to get ,ýsm te run for county treasuror and county clerk, the *ategang at lut found tvo Wau3kegau men vho vere wlgteo fer themselves as living sacrifices te Ithe poli- AWIe ho"e of the dovucast bunqch of politicial hubeens. AudÀ that's vhy these tvo wefl-meaning citizens find tiiem- in l a political scrap vithout knovlag viat caused ,tma.o be in it. 7___ There lu a vomn auin 'North Chicago, Mrm. elen1 , 'K*ofe, vho if she oily kuc>vu it, bas reasan to eel. .,zmproud than any vomnlun Lake Conuty, because she lu" ivten or lu about te give her slxth son te the service. Rmyfiv son& already servig the colonransd vith the about ready te join the draft dospite the fact that ho = caimi exemption, ah. bas reason te feel that her sons %a oyal and ever ready to do their bit. Bo gonerous han etthe contributions from the.0'Keefe faznily that it as if the com.munty could show some littie recog- to this brave mother vho bus ralued sixch a large and ubo novses her lant son départ for the front. e fr'6 autia effort of tue 11autlicourt honse crovd", to AMa rtag'e of their ovu bas not gone alisad, vili as sps qed as tuey expected. The. ring-f orrned ticket lu psrtiaily fild sud nov the. boosters for ft are out for the entire lot as tuey bave liued them up. Yep, 'slined them up as the late cza of Ruasia vas steod aant a post-and nov the votera are asked te throv 1Bilots Ito, at, or for> them. Tiie dlsappoiti for the proxuoters of the nev "zjing.formedticket'" titthey cou1dn't stir up interest lu Les Hanua or a Other te Mn against Judge Parsons; they could't a rw eont of anybody aganst Loy Heudee; thoy a- faIls to land a sacrifice against limer Green; and 4~ Mledaroumd a long time before they could land on a candidate ag ansy of the three candidates: ~racb.ror Roilng. -0. dravback te govemurnent ovnersiiip or opération 4~~~l utMtsli i railoads.is that it upsets procedent. Tobacco usera are novw going te psy heavily -for the. privilege of smoking or ciioving. The new revenue bils plans an income of tobacco of $340,OOO,OOO te the goveru. ment each yoar. Weil, smokers are used to theo prices going up anyvay because during the paut year even though no revenue vas derived for the var, the prices have been steadily fncreasing sud the grades of cigars, etc. decreasing. Somebody han been makdng it so it might just as vell nov b. IUncle Sam vho viii profit by the change in price sud change i material. The coxunttes on public information need flot send out telegrams vamnlng the people of the nation that var mouns casualties. Tii. people of the nation have teeled themselves for thei comlng of this nova. They viii bear it with patriotigm just lie same as they bave borne'every other oel 'for var. Tii. nation in deternxlned te see it tbrougii. It vii honor fully the mon viio fali, but it viii not turu back on account of losses on the battleffeld or auy other louses. Jay Morse, candidate for county treasurer, la asking for votes on the grounds thËat' ho la experienced i county matters sud believes that lu a valuable asset. And, it lu. He's a business man, havlng a business at Libertyville; he's exporienced i county matters by having vorked in the county clerk's offce for many years-aud these tvo assets are proving most valuable for him in his candidacy. Ifsa few of the auteists vho, disregardiug the. rights of otiiers, especially at npet, and vho drive paat them at torrific spoed, voie only placed in arrest as a sort of means of PREVENTING ACCIDENTS instead of niaking it necessary te 'BUE TE APTERWARD8, there vould be fewer accidents. 1 Couuty Clerk Rendes lun't saying a word about bis opponent--he merely is teling votera that heohbu tried to conduct his offce as beut ho could sud asas them te, vote for him if they féel h. has doue no. A2ND, the. good part of it la that h.oRHM proved one of the bout county officiais the county of Lake ever iiad. It looks as if Uncle Sam botter start trainingg us sol- diers for foot-racing. The way the Gernana are hot- foting it, the boys viii have te get.into training to catch them., They're sprlnting somo! DISC RIMINATION Lake Buffofficiaia andi citizen& wilt have cameting te ncwer tcr-tvey1 ire charged i wti discrimlnating agnnt te cattors andi Great Lattes, by ciacung Shieridan Raid Wednci- deys andi Sundays. They may , d.ny lie ladt BUT, WHY CLOSE THE DRIVE on those PARTIOULAR DAVO IF ST 18 NOT PISCRIMINATiI 0? Why nt matte it Mcndmys anrTiiuradayc? The. big deys ARE Wednesdmys andi Sundayc, thirafore thte, c peaki fori- tseif. . The.excuse the fr'idge Ian't smatela piffie. If l t ln't THEN MAKE ITR AFE au other munîcîpîti.. ties ire dalng te encourage andi per- mit wàr worlc ta go on. The. aallOrt muet as@e hem frlends and retatives, meny of thom drive ln utai fi-cm Chicago. Shieridan Raad ie a publiceiighvway even If part ef if dose happen ta run through Lake Bluff. Latte Bluff can't continue to be à eiaciter town andi get away wit> l-. i. ate gcvernmmnt woWt permit It look& ne If Lait. Bluffs desîre te ren Ita ultra-xouelvene amses phere ha* cauied ilt t mike a bad break whlch wiil brin9 iIlfoing 10- Ward FLtiierhrefore, the. opposite condition as prevaltung lni Latte Fat- et wiie.tco ntucla boing don. FOR the *alera andi wiere se many weai- thy meon are dahng much for them -le Inde.d cencliung andi shows how twe netgiibcrlng cantmunitles have dif- feront disposittons. MIRACLE NEAR HERE Great LatteV stock of fichting men ln trainng ham reachedtheii grand ta. tai cf 46,000. ItleU the opinion cfq 'Segmen Si" aver Iln dtentlon liat If tiit fact were 'tîicet off on te katacra prIva. wlr. Il mlghtt help elîay any douta sha migt have as lu wii's going to wln titis war. The ctatio,, recrulting office reports 1,S0001 MERe, iftill4eil Ülëhegli.montii of1 Juiy, which was a comparatlvely quiet mentit. The. record for te ta- tien recruiting office le 2,S05 recruita enlisted durlng the month of May. A year ago lait April tho Great Lattes mtalion hati a capaclty for lest titan 1,800 men. Today it holds 46,000 imeties in lhe metthng anti the car- penteri are racing ta raies. - more campa. One wlishei liaI lthecomplacent eaatenn aises wiio are conatantly worrted beceuae lhe "mîIde weat iiasn't watted up" cautti corne out here and mette a visit ta Great Lakte@. THERE AND HERE The. American coiiers are etrhtctnq "Over there", andi- atrîkhng willt tell- qng effect. OVER HEViE, down nl Great Lakte@, warttmen are etrtkIng on Uncle Sam,@ naval station builti. hngc because they tirant' catiefiet wifh te wages pald hsy contractais who tooet work tram 'the goverpment Uta icertain figure. That'. the differ- once-the meon avec liera are aIrit. lng for LIBERTY; the. men hors are quIttnq b«cau»a they'ro unwillung ta DO, THIR BIT-tiiey waiit a wiiole mautifut. Tiie boys aver lter. are gettIiig $30 a monti-tie moni down barseaIt the naval sattion Jump 1ho01' jobs becauao lie>. want the. contrac- tora te psy them thelr carter@ SE- &IDES EIGHTY CENTS AN HOUR wych lis FIVE VENTS AN HOUA MORE TH-AN TH4E UNION $CALE. Shame on themlI Thice &hummo upen tiiéti EVENING FARMING'S ADVANTfAGE Wihevening fermilng belng cari'led on In Latte count>. Il appéers altIfIl may become *von more popular than "dolng te tovec." Wiiy not make use* of Il energîie, anti, liiteid 'oft whinqgiwmy the. lime peasuiO-aeok- hIng i thetrs or merety troîl- Ing, 99 o th ie faim wlth her duO-e ing ta yaur artn; andi, togethormen der through the. flelde In théiimo-, IN llgiit, .ach ready and wiiling tg ahacit the grain and aven help carry It to the grainàries IY necea.ary? The *vening farming ought ta bicorne profitable ai wetl as populer. Suak the. texanto the luxuries. If people Inalet on havlng them 'lot them expect ta pay for thom. Thor* are a lot of thinga that monne people believe ,ore necemulties now whioh properly fll Into tiie Iuxury clama. Oite way toF teach the people ta know the differ- once between a nocessty and a Iuxury ta ta soak an the. ta. They learn to discrimlnate mighty fa*ut. Witthe i new federai auto tax im- posed on the. bamis of welght of the car regardiema of the. year, "filvveM" awIer can again ait up anid mite; they ciii tae. a loit cf diedain and pity on the. owners of big cara and eamn repeut: "And It flIvv.rm right1 alang, even regardiens of the. taxes." PPRErLIN ALL st, Fuel Administration Issues of Rules whlch Makes tl a Provision Now KEROSENE SUPPLY SHi WaukAgan, A, The Country Clubs open woo bas been the joy of fiction wi Uînie out of mnd. But such have bccn mostly romance. Wa a prosaie goverilment sometimel trive ta convert fiction into hence this year the wood fil the country clubs will bc ce siead of romance, or else cc club, wili be cold, cheeriessaia serteti places, because- The U). S. Fuel Administratiî isscied an order that no private try club between December 1, andj April 1, 1919, shah hbur coke. natural gas, fuel ail, or petroleum produots nor shall use from sncb fuel for heatini coakIng. Clubs may use wood or peati snch fuel lsav.'ailale wlthout Ing to Le fransported, anti an' club may hum allber fietlim ceing a permiss.ioni firn ife fuel administration, if it einn%'p e that the- fuel dcstred can h.- and it fla not against the putl terest to grant sncb a permit. The kerosene supplY mwilil e the' fuel administration anni anti atiîse4 conserialion Le ing lampa 'anti lanterna dlean. ing kerosene stoves Only as i0 necessary, anti uging na coalc ci-anlng. F'urthiîr. an înj uicti un to s a-iuandi gave le l]( o os i I bas heen sent out1nvthe - îLe hl administration ta conserve anth coal. Frequently as muîh as2 c-nt coal iii contPinet Iin astic administration tieclares. Several ytarru ago. an .--<anl was matie ofth(, aube' daimp the- elty carta lu a large city,. was founti that one-flfth of th was goad coahof nut sîze or1 An exampie la given ol' a coa having matie r.n excellent livi collecttng the asLes froin hanses out charge taking them ta a iE stian yard where le sîffedt he bîand, w*bed Ihe uitet Mo wlth a hase anti solt i t for $3 a If ever bouseholder using a, cite coal wll spe that the astE qifteti, the fuel adiministration a large amount of goati malw saveti, anti the retincet supply thracte will go faithel' taward plying the. demanti. OFFICIAL COUNCILPROCEEII VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVîLL Tii. meeting ai the trusteu s vittiage boardtiheldi Aug. 5, 1UL18; Pl Prealdent J. B. Ndoise, Trustees, C Davis, Elsworth anti Hart; 1 Goldiing, Wright. 1NIisulea oi lb. meetiang ofJuiy 1. wero rndat. Noveti by Hart, sec by Cloline tbs lb. minutes ho apÇ &as reat. Ayee: Colines, Davis, Elle, snd Hart. Carnisti. The. lr.aurer's repart n'as rel ta the. treamorer fer correction. ioilowing bille were rsand: B. P. Evlieigor, labar on streel gcs--------------------........... W. -D. Allen, ir« bo@@..----------... J. T. Davis, burylboi dog....... '0. E. Luiter. stetfoirit-...... Libertyviltea gaage, lire call anti geoice ...................... Ocbancit hardwar. el a. pipe.. Ch&@. Bruinn, eonteete for etrut flgne............................ -Libertyvitte ludependent, print- log ordinlance ... .............. Wobukegan Oit1(Ca. gaaoline ... W. P. Frances, sewer pipe .... W. P. Franeen, tomber ...... PIre departmsnt salary........ Union <us Producte, street igne............................ Bd Quentin, warit on buffato boxe@..--.......................... D. 13. Uniberry, slry ......1 this ORT [ WANT ADS RATES--On. Cent a Word, Each Inrtion.I NobMininmCharge ----------- ----.p pg: ::--- : - ----- aflFOUNO-Two auto tires. (Owner mer Pol J U ba5 ave saâme by Identitj;ing tLem. S. FORSAE- lghtba divnu orffl cbar, Prairie View, 111. 82-3 of medininweigbt. Inquire of Ilitotei TflAiED OR STOLEN-Two Bark Trainlnoe Farm for %omeu, BQlvidere aorwe, on. blind 1.in >eyee. Auy road inbrmati-,n will be apprecîated by FOR SALE-Six beavy lirait coits, two owiJer. ka&Y V. Noie. ta four Yeur.otd.- Atcady Farm, Lake _ADTuklrvp tne ai Foretlit32 4 wafits. APIJY R 1) Rowling, Grays- REuAL ESTÂTE *+ etaki@. it. 323 WANTED-Toacber for'the Rondout FOR IIALE-Choice retideue lot@ on graded sciail. Apptlcautm mbould ,McKinley Ave. Iar. Grimes. 24aPPIYtutaPflofflce box #426, Rondout, FOR SALE OR RENT-Boumea sand 32 2 farm.. luurance agent and colletr. W^NTED-HOK@wîi~>tm ~ a <ID Alitt, Thn. 2i~ -120 IJs. Cai Arcady Farm. Lakte FOR SALE-Au lmprnved 40 acre farm; Forest, Mi. Phone 154. 324 wlth or wtthnut stockt, cropoansd lm-. WANTD-A !ubsoptl t _W_ __ * . 1 , , - ' deelred. ~ M. Hardlng, Ares, lit. 28Uf favorabiy known and have fotto)wing. ____________________________Tht.is.laau lveitinnsproposition of * M 8O LL NE US *+ uuqueettonabie menit. Vie furnisieer ------ ecn.oporatlon and clou sates for local FOUNO-An automobile tirs, between man. Addreos, Securities Trust Comn. Miwaukee and Chicago. Inqutre at panyl1 S. Lagalle etiset, Cblcago, lit. tudependent office. 1t itf u. Wm. A ttridge, cuttlug wepedp .. 22 50 of the Board oif Reati, and for the odilire AI Klictan, satany.............. 75 00 purpoie ai paying for police protection rîtora. J. A. Tseptow, gatarS ........... 25 00 ln sali viliagit. lrîluding tic *sary af àf re John Lester, ipeelal police . f 00 lie village maribal, $3300 no0. 'a n .,A. Treptow, itampe aud ,4vcno.IOl. For th.r purpoase af pay- srq acol) upple ........... .............60 l rt for the re1,airw, ii<it-lrj- m- tact. Public Service Co., street lighbilig provpuent audj canifructi<iti of itrerio, res lit .lunc, filly .................. ........25 M 4 and i f andl in Ty:kcg. & John.')t, suppliet vil- ,ld villiage of Llbt*t îlle, îsî-juiu ~the loe shall ......... .................. 1 <>0 routrucha', aud repaire <if itreci rais- MunnrY L. H. Whitun.y,-overover t% hb.tl., 8 33 luge, the mun, i 0 $(M00ofhi knd d- <> U ,fWi Geo. Triigiq, mîiving osrets .... iii'20 approptrlàtiounthe isumW f $18000<n toi Arthiur Kruliraus(trf>pt work.. 14 f0 Le raisi-ti y taxation and the balance ai n has luterstafe Sand il Gravi-i t'o., $i200 <0lim tii fe tieilsd frîo fie Bcourt.j gravi ............................. 0151 9" vill&ages «iare of the Toîwn itoatianti 1, .) , Moveti by Cllhm, rcîinîld iiy lavim, lBridge Ti, mailing a totalîîîr lh. moal. that ti,- 'bileau read Le ilowed and ave Mentloucd purpase of 8300i0 00. OIlier warrauta h. draWu an tf i..dfferent SE4 TION 1t. For trio pUrpase (if pay- d,,rive fonds Aye.: Collins, )avi., Ellswoîrth, ing tire'-apenges of ighbslug tbý sîreebe ng 'Jr Hart. Osirieti. and pubîlc ptaces of the village of ordInanco No. 295, -ntitied "An Lîbortyvlie, the sut, aof of 0 ila w !"'>eardinance ievying taxes ta dcl ray ail fie wblhuiiid la he raieed by taxation. it havueceisary elxpenlri anti linbill ties ai the SEVTia.',1V. For tir aurpom. af psy- ysuch village ai Libertyvlieo for and duriug the. lng the !tht ineotalîment ofs.wer warrant >on r,,- fiscal jean cndlng an tric 3th day af Noî. .1and Lalerest tie sun, ai $15000)()ail 1 S. April, 1919," wa. read. Moved by of wiici la ta Le raiseti hy taxation. q'iO)wf Ellswarth, elecouded by Davis tiat î8FÀ-ri. s'. Fir the.lînrlîase af payiug mpartd ordinance No. 295 bLe îassed, approveti twO village hall bauds aifsaiti village bli il, sud publisheti as rrad. Aycs: Coltin,-, Nos. Il aud 12 wlth iinn--et on $5000 ou0( IDavis. Elsworth anti Hart. Carricti. of village bauds f ailillnage thee mm short. The propositionaof(G. Pt. Wright, on if *$1230 00>ahai wiic te tmtri mraiqeti ounc-eà, Orchard strict Ltweu Second and uJy taxation. k. e-' Thîrti was tati-n np Sua *TIJN IS . Forthfe plurijîe. oi kcrp- buhi-n Uoved by Ellsworth, meconded LJy inu np the pîublic park in .ai village ai lnc aý Colline ta punciase the uorfh 1.7,iei.t li Llb'-rtyviiie and nîaklnsZ iriprove-cnet ai if widtli anti 280 fret long ai Wrighit lot thercon, the sinofa $175,(x) ail of between Second and Third otn-et, iiow viii, lm ta Le raiscîl hy taxatiuon. if> ai Lelug used a. part of eîrvi.t, at (6. A. Si' "Il. Fr tihe. purpase tif s'ay- Le Wrgit prie ai *25<. Avem: «alliti. iug for the leraflin. maitjti-uariJ-e auj ) ' - - Itu le, Eilles <rfti,. lIant« arried repair, aiofie village- acter det itm, :ht i- Mîîved Lv tl',dinsud eutodeti, tr incl UJliilg cî,nst rnfuei !n c-,-ar 'Y sork 20 arIjauni fa JI .uuîiaâ Ault. 12. i arrieJi.an flue villag.. iJît a bre th,- pairllng -~~~ e i-tOJ' ig C statiJon lm 1-'afeti the ru m <iofi ai> ou ail of w uicil1. le)tab, rt VeJi iriii vater l.l on ORDLINANCE NO 295 - ici l ir anti-r rriiei 1< aster < j>An Ordinance Levying fhe Taxes f0t JiJ,'iii Lsig L ergf j O D2i Ofray:ail the neces::ry exenses and auîouut «f i2,475,0,O ul:lili *>'07; fit larg lr for and durnrg the fiscal year endîng $12-500Iî for ionda ndsriinfer,,t lai nia,, anti. 3Oth day of Aprit 119.hereuuiiart provideil for. lng l'Y Wui.EAÀ,-tie hBoard ai Truster, <if SrFias IX.Ea-1 ai sali ri, ai o 59 with- tir Village oa i tiertyville. titi by au moue>- auj i he aggrrgate thereai are rcclain- ordînanua paed Ly éraid] Board andi ticmi-d i ueceeary l.ugthc Sobrd ai em t'Y duly approved Ly the Presideujt therevi, Trustees of said village ta tiefray the ateriai on the lot day of Jniy, A. D.- 19)18@,onad1< ..î îru-oo h frgl iton. sscertalnnug tLe total amount ofai pro. vIllagi tiurinugthLe fis-ai ycar cudlng antbra- priatlo ne for ail corporals purposest AlJrii 30, 19<19 for the respective pur. cve are legally made fa be cailecleti irom the PoPeeeabo.e specllicsiiy set forth. a 91ye. tax ievy aofsalti fiscal year, sud therein SEC-TION X. That thevarions&Mount@ wglU li pectfied lu dtailtirh purpose for whtcbeset forth ar, to b. ralsed by taxation of anl- sali appropriations viole matie and the the aguregafe amjouti 1wblcb Is tis s si nm or &Mount appraprlated for oaid $8075.00 and are ta ho appropriated aa. purposes: profiortiouate fractions of sait] total Theroiore b. it prdalncd by the Presl- aurnaI $807î5 00 and in uCame ai falut. DNSdent sud Board of Trustees oi tLe village ta recelve or coîîsct saI aggregate son oi Libertyvilie. ai $807500 the. defficiency shall Le LE SBraI1. Tbàatshoesis hereby tevieti deductrd Pro rata from In d varlous and ti seametibytite everal amounte do anme. - ýOf theasecertaineti or souinuc i tereof eie SxTIOv XI. Ail other expenses anti reent: authorfind by law upon ail propety appropriations suddcauh balance@ for Colines, aubject ta taxation wltiiin ait i vllage the. fiscal year snding Aprti 30, 1918, are absent to! Lib.rtyvlle, asl a in&&e l aimeti continueti for the.purposea for whlcb anti equaliset for ftate and ConntY they wers appropriatsd. L1918, purpobea for the. year A. D. 1918, %bat XII. That tbsvillage ent kb.anti i econde t l"eY for the purpose of aidiug lu lab ereby dîrecti ta file wthb the Couuty ýproveti paying the. neesaap contingent expèuses Clerit ai Lait. County, Iltlnoia, a certifieti swortb a1 the. a!oreali villag e tiiuSon0o copy of tuie ordinance as provlded inI $880000.' 01 the. aItiappropriation ai Section 1 ni Article 8 01 an &Aéaf tii. ulurneti 880000 the. tuni of 200.00 la fa b. Seneral Assensbly of the. Etate sf ai hlînoe, i. 1%. dted froua licencie, tbe timated eestl#ad "An ant ta profvide for thi. - amount of receipté ironfasuscb mourcea corporation af etilea anti village." being an foiowe: Froi billilarti and approved Aprit 30, 1872,and aB ameati. 75 79 pool table,. bowling alîsye and ti hbtimente thereto. 255 00 liesses. lii@.Om,0ai82W000. "dtiOumn SxcnioNXIII. Thot the, village cdent 3 50 ai $20000 bas bus appropristeti for cause thls ordlance tQa b. pnhlmb.t 122 50 tb. purposa ai alti contingent funti anti once witiin ose Month miter tie paomage the balance i sa Wfusti $310000 le tu of the sain. lu a nawstaper',publislied or 7 45 b. raleti by taxation. Ont aofealti circutateti lu ti, village of Liberty ville. 16 92- coaint usd so a&propiated cbal] "*Sxcmjo< XIV. Tue, ordlinance abaol h b. paidth le seceamary expenseseof electlonc -andthtin.sta shereby dectareti lu ful 86 05 lnesali vittageslaries ai lb. Presldent farce anti effeci frain and alter Re astimeirsoitiiBoard ai Trustees, passag! anti publication as requireti by 9 58 soaiemof tie meinberm ai the Board of iaw. 29 25 Local ImproVeMente alaýry 01fthe SECTION <X V. This ortilace &hall b. 2 16 Viiiag. Treaalurer. satary af the Village ituowu as ordînance No. 295. 88 12 Csrit, fees for tii. attorney emplayeti on J. B. morde, Preildent. 8 00 village bueinelea, salariessfor the nembere aio the Voiulser Firle Company andi Paed, Augnal 5, 1918. 41' 40 other Provisions as ta tire protection, Approveti, Auguaf 5, 1918. repalrîng anti aîtîng lu the, construction PtibIimied, Auguet f8, 1918. 50 40 of ldswatkm lu, @aid village, repalrlng Attest: 1r5 0 &ad iiproviegvtlagelproperty, s-xpeusee - J. A. Troptow, Village Clerit. il