LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, AUGUBT 8,1918 Pafi Uittv. A COMPLETE- UNE 0F CORN MACHINES Janeevîlliê,-Dmerê-and Iut«n~iàtional Pjeantç and,-Cultivators Large Stock. Priced Rigbt Schanck hardware Co,; HARVEST PICNIC, EVERETT, ILLINOIS Thursday, Aug. 15 Games, Refreshments, Supper DANCING -AT 9:00 P. M. Music bïr McCormick's Jazz Bandi Admission to Hall, 50 Cents P ICTURE-S that charmn hy their very' naturalness are easy to get wth an A iscoVest- Pocket No. 2-the smallést and lightest camera made to take 2'/ x 31/4 pictures. Accurate focusing is made easy by the exclusive microm-' eter focusing device. The neg- atives make fine enlargements. Com n-ad »eS osrliflb of Aissea Genre.. Spoodox FIla. CYLO 1'&P«r .d suPPUre. DECKER'S DRUG STORE LIBERTlVILLE CITY 0F NORTHJ CIICMiO WINS IN BIiSEWER SUIT Court Rules Against Wm. Mo- t'-bnîtar> tJiîdLr lt--tiont ,ii liard the evidetice In tht-c.-,-an -xiiý tb, mat: er andinp i-crt- Atr-, r i t .,,te,, un.- i ------------ -------------------------sê :b. uuu sms ssu ss, Libertyville News If you know of an item of local interest, kindly telephone No. 1 & & b - - - - - - - - - - - - - U A. Walker Io a business nvioitor ln Mis@ Ruth EvIlllzor w a11a go .-a 1 laye (ii ..EACaneaendal Bloumington. vistor on tiunday. fewdy nCiao S i>r. J. il Tayloîr returOed trom Min Mir@ J. f. Alleinen andiltrr are: Dr. and tirs. Cliag. Stephens arem, lnd bieota the irit of week. vmiiiig withi relatives aiut-uda, wî ing tîîday lia Chi-ago, Miss larie %Vagner le epending a two- Mise Georgia £angwoitl.ltc s ste-d- f Carroll Gridisi- ham benl quite Ili the wetë vacation in Cicagfo. ing the wpek witb relativ(i- luta (hîtazo Past te* daàye with inunipm. Mir. and tire WIlII&blsJi spent Sunday Earl Stumbo, of Chicago %vas a Sun- Mf. and Mir@. Cham. Siaboro epeut' witb triends ai Long (irove. day guet at the Frank Ltgzhitv rne.Wednesday with tnienleat (Oak Park. Mir. and ilra. K. 9. Denan @pent MIsso Lois Renehan, of lt,îîîî<L iake, Mrs. Unis Maiait, if Kenueb @tisent Suaiday with relatives at IMllburn. spent Wsednesday afternoiti tn îîjrty. Tuesday witb ber nother, Mdirs. Byron Mdies Dorotby Davis ha@ returned front ville. Coiby. RstaMidsi nîyn a weeiL's visit witb relative@ ai Racine. Fred Alleman, gr.. bAirtUraed vacai o rs er Mudiesatte telehoeIXa Mims tialel 8chley went to Long Lhnyil.alter speidinir twi niontiî ovsSenday toe, POB4- theweek wth. w4tè-t4e»M e"in.aWgewg)»SI relaive. H B.Ege an fam11)tel t1ls norIng The locardratt board lias issued a cail re latives. H. fR.rh Cicgo onauauoeriantu Brafa nd l It otrat for tive imen for merl,.isjaialwork to he Mss a StdteBoetier aittheCGeorge'poninsanton o araiad te sent on Ang 15. They are. Joseph V. was 1 . -- ca -1a-1tbe(Jîîre ,in- luWisosn-. -'--OKsefe, North Chieaici,;Chas A. Cà, e~yJ tir. and Mirs. W. Y. Wells and sua, conda, has resigned i.s posit ion in à Î êi itytîfo f a d ark. Chpaare vtieting ai tbe bomne ot ,rîler to devote i tirne,ti prît att af. ail to be sent 1. Chcico iuivermit.y,l Ni.ha"'pman etshue fairs. Win W. Browder, of Arsa and Edwinq tir Wele arntshor- Megl§ rsîqlttoitltodfiti r Wash- H. Jobnsoii. i>erlleld to Harrisonj Mirs. H. F. Guyot and ebildretà retnrned inta»f where ohe bisý an appoint- rtechuical bigb ochool ai Uhicago. Friday front a thrte week' vacationnin late arleuncde-_________ trip in Northern Michigia. pment.coki h arliuac - Miss Clara Ebingher and'Mtrs. Nek - rMss ail @ es Be. V saji a a wo îletiso vsledeu trs Fed(iai weeks' vacationloni rin r ildes a@ LATE TO PRESS be, ot lvanhoe, thq tiret of the week. 1bookkefesnut the tiMercbailts hlivery Teidptdn iettl re The Boy Scouts are couienîplatiig the Co. office.uThle Indter ihetan ilut tlîi e s a u construction of tibeir new cabin Te nas mein o i aie i acco tr anonol iîavîî ilrtts wer glnalng about Monday OuthIe coîig .eceyofieM huc .1 ,ebliwe a newOf Itrvi ut8trYimotive power week. Tusday o hAm .c nrh, 11 iei-.i 20, ewel atiýItrumonir on Tpo at ternoon. uiut20 tbeing placed on th, IbId aitlite omer ut If eeery esounce ot the counry Io nue jth, hombonisiMrs. Jas. Disi iwavl.vntetn .lulsre maide available, avictoryisandiasrghteoue 1tMrs@. .z.ProtAne of C viiti -îited Milaukeaenu_,__S,______re and eeaduring peace wtli be gaînied theclber son Fred, Wednesday am -i rerttly i qilicker. enllstéd ai the Great Iuk S avalt CR F HNS tire A. Ritlenthalier and sons bave Training Station. _Wse isb to express our sicere thanke moýdtomth urbutbouse on MsQereCeveland nau-t dîildren, to ail frienils chu su ktndly remeaibereil Cburth street to the l-arnbani bouse on Wcohu ave- been speniîniz Ii. m ummrer n i Eoes erie n yuah MIlwati>ee avenue. 1 wiîb relatives bers@, lf Peu Wclncsay tor ln oui bour ot trouble.E Mimes Esier Kaderly, who bas been thir bomne ln Buenos s South , tre. E. Latbrop, opetding the pasi nioitb ai the borne Ot Anîrica. ___ad _M@._EV________d___ ily ber sieter, Mirs. J.- il. Alliînan, lefi for tir. and Mtrs. Bsnrtt-l-brinott, of ber bomes at Judla, 1% te., tbe irt outht, Wauke«an, sannounace the tîrîh ot a son. A GREAT SPECTACLE TO t-ck o neu Teon August 2. lirs. tic-Iratuit W%@ PNA HESUEAE i.. Il. Huacîil, uticago, onif h oruisrly miss Gjertrude Mtiîwere, ot PNA HESUEAE lndel1ietdett) oldemt sunsâcribers, lbas Libertyville. TePun o hEbaris eâi bten vlet'ng local rslat're, inluding blit The Preebyterian Ladies Uid %il] meet ai theo Studehaker theatre, cticago. brother. tir. Hoasl cas torttteriy a ai the bonie otftins. Jîi-Swian on eitb h 0 peirprortnsu b resîdeai ut Lîbertysille. Wdedy u h ruirpromneo -h WsdnedayAut<14, tor iii aI-day (Garden ou tiPradise' un tlundtiy, Aug.E tirs.Ir. su)dami, tirsL. E. RaY. tiremeeting. A largeistendIaî. - îîustd12, le ot mois titan paseainiteresilu Lew 1-agg and tire. E B WPIll t-eeas ibere t Io is if wtîrk i,, h,- tons. tit marks anuither sîsp torward in entertaid ai diiteraiutsheborne ut L. C. Prices.(if Ptmpevm Itlar, Mont., the importantc ut tIitago as§ a troduc. MieIell ltutK .A euyvteîted bis daugbt 1er, t, s; . mcClain lung tenter.i for the dimtrict, ai E'ý autoletuatFriîdà.ay lyt1 irto l.wk n iifiJLny wow@oeo h on Tuesdaày atternooni, Aug. 13, the Wednemday tir. Pri- à-ut îîîjariled by protini-irs ufthie sensatijual suceeso, W. i. T. V.wtil bold is rigular meeting bis sîster, tiss hatt.- irit--,.left fur *titvtutt-en," te repouisthsftr gi.-îngi ut the hortus ut!r. Maria LIII. TheesMI[riepuli. Minît . for tà choit vîsît Ederard tibeldous lostical idyi, "The wi libe an iýtritouoi ffitcetst§ orthe altier cbbhthev w Ili goît t Motntana. ldnutPrd stgertspremesuatlîtu 4ensulng >..t.Cui -couritt.ts are amed Airie Tudil, J*r .-lha- retgned hie pot p seureicbaele. tu bring la repoirits.tîn as resideuit aiatitîrutfThe Inde- "The (Garden 0ut karadi-is" te a Éet-tsa- tire. S. J.l>tîetin retnrutcd bomes on pendent. He arIir-. Tîîdd plan tu tiotasi iiiittkitig, cuitning draina :1Sunday romn tt Joseph e bospital in ltave Litertv tilt- ..î-u t îîîorlng ti u eand istiti elet-L I.-. Int tein tîte s-ites ih (icagi Nrs. l)iinetu batl gons ibere Evanesille, iVus - liti 4t. ut a tse bomi- e -ofmlh litavtsitiir lculeot 2ftu bae lier tuneils e rtnotd, bunt hthe e treIu-l Liter tbey wcl iluitr ut thr-ou-att. It ste to îry iiia opsraitîa aise 1ispoied lecause ut viiltNir. Fîtll* i tl-rlu Cncnnati, mnaîd ahu barier.-d ber stîl tfor a kiug'm --.- - --aTnL oi 1- - o tt0-tr -d to:ct orf;in - j ,-t 1 ber eakeltsd condititon. rho stprerne court. Thn (11y of N tsuniuelliuflpers cal e. ilcuîrtîty ut Chticagot ca., r-tresented h1w(-ry A ciIi ü tttp tua rýe- cîuttry, n mia Or «,,nt->, %ax tcui-i Th,- prîtt i w ntar a Iilîselmpate ttur tian power 1ni. r aito alsci wîro tlgt'tirigthot- ad es-uîniteresourCes îhrîtugb Pur- -uit %etî- ro-îr.--o11-1 i) 'v A tnt i Y chaà4e uftingta u rterely gratify asteo Nariýn Doc-ker anid Elam L. Claru- or appearanees. Ail purcitase eîîuud The contract prîce or tht - v, -,r w.t is eguoerned iy titisue i iottitiitg $45,EOO. The spect.ilcatiotiq providfeil tbougb. - will tht-y lu iuy mutiner retard tbat lu- iîî-shoutl hiolati tana dr.c lite clnnttg outhie arr trench and the ciLy hi-id thi. con-rai- Chartes M. Nioderacil. of [biago, ton ta this. candidate foîr tbe l.cpubitcan nomination '%Inch iluickeanilandl watt-rwali( tn-for ttepressantative iii Uttrgrese tîr tht- countered lin the pnting In of fes Tsnth Congreseisinat district. visiteil i-ci-r andthIe t-cra eot f kpeîîinîr Liberty ville trîends tn a tiserridaY.tir. t he- tri-ni hdry a-hile thc ltipo ýa tioderwel sisys be te not a - poli ticiaun." goingin laamountrd to $1i000,accord- bu a business man wbitefree 10 gîve iag ta the coniraclors. They put lu ail bis tinte to t'ongre@siunal work. He fa boi for the extra arnouat and ltItolevîce-president ut the Cty' club of cas' retuseil b> the cly. Suit theon Cicago. as started for the collection of tilt Th@ Lord & IlurnharntCo. bise takion amoun ln cour. over the Mieredth Fiowsr & Vegtable ________________ Cos greenhouse, anil bereister the bus- CS iness ciii be tîperateil under the Dame of ~~~r/zcYrVtces the ibertyvîlie Flucen & VegetableCo Herbert Maynard. ofi Peonla, fil., bas beau secareil as manager. The plant Mathodist-Episcapal- cili ho tra resdine-se ta resume buiness Service nDi unday Ilii ho bell as in about two mnttho, aller undergolng Douai: Sunday eciioil at 10 o'elock. an overbaniiag andl repalntlng. MdornIng preaching service, sermon by ILsv. John Cavanaugh, C. S. C. Prost. the pastor, Rev. Boia ai 11 O'clock. dent ot Notre Dame University, sa>'.: lEvenIng preaehlng servIce cvfih epeciai rThe War Savinge campaign ciii ho I macle by'tbe choir and mâle quartette pocerfutu n innlng ibis glgantic con- at 8 o'clock. The public te coritaly est. DII son ever sesa football gains? lnvted. Dil yoa notice bow mncb depended on I"The Spirit of Forgivenese" will ho the roottng froin thte sdelines and the t the- subjecs ot the Epcortb Lagu bleacers' Wall, the War Savinge cani- lesqu neit Sunda>' svening at 7 o'clock.* paign Io an Ide@ai tort of raoting for Glenn.Frey wili lead the meeting. Ail .'aur ailo.'*t ilisbsartens the enemy> as are cordiatl>' Invtted ta attend. ekmncb s It ceers and Invgorate. tonr Choir -rebsarea l iibho ld tht. ee -aide. ran ana Co., in«Suit tio Ion Frida>' eveblng abi nelck Collect $30,000 membere are ungeil ta attend. ________Shonli the bot ceather cantinu SÈWE LAI IN 191-12 extSunda>', chaire wil ho plael S~W R AID IN 191-1 laeiymnaium of the i. E. I and aIl services, I.cluding the Su Sewer Contractor Started Suit echool dît b. beld libere cheni for Large Sumn in Excess of about tcetve ilegnees coolen than f the Contract average bouse. Thle ciy of North Chicago wan a dicisive vlctary this morning when Presbyterian. Caunal> Juilge Permone ruied for the Sunda>' choal 10 a. m. City' "0d against William Moran an d Moring worshIp at 11 a. mi.1 Company In the suit for 130 ,000 «"Wbat Conttites Royalty." braught by the contractorB for ex- livsning service ai S o'clock.1 trs 'on the mother sewer laid la "The Pratlte ai Economy." North Chicago In 1911-12. The came Scout meeting Frida>' utght. bas bie dragging aong ointe -la.sîfI ire Girl meeting k rida>' night, à@ over dIn the ehnrch Bnda>' se It la Tapie, Camp Citizene cho beard tîhe masteni>' tisai anlal d&ýa dnross oi Hugli 8. MNeil at tbe igb echool auditoriumaildîthb intenested lui the annauncement oi bis candtlacy for enpsnlntendent oai'publie instruction at the 1t.publican pimanles. Septentor Il- Mr- M41 b as had valuable experlesuesin oduatlonal cork, servel tour jeans ia tbe sate senate, bas been seretar>' of the stats ans com mission ton five Yesare and ie Dow directon 01 the state coltenniaî ceebratton. in annonnclng hie candîdar>', ho gays ho cl enounce bis salan>' as diroctor, but cuil continue to perforn t he duttes af office. -Mr. tiagilîlmails many' loal fnieude when bs viettoil Libertyville on Memorial day. alter alhvit- tlt-Y tto goi South, a bers ibe>' aIiiH i be cînter. la tht- meiantitîte. Xi-- il-eti Carroll a-tII ist-mpial Xi r. ' I-it lu Evanite fu tr a lrtet -lt, iinkwct11-t i rti t rip bIy LibertyiIesin - S.îuiay bas beeti eutiertag tri iiiii tIlieta. Mondisy cas theluit t-tin I ythe rit-îîercury cli mi,- tag to 112 -2.l.s-- ti iand Weiipmdty j but l-t iulîtti-,ueriîirestes troîn Lake Michigan brigiti ru-t and a goîîd nigbi'sseleeç. %i rs ime today te mercury %ase tgatr itîiibting ekyward. Ail kitîds ut iutiru. .. t-ries cîîncrniag tbe heat have cci it (aslady uot Mlwaukee avt-unea a- flîard to remark that li cas su0lihot lit-r boue bat se bail 10 kPeli t iiiîîatchîee ln the reinl- gerator.- Wbile raktng taleýr off ilwîauke avenue, ta froni t fJ. BlMorsesstore, on Snailay rnorniag, Nareiai Dennis Lm.t berry bail a narroîs escape fromn evene Injur>' onrieatb. Aiteisly borses btchsd to a sulky fnsed itsest froni a nearby bicbing post and rau aorth on tilt- waukee avenue. lit-nis nan ont and beid the nake an it-tifre tbe frighterisd animal, wbsrenun uIl gave a violent lurcb tocards te otiler, Who haret>' escapeil the hurseshy tallng to one aide. Dennle, cho t-apin red the bornes ai Ted Boyse's barn, on l'air treet, @&ys bis cerves cere raiber eshiky" the remainil- er oft he day. Tht- borse belonge to the E. Recht estate. tisabens of the 1îllîttîts Reserve-tillitta, andl a number of their relative@ and Mnonde, enjoyed isdeightal basket social andl dance &I ai Rs>Brothers' pavillon ai lamncnd Lake un lasi Thursila> even. log. Comipany' B gave drille. wbicb wae iallowed b>' dancing, music heing fan. nisheil b>'te ib itiias band. At abouti ton o'eiock the- Itsekts coresoslI, bring.i iuug$88. Anniiter ofyoungladies irou tho Illinois Traiing Farm for.Womn were preneni, lrlngtag boxe*soai edîbles la a large tnunk. Eacb box brauglit a gotîl prît-e. -.A haft front theonaa station cent itter troni the Thritî etp meeting etAI êa eandl gaveoesvraî lance numbens.iiaî. - îwas indulgsd ln tbe9 rsmaindpr tît tht-ecsnfiug, the musieg being ltiriti I-y the Libertyvttle orciitertn. Tt-p rititedo of the enter. taît tîeit s il,l iiIiltutohie militisas1 equlptent tuî:d. lti rothers lonatel th@ ueo 0uthebopavillon aithe t.grounaloý iereet thai tnîghib h e Xpecîed u h author oft llouîance, -Salra u SIanîd lthelong llrtoutsuce,-Smtul pla@ redltcd iii Sh,-dh i bhe ubît-ct, borruwed front laise Chrîtan Andler- so s "Little Mermid.' is su delttl handled that It pr,,vitîtt.t tertaitîttet for tlîeatreg) ce ot &Il ag-s-raruib and ,111i like tk luitug enjoymUeut t roin ibeir widelv meparar.d vcwîîoitis. A cast ot iftyi4 sr- i red to , linba --rbe tGarden utfLaradime - î er ,,. nel inclutiem sueli capable and wadI- known players as ('aiblvee Net)itt, Irens Iaisiiiat, Alexandler Oislow, 31 dis Vaesi, Wa)lii ulark and John L &HO RAY N. SMITH ao fPd6bRc GCiffg li Banks is the underty 1.-n vncileofiheNaioàà J Lni;ID '111e Àâaiiv of its ash:bS pnwvenVt'iles of a1y~rf'. ¶i'ea1eku1iYè of »Uurri" j, on~w rn n i rNaitiondoluk, SAVE MONEY BY PLACINO YOU R MAGAZINE SIJBSCRIPTIONS WITII ME My catalog gives many clubbing combinations. Here are two of its money-saving clubs: Delineator.............8$1.50 Everybody's .........1.50 BQTH FOR $2.00 Current Opinion-------8.. 3.00 Review of Reviews- 8$3.00 BOTH FOR $5.00 MRS. A. TODD, JR. Independent Office Phone, No. 1 BUILDING NATERIAL FOR SALI I -and li-lîc-h XW. P. FIitirlagw 4-iv ti-tiarîl çlne ll)tirrtg (;in- labHl Plau- (eiling 6s 10IIai I2-fjtutTitî iers 20000t-t [lard Pin,-e tlr sut,, t. xl4 e4s So-l t ipi-,, Iliii igeand a asti hua le St--tfratitiîtiidiitg, -,4x3i,2Itest il-lar i P-a ip ule lt-tics 8-ineb [)oop slatng Staire, 4 to1i2 tee-t lu cltb 2Ix4e anîd 2stie 100,t000ll est 2x(; Fitoninq Y-tile l-foot Fenes, alth eilan poao 500 lîtîsal feet IrOU I-sacs 2041) pieres Saob, Windows and Dooms J,00Iingel grand stand Seat. 10,000 brick Buy NOW, while the aisortment'is complete Salesman on Premises AT LIBERTYVILLE RLACE TRLACK RUEL WRECKING CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Chicago Office: 7337 Stony Island Ave., Chicago; HLI Phone: Hyde Park 1726 Independent Classiried Ads Paq. Ask ang user ol the - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jS PECIAL AUGUST BARGAINS I IN VARIOUS UNES New silk dreas skirts, ail late, models in handsome stripes and plaida. fine material and workmanship. These are worth up to $7.50; priced specially at .......................$65 New fall dresika, the neweat color effecta in stripe and plaid for late summer and fail wear. ail 36-inch goods and fi ne g~e value for, per yard,............................... $1.50 We stili have some of the short Icngths of plain-colored ailka,' mostly taffetas, ai l-ood usable Iengths in black, navy and rnany other shades. These gooýds would seli regularly for about $3 $1.75, but are priced i these léhgths at ..........p$13 IW. W. CARROLL & SONS CO'MPANYYý Phone 29 0-"00---- 0009 . p sa aa aus:a::amm...... . . LIBERTVMM INDEPENDENT, TRURSDAY,- AUGUST 8,1918 page vive 1