Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1918, p. 7

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-TRfERTYVTLE nqDEPEN"iNT. THURSDAY, ATTGTT S. 81918 ' HAPPENIGS AT 5rays-Ci SJESS LONGABAUGH. cor. OndersTaken for Job Work. Édvertising rates an application. A number fimejakiewere entertalied lun(rayslake bomnes over liudmy. Lee Coulson leit Tuesday for active service. Les bas teeepiendlo)g week. sude wlîb is brother, Drt. Couleurs of tbis Place. Wbat Dîlght bmve heen a very Serions lire siarted lu the kitchen of the Chriés timusen botel Monday nigbt about 10 a'clock. Tbe efficiceut work etftbelocaml Or departuast son cbecked the blaze. The lois leastimtsd about 8500. Idis Rob. Rchrdson wa s Chicao caller 1uesday. liessrs. 'Yoeinan atylY& .rwsre camapaigulug lu Our vilTIae MaLday aà $iIs week. The Ormysiake bamal team trImmed the strong Wdsworth mgregion on .à«oei to. la- et, -t Miss Alths White recelved a very unique sud valumable souvenir iront Francs lu the shape oi a tour-Inch baus aboli convorted luto a vais. The shell bad been fired aud plcked up ou one.ofi battiedle of France. Rusel Kappie speut Sunday wfth bs parents be.. Hsle noiestationeti at Great Lake@. A reception vas giveu t l'eters bhal Mouidal uîgbt lu bonor cf Jatte Peck. Jatts e lu active srvît on a transport end bas mnade a jaumber ai trips to France. LAKE VILLA Mri. and Urs. Bendricks of Ingleolde, spent Sondmy witb liro. Sberwood. Mr@s. P. W. Gray and soun ofblhcago, ver. tiuuday gueeula t LakeVil relati ves. i Idise. ira Barnetabi. ils-nt the tirest f the vesk vith ber eitrlnCbicaga. Idre.1 Lme Neion, anoth..r meidr, wasA flpo libere ir,,tn her honte. ln tabarI. l..zms. MisesAvis Nelsiof MeAi icAgîter bospîtai ast Waukegan. rlsied a iew dayo lisî wsek with ber tunt, lire, iarnitabie. Frank Sberwood was lu the cît>' durits« th,ý pasl week. The tiret donation oi cookIts and cakes vsrt laksenlu îhp M.i. Epersjoae lmat Saturday, forthlie Jackles socil,! beiti there ev.ery liatartia> evenIDg. The Ladies Aid met Finde> with lirs Forts-s, Insteati oi Wedtëesdeas uaw& tirst annnur'cc-d. Mis. lRuth V*anPatten and cousini., Mr. and Isii.. Jennn o i lclagi, called' ou fiende la-rt.Monda>'. Cimyttîn Hamlu and i Hi-r> Sadir have aelîted i tstion@ la thte Nash automo- bile factorv[lt fartai>'. Oui ta-o htîtelp, the Jarvis liunes and Fahers are enjoylug ver3 gouti sunmer trade. Mies.iWald of liurlingtîmn. Io epenidlng thie week a th lier brother, F. L. Wald Iinti finily. They atîsadeti the shatu battie ai t riat Cakes N dtea' Miss Biella Kerr anti a part>' oi irIendo, spent Wednesday at te Naval Training station, s-ber.. they vîtnueth Ii.ehan batis. Mrt. and Mlre. W. 1). Kin-gsley' acd Mi Rena Kîngeler ofi Wood@tocrx, ail former rosidente here, îalIed on irIend Sunuday. lire. Nettie king Smit bas gone toa ludianapolime ltere oe. has accepted a posiltion ln a laborator>'. lire. Carl Miller entertaineti ber sieter aud two chilidren ofiBurilgton, Wli. last week. Quarlerly cunierences-i libc eld eat tbhe M. E. chutc bobesTaesday evening, Aug i3tb. The District Superlutendent s-ljI preacb et 7:30, ta sumble hlm to leave on the 8:40 train. 1 W.. hope for a good atteudauce ut the lied Ctoes meetings ecb Thurida>' 10 beip vltb tbe vork of wblch thers leaa pleut>'; bath the oeevng oflai l knde ut garments anti knttiug. 1 RUSSELL Mt. Ubureh preachéd laus% undai moaing. There were ver>' ew ont. Ths Yaung Peope@sociable on Howards@ lawv u -a ualargeh>' et- tended. The Ladies' Aid saclet>' viii met vlth lire. H. F. Biver on Thureda>' ai- ternoon, Ana 15. Ail are Inviisd. Asa Carnle and Alfred Bave weut ta Chicago Souda>' ta- vsit R. E. lAwin, Who le gotting along nlcely. J. A. Reeves lsa uueh lmpro7ed, heing ahi. ta get around &gain. The Murile ismil>' @pont Sunda>' wlth lire Catherine Banner ai Mliburuà. Alice Sîver @pont Sonda>' wiih home. folk@.. Gladys Mervilile ovlsltiug ber sunt, Utm. ea. Forris. lire Corrne, sud Laur., mpd Aile s ed Helen Cornem -visited Grest Lakei 1lut Wsdnesday., 9he fumsa aioflit,. Lyle met>' wu largel>' attended an 111dm> mternoon. It was hld iront R. E. Eddy'@ reuldsnics. Minuts Neson laIII wkh OtuWm). A Dtarage lîcenBe sas lesuet Inl Chicago Wednestimy taHlos-ard Mlode 0f Gaés anti Mn,. VIoa Ilouâer ai Wadswortb. MILLBURN jee@io ADDn Straik léit -Slu day toi &pendi several weeka wllb ber brother, Leun Strang nt St J0111, Indiana- liru. 3. P. Diawson leit for ber home at Three Onke, Milchigan, 1ai ,Baturdoy. lire. Warren Hook returned home Baturday froin New York. Mtile R. voos or (bicau, spelit severai [daye wlîb lre. C. E.l)eummn Threehiing le the turdepr oftlthtday lu thie vlclity. The Mlstws Mlatge Strastg .td Rîth Pollock returniti hmute lFrdi, rou,'ihe ttaté- Surîil as IteKa1, lîti-uie. Utr Carfite willl titi iHi.- itîlpit suliday and éîeaà cou the Dr' *16Be qubj- . lui attendati. çi-t.i.J. li r@. Elîzo, ftu.e utlj,-urt Worth, Texae. returusd home Tueday' aiter spendinic severmi weeks wlth ber slter, thes Mises Wtsone. MissClara Foose alter spending soute- Friday. Mr. aud lire. lE E. l>snan of Lberty. ville,. called où relatives boes. eflmnded îiit with ber, daugiers lu Chcago. Many from libIs viclinity attended the Hickory pieute and [net mmny oid acquaintmuces, aloo enjoying a Ivery Rood ime. Peter Strang le a very happy mmi, au h. hmd ie penion papere returned to hlma by mmili Smîrday andi he thanks the marere, àe bhere was no namn@on tbe abov0s Tb* ad ID The inudependeut recovered the pmpers for hilm. DR. PAUIER, NOW CAPTAIN, ENTER"S SERVICE AU4i. 14 Prominent Grayslake Physi- clan, Has Just Received His Orders to Report GOES TO Fl. OYGLETHORPE Lake County's Honor Role of Physicians Is Growing Quite Rapidly Now Dr. John M. Patiner ai (catv-utalt-. for i-iare r- ga«rhi-t as one o! t ht- b- t- ltno-nn.tnd moý*t- caîîah- ph> ut Cians 111i 2tke colinttît.lia c i vh a commt-Iton as raptObli te ni- Ili- rai di partrncotntte V S. t-con>',id unlurut t, it ru i1, t ne port at Fort Ogleiborit -v-G vgia. f,,7 att!i îF"ert-l'e andtriinuîont Augu t 14. ('attaîn Palmner is tth,- mte-t ta) tlact. hls nanaron te ionorroll of I.eke counly physidclans wa-ri i ing titlrrs--rttto thé roîilttru tir. Palmira fanihi- a-ltr-n)% onue iXaUt k-pan anti make theIr itultt-eun tl hi- ctilcn-t assîgneiltl 0 eritnti 0e Pr Palmer etid lotitY "I winu un ceaI ait - e- ru-.11ntirer,,tIv bobo- tat Iah l ot 5,, .iîid It-i-rt civ ,omaie otht.r pointl, l it-Loke,- rî.nlît it i v- a-ho haie enterpil titi medicai uer- vice, or are pitînnutiztîtdo sa, i, gros- meg conslantly. FolIos-ig Is a lh-b a! thoss-bit are tnt Itie - ir or about la roter It. au fuli>' a- t icao hi- cotnpit--t MAtOR PF NI.BARKI-R. vîl Camp PFreinnt. Cal. LIEUT. J. A. TItRNEILofniAnt!och. but laIe of Wauki-gan t nt-aIn Southt C'aroine. having bean transferreti tbère front Fort Elle>'. MAJOR PF1OXNIRE, ai ake For- esit; in actuve services. ,CAPTAIN W. H .WATTEI1SON, ocr Chicago, but laIe oaIi Wuitgan juIt aselgueti ta active service. CAPTuAIN4 JOHN C. bOLET, tOf Waukegan; ai Part SII. Okla. LIEUT. A E. BUJDDE. ai Nont Chi- cago anti Waukégan; serving In France. CAPTAIN DAVIS. ai Deergisiti; In activé service. DR. PREDERICK MARTIN, ai Li- bertyvilie; bai taltn tht. exajuinalion anti expetl a conInissîon almost daît>'. DR. COOON, of Wauconda. bus Lai- su examination nti expects contni,- Isian to arrivé at mîmosi an> tinte. ANTIOCIILuANIS PURCIJAER O0F FIN FARM IN KENOSIIA Oue ar thé largestt eat estate Iran- sautions of thé yéar bu ICnsha coun, t>' wssadne on Thurada>' atemno s-hea thé Hclvar J. Vînbmn faim ta, eateti on thé Randati lin. bets-sen Kenasha anti Wai-otih coonîe.s-mas sol intaM., J. Shînner of Anliecs. Tii. Thé [ai-ut incindes more ibsa f00 acres andi thé saie pries la giseu as 162.000. A daughter s-as hotu ta Mr-. anti Mrs. ILas-iena. Haiumi of Giia Frb- tla>'. MhIKORY IILDS FORTIETII ANNUAL Zion Burglary Recails How Man Recently Broke into Barber Shop,_Shaved Self Somébody>'braiéte mualitsRociceei lar Comptinys store on 27t streél; Mion Cilty, tast nigit. Thé police s-ère natîliedti its ntornlug and an Inspection wsa matie of t-bestore. Thé sctét.n doot ai the réar ws tount pri-ed open andtihie glass brali en oula f tedoon.t, I sas b>' 1h11 uteans that thé thiéf entéréti. As fat as coulti hé Iarneti [rom Mi-. itokafelhar ibère s-ms no goods nissina. mthough s-bih a stock of grocerles lb swoid ehé hit talocale a Ibéftiunies. Il s-as on a bg seale Som@é cash s-as takén front thé Blampi dras-er but Il caulti ual havé bbe a ver>' large taoent as il la ualtt customn b leave monley tla«an>'ex. tent lu thst dtirass. Spineé lute ega a thief broke tnt- a barber ehap & tes- doara-«est ec ýRockafelis.a' store andi ha th e aet tiaclly ta shave imaesit. No Jher éd bis fate anti shavied itîmaelf in m -qi ý JL&VEST PICNIC Between $300 and $400 Was Ceared by Auction for the Red Cross Chapter MANY POLITICIANS THERE Main Address Delivered by C. W. Olver; Mu*i by Fife and-- Drum- Corps The fortlc-tb anuliaHarvest Pic- flic and reutaon at Hickory on- Thur.,,- day. August. l. wns ans af tht.Moi-t F.îîccesgful f.vor beitithere. Il s-as largely aitended and a&l report a thorough enjoyable tinte. Aunaut- tilaj sais wbîch was conduct n, i teti belw>eR. anasd $4W1.-Lo&-ttite Red Cross. A pet lamb danateti by ta-o lîttie girls brouglit $i1. A baby p:,, waas old first for 110. The mani s-un ,purchastd It turned [t back andi il sold the second lime for $7. The. l'ha auctlan s-as one of the most An- thosiastbn ever canducteti in the daunty. Il vas a gréai day for the politi- clans. The- tour candidates furi county treasurf 'the Ivo oandldateý for caunt>' clerk and lte two candi dates for shrif s-ère present. Nir. Nioders-eli, candidate far Cong-re.4-ý frontlte Tentit district tilt-n was present. A fine chli-ken dinner wsa served, A short remîntecent prograns anti reading by Miss Buike Hill antI a flag drili by the oblîdren. provetiin. teretitng featureg. Tht. main addre of tht. day s-as delivereti y lvCarence Di'.er or Watt- kegan. Hi.. taik s-is ofai patriotic nature and deall s-th thie war situa- lion. le urgi-t ail te support ail s-ar activîlles. A speaker f romt Chi. cago aserted that te bas net teard front hi-t relativsa tn Polanti since 1'414. Tht. LberI>' Fife.andi truus Corps of Waukegan, furnisitet Mu-sic for tbe occasion. A large number of M'au*iîgan people s-are present. EXIL&UST SUPPLY 0F TJJRIfT STAMPS AT WINflROP JIBR. Patriotic Residents Purchase Total Supply of $300 and Subscribe Many More BIG RALLY IS HELD THERE Local Speakers Address 200 and Band From Naval Sta- tion Gave Concert One ofr lte Mosut enhuelautie Thrlft Stamup buooter Me' UinE- vre hi-Id lnthté,t.couo tv waa itai"of Wed- nesday nigitt shict waq h-hi at Win- throp itarhotr Patriotir talkq stet-s given itv SA- Hathorne anti B A. Nfitnsonn.four-minîtA Men, nr Watt tiegan. tTht.ýetaîXa were itlned in hy tullY 2m 1p-oPte, andti hatlslugo- 1119g snMP for a lit11e village like \VIlntitrot IHarbtor. At tht. close of thpt. tlks in whlch eurnrut pli-as were matie for tht. tiîrcita e nofllirîft clampe. there s-as a rush bte e who sould te first te Purcitaget- .tsmps. in a rtmarks- liy fi-w minus 'lin sale of t-lumps% amountedto i [t.iThen t It uoppd! NIt bat-n'u-teni a lacit of enfhuslasm. buit lu exhatîuti théevîtpply s-hich te SVntitrop H-arbor lînalmisîresa9 itad on itand. ýMânY of Ihose in lte -tutîitar et a-ere di-appoîntedti hrou'3 i teir ln- aitility b o rcihiietlîw- tramp.9 "ut) ticribet Marty more s-tiilt sîlIlie supplîtti as soon as a fresit supply can b rughetite tht. 11111e village. The TitrIft Siamp committet. atas licompaMifed hy a numher of saitoru and a bandi[ram lte naval station. 'The bandi concert gîven ln te stres't proveti a splendid tiras-ing card. At titi close of te program s-hlch s-a. helt iIn front of thé school bouse tht. bandi playeti for a dancte whlch s-as itelt ln the achool. The. ladies of Winitrop Hhr pravei themeelves splendid itosiesses anti arsed a fine supper ta thé guéass DION STORE IS. ROBBED; 4iET IN BY vitat ligitt there was front otlsîde. tle muet have cnt tint-if a-ile ifjJ>I M R shavuîig for nicita were OLnd ont bi.-s U I 4 Latce. lie s-as captured 1v il' lnt À watcinan s-ha sas iii-. bits RIAGiE BRIN4ISÀ rounds anti sho foundt:i t t .ît fur-- niture ln thé store wsi ttflt ti'-uî (~ R E E~S TO 0 eit. Ts-o or. titres SIrop. i t-' l, ouiî, in lte matie pocket. I'hu -ivugîry >ESE S T O 0 fiasl nigh itl 1l he titorouto-.i, c tigautid by lte police. Question lnvoived: Can Couple Marry Without First Cere- SEEX TO 4iROW mony Being Annulied BiG AMUN T 0f "ORVIS LOOKED -IN 1BOOK"9 And on What he Saw Howard SORIU AT ZION FlQodDectares He and Wife Had the Knot Tied Shortage of Sugar to Be Over- Waukegan, Juiy :0 corne to Big Degree by Zion MOI*UCH MARRIED? ta C ity People day when the Sun trled ta gsi a statament tram hlm relative ta the SETEXMPL T STTEf et@ mentned blow as:applying to SET )(AAPLE TO TATE thamntcis la4 ater i (By E. W. Croft) t onal opinion a* fnllaws: Itri the Zion uCity farmers axee iaklrîg aase5ofutMms. House-Woodwarid-Floi mnote ta olite the sugar -i..igt. litth%,1bolieve a serlous situation has tr Wlî 111n dault prove a gr-it îiessîng ited. Titi isct thai ahs discoveredi ~ ,-a~'-i-COMirUMLY t, '*t 5 ha i~t pt .»rin't tg)-MnArry _1 - e= .aMê*- hasî10u beew- m the stat@ ln generat. Ir 'ië ret b hl1to iothtdesi 1t he a part of aur n.akeuta1n1c raved Iow iert a mnthe ariae esi-. iomethlnfg s-est. andi for tiait ri-ason o het vItemarg eslf the Jackies are actialla knonna Ta have married Flood lsgally tse 1 crave for candy, as u yo-titi.- eauot muet 10rsi have hait the court set b>' s-atching thé cantecn. or the . sade the Woodward marriage, the MI. C A suppi>' tenta. Iaw do» nfot automfaticaiiy void the Now taI there 11% a ioragp oft liegal marrîiae; a court action muet cane Ilugar one natturaîll> trn- ta a b. had. I afi aP* aseIf Mr*. I-ouserý b.11ute hic wil e he Wodwrd«Foodha@ toa many mat- aýîInh of ibis Precîons Fb.d gecotrataon her hande roafit p 0pi b ns-metabu run. fow." Peope b W h bou ýoguM Ir When, on Frldtty.-vt-ning lte Sini very mpcb retembles corun wttb tht. prîntei an Item Iotitis efeci ' exception Iliat It la a rit ii-r green tnarrlage licrense was issued l n Chica- ativ bas ant-e>hrati ill nti il wgo Wedneetiay ta Hioward Floodi of tcfe o at ia -i n r-vGurnee and NIrs. Viola Hauser oi coc anti dorssflot nee i , rttliiaton Wadsvath" * ils: rrrd up a hornts. lii. Most tulants. 1Sortoii aili do neet, tht. enti ofwhioé its net yel in s-el n Ilîlinois andti Wît nt-bn aniagt wlth a litIle boostlug [arra.- r ail 0'n i Ati uttscnecintde er lte etate <an lie indu, 'dilte gro iAndslnathI lnterti n sîtîîllon tis tminable plant. iueeak revealeti shert-ln a woman bas Mfoamset, muade tramn -. rahuni la seen fit ta lake a hugbanti vithout excellent. Chitllren like it. aird shen tbe formality of iiavlng st.cure.d a tii te mola.sse leing hoit,-tiyo il -tII -roe froam ber olter busbanti or set. te baye corntearound i dttht-l thaout bas-lng lte marriage s-iîct wootien paddle. ta ecralîl te isti- asite belleveti ta have be-en Illegaîlly "About thées-orsi ilcking I1t-i ir gal periormeti formally si-t tide hy te ln MY lits s-am for clî-ating up a court. sorgitusao mlassePan," _..T.ilTIL Mrs. Honser s-as sîtpposed tia1have illngaiteat, a ZMon Ciut -vsorghuln be-eu théeslié of Fred Woodward un- enthusatit. 1'1s-as s-anted et home tiI the. anfloulîcemeat came out ltaI ta do saie otiter work aninInteadstsie hati beenmarrled in Chicago on Ot obeying My father i staveti arounti Wetinesday. t0 <jean up the. moIat -- an wbIt lnquîlry shows ltai Floodi anti Mr. a patidît.. Icertainly gùr rCtt-Sfl iUp Hauser were niarriet ln (Chicago by for Ihat"a justice ot tire- pi-tcs Wedneuday ai- Mr. 1-oiingehe-ai bas n, t eatit of jtronat h- r o-lvn an acre in sargitum- on t rd sIc- e rnid's lane in Gu rtuce. vngl anti Beltel bhî.T-ti.Iliuýo1it,.uviat tif "iusiaýnti" Makes Charge. an expeciment with it ni ý,t r.), Titis mornlng Woodward staft-iIta lo&0is fine anti he expe,îtb gi-tat oI ne aiflte Waukegan poicemn t lt ieat 15 galions of sor.,Itiini mola.,s- e t sas ging tW take vt-ps la have i-s trrinbit- canes, . . 1-i tn. WP4-is iforamtr s-ttc arristet anti chai-get -7thstIciet antid ilaîierond, h:ba t- sIihgany. I T ait. ie stidlitt ont- acre in svrihum and h,1texpiets houghtt i- att-o wotnd have Flîoud ta purcitase a mili righý,it vi) ~oltaI chargi-ti wilh bîgamy on te grounti-b lite lI inIrsh bi., on- ndt. i oI liter 1tbri phi-iatini-ver secureti a divorc,, ni neigitborlng fainri.-: Mtr.Sameg. I îiom bis vife ie.htfort)lte hicago locateti on Noti S lierid in Roati, bas c-,t-ov-w.aî pçrfvtrinv- titi- acres vins - \V.ti 1. lark-1 'to* aa tlehotîr Woord -ih id neas, 29th unilTordann att-nue, lia.,- . lt'mati aformai complaînt la oneé acre; S. It. tii et-.WstsI27thiStat&s 'Attorney WrIich. mtreel anti Wati. Xl yt-r.ý,have titi1ITht,- Sun nanageti ta gi-t hotu ni acre ln sorghuîtî 1,- tailti tem. Il. iFloodi aNIrs.Mca Flood On lte lont- W. Patter asgo tv.4. a! out t bitalots ona distanceanti explainet I tuestatilt nf West 27ti tet. X gust Sw.unson ithe. nattvr, asking litent for ait (X' lias four cnet-i. - -i-tilong ai sorg- plaitatton. itui on litistarin, W-7t 27th sdriet. Iuere lu w hai Floodi saiti nu-ir t1i,- Witit Mr, Sttn orgitum T -ow- phonet a site reterr-dti a bis -ie lng lias p th, e. i-'eriflnentidl aho ttond ni.trhy a-lit b l iteinai- 1 he rt-f. iette hi- l i i n'itbrati-d hy ai- e spanatioti. ual lest that t.,vi.. v ninly s-lit mm A-, & timbir of yi-aru ago NMrs. lIait- duce gond at--tn-In ho titi-tar E,-r'gsotL a diit rfroit-br iuhni 1915iteplat-i s -auni ite ns- Uit-t- r, attti itsIte mirrieti Fred on bis farm. on ~ th, v>k bflwen lie i , ositn W îîkergan bîttlaler Kenosha anîl \Ihtv-. iti-t. ruat. i..of thi-founi!ti i - iarria-e- bta'Woodatirdt City', anti nos- aictitid by C. E. Auns- as ilectil tii-tanti er divorce trelu lin Wlit tti-si- ,îxvoss 20 roails Ilouspr lîtti lutn --rui-e s titan a long, ie got -::() li . of btnlt5- vstar hi-,- lu vtît, r ioril, t-hi- Ht. coulti hav~e -.iid tilsni ite an)t narrieti Wtodward ttii)teat-it îftt-r lassés If hê e b ail tit.for lte bii~udlvorclog t-it t-ýr andtittirt-fore s-hi-b boras-i-rt. nxlou t i, vîy a il lit-hail. île fouil o ithait t t ' ati-it abu.rr..ttî. "Sorgituin I-i -c -uit- ng for fitaa wau performedtir ltliniîoiswsuIlliial ,ly use,," st-id Mir. Sariison iri an it t ý-ie hi-il WcuoIvla .rd iîos-iog il wnulvl terviéw s- ttniglt ' t flanlie u-te-i - n t hi- ri;ttit t itv tti it- h -it uti-r for cooking, andtinvn Ittieri-i l-( ertibuo-t Site s-as with forme. Fi-an on-- i,,vaîî flan cispe Woodward only t-s-omonths. ail that a ismili ut il- for a s-bol- Orvta 0. K.'s Plans. >'ear. Witb a ni-i oi.îl,lt amimunt ti Outr macriage 1is al] rlght beeiauti- cars, sorghaum cati be ralsei un ts ai- a-ttla Attorne-y E. V. Ortis in count>' qulte succi--. f-ti>'and ti ble not aiit<eg'an anti hi- tooked i tht. book Mor dîffl-cialita rupe-,t- ian any ailierland toîti u euecyîîing woulîl hi- att crop. When It !u ripe you haie t0 rîgitt. In tact, Mr. Orvis gave us a strip t e bat-i-soit anti cut tht. htad-a slip oi papi-r la shos- titt a n5tîr off- the plant la gi-t tht. esi-duyîuv'rlagm sncb as wée were going ta have eau use thé seeti for cttcken feet-,I. iperiormi-ti s-uldui tlegi ht-cause makes them rolting fat. my suee' divorce icom hber oths-r ..Thé cane shoîîld hibt' cu cîsétea ubutand andttiher subeequent Mac- thé graunti' saiti Nr. Ssaneon. 'Tii- nage coofliceti s-it theb..las-blniii r fi up ln lundI-s. S- taIIt <ver t e noie. We have taI s«lip iorpaper he.ntled bélIer, andti tti- feedTt iln1- now s-hereby Orvis saId te mac- tb the rnll' n age ta Woodward ws illegat anti Mr'. ls-anson ltlnkv titat sorgittn s-t. s-Cnt ahi-ad on ts- issuitiplian s-auid thrlve ce hlaittie front landt. that its-p lu fart hé says titat sandy landi maltes -No Court Action. therbitucnes. ~î até xelet Titi-reporleti auketi FloodtIif an>- Bmhumi mlass pudigsxeet.stEis bati heen taioa b>' Mca.Floodi gingerlireati. cois udigecta-oxe the lte acnîge ba Woodward Tt Mao be ".aed for rnahtng candiies.,set avide baut i- repîteti "No," addlng anti la mld ta ma'ýp excellent tait>'. that titiy thouglît titi conîcrence s-itn The cultîvatlon vf titi cane In L.ake Attorney Orvis s-as qîtîte sufilcient couni>'. ant in fart In bothitlîlînols Woodwtardi could Dot lbeond but -andi Wisonsin. sutlle fa undti ta Tt sas saidt lant hi- sias iguring a great boa rtoelite people ln these arounti ta sie witîhb..sitoulti doun-i tImtés-béenisutgac lu at-a premiUin. decr teetcrcumsances. Tht. marrlage ai Flootand idbs AV resent wlie i. caltier lntertethng le- aaus lte tact LitaI il marks t-be XÀY LEEPON bird manriage of etici. In otiter iiJntii-t marrîeti and reltives af bath décfine tadlucus tiir statue. e >eJNd "M~ Thé whole question s-lit reeolve It- LA I L IU IIVL sei-f arounti lte pintl astewohX LASTSLONQTINE a marriage s-hbm tse yéar aiter a It thus becomne- apparent tuvvt ut1 Hillser and Woodward arc pai-idlnb lte popsîlltof aiethîtr jeroseeubhngai- flot ,prosecui4ng theîr farmner spo'îst. But, As tai Woodward. But thie delicate position s-bit-b Woodward fintisitînîselfIn luelthit hit hiiselis-oulti bc amendable ta prou- écutIan an lte <barge ai bigany lni rase hoetrrli-ta 1 tart on sacti on tigainsi hie farmner s-ic on flitI charge. Tite«-Interesting situatIon eis eorned that Woodward happened la be an lte, jurywitich iteard t-he evidence vihen Mr*. lioîser appleti for dtvorce ftem her ituabanti, Frank Mouser. Accotdtngly, ae Woodward wsu on that jury te la not In lte position of beina ahl. toi s>' that h. tIi nat know her divorce irom Hauser bcd not been granied over a year priet to Nei matriage teiter. Thus lte feeling le titat WooClwu-d binteéli s-lji ual bgin mn si-lion sgt-tntI rs. Floodi anti If shite t-tl clariiy thte situation as -a-ii do!ail onS>' becaiuse site testresLa ecicr hoc flanc andl hec narclage anti fini te statut- ofai al>chiltircu ltaI nay>P i born ta iter s-Ih PFlod as thi-r fntbî 1 Ipft Ps home t 1M aI,,nr cîcucu MIon City', lelllng hies-ltfe that h# s-ms golnkg as-a>' for a varatIon. f. iWas goîng ta Michigan ta vii danébter of bis tiret ts-f. .RH vu accoantanletib>' bissonGeorge, 104 - It seeme that titey- sere swa>yer or Ibret. day-i. On t-hpi-lteItai tW C'hicago, Wilkinsoni saldti t hie am*: "I s-ilI i-i-tyou In te deoailai4ai haur's tinté." George WIln@on. junior, s-»I& anti a-ciied, at thé depai, bot 1b fathinr iailed la show us. HBOtU An ilmyts -cnt iy, anti étI ,Wtimsa failietiolaput itriantappearemec. Hazei Almo Depanis. About titis tlnné, fazeS Oberdowt s-as aiea inîseirig. anti pubiing two a4t- tea togi-tier. tht. Obettiarfe uatlf*ýb 1>' euspcclet iWiinson tati rua asmg wlit thelr tiaugitiét. A deteetlve s-as put on lte Irait of thé pUaind afler a limé tbey i-ers Iraceét aom010- ha. Nebritaka. By cleevr delectire s-aik te couple s-ère trsd t. a hanse Ibey occupied at Omaha. Thé detéctîve s-orkéd t nosWOU, tbt hlicamp i-rgbt on Mles Obordoaf jupt assite wsudolng tses-abinAr. Site s-as lmmediatel>' put under ai- test andi sas braugitt back ta (thios. go- Titi-e, be-rimter.mother ans! Up ta Hauser. brother ouit hi-r aI lité depot anti lie. Hos-ever. It siems titlIf liait -i-r rot-ber tieti-ooit itrerocrto la ie- desiresti b bcbg an actitn ti cm Igan. s-here &m is buai «presenl. -- seclng that sitalemacrieti t-gain îî is aîso siltili tai Ms.Wl)IikUlO wittlin a ycar iron lte divomrce grant bhas ptut lItématt-rt flatce bauds et cd 10 lier f[ta i li . la Ibnbtiti-posilpolice authoritIPS land site is to da- lion s-bei-e ie coulti maie an ac-tioan ntititat ber but-heM maké a des.. Sietai. -iratiti. ofI itî ntentlans-s-bethe Siaies ,qAttorney W'elrhit odai, vail !hpi- tentis to suatport ber or not. and lie aosutild ign an action onyil' bas-t-tIi-tplans are for-thé future. case somi-boti>' flit- a cômplaînt s-ltt Anotittr rumor le ltai he bas be hin. Ii- et-d ltaIt ftlier h-titni-tai-ai in chargée u>'fe-deri muchrtlt rt-rtobFlood,. Nfrt. Flond ri-n 10b Oandti ltIhé s-ili e itelt utnder tbm hlm anti santet ta ins- a-hal .Mann afet.4 cei sttu I n It-e rye a ,ie lw as- -in lcattse biotfamilles are eo s-eSt' Site cxpu.iuni-d 10 bin i tat site titit noant li Zon Cilty, ltée miait bh». hien tht-orcci fron hlouai-r at-ir t stIrreti îp a ig sensation. Obéi-do«-t yrar hiori- ti-r maritgi- ta Flood luit fatlîî r ni the girl, la mantager of ti" exîutaitîid[îîrtier licat 5h- bati lot t-i-eli harilsare store, Wilkitsif5 bren dîvorrdi or si-ptrat-titi ram poition in ltée lace s-oieleansme o Wloodward oi> a fi-s- nonlte ,. Nu- respm>nsvibiliiy ant i lportance. Hl*: Welttlnst-y-,tliait e aIt-a daims iPlat s-licanti chItltren ares-ell mos-n an& lte marclagi- 10 WootiaNit-i tithal~t l tIfied-adeare mosi sYntPathSllý bt-t-aiunnltî(d, t-ut ta te Sunr, sh,%utvît îîi-m In tieir tetlinta. saldtiIiiî as at-itilt, ut legeti annîtltîenltueing nucreuî'In t5 b- sîtape o! a niat. froni Alttrtuey i-. V On-le Ndv,-.States' Altorutivy Wtt-ý lt ONC E LI.. dotstconuýidermthtE. . '.Onu SýS-O S Z sIati-niefit on tenatter wottld lue t li sat-m intg as a (ourt.,rulng Nvit-uI RAY N. SMfTH. et oe tintsuyhoulyiese. --> Lbtyîl.S Bell Élà% System T ELEPHONE uzer can heip to a large eitent ini securing good service by observing the established practices in making and answcring cals. In your telephone directory is an information section which contalna useful suggestions on how ta use the"- service to thc best advantage. These suggestions are well worth a careful perusal and if Iollowed wiU help to make the aeïoic mre, fiabtry. nCHIMGTELH ONE W 1 CO7MPANY inChicago. M:î lod inl n~IfPtdteLACE WonKs FOI* ;M i ta he Is In what apparentI, MAN ELOPES IWIT1I She xpiaineil that It wii. jus-t tast.D~mD SotIb't ii -h,,securtil a i o OVERDORI fia W front ber ftr,itthusband, Frankit - _______ er. Titen in Febrtiary she wa4 mntsC&rg Wilkn a fareman, r rit-l Io F-r-l VWodward. andl twn m înagtr of a dtPartmenl aI the'Mai- rioths-,itit-r ihe declares site was ';l-blFit-Id laif-e Workýs at Zion C[ty. i nfocm,-t ltitit lth,- niart*î,tgv WIo 1.4iIn trouble H e is aid 10 bave s-tar was itega lit--ansetille h i kippeti out of towlt hi $ h Steug flot bte divoreeti from In--t- r a s-.r rapher andi to WivP eset up housekeep. il delo-i ita th. ' bo-- 'a I ing at Omahta, Neli. tht situation lqeuoe it-tt n t !w Wilinson iii a marrieil man vitIal clarifled ortly by Nfrs. Fl00ifJ'ýgiont- row-t ult eidren, andi lcehas bsM into court antI hatinz hber marri nîý» akîng love, te Hazel ObPrdef l to Woodward formally sel asido hb" somt ime. Acoording to g9Peeal the court, or Woodward can go Jin ports about.ite laylor>' ad lu p01o court and prceeule ber Zt'te o' rg, cirrufs lhey we ot yti O of bigamy if hée cees lit. SOîI] then,- tire from a i _ýe* t reh le anolter angle t0elite situation b- preonises on Shiioli Itotilev&ara d cause Il nos- Is apptarent titat ac 1 weeks ugo, butt thkt- seemts to cordlng te Mrst Flood' os-n stat' hat n cite-ct inçratramling-,tkhi ment fier dIvor(ýe frornY1ou' s-a f Nwllklîîion ant iq Is tengr". onl>' ntne monthq aZo aàd 1Iluster, They ronîrIvedte l get togethfr a»d imscnt roiîtd IrIng up thtitte is*,tatet make apprtntnents, until et lutI ehte hatimarrieti Flood i tlnIîl-enth'ngs'camp Io a climiax- ihl ipf hi hmer"107G-l.p .-ui

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