Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1918, p. 8

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LIBRRT Y VILLE NTEPIPNDMN, TEIJTDAY. AMUGUST 8. MtÎ 1 -si m : :----- --- --- ---- --- --- --- Mrea-and Vieinfitq 'FST. MR' roO F TUEDAK au évent of cv ygreat intereat lu the pi ol. 1 rea and te urrouiiding ïDntry took place li the apring u1t Iis yr, "ean lhe prppertý tof the' Sieldon ibd and saverai adjoimug tractte wera asthed by the Archbtathup uofCicago Ma ite for the )ioçe,.tin emtuîîay of dMary'@ ot the Lake. Sevrai ottier VI oe conoidered butziie cpri'.e-ltu Lia no weil adapt.-d lu tihe-r.-ureinents 0f a j~ara thle beau t&,u uded 11111 rEr ow k aownà s L akit St.Illary. 'To a great number ut our readers, tha Id. is fa îernnary fi a uuveits; tiers- mora few words of exptanatiou la the eolumus of Ibis papar will nutlibe out of place. The arcbdioeeeut Chicago, coin- pring the counties of COOLLake, éDiaPage, Kankake, '. Wll and Crundy, b"as Cyoile lpîîpulation ofuta million .ud a hall of @oui@~, whu ar,- cateil for tiy mine hondred and titîy prtpets. lu.urder that Ibis Increasingiiy great hody ot peope. Iiould r.c1vo theptrul-er rellgioue, it i4 neee,--.ry tiai lIhe numhtir Ôt Priestl te cotnlilîaugriitiedi. For this purpose numiiers ut vîîîîîîtt nît-ti are constantly pre;arîiî.c- lî.iiîc t'yl "Indy tb take uptie work out he ministry. This prep-ratiury eduction 01 a Catholii prical î-îîcirs a period ift ejeren year f t-titege, the irai lie jrs are apent filithe Qulgley Prepara- tory .aminary. aici@-t i.Iuated ln liet dlty ofChicagîî lu tila"litîlesemînary," Ms I la celled. bo sfrui alil parlats f lie aehdloeye purene hbeir hgi achuol and 11oli0gs course. emnliracing tie clapteo, blstey, ratietnate. .modern language,t th1e ntional seiecë@ aandl the 'owndaton@ of fheoloiry. W19 lie ittYuroe la tam- plsted, te boys-young men now-areSy su.dy ta enter tie grand emlnary. la the grand seiinary, tie aludents labo UP lie aiudY ot Phiioguphy. and egoUue their work lu lie sciences, Imbaas suad advaniced theology, unîili Set the end of msu .ears, ibay are ready ta beginu their great work for the salvs- L I UI a 0 000 @.oulo laform er year . and ven T-LAICECOUNTY 'MAL ESTATE FOR SALE bproved Faims 10 te 11000 Acres Pa&Vorle Ternis -X Payment 1%me Fas Whhi" 50 Miles Of Cidcago ,Gaeatent Produce Market la The World PR0PERTY IN TOWN FOR SALE modem. Houses Vacant Lots. .Fact.ury Sites Amr Tracts Fér Subdivision &»Il Tracts FOr Truck Gardeners A%ultry and SmaII Fruit M*#tA HAS WaIeWorks Sew.r System Guo, Electricity Ielctric Railroad Zoo Railroad ý'iWt Line Connections UsmutifuI Lake Popula nrner .Resort Asu& a In 1 ,he Markeit For A,!Mubber of Industries. PL. HARDING,4 at preisaI, ties studeasa have. beau sent 10 seriuarie. ufiieadv eetablimha<l lu various eiîle-ini St. P'aul, 8t. Louis, Itoecl@er, Bailmore, Rorne anti otiars. tiut, becaume of the linîonvenliuce anud Io@@ oft ime sttflered lei re-acltiiîg lie caua well as un at-tuant ut the lucnetaing numttenof eludeuls anti the greattheneit Iii liederivet trtîm their bpthg lraîned ucar io lt teeeo! their future labitrs, ilirt-bii.liup undîcin came lu tiw ts le-ieiottlat UChicaigo ,luld lbavs ils ouit-teuttiary, and ehtse Are& as its location. iVhiar stvaulage tIIs a ili tirlig li lie lteOPt. -Itis ecton aitilie îtiti lu an ti,- aua. -91un -s~ ~ jt ýarlicl,- tu describe lie presant eslabili meun t lîlcit labut lte tegiiiuîing ufthie greer Institution. HIeouhur collages anti anivereltleo, tia *seminne r closing during lhe @tîmuear uttinte uf June, JuIy aud August. Auit ait jressint- le tie neail of the study for te Candidate for lhe piesîbooti, ltaI thelitsîof titrea monlie' lime le 100 sentos ns io ti i consideredl. And aines aven the most avtd tudeul would fililtle encourage. mtont anîldet lte noIse andt di-'tracioin 0t a lange City, titose lunthicat ala in î theIn Jtrepaatitn iave t-e i-îiiighth lugeliber la tItis quIet qpotI. lipet a will halaneîi pnîtgratn of tmi' %lil-I latîîr andi reîrcatîîuîle t-rrt,-d out. Tic mstern lunvogue itiirug tic sommiter montilis la iILS. îî thp lil, la -y..etn. Th,~ V il la uis nt i-t ii i w-N t-t-ijiii î - t- under te gtidn-e il fa rct-tr. Ttîa niemtiers utfte iniiel ailvanteti tlais ara makiug an Inten-ivoe cindy bat their IatIyaare work lu thýiiunivermity andti -îil b. urietnd tthle inini-aîny un Saptember. Tiese-youug -l-rgmuie--III lt-en Liaresu vtolit c! ir luthIle places vaialel ly ttiirlt---tven Jpri-' te lte arcbiîduîî-î-calo liave bien et-llad tu CiaplaIhn--îts u inte aruui3-andi Davy, Il- wa as rtwarii v lu iii ie-î vii.taie tai ti-se voUn 9ng i-nari put lu train- iung nt ith.-Villa thilm enntîtîi-r. Thuae nol yet fur eniuni tadvancedtilut heir chassait lii be ready for otrdintionu ln Septetuiter, are giving a grealar uttîion ut their Y nî witn. orun lie farrut beloîigg lu th-fla, helPing tenuuiure cIjierieni I, Iarmers gatier the I bunnlfulitbanvest ihi wilciounr coutiury bas bt-en tijaecd lu tta bour uf neeti $2300 .fiRAISED IN STA PSLEAT AN ARA MEETINGi One of the Most Enthusiastia Meetings in the County was Held Fridâý,,vening One of the mot Successfal Ibrifl .,..0pmetin eMla Inbthecounny e-as Ihat of Tbursday evenlng aI Aras. vben. luthli tIle park. hun- dretis o! persona gaîheredtilaht-ar the lackles aentartainnesandtIlistn ta talîs byr S. A- Hathorna anti B. A. Mfunaon of Waukegan, reliatvea t th-- big maternant. Wbest yaa canuler that $2900 vais ahuhcrlba Inl stampsai a meeting la such amall town, yoa se- ho vimpor- tant an eveul il vas. The cravd va. Try en *bu siasti-, througbout the rni-eling andti he. talke glivan by ftha Waakegan men Provati mosl lntarastng. -Mci. Sophia Strandi passeti away Iis morning aI 3:30 clock ath ht- home in Area, followlnt- a lingarint- illncas. Mrs. Strandi was born uti tterbarg, Swed en,' June 20t h, 1850. ghea%,lt-a a U hieitr. tIrs El;it Sanilbcrg, a sou, Phullîs Strand. a brother, Atîguat Pearson ut Wautue t-an, a ister, Mca. Auglia Anti- son1 0f Grand Rapid. i W-surd 'i broîher, John, of Sat-tien. CARO 0F THANKS. Wc wisb 10 axîîresa Our Iliank@ ta friands anti nelgibors foîr lttîr urd. of cympstby aud for te rany 1-autiful -ioral Ie e@ u lovi Slvir v it. rtic i Mn. sud Mmra Frank 8.11h. Mnre. Charlie Daiph la ententalming roI. alivea fram Miwaukee. Mn. aud Mn.. Waltuer Fautaine, ai Evancion, @pout Sundsy wlth the lat. ta-re ieter, Lir. WiliIWagner. ' Mn.. Join Reambsc udanircIhdren ne- turnati onLiaaday tram a waek'e vil witb relative@. A parly tof fifiea friande from hars- mîttoradti luWaukegan sud surprbeti Lire. Nelson sud daugiter Frîday evan- ing - ,Frankl Lanapiier, tof Chicago, epeut the week-end aSthliaKneliker hme. Lire Frank Vickery le eniartalning a fripnd f rominCilcago tii. week. Lin. and Lire. D. 9. tolph snd Lite. Avis Payne visiteti Li. anti Lre. Brt Luek lu Waukan Sunday oflamnoon, 1ev. Wangelua, a former pastur. of lhe luttai ciurci, @eute îlaweek-end ai lhe (et) liake homne. fla gave a very ln- teraatîng Islat lia churci Suntiay about bis wonk 51 the GreatILakes. Ils PRAER VIEw Mrnd Lire. J. A,.Liamon attautistia weel. Alfredi Moline le viiting hiesser, Lire, L.Laalier. Chtas. Starmihbheen quita Ili elit a savane sttacl tof aethra. Mr. anti Mr@. Wm. Fd wande ententaiu)' ed company from tia elty otan Suuday. 'itîruîiy Ott lefI Liouday tb @pendthle '-eoa LtNavarvilile arp matlng. M ns A. 6. Maetier @pont one day lasI weali aiitiber sîster nt Grayolals. Mn. andl lre, C. Loouilaanlritaîneti ciînipeany lasI week. 4, tiergt. anti Mr@. Hulcitns ut Camp Rlobinson, 8panta, Wi., Mrs. Sarah Hutciîts ut Chicago, aud lMr.andi tara, Liscun ut Waukesu, ajient Sunday with lic C. J. andi J. A.Laitun fami.lies. Euganta Vus@peut Sundav at ban home lu AO euci. Ms. -iaether let Tuesday for Naperville Park,a-hans Plia, gus as a delegabe tu tha sunday achuol cunven- Lira. W -Stsucltff eut-,rîaiiedtihire frun Luckporî, aI dinnerlasî Tiursday. Lir. anti tara. A. C. Illciarda§ were clty vIellons Liunisy. Mrai. A. Gi. MLitaîr eniartaineti ou Tiunsday, Lins. H. Bowels andi Lre. Plîmanantdichilitinn Franest Alirecit spent a few day. laoi weeat aIîetyville. LAKE ZURICJ Wm. Hanîman @peut Tuacday la Ci. cado. Henry Buccliug, ut Chlcago, @pont a few tisyl neceutly, visiting frIands sud relative@ ber@. Liiss@LucilaeStiefenioefer ant i l- drati (Meule, of Barînglon. visiteti Mie Nttba ililîman for a fpw day. ne- cently. - Lin, anti Lr@. J. D. Flnk entertalned gueete fnom Cicago lelst eek, Lise. Elizabeth MeCarty neturuati tram DeKalb, Fnliday eveubug, aften s six- v«eabi' ummer course St normal, Mn. Wilke va. a calier Woduunday. FredHofit matia trip tu Waulcgan Elevea cibîin a iii b. coutirmeti ne;t Sndtay moraing at the Evampeica churci. The memhcre ai lis Ladies' Aid go- aiety helti thein regnlar meeting Thuna day alternoan. W.. Meyer, of tht. village, fonmenîy at Great Lake@, bas beau ta-analeregt t ,Norfolk, VIn. MisAtielis Morton neceiveti a Lfatiey ecolsrohlp for having matis the hlgieîl mark.slu examinallon lu Ela l.owusio. The 1. V. T, C. of BarrngtonanLd a bandl gavea driluliera@Lioatay evauiug to ativertise lia cisutauqus ait Bân- rînglon. Lir&. George Bradît- and cidren Ipeut a faw tisys let veek vliliing Mn.. B Seip. Eti Brantiug @pont Saudsy at bie home. Lin anti Lre. Wm. Lintlamann, o! Greebent, Neb., Lin, anti Lre. H. Dey anti farnily andi Frea t inîlara vlsitiug rai- atlvés luittits vliiiy. tha lllues anti deali tof Lira. 8phita - Stronti. DEFUIb Mir. anti Lir. Ocar Saubiurg. - l'billp Strouti Mliss Mary Cutian bai returneu abar dallas aI - lie Presityteiabospîtalin IVANHOE Ms. Sarib Adamis anti Lola>pra viegIl- Iuig Mn. anti Lir. EtiAdam@ s a véiry. Mise Edth i Wrî bas been ciendînt- a laIe. tese dassin Waukegau ali LMiias (Hue Mise IrnusMat-aille,1tof Chilcago, vas4 Neltinlte week-end guesîs uf0 lia. Frank MitsiDora Cramtia, o! Maywuud, was Pelterson. a ----utvi1tîtr aetlite F. S. Ilphi Jeosele Elen Eatu.youagatdaugiter borne ut1Lin, anti Mmr. Alitert Eatan, uie l't îrd e LareNlionday of lie Lionday, Angusî 5, aflerafIve day ticaîtiIoflei t.aui sun cf LMr. andi Lis, linees. A.0 15.illIdg- usiieTrry, %font., Sutiday. NInrs. Pneu Parsunîtandl sono of Cicago, Thein niat- tri-l- luire tiSer incereat visiîed Lits. Et Easeln iset vel. Êymptallt-. -Misses Entîli, Ida andi ElfrIsia Kuatak LinsFred lOurrt 4.tiýi, rtalteitMis@enaterlatn,1 aLt t-e [bIeîah îtuti t, jCtar& Eltier tut-I l-,. N.-i . Maon, of Hilghandt Park Liuidtay eveotng. Lît--utyilIie, ltI rat -,ft uh - tMml. lr. liîiurt E. Peuhw anti dangîtter, !iistuttesEmma ia t u ., -'Kiibkar ne. Jean, vans lte guesîs tif Lire. tRay ct itI -peatta liii * e« in Wîîkîgau launclel, ouic i-ago, Iset wsek. fIlas Sîèltla c.utîuV'id (I.u &licî-t as las Splaluu so-ltntif Cicagîî, vas the gucal of lier siit, lIt-a. ii- it-k-lte week-ndl ueup fIrs. Bruce BIln,-. at-t. r8at- -tcandtiduiay. 111@8 G (ertrude stltnilsr, ut Chicago, le 1u11-.- AýuitePatyne andl Emita vlattnt- MIs# Eva Entier qhis % wek. le sert- M anît-inati vilora Salurds . Miss Elizabeth Rau-bhtrelunrtimdiotms Almr. Ed. Clark @pont Liuntiay- ) lKal, Witer#ho ailisbeau attend.- Mkol. Florenceousterin , et Chcago, la IE I U liilil. I usL> VE M L V1Stiaàg ber &ount, Mir@. Ed Wiliman. Harold Vent, of New York, lo vilinig hie parents. ne la borne on a few day.' i C P NýA U O L T E N À D turlough. . Mr. end Mr@. F. à. Meyer'and Il.. CRAS0, MONDAY ý WEEK AT (T. ÀR É iEleanar and Raymond were tia guelte. 11 of Mr. and Lira I)eoio Putnam, of This Neces8tated Building, of Wauconds, Suta.vGeorge Mda Hs Skuill NwPsoio hc tiergt.. @ tip f Stan OMaa HauNwPotoie hihNo Taxaàs, i. om i trn a rnP n lur- Fractured in Accident When Is Completed' r longlaMbIueiie.ra:dyIr Car Goes into Ditch WL EOEE OIH Mie abl oriierurwaite waek. -L EOENDTOIH end guestof iîas Mlarie iluoder, utf Chiciaggof. itrîa WAS CAR STOLEN? It Is Plànned to Erect a Large MineAmeliaHorebýrer ell UurdayAddition to Building in the eveann adbue le Barrington Police HoId Two Near Future donaiu~v ___ 7ý--- - -Friends of Driver Io Inves- The ila Main Station postofnficiT -BTUR tigate Ownership biuildlng bcbng coastruclted ertei Lous Gorg CieeywasoîaaauryMain Gate, a thelu-nival aitaitîn, wilj I 20, 1830. ln Besseti, terinany. Be -Monday miurnlng atIl o'clock a bad'11 ieentlreiy comleled nord ready foîrs embérked for lie United Stateo witîhlis nutornobîle accident ocurrpajea Bar- occupancy by loniglit. Work fitt wife ad fl chilîdren iii18(17. Vieabis ringlon and a areaujt îwo voun lfestrrtng lte tirsI chas mail d,- il wwa takitii by bia liro'~ eeAe ing lîeld by i tfrfiIslra'n iat son W~illiam and litter by ir. and ire.i'litBatrington Piîce on suiictuni on thé. iraI floor tif th(, lnslriiettonl Fred Clavay, wiho did oerybbing tu> that tbcy were lmpjicated li t, 1Pulidiigwaa atartî-d SunilaY morile mals hlm .Coulfortatibe. Fiaally lie tîteft of an automobile in ('lîè,Icuiing. *, ~ e4... ' Z- - eteaq!t- y1ù brtck st rcur ii e ln @Oame onea b waîch îîrn, aan* mince Do tous condition In Cook< coiintfy hoail. .qr blp~Ituuid ha utalned under any cir- tl, Chicago, and the chancez ire h, and 48 feed wide, will allie bouse, tht- i cumetanceeslia was tlaen te the Oak will .die aa requit of an accident thit 1IfWestrnaUniol theitîrapimorn a. FrsHoeiCokcut erhooureabu w an nhalpassd away un Tuedayv, Juy 23. miles outbwest o!f Barrngton !tares fr POtoMeie work nil ta hanI -iaving attaitned te age uf 88 ysaire The lnjured inan i-i 0.-urge 0Mi.iIt smîr inse n Hia lesv"te s t rvic,- ifin, four eo0o, who jivez et Kol snearn l)e Ilaiîîî-a oi Aditi onut.nd Ernoet, Fred, William aind Juin aui two 'l'hl iwe ynuig mf-n aitti hini v-eýAdiin lnnd dauilars, Mn@.Leuna Il tiand Liré. Steve Zi-ugoda, 1R, and irl ri Ade,- Thoawork outhlb' d.-ttirtM.-nt i a- :r Freda Jouas.j raes, adi in tspoo- Tiare arae 36ara 29iîdrn. great son,17. I rcaed s-, raiitinti 1- pioci-1t grandcbildren and oi-nigreut grett Thetwr, tiiîn,î men wî -îî~- riii ta -n- rt-yii-ilintutlu 1 grandcbild. but very alghtlv Thcpv dprtitro h Tie funerai service a a. fild In lie Si. are emjiloved I)y fthc Racine tuliher Pauls Eavangçlieul -Illlvii I eel-1leld un iCo.lu1t t i iv tof te comifllclng I July 25,, and onit-raniik place in liel ujd ceueîery un twth,lîelgrît-k ruad, .tatoi li-t titt id by- liel - al tcnd llI flfh fffli wlti liev. tir. .1. Lutt er- îticiul dîi ,rive-r ltp lVrrirîgtu i il i c h i IULI Id 1:iM ihen pondtng fiîrttîer i ý,t..atlltn H k .1if ii Ttî - young mn i t-iptby hulliIjl UEUiUIUJ $79350 WORTHI 0f !h 0n <f OdVii'FRIDAY. MAO SATI hem baktek Raite. T'iîy adit 1 a. aJ ted t- rI) BIst ltîid Stsak. 11). 'WAIR STAIMPS tdtatOai a-a LiDirlt ttîem and nevùrthclI-s stfvmadf e 1 Bestt Sirloiîî Steak, 11). ON _____A NIGIIT la- gements Wth hîn uIn h Beî-f Pot R<î WLn iý,-itv. thcîi- Ih-i- a Vie i* Boilitig îSeî-, if). ... Thrift Stamp RalIy at Deerfield ie l the id nl eplen. ite liin elS ak1).... Was One of the Most En. 001011 tion t 6olc k îipt-hi b,- tn f- Veal Stewak.l.... thusiastic HeId Becaue thel1ct-nsenumbî r au tî ,I h - el-igios number did nul corre t ,nil Frarikfiirters. lb., . .. CAMPIGN 5 CLSED the police wer.- ausjIlclo:i, hit thoi ar qesio "s ' on n. i éi Z3 ibt.sf Marior floulse (,XArs- ead 0 te ampig Cm-they were lrying te mattet la gt-M Hedso te apagr or-away wlth at..5*Shis. of Bulk Coffet .- .. mittee Are WelI Satisfied 0'Nfadia ba s ertous fractri- ,o? - i!) of Be-4 [Lrd at Success of Drive thieskul] and while lie was i-l~i Cîîb-l' 1îîî oSn P wal; a fitting thînt- that the clos.- tbought ils coiflîlon waa tii -prlo1i. ing meeting la the Thrift Stamp cam- blieerhi- takpn lu a Itospit.t l a.t o r th- iggcoftLa na. ovdtehaccorditiglv he x;iý aki n ln on P ethtf ref Il was beld Plday evening In the' morning train. It sýzs de-lart-LI k M'est Dccrfield achool and belct--nfora ho loft Barringbon that ht- had W tr e !r-. and lv-hnrdPrtniwn very aligbt chmnces of reeorui*i-Waev pretient. 9Vjîen the figure-, acere '%fada la a man about 15 yEns-,et CantalIi counted up j was found thal ovar0 $.500 wortb of thrit't stanîistui agi'. bean solti_________ Wili Pay 44 Cents a The evening proved a most inter"1 esling one-, an 18ýpiece Jackie band An i mprovemrent.E- accompanylut- the speakers andl Mr.- Theworkrnan who turne out si poat- ";'0. M .L 2 (lobrecit of the Wauk-egan Y . NI.C. I 1,-i. Talte warp givan by B. A. Mun.ion do«. nothlag but stand¶ anound and PH N ,8 andl S. A. Hathorne of Waukagan make reaark&-Ullwaukee JournaL. SAd lien the sale of clampa atarted. ps m----- Itwas the targeet sale of a sngle Qvaning that auay of tie meetings hold In Lake county andti banafore the pramotars vers veny gratefui ta the people Who attenafd anti paîronizeti, After the sale a diance vas hp.Id anti adisaion to the tdance floor va. by Tbrifl Stamp only. These ThriftI SI.anp meetings bavé crealtd conaitierable Intarest and amusement thronghout Lake colssty. For Instance, at Fox Lake a Chi- cago banker wbo happeneil toatatend ,the ir,tint was waarlng a sport shIrt. Hie hought so many slamps ha dîdn't now what ts do witb them anti 80 hc hegan sticklng tham al over tist-htst andl before'e hadaifn- Iu-ht-d is entrprshirt front wa3 'cov- att-r ws h hhrifl str.mpa. St-vutrat large cubscrlptiona of stauip iî-a tht- I>erflcid meeting Pri- dat- nizbt bettedIntmalte-the bigt- t ta]t Tfit-# Were two ipurcbase.u or apiui'th sud sevan purchasea of Plii lt-lu h'On.- wuman, a fouiner residen t ofti-ArfleId, via prpserit at Ilie mccl nzt andl througb E. P. S;.dî- wtt-k. aitrpt-ul 10 purchase fBu wortioftif-amupsprovidling somreone cic ein lii- tillage a-oul malch thc Puni-ha>,<uCarlea Parions Waa thie Mâs Who bt-id ut bis banil when an tut ttatitîn s-a maile Inatte auvati- faute i f the ofau. Work. iare la othliflg but uthat's bearabje. as long asl a unan con work, The nature of thînue don't change, liaougb lt seemu as If ot-s g lifa as nothlng but change. Thalt -uqiure o!ftour Io sIt-eon, end you tlýit lngthen youn laver In Pro- VorliOn 10 ytînr welght, la as Irue viten n niali's Iniseratata as when hels haPPY;flodthelicbet-atof worklng ba,lt gis-as you a goal grip-laold of thinge outaida your tus-n lot-George Elitl Left-Handedneo& ' NO attampt abould ho madtie 0 each anatunutlly laft-handed Chiltren tb use thelir rîglîl bande, according 10 P. B. Nealar, Inspettltur r o! RilofaiLon- don, aba Itleisllely la make them Blana- meroe. Mr. Ballard suippliai.then fol- iowlng t-tutilsouOt ao ne g.roup ci 545 left-lianiled chIta-en 1 par cenl ai pure hi-fl handare atammerei, agonas U3 par cent o!f M9baing laughl la Ufe th1e riglit bIand. In another group of 207 the figures va, 4.2 par- cent andi 21.8 pern cent repeMuvMy.1 C'L P7 ')SHO £J RAY N. SMITH IRDAY SPECIALS 30c 3 4c --- 22C I19e ... .. . ..2 8c ... .. .. .. .. .. ..2 2 C 1.00 .10 eau h Vegetables, Ions and oupes a Dozen for Eggs "ÂNE, Prop. AREA, I14LINOIS SUMMER TIME. The beeil are buzzing in the clover. The corn i growing and the loîîg-bladed leaves glint lu the iaunshine. Thé- boys are shouting and splaahing in the old swimming liole, and the perf ume of green, growing things makem the air sweet Thle farmc-r looks over his fields, reckoning on full granaries and well-filled- lofts 'in the autuimn. He is enjoying the bernies and peas apd fruitsof his garden, and preparing to lay in1 stores of, provender for man and beast for the unproductive înontlis that are 80011 to follow. No ONE 18 GLOSER TO NATURE IN HIS WORK 'IHAN THE FARMER, and no0 one knows better than lie the NECESSITY 0F PROVIING FOR THE FUTURE. Likewise, no ou@ sliou1d know better than lie the nuicessity of lay- iing by, DURING 1115 PROD)UCTIVE YEARS,,sufficient stores to last him, and THOSE DEPENDENT UPON HLM, DURING4 THE LAT',UER YEARS 0F lIS LIFE, and when heolias flot the tiane energy to work as now. A SAVINGS BANK AuCOUJNT AND A LIFE INSURANCE POLIG'Y ARE QLIIE AS NECESSARY to hlm as lofts fulil of liay, and bins of corn and oats, and seeds for anotiter season. Witli a habit of life that causes hinm to fil lbis barns, to keep a liealthy savings bank fund, and to own a comfort- ably large life insurance policy, a fariner CAN LOOK INTO THE FUTUR]- WITHOUT DREAD. He knows that lie will have bad ,seasons wien crops are poor, wlien bis savings bank must be called on to lielp hlm out temporarily, and wlien his premiums are liard to pay. -BUT WHAT WOULI) LIFE BE WITH() LT SOME STRUGG-'LEe Do not the boys get far niore fun ont of the swim- ming liole thistiumer liecause tliey have been deprived of it al winter, wlien the snow was deep and the school kept them busy alday? Does not tlie fariner derive more etrengtli and satisfaction wlien hie wins out after a liard struggle with nature thian if lie liad inerelyouly to go out and pick bananas any day of the year in or- der to live? To hlm - wlio has the ambition and energy to work, and to him wio lias foresiglit shall be given COMFORT IN IS DECLINING YBARS. The bees are buïzzing in th.eclaver, th~e boys are shouting andi îplashing la tb. aid awimniiug hale. andi Suraner wiîh il. joYe andi dutieas sbèe. Happy lb. mun who ca look upon il wjîb joy namizod i wth dreeti for the unfrujîful day. to follow. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE, District Manager, Area, Illinois THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY sorti and I laday tanle place eut vas was etevi andi Ipinc tant leot a Matia 'launt] The Panes trac dradi -q 1m der ] dissIl public A ed il .cuit t Th, ail tht l-o mli liquor fuly Intomu c-'eoplt place nIckel &bout The die ( bridgu Tbc anima Additi oneILc malle hy th. lion c te ri compe la çIal lai a Great Mar favon lied p te 1 tontal publi the pt kega Who&e maen. denti er, 1 busy Chit eannlaî £feai via età aul oblige avoiti ed b3 Iluein bridge tIon e as C naval, -7- -------------------------------- - ------- M»Mlbi ------------ m ýi ing at an eariy d~i.t#, 1%Mw-11 be unedLJor handltag pafrM Psat packag- es exciusiveiy. plan, andbU)el]à lons have reterred ta tlle .aval departmenf at Washington. I f t1*b ent Plans go througb, work will W.I started ln finie to affect compeîl<mn betore faiL Until the new parcei post addition 40i COniPleted that depatmnt wîii e. tain -is jresent qparterg In tie In- struction Building, Chief mail Cidrk l3urr mald Safurday. At the present time, the POStoffice forces aI the Mfain Station numbers 65 mecn. 15 of w-honî work on a tight ahi!t. BIO Volume. Mtore ilien Iàji(.t:ps ettent and Post carda arc being handied-each îveok. The report for tht- week ,'d- Ing on Juiy 29, isuPd ye.-tterday, EhOw.,i hatlr118Poucheq or 547,00o jet- ter anti Post carda weer reeivpd and 128 p>Ouclles of 732,000 letterq dia-, I~aliTé PareiP' num- beréd 2,817. Thrpewoe3,()(,2 rteg- Istered jettera rAcetved, 7,480 special dejivc.ry jettera h+andjied, 298 letter% Tht-se amountsa aU show a mubsatalitlal increase over the figures for the pre- c#.ding week...

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