Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Aug 1918, p. 12

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DEPE w,&T tmO Ind n tquat for votes on the l ii~aliet ih ~~ AI , position in amo'r, avlgad ii.eP IýM Qiiî,*dont Wanbg&ean W«»h, l~18ifce of couaty &ùi i4i ng conmectod vitil the county clerk's o"-ceami>'deg n xperienced lu muni- Yeit in true WE DO WANT mon of experience in 1cipal afairs to belngp.suiiof LoibertyviUel for many To.,1 years, lie posmesses the ».coIUsry ualilications to make a -AqQ offices. We want business men. W. vant men!good, businesalle Coufty *tr er. r The voters of the 20%kiwhwt rnafis ht' h evuv county are realizing that fact Judglng from the unanimous NZE» Lew Hendee returned as county clerk. Just flow expression thatcons88 edrmnttlisad- when wr a isn no time to thtnk of inaking the change dacy. A popular man at all times, Mr. Morse flot onl Iv h te put a man in offiqe *hiolias ha.d absolutely no exper- -ai ouaiybc fliiç.nagbtabsn s x oeni county or other, municipàl afairs. While Mr. 'perience in county affaira lis rovn a bi g asset ta him. Rendee inain no danger, nevertlieless it la up to every voter lu tlie county via appreciates the valuable services1 ho has rendered thle c' t omk ta on atr u IntereslJng thlng but quit pparent tliat it isabso- and vote for him on primary.da y. i Utâilio*NUet trip a itgainot Elmer Green in --_+lisani davfo hrfOf LUke jsunustv. The vaofn Votera of LakecourLty are being impressed moat fav- orably by the dean casupaigu that Jay Morse of Liberty- Svile lias conducted ior thle office of thle nomInation for couuty treasurer. - Mr. Morse isn't saying a word against1 any of his opponeuts but lie is merely pointing ta the fact that lie is the candidate for the office and ulaces ils re- tusis hatMr. Green whIS hoawuLé'riff once before lu Lake county proved sucli a V"r efficient and capable offi- cer that the votera Of Liii county realizlug efficieucy is a big 4aaet in public office., are practically unaunous in their desire ta return hlm'btilts Important position. Mr. Greei lias lield bile offce of sleriff but once and is record esdtlinsare being hsard that ho vil vin by a 0 0 = 0 0 one rote. Hovever, ile h4l nomination la assure, Peter D, Ogilvie. Ingie.side, 33,. nevertiieles lits friends sliould plan te, give him a vote on Lydia E. John~son,. ('tulago, 23. in oderto, ivehhn eneed cnfiencein 'm.T. .Jones, FI Paso, Tex,., prireny dca lorderfte iv orer'hlm uewed confiecellMarguerite -Shields, Racine, 21. ther apreiaton ! is arier dmiIstatin.Joseph Wokrai. kan,3.S City, Mo.. 4t0; Irenp -Marion, carae, . - EarI E. Tatman, Rai lu, 20; hl"lei It didn't seem just. riglit ta think that,ight in the Kiedrowskt. saute, 22. :ear of he ammers buneu it as poperto g i o oeph Searceiti, Kenosha, 2.1; Sel- theartoxf tie dimstrcs ndum= vva rpr ag na ~.Plîgr, saine, 26. the Fo Lakedistrct an rui~ily close up a regort Leo S. Fleming, Racine, 21; Cacrie uDder theinjunetion procedure.- If the law wa being vio- Schultz, samne aT- lated, tlien there vastlie crimmal1 aide of tlie court te rely K'rnes< E. Ellis, Winnetka, 24;, Bu~ e sop i au gbg~ ~~îa~e d fo lioda 0. Du Bois, ibotrtyvhîîe, 24. uPOfi. Bt r vu nad hi tepac o o eePs Pr6sppr Il. BiribeyNilwatjk-c, 22; -well, general's pavera are exrteusive but at Ililena A. Teasmer, ("-, is, 1 the saine turne they shtould, it would seoin, be applied witil Oscar J. Blumenherg, %Ilwaukee,' fairnegs oven te offondera. The latter, vile they doserve 28; Etiz. Heydeîî, saine, t9. pun smen ad epetaly-incass f M srt Frînk Je.anovic. î.;î, 23: pilimn n seilyucse ftlssraeo-Francis Turk, sn<e, la. tild ta camte under the laws as tliey exist lha itatter-wliat mm. H. falaUe,,Mi ue- 7 their offense. -Ea uaM-fr i ~NAORSPUT 11IECURI% IN DRÀFT BILL' Eighteen ta Forty-live Law Is Ready for Action; School BoySoldiers Washington, D C, Aug 1-1. h senate miitary afairs coflime . hY a unantinous voie, wroîlv ii., 1.l-ebd ministration iman power -bll :!oday, au amendint de îgned <oufrevent, strikes for the period of the ivar. This action conipieted the i-Pviloin of the bil. The antirsti4ke e mendmpnt pro- vides "that when any person shall have bepn piaced i n a deferred ori exempted cai(for essentiai empioy- ment), he shallflot lbe entitied tu re- matn therein unipss he shall In good faith continue, white phylicaiiy able ta do se, tu work at and foiiow Sch occupation or business and If ic- faits ta, do se he shall again -becomp subject ta the draft. The prpsident shall make regulationp for enforctng ibis provision." Tue senate. it was predicted to dey, wili adopt the ampndment %vith few dtssenttng votes. In the bouse, however, there is iikely to e liigor- ous oppostiion and the ultimate enaCtment of the provision loto law ig a itter of considerabie ucr talnt3#. The commttee adopted another amendment making comiisions avaliahie tb ail vointeers or drafted mien regardless of, age. A fourth aniendment provîdes that "the wifp of a sodier or sailor shall flot be disqualiiied for any postion under the govroment because she 18 a married woman." OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Pupnlohed by LAKu co, TITLE AND TRUST CO. Abstracts of Titi*. Titi* Guaranteed. Mabonl. Temple Bide. "tioee 4. - Auguet 9 191. I Elien L. Van Scliaick l. Dorcas Home 4 acres in Nb. 1-4 Sec. ., fleerfleld Twp.. WD, $13,500. M Master in Chanieeî VIo0Il. A. Dool- ey, 143 1-2 acres in Sec. 1, C'uba Tai. ani Sec. 6, Ela Twp.. Deed, $14.000. - R. G. Evans ansI wile I Julaim - C Xamra,, Jr.. lot*9, FEvans Sub.. of "~<Lt 15, Benitley>î 5Sie., *Iltghè ood. W1>, si. *Chicago Titie and Trust C'o. to Myr- -tie .J, Er4st, lot 85, Wlson's LSd Suit at Long Lake. Deed. $425. Aug. 10. 1918. - rtate 0'f Mary W' Yo.', dîeap:scd, to (1. W. lIusbaîd s, lot 41, Wal.,s orllb Euh.. Wauk.cgan. lied. $7,50. August 12, 1918. Hfenry Andreaq and wife lu Kezen Mustafa, loIs 9i arul 10, bio>ek 4, Ilutl * ison & (' 'iS'il., W%'.iik'gan, \VDt $t 00. H. H. Albrecht and wife to Franku Ciprian, Iot 1(j, blio.k 2, 1 <t:nond Park, WI) $125. Auguet 13. 1918 Emnma M. Hodge auid Itinhanul Io W. J. i'anduzer. lot 3, block'A Craigs' Sub., Antiocb. Wl), $10. Helen (. McCl'ure to NI oriwuu Bebryver and wsf,cuit-acre loi, V'il lage of (;urne, Wl), $1. FRENCH ARMY ESTABLISHEO ON THE OLO TRENCH LINE éBv fynlt.d Pro.) (By Meiltt) WiU.h the French in the Fetd-3: 15 P. M.-Gen. Humndet advanced and *firmnly ettabliched hie armny onth Oid trench lin. domlnating on the 'Thietiourt plateau. The batite et present le practicahly * devoid cf lnfantry action but there le * heavy artiiery firing. AUSTRIANS EXPECT TO EVAC- UATE ITALIAN TERRITORY (By Unitedl Prese) Washingtonl, Aug. 14.-Austrian fers.. the posblty of their being comPelled to evacuate the invaded h:*aian territory according t0 officiai Rome cabies. An order of the Aue- trian'command along the Piave di- recte the Auttrian soldiers In invad- ilg this territory to be paid in paper WMue o prevent sny silver, gold or ceper cO0fi fallins into the hands of thaudvanolng Italians. TO TIIE VOTERS 0F LAKE COUNTY: 1Ilierebv aînn>iîiee that 1 an a candidate for re-election fo the c-lice of County Clerk, siîhjcet to the deeision of the Républican Pri- mari- to be held Wednesdlay, September 11, I have serv ed îvou ii this eapacity for near- ]y eight years-wýith this experience coupled 3with a légal ediîcation, I feel that 1 arn as capable of conducting this office for you as anv on e you <ould select. The manner -An whieh I1 have conducted my office you ail know --i--f I have heen effiient von know it, - if ot.herwise, von know ift, therefore I1îieed vaste no words npon that subjcct. It is my wish, however, to' assure you that if re-elected I shall rende~r von the same ser- vie I have given yon in the past, with such improvernent îipon the same a-, my increased expérience empowers me to add. i desire no0- thing other or further than the treatment ac- eorded a tried servant, to bc discharged or re- tained in âecordanee with the fidelity or Iaek of it withwii T Ihave perfornted rn dieq. T therefoi'e rcspeetfîîlly solicit vonr vote and support. TJBW A. H1RNMEE, County Clerk. Announcement 1 desire to atinounee to my rnany friends that I, arn a candidate for fhe Républican nomination for' Sherif of Lake ('oinfty, subjeet to the Primiar- ;es on Septeînber lifli. Iin.askiîîg ficir su1) the primary I amn doiîig so entirelv on niiy revious record as Sheriff during the one tern i fhîld that important office, durig fte year 191 0-1.914. If renominated and 1lcd shail (Io ail within my power -1.0 again adnîinisfer the duties of the office in an efficient anid satisl'actory inanner. I app)reeiate the support already given me throîîgho ut fthe county an(1 am willing to let my p)l'vioil5 record stanid as Ilie basis for asking sup- potFtt the eorng priluary. FLMER J. 0 RFEN., This Great Sale of Plush Coats for Saturday and Monda y Only On Sali Saiurday and Monday On Sale Saturday and Monday eALEX HEm GO*, Lake Cotiwty's Greatest Store for Women'la and Children'. Readymto. Wear Now Cornes the Sensation of~ the Year With- 975,e hs Next Sen Price4 Sale Prit 21 Yoga Save Coats Gontracted for at LAST SPRING'S PRIcES i A Gigantic Pre-Season Sale At the Following Unprecedented Reductions 2son 's Next Seaaon'a Next Seaaon'a Neéxt Seanon'a Next Si $35 Price $45 Price $52.50 Price $65 Priée celIo Sale Price Io Sale Pnice lo Sale Pric, la salep wZ.8 4S $12.50 You Save $15.50 You Save $1650 You Save $16 l'au Sa Coat Pictured Above in a $52.50 Fur Trimmed Plush Coat-Priced Senson'a -e $80 Price la Save $24 ý-n 'fi qV»ý It Isn'-t Necessary to -Pay the En tire Sale Price at Time of Purchase Make aDeposit and We WAl Store Your Coat Until Fail. 5J Now then, most. advantageous plush coat, opportunity is possible only because our moats, ordered carly Iast spring before the piceadvac wert made up during the "duit" montbs when cost of production is necessarily lower and now we want to malce the Juil month busy. This, assor tment indludes the "pick" of fabrics in a comprehensive variet.y of the most beautifuil st.yles.ý This Plush Coat COUP, becaiîse of ifs nmagni- ttîdc and originality is an aehievernent illustratiîîg ancîv our incontrovertible suprernacy.-as Northicrni Illinois, forcrnost distributers of dependable ap- parel. Indeed, inneli of our sueeiss in consumnat- ' ing this deal is due to the ciiormnots tîiiount of business we control. at $35 -See Our -Widows for Styles $8 5 genuine seal trimmed Canadianblue muskrat coat at $Il10 lo

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