- - - - - - - - A4rea and VieinitqI MNVEST IN THE REIGHBORHOOD 0F AREA IWihiug lu the vicIinly o! Areale iWu«ei aer gvay. Barhsy is ta ta, belug " t am*d tram the @bock anS Is yildlng1 qr-6aa average of 41% bisbel. per acre. *W Vies of , MrMin lat P.reseu lelavery ý41MppoInting. It ile ua l ean why apbeonîd soei or leeis than $1.00 per vben It he no Iamgehy useS a, a ý~9u~te for vbeafi. Why the priceso! 1.1lbrs nomucb beov thal f o!rn, 1"It no 50neariy equala cras ao afeed fSr Sk aud dairy catîhe le aisu a i*watai. The fart thbat te brs"*ens are, *o* laytn lu thir nouai suptîiy at thie 4bea enybave oomeîbing tu da witit *». price ai barley. Ouring to0-the trolible ex perienced lust ~On vbýen mucit0 o!$ liteta nd -nMoe er bedtrain thse @bock, the umers ara arranglng 10 aîack thue ,woous ibis wagaon, ahhougit thons bas le.soin.esat thi-uhed tram the ,Obwk »an luHil caes the yilhSha@ been 'uuqsatlstcry-25 ta&5 busheha per Not enaugit oato bave been thnashed àt libIslime to dtermlne the average 3beld, alhbagh the Indications are for a Iumper crap. Corn lua ur huality ouffored greatli 4nnlng the fev Saye of Intense beat lasI ýwek, but te copions nin that!îîiioweed, poun»teracted te offercte ot the lîset Womewbt. apparautiy, luns goùd a elLIe o! preservation as vbeu orected. arnong te people aitt Iis gatiteing at Saturday, oufy one man vas fouud vita touk part lu te former nablng. Muet I uol aihl, o!fte othora have long sinco been causpbcnous, ual ut a naiing but at a lowering. A LOYAL GERMAN Not far troîn Ares, lives a mnan owning one ut the beet 80 acre farine Iu Lake couuty, siho taike o emhing lite lte foliowing: "Yes, eh-; iny wife anS 1 vere 1-ramnluGsrmany anSdail vo have le due 10 the opportnnitleaCure@Sami bas e " usattercom!ngtothieeountry. )let lu' uSer obligationa t lu hi l wheu ho neede belp a@ l4e heiped nasviten y@ vere iu need. I bave bougitî Liberty bonds, Ibrif t @tamps, contributed la the Red Croeo anS the Y. M. C. A. Aar wili. lng anS glaS Sa onsor." lieraili te igitltinS ni a citizen. Bad Ibis mn auromained ln Germany, ho vouiS most likoiy be lu a soidtemr'a grave anS hie vlIe, now camiorlable, happy anS Independent lu lier ovu bomne; a subjet oi abject proventy. What bmpreses ne most is not the lact tbot thia man bas prompered anS miade good as have mue@t (Penun ub. jets, but that ho ou thoroîîghly appre. ci aieslte stuatioîn, %bat lh, le wiiing anS auxions tii coutrittute tii Ili detense o! hie country Iliat maSe it iosmitle fan - hua ta ho inciperudent anid iîipjty AN OLO-TIME BARN RAISING Boere l'>nu ah leinld p. ansWho ile a good citizen. yl Itake a Lest Satnrday afiernaun, eornelhlngc tedegbty-Sive meu-trbend@suan neigit- iors of George S. Braiuerd-aesom bled ei blorne and toIt partiem raisina ths sue voof aiamodern bai-n 40x74 et, Tbe vomIt vas oweii malS ont bd se accuratliy fitteS that scarreiy pro tissu twa boums vers requîmeS le ,nei aIl te tuber. j t i iftBly-oneeyears ago Ihat a ýall.r body oi mon met on te sains tie for a imilar purpose. At tat b» tbey ralod the framne work ut a ama 28x40 fot, eue of lte firat nf Ifs Med te b. bulhl lu the cornmunity. Ai I» limier o! thie olS barn vers tatoun hm a local timber tract, beved hy à" d and hanled by oxon. Tii barn ëO stands wbere îhsy placS Il oven a &M a century &ga, wlth il@ titubero, ~IECOUNTY AL ESTATE ~Woved Farina *to 1.000Acres ewambe Ternis x Paaient bmn F-m or,"i 50 Mile x1 Ciago :fetaProduce Market Mm .Worid %O PERTY IN TOWN ~AREA %Owm* ofa!wObcgn MDR SALE Vacam tLots !ôtory Sites kmie Tracts Forg Subdvision M"l Tract$ Mr Truck Gardenmers >Wyand Sinai Fruit ~rWorks IwrSystean :s lCtricity Cactic Railroad 599 Raiiroad- > t*ting w aSuinier Resort bl*F or of Iaiduatries. IHARDING, FA, ILLINOIS. good neigbbor anS a good rionS. AREA A POPULAR PUACE FOR A HOLIDAY OUT4NG Eacb suceediug h oliday seos i jAre87 au inereaeed nu mber of viitore. îuostiy froni Chicago, attracted for the mast part ly the ad vautages offered for boat. ing, bathing, tihlug aud a generai out. of-duors good tuile at Dianiond Lake. The Saturday allernoon and Sunday, morulug train. ou hoth Soo aud eletrie linos briug large cro wd, of people laricely froin the working classe@, tram the fartorieo, shape and warehauses of Chcago anS its suhurbe. Tioe who come by rill are but j$ mail part ai compaireS to the nuinher tl'at corne by auto. Diamond Lake, the objective point of thons visiter@, le located les@ tlîau fortsy miles from thé' lop. The cernent road exteudo to Wheeliug, wlch iltu o les-of the lake anS thora le an excellent gravel moaS front Wheeling to Diainoud Lake, 80 that a mutetr trip fruinthe rîty nut ln Area Iapleasautone. Privato busses, carrying f roui lwolve tufotsypeople ara roinion. Borne day, net far distant, saine euterprillg capitallet w9l take luto coneideration tMis advantages Area offera a. a shorttlrn. raoort for hicago'. congesed and overworked population. The facrlîties for taklW cars of the caotantly lucrs.lg hôliday visitor@ at Diamnd Lake are adoquale but are overt»xed. AREA BREVITIES lir@. Ueo. Rooe ands onu, Augles, ara speuding a few daya lu the hu>me of Mr and Mira. John Ansely. Mfr&. Peter Lt"hielS la eutertaluiug ber subter,lira. Elizcabeth Lang of Chicago.' Mdeaes. John Roues anS Fred Grabbe motored te Elgin ouboitasne.tant weok. Mises RLcheh Hecketsweiler sutertaluod a frionS front Elgin onue dois la.t week. M r&. Leo Pufal anddaugbter Gertrude, are viitlug at Stevens Pain&, Wl.. M re. Frank Itanigarteru enlertalued ber brothdr front Carnp Grant la.t Sunday. William rowder, who bas been farm. lug lu Canada, l. viilug hie parente bora and waling for, hie rail for service. The Chriotian Eudeavocr society willl hold a social lu the clty park Satumday eveulug, Augut 17. The proreede go lu part to the Salvation Arrny fond anS the Chritian Endeavor. Thore will ho a patriolle speech by B. a. Miller and Carrol l rldley wlll talk on food con. servation.' j PRAMR VIEW Mfr. and Mra. R.* Lyou and dangbter of Chl.vago, ara opullug a few day. ait the F. Mitchell hume. Capt. Lewis of Chicago, wore enter. talued at the J. A. liason home Monday and Tuesday. L. Hutchlugsi was au Elgin visitor Sunday. lire. Il. Allrpelt and daughtere @pent a iew dayo Ite city last week. Paul Pegplua Lugbt a separator a$ Gilmer and iletnc w prepared to do I.e uwn thretbing. lieCaras%% elo*,rilrg and Saughter epeut the past wi'ck ab 6. %% ereuherg. Mir. and lirm. .1 A. %1càron atted, sererai oiona ut the Wautanqna ait Lihortyville the mueste i ftIrsi. Sarah ,Ire. L. flutchitigm .,i.rîàied Edua Ewgart utf(jilmer te part week. 9r in îd Mm. J. P. ltltzenlbaler epeut Sîînday at Napervilis Park. %Ire T. (ooly'n visiteS ber parents, Mr. snd Me. . Webbsnberg à coispieo! day. last wosg. W. J. M.uer sud Mr. and lira. Stanelliff 'autoed to the Great Lake@ S8tidaY aiternoon. Mr@. D. Rltzenthaier of Libertyvîlle, âpent Sunday bore and attende the morning services. Jay was aiso seen on Our Bireet. Helen Maiden le vlelting ab the L. Hutchinge home ihis -soir. t Thora la praier meeting avery Wedne.- >day ut 8 p. m. and choir practice on Friday night. Thora will be a epecial song hy the choir both ut the morninig and evening services. The song service wiii beglnuat 8 P. m', and preaching ut 8:80 p. m. Suaday evening. Helen Hiiuptfuehrer brôke out wlth the nisasies Sunday afternaoon. Helon wBI not feeling good for moveral dBye 3last woek oo on Saturday rnorning Dr. Taylor w«e caiied who arrived at &bout .11w a nad a ehe wBOup and argund thouglit thas @oe bd oniy a littie coiS and would be botter ln a lew daye. She foit go weii Sunday morning tchat she wauted to go ta Sunda" sehoul Whicb @ho dld. Alter dinner she coin enced to break ont with a raeh. The doctor was cîlusuitsd over the phone and hie direc- tion@ wore liowed. Ail thé cbildren lu ber ciao, anS room wore exposed and there le lwo children lu the paroonage b ounger who are exposed oc, thora may beh a number of cases bore before tbey are 1stopp eS. Nott Burday will be a speciai effort made to Increamo the atteudauce ait Suaday echool and cburch. Lot It ho 1known as Everybod v-gp.to-church - undayv." Thetsubje.toftthe pastor wii he "The Apostolle Chureh, the Model Cburch Durinug the Cnnrcb Age." Let tbe parents and chlldren ail eorne to Sundav ocbool as lire Lloyd Maethor wull bring ber report of the Suuday @chool convention beld at Naperville Park. This report shc.uld he beard hy everyoue Then aIl sbould stay at the chureh service. 081 TU A R Ruth Caroline Looinis vwas hum Oct. 6. 191:1, lu Prairie View, and died ln Area Aug. (1, 1918. She was ibe daugh- ter nf Augustus and Mary Loomis, Ioruîerly oi Prairie View, lut uow of Area. Lt lm thougbt by the parents that @he was overcome wlt> the heat ao ohe camln lufroin piayiug lu the htbut wlth a severe headache and a very hlgb fever set lu. The doctor was cailed the next mornlng who saiS that thera were soute symutoms of Infantile paralysie. Sne grow worse during the day anS died at 6 o'clnck lu the evening. The romains were brought to the Hall Day cemetery where a short service wae fcOuducted by Rev. 1. H. Hauptfuehrer lu the pressure of her parente, grauidmothoir, Bunt and oeverai 'tbere. Palrioiic Raiiy Saturday evoning, Auiruet 17, a pat- riotic meeting wili ho helS Bt the Congra. gational cburc by E. E. Carrof tb«5tate Councli of Defense. .. arr ha. ohown bis abiiity a. a speaker of po wer anS elo- Quence at number of Farmnera' Instituts@ 01 Norther Illinois. Ho wll taik on "The World War and Democracy." Ho wu@ lu Gerinany when the war broke out and opeaka froin a knowledge of actuai condition.. Hi. two sono and two son- lu.lawe are noir fighttng witb Persbing lu France. Mir. Carr la -heurt and sou for the war anS ho ha@ a apeciai imessage efor lathera and molihers whoee boys ara lu the service. Don't fail to hoar hlm. Ho wll speak ait 8:80. The lectura la Ires, to ail. No admission. No collection. The young ladies ut the churcb wll «oIl le@ creain and cake lu the town hall pre. oeding tho e ,tms. Corne and onjoy tu evoulug of orlallcy and patriotisin. Church Notices 10:00 . . -Tachers training cia.. 11:00 A. M -Ruuday ochool. 8:15 P. M .-Churrh 8ervie 11ev. anSdlMra. Warren m ho have heen beachiug lu Daily facatton Bie Sehool work lu Chicago for ive weeko have fiu- lobeS their work anS are uow living lu Hall Day for the sunimer. Mre. Warran'@ mother, Mire. M.N. Clark, of Beloît, Wl. 1Is vislting wlth thein. They are camping lu a lent locaieS lu the gruve noar tbe church. Cailera ara weicone ai the par. eono"g, "Wilaow Creek Lodgo." VAUCONDX Mir. and lire. .1os. Tomlaky anS daugh. ter of Crystal Late, open t1h. last of the week with Wauecon4la reaives. lir. anSdlire. i. J. Sehbaffer and soun o flicHenry, spent Sunday at the haine af 9 Mr. anSdlire. Enirnltt Gsary. MIr. anS lire. W'alter Meyer of Cary, -vielted Wauconda frieuSeo Monday oven. Ing. H. T. Grahamn of Cary, traueartod rbhieoilu Wauconda hast FrIday. Mir. McGinly anS daugbter, Mise betty tand grand.Saughter@ returnqd tb Chicago let Saturday aller a three weeko' et»y lu our village. Pelalo, lue puit dix eeka. ste'B » t 0. 1. Iockenbéelà. The Ladies' AnxIllary. American P Pt.Aoi eyr o Camp Grant, wu C".s, held a tory oucceastih os o! lb. week-end gueet of bis fathog, BS !ancy articles et the village hall, lait; Neyer. Saturday eveuing. MWlesLaurel Stryvker apont aeveral doye lileaYvoune Baas returned ta'Atlantie tbe p"at veet vItb rlatives lu Chicago. City, Nl. J.. Saturday eveuîng alter Mies leabel Bederaladt raumed ber .psnding a week at the haine of ber datute t Highand Park, Tbnraday, parente befora eaving for France, whera hatingopeut ber vaeation aI ber borna ahe wil serve a@ a telephone aporator. at PawPaw, Illch. M. P. Nelson ilapouding the veek wlth b. E. Nalman o! Waukegan, @Pont lire. M. liMete. Bunday vbtb Waucunda relalivils. lla Narsha Karcb bai raturued frain Mr. as lire.C. A. Golding anS Croago Pln., Wli., wftere ehe bai beeu cildran 6f Chicago, aie spendnug a twova lling ber abter, lirA. F1rank Searnan, weeke' voatlon lu a lîuee hast an for the lait thre eeka. Baug'a take. . ergt. Ou@Lu.leîp o! Camp Travîn, Mnr. Viola Carr o! Park Ridge, le Taxai, aud Pet. Harold Vaut af HB p viitlng at the homneof i er parents bars. . tead Field@, N.' Y , havlug @pent ltoîr Mise Gertrude hroughbon af thies furlangho ut Iheir respective hom., villsage, anS Henry B. Scijuefer, formenly have returned ta take up their Suties. of ticBonry, wene uniraS lu marrIage ou lilne Frances Haller o! Chicago, wao Satnrday eveulng, Aug. 8, at Rockford, the Sunday guest of lira. P. Garnity. Ili. The bride le the serund Sanghter of Wilhla Ontzher opeut the weet euS Bt lir. and lira. George lroughton of tisbis ia tber's, <Oue. G(ler.1 place, anS la a vory fiue young lady. R M. Vaut anS famhly @pont Satnrday The groom I. a licHenry boy anS I. nowvivlltlng relative, lu Wankegan. tatiaped at Camp (Jrant lu the servie of hie country. *OSITUARtY On Ssturdaey, ug. 3, 1918, occurred Jessie Rhhen Easton. beluvred Saugitter the M 'Irlae o!1Miss Othia BanerotBort anS Jeshe Eseton, va. bora f omrh f tiblovillage,1 'og LhsDecember 26, 1916.,asddepartod thia 0! Palatine. MI@@ Othillia le the daughter fle Auguet 5, 1918, at tb. early aile o! of George Baner o! Wauconda townshiponue year, @aeu mouths anS ten day.. anS bas mauy frhends home. The groom lBer Separtura ls mouru"ed by a lovin~g la canoeea a tory capable yaung man utother,ý a kInd tather.brop Sevuted anS bolds a reeponsie position lu aisters, tva faîthini brothers anS a hoot Cicbago. They wîli ho attborne tu their <of relatives sud friands. friands alter E>toben lot at Pahatîne.' Lits a Sev.Srop klse*d away by the -. .- -~morniing sun, e has bift thlos mitol LA"E ZURICH enter that eternai epringlîrne o! Ille wbera ai le jayolie anS hajîîyý Misses Ada asdHaninah Srhoiz are "Aslheeveetilower t1tateents thiiiorn, viebtbng at t Ihon liaiere t îreent. But vîthors bu the ising day Mm,. F. Scituiz, Jr . and children 0t Thus huvehy vas this infante ilawn, Chilcago, are alea îîsîiing lîrre. Tbusoawifty lied ite ie away. Miss Eva Kampîneyer, (i Elgin, @pent ut ilM R îî.i a tew Saya reeently, vîisiîng witit Misae Pure anS eveet a. t.. lily, Nettie Hilinian. More pracions than jeweie untoid Thie Ladies' Aid a iII itre an Ice ereani GoS gave luto unr keeplngz social on y<înng'e hotel aw~n Satumday This ittie iamb o! the titiS. evoning, Aug. 176. e AnS, oh, boy Seanly ive loveS lier, Alter Sept. 8, the lînines, places of We nover, nover, cau lell %i@l village yl not 4be enSuuday How riooely entivine lunaur lheart norniing. They wl:i aliti cloi.'sitaors at string, sil 'ciork every eveitinti excelit iVednes- Was thîs darling wo loveS so weil. day anS Satunday ecenings, But GoS lu bis Intiiiity wlsSoui AnS lave-I know il muat be- Born, ta lin, anSdtire 0 Baur!, CalieS hem tu thst heavenly kingdoîîî Titusday, Aug. S, twfn isous Whlch behongetb autloeuch as sbe-- Tbe fanerai o!flins. F.Kropp wvas boiS AnS saleto tamail eatitiy sarruve Fiday afteiruoou, willi sercireg at the We know, ehe forever will ho. Evangelcai citurch. 'By fadma Ho le. MIre. Launu Ieentertaining trlsuSe titis veek. Prof. Banor anS taînIly ot Elmitunet, are epeuding a few wves e t the Mis Mary Patten, o! Palatine, viited with lire. P. Palien aver Suuday. lieosme. John. Otto anS Arthur Kîrcit. bauni anS famiîlles opent the week-end aI Lake Zurich. Henry Wallmann yull mate luto lte lwrmoone ofthlie Young bouse titis ESd randing spent Sunday vitit bi@ parente. Frank Roney o! Wauconda. raileS boe tionday. A miecelaneous shtow vas gîven by lins. Wni. Elithman, Jr., sud lire. H. Anderson, ou the latterns lavu lunitonor of Mias Olga Elcituan. A Soidier's Letter Thte iollavIng loîter ha. been received by Mr. anSdMrs@. H.Breudiug, o! Lats Zurich, tram Ihein iou, Erneet, lu France: Dear Faîber anS latter: I received your lettons anS aloltae pîclures anS il made me 105h lite I ebauld IlIe ta ho thora tyseit. But 1 arn gning tu belp vin Ibis van anS 1 Sont titin il vli taire nelong la do It. 1 ni-celved sigitl letteosdrvu bore lu ans day anS it sure locha gond tu gel mail bore. 1 juel caineboute frout ciurlit. We have churcit overy Sunday. We bave à Sifficît tlIme ta underetand te Fr'ench langutuge, but vs gel aiong wth il as nincita. vs hâve to talik IL. Il aure lsb anS tu uy thinge tonrl le bard taolot îbom kuov just vhat you vaut. We are bavbng tory bat veather boe.a 1 tbbug il is simost as bhobrs a. at Camp Logan 1 bave heen taulte monu- talns and therme i e@oute fSue ocsnery hors; evenything le ulce anS green. We had a ctebration boeoJnIY 14. The Frenc hâhve thercelebralion ou the 14, taI vo bave ou the 4tit. We baS races anS al kinda 0of gaines. Tell thein ail ont boute thal i1aam O. K. anS that I rant write ta ai 0f1Ibsn. Dont lorgeltu write. Your son, Emtmett Braudiug, Battery E. 124 U. S. FielS Artilleny, tE. F., vis N. Y., France. Milse Juliaa.odenomitb o! Ùross Plains, viaitod the MissLes Karcit lait veet, Misa Marlon Landau le villlng tirs. ES TiternienutfHigithand Park. Mise Minule Str3.ker viaIteS wlth ber brother, J. Àt. Strykor, Monday anS Tuesday. J. A. Rielieit, Sr., anS family, vho bave speult t4c paito@lx veekabln Bonlder, Colo , returned homne Snnday. Miss banna Muhîte la opeuding the week vitb ber brother, ES Muike ai Liberty ville. Mise Eva Pettîs ot tielevan, Wl . , Ia visltiiig nt lier fatherse, C., W. Pols. Mn. anS Mtre Albert Heybeck uf ChaS. wick, 111 . mt urneS homo Snuday havîa CARD 0F THANKS. ~We triaite uexpresW our nr rnsgrati- tnde lu ail trIeudseand neigith oitr ltse many beautilul floral affeienge, services anS sympathy ohoivu lu aur recent hereaveutent. Mr. sud lire. Albert Eseton anS iamuly. DESERTER SCRI BBLES SEDITION ON CELL WALL When Hugo Leliman, 23, 6510 Dom- chester avenue, Chicaga, left Grand Oroealug POIce station Fiidby for Fort Sheridan six policemen labored an hour waehlng froînlte valls se- Sillons sentiments. behînan was Ir- rosIeS for steallng an automobile. The charge vas drapped when h or. foreS to enlIsI. Ho vont tea Cmp Grant but tva houre lister Soserted. FORMER LAI(ECO PRIEST DIES M C1IICA6O FRIDAY Father DaviS J. Crimmins, paitor OC Sf. loo's9 clumcb, Chicago, dîstinguihl- eS for bis work ln clvlc reoari. Sbed yosterday aften antlîluese of oéveral monthis. Father (riumine wae 60 yoars aIS. Ho vas bai-n lu Jimerick, IrelanS, antd was employed for a limes as a nova- papor mani lu New Yoi-k. Hie Ci-rst ". tt vau acting piottor ai Woodslack, Crysi al LaIte anS Bai-ring- ton. Later he baS charge of the par- bsh ai Lake Forest anS HighlIand Park aud vap chaDlain of lte 501h V. S, hnfautry ai Fart Sheridan. Wllh the Ch4cago river anS muner hasin SotteS wlth craft of varions kind manneS hy ithueackets, Penry McGUllv- ray of Great LaItes Satnrday won lte lenth bannnal river swim aoflte IiI- nois Athietic club anS estahlIghed e nov recorS of 38:44 for lte course, aIt- pi-oxiniately two mlles. The seventeonlt annuai Brave scitool neunbon le ta ho bolS an Thurn- day, August 22 . t le planued ta make Il one of lte mosl oucceseful roun.l Ions overhbodlS n the ,aunty. want. Fer Sale, ete mIe le the 1W. DEPENDENT roaclu15,000pego m OI3S TO SANITARu IUM TO S EF IIBY,1 -FINDSIR RAN OFF Mrs. Evereit Mason of Prairie View Seeking to Get Trace of Former Town Clerk Everett Mason,' fommerhy tovu clenk of Vrmntn township, was ad. USdged Insane lu the county court sane we(&<s ago anS was talo'n t10 1- Recently it vas toIt ho baS re- overed conslderahly and he was talc- enf 10, a privatt' sanîtarlurn at Waae. ter Lak<e, near Wauèonda. His wite, the postmistens et Prair- le View, vent th the remori 8widay te see ber hushand anS. arriviug Ibene she watt taiS hi' bad skippel nvay nome Says prpvioueiy, and, they tli hon, lii had flot heen heard fmmn sînce. Mmii. Maqon accordingli, le trylng ta gel trace or0f annand bas tant- eS iIqulry among bis friends la 'qOO If they have heard anîylhing of hlm. RAY N. SMITH liRes GASH GRINîRY AND9IIRKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS ICatifornia Han4, per lb..................... 26C BrekfstBaoi, erlb ............. .. 1 Sait Puîrk, per lb ....................ý. .... 30c Best Rounîd Steak, lb........ .. 1......... 30c Beef Pot Rtast, lb . . .. . ... .. .. .22c Hlamuîîrger Steak, per 11h ..................... 25C 1 lb. Manor Hotime Cvifre.......««*......... 33c 3-11). cari Matior House Coffee ........... ..... 95C 4 bars Amerivan Faitiily, Ivory or Fais Na1dîjtlia Campbeli'm armarted Soups, per can.......... lOc ILa rize ea Toinatoes ....................... 22c Pîîffed Rice, package .............. 5c Pie nty of Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Peacbes and Fresh Vegetables Wii Pay 43 Cents a Dozen for Eggs Bring ini your Spring Chickens, Hens and Veal Wiil Pay the Higbest Market Price GEO. M. LANE, Prop. PHONE, 89 AREA, ILLINOIS Aul ituni alto: Edw plae trac: mort saiS ]y bh Hf plie a w: 11515 fard hie i une lu s oft claire tty 1 strel reace v.. At r. Ing, sMoi hunt boar profi ecr Mn. meut gone Thol sevo Tbi coud aluir lte 0f tei 60, t rock noua: to lit dredi the i ;hiloii ters mine spea suats ..If rich bave these jusI gan i bers. lu th bore. traS. expes tva f whet] tbis think rene, Wal Mr. whici Thte acore siz. -titree over a cita dlamu gels lng t] aIea SUMMER TIME The bees are buzzing in the clover. The corn is growiug arîd thet long. bladed leaves glint ini the Funshine. Thé- boys are shouiting and splashing in the old swimming hole, and the perf ume of green, growing things makes the air sweet The farmier lookd over his fields, rockoning on full granaries and weli.fllled lofts in the autunin. He is enjoying the bernies and peas and fruits of his garden, and preparing to lay in stores of provender for man and bea@t for the unprodnctive monthls that are soon to follow. NO ONE 18 GLOSER TO NATURE IN HIS -WORK '[HAN THE FARMER, and no ones knows better'tban hie the, NECESSITÉ 0F PROVIDING FOR THE FUTURE. Likewise, no one sliould know botter than lie the necessity of iay- ing y-DU iU IS PROD)UCTIVE YEARS, sufficient stores to las him ,and THOSE DEPENDENT UPON HLM, DURING THE LATTER VEARS 0F lIS LIFE, and when he lias not the saine energy to work as now. A SAVINGS BANK ACCOU.NT AND A LIFE INSURANCE POIICY ARE QUITE AS NECESSARY to him as lofts full of hay, and bins of corn and oats, and seeds for another season. With a habit of life that causes him to fil bis barns, to keep a healthy savings batik fund, and to own a conifort- ably large life insurance policy, a farmer CAN LOOK INTO THE FUTURYE WITHOUT DREAP. le knows that lie will hiave bad seasons wlien crops are poor, wlieîî is savings banik must be called u to lielp him o(ut temporarily, and when his premiunusH are liard to pay. BUT WIIAT W'OUL1) LIFE BE WITHOUTI SOME STRUGGLE? Do not the boys get farmore f un out of the swirn- Ming liole this summner' because tliey bave been deprived of it al winter, wlien the snow was deep and'the thlooI kept themi busy alday? Duos ot tlie fartîer derive more @trength and satisfaction when lie wins out after a liard struggle witli nature than if lie had înerely only to go out and pick bananas any day of tlie year in or- der to iive? To hlm wlîo lias tlie ambition aud energy to work. and to hlm who lias foresiglit shalbe given COMFORT IN lIS DECLINING YEARS. The bea. are hoazins in the choyer, the boys are shouting and splambing lu theolad .wimming bole, and Summer with its joyes ad duties ig, bore. Happy the man who eau look upon il with joy uniied with dread for the unE rui"u days to follow. Yours truly, JOHN HODG, District Manager, Area, Ilinois THE OLD MICIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSIURANCE _COMPANY 1 A