TY VILLE NEPEDEN'T Lake County'sr Big ýWeekly WýAUKGNW EL LAU £LUýNTY WeOuD.ZÉENDEdiaiUKEA EiYýSN ÏVUIa. .&,VI.-NU. 3'3 PAUT TWO LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENTENT, ALTGUST 15, 1918 7OU~ PAGES £1.511 PKR VI~AR TM AflVd - - - -. - v - - i- si LLEDOKLE1WC "Two PLEASE?" No! NMo More WilI You Tell Waiter "Drop Two, for, He'll only Drop One The astetefod administration le- sasil ibesfood regulations Tuesday. 1. Patrons of publie eaiing plac- es must not be givensugar without bslng Xsitei If tbey avant il. 2. The limit for coffue or tua bhot or iced. iuo hait1lumps.' 3. Fer cereals or fruit, one tus. apoonful. If botb are ordered, one teaspostul Ina>' be divlded betueeu The regulatioti la based on a ru- cent order reltricting augar coneamp- tien ai public eating places ta lava Pounda per* person pet 90 meas. ftTA EANALLU AN3WFAD tir IE E Of JE Aurora Girls No' Colleot News J~ CARAT WAUKE6AN Paper Pictures of Soldier r James Brown Arrested at'Edi- Aurreiii il rOuav ane son ourtTuesay Nght; lad. They collect the picture sec- Took Suit Case, Charge tien of newspapers contrinînit culs f ! If soidiers they know. Latefy the l I FI1~ifII [di OCHARGE e LOCAL cMAN hir gdeveloped I::o a changins ih'ii M A N BYtem . If one h ms a picture f t'iè1 9 Geoge chepao Sas Sit-Man thet the other prefers, theyex Auguina akersc n, Who as Case Was Taken Off Train as much Interest lu the colecting, L II fli Bon in aukea n, 18 Baeld at Highland Park teXchahglng and aranging the pc. i2 I from Alaska GId Fields -tires as In any lad that ever jumped 1111 1 1 PROSPECTED SIXTEEN YÏRS. laYs holi ivet aiErie, Pa., ' wasar.it oua ao ee retdTuesday night shortly before A. Adit H De nt av t eped 223 North West ltrept, VETEU NeBÀC 9 Ltîuan.an Young Man Who Womr any More; Plans to Wau'iegan, n*ht engineer ol the LAls191 u Worked on the Wightmfan Retrnina Fw ee P hblic Service ecoMpanly POWer bouse C L.14 j4 _____ina __ Weks Buown was taken Off f e Cra _____ Var âtst YercardeW' AintKrhePae m ine, te Edison Court depot. He ma 1___________________ and_ Who un trher, placer miner given a preliminary beartng ',nwpo R F fN Wanted to go and Fight the huner tappr udfisherman, back ilc or before Police Mkgistrate T &fiter 16 years In the 1airfleid god'cer Slo. HROMuROFvs pHHsNiS dtrc lunoriheru Alaska, ia vis. 1ne 0dy n i od a l aleaî U 1 his brthers-Thomas, Peter.*1 ined 1.0. Hye aiembovd a teDo' W ryH Sy, o T Edead sd Frd Krcler Pail et $1,000.î Hefwaxl < rrio a aThe distinction of beitît thé irst Waukekan. Mr. Krchner admit e bondimanlIndfuto rcrga ae the Lukis of the thai ho *'bit It rich' 'but wili nut Mr. Scheppacli waa reîurnîng ta Regiments L.aite county ta the war abroad.to die place an estimate ou the "pile" hie ex- akgn We egoof th frth.tante rudI tefo train liere he notlced that hL« suit in action was ioday' officials (redlted nyr mdliwmcl md case wax missing. He reported the FIGHT HUNS TO STANDSTILL ta: Idon'i have ta worry any mnore," he matrtohecduorhorald PRIVATE JOHN JUSKI of Haines. laid lacoulcally.that hi' bail seen a man get off te, No htory fni Y ukn.o h train at Highland park, witli a s uit Vivid Description Gven by Old, il Nilstoeu f Jthe Yonon rnted e tjiat aaeedtedescription. Soldier Wh o Left S it's The namte "John Jaaki' appears lu suce utretig act o 4e orliThis man. 'c recâlied, bad a licekt an the officielliâat of Iliose killed l lu a' jcu ntr thantcs eofnle mols-i h am awo-tl t.- Nürth Shore Etectrlc raitrad. Men Recently lien but teaiel rn-tl county th1rnKlri-bnr ute ods Sche-ipach thoughi possibiy the spelled "Juski" He telr Kirhner. muhil~ thief miglit have gollen off the- irum Juski, il la learued, etilitspd lant He tel otwiih a dog tn ?G', rt Highland Park and taken a streel Here»s a whole. heimet fuil Ot Oclober. probably o the _1îtî and piles u o thadgtaiov car In t!hie dirpetion. He reported the proud ni-ws for the Mothiersan wacledtsrve itî.-aey a wasté or ice aud snow tat he i"îr malter ta thp poice here and nie pa, wi'es sud swcethearts ofthe 17 1,ake teealer iaservitete laiiîî <Janl Ilsd district whieh In thé point trot vas sent iîî the Edisan Cutcut os0 h n Hundred aud for a lime and ilium waaî sent a brotid. farthest northIt n Aaska. He hpil-ofsttion. When the st-Pet iar arrivî*d Foryninth Field Artitlery, affection. He- ae a hat brother ot lien D u- bis upsansd downK, bis strakiug il rn[eh the- yoîîug fîllow who gave bis nain, ateiy knowu as " Reillys BDuck.' kus, who rau the WIghtian f arm une day audthen dropping everything asmtî-owan sd who had Sc-hep.iiel"s lis fresh from France, by word ot last' fail. but Who now lîî. in Fro- In saime unsuccestauI venture. 01l" 5uitca-sî- in h!., Possession. was th" mouii. frain Sergt, Daniel MtcCartuey mont townsip. Juàikt'i, parelts lvi of is mont Interesting expi-rienci's Onlv man on board,le was arrested invalided home. These are brave days In Poland sud ie came tront ltat asa the maklng ot $27.01H)l out af une anîd laken ta thc police station. et the McCartney home at 6322 Stouy couxntry years ago. dlaim. lie dropped ail ibis and mate Iland avenue, Chicago, wheru Mrs. He took oui bis citizens* lapera lu by worklug an adjoiniug dAim wblch --- Mary McCartney and Bessie and An- thîs county sud. according ta a frlend hie ihougbt would boe quatiy rtcb but Ie aud Theresa sud Bugene are mak- . owgaxost oadd i wbîcli roved to be barren, te "paylWAUKEGAN GIRLS MUST ing mucb cf Ibsir rptured soldier bo. e*t.He wa nap y go nd oliews streak- naving stopiîed beforp ilîl BE MORE CAREFUL The fact inhat hiii hair is wbite arie. FHe wus appfi în lieabuta reached there. AprntyWukgni bntte and that they eaJ]bini "daid' 'Ins;tead sid eia auetla bu said. 'h wo i't n do sa good fo r i>'cty uhere the yottjg girl prob- 0f Danny, douant detract a bit trom 27yeas aoid.1 said " t woldnt doanygood-fo Ttaiso develops lu-ki worked on we havent any doctors. 1lem has ttraeied attention ofrte Iheir entboslasm. Far frointI. But teWgia at o tebfr Aitieswenbewa otwokIerat authorilies aud rpisultpd ili Sergt. McCartuuy ls white baired anudtbeingcaedmia lte rasie efoud bn ie tua ciaima on Moese (rek te 6utting fuite ffeci ot certain rt- e hoeîa69 ypars oid, goiug <oi70, untit a o Mr.Kirhne aentbistie i bintstrictions, which arc aimed to pro- a few weeks ago the elduat Amefican wasenorIng with bis hait brother Ing, trapping sud fishlug. Cartb,)îî. ted Young girls tramn undeairable soidier lu active service lu France. he called tSpenoe MOOsei back bear sud sliuep, he bays i amiliaritY sit youug men in the And If ie bas bis way lie wiil mi AdthOOOieDmeeqSpne are qulte pieititul sud occae aal again ne the aident active man ln un- O Highland Park. died ta aid bis itormal eric, outry, he was a 'Oltinteer In the bunters euncounlter grizzlies. F'ut Ti.#, folowiug dIspatch froin Wash.i-or facing the Boches.aitonsrceudtJuktllth buaring animais are fud In gréaî ingion shows how the problem, is re distinction Of beîng thefis0fle profusion. The blggest aanger ta be aarded by those aito are ln a past Right iii. Thikk of it. rtetmniarait InatOf te Mr.ncer lshigs udn rotrthepIn. Wtlo ntkon. Ag 5-arigt But the news of Reilly's Bucka, of have heen saime ttjurî-d but noue hi-- Mr.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ço Kruîr ylara ih lt' WahnînAu.1. artgli Col. A. .V. Smith of Waukegau, fore Juski who lia., b.en killeu. dians who uîlject tIote encroach-Yli. Oef~girls ta be watchful of the me' i5 seconid In command:) meulea! ~the white men on thiir lireý quaffitanceships lthey make wtit so: 'Maybe because we bâtd so few EXPECT SEVENTY.FIVE seres lati wîîe ccuwîa a.,. dirswa isît-dlod> y he :f csualties vou* folks back home ON COUNTV TO REGISTER goeoisieneneyer have returned. ud uavy departmeuî's commilssions lagtu ee' gtn, ad Teuurgarto nAgs 4 Thir dead bodies ofttn are roiund ou training camp aclivîl les. i erh. cCrtuy-racgisstraCo.tiomn u nolaiebeou 24ar severai uiles tramn camîp. The commissions aay the waruiun htetiyCart . "Wlaclayoure Cl0dmneJn ,lat - xetd1 Then' are only certain mont hs a notltne erlc utt hrwroug. We stsrtedfilghting on Niar-ch Oputon heton lata eine52moreLak the year aiten placer mîuîng cao l'e acter of the men lu tue servi eh- tl i Lnvluscosu oecuî un l it. drîtî. xprctic a> conducîed ta advautage. This 1i-i1j baieare clean adsuuptandiug, been fth ng evl er dasnce, ex. le t thosment, ti af t rd, ueld wben the meunitaîn Itreami are ope'n sud thai t i ouId.- Doi doter young bcept for mayie te er lymek , l a-b paeeuxls n uduud sud ustur can 1w sent ibrough thie me rotprticipatinin l 1ulior- luapacs wber tee la vgar'enail>Ojte en, i Iliu igure outi. hi 1i1ice boxes imb whlch the -pay dereil snd uhoiesome enturtiluments ftsi aeickst.w c wre lu ig th' eLi-estmaisl e li-a.bti ae d n edumpied as t la takion front lu wsr camp communities. traie str ad oer peI tLrtsimtue lumnet officiîaid utÙ3me w the grouud. Thts psy dirt in found Neverthet.asa lte platemnent gays>"rene to aot e lcs1me ntenmbro 1Ya e h jugt &ave' the strate, of lied rock. noYoang uctan ibtitl dapproscit r net 'ellybout. e ilgoThy' reglîterei on uauu,,tht ut ibis year. <Mien lit lm n"ecesry te ink s shafticonverse famillarl>' with a min lu ail0,Reiy's Thre s'a rgim er nt t 35 feu tresill hs abi-Illth 60, 90 or een200 felbefore lbeduiform unless lutroduced hy a rata l raeil or AmTereicnta eiha meuid-0 wa 3 e w redistrt s frt3e rockInlefouait. The owuur eta aim tuai friend, or uniens lie bas bepoilbtfr her oonl lk oe alt ta diistmrtai becotued21 ueually s-mPioyus a number of!men troPeri>' vcuched for b>' the coin u eisul ai o .HuteyJ.yeaa dsncmer hve u e r e 21o ta beip hlm uer. it. munity organizations. n eiswl gtfoCl.H ryJyar dgac There are feu phases of UflItel the Conditlions in Waukegan. Rsilivy. l-e's more than their colon- ibis Year teJn eita1te gold counitry uhicit are net known ta Tecn Itin luWaukegau imsa su n Hes a fthe o hlla ares i- Noue et those wito registered hC Mr..lrcher fr h bascoveed uWeillknown that it la net uecesaary uiss l uerenie heIlon are fylus lu lune tiis year h.ave beensunt9 dreds ofmiles o countr there nitke90intosfapnpintatbemt oua thelback. away lu regular drafts as yefýbut sev-1 the ]est I., or 16 yeara. Rliîinow known tact that scores of young wîhythae olnel. ou ' t ftehl-ilJ5~5 toclstabve en >11e pantner la lookint after bis lu- girls hure tri acquaintances lu iî h h ecloaIl. He usi ssys: ee I Javeilueber 0frthe lcial dboard teresie,. lu additionî to a iîuo aims iac'cies frointthe naval stationuwilte er mld, e tys It's a 'lurihthaeà e e al .lanthat haenut- 1114r. Kirchnersasys bu bas a oui'- out the formaiity of su lntrtducîion. i hebatmvuesOteydntgi be 0 tee'aiyog ien awouli tuelfthIinturestinlua coal and copper Many ot these acquaintances May lbu you tit.'al aawbs ol olodalle, mine wbic uase discovered b>' a barmiesa. but accordlng te the dis- ali WyIi otibtn at George Baldwin a tuu years âge. Patch tramn Washington tbese girls Luoks Wllh Them. for drafts have been rc-cived fer Au- Speaking with regard ta the loss lie are ludiiicieet tea ay the least. Man>' guet Up ote ktheiprescut time ausiaiued lu uetkIug bis , Worhless Of the girls make Il extromely easy "But uothiug ever geis that regi- The wor t issifyîng ail ef these claim NMr. Kirchner said: for i5itklus te frtitheir acquain- ment. 1 tell boa t bouestiy belleve ' men Probabiy uilil 1w amplebed uili- "If the second claim haid beun as tancesud thus fail ta cemmnanil tle there la a special providencu uatcb- In tite nextl ew days There havei rici as thie one 7 wcrked tirst I uouid1 respect tbat ueuld be theirs If the iug over the One Huudred sud Forty. beeau delsys because - inot ! ie j have cleaued up about $90.000 0.1acquaintance uasa ormed lu regular nlutb. Notice hou few casuaitiâ es uses-eshave beun befare the district t thése tue dlaims alone, but thatla.chaunels. have? Wby, once tbere were 20 of board for fiuaI decisiati The big Ma. just one efthie chances -wé have t o "There are an>' number ef girl,. us eating sud a Germait sheii lit rlgbet>' etyorthie Young nien have heeni take lu the gold regien." tue ulio have candestine meetings lu the middle ot us, sud neyer ueni clasifled, bowevur, sud are ready teh Mr. Krchner was hem lun Wauke- witb isekies," eue Waaikegan man ab- off, ho sent wbenever the r-ail la received, i gata andl &pei a big part of bis lite eerved. "If these girls wsnito do "Tell the motbers flot ta uerry. This registration sitich la taelhe i bore. H-e uorked for several years the right lhiug uby don't tbey Invite The 'Bucks' are lucky. holà bore a ueek tramn nexi Sstur- lu the eld lDew Saab sud lIber tactory theso Young sallera te their homes. 'Flghî -yoîî ouglit te see these Clii- Aday uill he entirci>' distinct trotn theL bers. Later lie uunt ta Chicago sud Il lisalse tea s>' thai ibere are unecage Isddies ilghti.wltb Col. Mlli>' ail regisiratiln Ibatwulîl be uecessary F Seaté, Waab.. uhere lie i'olloued bis fluer Younig tellous lunte uerld the tinte a-treateniug to send 'oeshsOi-tiy ubun thte draft ages are ex.L trade as a plate glass setter. ne ihaîn smengithe Jacles. butlTt le baci ta tIte borne limes If they doun-t ttded, and Ttletalse announcel front -expecta ta returu ta Seattle uibhin aise s tact that ihere prohably are a quit golug over te ibe Gurman hunes thie Offc et Provost Marshal-Oencrsl tue or titres ueeka. Be la net sr feu uhosu standard eoftmorais wotld ta grali s Boche wben tbey've erders Cr'Stder thai the auggested date, Sep- L 'uheiber hbe ullireturu ta Falrfieldnt tias Inspection. TIltestraitathele toas>' ubhere tbsy belong." tomber 5, wune t ulbu the day for itha rail or net. but la Iucllued te fllous taitte danger ta yeung girls . - -_______ - the. regiration of men troun 18 ta I titink tat hl ie lîlreturu ta look at_ arises." Give Cheenfulnèsa ahnce. t, vnIcogeqps8dteb iV ter haeluterusts. Right ou lie la __________ inos luea ia mucli rarer qaI- Teprvs mrhil Ln in rmw i an >'od itltances lu - î tY thau la geueralîy supposedsd lilon, t, la aaid. of creatiug registra- P -11r. Krchnuer usara a usit C hain eAr. yo trying te Set tialm?' & V-all amoug the rIcb. It u«se u e hn dates for men reacbimg 21-1 Whlch la the envy of ail *uho see Tt. '~QOOU tOf leekse,"NOli. Batu lemmon aveu lier. w. learad thai. tbroughiout the yuar, but the PresentIV~ *Thte dhiluta ccustructed of over a « iSOSfgltlng standing rornu la a:iu apite of Browning, tboiigh (led May tegitration wusmade necessar> b>' N score fot gold nuggetà, vaaiyiug ln Wdai ut" ha lu it bi eavennoevertheleseal la theaAppioacbiug deficleucy of tanA aise trot a kernel ef cern te oe o l tewo .pouer. Ir ý.oýhreequarers f anInchwideandIf "test mon lea I livn of quiet ; oer au Inch long whicbhi' Ouses as desperathon," as Thoreausuas.tit ' George N. Lambt et St. Charles, G adiamd The cgeild a spue t u n-- kado, Ih 19, 1 suspect, because lb.>' WITT for fiva ysars superinteudent oft ihl. f diafiud. e dlIeaamsprebt u - net ashow ebeertuimesa to break lu usys of Kane ceuni>'. bas reîiguied. Z2 Wblch , bi avnstre save trniteIn 'A pon thI hotuit illl. A good dis. He vili beave the count>' service net % gelsh ust sedled ve cru% the, bu- t l aveortht a fortune. lulaIer tai September 1. be bacoms H grouud. Mr. Kirchner aya t,-rnug hofleeacac.-sp - genaral manager of the Western lit Iug týe ehoicesi lie could fnad. 1HIe .laude Methi', and 'et the pRÇM aqj eBessa otofn, rucéIbraigt1 aise aears s scar! pin uhîchL a made express cos-pangobuc&it-la teM of au Immense gel anuggetOeael otarliuosG thte attorne>' genemai. Noav that the injunction bas hesu disaehved thure la ne other course luftbat ta file bthe Informations. Mr. Welctf fela confident thai the evideuce cohlected b>' luvesigators lu lthe etutlo> o!fbthe state avilIlie@ aufli- cleni 1te btain a conviction. Titise lti-ce Investigalens-, acconding te lite petition Oiled lu court by the attor- ne>' general, purcbased lager bour ou Sanda-ansuaw liquor semved te over a hundred -people ou the lave orriiep Sanda>'s Ihe>' stcpped ai the botel. These invesigators iold aise et se,- Ing ms-ny aloi machines lu opera- tion. The ibate's attorney' regards 'bu credtibîit>' of theae utnéases as ex- cellent aud feula Ibat the mtaber can ho presented 10 ibe jury lu as ust convluciug tanner. Hé maya the tilg thal bu regrets la thal the bar at the liolul cannet lie closed lutte- diatul>' for alteged vIolations Ihet lisvu takun place theré. The crîmin- aI action la a sheaver process. ýONLY ONE TOWN UP TO QUOTA (B>' P. P. Sedgavlck) The quota et War Sav4ngs Siampa up te Aug. ?r-d, Io $11.67 per caPita. Thé aits-chea islt showit thai enl>' oue toavu bas rus-ched tis required quota, theugli ses-erai otiturs are pot fan behiud. Noav ibat thé acliocîboarda bave ai- most upanimousi>' agreed to laké, îoid eftihe csupaign lu Ihelir district, s'a bope for a ver>' mucli butter ne- port Supieenhr lis. The lest ha as folloava: .Ake Zurich.................. 2.M- Fox Lake ...... ....... ......1 17 l.Ibertyville----------10.60 Ws-uconda--------------------...9.F6 H)~ghIsnd Park----------------.9.53 Lake Forestl-----------------8.5 Lake Villa--------------------.8.00 Rlussell----------------------.775 Waukugan--------------------..7.00 Ioerield......................b46 La'ae Bluff-------------------..6.30 Prfidrie Vleav------------------8,07 Ravinia----------------------..6.00 Pjlnthrp lHai-bor------------- 5.00 North Chicago----------------.4.73 Ares-------------------------..3.76 Grayslaite---------------------.1.76 Atloch-----------------------.1376 ;ugleside---------------------..1.60 Guruee.. ..................--3.49 Round Lake------------------..3.25. Mon Ci11> .....................2.11 Wadaworth ....................L" Highwood------------------- .8. tondout------------ Lsinasvile------------- ont Sheridan, $2500 avortli, Ireat LAkes. $8600 avortit, WELClITO START ACTION AIiINST RESORT KEEPERS Will File Information in County -Court, Following Dissolu- tion of Injunction IS MUCH SLOWER PROCESS Feels that Evidence Obtained by State Investigators Is Sufficient Dissolution of the Injonction wbicli pnsvenled te ouaersansd lesqees of the Lippincoht Hotel at Fox Lake front selîiug Intoxicatiig lîquer or trot haviug h stored on the pretlses, even, le te resait lu court procéedinga ut a diffureut kiud belug atarted bure b>' State's Attorney' James G. Welch. 'T.e prosecutor intintates Ibsi te uil file information In ceunI>' court, cliarging the iliogal sale o! liquor, both as regards lte sale on Sada>-. sud aIse 10 minora. Mn. Welch bail plannî-d to stan aun action cf tbi-1 kInd lu conjunetion utti thle inlun c tion, but ptauned Omest toeocoua ithi __ K.' Apuls Pete Bushner of No. Chloago Landed by Federai Opr'- atives Tuesday Eve TWO BARRELS WINE TAXKM. Mue i ,ian uuaily ra.lwedigi eedn asH a u tgive s daya labor for a days workDfnaSp , îns ineceDrym received. lu one or two s oftiOns Zone .Cam ie D near Grays Lake ibis plan le, uaelam o tollowed. ilote of the large- grewers uxPect the &mailifarter ta el.p thent gWbulu theru aînt a tiiu te0 mdl- cale thal Pet. Bushuer h@4 b.e" finish thoir tbruahing lu exebauze tai- mskiug whiskeY or othor botdag cern.- a fres houri beip uilh no adug.Iran>' te lau, the tact ihat ho had ta meule, made for the diference lu bis possession over, tue barrais -et-. ite. This la absoluiuiy unJusi te ulue sud admitted lie bat! racelvr the satal farter. Tue heure labor pari of Il stucs the ueu order ie.- ou a smaillJob shoald not bu paid Came effective uhereby oee cnno't wlit two dsya avork on a lalg tarin. slip Into tbe rive mile zoneO, a lMr., Any fermer ubo expects another te gScient for Pete te Sund bimacîf lina give hlm extra heurs ot l*bor ai serious situation. tiîresbing time. aithout fair empen- Andil'@ geitlng avorge aIl tbe sation le as bad as a uar profiteer asetime! lie la Settilng more ltan bu de'servus. Pete s arrested Tusday 4 e-e lu uxclisuged avent uhy net I le huig 1>' opertilves fronttae deral local Ibresherman keAp the lalior depaniment, Chicago sud Paie was records, If the ludivîduai farinera laken te the Coiîuty lau., being ho.là concerned canuot agrue? ibera lasi nîght and removed te CUi. Ble fair to the stali grain gt-owur. cage itis morulng uhere stOpsaVO»a H-e la4 deiug bis pstrioic partinl food laken te hlud him over for beau-ng production. Sbeuid your neiglibora' b>' Lits toierai grand Jnn'y. opinion of yenu hi- givun an>' consid- Pote lives ai 1014 Southi Sharidan eration? Road, Norlt Chicago. Threchermen Pick "Soit"l Jobot? Iu the hasement of teé bonus a Somp of our local ibresbermen bave touud aviat appeared te lie a *"prt been ln the habit ef coning Into a 'saloon," Thcenrrouninlas tsdleI- - commaîtit>', tbrushlug ouly tue or edltai for a long tuime 111"-. bai titree of the lest or largest lobs and beau dispunseil ibure sud InvestIes. thun ntoving on te repeat tbls ponley tion ahoued ibat Pote neawr bad a lu sente oller sectionu. licouso te ssII anythhnt. Thiasuîethod 1i4 itufair t t t ant- He admltlod lie bad mas& smm. ur n isaesasîe ortîie. aine bituseit laiely for bis, owa 1sM The titreîbtng commîttue urges but duntidl e hsd aold ai>. Haevau uver>' tbresberman te taiks cane of unable te give su>' rossonsbI exg. att grain lun au>'cOmmunîîy lota planaîlcu as te hhe islaxnpencd to avili-b le moves. prnvldlug stîch have se mauch winaeon baud If ha grain la' ready te tbreeb and the wusent planning te ealI itli. eftali fartera desiru imtet make a thor- lneaxpilav hy lie b.d a bar lai th. ough. Job. asement sud as te uhat ho inteuded Report undesit-able practiCes 1k tdolng aitb tao barnels 0fravIflul hieli, the Tbreabiug Coumitte ,al ibbi-tv- uas nicel>' placeilbehind ilebar; h. ville for adjusixueut. Lei us plan te fallud te explan ubers il.hCoitOlt save al the grain and at the gametof le cuveraI harrele ansd kea lime conserve labor sud fuel. We uhic l ay &bout the place ampi>', had abouid do Ibis ass a war meaeure. gone to prevteoiily. 1He aimittai lic Have You *srberry *uahes? binseIf .oand'l bave ecmcd it Durtng the pasl 10 das mauy ail fields of uheat have been ezamlued And se Petees position le a preea- fer the purpose off Sudiug lc,çbtmutonenutact, ha faces a Iong @so ruât Infection. Many Of these fields jouru amous st-ange surroundian. show 100 per centIinfection. About feched but ibis condition ms-y he- cote more prevalent If local people continue te Ignore requeste le eradi- cste the cemmon barber->' which barbera the disease. Gui id oethne barberry aud save tie uhieai nexi yss-r. Everybody lu Laite count>' should do 1h11 wffhigIp Wu uil show déasad uheat sud lW fucted harberr>' ai tha e unI>' tsar nuit mentIt. Leamr to recegnîze the Dest snd StamP ih outI, Ile spro-Gsi-tan. Liettem removu the icommon bs-r- beir>' aillingI>' Ilan ho cempelted te do so. FOOTE-HILGESON WEDDING Thisa ateruocu ai 4 o'dîock s-I lie boume of ber mother, Ntra. John lioote 418 Çîsyten streut, Waukeasu occun- rod lte tannage of Misa halà Feebe te James Hilgesen, a Great Lakea sailor, uhose haome ta near Seattle, Waah. Thie ceremony -s perforted b>' the 1ev. lMr. Scotterd. pastQr of ithe Cousugatioual churcit and ouI>' s feu relatives sud triends avare pie-s ent The couple us-s attemded b>' Misa i-ai-fiet Wilder et Ws-ukegan, suad John Cor>', as-a-lIer friand ot the groom. The young couplaeavare net plan- ning a aeddlng trip oavlug te tle fart ibat ,MrsePoeth as mci boom upu and the dauditisr doessut care te leave ber nov. The. yoang coutils are te make their hoen.at i tII P7te residence, 418 Ciayion street, Mm.- Hilgeen lias leen stablonuil Iu the itospitai unit o! Camp Farragut aince tant Noember. The bride bas livedinluWaukega 'aimont aIl lier lce. 1 - il WHEAT CROP l8 BOUNTIFUL La'ko ceuni>' la tbreahiug right 1Rou tbe largest grain trop lu the bister>' et the ccunt>' Ferlte tirat lisse la,- more titan 40 years Lalie ceni>' bon ralsoil uheat enugb thisYsear te provide fleur for s-l et lin people ak& bave sema le spore to teip tle" the art>' and the armies oet he allie. 'Mille lu ithe couni>' are geiting baat te thé altos-t !oegole -vwft.et îxilg flourad loits ad bus- éredu o! Lake ceuni>' farmers aili 1111 iboîr fleur barrela Ibis yeaur tram itOuA vines-t ielda. Reports trot al parts o tthe mmu- 1>' IndicateltaIt the ubeat trop la proving s- tont valuable eue for lte farmers. Itlaidsciared that lbe acm avera-ge frin lte county' ailIl'ie prel- t>' close,11o 40 bushels an acre. It leacertain that the bumuer ubeat crop tis year aili rosait la thousands of ardusoetI]and la lAie count> being soun ite uheât est, year. 'l'h. genaral cuilok fer al CM" - lu teé count>' le repe>'ed remaflbY good. Rodent rains have donMuait- 10 brlng eut the cern crOo 8AU lbè farmuera declare It la h ob oer botter iban an average crop la nOv excellent Semaeofthl.er>' Y IW cornu lsa lutile haekaaad s= Vbs- uihl front holding off ber ametber sUt- aveeks the farmers believe lIat Ii crop uil ho saved. ChetMo th lev e i b>' qa" &W a laimsbut it van 0a07'Wbu s bb.rmome*erbmoke la le msolu SW e- eeP erna o g e b amueoedallyik fimble. Tic mm«"ur»' se oscil pield bôYé d aad liat lbo usuoe van eeaW Suletly t10 asic«> Utew 14a» egla » mfl. Oa& - I 816 FARMERtS IN CLEVfR PLANIO 114. POSE ON SMALL ONE W. E. Watkins, Farm Advisor, Explains How Farmers, must Ail Act on Square EXPLAINS-THRESHING JOBS Says Threshers Overlook the' SmaJl GCgin .Grower in Or-' der to Pick Big Jobs (B>' W. E. Waikius,.) lu ever>' section of Lake cuity fammers excbsuge uonk atl thueshing 1 - 1 à VVR à 1 ý ý ah «dmêmý -ý t»àmmm . POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVA