Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Aug 1918, p. 13

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LTI13ERTYVff1LE TNIEPE.%,DINT, T IIT3RSAY, ÀTUT22, 1918 _______ PÀOE I~tV~ ~-~--~ M VAR CIUSES No IF~TUÉE [TAPPIEST ~N~1tR1T SLUMP IN MAÀR. OBSERVE ITS 75Tli RIAGES IN CITY c--ERÀ Y O N ,1 Records Are Being Broken; Ti aNIVEorSARY SOin 20 to 25 Licenses Are Is- Arranged for Important sued SonAeDays i- '" Church Event ANY IN THE NEW DRAFT Waikega. Aug, 2iiq j Thue Frrtt ongri-gallonal uburchL u '2 L llanntliia 10 Ceit!-rtt- Is t enyhffh raft Board ?rovides However Siii ep t i-î. 11 and ibth. Tht' that Slackcrs Mayflot Es- protgram -otiniiilu u. cIn'-iiîlng of 1, cape in this Way ihllt' lîChe 'tî t ltiins rJ liig uîunp n tit i iiiriuî r c- riauirrl gt' lut-nseri W.suî'd, lluîîiilg It( ýçI- uuitI'li i n te sac. lii it li i; T Ii ' li N\1'St gan for tIIn trTPtr Jîîly aîîd 'RI' gmut ;e-'.. 1liirg tic-tIwtd ivm:îrrintt- eakinît ýufI r ', Ilt r 1- nol :ai li lncit fnon lii.g i"T' fi ti'l '-uI, I, ii.Ii 1)( l it' i eTiiil .i 's- rTIit iuibii itV ( k . Tr. i- i i sl iiii. tîlît- tif tht' îouniy ji 1i. lii t ui itti v large lumlbt v if 1h-- im-ri tkiingoudr liet-ns Iii art'c i T;!'it-e i T i dtI trati geut orf' 1' t'. aîit i îd. il i' Unt air liii ý- !T i iTAT rilo T l t tl 4't tusý :ý- il-t. t:'îîii iîtTri-iA i n ali ei.T ti 'T A IT Ii itititi lasS Ite 'tt i-- 5 ~il, iesl, Dot pl 2I1-iiir-ut tlg- obtJiin 'Tir' t i, TTt ril liii li.i -il fefo i- Tl-,i T" ilTii i tb sl i -i ,T . ' - uT Tf 1 - Iy la T i T-T i rgi r vpiii tit d ai i r tiTi- Tl t . i lr lA t &rari le-: '-' uI ut1r-u nI lik l.ii1-1'u ns I m i l]-ti il 5 -, f;i"- , t' ,:- i t tTî )l qUti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l t fv.iT'i Thi i f u ýne arii i - î 1 \li~- t t Mr,- , 1:' î.'l 1 (lit tag i h. ii. T il 1' ,iir jai I ir NT 1 , 1i. ;:,1.i'- N -i' NI:u i. ' ' *, i o ' nu t f ri T t Iit ivl i a ticlai'- daim' T' T tîTt it' l- iî i t i Il.r 'i 'TTli i ~l t Tm it-r'il OPi Nil '-l i i-T lI:Ti. m i . a r iîî i Tti ii lifi t t day N qi Tf tiIg ; NI i iiNI ilPb Tp-bi"iitltI r-t u., i 1 .il li ,T 1 T lI'Ti ui iIl foriî' i ii i i 'uTi- :1 10 1n N NI i 'i;; TT l i uT V iltir hi flirii T TT.T i'TtTli. Ivîtt :s liti v -1 Il' i Tii l MI iV-ii tiiv î it'l., r i- Mc. i aTT Ti Ta'vT Til (I:I T ' i lii' r i Nîsiaon 5pen 1ut T ut îtting fi-îiin th!-ii N K ii sr î' u i-i 'n lîrîi- il mîtn fIi iii TTT T li Tht' lii' i' t'oNii in a i t' efi-rt'al lit- f rl ii h 1',00-1tnt' I. ~of tti~ ut Ti tti iii iao' Nloil-r. NuI, iw l iîir i' ITiTibt 'li îi i liiIv ot' tf I. \N. luitîl retiirn,-ti fi(liTi t iiiagit wli,-'- tTv epetit liiiv i' ui for (toloradoîtwîîti i sIf t bai' irt mii Pd on att îîîînlortihile serîii i.,lînPsan of li-r li tl. ilî',1% i r. s. Il. '-s. uw .dr4. wh lin, silaI ilt' i>' Illatei i1Hde of this ilY. Don't Aak Persoirîl Questions. Neyer prequtute upon your IntliflSCy hlrth anotîter ta ask persunai qUený- Haons. No nînter low good friende two mny h.. boilu linve certain malttera ,Whlch they prefer to keep to thCni- selvues. 'rhe presumiptian whîch. under te exjuse of luntinacirpushes ls way mbnt th prîvacies of te spirit lu un- 'worthy of you. Respect your frienda tserves, rand IInisttaI they shalH n. wect youra (Ian' Mangla te tuec bappiest mnInufte WoId Premier Cleui bueeisa sN 1 o fter vstllnshlmn ie nie frOnt WhY sabuldnt he bal Re-$ lesdins Ihe Frencl, &rp»' thatlà i Ungnt bacli tIi Rune isswenen .Asne andt h& Mfarne CtiO. eote s eblpins 3,600,000 ARMY 'WJLL WIN IN 1919, Il itisliau-ll, A. A. Nurit, and lMn' H Ml Kie:ile havt- made the following arrang-iits b-lai îrday night. Sept 11. lc te a ý%ji li, t ipublie reî-e[uion Ioi frleid! ' and former memberm wiliî ait InformaiT p~rograin ln charge of uJinnit' lu -I. Sunulay morolig the annivi riharyses-rmson Wll h lîreuicit-il iy lteé piLtor. with comn murîlorianti riception of members, J iunuay aflîrnoon a hîilorictit meel- gI i n~vi i'ltl.Dr. L. Il Tombauth wil Iliprak uot theht'isufry of' the Aiuvuhlh-tIit ra rin forme-r pastor, v-il! be rt-ad, and congratulationsa ex fi--tI rom in lier cîturches. Sue, dat t -ntîtg utic aînivevray addre' %%Ill liedtii tr -il lv îr 'il'litam!- lIai uit.lilevoTof ithe Firl C(oiîgr- Vatil uliiivî-lîiroft>ai Park. ~AJ-sJL'1.MA LD When Eari %v-nt to himeful.' homei - for dinner rid lhtey were seated s1t Chief of Staff Sure Eighty U. S. te table, Enri begged t0o oil next to !his aunit. w-ho boat a beadathe. HIe Divisions can Break German léePf riudglng ber ail te tîmue, and Line where they Wish final LY she said: *'Dont do tiiet, auntie W îsîngttflAit. 21- 'h~ ng round and -round." The youngotec %ll'shigto, Aig. 1,-Tho l oo «d:- --%ellauntie, wheu thîl dteh of ntilitury îonimittuî was ivlul y 1t', pMatines cornes arouod ta 7(10, pleas. vtlarY 'Baker: band l 10 nus." 1I 3lia i r,itaranit' unit-r Iii- îîr ifrafi proiîably w.11luho caî]ed binet'o 19 It~ tr-, lP 7--eîiti 7 I i ut ta--t. inFranc e, Amt rira eaui -, tlird. If 10 if#. cn h'wrb hiiai 19 2 Tht-ce is no iotîilofl it uxîmhT ndtp-wr y Citmfan ami09 tian iii u it-n aacatandtihaT nuuv 2Th'pogii nu ti-nusii-,'lt ul~ uiI li ut Nînerli ans-i n raitt ui ý-îius T-iIlli t- li ll huý1 it Iw I bm19 Anid ;-tntrai foTi l I îu lt'.TiTul %Ilsiv vah mih'nan in ni-tv itilili cdi afb vwiii ii- ne. tlî-d anid wil be ili 1. Tit i -ti . i %jii-uttiow f Iut- F-ranii i ni>t iu1riiig. Bracher for County 1 Treas'urer U-pi 0)] jva Il N-1ites gtif Lake ('<)Il tîîtthat lie i a î'aîidate foîr ( oîuît v 'lreastirer, îtj-to thte dc.-isioii of the priimary to te li eld S'epteîî ibe lit h. Mllr. 1'rî:îlier Nw': ts ii jltheT (F. iiiof Xarcîi iii l1-'79 all(l liv-eti tiiere eon- -itli bis faîîîily lh-ioed to Waiikegan, w bieret lie lias sitîe resiîled. Ile lias riiîi.a geîîeîaI store at ( wi-nee praetieal- - v al] lus lufe and stili eoiitiiies iii that lîsîesat lurnee. F'or' îiiN ' v yars lile as lît-cl ail ae- I iN I NvIIkCP in the Reptîblivai îpart.%, blît lias îîcveïr uelai l -iNe offi'e. Ili h-f îaît and'idati(te of :iîvypolitioal ltilring or orgaizatnîîî.l uit is riiing strictly on bis ow-n îinerts as a liie(linig republhean, %vlo feels lie de- ser%-es wvell of bis party. anîd as ail up- îiglît. straighit forward and capable bus- iîîcs manl.. Ile pledges limself ti) turu, OV~ei fi) the eonty ail interest on publie fiînds and to run thé offiee of treasurer 'stri-tly aceording to law, and for the salarY fixed by the Courfty Board. Mr. Braelier invites the Republican v'otttrs of Lake -county to look Up his record as a citizen and business man and solieits their support and votes. 6UCCEEDS TILLMAN IN SENÂTE Chriloti Benêt ha been ap- po4ted by the goyernor of South CusoIns for the inexpire t 1111 09 thie lata ena<q. ,Benjamin F. ?lflp=ai. Benêt la a lawyer a nd ba only paUiticq.1 oBce hereinfûuru tu beaus prouflci alg ttornley or Cu6çlrIL S. Q.. a hme City'. WIIERE? Whieii You Hear Germa. Pw pagarida heing-Disseîilat ed, Ask Spreader: 11V.HRE! DID YOU HEAR ITIi Nine- tenths or al Germar it 1miT again4tis cosutntry II4 la -n il' fo rin.not of iitary espion i;,.î-:.,y .abotagi-, lut or printed'and îîîiiý n propaganda, readsa abulWin - i lT by Ille otitmtte, u bItir i tion for the <'Outrys 4 t ii' , Minute Men. It sugests iii "Tite suresit possible wa., iT T.p the sprt-ad of rumors whicli mi' v prove b buc enemy propagalîl,:, lii thosp who repeat that sort cfî vii be met instantly witiî the iîlîî, j rw lion, Wherp did you gel Yw- jT. :,, Four 'MînuteMen wil di- aî il pifec of work for tht- ([ii ond only 10 the- accompli i'i,-f lhe si-crul service in rouiiiîc îj TT il German Propagandists, if !1- s an spread Ilat t-t N-quetion. 'Tt-treat obleuf 10 bu , tu mend tarît i-rn lit'r of Tii' i ces &%ayas mittht- resaIt. T it!ii. liaI qi-lion in the' face o!I' i li and oif vi-vxp-t'on wloin '-,il tînsruniors i is t i NEW LIST 0F PREFERRrD OC- CUPATIONS ARE 10 BE GIVENl t.., i. g i 2Li'iw rTit eties board wili issue a new list of preferrcd industries whîrh wili t;erve as a bists for elovernnienlt poli- i-y intoncentrsting its efo' ix onitIhe var projectst. il was learri-d today. T his luitwill serve as an index for tie work or flghl order n'riucatinq tc %%hat lndustcy Men in non.essential eccrupltions May go. BELGIAN RELIE FSHIP IS SUNK BYA HUN U-BOAT t Rn îL"iteu i'rrss i Christuanna, Aug. 21.-The plainly mnarked Belgian relief sleamship Za-i iiouer, o-fdu-teit regis-ry, wat sunk, by a sub yesterciay off Haugesunul. Tihe ship was bound frutm BrookIym wihacargo of grain. After foircing tire crew into boats the U boat fît er îupon them and woijnded seseral. Onsý iloat wvas destroyed by shell fire I T of the surviv-s have b een Iandîed. WHEAT HARVEST WHERE AUS- TRIANS WERE ORIIVEN BACKT lily Unîtu-ilPît-ul) Washington, Aug. 21.-Th"enhirig machines were concentrated along the! 1 right bank of the Piave, and the rîlh 1river bottom wheat ovej- which rageul tne sanguinary battie of the disas trous Austrian advance and retreaiT1 wcre harvested, advices tram Rome report. Much of th. hprvesting was done withîn range of 1he Austrian fguns but the harvesters wcî e deciar. Cri 10 have been welî protecied gy lithe Italtan artillery. rOUR HOSTILE PLANES ARE BROUGHT OOWN IN ITALY Ro l'me, i-i tîu Rae Au .- 21-Considerable artil- i ery fighting on the wh'aîe mountair1 I front was reported by the Italian war' office *oday. Four hostile planes werr brought down. CENERAL MANGIN PUSHES 'HIS FORCES FORWARD 3 MI1LES Wzlshinqlon, Auuj. 1.-- Gen Ma' Qin has swung ho- lefI vuinq foi warii and aduitionial lOi-ee miles in the Qi'-- valley, penetvatinuj wîîti,1.sq tha-i two mileG of Noyonai-cnrctinq 10 diu paiches receiveul heve thîs afternooni. Hiq ritjht wing made a rlighl advance laclay. le and anti-submarine patrols hav4 been rmainlatned. Ourîng the course of Ihe$@ opera. lions mine enemny machines were de- stroyed and eight driven down out of contrui. We have lait four machines, on. of wiich Ianded in Holland and lhvce officers have been wounded. Nîn home waters duringUthetprime periad snti-submarine convey and hostile atrcraft paîroîs have bÇen mtainlatned by sea planes, airpimnes nd atrships. Subfmarines have bien eig-hted, attacked, and nine Iocitsd and destrayed. One machine hou fai.- ed 10 return fram patrol BRITISH AVIATORS CARRY OUT DOM BING RAIDS ON.BIC -CE; ChIldreneMealth Ex.rcisn. Pý Vitd r-2)Tearit your chitd toaiut, istand M I'.î uiit-d'Vra litîkln an erect posture. Set a gS d L-nndon, Aug. 21-Brillais naval exazupie of titis by your aw/n conduxe aviatars have carvîed nut addition,,,l1lft-ce suggestion tîtua bas a pQwerfu Influence. Spend three minutes per d«~ homobtnq raidi on important enemyT iwllh the ciilulcen in tsking vigoroioU military objectives, tise aimiralty t brennthilng exercie-lifting 1h. chat, nicunced today. ODrirng 1h. pevioTI expanding tht' longs 1t teir greatest nf Aug. 15 to 18, iniieusiie,,royz6l ait capacit>-. holding the hrenth, .xlialing for*ces conlinqent wori'ing wîth the tu tht' Ilixit and tlie k. ail togeîber. navy have bombec 1h-. follo*ing mil Ail wilstîl00 beconie fond of this littho itary objectives:. Wolway, Zebrugge drill, as tht-y annost fted lhe inereiig in and docks, anti-arcraft batteries at the gîaw of go6d heulth. Westende, Acreycke, Middlekerke, St. Ahisle dump, Meetkiake, Lefflnghe, the Straw Hat la Modern. Zeebrugge canal and enemy shispping, Headivear made of straw wae la lise statement said. use n;ioug 1h. ancient Greeka.. but Between 15 and 16 Ions of expIa strrîw a as worn dld flot eorB rives were droppedi and good resuLIt'- mii use ln Eulope until about bant a oblatoeil. Recannoisanci photograpis- cetulry nzo.1 T ~- t- --'-t" -T -~ Famous For Unusual Merchandizing, "DEEDS" Not Word. Lake County's Greateat Store for Women'a and Children',s Ready-to- Wear Tuesday, August 27th Wil B e y .9 -positivel1y the most sensational cut- price event of the entire year when we offer thousands of bargains in- -suits, coaits, dresses, corsets, waists hose, handbags, underwear,- millinery, umbrellas,- gloves,. corset covers and sweaters, neckwear, kimonos, skirts & various other arti cles of apparel at j- I ~.u-~' - - T It- - ' A UTOS, FO0R SA LEË i levig leln okedfor Ippol timîity Five bar- piisiiue arsiiitlomI prîces 11;Saxi Turn; asseIîger. F-'amîlrs 20; 5 Passelîger; like new. 1917 3-4 tonl 1vpubIiv t ruck; îîew. -19l') Ueo Tourimi,, -)I>asseuger. A ~ iv owefîî Vele tuîîig arfully equipped ; re- ct-iîI ivertaule ;six tires; fine condition JACK %xzt.DALTON Expert Auto Repairing I211 Water Street PhoneO 1677- SERVICE STATION FOR DODGE, CHANDLER, 'OLDSMOBI Li. REPUSLIC TRUCKS

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