Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Aug 1918, p. 6

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arn ma Newasmos: ü«FOUND 6UILTY 0f DISM LOYALTY ,TO -U. Looul I. W. W. Organiser Sub. jeot to lmprisonment of 27 Years and $1 0,000 Fine CHAS. CHEEVER ON JURY' Pancer Was Arrested When he Conducted Campaign to Organize 1. W, W. Here Joba Panener, organliu-r anilagia-- té of the- . W, W., vWho cdaims Wo. , -. egauai s is homne, was nue or thîe 100 members of the Indusial W'ork- gIs o! the Worhl v-ho svere foulii 41dIty in federal court In Chicago laita Saturdtty aflernoon on a cha rge- of disloyaity and wbo are subject 10 Imprisonnient ini tbe federal prisonî %a y7ears andl fines o! t. ls airl ,,". trialsbas been on.' o!fte m-i aeaatlonal ever bell 1 nîlî-i--m Mtates. It startecd eariy 1Lit Amil. Pancner fluet made.' is aplu.anancm la Waullegen last wiîter wliun lho made arrangemns- for an i V\N. \W' meeting In a soutiî sid.'hall Tihe Poluce. bail been tippeil off 1telite meeting andl acre pres-.t Thi,- n, anlt- wa., that there was no real (ils-. turbance. -The sans. niglîl, a mPeeing pr--Jd ed over bh* Y Pancner wal id -il i sout saie bome,-.iJai MeSac-fro-i, a detectlve itn the enipioy of the. tate's Attorney o! La' counîY, uni *Drclfg in active conjuncton wil thse Waullegan police, succec-dedin i attendIng tise meeting. 'At a giseîî word te trap wes % prgnguad oihcers who bail surroundl 'Bd the bouse broke in and took sev- *MI,1of lb.' men prisünters. Among --tb0e, locked up was Paener. lie later was renios cd le Chicago andi Và wsInditel by te feilerai gr-and -OUIlY a lew wceks ago, Pene-ner Veut 10 the marricg licence bureau ta Chicago andi gising bis place of Meidence as Waukegan, took out a baelicense. At the lime Pcncner was in Wa,î- kagais e made no effort 10 deny ibat Ibs uîpose In comIng bere was to - aflbme e local brancit or lhe I W M e sald lier.' were ses-ciel mcm- Igruhene who lilongeil t0 oitisdî- Offanlzations but hie purpose wes t0 otganIze tem if la a local orga.îî u-tâme. He was arrested hefore be *uld accompiisb bis purpose. Cheever on Jury. SA tact whciails Interest 10 the -C t that C'harles N. Cheever, a .-WOUI known fermer living ai Liberty- ,ýV1Re. but !ormeriy of Waukegen, *»M e eConducted a store on North 'Oebm eeetreet, Vas on the 1. W. M,. I'l' 'Tbe work o! obtalning thiIs 0"-â Vas îtarted April 1 and requlred , fflt1cally a month. Ries lii Loca Case. The convctio fof Pancner recails ýb 108MeTit In Waukegan ou Septemiier S1, 12017. He and cthers were bol- ~ gameeting at the David Skantz ,, Lou Ha1limholz avenue In Wau- t *sUagg& Wtb Pancuer Vas another Lk? W ogaIzer named Tono. r.Wenbdgsdt lie Waullegen po. i e~ ttaion on e charge o! conspira- t:-- cream cones is the' furtbei announce, nu-ýnt by Mr. Clark bitai al restric- t ions have been removed wiIb re- gard tl them. Up 10 n0w e-unes could not be sold on wbeetiess dayB or afler 5 ocloci daily. These re- t.srlibon., no longer are effective. Tlgo vermeni restriution wbici ! ixes Iwo ounçes as the maximum a)- 2300 VOLTS PASýS TifROUili BODY 0f 8 YEAR OL» BOY 1 lrnameesiandadreasea as fol- DI.ARU.) 11 b 1 A IE 1 aa.aa. tia HIenry Tàônu, 1001 W. Madison si. The report of Thrift Stamp saleshsRE C OS ý4obsffl.nig, shows tisaI aiilgan togeiicr -DaidPantne, - Ashel sl -v. ibti a mejoril'y of cities andl howîsvey llno Scn 'Wavbd-anlz 0 elioz~ in the canaîty, arc iagging behindis.s ets rdlerfset onav ' >Vld Pitonen. 803 Hlmiolz eve., The per capita cales in Waukegans StreetGesOdr oLa - 'V keen re very low, despileth reus Waukegan at -Once -Kilo Keimnonen, 803 lcînsitolz eue., efforts liaI have been made frein ____ -W«keaan. ibe e amlga. ectInlerest bito Jon i'ge,1919 McAlistec ae- e lIm a ime a ie, IN NEW YORK BY THE 29TH loba t'ngerPershing Weell" siarteil yesierlay j .,W&Ikenn. ~~~~~and eves-fr il emd esm AM the nmen vere fbeld for ses-c eyefotyl ' ai. o is 4aya. Tien aIl but Tonn andl Parlc.tlabe the sale ofet sabiss ta se.' if i sth irst Local Girl to Be mer vere released. The latter two la passible ta birng Wullcgan up te Sent Abroad for Service as vesent ta Chicago vh.'re lie lis quota andl prove ta "Bledk Jacku" iubseQuently ver. Issilcted by Per Tesgtha alea l ektg Red Cross Secretary tedeiai grand jury. us laitdItcb.-- _____________Mayor Pearce wiul preseni t lte--hl The firsl Weullegan girl te gcy ta cli council next Monilay nigt thlie France as a secreiery of the Rcd NO BAN ON ICECREAM CONE lss'aosftion of the city purcaging Cross bas recelevi lsbr ordera 10te e -Waukeganites May Eat Wheat Joining tise Meximum chitaclass. A TtI -lu liss Eselyn Allen, ilaugitter Produots Nowrequest bas been mailetai evera' -1 ProdctsNowon any Day cily Ia lie stale o! 5,000 population - f Mru A. V. Allen a! Second streel. or at Ay Meal or more adolst Ibis course, .' -j i. ulsa Evelyn lexues h In ie to "1 don't tcnov juil viterf e cOadhInNew Yorll, on 1he' 291h. 1 awvai -P>aVtasig chsely aut announcenieni 1ak.' tie$1,000 In lie case of Wall- j hen t al ietyfo ev Çuàe Ibis veek by Foodl Aimîibs.tra. kegan." Meyor Pearce shlid today, rInatsliIrtl fo cuce r14, john 9. Clark o! Waukegan, bat "l'ut the m alter ls vorth looklng In- a hroad, ber station te a l'e lParis. 11Wt regsi]atboni and restrictions la anywey. I thInk Ibet Ibis action I Miss Allcn annonei tihe fact t tIpv ben vtbdavncaie a eqeh- our part -wauld sel a good ezani-ameting !fte1<. K. K. club. beld !lï important annouiscemen t by Mn. pie for lie nesîdents of Waukegan.- ai ber home, Nionilay evenîng. Citrk today 10 lie effect that Wiest- imf bay restricîlons hare been viii- Kenosbe-lly unanimoos vote th,- Miss Allen was a graduai.' o!fthe *&vI. Waukegahlles na iodger vili boardl of edacallon l'ex decileil tesuis- Wauki'gan hîgb i-cbaoi, eass o!f11, »Xve to fonega lb.' use of vicat pro-s'~titube lb.' leachlng cf Frencht for te xtd aise lt.' Gcegg school In ChIigo. *AMs on Monilcys andi We.nesiies' 4" veek. Nelîbe-r vîlI îîey ha;-'ve i acourse In the -public sehoolaPh.' bas hecn wodlllng In a clu Il 'c-Pr 'gu foraeo the use o!fns-lest ireail for 0f ttis ia -ityThte teaciting o! German vice depariment In Chicago for bbc oual meais dalît Wbcsi brPaml Naa alto mi etîr placeil unden Ithe pasi year, andl rccenily siete ook tel 4 vib may l'e useil ai any ait ail halt il' lb.' m'clools of i-Baver Dem. exeminalion for Redl Cross work and1 01m teet eths wIleIe daly'lui' .according 10 word she recels-cil Ii QI iteret tatisa.' vho lkeIi. -week shse passed ivhi excellent show. - - Ing and vas ImmedIately assîgneil I-a a oiinas Ried Cross secretary. ThoodorelO iHurst, President. W. S. Smith, Vice President. AccorilIngly, th,, order came NMandt.v F. W. Chturchsill, Secretary and Manager telighia ùer lui he rcady te leave for IrE EPH NE 1New York 'nt oece andl'e tier.' ly TELEP ONE 8I lie 291b silh.iuhfil. gyu'~ruq~yMis Allen wiii tous be the. finit SECURIuixTITLE & TRUST CO. Wiauicegan girl 10 enter lb.' lRed r3 ABSMRSKOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED vorlt as a eeretary airnail andl ber frIends are natîraliy very much In- Capital $125,000.00 teresteil In her plans for th.' future:. Sic Ia &bout 21 years of age and i wa WAUISEGAN- - ILLINOIS fluie accive' In iigh sehool circle-, __________________________________________________ ven site wee ettendlng te bloa K. r<. K. Are "IRight There." 't develops in connection with Mise that the K. K. r. club., composed of membersof the chias of 1914, are dis- tlnguishlng themselves by entering war work. Witt, is Allen ln the Red Cross wor. it develops that there are four or thecub now doitiî- actuel war work. MNi. Marion Carl- sonl and lMiss Mr' Kennedy are sec- retarles of the ilost,,ss bouse at Great Lakes station and Miss Elizabeth Wooley la in poste.r work for the Red Cross ln Chicago. Thlus la ait It makes fouir of a f%4)of 14 wbo are iictually eogaged ln war work aI lb.' preîent tîrne. NEW DRAFT STATh' M4ENT IS SJIOCK.TO MANY LOCAL MEN Marrîed Men ws th No Children to Be in Class 1 Under the Latest Provisin INCLUDES A NUMBER HERE Many Here Have Supposed that they Would Be Exempt Prom P,àiitary Service The statemen t of Secrelary Balker thal there would b^' no grneral ex- emption of marrled men ln the pro- vosp-J Increase in draft agps or 19 10 4-ý vears, camp as somewbat of a sboc'i tc a large nunii'-r of marrted men In Wýa.îl.eg3n wbo hae heen en. Joylng a sense or false securllv as a. resuIt of the flr'l settlement crodlled to Mcr. Baker in wbleh lie. aas quote'l as saylng Ihat marricd mf-n would hie exemptPd automaî4allv nher 1he' prov isions of the lîroposcul new reqlu3- I.,tration. Mr. liahnr tic%% assenaý uhatlih. wa. misquted and thatsucih a course lu tarthi-st from hi-s lb ough ts. Under the etatemnt gixen out by Mr. Baker NMonda * yii-eire ar alarge otîmbu r orfniarril Inn in WaukeRn hetween the age-. or31î and 45 who will have dîfficults in expiaining whv they sbould flot b.' îIaced tin clasa 1 of th.' draft. 1'nder Mr. Eakers rut- lîîg marricil men w ho ar.- lilîdles are noî engageil in uccultiaons er gardeil as eýsent ial, 3nd whose wives are able 10 work, wlli be placeil in the linal, class. This will includ' a large number of local men who have been flguing that tbey were Immnune to, drart. Il la exPected that there will be somewhat of a acurry- ing on th.' part of a number of men to obîan n emloyment whlîch la ce. garded as essential t0 winning tire war. There aiso is a stroflg P09ssiilltY thai the Waukegan draft boacu may adopt the course of the draft boar i at Aurora wbere ail marrlid men wlthout children werc served with notice to appear before the board to eshow cause why they should flot bie by the board tb'*re that crnploymcnt ià open 10 bundreds of womPn and that wives cafi get work if they so deslie. WAUKEOIAN BoYs SÂFE AFER TWO DAYS MIAD FIQilT Col. A. V. Smith Sends Cheer- ing Word to C. T. Heydeck- er of Big Battie OTHERS LESSFORTUNATEI Colonel Tells of AIlied Victory Even Though Some Men in Artillery Were Lost HIereaý a hetler under date of July 17bli ustiih (. T. H.'yiedller bas re- ceile eufroîn Lieut. Col. A. T. Smith, se"ondin Ie omnmanil cf the tA9ti, nov- figliin 'lî;lienly In lb.' vin zone': Tie lutter is o! spenial Importance liuais-it-ays the Waukegan boys Pra-a'eil hrouob, the big batîle o! Ivo d Is 1mî, -l-InifaentIre safty. is 'tust a r>u in ]PIt you ('unw that ,,e. mm mir letterq andl very muc) upiu-1 m- 11-:' i-a'-lng frons you. W'cs ai-o) s--. -- o heur thai you r be-tui, I-iistrvi andl trust tit lIt T1 inet-i;e-ni bas mat taken part n a---- I. Titi guns roaneil ,s ilmtt r-ermî,.,lon for lwo days. Iln. litu Cc y(,st(rday andl Iodas- lut i li ne-- h Ig stili conshderahle fbe i- !, 1,P e air. Se-vfral In the r- :îuu -n.lillIP and 'wonndeut. luI' ~ cU lmr -e -o ases vere not Th cimu 'f1-tukegýun boys are safe. Lu- m - t ttbthe allies hbave 5~u -t - t t The- spitll andi mor- ai.- - -tute-lt 1has-ry hi gb 11l j 1., - froll you agaln Iii Ils. rnna ,î i fuît PRO4RmANSM? \" PASTOiROF COUNTY ST. CIIIRCII SMILES The Rev. J. P. Hohnstein of German Congregational Church Invites Visitors CATECHISM' NEEDS SHOWN Pastor Says He Has Been Us- ing German Because Ritual of Church Is Such as it Is Waluîkegaru, Aug. 13 lotmenl of wheal fread ai cen s-- served 10 patrons or restaurants alýi Escapes Death Miraculousiy hotels at one imeal stili remains i effect, but Ihere la no restriction as But is Burned Terribly; Was 10 the ainonot of other kinils of brrad tbat cuit be servei aItimeala. Saved by His Brothet Mr. Clark asserîs ibat ibis state ment of, bis. hotb with regard 10 th( LATTER ALSO IS BURNED droppin- of beef 'and wbeat regîta t e eople of officIaI.Grabbed Brother Away Prom Contact With Deadly High &ORGE CALIIOUNTension Wire A~ 6 WOUND D IN C* o!Edwiîrd Martens, e-lght yearOld son IIliHES 217 P.unili luitridk streel, bail a close TIuiN IN TRE CIS e c.c rom t i-ng ,-ecirociited t dpeatit s-ben 2:!00 volte of leciricity ltetchilI suffîred sncb severe Ùurns Waukegan Young Mari Who ltitbisconîlilion stilîl tgregardeil as Left in Second Draft Cati Is sprioti.s tIotb handunwne burned to in Franch Hospital h-ur on the lads chest, sevene burns ________on iotb legs andl two less serious SHOT N THE ARM hurm- on tbe aboulders. ('harles. 10- S fll IN un ~year-oîui trother of lt.' litle victîns. _________receiveil borne on bothbhands In cea- coinIg th,, s aal boy troua certain Message to Mother Did Not dah State Extent of Injury; j The accident occurred.Salunilat ar Was Wih the149th tennoon. The boys bail rounil. 1a WasWih te 49h îcof o! cmv. hread-i.iue c-ips-r _________ sei-..Tlwy- atiacheil a apike 10 one W'ord recelved hberi-autus l eo., d'and; standing in their awn .yard. the won(iln&lrllegan t ')cee boy bigb ibeY coul Cah oundîna naction o! George- tos b tmb the air. 1 ('lbin.a Vikegaiîl Ive' 11;Il i Thi-eiaîl boy, bs a suprense effort. ssii le!l Xaukegan SePîeîîiier 2-i I1 bs-ied th.' pille lver a w ire. It siib toc second ulaf; -ienIt '--rn he'.li'aIitienel to b1 a higb tension seire Thedisatei rceied ýy iý l . wIch -uplies current for te slr-e-- TM dr ptbn-esc i-no - ligbîs. As 111 fortune would have it 8îr. A. E. Catboîîn of IVt tîc,1h.'colin ýr wire strîlk a point wbe,-. Xis., and bis aunt NIrs. c. W. Fsans ie ss no inýulâtton on tlhe bie'it Of Wukegiitate tha t1, yOnýjc harge ie-re. ofn wauas shotea a ii - u Iz nstanîîyIbe [r charge o! ecr man as s o b-ugb tlie' rigýt ami ne-ttv -3rsh(,d ibrougi thIe boys uni] l, in cabitupittîlIn France. T, body. The borne on bis banils dia;.etcb oei flot hellte seriousnce- cati-ci by the clasping o! the vire. Of the njurj.Tbh e ep hbum on bis ceet was (caus- Mrf t h in i ina .'zn nre by Pressing the metal spool 10 s®rtie im'adb asvel 0 aienflir ls i, ody: the borna on hbt-legs ne- somelim anl bs may rieos letesllteul frolb.' te groundîng" ofrlthe tie was ssitb the Rainbois Dli,i(,ti bhj2hotage and vas localeil In a tir-t lin.' Irecl Theli01. !ellow was rendeî-.d un- lletersrecevedfromhimhaveIn-cooscloos nstanily being hurled t Lettrs ecesei fro bi lis-ebthe grounîn iliîl ciutching the wire dicateil tbat lie was in tIhe titick ut witb a ileatb like grasp. Smal! as he the flgbt. 1 -as. the lder brother saeeed to %-Ir. Caiboun was sent frons watt.-Jrcaliie tii.'dangîer. andl nusblng up he liegn toCampGrat whre le i grabbî-JIild of bis brothers clotu- kegan10 Ceîp Gant wer P. e-ing ldPli-il bim awiîy. reakitig ,celvedlis milltary irijising. AI tbi- le- îdiy connectlon. H-e borne-Jd thotîgi hundreda of Waukecgin yoiîng hbisland, . quibe serinuuly in doing so. mnen bave iteen sent abrosil lue b on.' Dr. F. 1-. GoiilcY v-as summojied Of he ceeingy fw wo hve eenirlmc-liattelY. lanlb.'meantime a 0f b. xcedngy fw bobas bensailor wbo happeneil 10 be near . y, mentioneil in the cauoelty lIsta. partiialv yretored lhe boy ho con- Because the injiîry he receised wagSscuoîsiess hy 1h.' use 0f artificial In bis arm bis relatives andl frieniluThe ib~ittie' feliows escape frorn are nclnedto tinkIl as Iflitedrespiraition. lyar mnchne10lhnk orwsif blit, orîeath is regarde--ilas lutile short of l'y mahin gu or ifl bulet ormiraculOU,,*luIfutaltil is said that Poesibly a Ipece o! shrapnel. T h -.,bail the cor.ier wire whlch lie hield arehoPfultha Ittg ot erins. Inbis banda heen a lîtîle larger are opeul tat l i notsenou. whicb voulil bave enablei ltil 10carry muore o!flthe deadly current, nothing SERKS MORE ÀCCUR. couli ase saved hm. ACY FOR EXEMPT'N (GOES TO PARIS DÛ à flfC Ii CTe>À àrr A CI?1tAUVI TI4ATR He was -conductIng a et&&@ for v childien in Geiman i Me lied tlt ieIsparfichoners ho. wanted thte chlldren to Iearn flotc te hâte the fatherianda He preferd teaching German S aitogether, that ho preached Germen aitogether, a AND THAT7 He was out of aympathy with Our part In lte wr- These were Borne of the reports that had been clrculated about the Rov. J. P. Hohnstein, pastor of th eh Germesn Congiegational church onh County strict. And, ta thoge charges, the young pastor, wto Io but 26, turne a smilng face and says: 11I wiIl welcorne anybody who cornes to lte citurch to lîsten to whil 1 Say; 1 weicorne snybody 10t tie classes which 1 arn conducting in thé citurch for citildren. i amn wiiling la stand iy what we are dolnq but if ltere is any decided feeling that 1 aitould eliminate Germen entire ly, P why 1 seoutd be wiling ta de su-" c The iîri-arliî-r%%as nfut tiilex ec It edi when lb.'Sun pubtiihe proposition ta bin a a resuit. ofcompilailnis -beine' filel ut tils office tuaI hi- suas dis. r rsiaytng lunes-G.'rman sentiments. ('oîîinuing futher un lin.' v-it lithe above, '.%Ir. Ilolînstein explainel liii tari tai he wsc I-aciîiag Gernitnn ibis w-as-,andlltai be- neilly î-qsctcid sons.'criiicism. l)oning :1o, sutinsur w-e havi- a clas of aiut 12 chililreîî %%ho are eiîîdying catechi-ms, etc., and pr.'-1 pariîig thenisels eafor confirmatîionà wiliîcormes next spring. The lie-t of tb.' nîatcr lu these <clas-es diýsee fluai wek for te sommer and 1 e hase lu-en pienniîig tbcontinue biîî-îîr next sprîng lanlîreparallon for Pis- sion week. ýo fer a-,I1uns persontîl- iy concernel Isvouil jost as suoi Quit ail German iii connection -sill te Sunduy seitool work, but ttcmidaca islai ithe Germ:In servic, bas ai wcys been appliedIn our chureit and it wouildiie--rai ber dililt uii bu c', t entireIY hecause there I-' no Englisli service Iliat is'illi e witlî whai su-. bave louadi bn or cbirclî. Confirmation la the Cause. "It woll b.' rather bard jui 0owt after w.' bave lîcen taciting tlte cbiidren inî lerman t iicuîni- i before tbey are confirmeil. Accord- ingly, hn carrylng out or plans sae woulil have bo devote about six or seven weeks ta il nexl spring. gîsine' an hour eacb weell 10 resiewîng 1 h,- work w.' have been dolng Ibis sîum-n mer.1 'The teachlng that we have iteen carrYlIg on Ibisusmmer bas beenf eiong catecaticai nes eilanybody1 Who desîres vili be Most velcomet ta conte andl bear wbat la going on.,, Report a Canard.1 "How about te report that ynue maie te statensenî ihat you vantedi to teacit your cebliren not 1o bateÉ th.' Falherland?" esked the reporter.1 The young Pasior imileil very1 earnestly and sai: -1 don't belieute1 taI I1 have ever used titi word -Fath.i erland In aur churcit. r bave fat ai1 any time meale a rernark o! Ibis kmnili lu tact I studiously avoided saylng] anyting ltaI anyitody coul misin- lerpret. There bas neyer been a1 tbing aIong tat lne saldIin thte Sun- day gehoal or bInthe churcb, so fer2 as using German In the services, ibe1 ressont ve are edberIng 1tois tlin ls because here sqe se meny membersg of our congregetion Wio neyer iearn- ed the Englisb language ho lie cx- lent thet they coulil appreciaeea ser-1 vice carrilei on In Englisi. "But las 1 have saidlpreviousiy,9 titere la no ilion g sentiment againsti discontinuing lb.e use o! German pro- vidlng there la a strong enough .enii- ment ads-ocating it. I bave heen1 Very careful o! whaî I bave palil con-( cerf ing lie var and there 115 nabady1 Who can question my patrloiîsm andil loyalty Io Ibis country. Mnr. Hohnstein explaineil thal h.' bas iteen allen ding Lac(e Forest uni- aity for a year and that bis desire le to return and finIsh. two morei yeers work. He lis positive he will go one mare year at !east, but de- sires 10 finish the two-year courue. He hi 26 yeari o! sge, unmarrted an;] lives In the second bouse fot o! lb. chunch on County street. Otitîr Citurcites, Ex-Cormans The fact latitat Ibis chuîcb la the anly one le!t hn Wakegan formerlyj known as Gernman churches wbere the German language ls used enlire- ly. The West itreet cburch bas dis- continued tlb. use of German enlire- ly andI f0longer bas Germitn at- techedI ts name, belng Irnovo as St. Johns; Il usedIo 10be "Tii.'German Reformed.' No Gel-min ta spoken nov hn Ihat cbu!ch. p"The Germain Evengeihcs)l' on Lalle street, nov hlelnown as tic "Evenge- lical Lutiteran'" churcis. Enghîsit Io spoken ibere andl Germef is a deuil lether vithin lils all@. REASON FOR GERMAN TOLD lit confection witi the article In lait evenfing's Sun perteînlIsg Io the Rey. J. P. Hoinotein o! tise German Congregatlonal churci viserebn fiels were irought forth In connection wAh rumorsInt the effect that be vas paying more attention le tie mtudyittg o! Ge rman In hîs chanci' Iben ie sinulil. on.' of the members o! te parish maltes an inleresting gtatsment to the Eun ai 'follows: "About the olily thing 1 have ever iseatd our mnisti-r say jla Qnnection with tii. war la ta frequentiy offer a prayer for veace. 1 believe tbis ls ho more thaà other ministeri aie lioing right along, Surely a prayer for peace If offerei in the German laxîgUage iB just as effective as If of- fered lu Englia-h. ln tact ta Us &rnericam fil ought to reach tii. kaiser's cari perhapa qulcker titAn [f it were said In Engilih. "Our bas atudloualy stay- ed awsy fronit te discuss.ion o! wai topîcr and we aIllhave no doubt rea1- Lzed that w,, are In a soit of a deli- cita position because vie have &,ui rervices -tu German entirely. But this la due to thé tact that maîey memberà of the chureh cannt un deristand Englisit and the îsddeuness with which oui clnmax with Gerfîans bas corne upon us liai plac-d us in a rather unenviable position. Tue fact of the matîci isIs : If %%e, did ngt keep on uslng German itu aur ser vices, the chances are nîatîy of ùui inembers would not have a place h., go to church at all because. they couldn't understrnd the Engiish services. Now Iben 1 wouid like wo saik the question 13 there anybody s un-Arnerle-an that wouldl ailocate the aholition of Gernian In our chuîch wblch w:uuld bubsequently requît in keeping- people away froni the wnr- eltip of thea Almlghty as we do eaeI, Sunday. Our minister bas,-her veîy diacreet In -very utterance filaI hie bas made and flic care wilh wbichs beý bas reunained away fr021 the dip- cussion uf war topics abows that Ir la endeavorIng In b.' entiiely ail American tiai allimes. "Naturaie sorte people wiil rais.' 1' sentme.* wiien tbî-y àrderstâ1î,! that our su-t ie-' j are- In U-rmuany, but ;f they wîil oniy look lot .le malter audirealiLa,-lta it meat i,-,crelY lthe aiiility Io w.,,.uiVa- tbc-y s -ý lit and in the language vli h ii thcy ai,- acclîstortîîel. raher iliain t show anyv ettentiou iîîward l.' Germain auti cr.ucy Ahich nonc of us hc: nWa kegan cvii Lb,- uembeis of oîîr (i :urch adî,îîre. I1- I.,î it'ur f£ul i that we are Geriin aleacent It Ilari, rur faîxît that miuoy or oîîîuî,ni-s t-sec learned t10 apeak n.- igbu, J erman. Ali Paîtors Pruying. That ail German p*astors of tbe tlite are doing the- saine as the Rev. Ir. Ilohnstein or the LG'rman ('on- gregational chorcb, las ery ecul-ni. And lthen-fore tbc-ir position iii the pre-miL.(-, aId. mure gloum tlisthe kaisers already overllowing clip. German paiitors 0f Gerloan churcb* es in ail parta of Illinots. ar-- prayîoig es.-ry Sunday for fils iowrirall. Tliey n-fus- 10 accept bis pantnersbip wîth God. As Exhîhit "A," tiere la 1hhe 11(s, W. J. Kaiser, who writes the State Cooncîl of Defense train Darnstadt. on a rural route irom ILenzberg, 111. (could thec flevor bie more Germaný> and sets: -l iurgel .ny members, as 1 bave done frequentiy, 10 malle the caoe of our country their caus, and 10 Jc ail in their power t0 bring us vic- tory. We olfer up a specl pryer for vie-tory after every sermon. God grunt u s ictory and lasting pesce." The kaiser mlgbt possibiy mi-4ton- strue that letter, thought il was un- mistakably America that tbe Rev. Mr. Kaiser meant; but here la another front une of Kaiser Willieim's feliont Prussians, P. J. Scbaat of Hennepin. "For 29 yeers I have been waltixig for tbis chance to do tnt partini help- Ing t0 wipe off the race of lie eartb tual kaiser and nis brutal force. 1 have been lecturing Inrnany parts3 of Illinotasisnce we have heen ai war. and amn actively engaged in every war measure. 1 tbought I was nul dolng enougb in Ibis cause. so i en- iisted as ant army chapiain. hoping to take the glace of at least, one man ibat could be sent abrnad. 1 ean- not h.' sent, itaving had the miblor- tune t0 be born hn the stgte of Prus. nia, wbere my parents have been persecuted hy lb.' goveruioseni of lbhe Infernal kraisier ever since two o! my brothers and myseifrcamne 10 America and becarne American clit zens. Now Is my chance, and i!-»haill malle usge of fi and pay hlm badk. The pastor ocilb.' Immanuai Luth- eran church at Golden. lthe Rey. IL W. A. Undernann, tbe, lirst of an olî German famiiy to caIt Amerîca hii homte; born làGermany. ediiet tiJ lther', withparent; sill living in Gernsany. damne Geranany as only a man tanribat liaslived In boib c soni tries. The Rev. Paul J. G1. eeks, preacheil an American sermon bI he German ianguage to bits congregation In St. Peter's Es-angelicai Lutheran church ai Morrîson, Ill., and the Rer. G. -Schueseler of Chicago and bis congregation, EvangeIlcal Lollieran, passedl a resoiutlon "to act upon every requesl o! the governmeni or agencies auiborized l'y It Iu a lime- ly patrloic manner." And wbat dos the ka!%er tblnk o! the roll o! preachers, every one of which bas set down on paper bits loy aity to the American goverfimeni and bits prayer for, the defeat o!flthe Geirnan autocracy; Albert Brueser marn,. Quincy; George E. Ralnsber- ger. Downs; Aiex lJlIrich, E. D. Krumreig, Danville; Cari Elles- feldt, River Grove; A. PfotenhaueYr Addison; A. P. Neondorf, St. Peter; R. C. Neizet Springfield; 01to1, H1obenstein andl Walter E. H-obenstPin] Bloominglon; William Scbumacber Melvin; Theo Loirmann, Decatur; 0 H. Schweitzer, Cenîralia; Elmer F Krauss, Chicago; L. Augusl Heerbott Whealon; E. E. Zellmer. Stoc'ýton: Paul H. Valentiner. Earlviile; Josept Public Service Co Of No rs., IW.ii i-OF.-- LAKE COUNTY Puhilid by tIhe WAULJK-,AN DILY SUN at the special 10w price each1 $3.50 Size: 3 ft., 8in. by 4ft-,2 i. Libertyville Independent Farmers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and other smail grain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION 65 Cents a Pint. The best and Cheapest AntI-Smut on the mar- ket.- DRUCE-CLEVELAND DRUQ Co. The Rexail Store Cor. Madison ad Gaeise Ste. 'ne Store That Saves You Monel WAU(EaINDROPS DEAD IW' SOUTII Word wwsr,esidlàiiWauke:" Ibis aflern oon .telllng o!ftai. mudubua. deati et Colu m bug, S. C., )! Haîiy, Smith, a well llnown Waullegai lI'ta a wbo for 505e lIme nesîdeil gith, bi fanat ln lte Berlin home on era..ld s-venue. Deti la believeil 10 bas'. resulted fromn beart trouble. Mr. Smith vas a alteaS itter fr5' tied.' end letI here recently tua vori for lie, gove'rnment on te brg aripv camp tiet la being constructeul ai Columbia. Il vas only two days ago thatBM.r. Srnith's wife andl ciild left Waulti-gat; la loin bhnm at tie soulbe ruaîiîp. their plan bcbng 10 malle Iheir hoine near hlm vitile employed Ibere. Il Is belleeilliaI '.%r. SmItb's ileath occurreil befoie or shortly afler lie arrivIlo! bis vîfe. Tii.'Information lelllng o! bis deat vas reccived lin a tî-î.'gcam fr-u'Wi.- liam Green, sent to bIs fathur, Depu- ty Sherlff Elmer (reeLu- -William Gre'en aise la emplayeà on the gov- Smjt l1.lasalI b bhas-edropped,.dead wh'ie aI vork. The Independent'i cir'culation con. *lots of READERS-nat cf - cote.. "ant&. Electrical Cooking Utensils They are distîncdy' economîcral; their use, of current in per- forming the task set for them ais short, which means the quantity ia imail. As foi their Convenience 01 Just ask anyone who ownî a toaster, or percolator, or grll, or disc stove. un hi Thi week lilebi amati( ii §petit Ui ID Ch Mrt Foret Mi, Fildi We woul, Sundi Ditr meni coimi Dow sud lots G aàttet Gonn ment boe. Ose lettre Mi Jobi Lund Mr. relatl Sund, Penn, the ti pose, MSi tainie band Ibîi A speak vefy audit @ent mul frqm We sel 'em

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