Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Aug 1918, p. 10

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JLIBE1RTVTT1TE INDXPZMlUENPTTTSI)V .AlTaTbýTT 290 Libertyville Independent toniWCoumyIndependent -WwkgnWe4 i~AN EFFIGENT MAN? ASKING SUPPORT J#ï Igorse, candidate for the Republicali nnination for cogaty treasurer, la meeting wlth evon a great degl MMr endorsemeut by -people throughout UtJe county uha ad is -immediate inondsanaticipatedL In fact,f ~I*.addayl being reeved-,with a feeing o! unii In fat, Mr. Xorse's candidacy 18 assunhng usuch a pwoportion at the present time tht it appears likely to ,A"mu who arg ony an with politice in Lake county àsêwheh the final count la made after the prlmaries, that1 Mr. Morue will be meento have more votes than ail the' ,ý" candidates put togther. 'onyafar soeo Mr. Môrse's experlence ilu t far i n fthe béàt suets tht auy unu could have. For mauy years he bbo tai mPloYed as .deputy clerk wider County -Clerk LeWiA. EendeeidbIsa position haeen ini close contact ---*th the affairs o! the county. Thlizpeence wil prov veyvaluable te hlm and tlitho tai payera o! Lake county when he stepa do"n mbtaite -county treasurer 's office, vhlch ho will, the latter paut of this year. Mr. Morse's experlouce las not been confined te the county clerk's office iu Municipal affaira. 'Ho bas beon president o! the village of Ldbertyvlle for mre years and as suchbua made a very crodtable record. Ris adminis- trations have ail beemar")d bY integrity, honesty, and efflclencY, throughont.* Nob$4y.'bas ever pointed a figer at Zay MKorte, but on the other baud'lu Libertyville they bave pointed te hlm as a mai worthy o! office, and wcrthy the confidence o! the people. Thus wth bis record lu the county clerk's office, and tbît in the village of ibMertyville comnblned, ho presents te the votera of Lake couty a candidacy which cannot, be lo*ed upon as being of the ordlnary nature. His is flot tbe case of a man who asks for ai ofice at the hands of the people vithout havlg experience to back it up.- QUESTONS ALL 18 ANS WER IN DRAF Mon 10 Reoister Urged to Stu- dy Questions se There WiII Be NoMitakes TWENTY GUESTIONS IN AL -Reglsrar Should Read-this*r- tlcle So M~e.WII flot Err on . èpebe Provost Marshal Generial Croader isuaed teda>' te local draft boardsI throughout the Unitedi States detail' et instructions for regltranis ini an- swering the questions on the regis- tration carda 1telie uset Iin enrolment of men affecteti b> extension of the draft age limita. 'There wili be 205 questions on te cardis, whîcti is tiomewhat differclit in ferai from the card useti in regis- tration of men between the ages of 21 anti M. "Bteinow and registration day early neat Inentit, prospective regii- tranus are strongly urged ty thiisof- fice," 'Iie provost marshat" genersI aya. "te stutiy cirefully bot te- Squestions andthie instructions, in or-I der te be able te givfe-prompt re- sponse te the reglstrars. Similar ne quebtIis matie of the regltrars." Questions fer Registrants. r'oltowlng are lie questions antii irstructions:âae Questioni i Namc. The nae Mosat bt given In fuilt it: tirsl sainie. midle' nane, last naine. For example. 'Johnlilenry Smth." . Question - -Permanent home ad- dresTiis means where yen have Your Permanent homSe NOV., flt te place wherî' yeu work nor the place aitere yen were bdrn. tînlesathiut la YOurpeiii'a home. Be prepai to give it this way: "622 Nori Gee- eaee street. Nýauk'gan Lake Cents. ty. hlînoîs." or "R.t' P. DNou. ,Waîî- kegan. Lake cuunt>', 111.-il the reg- istrant ive3 in att auari ment iotise b. shouid site the numbc-r o!fte aPartment i wlich lîc ites. èQuestion 3 -Age in 5.-ai-s Stal.- . Ou rage in YEAItS onu> - titrmgard adtiionîsl months or tisys. Muet Tell Your Color. Qu@ast#*1 14-Date eofiirihi: 'If You do net rcmenmb.'r tie year. tari te answor ai, sou would If sorte on.' asked you your birtbtiay. as '(.ct. 12." Then say, "Ou my irthday titis year 1 will t5' or wahsl Yeari. olt." Ttc regfistnrr -li tet I iiin te year o!, birtit. Questionî 5-%%hile?- Question G Negro? Questiont -ncitl When la art Indian? Question t-<'llz,,n ifîian? A n Indian bot-n inthie tUnited States is a citizen if ii) le tr i fatlier or motter prier te111h, lirth or before tie staînedth ie age of 21 wamalaloi- ted landi or reü'icdtt a patenlt in fe prier teo Niy >' t huis:(2) iflihe asa alloted landi .,tb..etueit tu o Ma>'S, 1906, anti receiveti a Pa(ent in fee 10 bis tand: (3) t! ie v-as remlding ia the nid Indian tcrritory on Narch 3. 1901; f4) if telilveti 5iparale andI &plar frOn itsîltrubpite dlbas atiopt- ed lbe habits of i ltieirile. Question 9-Non-cltizpn lndion? Aisldi4iu bgrD n ite UnitedIStatb al be laaaed a a non-cItizen iin. dian untesu e 'talla wthln eue of .* fac lasafes of citizen Indians des- otult telnatuetton bit question How Allen@ Reply Queaiioîî 13 If flot a citizen of the t'uiteti Siates, of abat -nation are you a citizen or subjeci? This need bci answered ouly by declaraut anti non-declarant atiens. -If Yeu are States citizen? Hf you were hou ln anu-aten of eltite rctas., state Ibel the United States, Inctuding Alaska name oi vour country, which the re- Haaai. y> ~ natve 1 gistrar ai write in tbis space. Fu'r and Haaie( r àntv ,r xatiple: "Great Britain." '«France," citizen of the U'tfled States irres- "Italy." State aiso the nante 0f the pective & ',ho ctiiso-btp of your sîîb-dvision o! sour cnuntry ln wahich parents. Any inhabîtant of Porto Rt- 500 were ordinaril>' resident hetore co on that dite. anti continued to re- proqeediffl go the ïUniteti. itatûs, aide iherein until April 11, 1900, la whit'b ailI 1e written by the regltrir held te 1be a citizen o! Porto Rico, ex.- inl parenihesîs ater the name o!t1the cept sucb intaihtant... naives of tht' country,. as "Great Brit.aln (Scot- Sparfish Peninsula, wbo etected te tanti>" In the case of Çzecho-Slo- preesrve their altegiance int Spain on ialus. German or Austrian Potes, Aus- or before Aprit 11, 190), b>'making triatîs. Lorrainera.s ad persona of a declaration betfore a court o! rec. lîke statua. the registrant may an-1 ord o! titeir decision te do so. Any swer 't2zecho-Slovak, clatmed as1 citizeni c! Porto Rico as above d, ibj'ect o! Austrla-lungary" "Pole. flned ansuamd any native of Porto Ricoutieda subject o! Gern> î Whto was teniporarily absent front Nutria-Hutigary,""Aatln i. ~aeislnd n pril 11, 1899. and has' ed as subiect of Gerrm.any,", etc.. a. Efficiency In Office 1 Arn Askiug for the. Republican Nomi nation as 9«*"-s I rnfully ac a3bdvbial 'detalis of, thie office having had many years' experlence wth the County Tax and Assomsment Books. My municipal experlence in taie affafrM o! the Village o! Laibertyvili. gives me further insight into knowledge whic-I cmanad vi pubt t use i the conduct o! bhe Trfasurer'a office. I wMi place this knowledge o! Tai and Assois- ment and Municipal affaira at your service and beliove viii be valuable to the Tai Payers o! this Couuty. PRÂCTICAL EXPERIENCE 1 vs PROMISES A»I NO EXPEETENCE If nominated and elected lb viii b. my ambi- tion to give bbc Tai Payers of,,Lake County bbc bout that's in me. Sincerely yours, Iay B.,blorse - -a----- . àee ,HI~yhalL be madie b>' thIwil>iSfAlg 1' strr.p 1~IIflIAIlLf Ruine Governing -Sunday Driv- ing of Mot«r Cars An- nounced Today since reiurned. and is DOt i clillie& of any toreigli coumrUta sheM t.ý bc a citizen or the Uniited States, provided ho did flot elect to retalii bla poiitioui statua by making declara- tion ander oath at bts decision te do so witbin six monthsalater Marci 2. 1917. Ir you were born abroad Yeu ore stit a citizen o fthe tUnited StateLq Ir Your latier -as a £citizen of the United States at the liie Sou were born. it* you have expalrIbted yoîîrsc f. Question 11-Naturalized citizen or the Uilted States? Yeu are a naturaisud citizen If you have corn- picted your naturtlizaiion; that Wa If you have "'taken out finit papers." oniy dectared your Intention to' be- conie a citizen (ihat la. If you have onIv "taken oui lirsi papera"î: Iln the iatier case voli are s geclariilt. Was FatherJslaturallxed? Question1-tizn of the Unit. il States by father's naturalizatlon? ltenl>re regit4i-.qnts' îmajortly?'Meli chldren of pe ,rsons who hisve been duiy naturalized under the laws of the- 17nited States being under th1e age of 21 ai the ime of the natturait- zation ofut teir parents, are, if dwell- lng la the l'aoued States before ai- taining their maJority, considered as citizens thereof. Question 13-Allen decl.lrant? You are a declarant If, althouëli a citi- zen or subject of soine other country, Yeu have declareti before a naturali- zation court your intention 10 tbc- corne a citizen of te Intted States. This i3 refeized to as taÏing ont first papers." Question 14-Allen non-declarafli? You are a non.deciarant; alien if Yeu do not fat ithun one of the classes descrîheti by quesions 101. Il. 12 antd 13, and are ot an Indian. In otiier words. you are -a non.del3r&atlaief If you are a citizen or subject of somne other country than the U'nited Staies and have not declared betore a uat- uralization court your Intention Io beconie a citizen of the ltnted -Sisils, that la. have not "taken outilirsi pa- pers" IL;'. k Annô n'epi*p What la Vour Work? 's Que*tioa 1Q-Present occîs paillai. This uMea»s Your prescut occupation, r..or r4mploymcpt, which the reg. latrar will enter lit this space, Do n"1 statt: what You once did, nor whai Soit have dlonc moat o!the tîme nor What You 'are best ited to do. Slm- IPlY sigle What YoUr Job li right now. QUesltion 17-Ernployer'M ame? t! Yolakre working for fIrIn,, corporation Or >'asoiation sigle lils nale. If In 7bualîMtoas adeý, profession Or *lem. PloMent for yourgcif. go 'atate. If You are An officer of 1the state or led- oral goyerroment. ,ay .ahetiier your OMCe la under theU tnited States, the state. coutaty or a munlcipality. Question 18-Place of eîuploymeîit or business? Thila neans whcre yiu wark. Name close Relative. Question 19-Namne o! nearesM re. lative? If yo ual-e îîarrled andi yîux- wife !0 living lier "ame shouldti¶e sl'zted. If You are single or sour wlfe l4 dead you shoulti state the nain(, Of Your neare4t blod relative. If You are not niarried andi have no lîlood relatite. the nami' of a close triend shoutti lie tated. Question 21-Addres of nearpat relative? 4n staiing Use4d4rest-glv, the iluMber and name o! the street first. then ite cit or lown, then te cOflatY and state: or R. tF.1). nunîber. lirai, then postoffie. ihen culînis auj state. The regitrar will ask the regis- trant If'.he recelis sitsniait ai a place other thau ttî.t designatéd as bis tresient permaient home addre., in answer to qîtesion 2., If lie ait- Bwera t h li rceives Il ai sortue other place (tihat is, by general dciv- ery. at a pat offi ce box. Ini care <« 80ome Other person, ai somue other, address. etc.) te regislint shaih qtate sucti place ini fuit, which shail lie entereti by the r4,gistras- under th!, regisrants signturlie. The registranC.,-i sgnature or mnarii la Placed b>' him St te bottouof th., card In a lank space opposite th4, stltemneni: "I allun i hai 1 have v. rl lied above answcrs andt hat thev are true" Charles 'M. Moderwell Candidate for Congress ini the Teîîth lDistrict, Wfls bortu in G(eneseo, Illittois, iiil, 1868 lie is uof 4otch- Iîish paircîttagt', biis atti'cstor-s liaviiig cite tii Aiîi <'iai in 6f). He uts livî'd iii I l:nd>i.s Ailbis lifc, in l 'hi- cago for nearl thirty years. and iii the VelltIl DIistî'h'rt for nîîuctceî ycarsm. Mtr. M~oderwtehI î'eceived his eaî'ly eduvatio ini the p ublic schools of tis state, aiid latet' attetîdd Wîîos- ter' Colege at. Wî,osteu', Olîjo, mlier lite gt'adîuated itn 1889. MLi'. Modcî'well is aitt îidepeîident 00(itl operatot' of tiianîv Y'ars' expet'ieu<'e. Last yeat' licetw'ent to wash- inigtouî as a iîeiîher' of the' cuîiutittee ()i mal pro<ducetion oif the Cuuti'il ()f Nat imîial I efetîse, whcî'e he î'cmaitied eonitiîîuiotîslyý for' about nit' iiotithts. Latet', lie assisted the state fuel ailîiitiistt'atiuî' of Coîok (1<îînty d<liiilg tte eial (t isis of I M t wjîtet'. M'. Mo<let'wel is a nîeîtiber' if f tl Pîsbv- teuian ('1iîîr'î'lî, vi'e 1îîv'idùiit <if' tte City Club oif Chi'ag'î. elaiî'îiat of the PJol itîî'al Action ~~ ~(1<nunitt'c of' thee l'iliontî Leagiie (Clib, and a incet' tiof thl'e 'îti'e('uîîîuittee of the ('hcao ssîealionti (orîîerc.I le isimr- î'icd and lîas mu'ie hid, a ho.v fmirîtcetî vears o1f age. lie î'esides at 591-1 iW'iîrtop Avenue, Chilcago. Inu sîtiittiîîg lis eand ilact' * fi, v<î, wedo tiot appceul tii aîîy parti-Iîlaî' faction iii, our paî'ty. 'This is 1no tinuc for favtioituîl polities amoîîg caîîdidlates for' ('îngrvss. Wc ask the sup1pol't (f al 'oters, rcgardless of factional li es. The' stpretrie dernand toidav is bfo wiî the waî*., As a menîher of Congrcss, MNr. Nioder- well w~iII devote bis fulil eîîergy %ith Iliat end in view. Hie ill giN'c wholc-hcartcd support to every administrative meaquî'c for the av- coînplishmcnt o! this gî'eat pîurpose. He is for the country first, and tite party Dcxt. He is 100%7 loyal, by deed, trainîing anîd anccstry. Mr. Moderwell is unalterably opposed to any form o! an inconclusivo poace. 11e is an advocate oDf a national budget systctn, a ven- tral appropriating body in the Hotîse of Rep.- resentatives, and theclirniiuuation of the rnany useless and iîîaetivc coinitittees. He is -free to give bis entire tijue and attention to. con- gressional w'ork. Mr.~toerellpbs~sesthe knowvn talent,-andecharacter to incet and solve intelligenfly the vast gov- crurental problerns which confronts us. Wc ask the support of ail good, loyal eitizens. MODERWElLL CAMPAIÇIN COM. Remember UMe Date of the Prlmary-Sept. il, 1918 h I~~>r ~mpttât té Vte «Men Than Ut the November ËÈtion 6 a, i- ARE A FEW EXCEPTIONS1 Tractors can Run, Physicians Can Use Cars but Merry- makers Must Stay Nome 'Tie Unitedi States fuel adminis. tration tiierefore uîîsis ihat ln the sectioni of the UTiile Staltes eist of thie Misgl>sslpili river there %hialllbe a discotinliant'C of lise-o!feil' speclteti in tlie order. lnctudlng ali t.uch as are oîîurated for hire, on v.ach S;unda>' lier.,ïittr until notificatioti 1 liai the need for such dlscontlfitiani'e lias ccased. Some Exceptions. The !oltowing exception.s are nmade: I Traclors a nd motot' truck% îein- ployéed in actîili ranspirtltion of freigt. 2 -%'lics of ctîysicians lasIin lîerfornîance orfI)rofessional dtiles. 1- Anibîllances lire apparatus. po-> lice paîrit wagons. tindfrtakorm' wag-j on, andi tont eyances itîqet foîr funer-1 ai" 4----îpalr nutis exuployeti hy tel- t-plione -md îpublic service couipaniesý F, -Motor sehîCltson errands of nece9cit>' larur-al comniintii's whpr" tr.îiispcîrlatiic2b> stî'an or eetrici- iy s îîoi asattable.ý lu addition 0tu lie a bovv. atîpeal la matde i-o, the pairiotic umen 11(j woiuî- en of Anierica. east of the Mlsmis8sp- lit river,. b underla*ie vuluniarl>' at ditional conservation lii tht' olierai- ing o!fthir own automnobiles kitere- e'.cr possible. "The t'nited States fuel admintta lion ,elievî-s that ait consumnera of gasolîne ailobservo the spirit. of Ibis request. ln Iliat usent no mnif- îlatory order governing ibs- use of gasoline ailI be.necesary." 1 desire to hioùnice to jm re»sta 1 arn a candidate for the Republiean nomination for Sherjif of Lake County, subjeet to the Prixnar- les on .September llth.- l In asking their support at the prixnary 1 amn dÔing so entirely oh my previous record as Sherifi during the one term I held that importait e,- duénag the year 1910-1914. If renomiriated and elcted, 1 shall do ail within my power "» aqain administer the dutie% of the office4inaue0mmiet and satisfactory mnazuer. I appreciate the support already gw nme throughout the county and arn wiliing to let iny previous record stand as the hasis for asking sup- port at the conhing prlimary. ELMER J. GREEN. , p . 1 ý 1

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