Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Aug 1918, p. 11

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,,IRTYVIILE INDEPENDENT. TIIIRSDAVý, I1s PAGE ~ TOOKDiJsOQWN LIU ÉItANR TItAN TELL ON H16DEIRUPS Positive Statement Made to Sun Regarding the Reason Paddy Golden Shot Self TO SHIELO HIS FRIENDS Had Knowledge of What They Were Ooing and SawSelf as Possible Witness That "Paddy" Golden, chief mas. ter t armeaia Great Lakea, for sorne years and postnvl8tCr thora et the timç of the tragedy, &hot and lilled ilimacif rather than *"peach on" orne friends hlgher Up Un connection wlth the food.scandai at the naval station, was the-poitive statemî'ft mode te- day by a man who vite close In touch wth the investigation which f felowed the reveitions that menlat the et&- tion had been- graftig by removing quantittes orf ood frorn th* ressfva- tlon and seiiing it for their own pro j1ti.'nmin wlîo nmale the above tate. nictitliîîtliîî'r adiieii hat be watt pomil i%,., iarw;coldtn himaipif never got i ilîîtar îout out "tt urating 'whicb bail -r,iriii '-iifor, uîany months prilonto ;s.ii (overy. it w"îî cnîiording totahitman, ti *i i rililn ii:iîipiîd to "get on" lu unirai o ii f hl ilier'up oficers wn îr'î'doiiîg. liitacrt -h.'wax qutti awa.rî' iiItlin dtirlie ln lt iaid io lia;i il .( o torget the flatter en- tii', 1. but tri' duty am a sailor. a iiei'nîbr îof tir. ne%>' for years, a> p.'il i tiii ii. lie new that when ili'r 111.' ttiehowouid have to ap tenir arr r141tirtîe truth which wo ld ntr it i woîîid have to Implliate men !riiitirîi ail bis evîdence lilily woritîi :"ni lonîg way 10 convîct them, 1Ii *'.un Ietwei'n duty and trlend- 1Ii'tiu1 end It ail by remov- tIr" lu rivII rom the posai ble path of P'ir ng ii) gin Iinformation against tiii "iad reîIi'cited. Bo hp took ar.i ,r andîîihobrhimsf ftragleai- 1! .rr 1 Ilru-rh ' n rining poiol oftirea 't ir n î' m rdrng nu rthe Sitn'ru in tr 'w'i' rîli rrî'î iviiing ratlher th n I. ihi. r iii", ofut sinting Iii' r un Iit iru nttAnr. unrnuîîir ahi nir-r oriiu'd e seaicil bis lips lia tii i'lit(, si n an. ;olî ti r r i,, .>iînî' i i,. tînlior tu lits de'stin, lu1 ii mu nngaoiiiraoinil ine- nink:i l tri.ii, inui'auir ii ii' i'r n r i'r ituih ili"u' inu'w atnut the ami i u Ilti,','ndrianor Iiiirit- tu i r i' iirtî.iiî..whrther t hey were ;iaii.Tialrt- i'kiirw nun'it aie goîng r n, rîiin P.i iiiipi t'rat tiîey ai;' 4ar"rt ii.fat asi, Seeinc i , " Itii iiiof t"'iig cîleut a" a w Il ti' b' ndon the' suicide routi WIIEATLESS DOYS ABOLISIIID M3TER SEPTI3MBER FIRST 1i1. ,Iic"d nti eoorSl -1,r(.i1;i1 nioin hi ir ail ài r"ýad ci'ui t' 'inwii i i îh 3 erra! iumper har. n ',r riiKilru !. an.î'nough grain 1, lr ti' Iii nit Our aii. if ail ira ilirirn a ' rictiiv n read and floun' î T , ilw zti.nntirp cmenlt ru'm tir' I r'il , au',food adtiuîsltritton tiii,.;, v Att whctess days and mitais for Amnenia are abolici;ied, but al broad used i thib country must correspond to the breaui tobe used abroad. fi Must mot euceed 80 per cent wheut. Victory FIpur Recupe. E\ lvtiripi osfor mtxing 'vie- tinu ituin r";il-- givn: k'irniii e(ti f wbî'al (tour te one Pu.r.rri ii)f tir r[l'y P ut lIý fwh".sttnurtir 0one '<piind f corn it".ir. t'. ti tiini i i rn tîii loliti to rife pou n(cil of itrh'y lour andl rne potini 'liii i lins of whcai fleur tri mot lirc'r iiin unuo pounit tf rve XV n tni Moatrcnt re whe',t or ara- larîri FI ont,îlr îiîi'niti ts coîtain ai le, rt J i . tii I n i i ii. wbeat berry. 211 Pen Cent Substituts. t ViIaer" mIii n 'i-l i ihe o iurs wiii- onit nccoi îîaîî ing rnbt i tîe. r unhir.' tanît h rai foeur t9 sold i2n î'î r 'entî.,ul)stlitit musihi'. soit enu itil' un whiSat flour andi sithrttîîtes i, ahni iîîl. Biaknrs' iread tîtust non inin irîlt cst 2f) per cent of substi- ('îîrrrntai for corn brilait should ble îItIrc ininnnisnparateiy, as its purchauni' "tIlix wî1i'at( fiu' wouxd dis;turh tliti priiîîitrt ion, utfiubtitutes which the adltîini.4tî'at totsprescnries. Othen Substtutes. If the consumer objecta Io the use uoflariu'y tr corni lour as a nuîbstitute in'iî wlî<at flour, the dealernlmay %ub- stittite, at the rate of one' pound sittlcynru,' tour pounuî. out'straight wbî'at four, teteria foeur or meal,! rire. oats. katir, milo, peanuf. beau. rptuatr swcct potato or' buc'uwheat tlluir. * Piure rye tioir or meal may e stlb- rnitui'd i the proportion of two potînds of rye rIth threp pounds of Restrictions or liakers tb 70 per cent of their 1917 wheat eonsînp- fton is reacinded, but thsy muet fo- io wthe mlixing ordera, except that In craçiacrs osly 10 per 'cent of sub- stitutes ther thau Iye 'are requireul. LIST 01 Following tg a l14t of the who registered foi, tii' Waukegan distrit Satin 24, the Young men heing bave reacbed the age of 21 Itine 5: Chbas. B. Abrabranis, An Fred A. Behnkc, N. <i Clarence iIurrim, Wauke. Howard R. -Brenton. Wîi Peter Bzowey, Waukega Augua4t G. Bengii. Wau Frank Diedzie. N. Chic lAnnamil Ekoni, Waukei Otto R. Ende, Waukega M. Cordon Perguson, Z2 Harry T. Piemming.,,V Harold V. (ilramon. Wat Hrarold B. (lriewoid, Wal Hugo T. Guiitafnon. Wai Walter (itafson. Wau Stophen Glogoviîki. N. Janres P. Horan, Antio Hlugo Hill, Waukigan. Arvid Mbander, Wauxegk MEN 45 TO.55 ALL( TO ENLISI Waiîhington. Aug. 2 that younger iet'n iay ifor more afut ive triII or mient of men betwe-en f-, bîas been approved Iîy the mient for the otdnaîilre quaricrmaster and loIiiii for certain branchesof corps. A niarriag.ýi'i<,cnri'- Tuesday ln Wanu«gàni i c1wrd f Chlca9o anld1 her fWaukegan. VOTE FOR RemNomînation to :the Leg"is1ature Primaries' Septemnber 1'l, 19 18 My Record-Three Successful Terms as Your Represenfative l . i r n i () f t1l' riiaî1 s h a 1 Fill LA ESt EST FOR AUTO un ilii' akitei F U A E T !ISTS DRI VINEi OVER iii îîdti'.ici n filiepiedsi'. ren u 1 il i i 1.iifiitr sen or REGfISTRANTSI i n i tii atNîalnid. Charles RNselPCo.I'upN1 ofil i lf,',lto o h oun lii t'iijiiî'.îi V'akcanHghways is lncensed a il l i 1- i, rS o1wiy wuP Acts of Some Autoisis Iii i , iîi'iî îra. (11 1fi itroii l; in ade A trili g i g tg îî<%î nii .iitarlui utîtegiîn. DISPLEASED AT FARMERS i i'i vrliil i înice Iitiih.I M ja i'\aînî ;, ir. 'g a k. '. . t.ILt, 1-11,\'.ir iao. Says Several Expect Pay Be- i'gal i , riiNirit atu',n cause FeldsAre Use or ukegan. M irîr .i I \.Via liîgan. Temporary Highway rrii i a a ,' i leiet'i9.,,f ça ;an. I V 'r in file mairhos:diakd'ily no ueg n. Irii' ' îîîîî Wa kegan. 1fi.1 'gril. ur 'i itir Toc Waikcgrti ir r uî i 'itsu iirîrI;.. r ý o i ii r if, i%%,,t Ixi i' t or Si siii nimili . ,' iii-argiî. .p r iini lîuaertin! I'ý - ; 1,r e I la.i i i. li,( b- Ia deailli icr :î<n ('tir hurt' Si Twrir' X 'ukîgan. Zrr i ii li u .on tCr r i, tlI flr .îîrîrrralr ,îl ii i l i xi IS week -". atikega i. 1, r i i ,liit J, Si(l iliî . iia iký i t r r i iiii a e i) lil' .î r r, 1 Th I inlnI'rs tn.~ iri m i rnsi r - ' inkegnin. >'1 ttiril ' 'iiiunni'nii aîîkeg.itt jli i s ii (,îoriling In Ch- u iri malualivtri ii i iiof ' act th aukî'llriii lon,. i ' i'iii. aiikegan. I I oi rirtr u pii ctnt l- Ctr, ' ri ... î ile '.11 îr f bOUt iitr erl arik 'gri. n. ' Xl 'tNI i r , */ioni(tiy. î1 'iec inni ite riuail r i, ., arl Ille îîîî i g i Fitit%,ip Ct WVili iiri. Z/iin iCitsV. Il, î'iu fer trahie, "rt'riîi I, X N'lr*. tF. (G. SîîN, un i iraiirpr-I.,i' .Chiucagoi. tR12 11ir.1. W'irrîlî'o iit'.i'gnn tir , , ni,înt " Pt' . i_ ni r iuia),î > iilnr n r , rr -iai'on Nîiî; 1 Ch. .XX'îîî t i i, îîî Xauk i gan. r' I i 'i nria d casi . <i. ' w:ie iru'r n îy filîrtior otf tunr i Wir Z rrrî'iîîîn WaukPiiîi. r a i îîx tuaI it 1, , :r' , ii, NIrrgarîti t en Siiiii uof (Clin- ga.o awUîn ' ' fng r, i i"'îne oîer tt flit p["r" t. ui, lova. T' Ii ir tî'ntil itrhîay. I 11tJr. litirintriS know r r1 , ,1\I i.' fi Xt i iri't'F.11(rfnis s'pcnîiing iir il r r, îî otgiî t l,' Mri. tI> ' I n rtian ifru t i r ln îni. Atioit 1 L .OWED NEW REGISTRATION DAY irrt rirlri.. hrlc', îi hilîirn.n n I!i randl iliring thei * ~~ ARMY TO ~ ~ n i"r l > kepp la stariî r1, ' i-j,î'rjîiii 'tr-ioc i 'iîiîîi weri sprvîti r NAM OBE t.>LEBRAMTII t'\rrNpe ball tak i i, hi li r do gainesîW". wiru'pli'iî'i _______________inn,. r, andri ri' Ilrt ii . r iri ,l t ri iil rr nas calleii uit r i h r' w-"nd .i nit jjd Jrosecir" lt ' -,d % ifzi o e tnuis) ai r ' r ,, , tti t.rtiîl. 'ri'ni r il r' soir ahy we sl,rhî i 'r 1t r r ,i;îar înilitacki ra a ra rt Brown. fi. fili, 'r-rr' , r lr, "'. ,rr u ii' ,iio iii' ruijtri ' ' wr î1 vI a ' ,andîl Nirti s treî'. i tiBoy.. ; a nil -' -,Ni'. ,I -ai 'l 1rI'r and' i »-r, a L'rairnd " i h Y (0 flo't liosns- iii iiT.i la tinîg in (ie ari' iîr tadait e Olre'to e war ieilar' i r t o , ý': , i ii n'reirrrrIl ift ii i fi r'r ' li iîi.' tire lia; 'The d wîîti ua' n oîît igi. 4p j ilepu ' iltii ii'r ' r.' ir 'li:T;'lS'a"i o i , . aiiothe lî" ia-- I p r 'i' un f i ,n i. ' . tInziished'd jeton't, uit ioeI i r, i lu'r. i' ir'îr ri, n i n ' rîro'i ii' td; .j . ',ii rrîýllnI iiiI l of a stri' ,f i tws 1icilili'rlr r il r r ,,'rîi'fi rIfr ~tTub . iiti '".rTii Iifiii cliriir.. i îrh was fildl 't ,i. -inh. I , i rS.i "t Ilr-1) 'nul ii ll, f htii .i r uir t1 \X'rtliîi t ;li it(] si'îir,îi riiiîg r1- Ti ,,' ' r iiri rTTi o u, n SherrîPlr r' r, i n i". cr hi' 'Iwor e îîr i irs a n oir, uni' t rtr. ,,,,rît. n 'r r:,rrnr, i r, i Z î iii; andl XX . ',rr 'ru Li, Tri lil $10,.-rm foi' thi' iel'l iUtii \ v r r t'dn'a î Âia.1i ,.l ir- lut ini alttits point i. drrîrî" di ct'i'iiii fuir'fi'e ýo ingsterii. Eighth Senatorial. District 1 aini«tanîdidate for- the îîoîiitation foir Bep- reseitat i fouîi tilie Eighith Senator-ial District, su hîjeýtt tt t t' w ()r tu tu vtters tif inyparty, as i'xpre'ssed ait the liiiar . Septeinher 11. Oti atcotit t tf ieiîîg uîlligt'd to reinaiuu at home nid attentitittutu ('uîk tonîiiv farrniend the scar- î'îtv o f farukt'li)(i-i, 'hae nit fond it possible to tal 1pil il uiitu'xuersvr>uly I Iuwev'r, 1 stand imdav, <un ail niatters of pub- lii. *tttN-, wilh flic administration at Washington. tI t iti f t ui% ce rati, w'iflitflic adiiiiuistrotion of Illi nois. iii all I iatters of iuter-est aîid importance tut fln' l",iglifli I )istirîet, flic Stafe tuf Illinois and the îîaf it un f atlr. ' 1If 'u vtîî Ieiete fliat tht experieuiu'e that 1 have n wii'~ ~ilI hc of value in these trouhlesome tinies, i id f't'tl f liat I lia ~' e ltuie mv îîtîîîosf fo honestly ivrviesetifis distiiet, I respecffully ask*your su% potrt at f lit lriîîtaî'v. Sincerely Yus Thomas E. Graham RESOLUT ION WILEREAS, This Nation is now cngaged in-a %var fti inake the world safe for dcrnocracy, and to instire sa lut.y foi- ail thae egîle to live in happinesi sund îîrîsperity, and WViI VES The diestiiiy of the country rests ini flic iaîîds of<if n îrleieader, WXV orvWil- îiitlePiesideîît tail the people, and the Unîited States ior Ainîriva, bas taken its place 111 igthle blp'ral le IIîatioîIs of the wnorld for right itîl agaîtist wiroîg, alfid XII EREAS, Otir lrsidenit ini his, great work' rol 111 lîtuitialiiv a it everla stinug lWaee', vh-n this » ~t'îgeliais corne to an honorable end, lias been m;îppîrted l bYSeiîatîs.î Jaîîîes lHamilton Lewis, of Illiniois, %%ifin aS l<'a<l('i f theinîajority in the IUited States eat lias re'eee redit upon the niatioîn anm fII util te, andi 'W l lE\S.Tut uîa.s E. ('1rahaîn. Reprçsen- fati "e fronui the Eighth Distrivt in the (Ieneral As- ' u1îv îuf Iliois as giveu(ýi bis full cooperation 'idSt il îl ut tut al admiinistratin ineasiures, and lias slîwi is Aiierieanisnî.itîvand m Democ- rav-tifall tinies. ttnd witlith bnir toii lîjnscîf and oi bis party, as ait able represcutative of th leStat', lie it therefoore RES"OI.NEV), Thait wv, the I enocratie Cen- trai ('onnittee of TLake ('qt uiit- ' regîiiy .assem- lel, do) herelîv exteiffd tutîuîîlîltv President, expîressionus of grattitilv aiîui onfidence, with the hope tlîat leie unav gî o) ' adin tfhe great task hoe lias undertaken tibia glîiriîîîis cginlusion, and b. it fîîrther tiheuý)eIIdi(l * oi iof SiatrJ. HIamilton Lewis atntI Repr-esetitaitivu'Tliiîa E. Graham, and urge tiieir ruouî atnad eleetion,' and be it further 1?FSOIXEJ). Tliat we reeomrnend Mr. John Dohertv, of Cliijeago. foi' Conmitteeman in the rtrtiiCoure'.soua 1istriet. I)B OCB\TI 'OUNTY CEN'TRAL COM, By Alfred G. Maether, Secretary. To the Voters -of the- is M--

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