Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Aug 1918, p. 12

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PM~E YOU1~ - LmETYfl~,~g.i, pti7ag -- '-~~ri14ai I) .I1J49 AMV T5'29qýW,19a . WIECON SOO LUETIES UPALL :~ "" TR1FFC 24 IJOURS - lsael, saine, 22. T. Cari 8ears. Great Lakeg. 21; <Clara Big Locomotives LockedTo Delmont,e-Buffalo N. Y., 22. gethe, Tender Crushed Peter >enarik. Kenosha, -1: Ida Undr Bggge ar, Jr., Chicago, 24; El- diera M. Nottrul. same, 31. ?urnîoaa1ss~Marie Rapsll. North CJhcago, 2) THOUANDS VISIT SCENE Ray Guilford, gaans; 2t. Chas. Dukas, Mtiwaukee, 28: Rîîby Five Steel Cars, Loaded With Smith ' Green Bay, »?.- ' es Ceai, Cruihed-Respons*I- 25; Bertha Miller. Loustville. Ky-. biiity- to Be Fixed er. .tRck.Miwakee, WauWegan, Aug. 27.11Louis F. .Johnson, Chicago, 31; Traffc en na S. Pearson. Chicago. 36. trl nhie Sec line' ws rc Chrst E. Kuregan, Miwaukee, 21; ,sumed short!3' before naon today or Margaret i-armeyer, sanie. 18. r Just 24 heurs ater a !asenger and <i . n.naldwin, Chicago, 36; Esd frelgbt train collided beadon at An-el . rni. ae 6 toecb, lune!,. JoelepiK.0'Cnnor. Chca26. 3;Ja The wrecking crew worked b>' ar .îîeeîd O'Cenn3r.Chcg,3;Ja tîicial ight througbout thp nighi _________________36. reuovýing the debris and iaying new tracke. the scene of the accident HieB bout ri quarter of a mile orth of W I I V T th ept Tetris met- on a, cuve which passes through a hoilow M NSlJ i K t or depressing. B R E ' The frelgbt englue was damagedai lsbabut the head and cab o TK N " P R l the passenger englue were demot-AlN AIE F I isbed. ot Tho tender ef the passenger en t gilew. threwu te onaeld e of the TwolAke ceuuty men are exhibli treight englne snd ais crushed un- Ing herses at the Kankakee county in der the weigbt of a haggage ca" fair this week. Ve whicb waa lbrown on top of it. 0 . W. Lphman ot Lake Villa, bas ce At 7 O'clockiat nigbt the twn en quite a string horsofe lue Ribbnns hE glues were stîi le cked lu. deadiy ln the saddle amd ld unter, classes, as gralli. The wrocking-crew puied! the Jc.i>,m R Thomoaou. oet Uberty%-tlie. ih b8ggage car in Picces ln reoaving if wellkuown restaurant man tram f*r front Its bertb alongside ot the en. Chicago. has hig entire stable her, th glne. and anîeng these are te sensationai n- J 'ust back ef the freight engine flvp brown mares. Pîreno and Regal for steel gondolas, ail loaded te the biail uhIeli Mr. 'rhompson pald $13,100 ait 9i wlth bard or softtrosi, were piled one a public auction sale held b>' the weli sa on top et the other. The track for kicnwn cabîbiter. Jameq Cax Brady da a distance.-of over 1,0 yards was hen.the latter rtlred f rom showing a tomn Up. The wrecking crew camé isat .ycar. This is hy far the biggest of Ifto JAtiocb tram the uerth se, it was rîce vver pald for a pair of hareas be long ster daYbreak taday hefore ît horsesansd *is8 indicative of NMr. had an epportunlty ta lift the ces, Tbompsaaus determInalien te head by ry trom the wreck. the the show wbere he fu Responsibliîy for the wrecck bas exhio its. thl flot been placed. Officiais scout the ilh thepry that the crew of eue englue ab warn operatins oee hur behiud tfmc. A N TO S ST18 ,rthe passenger train engineer baU 1 NJ.Ffds I v a l'et $but r.r temao for a stop at An. i NlsT00 1 ny e tiocb If la believel that ever>' paqsêv lmenger weuld bave Mt deatb for the C&àches ln which thev rade were o wood. or similar te thoge in wblcbh 95 clamas banda met deatb lu an lu-s diama wreck recently. Bracher for Counfty Treasure r Roy W. Bracher announces to the Republican votes of Lake County that lie is a candidate for County Treasurer, subjeet. to the decision of the prinary. to be held September 11th. Mr. Bracher ivas born in the Town of Warrer in '879 and lived there eon- tinvously -niI Mardi 1, 1916, wlien with his family lie movýad to Waukegan, wbere he lias sinee resided. B li as run a general store at Gurnee practical- ly ail bis life and stili continues in that business at Gurnee. For many years lie las been an ac- tive worker in the Republican party, but kias nee-r lield an elective office. Hie is not a .candidate of any political fiaction, ring or organization, but is running strictly on bis ownm ierits as a lifelonig rcp'îblicari, who feels lie de- serves well of his party- and as an up- riglit, straigit forsvard and capable bus- iiess man.. lie ple.dgeshiniseif to turn over to the county ail interest on publie funds and to run the office of trea,--er stHýitIy according to law, and for the salary fixed by the County Board. Mr. Braclier invites the Republiean voters of Lake county to look up hLs record as a citizen and buaines man and solieits their support and votes. LIEUT. COL SMITI Tin Hat is Perforated by billet or Shrapnel Showing How Owner Met Death ON DISPLAY IN WINDOW Hundredsà of Waukecan People in this Way Obtained Flrst View of Reliea OOUPÂ.4TIU P*ài~ O5A À1'I IEAXU~ AD EAGU T ~'8Ta.h~R Followlng ae .fair Priceb for f0a Ine Ukeabocounty for' the outrent Vek. as deteraalneil by the fooi d ministration. NaMea oi al dealer. belling at prices outaide et tht. range Phould b. reportnl teo0. C. Gridley. tederai foodi admtiitrator for l.*ke county. or te towushlb admJUtslto~r# Whoe Wl!! take the. proper action: ïPrepareti hi the Waukega fod administratIon. lSffative week buta.i ning Auguat :o, 1918. Bteta ltion o uatoiier àaouta pay for ti theaffieeiamod aol DM lOeaeedthse foilwins. Tb*.test tu the retalier ot each article ais» la giva.. Co.t to Retalle.. Prie, te consumer Otinutated Suger <On bulk) ........ Par 100 Iba.-18.27 M 12e "nultaed Suger (ni-lb. cartons).. Per carton-Isc 200 Uak.ry Wrapped Bread ............Per lb. loa-831 lot White.. Plour ......................Per 1-8 barrei 1.50 1.55 1.55-1.70. White Plour (in bulk) ...... ...... Glb.-33 NY. Pleur (in baga).......... ...... 5 ibs.-33c q *Y* Fleur ...................... Per 1-9 barrel-81.40-.70o $.1 $5s vJ...... rir. ........ ---. a- z .30 The second German heimet te j Breham -Fleur ................... 5-b. bag-32e reacb Waukeganf during tbe thst 10f Sarfy Fleur...................... Pur 5-15. bag-32c days arrived lu the city Jate Tuesia> *Y* Fleur.....................5-1b. a-' atternoon. it was a reliceoftheicRic. Fleur ........................pur 11111-11-12e wsr sent tô W. J- Iteditor oet (Unde- the Preideut'a proclamation ---fanera ua the Sun, by Lieut. Coi. A. V. Smith, aumers muet bei witb eaisNoud ef wbite gour a pou secod lucemsnd f te 14tb titute. Consumera àhuve obholee ofcornia..coun %te secod lncomand f te 14th ominy grits. bafleyfteur, rie. rie@ SaUt. mtasee ,ru Pield,.Mrtillery lu France. Attorney wbeat lour. patatoe leur, aweet potate fCour, goy bei BienjamiUn Parmalce received a slm. toria tours and uais.litre leur la soet wdedi .lar helmet from Col. Sitb h pe vYtleW. Wb"sdee laya aga. The helmet received by Nîr. Smith Corn Ment (wilte bulk)............. Per 100 Iis.-46.?li. sa et the reg, -ation type. it weighs Cern Me&# <yellew bulUt>.. ......... Pur 100 lb. -i.i6 two Poundsansd ten ouates. A bu!-,450',, (wheleý lb.-34c, et or ahrapnel liais threugh the top of Ut indtsates the manuer Inuwhlch baon <est grades),... ..........Per hb.-48c the owuer met death. Sacen <rnodltàn grade,> ..........Pet lb.--ift The belmet was carefully wrapped Bacen 18que-es <whte).............Pur lb-300 ln helas> burlap. It waa net accom- panid b a ltte a.the act lnLard (boat grade s srton)......... er th.- -:;lc eonnection wlth the obtaiuing ot the Lard <bullt) lb. JOc helmet la net kueva, but Iuasucb Cheese (fuit cream eut te erder) old Fer as thausands et Germans lie deasl an Chasse (full creum, eut te order, new) Fer 5b.-26t the battief ieli visere the lIOth b l ab(ulreaa"q ..... 'P b-5 prssing torward fit îspresumed that heb(uU'eattO>.....rl.-5 be helmet was taken tram a diea Prumee (50 o60~) lii.-14c lun. Prft <(00 ta0)..............Fer lb.-13C Because there are thouansds at peo)- prune, (0te 1001)................. er lb-lc le la Waukegan wbe probuly ~nover Hem.ny................... 100 ,a-72 saw a Ceranan belmet the -Sun ta- a>' phcetl the relie au exhibition i lu e(tanay)....... ............. et 1010 lbe.--411.50 aIront wlndew. It preved a source Nie.o<(Wu*., 100 lhs.-I$9.oo tf much curiosity and a large n um' eTnvhand picked).......... er 100 Iba.-Sil ber et people stoPped ta gaze, at il. 5111k ( Qrades)........180 Tbe belmet cIa-el>' remembics s der- by bat witb the *hrlm turned down. 5111k (medium grades> ........... ..17o salde are thick pads wbich prevenit 511k <evaperated, net sweetened) . ..Il 1-29 te direct presure from comlug Ou lutter <creamery, extret, bulUt)- -..484 the bead or the wearer, sud also te (On@ cent hlgher Un cartons thar ila tube) iborb the abock lu case tbe heiniet s truck hi a bullet or by shrapnel. 8ttrifle (standard grades, cartons). Pet lb.-31c An ordlnary piece et hemp cord l891A Buti». (standard @rades. raSis) -... Per lb.-2se ttached te the sides of the helmet. Saitterine (medium) relie andi Sult. .Psr lb-Sac. ddently te boid Itlnl position. am .(etqoctly limai, candled)-..Dozen-48c - -Petate s new) *tiO lbs.-$3 ÏTATION DUTI//S LIMITED TOSI 14ONTiIS BY SECY. ln there Longer to Se Trans- ferred to Other Stations October First EW ORDER 15 ISSUED Ikies Compelled to FUiIOut Form Which Gives Date of iheir Enlisiment Me NE Jai Ail men who have been an the Nav. al station fer a periad er six manthi, Or Over on October 1, 1918, wil! bc trausterredte t Camp Luce. for fuzth er tranater ta ses. uniessae special rcquest for their reteuîion le madie bY tbe departmeut bead, or regimen.ý tei COMMnder la appravei by tbe district commandant. This aneuncement vas madie Tuesday iu the form of au order le- sued b>' lieut.-Commiancter C S. Ro. berta, e,,ccutive olîeer. The Order means that ail eulisteti men,.lwhbtiber regtlar or reserve. vil! beshlPPed ta se, ou Octaber let or upon the completien of six menths ete>' eu the station. A form whlcb le prluted herewtth n&Y t4 obtelueti by headji ef departinents for req'îests for holding men ou the station for a longer period tIa, six montits. lien wh, ara heiti over by the gr&ntUug et aucb requests by tMe district commandant are eligible for onlY six mnthe longer et station du- ty, or a total et 12 menthe. Te ro. taiu a min longer than 12 months permission trou the bureau et navi. gatien ja neeffla,-y. Form Fer Retentlen Foilowing le the. form which wl!! ho noeeearT te Proe ta order that a r6que8t for holding a mean longer han ai81!11f101t]118m11Y ha madie: Dat.etfreperting fer active duty OUrname..... ics-....Second Teniparary Rate RPrmaent Rate 16glment er OCprtmont...... Referrlng te Bureau et Navigation lettor, 50.18, authority la roquested te retaie this mon n e hortdu l eaces. et six me«tha. i4i(ty nd the neceulty fer retl&,Ilng hlm are as feliows: S Sgned............ Appreved: IBY direction ef the Cmmadgns. F 0)D EMONSTRA. TION MO VUSTc USç Tomrrw the oM demouatration ,hidi issa enjoyedti bree suocestul* dlays at Ibe MeAlster sclivI flI b. 09pc-Ied at the Motber etof eC' 81ev. enian Parachlsi sohool fer Tenttb at. Fr. -,zb% làtp venu. 1lrs. M. J. Kalovaki, bas taon lu leber8e Ibis week and abs bas been lavlng atreeon the. meeti sud the value etf 5ufls glvn eacb day on eauuing wltheult. suRir and d ying Ifr.Iîs anti vegotauîca. Vters Eighth Senatorial- Districi at stu ante.- a. alpUitute fer le 38C 64C 440 37e 409 43e, lae 150 6elb. D3e Ir. 16e 150 pk e 5 b. 5 C. C, AMES Candidate for the Nomination for SHERIFF * epubican'Ticket, ln the Primary --IÊeeton, Wednndy, Septem- * ber 11, 1918 Chester C. Ames was borninh Lake coun- ty, Illinois, and has lived here al his life. Re is engaged in farrning on bis own farm at loages Corners, Warren Township. He has longebeeiý identified with the, agricultural organizations of the county and is well known to ail farniers. The election of Ames will meani a fair and square administration of affaira iu the office of Sheriff. *If you are in fav'or of a man who wil do bis duty to his county,- state and nation, VOTE FOR AMES I herc-bY anîlotince mY-seIf as a 1?eptîhli-m an:ididal for the J4ow-îr Hotîse oftfhlce(î-îîi,\,,(,liv Anthe, tel-iî sil t-onifflete we -% . to' oiîiiiiiiî -rý,- tYva l t -v% -i v e ft - this distr-ict, anîd I have lookedti o tlîat tttiilllll(.ilt svitl somfl1 Itrust, I)aî-tlmtible, Itelsolial i i(lt. li 11t, i t inmportant is the fat-t that e' have wishe-d ti, aid ioi' tti Lowden in 1115 endeavoî- to mîake inotis a îwî,c lit place to lis-e in afteî- tlî boys conte hoîîie fî't,î tht- wai-. In eonne-titn ssitlîni.% re-or-d tlî-Ieii;tit tt-' League said recetllv: 'Edssard 1). S-iiii-tIîýfl,ijît't tive (Rep.) ; svs (.iovelnriî oisverns floto,~lt.î,liinî the bouse. flad it ntt tet for lus efft,î-s it is îîi1ik ,.I vt liat the (i.evernior's admîinîistrative code bill1 -,,îld Iî;î >. eci passed. H-e tel îsî-d appointitîîeit as hlîad l'a 1 ahlulse (im. inittee and gave inost of his tiîe to fi-tlteiiiitheif'îsg Gos'ernor Iove said at Wt,,tlstik, tjli lît 1917: "1I want to say a svord abotonet,)f t c 1zi~ want to take advantage of his absenc-t-4ttas'. 1I itc Eidsard D. Shiî-tleff. 1I vaîît voit î~h l.,lini c0 jj ty to reelize that, <Iuring the îMescîlt ndiitit i it ir. Shurtief was mv rigit arrn; al dîîî-iiîig tht liaý).iiiîîg ýt fl administration code hie .vas %with nie anti wtti;kttl ztt ,s1 .and effiientiv. I dîtî't kîow wlatlI oultîhl li;îýv'dtoue witliothim; I amnconfident that rîesîîts wotît ltiave been wbat they svere. And, wliether- se have peat-- er Nar, I want tt3 say ttt voi t tîple ltere tliat v*o Iii5it t) ici-mil i not tf e e anîdidate fttî-î'e-t-le-îiiutas 1 ii h eliard miglitlbe the case." have lad iimierotîs -otfeîit-ers wiî h ( ct, eîttînor -den since that time as to thc progî-am lite is tîiîîiii- tb work 'out in "correcting, revsing and advaneiîîg flic .\thiiinis- trative Code," in "Revenue Matters" in "Cttîi ctie matters;"--in a "'Newv Election Ljaw,"-.tîcl in an e4ffort to get a "NEW STATE CONSTITUTION," andti ft> e-p make Illinois a better place to live in foi- ail ifs el. 1 feel that the electorate of titis distrù-t kîion m uce stand on public mattera, andth I e ;evic-es 1 have ptî-fttin- ed, so that I need not restate tbern. I expe<-t to vote for the National Amendment. Acampaign is being niade against tnie, pi-etetîiitîg to be friendly, eoneeding my nomination and eleetion, and insisting that I shall have many votes to sparv. If this ad- vice shouid bcecarried to its logical conclusion, 1I woid have no votes at al. Their purpose la to peî-siVide thte vot- era that they are friendly to me, tînt I can lie no",îiaated and eiected'witliout votes, anti that "ean issue"7 cails for another man. I earnestiy solfcit the votes of eveî-y Repuhuir-ai in thO_, district who believes I sbould lie returned,-and evem- at j that it la more than probable 1 will have none to spare. Tbanking you sincerely for youî- support and confi- dence in the past, I arn EDWARD D. SIIURTLEFF, r ~ ~i ~ ~-' r, Marengo, 1-lin i-li 1 -- 1 -1 1 36e 84L ne, 5ic LI:BERrnr=,,

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