- LmERTYVIÉM INDEPNDUNT, TRjuIISDA&Y, AUGUST,29, 1918 CIAS. De PROCTOR Writ. ailH ini of UINSURANCE Fire, bite, Accident and HeathapIato Glass, ta. tomoble sud Worktng. man'@ Compensation. See fhmn Befôre Placis*g Your Insurance Phone 164R :-z Uhertyville, 1II. Over.Dockers DregStore WELL DRILLING va wMa yen te "rte te ns. AUSIIERMAN, & DOLAN ZON CITY td Pies.173-W -. BAIRSTOW Meuble and Granite Monumenis ,"1mctery Work of Ever. Description Correspondence soJIcited 16Genesee St DR- f- L TAYLOR OMuin Fit Nationsi Bank Building UOWVII:-1 tO :80 and 7 tuo8p.m. udi.au ubS n Broadway, opposite Parg DR. GOLDING DENTIS'Y Hous 8 *12 a.m.-l to ôp.mý. Over flirl National Bank olue Phone 19-J. Ra«. Phone 157-j. Uàbevtvtlie. Illinois DREL IL SMITH, DENTIST. utaLAAIOUNTY NATIONAL 5A5K. "«g--B tc 12 a. M. sud i tua p.. DAILY. CNAS. N. STEPlIENS, M. D. PHYSICIAN a" SJRGEOS< $0sbeû titon Iee othe dhsam ci ofthe3p ]Ey., Ear. Noe, TIneat Brus ezamlued for laise U eoer ose.Co, Tlroi is e ryie MR.0O.F. BUTrERFIELD. VWERIIYABY. SURGEON" 411111ANT ITATZ T5rUIUÀO5. Uibertyvlies. Illinois. ELHANAN W- COLBY Attorney-at-Law Oeuna Home, Cook Ave. PhonplORa USERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS LYELL H, MORRIS ATTOBET-*T-LA W * Libertyville Illinois Luce Bul1idin au. Phone 111-x. once Phone is PAUL MAC GUFFIN. &VTORY AT LAW. * Ubmrtyvtie,Ililinois MARTIN IC DECKER '.TTORNICT-Al-LAW 807 Washington Street ~ UAKRI3N, - ILLINOIS Office Phone 848 Res. Phono 1860-R - -oUu'r FRED & FUEL CO. RAY N. SMITH Libertyvfle. E. NOTICE. ,A"Uncemen t t hereb)y maSo Ibat bo olong ut the primary ballots le di%.d at a Prîmary Elpeeion ta tue = 4u &k l eCounty. hIlinois, on Mer Ay, lAie eleve.ntit day oetSe:) e . i.), 191S.,liy the reepectilue et#"5 w-I lie as follaws. lblcan Party-Whitc-. Ogbratic Party--Oreen. 11ee11lWst Party-aPinX. '»Me the 2MIL day Of August . A1D, ISEW A. 1fF.NDEE, Coanty lerk. I1 Dly IIl W'dy Walter Schmildt, Miwaukee, 42: tais anSdnstlttis bobind the Unes.q Bierthia Braunti sanie, 40. About 10 per cent go lntt> boaS sur-1 Jas. R. Hendrlcks, Great Laites, 24: gery, ten per cent Into Roentgenolo-d Marie Howard, Chicago, 24. gy, n5 per cent lon general sargery. Thos. T. W. Clari, Chicago, 34: another ten per cent Ato cardiovasu- Frances Prost, Qulncy, 28. lar practice. sud go on. The propor- Erwin Lndemann, Milwaukee, 21: lion of men assigneS to any givpn Florence Parka, sanie, 30. brench la e erm!nod liy the nieS for Melville D. Marris. Chicago, 43: epecIalisto ln that line. Mary Thompson, sanie, 38. 0f course, Il bas not been possible Cirroîl C. Taylor. Prince(ton, .,1 M1: ln train ln the fashlen ail of the pby- Dora Ploliner, sanie, 32. sit an7, In te Medical (ernas Th- John Crosb.r, Kenesha, -'1; ltuby need ea.isolîre.sing tbat înany hau Lewis,cane, 24. te bie taken dtrectly ont1 of civil lite Earl Buerosse, Milwaukee, 21; anS glevn a unitorm. Il ls the par- Juanita Hunt, sane, 20. pote a! the sulrgeon generalae staff te Albert Fuhrrnan, tÀavalle, WAs.,. 19; do tis ias 11111e as possible In the Zoa Robertson, Holscb, Minn., 26. future. go that the officers n the Med. Albert E. Ranithan, Milwaukee, 27; IraI Corps may ail have a knowledge Rose E. Duminer, samie. 28. et mitary technique. Edw. R. Fischer, Great Lakes, 21; Marie Tierney, Chicago, 19. Martin Lanesar, Racine, 35; Ne,,,-e %INGEIi NE IIW Thompson, -came. 40. aiIîK il 154Y George Pi.strin, Milwaîîkee,25 ; AI- vina Gainper, Medford, WAs., 21. A T EalC.Lewis, Great Lakes, 21: À TO LAWS BEINGi Violet M. Nelson. Northt Chicago, 20 Arvil Skog, Chicago, 26; Leone Boksai.26. ENFORC3D IN STAIL Luicas P. Scbtlmueller, South Chii____ cage, ?8; Irene Enders, St. Louis, Mo. 3.Henry Berndt, Milwaukee, 32; An- Children Under 16 Are Forbid- nRaabe, same, 38. den to Drive Cars-Must Ja.W. Nilroy, New York, 38; Jane Dim Lights L.Dirkson. Milwaukee, 34. ____ 5111Se E. asMlaue, ort Automtobile owners anS drivers TIl; eý Steiyt, Mîwake.1. should Inform themselvps about sev. lt-i-yRsy Fot Smith, Ark . 2f,. oral new state laws that went inoet- lIse Sbrpckengaust sanie, 16 fetdJaly t. ànd tlierehv save tpim- JIas. V. Steadhans, Chicaze. 21; Jan, selves front posïible omibarra-s.nient llenry, Waukegan. 20. If tqken n liy the fuel police. .ao Ii leadlightg must t,, immeS or ex- Thes. Parry, Zion CitY. 20; Nani ingulshed wlthln 200 yards ef an Quint, saine, 18. approacbing vehicle, evervwhere ln John 1ogarty, C'hicago, 21; Eniti'y the st.ate, an the country- road, as~ welt 13aumnthardt. cane," 18. as on the citY or village streets. A Michael F. McCann, Cimtridge, heavy ine ls the penalty for fallurs- Mtass-, 22; Elva D. Freeman. Milwau'.10 Sdoso. . - kee, 19. The law wlil L1 malt neceseary for Ray W. Blatz, Racine, 24; C,adys the ewnera et the cars with gas lamp. E. Apgar, sarnie 25. ta eqalp their cars wlth morne effec- Afred Crossley, Waukegan, 26: Emn-ltve dimmers for the lîghtis o- le ha% e niy Johnson, same i'. 21the car equipped for electric tliths Rudolph Traeger, Great La-.es, 2.; that miay lie SImmed. Agnes Grosch, Milwaukee, 20. Il s now agalost the, law for anY Chas. F. Borkenbagi-n, Kenostia. 2,); Persan ander 16 yoara et age le Florence Nelson, samet 23. drive a car, the fine being from $10 En-mn Middliton, GreatL aktes, 2'to $25 for suy person who perslts th, ,liai' Jackson, Russîaville. Ind., i!.~ chilS te drive. The law aIse forlitdu Prank G. Schntnîeyer, Siwboygan, gay porson ander 18 years o! age 26; lleanor MuvIler, Clt'veland, xvi-., froin drivlng unless on.- et the par- 21.A, enta or guardian lie n the car aI iti' a Cotus(amr 'Milwaukuee, l ime. Helen LipskA.ane, 26. Any porson who n any way tam- Peter Binnauter, Lake Forcst, 41. Pers wlth a car standing at the cîjîl, Mary Stetanesk, saine, 47. 1 1il subJect ta, a fine of $200. This wilI Jos.eph S. Walden. %Iilwaukee, 4- ; gve the car owneresalime protection Neill@e Parker, aitme, *3 front those who woald attempt te Howard G. Graves, C'olumbus. n, teal thecar anS whenstoppeS haie 29; Anna M Buirgert New arko 0 the excuse Ihat they luet w'snted te JulAus Nickel, Town ef Vernon, 80byi ok,"o wa ufr Olga Martin, Chicago, 22.eut levers do." The new Iaw sets a fine o! $200. six monthe ln jail. or bath, ton havlng ln ones posseeson a car ln whlch tlie TRÀIIN6 OCTO S manufacturea number has been re. Smoved or defaced. If pou want te hbuy a useS car now you belter lie sure FOR HE U S. RRY of the saleamo-ne right laoilIlb. -I dîdult knaw t was a stolen car" will IS NOS14ÀL TA Ç no longer hoe a good excuse. &WI The rates for stale automobile il- ceuses are te 1e boosted 50 per cent n18xt, ear anS anther 50 pier cent ln- First Man KiIIed and First One crosse vill lie maSo Jan. 1. 1920. Wounded Was a Member These tees wll aPPly tow»rd the. Of the Medîcal Corps for the canstratlUofo over 4.000 milescOf ceaS roadslu the stato. GO tNTO NO MAN'S LAND NRHC4rAOPSE Are the OnIY Soldiers Who Go NEW CURFEWORDINANCE mieThee Hzarous Thei' lty Of North Chicago Monday Places with ne Detense nigitt p.sssed what la declared by promotprs ;of il WlaeLgu Ttie flirst 1'lled States soldier to In Waukegan anS North Oldeago, tu lie klled ln th" ver and the 1iret te lie a perrfiel t Curfewrdinaruce. Il lie woanded wcre baihln the NIedtraj bars fiti children ander the ag. af Corps This tact must have Impressed 1- froni atsPearing an the sîreots ai lte American pe>ople witb the - itightl hit 1,dedanS dby girl velfare presseS ri.«ks wh.Irh are taken liv verkî ns that the ordînance lasusper- army dootons. Before we ent,'red thî er 1 tlîe oné in effect lu Wsultogan. war the bravery sud sacrîfic,- of itiei It %%a-s Sawn liv ClIt' Attorney Max IraI offcers at the front lud probabîs Prp-Yzhorsl. A copy of 1the ordlu.anco bep-ntlu) littie aUipreciated. As a iîts l'en sent to W&gbingt>n w-th a malter of fart, te offileers and enliai- reqiesi tlit Iliilar ordinances b'ý îeS mon ln the medîcal corps are the Passed n ail catitonient cilles. Real Estate Transters A ue. 17, 1918 Mathw Sioit and wife te Cee. and MiaryUcar S 40 ft lot 4, block 12, M. Kays Second Add., Wauiegan, WD. $1,000. Julia Beweradont and hushband te August Krau.", lots 3 and 4, Sbaws Long Lake Sub.. WD, $1,200. Curoline NI. West and husband to Minou' Kozel, lot on west side Sheri- dan Road, N of Block 1, Crockett's Sali wauh' gan. WD, $1. Aug 20, 1918 Anna Drago and htishand to S. L. Carfitld, lot '3, blnck 2, Battershaît's Sub., Grays Lake, WD, $125. E. E. Luliq anS wl!e ta Lydia E. A. Johnson, lot 2, bleck 1, hindenhurst Add at Ingîsside. WD. $500. J. G. Brown and wife la G. P. Lant dry and wite, part lot 1, block 1, Sayles' Sali., Foi Lalte, WD,- $10. W. G. Nagle ta G. P. Landry and wife, lot 15, block, 1, Marvin's Sali., Fox Lake ,%Wl),, V$0.' Lake Ce. State Bankktb John Sher- win, lots 17 and 18, block 1, Ward & Divers Sub., Northt Chicago, Wl), $14,500. Aug. 21, 1918 iH. C. Edwards ta F..-L. Simons and J. E. Broo. yart Lake SE 1-~4W 1-1 Sc,1,E. Antioch Twp.. QC, $1. Helga A. Stabell te Grace 0. Lund- strom. lot on East Shore Druce Lake QCD $1. Aug. 22, 1918 AIex Osling and wlte to L. F. Yena lots 20 and 21, block 5,. Lonox Sul). North Chicago, WD, $4.600. A. U Erlcltson ta Samsuel Slade, lot 3, Ericissons Sali., n block 68, lHighland Park, WD, $10 A. C. H. Croqer ta Lilîtan H. Beall. N "4 lot 13,.block 21, Lake luff, WD, $7.0. Master In Chanceny te Jennie Mew- ers, lot 8 (ex. E 50 tt.), block 7, Ex- moor Add.. Highland Park, $2001. Aug. 23, 1918 John Madruh sud wife ta Ben Els, enherg sud wlfe, lRt 15 and S V), ft. lot 1, Waukogan Highlands, Northt Chicago, Wl), $1,000. MÂRRIÂQES LICIN¶ES. only soldiers who go mine No-liane Land with nu defense. whatever, The tireless work on th&.-IYattie field of the stretcher bearera, ait o!f m are in the medicai corps, Is full çflj danger. No profession bas volunteered Ils services te the countriy more gens r- ously titan the medîcal profession. About 24,000 physicians, or nearly on-fourtii of the ligible physicians of the' country, have expreased thelr willingness to resIgn prs4lice and go to war. Some have already recelved their training and havi gone ta France. Some are walt.lng to bie rail- ed, anS about 2000 are now 'a the camp. recelvtng the speclal Instruc- tion that wlll fit tbem for à mlltsry life. ~'lîen a physiclan recclved word that his 011cr ta loin the army bas been accepted. hoieslaordered tb re- port for duty at one of the two train- lng camps where army surgics.l stchoals are located. One la at Fort Riley. Kans., and the other Is at Fort 0glethorpe, Tenn. The doctors l'..- n barracks at theso camps, just like any soldier in the national army. The complete course of training which they tîndergo laits three montbs. The iraI monthh la givenonerte teaching tlsem the sIn»,le rules an.d routine of mlliary discipline. They learn to, drill snd ta command corn- panies cf men, and tbey study tbhe organization ofthe11.army and tbc tunctlous of its different parts. Dui- lng the second manlh they occupy themselves wllh the speclal dutipa af medical officera. They're tauglit how a field hospital s run, how hospit.tls are managed behind tbe linos. and th.e new conditions and problemas iclh contrant an army on the Europ- Pan battle fronts. Darlng the third month they concentrato upon corne special bm-nch o! medical work. Some are specialists in X-ray phoîography. some In heafi surgiry, and othera In the varions other departments of medicîne and surgery. About haIt of the graduates of theste camps are sent away for er vice 1 nîhe front linos. The men pick- ed for this are the younger mon and those who are more rohust anS able to wlbhstsuid the necossary bardshipa. The rest go Into tht1 different bospi- Plu NOTICE TO TH ULIC: A "TATEMENT EV -TeE OFFICEItS 0F THE Studebaker Oil &.Refining Company W E would not permît our Dames to lie used nor a4viio our trienS to joîn us lu Ibis Comnpany,se wr bars doue, unl&s wo baS lully completed ur Investi- galions a inS beS obtaned coptroI af actual pruducing ait prop4rtfee. 'To tb. mairwbo eau afford ta lavent, w. belleve vs are offsrng au exceptional op- portulîj; w. theretore an. bssltatiugly recomïnond thesoebanie b our fMouds aud acqaaintanco."1 Slgned., CLEM. W. STI2DEBAKER A. 0l. STIIDEBA RER P, E. STUDEBAKER DO YOU KNOW that the. propertîes controlled by the Studebaker Oil & Rcfining Company bave a production now of about one-half million a year? DO YOU KNOW that the Studebaicer 011 & Refining Company is destined to be one the Saf est and Best Dividencl-Paying Oil Concerns?- DO YOU KNOWi DO YOU KNOWi BIyJones LWRIGHT X. PATTERSON. that the Governmen-yesf the whole world muet have more oul? that Bankera, Manufacturers, Farmners and Business men-large and amnaîl are rapidly taking up ibis stock? t E ti ti d if BlllY Jones--maybe Your son Or lhe son -of a neighbor-waJ In the front Une tronche. in France wlîen the Ger- man bomblng l)erty was driven bacit. ie enthusam tu, gît the Boches car, lied hi, over the top of the trench, and at the edgç of No Man'@ land a Hun ballet toi hlm - Aecomrade--maybe your boyi-Cr&wi. ed out futo No Man's 1and and bronght Blly Joune ack ta the Amelîcali tronche.. Other conraden carrled hlm back through the maze ot tronches toaa dressing station, where hie wound waa cared for. A medical departmoent ambulance carried hlm ou ta the field hospîtal. From there Billq Jones was taken te th1e base haspîtal, and thero a RIed Cross nurse-yaur Ried Cross nurs*- la tenderly, carefuily, smllngly nursing hlm hack ta hoaitb agaîn so 11151 'e may net have ta pay the extremao sac- rifice tilat we-that you and 1 and our nelghbors--may enjoy the blessings of freedom. There are hait a million of the«e boys of ours in France today- and mare going 'over there" every weekt. They .are there ta wage the iupremb c&nflict of the world wllh the brutal. farces of autocracy filet democraci. aur heritage, may not perish. We want these boys of ours ta came@ bck ta us, and itle the Rted Cross mon and womon-our, Red Cross mon and woeneii-who whll brlng thousands of thens back who would not otherwlse corne If our dollars wll but keep thi, thore ta miuter ta these boys af aurs. They are but dolng for us whst we uamt do for ourselves. À SCORE 0FREASNS FOR TIE REBCROSS It Is Playing a Big Part in the War for Democracy. What does It mean to you la know that your Amerîca lied Cross: la supporUIng 50,000 French children. Sonds supplicesta 3,423 French iiiii- tary hotipitals. Provîdes 2,000 French baspltals wlth surgicai dressingi. la Operating 30 canteeni aet te front lhue. In oip&érting @siother canteens. fut French ralway junctions, servlng 30,00) French soldiersa n tly. Operates s movable hospîtal lu four units accommodatlng 1,000 men. la operating a chlldren'î refagoîin one part of the war zone, and ln anothor a niedical center and traveling dis- pensary, both capable of accomma- datlng more than 2,000 chlldren. lias oîwned a long chaîn of ware- bouses stockcd wlth hospîlal sup. plieig food, soldiors' comforts, ta- hacco, blankets, etc., ail the way from the seaboard tn the Swise froîîtler. lias warelouse capaclty for 100,000 tons. lias 400 niotor cars and oporat's seven garages, maklng ail repaIrs. lias shlpped 46 freight car loadi of assonteS supplies ta Italy from France wlthln two weeks aftor Il began oporatlng lu the farmet' coun- try. RiaS a battery of motor ambulances at the Piave front four day'i after the United States dçciared war on Austria. Started a hundred different aclIvIiee ln ltaly et the lime that nation was ln its moet critical condition. Blas ostabllshed fdve haspîtals lu eh land and operales a vorkshop for hospital supplie$ euploYlsha 2M0 isolen. And thal 120,000 cases of supplies have bien recelved aith11e Parie headquarters of lt.he Aeean Red Cross fren your varlous chapters citered thsoughout th1e United' Blâtes. Whit dmeail fills meen le, yoli Anid 1 have taIS you but a fraction of 1 the work pour Red Cross hasdone sud te dolng. it means that without fille ceaseless, herolc wari af the; American lRed CroMswî cbuld nevet Win Iisewur.j Wlthouî your Red Cross tliomsudi lu Ru-ania would bave stas'd 110 death. Wllhout your Ried Cross Itftiy woiiid never havi realized 11181 POWerfil 90>p port of the Uniteds tatu lu lhe bout orltbo your lRed C"osstiieueau of French 'saldiers now E8l1ltil1%sgb lut fe ou et the ie ntS oulS bffe dled of wounds, ipo.ur sud lack Of food. But nDowew@mu«l anlredouble eut efforts and saeifices for our fl Crffl becauue-a million muitber5' 50ons5an birng 10 carry the sutaad a5tip t. the greatest vlctory GoS bas 011 glven te inn fighting for hacor an" lberty. Wllh the belp or pour Red Cross Four boy wllwn IL By making use of the North Shore Parcel Dispatch, you can order împlements, suppli25 and provisions over the 'phone early in the morning and can gel delivery the samne day by urging prompt deliv- ery to the station. In any event, deliarery is aasured witbin 24 hours. The North Shore Parcel Diapatch replaces the Adams Express Co., which is n'O longer operating on the North Shore LUne. QuiCk deliveries, low rates of transportation (less than express rates) 4prevail and make this the convënient means of buyingeconornically in the city, and of obtaining merchandise- quickly and dependably' at low transportation cost. For further t-foresai<o*affly ta nearemit icket office of te NOR THISHORE UNE Chicago Ticket Office 371 Souh Clark LieS »n. ,central em j Milwaukee Ticket Off ice IV S8.,.d Ser.m Pt.... OrnAiIUA i that you can gel Studebaker Ou & Refining Shares now ($1.00 per share) upon moat liberal terme, but you mnuet act quickly? Our Investment letter contains a full report on thîs Security. Send for itl It wjiI pay you. DO YOU KNOWi AI>l)lESS ti L %QIIlES 7'0 SECURITIES TRUST COMPANY 10 South LaSalle Street CHICAGO, ILL lILLINOIS SERtIAL No. 16M4. These èecuritiés bave bie.n appruved l'y thI)l.-artns-nt ut Stat- ,il îlînols TE SECRETAR! OFSTATE l>OE8 NOT RECOtIMEN> THE Il lit HASE OFi ANl E' ltf F FERED FORi SA LE. FATMERCHANDIE CRRII SERICE Delivery Within 24 Houri By NORTH SHORE PARCEL DISPATCH Every little while an emergency arises. The tractor breaks down - repaira are needed for the automobile, or for a machine or implement. Work stops until you gel theý thing you need. You cant afford always to go or send a mani. Labor is scarce and ail hands are needed. Purchase by Telephone