MAII CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CLERK Subjeot 'to the Frimnaries-,of the Republican PU.rt of September 11, 1918 Beng alligned wiîh no *ring" or "facti on" in County Court House politica; 1 arn out to wîfl thîs nomination on the platform, "A Business Man for the County's Busi- ness." 1 pledge an administration free of Al politic8 in this office.,and my record of 20 years as a business man w;iI make good tbis pledge. 1 solicit the support of ail the people for thîs nomina- tion. L. J. YAGER t- lît it-" t woIi i ii- a 1VEIGIT AND YET l:,Y-r Ii--;ni- r ' ; n ts CONSERVE t tn lit-id 'tps. '-athat up, but per ti 'ti a- '-lt-t- I I gi foi t. ttil t.aittriri r t-ut-' r - Saving in Bread and Meat at t I(ilrof uhe 'nteuv 'it'o Great Lakes Toid by One i; ea ,uiata hii tIti- Month's Report a x , epn AMOUNTS TO $5,000 FLEAS, OR MAYBE ____ - 1'fh'rc' firiuàt nr Stili Jackies Claim they Aret the Best Fed Men in the World Tiere "n-at Lakea Jtîckie t'. au ltigl exampte tIraI it 1la posible ta gaba a. s. n ;oiiais 4mînthi>'lta us. gtt unî sti conserve food Tis i. thr.-asr. îgi ain ulutne ii- new ecrulî s ju.4t omn tf d.tii-t ion camp, but evea tire seasoneti "gol)" bardty 1hou'.-. tînt] r-tant ithtt(ri tt Laite Naval Trainia g stalan froua March ta ,Iuiy o!ftr. yean sasei a trifle oser $5,000. duuly ouittl f uada ebowed tbem for thein geacrai mc -. or "rhow" a., it lamore tamillani>' kaown la tire navy. This saviag vas enlirci>' in bread anti meutItire two articles utftootd tira cllian popuation Iras been urg- edte tconserve. 'iViti ounewife rouit! teet bes famt]>' on es tran 41 cents a day pet perion' yet iis la exact)>' whai la douen. tthir'-(eat Laites Naval Traltu- Ing statin.a andi eser> une af tire 48,- O00 Ment W;11 Ietity thltit 1s "soims chaw." lac. Semnple Menu. If you dont beleve ih bere 1 a -amn pIe dais mu au taken fnom a recfýnh menu canti forAtie wekli BREAÂKF'AST. SoftIboit etiegga Roltet oat'. Fresir fruit Birenad, huiler anti coffe 1i INNER 1t.leii pork anti heunaý Oatsup Cuiffpe .cake Fr-ah fruit i-ad, ,t tuer tid cittits SUPPER Iii tf 't-mu uitlirdîurlplinga Appte itutter tait tca TireruanSunaiYs te tboys une given a ltte star in atire furaiof pie on ice li-riet1r,' l a -saniple Sun- day menu, wtit-hetr' piete de esia- ttin-îapinc. lth tiilit tho'olaie ipie. BItA KFA ST, Frîil ,park satîsuge Mtigras>' 1u1-0 .idptatoca F.ît ttî fruit DINNER. Cîuuhdul (1g-,vu' Mtaai'-d potactis Cne'amet ipens Chocrnlie pie Breaîd, iîlit I-r nuit coffi-- SU pp i: Lunclcn mt.i Conrtinuntioîttsuttuti E'rtiti ptatoes Fnsl fruit Bread., itter andt ea Ea-t Wha1 They Want, Variotîs s titri for canaer'.ing tooti ane ta opeatitt t a te reut Lakia, hut the geaeri tpinion among cana- inssar>' stesuardl-outail ith' camps ai tire station Ilýa t t lieau a tatmare fatidiîy alit tu' t-ic mu-n ta expresq their chieun il,,. qiiaiiiil antikintis ot fond on ttceti."- rt-ut.han noulil ire sursît werî cerilnuasetameUunts îuac..d befone' ,ar'titan regardiesa of tia likea anti dilkes, or uppetIte. At Camp icpo eI ncamting de- ititon camp, shu',' Coout Packey Sctwuata iskirwtu.ttaever>' maAi tie re rat L.ake,; as -irvhag tire beal "leatB' t tire sation, tire rafetehai THE NORTHI SHORE Pests Cause Womnan's Club to Suspend ail Meetings for the Present at Least MYSTERY AS TO ORIGIN From Esanstan ta Lake Fýore-Ita-n utar)nton lia..Northr Sibre Innumet abile tittie hasects bave lavadedthti tasimionabie towas. The annoyance lIrey have caused ii ireigiteneti b>'tire mysîen>' af tiret on igin, 'tire problem ofet tirr idanco and tire nncertilty cf tireir clissif catlion. Some sa>'tiey're cooties, irrougir Lv some soldirs from tire Irencres il France, urbo visileti Fort Siacnidar mecentl, -Oliera maintain tirey'r notbing bal the conman on brow- lie u, it wvirietirearbes differ, effecti do net. EvePryiroty aiong tire Nortt Shore is rnatchlng. Doga Altacitet!Too, Proponents of the flea tireory pola te lhe mànnrhanwhIhrtIre pesistasv aliacketi the eanune paopulation. A alt Lotira of tire îay pups aYa> Wu sea Lihaig iraffic hn order tIs pal iiatc thceeects oftheircvisilation. A att toraumafathlirenigirItlrry ulter voa prolesi. Tise folk-tantire afflIcleti toutns m'ai neot slccp. Tiuey Lave comptriacd t, Citet of potice Leggell ot Evanstoi andtI luDr.('. T. Roome ofthIL. 1,u stan hourd ot healt. Tire police ti partiuni refer3 complatta ti ircalîL tiepanimeal. TIi.. iealtrcuti aissuoners can offerno relief. Professer Olaf Larseli oftte Nont ut-caera University e<-prrsset ih p.-rptcxity coaceralag tLe clasiie tion of tLe pesta. Many Types and Sires. "Theme set'ms taeire s0many 5t anti aizes ut tircartiaait Iarnunah ta define their ciass or enigin," h C'entlcmcn on tIre Lakec Foreý 'tiubTr;t.ia,' wticL itinga a'eutt ealdents out Ie nnti shore tla lie ptact'îofnalIens aChicago, rcati sbe iibnemt d ycatcnday cantitctmt junrtng mu ettgabons; of Iheir coui a ndiaiL-,r itenra ut upparet, en roui -q e thîe r. I 'MMa. John Harper Lotng, prpeuidet d of thre Wtaman's Club af Eanston, a, Lomît ted Ihal the cliubirad been close )f"We lu,îvt' doinentc)01tathohd ai e-mare mtitngs fta wie," siresa 'last namlIt."la tht ,ineaîlme, e ai 1b as'ing at'r clubrooma lirarougit la.cieaited ant renovaleti," amî *m boy'sdut. tereofe Bttits tme , SLOW TRAVEL IN MANCHURIA FATAL DESERT 0F KARA-KUM SERDiEÀU S 1I»l Yuun OW S LWL U~tghten bis bet" and t maire a goulu. I _ _ _ _aL U II, effot tOUv. n SUthia almle 0f Botter Progrest ie Made ln Wlnter Heat Reaching 163 Degrees la MuriedN lE uri. . the toat as bac. f* UtieI. btnb. Than In 8ummer by Antlquated Imb Ont'. Face Like Shoot M t~~I~~r done we ais:buy *ddiltiwitl food ln Methodà. cf Fire.C ý," RiN W 0 1 nuge that should bu tai iiable for Alh,,gh If lunca sier te rI'n-h Whn the. carqaa In olden dys FELL IN BATTLE Ir mitary operatiows arnd ticriloting MtinchurimIow thon Il vL as41.n or tif - ittnu frn Sarn trciind iand Bokhara What It Means If 105,000,000 tur tIlfltcWlnladiastiz trade t.-î'în patr,, II. the main ha woUffltett Mery for silk s and rarpets, or car- Peope Reuse o Ecnbme llainces vwltl, neutre]ai COti-Iit¼'. 'I,,.- 1ltii,-' iît.-rl.îr .f tlisi' Iriittîte ritI stices for Europe te the C'ispîian Frank Knghts Lamson TOIle PepeRfs oEoo e H urte Uncle Sam in M any Ways. Il, t cf ('iita,ris siton tis hi e tivti'.the'ports, s-ii. f trheira ii,"i1it 1,111-" 1tBtte nd on ClIr;g. Ta rt i rn ta aur otory ,f thie soit Ifit iii iroids iiit rely utitinn mtai't Lereti [nt,, rt ir,'-'t-t if larnio'tm, , dhe v f lttîe': 1 uri tg test 3-ttr 1,,t'United ililit sirne st: nttirti a cf-ritiry ngo. lanti f. w if tit,ý-.tir rfIrI lThis of Capture of Huns Stortes larid taImpoîrt 421,1lmt poutndm If Il I.'wlnrter h. wlilt ratie ovvr t( lte- ii--tt, n iii t.-:,Iirut Umitre ter-! NATION HURT IN MANY WAYS represenAbotngt'if ,f nteittu ÇtA'l ti lmî 'rf t riwlltoi tlî t ibIs"te ttaintiiofn. t-uiiis ek.lFOR ME.ASATY L frotiA rgenitins. <Our osu t' t.l itei; 1 l tr- lit' lltt ttt Ii t -(t'AnI btl andut I f plu n er,»to svenunre I nto the -atdfor a sub.«tantîi t l, itflit , t I'-- part tif Uil truit -ttltlt-otio-lrtof 1îciia-îrrm pi %ultîtti i'I Escaped Without Scrdtih l i One of Numerous Cases ln Point Vlvld. a tol ranti herefore ta thatrIait-lit rob- slm îi ti it- wsatI-f.'tinl th n 11111e Ilt tttît-.At tirst vou irututîl pli- SaYsSlir Colonel' ly Iliustrat.. îthe Vital Necessity i-t i'tcie Sam of fthceo"-f 1..,shtpq. -btlit-i TiiT..- 14 Ii-f lI t tîri .l r'aî, an Ifiti t'rtittthv lI)ilt ,titoi Y ode-i of -Savmng to Save th. Nfiroi,.ver. our factorles lh.Io lis n %- Ii)lih tf pirner titi tY- %;.t lii1)(,.,r li ir-1 t t rti eur a mst h siirrttittthl ta Brigadier General Cou try' i ~darTina.prtttIiîtt'tn tie Ihings reqît "i r the lilre tiroughlil'e4 liliuitllti titttht'dforl ov lt IIi ti littit Q tIIIIîlit i -tl"'II,- tttiu- (îîs'ît on f lbhe ar iri , bornet e epurprisv. ti t its,' ni)rin i lits driv- Iia l titileie n tilt' ie-Irt. Andîi ler.',( .ttt-' u-1 (r rilt,- tiiP t rno î t'o,niaption tt!! prareriic i t nai nost or %wlli i wtîkcn hli ta 1-fç t i yltt a yu elyurlrttoe f the ltX *ti;i aryth ing eise for tm By PA UL M. WAR BU RG, tý ilt, peë,l.tlipe qirnati ty of .-titaval.' tart hini -oln a tit i -r iI - lîy of j i d-'.rt hlit- i hta t thli.t reocîtt-lîeti'* t iitt lto>. iFrance, accordig- Former Vice Governor of the Fede 1 l îîî,îfttr shiîpoment tae Apnit ln pny-ant1fre'îzîng. îI.greeslttir sn ndl hrld n t d-'rîi\V, F:tititin, ofonthCf h I Reservu Board. ruent for the wool (or fottriiîmriter In thet suîner triivt-tIls casier ani )tour ft-,h. lIi suid 1k-a veritalîle t lJi)liit It-N wiich his mothur, arnitne tif One huudred andtiv -lns t (hule for ntrateq, trii erît for cop- pleasanter. bt in .ztîrei sitiwcr. A nbet if riatie. I tis t I t t r-,iiAitelocal yorîng mn .11tOU ît tiflî)ttactsof the Uriît-tilirer, And me on), lst tf.lnfiea. As à boitI nas' Le lîîkî-n upont' ut ofi tie ii t' îîj-îrtitive cil of evcning tellsit tlt -tir >. î'nts Of «bts bat-_~ Stlati's iiiy trait es are te suent,- uas conequene the 1United Stetit", ria.]te nivers. It Willl c n-I i lttng lttu-r 3ei itU Iti ti t-t -lt t t he IL.des-'tttLI11i l 'ýI l'itte lla t e cush.. athe ct those tif e-iry orlier true Artîcri-at, puy' for more gooda t InSititi %.riiërn a iîsaahty sha-led Itnk-'anti gre'en lnîtro ir.-'riitt froînth îe titi) ttf nia Ittitt ffctîrs 're wourided. i&e airt hutte tf evî'ry oher truce Alin-' thon Stoth Anprlca bas ht-i t. pay icidî9, ev.'ry ltte whl.' - ct'ilng to rer tsilliît î-t'utt- tvouttld st-e' It î'tcli- say, l"fplituts ail considered it ait, cra lirce e ieas mine. Whatcuer for goods Lougit ln trois 1 -'nllcal States. tipen a sandttîtr, me tit -rt rîse aUn. lîg hi-fort'tiap-trlIIed sttrin eai ol, - Soîieu n u uitlsuggrlsî1er. - 1 coîtritîîi' t, ite Cause or the cI i-thereby causiag a declIne of 'bilar ex- hlleu'abiy slow, cu'en giag dawni se 1 an ut-con tif sir. Theré le go"anîd tht- c - ýwîînl 'go over,'t -ty -snycxtc lte eeeahl h aitiese e t'ttîinri-e'i Titis tresmn. Azni tht'etîrrent the huai»' bturt. andi il la tlit y eo'rct- itue lire foltowlîrg. Mr. 4rytîagîaynexpert ncttrig dend.eîeh eu byboutiori o n i3 tnthe Fourth Ameriacan du-- bi's oinn WU%. hy 10,54moffl peoptle. sbrlnkage ln the price of the dollar is inhorlotlu' itotitIanti îiraggcd suitti a c %u-c" Itit into tiliots mite'.si-lt-9 Let us suppotse fîr thie purpoîeiOf rn)ins that itbl oq t a riÏtoding heavy rapes. Ilong taI crt'îp fîi-tiîî rfi -sa FtacsfotteIptr olw Illst 1tiltIid~, Lt i Cari:if UN purchasjing pom - r ta nettrat Dr' these mens tiie traveler'jaav foot a year, Itt7titg ierhaps (trol1 Extric n itrni therpintieranceiow ilt-cl boots, iîutî,mobilts. urbreita't, ttr Fiti..for eur expert traite bas thtts 'cl t'. unknv a iusr,]îîtîtti'-iofiltî Conu <t- 1aff lying suint]fronit teir creRts as yOU "t elir 'tcothfr: 'any ulher artit-le for which I reguiariy crme a serlous obstacle ln cur way ti fucirîs illirut.'. H.. uiii meii natives-'look, relca'sing cat-catl,;ttî ora- ttts94 îrincloe o spenîl my inî,ney, as I bave no ilesre, trylng ta secure ai reseItt leiricea who have acter sî'cn a %vmîtchtr ra r:il' Llltig Into lthttrrîinlifitllowt. ectr iwasce-italiliv gladtiotagel ft. t., sinîgle'out illîy une commodlty. îtut Or lu adlequte quantitlea anit e of lbe rond train, allh.ttîclî t iî-' nutintîlly The paitirît»tti - î .tî"r aViehtii a'taay for Ithe b la., Cloît e- rditiiuselves ta my tîit.îghtl. thi t Iw..abscoiutety retilire fromnt eiong ta one îtf tht'oi-st riviliza- mtirked ttl3' Ly its tif botttnî'îd stick, 1 lfad a C-itil It gaines, boztnII su i moîuie thoni. If I mallke ar,îny foreigni rounîtrîca. lions; hoie wllise.'tri-> 'squiilor AniddrI ttcaaoliilR' l3- niîîîîn sktîll. htgla uninrg tad otliî,r sport.q. The Y. IL, mtinti, h.'i,. it-bhi5 juncture that ta MY 4'it lof ciothem bit" Ittîrt t'nceeantid isqen.ethatgi-tvi-tîi Ignorîace. easlly lost ia the dark, anti It litthe 1' . . i rPat cd tii boys taet.aft drink*' 't Car uiti tiotites la more respetctable Sain., ticrefore, la aev.-îitcioyor: I The tact Lutlllie ItIr'ttybrotighl 11 utio hituIi çoaa.'ct une cîiîîlow, ,tat 'i ro ilî'a'lti kthet irer son titn l ti scîîle ew aci î t ic its- ionuaîd mre at luin iecs-home taehlmrut h nî odeîrn progres~ iiitily Wi vit-iltin-otier, Muiny ha ve potntîl lt,- i çpret cose te the Cic ttîIltît);y iienew 'suit ttf etrthes y oN nt] rhcrehby fore. 'il,,- United travers ou'cr giîtl roands. los t itîdtît uty' rre sf11ll ite dî"ert -f. ;til dtait Io btah..there sooi. Io i lnlprhs -il t-ii trsI pr rrr, tiiigyofKri-ui net hurt- Cati gay tg 1ve bathe tî--oi t1it rc i t i ltrulîuî' -, -ite'< t:n:Pîîî~ c-r"t.rtlni f r tii itti o reCoto tr - - itI lii- Marne river atr - ]If ii- lat ut iti itta i.tit ci-nsnn' mtecotti -thttr te- CONFUSING CITY 0F CAGNES _________of______ I ttîrt-.-aveberèW~ ,ti li l e ,l ctulitiry 55 -t - ri Uni lu that e',t- t ie il(-TOOMBS UTTERS ONE ERROR I- , ctitentfhottdv Pari.t'es have e - nI hlin t.,tu-!lttiwhut-h te par for the' mliýitiîî, f woi Learn toDîstîngulsh From Sîmîlar Ntdfr -rc, aos ulcs et, totioofti-, h.toIc places. Là tratfi- î,tt t 1oý- I on w'h w..rToly have ici-rtName-Carutes. - Makes Mistake ia Georgia Con-, S'tIi-t,'- %%,1-asai a 'Y" service. Thé 1 .-aliîg stii t-ltl,55 I,,tttto.Ii Ciothlng but On. of Mary>. - stituttonal Convention. 1-;tt-L,o,îr van,t flue îîîily tilker. WélI eiteît îî.t-iii -]týl -ittII LIti 1ihave uretithe iltustruIti,,tii f a new Aricalen antd Enelt"h -iitars tot LeInl titr, it i, r- tingdark sa ui etîtît tle. ta-,ýt- îîy iver mtoti ire "I ciitiitOf ;It 'A tu CAitRivtluiera scion conie la knoutw(tl' y' Iltri-,ue torgia cttntttrtîorttin t- Wiit tlte It fi-rtlti-slu,1r ii----Ialt-iytin-. ~ snctitilut. stittt that II naîîîe, sccording tlu )liîrper's 31iigaizino.. vieîititî of.l1577mesa ually accuriitc a -'otewhore la France, l -t o lîtî1t1 iI w ae heen tiealiiîg - vyith otne Irlmisa challenre tot Ielr etituy ttt Ipro- p1tiit.--A ts <X'eral Robt lciTittuîiiî ut- Jury 14, 19t yt rii'lIli - r it. i tît i iti i i - i Iti- u i t ca"c la piint. "reci-îitrtnt- il shori nîtunîn' }renh-a challeng.- t lt i-t t-rt-t ili tinguliir errar. ne was con- 'e M ~oter- - _ __ _____ '« -----î-' tti, ttr ttics.'u tif Sttht-t lI tif bi iss I inm nd iet~rcceptod, If rau an'-ln the- i 'a tilt iiii- lna astt"for enoutgh couts -Il i las been rataing aci fantion the 'p oýfri h,%-lto astti lo IltortlaItrge:i' ilutîtt-s fnîîm L Grassne or Nîcp or Antihi s . T%% o tltîl-,rattt astre 5pt'tdy iJusticet iast fr-tu- days, Xi're -niin it ail tbes' clt-ttt'IlttTh. I ronitt ta bittli 'ntit 'irtil ttutries beciiîi-- %,ciîre ex- 11,tincittrnt-ay lunes AdItîî --s nl i? tituîonte ptoint liiitii'helîîebehi' nait imtne -o (lotit' lt-lad g.tting wet. 'lh.é 'o. acstIcdoui)ittie Init teinthI n nrlidis tUtti itrchases '. ttl'.Is aendfrot r Omse to CitititIit-Ii 'I lily- sotIi-sIity on.. tt-rtltSix - asti tcr-t[act-s ne stopped et weffl ~aY tienittit' Leîtceîîed s tti'cr- rui'ets. Sîmnilari>'. thouluth e are tLe (tJiSUnless youî are a-iry cîîrcfliîl hiîîtr. il antd flfty y'cirs ago unr 'rudeile - ' itier the fighting 51h - targe'iî çrtoî-vers îtf c.'t.îî-î ne are v-ti inyfin rt) plain stay a whip the .famuilea woutd =Ie- 'flic tir-t tiI-ittglît Ilat w-icuns teun0. trceilt]etaImport Coîtîer trîtia î'eru lie- - m y yarsetfaanth,,vro,,-,, ît-î-,îr. nietulton aain nt itii' k i ane r uit r*. it tti tiîiici- I, titat îY ii'sIjAn' ctse or citilisaioltuliti.tIi bst'. Irtue <aea h'Cge rmt'v m-i'ti nsuîte ra ytem q lit k. Ait-lies Wear ttn-I it n Ilriett s er une bilît ltiodlars begiîn suffici-entlyte u l-.Iils --îr vit-h cgagî' iIpou 1h.. ruai teaoutjuiir li Unîte bine o ar La un qeisgltlce 'l.ea)Wtn ertyIan 4dfit-ale. tInvs tted tint-tiii- i 1- raninw gt - t rees <"ages, ahi-u you hadtincirtel go tae Thiuî nane K ,Ing Johin sal, 'We will walch for the plane tacone douE. 'A~I tutti Letn' c-t t lie iis î'slckitilLiselven M i -easetie barrage ait around U erty . Un rti Trt illti nistin-îlmot rtait utail exculsable rltttittroiIliume n:CatirIesthe inistînke takes banna ta re- st-l l tiane. we uill denY t natte, we machine a couple ofmillesinteabtir ie(ttintandioostoblou rtsut. utlx, i nuacture it iarties auIrieve, stiiî'aIy fta aune, right anti justice. Itla sinteresting tb walch lIre adla ~thre re ierts éconoie ~i reutsifn- Isiik oto-kigs. 'lien eseth ireat cf At Nici, ehaîtietîrsanti rochers love anti ut'ntst make asn iny courts ais dodge anouad. AI night we watch U voledintrissaiiz iritar O fr ik ltî i ' belnitntetile ne CO) o lct- tie t i y tht' contusion ufthlas, arc npi'ssuiry ta carry out those grand liglit tiril bitebatertes sen ouIt-whil ori hntreieesv se itur unit cutîîuunittit-'..Yîîu tirgain f.îr the. long tteriatr " laaction. 'fili,-Matines cerlainly anet ing tuf tuî.tîîî'v, - hIsrîîîImpossblec andti îîi.eceusary î tu tu :tranesi', anti arc sîttracitdby -tîtilcrisa"pinaIio-dagicrprtltItriicue EconOmic Reaulta Are Vaut. cîuttîrate the niainy- ui-le'.liaI ire there n'itoiile price.quaîeri. In aaiuti',as those us-tti la-vicvisitcd the 0f 3)ouiitra' actiantiseveral otirer nie- L el i u s 'tlos ider tirstI t o elbit c llioin l ta a im i a r p o sitio n . MIin y M i lo ns vé ry I h o rt im e yo u a r , n t C g n es. T h te h is t rie Ii-ali y k l' .a v.A n c e t y th rerê i t . e , l a tav ra arou n d . 4 dollars' vi-tth of ci.tttes îîucuîus, Sup- t uttittians cari eitlly 1l6-,.tived wbefl veliCte stps.Impossiblete tarectîfy tuas i runnung-mi'de, or Meadbow, on 4 puete lîe re hlat -oui anti hait rot- once ste are caplaie if o î'uuiztag th. y'tur mispnonuneiatlon trithout a suti- the iidiesex tebore o, lb.. Thrae, ton and that ture value o! tLe mw rita- cuuatitve elTeu tf indiidtuel "set- ttrentrIncrease of the originnalmautn sutere rares tuere ptiltd ff. Passihiy; M )EM IYï tna tnttiltîlîl>' 5)lier cenu t f Iag ;" taire tLe u ni d"tiing" in liem îttthe bargain, Antilles ta betvi'ecn-tire tlttighty'barons betti tonte Mass S - ui Iic ls tirhe ultnate citnnum- larger mcanulng, sîviigntoi Cge mr ans "an' snaumeing ta the meaulutu', but history W IH U U A er. trai tî tiure preslit piceu oe.btnagosat evc. nii aaussl ansthat you barils tant ihat the MagnanCharte was 60 ens ier liotri for'At,.tanti 11ulIf every Indu'.tdiat ctîuiut Le Madte w sant ta go. Spd! the nme.or write signeti an an tIsladilit'!shoire, nearen @RArL IE cet e oii o otnrespicciiveiy. i5sie with hîs usa cyca tîtat negiect of Il on n piî'ce of paper tf youuare ta be tre1tre ian.natviiriba turARILec Ç reîîres.'ni 2018: tons et nool anti 416,- iavtag of titis sort ineana decrseset! sure thnt you wilb be taken West Ia- ince teen kautun as Charter Isandi. i6Z7 totus utfutt, oaa you Iamagine vr etBlene>-. a prolongation efthlb. aeati of east. In London la 190W thene was a sale of - - hîtas' auch freight space woulti be re- war, andi a targer rumber of casuel- the Islandatnadlire wonder was voiced Cafeteria Plan Prevents SaiptM. quireti an warer and on land,. ln ies- -dîes; If eseny une vh aireairsonor Drm ajr 0f ny.ln lirepublic press wby lire gterfl- froFes4uItingI0 T* log ibis mass of raw maiertai? Do deur relative un the figbing ine. Du aorNcsay ment titti'neot purcirase Il andeti l. r atn tyou realize tai If rh"e h aies were icrooaitlb.walen cttnid abe t fes) rattîsensable ta the drum major cf upon it, monte sltalmemortai. Sugar Bowls tised putbil freight ars,îssumlng a toend- that millitons Of biattiavingi Lreêj1 a nrrl brasa band, and the easy of l.the_______ lm loit capartiy of 16 tulanap-r car fer affect ii boy-there would b. no smnti boy 10 he as Weil. This ie na- vi tSaeWryINETG OR N PA Ir woi anti 13 tons per car for coten, doubft tint ne cîîuttî secure the . utetitonary ln about as serviceable a a A Drr-avi t e ve Woty - IN ESIlaO IhPo"E iais wouid represent 13021 box LM" cIoiiclentiolus andb ertiuatit co-op- figrrebeati on a hatliesbtp. -writes Zlm A wr-avn"dictatab- ie*ed tthweo ati 2.06 bx crseratIen of ail tire people. Thua for- I Cartoons Mngazine, let iisdulles laS Installet! le many of tire apartanent Stories to the Contray Ai. loaded i wth wratin? 2.056lnbox cmr .mg e vlrrge-f106.00,- are beyond estimation la keeîrlag tire bouses ber e 1 tire lborh ites Branded as More of the. - puddles antic guttitng tire 75tearstieemuetnael woth regret-et rt ran hr ol beI abu~t M 00peple 0,MA0 d t i the tubesmandtrombones frorai tumbilng PaiteirJi a îlot Machine arrangemnetarpaad In woubd ire approlmîlely 814 miles, antiand the tfs f tire, bol. leged masiciaseits refresirment em- dispute regartiiag tire menthiy 1b1ll for Oeo h aetatreb"« Ln tires. trains, hlituied by' 000engines, Gerntany's Enforced EeSomy. porluma. Bis succesasresta on tir ex~.telepirone service. o h p CP O n.. cf li Grenpropgatndstbe tag se when standing ln Une wouîui approxi- Germanys nilltar> iucce.s la lunge. lent of iisabiltty te IIbrltire astit Tire machine ia beli;t on tiet tanlieapheamiddle Germt ath prooaid Je b b - ,11mael coerth dstacefrnt a >'-IlpredItrateti upon hem ibility te cau- rover tiarue-stor>' buildings and catch lit of the pubtie psy istatiti îî I-wasled atGreat L'I.&I ta mure taet'ittsburgh? Coaalou imagine ter the entire natitital effort up-on lithe hhnt iei back on its descefll. lHe ta phone, but ls bantiler tna ise. Il<tcon "W.. have te save foot! anti go wlb- - h tire amnotant et coulconsumeneist rlbusiness of war. Il tl afe te mals thIat te the bati wirat tire moakeyus le aeie purciraseti outrtgirl et COptlPitVOr out ting', but you ought te oseslb. h ransportln g andti hen weaoviag titisélite neyer wouîd have beau abia to hanti-organ. Ail eyes are upon hlm il 11111e costi, or leaset i e rensonairle way tirey waste stuif at Great Lak&. raw matenîtî lt itu cloth? Csa you lmi- iear-1h. buriiens ut th ir. tilau weiltuthile tire enra feast on tire music. Big rates. Il does away with ail bis and W.. have te deny ourselvses thinga a igie Ie atiherut ana eaptei 1las absie iras tiuring lie.. four long eiIy banuds otten trottmirabout the streets ,iakits complinteal of overcharge aimpai- tiraitirhe arny anti navy cati hav ithese prucesttea? Andt tn cîtntider lear ract I t autbeen for tire enforeti onescorîti bhy n drum major anti tee) subie, In tire evet't-tiraI a tenant iras pient>." eA thut tnt-ue roui. marceinhuir antiad n saviags ln niaterlal. mon..> anti men ntt a ail discammodeti by bis absenîce. net the preper change te insertlnlatire Deterdaineti once anti for. ail ta ILtranstportatiotn are rt'quired ln distrib- iroughî about hroîigh tihe Britisabtout a country bonti utoutti nultii-cm lot, hi-' nay lnAet ibrasa chreckswurch bat teriroa nre ief0 » oiuî te cîtii ntiagîlt naur laorblackntie. IfIr olIoti ulbeen for tb. itsu'ît fil taeir s. ii an panade wilhout Are «iiliplii'td.with the macine. aÇ',reat Laki',sIt an oInvjîla irt».8 anti moure natenîi it canverting îî nte item accessillea crîstteti b>' Ial block- ilA sistiagiti-iuiI iuîtîcndiitgi' WLt'a thre coin ibox la epenet by tire Leiag dune withlIre foot!Tire report , (-ulries, and agaîn taure taîtor anti mdc the Genmaitn iettî oulti net have -c<îîîectotet h enanalmisCiltcd on ta e e- ahi,ýhha iit lit -len Ililetgives kWh-t i Iranniitatititila retailiag tire filisiretibeen ut-llag iu aultînit ta femne ru- World's Oreutest Weavena. i(reuti-a.'brass checks. TieviCe prala.. bti te i'hciency tif tii.00118 trîtic tu ii. itit ctîsnin, tiens as lii food,. cithiea. sbo.s anti s making a uit wutil antilords andtn-telistiii'ar' ticlartunent aithe t.raini L alt I o ri- inl ouumr.tIIs.Inusris a- Th acintInlaofPIlut-,ribreirlaI rsUtnis.I Let us ttc unidfut tattilt th dreme r smiarorrI stÏhe wrd's na u t nniveliv- as ogwtai sîe bt Inov rovesementhiIoitre uatuxtile atand extrani-suit t Lh sitni s saureing iie n , cs gances out iremns-tes wouiti hava k.%îl irs, This ntelworth>' evt'î5tîîn lln iiie Many Great MnbieYunt nI fuir ect- aibi s SpreiSar '~ury ut tlî.ttcl lul 'a andok, Insteatoi t titng mveryiing avaliable U. rlri rala.iaîtnayrt-ueTrti-tib te im tenof uake. ti,'tlagsdtnl ae i îa etr fnntlrinure trial: sluîinge of rosi r anti ar o te oyrm ntindbenuttluItapturic' And oatîrer fnb- mnfb'"b rmeu ie'hI on 'firther aaviag Cateria nie»~ te cloggtîug tf tie aheels of transpor- rforihe uvar urkle ol. hvenx-nT, ics executeti by the gittti uînieunt In. bttTleiit totasay;îpeotpletilfer su munir. h alsitare Installed.,wvire.t he me* , latin itilte *t--Iio,-(tl lts prgresâ aIt buseti berseif ly buying Itaga ia otitîO u 'r.Tiouiah Mos't grlruen hlves.' d ml ) r ntatt'- namy îtck ouItfood Iirey destre ad muao let n titicutl nens anditiet i ires-. bot iultti ttli iiator lionieoplto ntnt or ore a ar ty yilig. Alexandeur tilti'Grealt iteti t pas., up uthat dou net tenîpt troM. ti-n.i eclIiei etuitContinue teinîain aa fo witri sttt ,ei,(lu agraInihu rer a- aie'd heectriefl or i e ng tait.wîi rt>' tsva, haviag enqueîred practicai- -In Ibis nananer absolutel>' no food! 1 0outit tt t u'uucitr iii'Cuîny. frwihswIlolesrv brI.snydeetatr Inoaewt ytire vi'ioleworld Ot Lis day; Jullus lefi on tire plru.. as tle mess Atl- luI Mygenutil, tnliiig tir cre&tlial ubalI- primitive IiiinIltoms Andti Ier wenv- dnsUg eodlellg abi MyCoît Vour Son'& Life. tules, ' ig Iaîpteenns, these uoaderfui fnb- Unesar tvua.tcad tt fitty-flve. NiîPOie- titatsterge accaurdon behe igst rip. l y nietssuit utfultlds lieuna., iere- Il lmtiifficuliti- iainig about tirasîîc Tius art' now fuxundt t. ticsupionar ta on diedet Itifty- lt-o, Oliver Croimwell Iuatitit. rîitheotilre itct onp.y une, îteiay for oruiitary oetilcîtona; ecaîîomy uittiutiitie.comulioln .t tuirnîti ont luy the autîîîîuuîtl i fifts ai.., Shîakespe'are ntt fiuy-two, scI -a-rî h -Ifr ici tenomv oh-1: ,Iehla ln tnpuntiig anduleqipjing erclI beit ilitnîl ný,v-sity, l'or us te It- :iS otf lt'ir it mitis outlodan>'The Cat: )Ik asn tfegt . - llît atiiai-, acti dey ai a rosI Ot tuen, tuttili su'udig ttriemr, santetoprotuleu a isuîellu.-r or at. Ofour owu primuitive Pî'nuîviîin îuînîîîîom uconsîsîed' ai) tire mîen wsvbmalnîthte Freacirli ev"- ci, Ti cstaet alW 'I turîmailles,.th..ensupplies ttc>' neeti; free 'A-lit. svu'.ll lite ulie te estab- a1 tvootstlik, ouie utIretpniacittbt tetil'tdbtrelr> wr lît'iI: t eding 25,410 t niieas litictt---itl ltts Andtt a .lger Iluth ur nr Iu tin i t i uîlry biochade - tt'ý -fifî>' niuîny(I f lireinibefore lire>'wene men. durrattuii tif it.' tar. Muy tiews uit of agninut 'A-steIe îî.xtravigiince lafttrty. Robeiutîerre, wns oniy thurty-six 'ii, i t i -ierage amouat '-et rid ivînr lie (liedt, Desmoîulins tblrty-fourr I I t i i i- iibetag used, 80 clat-'. iti cost, therirfone. the ite a proiîtcnnutit-e ',It-,iiniTereqîms tire Catherine Long on Blesslng. DntuMtayî-leat Mrbaufr îuu ii- - isu î ait-tmyie5U'- et my stin. grelteatiiitltt nithte greatest 1ttiî'ninis.,us tua lises lnditeranmeauyfor-î. ut lIte ,linnedt 5 ,»~ The t-umîîly of gonda, out huronut Ior degremutfuiei-it i,i ititlsin. It la-aîewu su tir nurerîtus reltives , %vasTtt-.ruC, aI ol sugar th* us- traut-iittatitii is iilteti, Tt l i s a t- r idoi ute pr it of L-ur Tort ta ron nnuîttî'r Il a il h I l a ltaltili 1