Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Aug 1918, p. 9

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LDBERTVVIýýLLE INDEPENDENT ________ MecdMga o ushLAECUTIDPNET Lake Cou nty's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LI.aiiuRTVILLjE INDEPENDENT, AUGUsT 29.1918 e.7 .7I L'U ' A F U SI ras n$1-W FER n A nn an C. Fl. Hayes, wet............ 1,53(j fuaulsh unîiforms, weapons, etc. lhat cour sellnt as o (.rha, at...........16,29 Tbis pots us on a milltary hasis, as one of the achoola la tbla » __________________A IIIToial wet.........4 6 and iftla consldered an Impo theantr obe800 u n 1,19 !ingtha a akecouty Piuajnt]the war dépaiaeU1h fi l ip ti E X TA AW I EDMT R TING I > C IL Hanson Stlh, aLa<Ulynbuio codnîwenscoYI ImpssbletoNominate Two Dr,..bas been so designated. Il now wilhtilliesForest collego itis go& À<p f p ~ l Nffa' R QUn a NvwrIN TO LOSE L13ERTY a aooclvnetems ai tend school there will b. uf Calof il dr>ýtha i luan mpsai vn .esthat corne thercfroni, tîIheyand that hereafte> te ooe « hi)I ftIiÔfl i'- TAIE LIE:S OOTS Priilegs te nominepotalfe tRI3S 0FrySTlegista. Wliltbc looked after In amanner that quection whlchbas lonbaliea Navl Saton ffiias-aLEclearly îlrawn, are shown abbve Itl Iem ulem a chance to finish their a milttary Institution. The B E l T O N S IO V where It could ot [le done and the elc to and put themselveq ln (i- or co rse, wll have te Co l u~ 514 ELlN s fecie et 3datuatlo îuln thl1, respect la ln nowîse rest lune for deairable Unes ln miii- ing their tultion and ezpoaat EUE RD 1a tereil thie year, se that the aller. tary work. It w lll lit thena for enu gover ment'a principal amltftaf I*R*&n the Lti faced of etther Sbtrteff or trance hilte ofiers' camsp and we ng in the' shape of unfores. 1»&~ Witta.mBuel d Qbrother of MARRIED WOMEN GLOOMY VC E SLircDon(iugh beiig defueu.d ;p thenaturally fled very preud te thmuk tors In mlltary affaira, etc. GeoUge Quentin, WEffective Sept.sui- ISPt. Ilprrnary. No matter what .£Ide In Chicago about three- yeare 1Dy virtîle' f n a rder lmsued b IarartleraIdi ietacts sta dyouI tirYOriienl th ago, ended bis life ln bis room ai Lieut. Commander C. S. Robertsunth aismutot r ietlfnt Quentini Cornertit Wedne-day ai'. rat cd men who are married and Ent rance of Lee' Mcùkrouugîi or there are îlot enough dry vote u tI ternooan, Âug. 28th. by sbooting him- whosc haimes are in the vioinity of Waukegan as a candidai.- lrithe Ro'- nomnate th'towhhmente sel fthrough the hond. G reat Lakes Naval Training station PulbhIcan legîslative nonu1iiation as a votera have the' cholce Of having Mr. P E U' lwife beard theiEliot ansubhin: %vil nul receve liberty every nihuidypi the situation .1Iiuarîýly as a fhrlf or %r.McMDonough au fil Briga elaive BakaCptie uitîof s ballet wound whlch lit. It becanie know among the sâllors' beck re-electlon au drys; beciuse pa t corning prlmary. to American Prison Camp; suicide of the eider brother of George new torder the followIng lMo- Idistrict have shown If la an impousi. rnany drys entertih the fidpa that Quentin, who wite forrnerly carmnvîsos: lt enontinate two dr y Republi. two.dry candidates caiii e flOmluate'd, German Morale Is L.ow of ite board of superisors8 came as Prominent amoug the cldatge4 cans. Pigures are here lt'u hw but thoq Who Will i lvestlgate the a shock te the resîdents Of La.,. whhch have been male ln the' regu- lng the vote cà t i.1 a t t wo hi- Poltical $1tuation and take Into se- SOy Zurich vlcîiîY to thiuk that tito ]alions govî'rning liberty ln the tact ennîsl electlons tfor meîuibî-.r5 f count roopnt election restalui the LOCAL MAN TELLS SOR iembers Of such a proninent tant that ouly rated Pptty officers, except generai absembhy In the e*-ghtholsena- elilith dh4trhct- know te a certalnty ily Imhoeld ake thpi eh'lvn 5f t.rthos rnder Instruction lu schoo., iu district. thaî two drys caunot bcPut over ai brooding laver business and privait' unrated meîn permaaeiîîhy deisileil The total vote il'(- pririïi the' SePtember primart-and ifll' tot- James McCann Writes Hun affaire, seenîs aimost unbe.ilevaolc aï batta.1ion aud company comrnand- Of 1914 Wall 15,193 agiîn-st 1t,906 dry I umlemc (heto. A 2 Soldiers Know their Cause yet R wn5 trou, for tht' psîni ling atiers or reginiental and 41 tltalion ait- ith the Progressiv partý vote a ProviOU813> . atfdW'fi.I ltlther defeai Quentins a"Ide showt'd as pliulY as julanto, sud uiîrated nen permanent- thiat linit' being 1,649. lu rie cive. for Nfr. Shurtleff or- Mr. McDonougl is Hpeles On wors 'waî bd bapenîd.]y deîailed as lnstruc-tors tliischnools. lionfntafollowed l O~iIîr~ ea~ hr a uno meîhod al Plan- Quentn.wbo wR@uelle oftht' bî- wil be granted routine river night the %ote given Shturtîg fdry, Was Vcr'NoitinAard i On-o h knowa res1deuts ut Lake Zurich vi. liberty, tia llerl.y 10 he fromt ,P 14.528; J. Il. Vickers, Set. 4.191; i ter$' Nomatieon dutio On'o h'Most lInçreatni aa§titynas otb'tnlugodhaîl rull c,.m, h fiown mr ho.E.Gabi, e, d'îPyet tt enrintona J l. dhîkrari1~t leitera recelived here i, a long time for a'couple of years. Lànt Year b.hutlo, lntuad of from 4:301 p. ni. until u- Mwa.aoa dry 9.156, il the total voLo . l.Vikes o lian juat lipenrecelved by M ri. Ivan over ai Rockford sanltarlunt for s a. m. as et present. vote fer Vckers and <tcah îm belng - b. c eri, al haî offie he bas eidr James M('amin or Waukegan, fnim hIl dîne but was conbldered IîmProvcd The prenant liberty IlIaI of unratand 25,017 te a total of 23.684 ceut forth-'lrmhba ocmsded ber husband, who. Is In charge of tht' and reWuaed te bis borne. f'telic woae irldsd ha hrîcTsdMnornîg~slt WltinMln alck er s Tewî iie hhreametwhotoe lunriailnd tosé'ro Yo ruraVotesdrFor svrreuotmc atpluillar conlilued his buiness ax stole wiîeas live ln the vichnity of the lais. candidats. YO rV l o * Yrance. The' leler l m IIterestlng be: keeper, belng the owner of ont' of lion la cevoked eie-ctive Spiember The following figure-,shîîthe' rt'- cnI&t a vote 0I1 ,193 te draw cause Il shows clearly that German 1ihe noat tyîîicai country alures lnu:'rd. but sncb meo wiil bc granled suit. of the 1914 prlntary sud election, on, fibIs behog the total casI for haim eoldlers are leartily tlred 0f the' Laie'couat>-. Il lu deülared Ihat ja lîberv tromnt on Saturdays util 8for candidates for lb. legighature, tu l, Woma n Ee n Dh rim- licipeletis fight and are wlliuglo fatke PrOn rinos buy .anytiidng front a nie.- a. ni. MNondav.a aeofec aie1 arY 01 194 wiîereas his total voite E ie H N usit o ec cndd" l-Iug glvin ln th.e eltthon two e ag wi any chances Ia become prîsoners of de tu a thresblug machine a; hi, Exception in alho made hn the'case sund whether lie was runuing ou s wet '9 Add tebs h wtvoee the Arnericans amdiaallIes, place. of men under Instrucion lu t.jý or dry platforrn19 laaso i-lîîdi'.lThi'- Thero lmas prison camp at Pauiltîse Bi'oode Over War. Aviation school, who max be grant- figures are callei be1hý.-sieclal ai, 672O cast for Graham an.d tht' 1,- ( é n yC e uhere thouî,anün 0f Germnan pison If he geu(ralty dmltii.d about Lake.idliberty front tlhe close of sch'ýOIl ention 0r those who %oit' tor dry oX wP î votr'aes AadusittIbis ers are belng k'. .The' cae of Zoi- i lthitQuentias îtraghc endîng ou Saturdays untîl 10 p. m_ Suudfava, legisîstive candidates:Ibi ont'ofutIhi-,Sep isoneprs aroused hie, Protibly Was due to thé fact th-t2 .fMd by tht' navy departmear. 1914 Primary, Republîcan. place the' 22.667 dry votes cat for R p bia a dd t o interesi of te Waukegau titan. T-c)lie brooded 01er the' war and ovsir jMen înder training or Instruction Shurt'ff, dry........... ....43 Shurtleiffsud the 3,314 dry votes giv- :1379en Ghbbon mlId thttoahaol26 liun wus clubtet iudî'rmtand thatli- I he ltO$Pett80f lt h Is second and tnnrated Madetalied te officeq Anderson, dry---------------.3a469e0tottae dlmeeruce elng 1l7 vote was te bic mosedte anaouber camp. "(n-Oit.gving ls a'cond suo t i'. ud depatmeiiîs may be grantd Il.-1,tedfercebig1,7 oe He" uuderstood finittlhe wax tb he 5ri'ice. ",le son nowàls il, the sai- ert y front noon Ssturdays luntil 1 as Toti #dry----------------14jo6In favoi ot the wet aide. mel. hcIoik<iGerrnany to hc put l in 1: afld it was generally know,î m. Sundayu or frorn noon Sandays Vick'rsg, 'set .................9814 ttelving Into ltetotal wî't fIguri'a Wili Be a Vote for EfflClency ln tb.. uni. again. Ht' begged abjectîlyalleu ieke.Zurichii ýaI àsecond oeuntil 1 s. m ..Moîîdy.W'oodman, . et--------2,7r.6 dLciobe a situation that maires IlîulcOfc aot ta licsent back and vas 01er- lm soon te go.j Aitlilberty spt'cilied above lm the' H. B, UEer, wet............. 2613 neat t imitpssble for Mr. V'Iekers biulinffc Joypd whi'n the tuationk was ex- It vas deulied iîy th(, fsmli> (bat maixmum wbteh May Ile graulesi alil be defrated. il il, trime lie bas an __________________ piined il hMni. the eider Mîr. Quentin was worrylng routine liberty, lbut beads of depart, 'fri- 'ef ................15,193 OPPOnent ln tht' person of A. K. One' nightthIim sani, Germasu. rI..k- tousderalile about tht' prospe'ý ment&ansd reginental. commranders Munro. Progressive......1,329 Stecras Of Lake county, but MI.. Iug bis lfr. î's-cape.d from the' prison hs iwOunious eing calhi'd te var aud Imay gr-nýt speclal liberty te lndîvld- Res Car-----...-------------320 Stearus and i s candidacy are nlot 8 Y as xeIne-r -~boit1 peu," and sPproprlaimg a uni- he bas been iroasiiug for morne .-ne unis lu exces., ot thal speclfled lu thet'tOlten selouslv. Siesrits lis wlthout8 e r'E p r nc , id frrm wiea-itia strelahse on a niai- PliS'. order or at olher times than those Total, Prcitres Ive..........1,649 tht' slgitteat urganhrathon. Ht' is and Fouad Capable. by f.'nie, a"iceedeJ lun mailing ii The' Quentin store lu located i î ptciflpd when such liberty is var- l. Eleclion. unable t0elain tht' verlnldorat'- e'scape f)th,-lii'î rmamîfiues. Quentin's corners alliat three uiîes iatedi n their opinion. lîut salhadt-Shutrlef-------------14529dry nient, WhIcb vîilgo te Vickers, ise lt' vas bachk iu a fev hours, huA "eoutheast of Lake' Zurich. Iltvaxdithonal spectal liberty shall be Vickers----------4 3vtthat Steurns ha net considered ln fice ever, havIng taken prifsanpr thri-i' Iere that the' Quentin a friîy was, grgntesi te any iadvdual or gro lf rharn----------------- 9,924 wet runnin gat aysaeo h tgsa lerman soldiers. 'nt' was lis <wn rlses sud the corners n question men front more than ont' liberty at a Munro .... ...............9,156' 'I&I dry tise conteat. si"MEae f ht hgiia S M IuS J01 brother--the t' pbr iv vert' couins. were Itamed *ier filet famlly. Ther,' lIme or as a routine, lu tht' prlmarv el-chiou content for Jîst hîtw ht' iad succpýedi c~ ap-lsOnt' mare brother left ln thet amn. Ihe campof men goiug on sud>l legislatlve addt-. w er g turing filmntsud britiîîtng tbem tiack ly, Ed. Quentin, of brtvhi,. xpechai l etbp e -itle aIe obne-si t ivote as; et for wilboîtirti'hng delectesid andsht la That QuentiUaiasnot ilu bis righît simes which will entitle them tefaitI Vickers, Graham, hlickllngt' Mrk- flot knosu. lirîi ai auy rate. ho fiiru..l 'ih . t tht' clillittof msuy re.4îdet. in with tht' liberty party from their lt'y.tPayes aud 111110v vas greatly that he wi.. tîeîg caresi for In mc i at Zurich viciaîly wblo h.,dI regîmeut or deptinenî, or, if outaIde hn excems of thst gîi-n'Shurtleff. EgerTk- __ ___________ fie ha.-ilatle vate] cisrla watcb-d is sciions for sonî t m,- of lbcrty boucs. lli-e se ea iii en-sud GSibtons, satitahioowIng figures tires cared for ln like maner tiast.lowei-vPif was s yeac ago tlete 0î~altog b'gl.wlll show: ThllaIncident,î lu tht' ,>iuIon of Nr thaï. bcmidi lims shîl aud pipse Men going oni routine liiberty whll 1916 Pcimary, Republican. MrC'anu expresacîl the uer uiupe'îss- for any titentualy hîî Ibi mgit come. he assembled lu their regiment or de- Shurîlef!, îicv-----------13,457 nea of te German sodiers sud Iheir l'he que:tion now hm or course, was parîment by a petîy officer. whosi. larkley, mtixpd.......... 4,437 wet LAKE FOREST, MILITARV UNIT willingne.,. hto Iaîconte lrisuners. Ile hp i' an taOcOmmit bsuicide aithtaîduty Il viilbe h te 'spert the party H. B. Eger, îlrv .........9,993 teli;that te momle or tht' Germaus mmc hlwben ie as ln il! eaîth" 10 set',taIte,tivrt»e deansd in }teckinger. mix 1 .........248 w- Important anuoumtccntent vas made lm at the loties t eif tas been t Quentin vas regarded as une of file lroper unitarmn for liberty and that Vlckera, vet .-13,760 ah Lake F"orest îînisershty today wben Sty m snc tt'wa bared vtalty mon 0 'htpr ffeu îalohe inael b.prPrimacy, Democcatlc te icting president stated tat or. <Ount'.. itIlng llved there and heei v. Il will thien be îmarched! Ibrougit Grahamu, w ...............19::s ders hadlt'one from tht' war de.part lu busines. for a great many year. thie gaeteh.' - peîîy officer vito wilh Hîsye8, vet--------------1494 Inmeut Wcdut'sday eveuing aunoune- n iMiaistv dubr o. tvhmie tned w iii a pamsay te fliMilloy, --------------17 in,, tat tLake Forest College had »Ba r. Fr d Fedd er w o ivex neai- cer gra nig liberty whihc i vli be G ibbons. dry .. . . . . . .. .7 1 . ien made s unit of th t' Studetn 0 lite ainbomne at Quentin Cor- taken up ah ite gale'. And hn the' tli cttîîu ln Novernb'r. Ariny 1Training corps sud Ibat bere.- ners Tht' olher ont' hives lu Park ('hier pelhy afficers need ual maril 1916, (ithta l,! ttie gîven Vckk. afler liii- tiilege wiil havt' sery ma- S P E C IA L Rdge. out wlth liberty parties but m;y pas-. ers. Hayes sud îGraham wa 41161 eis"I miliîary aspect. Geore QenLn, is ouner hrogh he aleai n 'v lme hevagaînsl a total of 26.011, Coast for, lit ap'alig of tht' malter today, brohpr wa alcile lmeoneof he rc ntiiedtelihrIvdurr4 ibetyShurtleiffsud Gibbous, who ran ax thp presideulslit: "It La wih cou- DEOIGATmeEo Lke9ont. lehorSERVICEg-he' lieFLAG d rycs.sdidatf-. .Tii.-vote for eaeit of sidersitht-îrhdî fatuai e are able to. Wbati derlac d by H.A. Miiion ter itaviug secsed as superviser fromt diate commanding ofleier. Shurîleif, dry--------------..22,667 Ariia Trainhng Camp sbould be t'a te . b..h be.ý meetine t-at bas been Fla to'wuship for many Yeara.. Ht' Men going on overnigbt liberty Gibbons, dry-----------------.2.341I tabilabesi altcour sciool. Tht' var de sas lsi ar couiltylnoin in hao: ot n ond hath forsorne w*fiwtar hhtueuhifona. Tht' uni. oe --------- ï pictmt'nt Informa us finit they will -wt uthbe WrSvn tm e fiipiot l rîh et nafrifo i te iet i be -dusdthaugAug' pC hic boet. ondexph resi n ifr ftt a.Vlckers, s-et .................,913 struct tht' atudents and they vhll sîso 1 n thetvillage hali at Round wtrsocd hynd epsin Lait,,.wlen tbey heard o! bIs suicide sad ~-__ Th eia o sit whlh lt'î Ifprovisite b..ont' or1lte m oat sen t forfit a crow iwn it lied th. hall i aslonal endings or a tlthc-al caree w as tht' dt'dh aon o fthe ser ce fiai;lin Lake cotinty. whh contain 2 tarL., ont' or 1heui1 Tht' inquest was held on William- s gold star lu honor off John Kalik j Quentin today atitLake Zurich. IV(JIa Xxv1T.TNo-i naiDp na. .g,, - -- T-nwailp.U.>r.!.n Xt"&[r.w' A.I V 5-~ £,.4.wv - bas mnet deatit snce t-lis war va.. starteds .. S. A. itatiorne ot Waukt'gan. gave the' presentaiion speech snd bis ce-1 marks vert' moast fitthugly iajected, loto an 'vt'nhng's enlei.ainment 4which vlI go down lu history as onee of tht' hi gîhinga eser plaunesi la Round Lake. At tite conclusion of tae meeting $2.000 In War -Sasings Stamps vert' solsi, raklng ln ahi $7.050 that bad been âubacribesi iy Round Lake residents. There vas a Jackie band sud jackhr quartet present ta furalh the' mushc for tht' eventa gaud 6br girls who are enjoying an outing at .ie camp pro- vided tor '.em hy AMlsa illta Ar- moor on tht' opposite 5,ý!:ks of Round Lake, marchesi to tht'-hall carrylieg itags. Their presenco asdesi quite a unique featu reto tht' ovenlng's en- tt'rtalnment sud the' guests preseut apprt.clatedl Miss Arinour's interest ln their affaîr. 1There was comrnity singiug aud evcrybody joiaed luntVt' whole est'. ning's prograr n l a mauner thtt causesi tht' prouxoters 10 feel mostt thorougbly satisfied ithll their et- forts. As Nfr. Munson saisi: "0f ail tht' meetings that have bet'c hald in tht' county. thiIs certalnly iprovesi 10 ho tht' beat ont'." t RomanWarahp. Un. mm.-war of the "-sico. x - bd a rev pf =28 Mueor0f 'hé 2% vers, cerome.. oting on tbree -de*k 14e -l'h.s«e Ma< lp miel wua abqut ix ,-keoteaunboein a tair Wilther. FIRST LOCAL EIRL TOOUN TIE NY LEM VS FOR WASIL Wauk egan bas a Yeomnottel This bonor, that of beiug tht' firt loail Young voman 10 loIn tht' vy, goe o b Ira. Esina Mînkler Crumpier weli kuowu Waukegan Young voman who leaîes Chicago tonight for Wash- ingtlon. havlug t'allsted lu tht' naval reservez as etenographer. Mr&. Crumpier lias been givea a rathng of yeomean, third ciass, and i vli vear tht' regulation yt'omanette unîforta. luirs. t$thtul-)'Ir Ilias i rt'sieslnl Waukegan lsraaticsFlY ail- heJr 9fe. O! late .she hasi heen employesi b, tht' North Short' (as cornpany at the' Winnt'tka office. She vas m-arried lutI fal 10 arl ('compler, a hospital apprentice at tht' Great LA ses sta lion. Mura. Crurnpter wusa folsatistied 10 occupy a positioa in civilian lite, t'a- pt'clly mInce ber bushansi vas la te serict' nti go sho looketi about could enter. Stenagrapher fa the na eswa brense ofpeelds0eric O.p.. clally since il voulti reloase for se. Ise service a man thon dptng that lass of Work. 8h.' toQkthe examhsu- sooe vili be actively eagf4d tIigý ber bit." >Young Woman! Young Man! ntWill you answler the call to the colors? You may ntbe able fo ser~ve your country on the battlefield, utyou can "do vour bit" here at boule. Yottecan fighit for the flag by lielping Uncle Sam with the clerical part ---of the war jîîst ms truly as you could in tflectîcnchcs in France. fi, Etilist at once. If you are nov a stenaographer, lake our Special Civil Service Course andi be ready for an early examination. If you hava not a knor1tdge of sborthansi, t9'pevritlng aud boohket'plng, beedth ie Civil Servie Conmisa4ion'a asice and Imm.dlately begîn a stuij of these @ubjecte. TheCIVIl. 8e-0 eeIs o. PrIvat' business fit rnis need Yoo. You must do your duty. luInmie way or anoîber you muet do, your sbIre loward winluîg thewaf. Tht'mn oitf France ansi Eng'luînd are figbthng. Tht' vorenî're doiag the' men's vork-dciving busses, cleaniug streels. deliveriug mail, etc. There are no Isiers, no drones. Each pergon loas wocker. You, tue, muet take your place lu the' trench. es or business, farta or taçtory. Why not master shorthansi. typevniting and booklteeplng and heIp Unole Sama in.Washington, or Ia bIs many offlcei. througbput heut'country? The voit vili b. cougetfal and exlrernehy interesting. A salary of $1,100 to $1.200,vil ho pald you 'et tht' very etart. Asivancement wil! be rsasoenably rapid. Shov yoar patrlotism hy enroiliag lu our mjchool. We yl prepare you Io assiat lu the office- vork that muet b. done lu oýdr tW vin tht' var. em 1 Writeo r aie, us about these Civil Service positions iuamedfately or tht' Business Course. FrALL TER bd OPENS 8e ]S ER 3 Ni ht &bo.1 Qe.Wedn.sdo l e., nu, Setemnher 4 Mr. William A. Rosing of Antioch, Ela. announces his candidacy for County Treas- urer of Lake County. Four years ago, ho re- ceived the very loyal support of a great group of fricnds and acquaintances. Since that time, he has buit up a substanfial business i Antioci, lls., and helic-vcs that ail who sup- ported him four years ago, should support him at the present time. -He proposes to conduet a clean cut Camn- paigu, using no personalities. If elected, ho promises the voteils of Lake County to place the County moneir in safe depoésitories and to obtain for the publie rnoney the largest -com- mercial rate of intercsf possible.é FiHe nay not be able to nîcet ail the-votera of Lake County but promises as efficient ad- ministration of f l-e office of <ounty Treasurer, if elected, as lie hbas nsintained in the trans- 11Ï action of his own business. t, / 'i *1~,. a il vnirrict vàâv--q 01 FA VVU ýV1P A ID TT à VIN? &ý mmmm&&m rurlots ýtïle.u

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