LIBERTYVILLE INDEPEiNDENTHJRSA, HURDSPT. 5,1918Pap AFTER-IIARVEST TOOLSI 4. t, "JANESVILE", and "DEERE"' RIDING and ENGIN E PLOWS "EMERSON" and "NEW, IDEA" MANURE SPREADERS "CASE" AND "TITAN" TRACTORS GOGID STOCK. PRICED RIGHT. Schanck Hardware Co. il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i UML ~tIÂm eMust curdtailv iuvited. 49# i~IIl MEN AMPr 'A . (si f Self (outrol' ailîl thtesulje-to?1té Eiworth Leaguis HID eting next rSiîiaîw eveuing ut 7 p. m. GiRANTFROM IILPmL Steward Smithi %I ltad tht meeing. ________There wiil ie tpu thuiasîoli singing anda Drat iiard No. 1 u? Laie county, warm hi'arîe-uimeeing Is amsôured. A locaWd lrit Lberty ville, s-ut 49 mento 10cordial invlL.utiu nlmecxtenided tuai:. . Camp (i ant 0over thteiC. M & Kt. p on hoir retimarmai sIl be neld uitis wuei Wednesîf'îî and Tbursday, Sepi-mI,r 4 on TIiirma> evenngut aM o'eloei andi 5 4i1!lW-uiuadaY. Selt1ilîn,.r 4 10(1 A mii fr eeurgcd tii attenîl men W. 1u- cent lii Camp tirant foîr litail Tfia i-t.t eiepimsr uattting ut the se rvçle.iceinaiîrumnsare a< tfiowe lu'u.r i -4vuue '1flield oel tuuday James Ei-,niîuîu. Hlm ffai 'ai liL aftr-jn ! 4 f Eme -fara Walter suto. limuclu a uii ielimef 1 Miner 1. ifîî. Iiliihiand Part Pu-iîbyterian. i%âhme . iobtljcîria, bWrrino SLd eCL"l u sil11. M. Guoaunuse' italei, licerffil irimng ireffpa( 11 a. m. Tujlur, martal! FL .rfen. Evuseî,1, *l, Toucriiug th- theinio? Hi. (armuemt.'; Jonarteli l raerMeemtL. 1., tu si Mrvil arlUuu Jony. fau br13 .<iII Evelling ..r sice i' t 813 -ucik . To pic. Enricîs uertol uî t-. H îcaiiurj (ýd "elii,ie ii S u r.. W M. .1 Il-tiaiy. Jr., Bfglalmuî Park Pra.%er oaeeii, Wedneoday evening as Dlîner -lo, î,wHighlandh Park. P.i ni-, aiier ()iUctur 'aiij (iCliap k m- ;rls#ulb> SBoycote muid <luTi uesav.Se1leî,iir. , 3 muesFrItlaY *veuiiiz g as eialThe new iaiiln wert sert i t mmiii(rai t T fie imî e lraitlaifi , ii il. Liiand slu ad for h f.butt u auaf ti m lI fr a.e î ,rne- I lutirest to ta. , mectig lerrel tu ther poinlts Thear maue" are Fria -,,uumul %Ilrs.Harîuin. nr s toîfi,5 uh-titr .irrc.,rdrsa fufl l ttilna(, Jot Jufu, 'ml, tj, kford 1iftle iuKeîIi-rs io? the,-hoir fur r,-hcarmaI George Eisia Buwulen. llîgfiland Park 3,.are lal fur irts, ar4i,ns return John K eiy, Highlmniark froiammu ,r s .Iu -riadvacatin taouiIF(farril>, Ilfuuuuii l'arl 'A i ruuîim Gi( ,ie s luetuin 'à l Phli1u E. ltrsinu, Liierlyivutfe NEW FLOUR RULINGS Ilarlet Gieorge tulflir rgfesiuls 'mlt"r Emiailer Joiinc'9 i'1 uuuiiL.e Sogar Ration Remnains ai Two Pounids Kart I red luha, lmgfesiale iPer Person Rubert lienein, Way ne, Ill Cari A. J-i.'niermuu. Hrrluuglui î fim i nafj sa~u t new ti mr ru iirigs Aid E. OluIfsou. Lake Foret W,. - t Intoîff,(t t 'e th perit tuteîpur- Clarenýet Jamîe lîriettl, I-arr-Inguumi I -iof four pçun In of hs eat taîur withi Porresl f"utirnnue. Hlgbiîid eV, IV îîula, o f u ttitute fihuor andi Harvy > ti, .L.i.ertyviîîe ' rr"iit aie,,îhhe pnrcba8'e u ret luudsa f eorgc J. Schu oman. Highiland lPark 01f v fuat flu our %% i tita îpiiu nde l i Frc.derîck Taylor, Nitro, W Va. flîmr Bfyroui M. Hi-noes, ýNmi'. iage o? sutstituru tours tii liesofd Michael Rudansia@, Lake EForest 'ane tUi four a ii h eat lour. Clarence Thuimme hfaley, Wauvonda l Corn u[tint Kailirtoor Reuben Hook. Lake Villam Corn fluur Iti.- itour Williarmi Kle i, Arpta Harle> ifour iPeau ffiur Christ ltasrmueun, tChicago jMilo four Ferterita fl;uor Walter E~ Batesi, New Cali, lnd. Umttilour iPaut tour Jamnes Andersoîn, Uhiag&u Potatu tour Swtet potato fluor Hllo Oi, Hiughland Pari Huchwbeat lueur. Forreet C. Tîlden, Fox Laie IPure ryt furmay bie mufd as là vnfr Edgar 0. Hoien, Laie Forest sltote on a hagsofut tauPound@ tur Floyd (f Rtc, 1.tertyviîle eeery thrte pounds ut wlieat flour. Hjaliuuau Lind, Lake Forest le rahamn. ah,,ie ueab and entîre Aiberto fiallasi, Highland Park witat ftours mua&Yle eoufd u ithout euh Moius J. Amaun, liound Laie stibutes. Pli /iaI, Highwood Victur> rîixtd ftour conta ling the Olof Ssanon. Laie Forest correct amoust lit substitues tua>lie Ouitav Stotrp, Prairie View soId without substituts. Ly man Gf. ilcnisun. Grays Lake Curu aint for uce in making corn Tbe two tiiet wtrt trmnstered were: hread sbould be purchamed stparattly Cari Brug, Grttly. C'l. froincuubinatiun sale. William Earl MtllInik, Ludeli. Ejau. (Note thal bominy, rie, oatmcai and W@ wi tb boy guo luc in helrcornobsarch are, nulonger isubstitules f) W. , bfa lusbii *gou loi i thir There ls no real change lu the sugau Bevli job ,î tii Unte Sam andi that they ituation. dugar fur hou@eboild use ai1 ro.itia'iuuc * T he *iexuerte emist'2bspecaiaad er will ho of great henefit to thern aud tht chants allotousuis are te ho the same as parnts of somne out th oFà will ho sur- l j, t u oth aigacm prlstd shen tht huyseomnehometfor theirlr ,nAugmithe oduAiistrsain am- liktle visits alter they bvha.lma&bout plhîdb eFodAmistaonas Imonth bowever sufficlent sugar ton ail aliy deys training. Tht local manager I.!ecessary canig wiii ho avaihable. iuews for ho bas heen there. ~erchants will ho permitted1 tooeilîsugar tir caunung wherever It Io netded tui s rViotli tai their stocks and tht Churo/z requiremente ut tht costomer, suhîsct tu the finai approvai o? the local Food Methodist-Epi5copaI. Admilisrator. ilervIces neit Suuday wIil ho beld as No fruit âbould ho permitted to waste 1aIlleve: Supday echool at 10 ociock, for lack of bugar, yet it muet ho remem- andi this session localhed "Boinsnaay"i bered thai nu @%bar la rquired tu keep because every meruher of tht home Is fruit if t le therwise propagly canned. urged tu attend. Preaching services ai MaximLum fc.nng wih minimum il o'ciock a. m. and S ocioi p. m. lu sugar i. stilulbh, slogan bu ho bornuslu lhe mornIng.the subject oftbhe sermon mind for our aillie@ who are othervise wWl ho: "Chrstian Stewrardahfp, lur. sacrificieg muni 1,0... vhat w. are, are cî)seion." lu tht eveing tht subject ut also goiug wlth evez le@. sugar ihan we the sermon wiIl ho: "Critian Steward- have her@. @%Iip Wori." There wilI ho special music _________ fw both services, the singlng wiii b. -Fur ALL th@ f.nliW, The Indopen- tonducted hy Mr. Bradford. Tht publie det.ý --L--be-r-tyvil le& NeiwIl - I Il you know of an item of locallinterest, kmndly telephone No. 1 Rtay N. SuuIth was& lookiig aller hoý- nts$ matter. lu Chicagro F r day. Fd Mur@. AI. Onîbrie uf Waukpmgan, visited with ber smter, Mirs. Ray R. Smfith'e Sundav. Marcus Sibiosser ut tirayelakp, wag visitor at tht home o? Emmett Waters,. Tun-day.d Howard Murrie out $rayslakc. wasI cailing on flnds lu this city, tionday evî'nlng. Mss Verilie tiClaîn bai accepted a fr position with the Chîcago Telephone.b Missem Margaret Eger and Kathryn I Cule went tu Waokegau shopping onM aflernoon. Prof. Lloyd Ray wit hlbi famlly* bave o moved to this city, takIng up their ahode!o Ili tht bouse vacated hy William Carr. A huitesman to handia tht fonds ofti tht connty lu war lime ilahsbolutely uecessary. Vote for Ed ward J. Yeoman. Charlts Jedflcia rsiturnsd to hie home lu thiâ city Tuesday norning, alter a visit of a weei with relatives lu Alegan, !uicb. i Hut.roid Predmore, ut Marathon, 0., a cadet lu tht S. A. T. C. at Fort Sheridan, apelt ~ Sunday t tht home ut hi. uneie,1 W. W. Carroîl and family lu this City. William Carr and lamly, former resi. dents ot #hls clty, moved wltb their personal effects tu Deerltid lait wtek, there ta maie their home lu tht future. Ray Brothers, of Diamund Laie, an. nounce %bat ths closlug fdance for tht neaiou of 1918 wIlI be heldat their pavillion oeil Saturday evening, Sept. 7. Ross Taylor, wbo vlsited hfi. mother1 and other relatives and friende lu Ibis' city from Frlday of lait week, returutdf tu bis home lu Allegan, làich., Tueeday1 morning.1 Mgr. and tMrs. J. Tyrreli, Mrs. J. Cule,' Kathryn Cole, Margaret Eger and Helen1 Hll motuîred-,to Chicago, Lahor Day. Tht tlite girls wtni tii@st arran ofi the Apes. W, 1 Colîlunebai heeu drawnI for thet i:nittd States Girand Jury and bai lut appear ln Judge Landîs chamber@ last Tuesday. Hf' will prîîbably serve for a m ont t Mime ioralne Uuhbard accompmnia.d lier grandmuther, trs. Marian Hubbard tii Richmiond, Saturday. She returnied Tueday, lher grndioerremaining at at that place Lient. Lloîyd Taylor, of tht aviatiun amp at itantoul and a mun of tMrs. Clara Tatylor uft Iis cit, is lu Chicago ai present and nîaklng Iilihte each day tis mveek at the U. 8. War Expiieitiuu. onue candidate foîr County Treaurer starttd Lisi. iampaiiun with a tItan eut stavu'mtnit lias, lie wîîuld conduct tht iiffiit Ht le a buefutesonalan i f at type. It is Edward J. teotuan, vote fîor hlmý ly A ir oopý* St. Joîhn's Lutberan cburch of thie- cil>, ut wblihft1v. R 0. Ilurger ot Waukegan, le pastor, fîeld ver> îcy u fut meetings Suoiday Tht, North Sfhore Leasgut, conipusei aithe r'ougregatui of Wllmetîu', 0(iiewoe. Highlan.d Park. Waukegan andI lliirty 111e, met livre holding a hîuýinuess ineeting at :1:30 in the afternoon. wiaica a asi pre.lded ovvr It.N 1ev. W. K Sulhr. preIdenit ut theut sai tairn. At thp eve1ulnw session liei' urcil wa, ,'rowdcd lu tlsî'apa lty. 11ev. E. T. Lanus, of Oak Park, ilmaîrmanutof.iti, Putiliclty ciiuimtrltc iiioftht Lutherai' Board for tht Arnî*y and Navy, delvered a mno-t ettrtainmig addrces on "Olur W *ok,«' and cepeurialî y about a grand drive which les chtdleîlfor Sonda>1, Septenuier 21), ai whirh Il 1is xp(eted 10 raide tht sum of 8500.000. Tbu.rt were mauy ,vlettoroq present and ail were scvsd with a sumptous lunch, sery.d cafateria style, hy tht yiuung peuple of Sh@ local church. lut District two riak county, the registration on '.ieé f 2tu wîll ho la itîf the votlng Precinets the sanie as ued on primarv da:ï,tri district omît it llkelY will ho lni une Place ln each townuslip. Dr. Frederick IL NMartin of Liberty- %ille bas r.ceii d a inilsion ns captain in the îi,.fival corp,; ofthe U. S. aroîy anid f.uha eî.n irier-d tii report 10 For t tiiiî Kula mi . initi- diately. Dr. iBormnann uti\Vaukica, 'I., fth, itiet phy.sician ii ,o .. iii tfhe medîcal corps of thet1'. i. arin 'v.Dr. Biormnaunnhas tind,-red lit.,. aervà4se and Wte rady lu leaîe as ýoon as in structious arc reciel'ed. Jess Willard bas doaturd a ehamn pionshtp helt for LomptfltIon for Oie boxers at Great Lakes. A tornanient prohahly will he staged, the winae'r tri receive tht embiem. Jess wired froin Denver Tuesday that fie' mighf onue lu Chicago to dt.çfde the final contest. in B3anks îs 4le i.nderle 1 nË Ppcle éofXkeNationJ LIà&SkDL '111e stat'iliv fr il$lawsha k~le proven L./a test of firlywarx.- lie w4tchful eve4ý,urGovmeutd io on -vuS monevi n our NMinLà., Mis@ Fern Ray la clerk nt Langworthy store foir a few dey. Tiiere Io every ind;e îîî,u of a ~hortage of fruit this s arainiid î,ri es are high for ail kiiiId- George Cooper suffered fravtureé of the ~lavicle sud a couple of rnus as a remuit r01 falling trou, a Ioad <if p' tittopg, uM day. Allhongui l nurie.s are painful, It le deemed fortunate tliat vife resuit wac flot more serious. Mr». Fred B. Smith returiwcd Tueeday fromn BurIington, Iowa. a lir,' he had tietu vi -iting wlth (Corpoîrel Smith'@ mother. Corporal Smllihai, ompanied her home, returnlng to ainp Custer, uicTueoday atternoi Ihe huard of touwn auditors. coujiooed 1f'heisupervisor, t)Wn clrk and ïustices ru? the peace, held their s.'mi-annual meeting Tuesday aftern, sî. uditing the book@ of the treasurers ill. township fonds, ailowing accouuais nnd transacting Nuch business as lu pulsuaniep0f1 lw caume before the meetin3g Mna. K. Bernard and MArm. John H. Bernard and ber sono, Jack and iRobert. drove bc Deerfield on Thur.'day ot last weekf whsrethey if relative& 14iug pleased viti, tlm ioiuting, the party took advantage of g-lZ-ese" Sun- day. and took a trolley ride t )Milwaukee whsre tbey paaseed tht dax lefasautiy. Sehool dîstriet No 7t. f Iiamond Lake vieinity, ha@ maâle a record drive lu the sale of War Sairit and Thrlft @temps '4 ith a total popiiulation of 120, the quota aisignefi tui fe raloed lu thé district was 81,401i). The' grand dIve waa siarted at a umeeting held about a woek a9o wblch a as addreosed by Moesrs. Munsen andf Hawthorne of Waukegab. As a resuit uf concerted effort on the part of the liia citizen@ of tha$ communlty the Oumof 87.095 W81s sold and pledged at the endl of the week. Milwaukee avenue neier slace tht heavy snow Impeded traia durng the winter prtseuttd as quie-t Fa appearance as lt did Sonda>. Th-, oiservation order regarding use ofiii îFsî'lne, wbile flot cumpulsory, wam alîîiî,,îuniver@aily obeyed. Soune partie- .iaîloned at Principal corners tUr.,uucf the county wert Iaking nrhroaîînoltbut tiîey were flot kept ver5 fîusy. i railic toward tht iakc< was fIc-.ýydurlug tht atternoon Saturdày.andf îrre..pondingly htavy attht close ,rI ai, ir Day, wheu people returîiîng cil> ward. Tnt uarriage iA Miss liffan B. Brown tu LRa1)h Li- % as firiiîally ctlebrated at thetbnho t f-ii.iaI- smuther, 151.7 Avers avenju.i iii agii.lit 11:30 olock -Ilouday firi,îc, itîîmIer 2. Tht bride Id a furi ur r,aufu-ut aud tht daugi. ber o)f Jante triii, &hi@ clty. NIr. Brown wam a gil.-itaitthet wqdding. Thie groom lmca -i i1-f ltdistrict alîi huard, uiiîîaî,'. a ila the Pruvust M.rehals iifi- i. i hicâgo. Foliosllmîg the veddimîg M\rfid it rs, Lee- tii lfur a visit îof aa %% * k , i.- fv'in, alter a'hiil they amili b. it 1i-iii;oifriend@etaI13:f3t Avers A ve , Chfi, 11,i Tht ei, i y the baud Lafior DaY prosv f.iiia iaof a faulure, althuugh i, fault .Jtbe promoters. The uoorning wae i.rituemItag and ram aiaîcb comtencedii t i ilshurtly belore nuoti and cunti,um.<n fiu-iugbuut the day, made a pîci i îiî.-ii'tlu. A parade.was furmel andiîmsrii iii liu, he grouud, but tht Peuple ahi,,-tiiîimdial.ely badltu reluru bon- .t ianinii iitht tua n hall lu the evenIng df icait ie an attendanice. Sunday eviii.c, fr youths ot tender yeaus rode Jinti tîîîîîon bieyîýlts. Thts had blnkete andî camup equipinent anid proposed s eiiii(l the nlgit out along the higbway. tiaw,hlw tht quieututes ut tht rural i iiiiiiy appaiied tlîen and being shoirt if fkiuads, tbey appealed ti. Marsébal fiîîîî lfmîerry for a place tua tay uver liigiit wlire tht> would not lie ïnulested fb spouks or gublmus. They ncre iurfgfi apîpearing boys and gave tfîeir oiaeu f rvsîdencè a% Calumet avenue, (lîc ' ur marabal provided thlenl wllli vinfîiortaife quartera for the night and senat t,ia home rejoling in tht uuornlng Dr. Freilerlic Il Martin, who recently eullsted ln thteiîciiial corps ot the U . S aria>, tlis aek r,,cî'.ed a commissiou am captain. amili rders tu, report for duty ln about a Aeck at Fort Riley, Kan. Tht diitor fuiît up a large and lucrative PracilI'li this City and vlcinity aîîiloi 1 "riet all ho sadi mlssed. (iuod rîji),rt %ai ire ruade hy aIl dspart- meute ut th, etiilttcurch last Sun. day norliiz, wliah showed a vsry successifui icar, lucrtased memboesip and increampîl aismnittl fur benevolant purposes a as inade durlng the year. $1,028 bas hotu paid ou the church debt and $900 rai,4ed for thtehisuevoletut fund. The balance o? the ehurnh ha@ be&f. pro- vided for. Dir. A. F. (Clarki, district > uperintendmi-r iducted the tourth quarterly ronfe'renuce lu the aflernoon. 1 Hy an unaniii iiim- vote of the oMeecre of Lthe chuiqub, liiir. E, Reani W"aàaked t toretu i i ,rlfaiviugyet. Mr. Reaim lIARD COUL PRICE Diein orf Iibtfuood, hbheulli woundîd 6 ES pAfiAIITO ilia afcîon, tfii. fuîfng the uiouî C. Stori- eoffsîed latmApril. Itiuîn, wit.'ÇEY1jM E tht t.a.ii i cny and ha, ciraI IST Of S P E ssuf, u i-ir tor e Hpturnii in ihi- tr,,neis Oecemnb.r f1hui t, bcing soiu ndeîd lue irt i tt,-, t1a,. Increase is from 25 Cents to IriFimire f i a teligra ni"mqla- ,ieflmng uftlhîr broffuar-,us tn 30 Cents Per Ton, uepend- i Aaeorijing to diiateles priîuîaîîli i iflg Upon the Grade1 Chicago paliers îiuaNlonday' Victor Beraluirjuy, f,'-)Tiîîtfî st. North Ifia. Score once mure for the high cost cago, i niong the !Wifl-ra, ahmoaui of livingl ahoî las bren souned, fut the ex .'llie palifdlncrea,eu in liard fi-ni of hi,; injuîries hi',, ouit Iwede coal priccuis enî Intu tffi'ct Seîili'mE ttii iuuldypt. Reluatives ut Nori fi fer I. anduf foie who hum> coal noa (fui-ago liave not recels cvd oficiafai 1h lu e, IfuIfgd mu paîy fromi 25 centfs moice regarding Bcrilnski 'e unjur- tfa.0 lciit-sîawr tonmorr, Lt. P. Et mlne,. connu- fuitadinis.ratiir a- rIl-s thtu iis luc rp-siien priteisl j ,, Rfi.> - son ot Mr. and lMcs. Ni h, regu1anr wlnter, a plan1 RiI y oufd t lvu Cii bnu tonshipL. , wi. L *it fubein effec-fis e for years wtt h lu ua b. ýn in iite fi-ont raîifas ia a li et he exietijon fluaIiin uilhir yeuurs the, t uuu rican tories itu'ance i 'i!'leintc tireami fha hien graîd al, incroasing JuI'l*v th. %au. fjujedin tf ieflli t î) eti. aiMoti UL)ti iithe irsnt of shlrapnel un ml 14 andl las1. il 1;i1 îunhî. tb. ho-pi i i Ifuio tiur wîi las. li i, . itr->fkilostates f.uu-ieir ifuat the be fî.ck wifli hi,r'gfitiu-riti: ,. s f i ir tueiHli Iniiht aiacli ha hein e"t.îî- i hsî fie iiad te i ii uîîî iiing 1'. iiiri l cia-i bîrr Is. noeanp-m fact he Ihat lehe ail cir sltcssi-d. FeiyF tub- îtpan shomîlîl have 'heet, tliiiiit c ft. î'i %a ,long i i n orîler tiat One iof theuiurimar-lautufs' fatîurc,- if ati con-sumer nMay h;tivia a partial qupl- ilfi- r,î,ioc <i Nlatituowoc,,Wiisa., frer. Yl e flsnt. ît.î a Ii-,i i i. ti unin c of itfe 2:24 AVprioyalI biai Just brouîmreceistil trot hy Johnu W. Siscorougli ut Wau tfrom J. W. Adams, ussistant ifafe ýeeaiaia, a f s n lis 7itlu year. lic fi.lii adininf-trstor. of ftfe s1920.qlion i.îîu mili in t efc( sri:ýgfuf fu,iaufu i )l ait le by fi> M i- ilî kie tiat Ihere hee ONeil'.imune [on Ii'mhîukegan. lhri,miai icriii li fli. rate,<fiargi-d fuir nii- wu.slnrd 1lis%-Cumula-lIa Prince,, earryung ruai ('ual dculers base a Whl- iiwtii-d hi Nir. Swanhrouui,rnmmpaend fecauiae the rate ehfort- therefore the- va-loi-s'was ftie nioi-i.waiitO.) 10w imfnporanti o the s eterun driver. Thau tler fraumiMi-. Atims folios, chietigo, IllI.. Auir20,114 hi'. Arthuur -Kendall t Slihrii. soni taiA. Mr.t, P. iskfuîe. Chaàriman, K. Siicucns. ofLi.kî- Illfuf, lias cciuiut- Pc,' Adiministrafton Conmttep, iY v aenoiin tii ýi onut. d ja5s'con ii euhW. *tigan, 111. luliaai 1 nîfie artifirs nil (Camp Zach efla.cSur: unTaylor, Louisville, Ky. iliiî1t. ffaeyîîrltrutimul ii îSîtarns efoppî'd ofoh! 10sk île'na,- munmudimg chuarges as ~folliwi. enis ion Sunday wilie un lbis ,hii î o Cnrrylng in to the first ilior or <'amp i Jackson, Soutlh ('ýemipnt, ,,Or per ton: second floor, Sfeuro i-i 2 lypars old and naiiralfv 75rtii-r tomn; thîrd tlour. $1 liel.fto: lius relativeus art mora plenaed liait extra charge for spPtcfaI Cencý lia lulu. Son a comumission. a long carry or ýpr use of m uuiuiîn boards on Iawu nul ta excooa per ton over the above chargos, e additlonal charge tu ho made cmii lugreement svith conuomer. -TIN charges are iîerehy approved &a«iÏ made a umatter o! record iu tii. flec. Very f ruiy yours, IS. Fuiel Adm. for IlUinots Per J. W.ADAMS, Asst. AdaIne.isa a MEN MUST PROVS THEIR USEFULWO Tht city ut Auguste, Go., eU @very nian tu carry a tard sbowluq occupation. t'ooîpuleory wf IS have hen asstd by iuany cilles a"d legielature l u fldJuiy, when tbesef woe srepurted lu tht cuntereau Federal farm help specialîste ln Birî~u barn, Ahià There are barçsins ln The lIM Penderts adsiertiaing colunmU, - STENOGRAPHERS AND Y'S IN DEMAND Premuant Nos suid ieere (Ope ofl Tacet onnd Positou, COURSES OFpERED lm Gregg Shortliand Rationai Typowriine Businesfs EnmgOuanad Spelliig Office Trajning Commnercial Law Conmercial aMd Coaversatiocial Froué. rîatiupaiyable înoly un by t» ue o 8f 'eccibi four Mnuhscourse for graduai. aeredilea ihh aols. Speelql e àm elildents SOh 4eeceumtlted sranimar e woek. PoettIouus gusranieed. MRS. ýGEORGE MCDONN4e, Phone 130~I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ATHENA UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES,ÀNU CHÏLDREN Our stock of Atheùa Unclerwear, in Fail and Winter weights, is ready for your inspection. We have carried this particular line for several seasons, to the universal satisfaction of aur trade, and we are snre, that if you consider fit, comforý, and durability, along with price in your underwear purchases, that you wili not fail to -buy Athena. We have these very desirablé goods in a variety of styles--union suite and separate garments- in cotton and merino, and can offer them to yod, at this time from our early purchase, at ýfar,.less ihan gocs we may have to buy Wder. IW. W, CARROLL & SONS COMPANY i Phone 29 -r ý il A sq.-d o-about twenîy tucîjîhrs o? cuenp.nv B <fthr.eglouent,Illtinois Ieserve Mtliito6 if Libertyvihle e. at o 0Camp Loigan, nortb of Zion City. Sunday wbare thty pamsed tbe day praetfetng on tht rifle' range. Tue mal", o? War Sas log.4 tamps for the month ut August amounled lu $66151.3. Tue per calila quote op lu August 311le $13 3i6 and the per capita actual sales amuount ta. $13 02. Tht total saletii date are ~2Si 2and aur qu0ota for the >tar ila«.,0f00. Sir and tMrs. Jo.-pha Dlouer and Mir. and tirs. Samiiî.l Eramer ut ilwauiee, andi Sir. and tlr8.Chiarles Schneider o? Il,-u~u luitiir.Mieli., arrlved bore satu1.i.' f i1 a visit of a a-tek with relative-suuî.i ri.uîds Joseph Diûouer, ireu ut l itarI>. lfiTussday evening fo lotiilfcm1ehinipe, Geongla. Tht M Cil' (j. a III tu't t wlMrs. Mary ( ioriubil n Tu esday, Sept. 10. As the IliihtlaIa3 tf tso outhl@membhers iccors on 1mat day. i il hie eonoldered a BIrtbIaî> lParty mîso membership raliy day. kr ir,ds o? tht W. C. T. U. are invited tua sjed theafternoon in a social lime. For shu,- Iake Cuunty Fair, Septeiuher 18-21, <.uidtrutattractions have hsen engaged far every day. Tht tair Im aisu red uf a large stock exhillt. Satur. day, Scîtember 21, viii ho Counny Red Crues duc .A jacils baud viII turnisb musie aîuîl tin eloquent RIed Cross speaker wil address the crua-f. Supérvisor Ah G. Mather, Whb,) was attending tu bis duties ai chairman ut fb oard of revita- lu Waukegau, vu@ calied tu hie home ln Prairie Vita-, Tues. day alternoen, 'ta attend the semi. annuai moetting aitht huard oftboa-n audtors aiofVernon loa-usbtp, utfa-hich be ie alothtecifairman. Walter Bates, former mnaulpulator of tht silent mensonugers outblought lu tbe office ut The Indepeudent, arrived ber 'Jutsdhy murniztg lunrespoues lu a me.- sage sumîponlug hlm hfore tht dralt board. Hé. bas hotu workhmg and making i. home a-Ith i. parents ln Newcastle, lnd., but a-as rogisoterot inl LihorbyvIlle, heuce subjeita eall ai ibis place. Ht IeavsoThonrdaar for Camp Grant, Rocitord. CIDER AND SORGHUM. ýThieiuder iil will be ready for customera Angnot i25, aiid wi11 bti open et'ery day except Wednesday anîd Saturciay. After September 1, sorghum miii wil be openl on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of ecdiweek. Peebewml JPraH.iEISSLERM phone, Libertyville 27M .H LSE Long Grove Grit Miii, Cideïr and Wjne MiIls-Cider Boiled by $tamil. Feed Grinding.